One Day After The Rapture Part 1 with Prophet Uebert Angel

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in autosomal DNA it is a term used in genetic genealogy to describe DNA obtained from autosomal chromosomes when we talk about DNA we're talking about something called the deoxyribonucleic acid when you wanna know your relative you check autosomal chromosomes to figure out if this one is my relative now the Bible says in the Book of Leviticus 25 it is impossible while legal sukhiya it is impossible for somebody who is not your relative to redeem you now we have what we call in theology tension in the text when you have tension in the text now there is a problem you can't find out who is Jesus how can he be my relative because if Jesus redeemed me I have a problem because it's not my relative and according to Leviticus 25 he should be my relative then I go to Ephesians 4:6 he is my god I go to Galatians 4:19 he's my money I go to proverbs 7 verse number 3 and 4 he looked to 11 he is our brother Leviticus 25 49 he is our uncle in our cousin he is everything in everything to the extent that Ephesians 4 tells us one thing he says he went far all the heaven so he's on top then the Bible tells us that he is our mediator so he is in the middle he tells us that he is our foundation so he is at the bottom then the Bible also tells us this thing in the book of Revelation 1:17 he says this way he is the first in the last race on both ends the Jesus we save brothers and sister ayuk ayuk Oh Simon when you wanna know your relative you check autosomal chromosomes to figure out if this one is my relative and Jesus fulfills everything he is at the top in the middle there the bottom everything he is my mother my sister though our brother in our country he is everything in everything a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing there is something that we call chromosome a compatibility a human being possesses 46 chromosomes 23 from the mother 23 from the father it is possible we have one extra chromosome and that makes you down syndrome nada but when we're dealing with no mousy we're talking about 46 chromosomes so I am a result of 23 chromosomes from my mother and 23 chromosomes from my father all right so I'm a product of my mother and my father whether they did our obsessor douses [Applause] all I know is I'm a result of that encounter when you see me walk tall like this I'm tall on my father's side if you see my hairline I have that hairline on my father's side if you greet me my hands are soft on my mother's side when I speak my voice is as sweet as my mother because it's on my mother's side but see my head is a shape that it is on my father's side my nose is my mother's side my eyes are my mother's side I'm a mouth is from my father's side so so so so when you see me you see a combination of two people in spiritual matters we have spiritual chromosomal compatibility in that Jesus walked in the street of Jerusalem on his mother's side but walked on water on his father's side he got in the house and set on his mother's side but the way he ended he entered through all on his father's side spiritual chromosomal compatibility he would eat fish on his mother side but multi bread or his father side I wish I had vapor now so so so Jesus was a capita on his mother side not is not is not his Joseph was not the father that was the stepfather but he was on that cross on his mother's side they put him in the grave on his mother side but the grave couldn't keep him on his father's side no you didn't hit they put nails on his hands and he was there like this on his mother's side but the nails couldn't fast and him there on his father's side I came here to tell you there is something on the inside of you we have this treasure in earthen vessels they put him in the grave they're all opening they put a rock on there on his mother's side he couldn't come out on his mother's side but on his father's side the barber says if the same spirit that raised Christ on the day dwells on the inside of you he that raised Christ from the dead shall vitalize invigorate if you hear what I'm saying sorry yes you are blocked on your mother side but you will reach on your father's side you are an employee on your mother's side but on your father's side you employ everybody oh you can be sick on your mother's side but on your father's side no sickness can stay in your body the spiritual chromosomal compatibility a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing [Music] I remember some time back when buzzer Chris prayed for revelation of the way to increase in me it was a simple prayer simple prayer the revelation of the word we agreed the Lord grant in you a greater understanding of his word a greater level of wished that which you have desired but give it to him today give me your hand [Music] but from this day that grace you'd be able to use it you will use it for his glory that's it suddenly my spirit open to it scriptures begin to run towards my spirits wealth came to me and demanded to be spoken simple prayer no sweetie [Applause] [Music] [Music] sometimes you read some few things and you don't understand at all that in the scriptures there are some spiritual conundrums that can make you if you understand them spiritually when you spiritually comprehend them they make you a spiritual gender notice and forced to reckon with I'm not talking about you understanding it from a a celebra approach no I'm talking about celestial comprehension how God stepped out of nowhere when the earth was nothing there was nothing there and he reached out into nothing and grabbed something that was not there because there was no something he had created and created something out of nothing and coded the end and told it to stay there yet there was not there to stay because there was not they he had created that is a quandary my brother sister world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing somebody said what was good doing before he created the world that question implies the person is thinking time in their head God leaves in the circumference of himself when the sender is everywhere and when the circumference is no way from a tenet pass through tenet future he is God he is alone he has never been wind anybody there is nobody like our God he is August the old preacher said no fuss seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of a short supply you can't live without him and you can't outlive him you can't watch him in and you can't vote him out and it's not gonna reside again when he found he was alone he split in two three and said father son Holy Ghost I'm still me but I can communicate with me so I'm in a community of the Godhead so there is communication and communion and diversity in the community of the Godhead this is the Gospel according to prophet angel a good news world with lewbert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing elcome to Osborn Institute of theology founded by you word angel and fully accredited by trans world accrediting commission international oh I T provides an award-winning online learning platform that equips men and women with the revealed Word of God to share and bear witness of Jesus Christ to the church and the world the Institute aims to provide the foundation for a life of public ministry through the rigorous integration of spiritual and personal development theological learning ministerial and practical experience provide high quality teaching for all engaged in ministerial formation ensure that our common life is framed and fashioned by the word work in a dynamic partnership with institutions and agencies which are committed to the flourishing of local churches and the transformation of society enroll now at wws born Institute calm [Music] listen if there is no provision for your vision then there is need for a revision of your vision because the provision for your vision is a qualifier for your vision but if there is no provision you will never called Jesus in when I send you without money without nothing did you like anything they said no when you were sent got prophytes before you provide what sends you to be listen God has already given you a provision for your vision if there is no provision for your vision then there is need for a revision of your be a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing running in truth they will be hundred thousand miles long listen listen with the hundred thousand trillion trains traveling at 270 miles per hour bang on time between 1,000 trillion stations a meter or something before the connections are going to be put in one place connection connection connection connection do you know what I own the connections that in your brain in that we're cooling stops those synapses if we take them they are more than the stars we have in the galaxy that's 0.15 quadrillion one brain if you understand how complicated your brain is the way God created your brain he created it so marvelously wired a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome welcome welcome welcome and of course tonight we are dealing with the subject you remember one day after the rupture just one day after the rupture gave a few hours are gonna be a few minutes to give me a few days one day after the rupture because a lot of people you have a problem where they think I'm gonna go by the rupture what if you're not ask yourself am I really going right now if this is the time I'm not saying two minutes from now when you have time to pray and ask for your forgiveness I'm talking about right this minute if the Lord comes now will you go this is the question um I didn't say we do do you like to go say there was people have a problem of their want and their faith being in in different places if you get Jesus Christ to come today in the trumpet shall sound and remember the trumpet shall sound a now I describe the minutes on the word the blinking is like it takes what one-third of a second the eye blinks in one tenth of a second so a second is even longer than the time you do take for it their object okay so you have no time to do two to get one again you have no time to say sorry if not time to say you know and when you say sorry at that time you don't really mean it you just fear he is telling you say sorry so there's no time to repent at that time so listen if the Lord arrives today right this minute while is we're having this broadcast will you be taken this is the thing you need to look at will you go during the rapture so it saw me I like the afraid that a lot of Christians are saying I'm gonna go I'm gonna go me I'm not being left behind nice very good to say that but are you really gonna go are you sure you are making it first flight I'm not gonna buy the second flight first one because the second one you might not catch it and the chances are 90% 99% you will not be able to catch the second one but the first one we have got every and represent you can catch it but the next one you are 99.999% not able to catch it so think about it are you going to really risk it and say I'm gonna catch the last flight or you're getting this right tell somebody I'm live right now tell somebody you better angel is live right now and we have a lot of people from Zambia America everybody is watching and it's exciting it's exciting yes we have Jade l22 watching from Wakefield that's here in the UK Sarah how secrets watching from Namibia Freda new fur is watching from France Shadrach moussaoui's in Kenya in Tondo is in South Africa Emmanuel is in Ghana we have us say that's Massachusetts in the house as well we have Mexico Jose Gutierrez is watching from Mexico amen people are watching who are watching and I Tom Graham is taking over Adam Graham is taking over you guys you need to be on Adam Graham Adam Graham is the best I don't know it's the best and for those who have been watched some of you watched the return of the Nephilim part 1 and part 2 are now on YouTube and of course Sunday we have the return of the Nephilim part 3 so it's gonna be excited I will show you something I will show you something you never had and you never saw riding in the Bible okay things Jesus say to confirm the Nephilim were there at his time in his days things Jesus himself said he's gonna be amazing it's gonna be amazing I'm telling you you guys you need to see it you need to watch it Sunday is gonna be something and of course tomorrow is gonna be a brilliant one as well tomorrow we are dealing with something that I'll tell you later on how what topic we are dealing with but it's gonna be marvelous so you guys you're in for a treat tonight you're in for a treat because we we're dealing with things that are real okay this is not some conjecture or alright something I got excited with two minutes ago two weeks ago or five ten hours I got lucky yeah I'm gonna teach this something that I already know it's gonna happen so it's very very very important and like I said on Sunday when I don't have a scripture for what I'm saying I will tell you this is you bet angel thinking this best on this vest and this vest but I don't have a direct weight from God I give you that but when I say I don't have a direct weight from God mainly I would have been allowed by God to say what I'm saying that simply means it's real but since I don't have a scripture for it I can make you make my with scripture all right so I have to kind of tell you is what I understand now somebody and must the devil full Simone is it not there I must the devil for someone I think it's there it's there and must be the default is there or maybe it's on TV somebody wants it and you know and you can you can actually get it and and the best thing you can get is actually the book okay spiritual warfare an expose on certain slice and trickery that one we explain everything modern the message that you are watching on TV right now all right guys all right guys Tennessee somebody's in Indonesia Zambia Botswana Sri Lanka it's amazing Zambia is really really doing it I disobey Tanzania a lot of people yes we have hi Tom Graham is alive habit from Dubai Gladys from Denmark to Oprah from Fuji Fuji India we've got Nam Claire from South Africa and a lot of Indian people watching right now amen amen hey man how do you know they're Indians because they're in India okay I get it I get it I get it I get it now I want you to see something there's something before I Minister whenever you bend your ministers or this ministry the good news world the revelation we have is not some easy revelation what is it easy it is easy but it's not common so you hear us at first you'd be like wait a minute no no no no no where's he going with this what is he trying to say well honestly why would you say that so because you have not had anything like that the first thing you do is no it's not true no reality is relax we give the scripture scripture upon scripture precept upon precept as the Bible says then instead realizing ah it's true oh yeah there is a verse for it oh there is a verse for you there's the face for it then you realize where well you didn't know you were ignorant you know there are some people who say men of God III don't believe what you're saying and they are sincere in what they are saying the only problem is they're sincerely wrong so since you know since they are sincere in how they are saying it they are sincerely wrong in in that there are scriptures to support what I'm saying I kind of sincerely understand them but then there's some people be like no no where's your vest no you get a point because it doesn't agree with what they had from another person that they respect you don't do that with scripture your common scripture you look at the Bible what does this say are their verses to prove what I'm saying is it supported by a lot of verses out of is it making spiritual sense then you be like oh yes then this is real you wanna say so you don't just run like no it's not true I don't believe it how can it be true you know it can't be like that at all you know no this is this is false no relax because later on you realize you're the one who is what who is actually forty in force now so anytime we minister always understand it's not your level we're pulling you to another level the Bible says come up either so don't think I'm preaching something that you already know I'm not preaching to the choir I'm preaching to mature people you said but those mature people I'm trying to take them higher so taking them higher is I'm taking you to a certain level and that certain level is not gonna be easy it's gonna not gonna be easy it's gonna be a little bit of difficulty alright okay now so so tell somebody I'm live right now tell someone I'm live thank you real big same someone say thank you really thank you real big to to you for watching this broadcast and and I thank God that we we actually studied I think good time good time normally we said 25 passive like oh yeah now we're live alright watching from Gaborone thank you so much so that forget dead man is watching now I want you to see something here when Jesus began to speak the Word of God and he started talking about you shall drink my blood eat my flesh there was a commotion when Jesus started first to minister and he said these words he said I'm still going to one brother brilliant brother today and we're discussing about you know people that just jump and don't know nothing and they just jumped up like I don't think it's correct then two minutes later like oh yeah I think that's correct why do you waste your time what are you is your England your internet bundles and then I agree later just take your time get the scriptures notice when Jesus said these words Tech bro give me bread and he broke it and fed the 5000 in fact oh wait twenty thousand because five thousand only counting men they didn't cut women at that time so almost 20 thousand people fed people was so happy that he was doing it in fact he found others on the other side and he looked at them and said you're not looking for me because I'm I'm Jesus old Christ you're looking for me because you want bread you noticed they were not looking for for him as the Messiah they were looking for bread he mentioned he called them out you're looking for bread now watch this when Jesus started saying now you shall eat my body and drink my blood guess what happened the Bible says and the people ran away from him when you were angel is saying miracle money you'll be clapping when I say healing you'll be clapping when I say now there's gonna be a conference for prophetic online oh my god clapping yes I'm gonna do this the moment I give you the bones of the world the real meat of the word you like wait a minute what is this see this is what it comes to I remember prophesying this in Zimbabwe and I explained that in 2008 in 1:19 I think with eighteen or nineteen seventeen I remember the actual time that I mentioned and I said the Lord is changing from the prophetic to a teaching not for us a dispensation around the world where people will live prophesy and go for teaching and I've been I preached it on the Hunger reference it on hunger but it's something that I preached way back in Zimbabwe and I prophesied that is gonna happen on this the in fact I mentioned in the the month and it's so amazing that when we were actually called is this two thousand maybe two thousand eleven to twelve and then 2017 am I made pasta Chris ministry or something like that in March and I'm getting in there and pasta Chris begins to prophesy that the revelation of the word do we increase on you and we come out I'm walking I don't even think about nothing the guys I was with were like what they did now as it is much so this stick just you know you said it you said God is changing and we mesh the deaths same deaths that I'd given in 2012 rather he said that was the kindly God said there is on a big dispensation on going into the word and good is looking way look at what happened in right now what's this guy's look at what's happening right now during this this covet era nobody's faking no miracle I said it nobody is an opportunity to fake a miracle nobody is an opportunity to lay hands on anybody nobody I'm not saying people are faking miracles every way no no no no there are a few of you few people but but the point is no pasta is having an opportunity to stage a miracle do a real miracle or do nothing they can do nothing they can't wave a hand at people fall on the stage and people photographing so demonstration of power no now is the Giants is the joy in the word and doctrine and teaching that survived that's what is happening right now and if this thing wasn't in you if this thing wasn't a new preacher young preacher guess what after discovered you're chill not survive why because you concentrated on something when God's heartbeat was on teaching and the people that are trying now to manufacture are some revelation we're seeing them everywhere they listen to you better enjoying they see the title and they listen to him and a confused facts and they're going teach that in you if you get the Annie blog oh no no no no no no no that's not what I said he went the wrong way yeah because the the weight wasn't in them now they can't survive now they're just looking like this wondering when is it opening imagine if you survived on tithing we would you be now if it was survived on somebody giving me a seed where would you be now but if your message was teaching you were teaching the PUD and you stuck to it this is it is what I'm doing I'm getting in the dispensation of teaching the word line upon line precept upon precept in season and out of season not dropping the bulb just preaching teaching the real thing you'd be surviving right now but some know they wanted something and people are getting it now people getting in all right yes we have Julie here who's saying I am so ready to chew the bones and lutetium John Dion a Tom Graham is saying we are in the dispensation of the word disposition of the word notice what Jesus said I like what what what is saying what what is it I like what he said he said in the book of Matthew be careful that she not be deceived he gave it before he even said anything about the rapture he said there is gonna be a problem of deception oh no they didn't get it jesus said there was going to be a problem of deception meaning to say people will be deceived and how can you how can you stop deception you can only stop deception if you're loaded with a true Word of God my ship hear my voice so if somebody begins to says and not that man's voice were they not here so when you hear something that is not of God you're Kia say your spirit then says then you confirm it something is wrong here I can't find it in the Bible I can't find another verse to control to connect with this but if you never understood the Bible if you were never taught the Bible if this comes in you have no other ways to connect with it not because there is no ways to connect with it but you didn't have it in your spirit you didn't load it in so it is always they know why because you don't have the word to confirm the word you are hearing I don't know if you're getting this so there is a dispensation of the word we are in tell somebody we alive right now tell somebody we alive and and it is about a goal yeah Sarika on a train grab you saying I have shared YouTube this link to almost 300 people who are Indians and other nations to in her groups Wow do you see what I do I want you to I want you to understand these things I want you to understand these things some passes because of choice all right they are only on the satellite television some are only on YouTube and on YouTube you can see 10,000 people use all they have a lot of people know they have a lot of people which is good but some on 200 like when post Chris was doing his main is thing I is a live broadcast he was on over 500 television stations I did not say homes television stations that's something television stations that's something god TV which is on the same platform with ours right was they reach that got CBS and good news TV s is 200 million homes that's crazy so it's taken from there and another one takes it and another one texted in the satellite are you know coverage takes it to another country another country and country for change of viewership of 200 million but potential viewership of 200 devices then you take into consideration the average family in Africa is about five members the average family in Europe is two two two two three two point three in Africa's four point eight that means almost five people per household so then you say if there are two hundred devices times face then you have a potential five billion people watching ah 1 billion people watching of course not all are gonna watch of course maybe not half of them are gonna watch maybe 200 million of them are gonna watch so if you notice when you're on Sky here like 596 it is millions watching sky in Britain alone in Britain alone is in 22 million households exactly so when it's dead doesn't mean say everyone is gonna watch you alright maybe 1 million of watch it or 200,000 watch it alright on average is about 250,000 households that open 8 a program for 27 minutes now when it goes up it goes up it goes up it is good other viewers coming in and coming in so you end up having a program about 1 million people watching on good news TV it was very difficult to measure how many because they can get to they measure 5 seconds or 6 seconds if somebody clicks for 5 seconds 6 seconds they say you've watched so you can't get the views 2 2 or 22 million you just kind of then do the averaging they inside inside it so when you see Facebook saying 5,000 that that's Facebook then your Facebook and those are the ones that are allowed to comment then you have got YouTube you have that then you have then you have Adam drum alright then it's got thousands of people then you have miracle TV then you have good news TV then you have good news TV app then you have got good news TV web it's a lot of channels we are using right now and we are opening another one in America very very soon this year another channel in America now so all those channels some people choose I'm not gonna watch on Facebook I've got a TV in the house all right that's what happens so understand we are spread across many many platforms now I'm seeing a lot of people Kenya is in the house I'm about to side I know what I'm waiting for then I will start but God is doing something I've Vinci shondo an entrepreneur saying proper people don't like the word because they feel that the faith building process is take it takes long the process they want fast things exactly the one fast things and the rub just so fast they will be left here there is no there is no replacement for the Word of God no replacement whatsoever for the Word of God the Word of God is Christ captured so you are actually getting Christ in your bonds and you say I need a fast any fast way is running away from Christ the word is Christ so what you need is Christ in you the hope of glory all right here is saying deception is only cured by true revelation like this one thank you sir yes resub deception is only cured by revelation you get the Word of God yukkuri finish your cue a deception so some Jesus said when he was about to talk about the end of the world he said be careful and be not be deceived so this is the message before we even get to one day after the rupture be not deceived deception meaning is a deception shall increase deception shall increase and it's already here is increasing and so am i wondering okay a deception we're gonna talk about it right now just a few minutes a few minutes a few minutes we'll study a few minutes would tell somebody I'm live right now to some but I'm live I'm seeing my son a posto try Emmanuel thank you so much for being part of this broadcast on a 10-gram we are here saying we are watching with my family we are six and so you get a point in the they're six and and all these families are watching are watching around the world you know love you so much love you so much Michael nivara saying this is a dispensation of the word indeed this is all-powerful prophet prophet and he's watching from Cyprus on Sunday we had about um devices that were on way about one point one point two five million all right on devices now from from those devices if you if you take that there somewhere three somewhere whatever then you kind of get to about 4.5 million people who are watching the our Sunday service and that's what the word should be like and we increasing every time because we didn't take this statistics but now we're taking this statistics and listen the statistics for for each of our television right will be about 2.5 o 3,000 how much is it per month to receive them about three thousand pounds to receive them to just receive statistics forget about that they don't do nothing they're just the statistics to get the company that we paid thousands and thousands and thousands of of dollars to channels are costing us about one hundred thousand US dollars per month alright and that's not salaries that's not equipment that's not anything just just for them to be able to load it on the or to the to the to the satellite that's it hundred thousand before salaries before transport of anything before cameras before any equipment now then they say if you want us to tell us how many people watched pay us three thousand pounds that's like $5,000 to just get numbers alright that's not a lot of money but the point is to just think it's numbers all right and it's my numbers definitely so yeah yeah but when it comes to Adam Graham we know because we can draw it all right it's ours alright so here we go here we go let's read the book of Revelation a little bit so that I tell I show you something that people are missing in the book of Revelation I want to tell you something so please relax and listen alright alright little people say nice thing very well thank you so much guys for your comments we appreciate them and we want this to be interactive and when you have a question after I'm finished what I'm saying you can definitely definitely ask so now what's this what's this this is what the Bible says in the book of Revelation chapter number one and verse number one I want to see you show you I want to show you hope you are there hope you are there hope you are there Revelations 1 verse 1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him who owns the revelation Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come so Jesus got a revelation I'm not saying he got a mystery he couldn't decipher oh my god they didn't get it imagine God gives Jesus an interpretation of what this book means and then he gives it to John revealed already the word revelation means it's already revealed there is no need to interpret so there is only one book in the whole Bible that does not need interpretation it is the book of Revelation all right in other words the book of Revelation is the easiest book in the whole Bible it's already revealed the problem is every time we see something written we want to interpret it okay oh my god I wish I wish people are getting this I think there is somebody who told us that the book of Revelation is so difficult they're not getting it yes people are getting it dr. sim Shaniqua saying we have already started the meal for today the excited people yeah so what's this if everyone anyone asks you a question which one is the easiest book in the Bible tell them the book of Revelation they say why you it's called revelation it's already reviewed what I'm telling you now when you say profit in joy is got a lot of Revelation if I wasn't into if it was difficult for you to get and I wasn't getting to the answer into the crux of the matter you would say you Barringer's only confusing but the reason why you sign up and you want to hear what I say is because I have revelation in other words I took the mystery I put it in pieces and give it to you and feed it to you and say oh that's what it meant so Revelation is already reviewed things they don't need in depression they are cleared they are the listen my name is Ruben Angel my wife is bevel angel do you need revelation it or it's already revelation you really had it but maybe we're moving around the sister brother and sister as they old sister Beverly and you says brother you bet why were you doing and we go to church and she sits somewhere else and I say oh one day I will get married one day one day one day in block all passes not married then one day I come so all my wife is this one actually we've been married four years you say oh that's a revelation why that thing was hidden now I know this is no justice sister is here now the book of Revelation is so easy it's interpreted already don't try it so now somebody's like but what about the is when he says the seven stars the same things kendo sticks we shall see it verse number one says it well with this way the revelation of Jesus Christ some people get a hit yes they are getting a delight on a junk rubber saying I must confess I used to think the book of Revelation is very difficult and scary in all honesty I had avoided it at all costs enjoying everything so difficult this is revealed is right they revealed there are only maybe two or three things that even John was taught don't say anything don't say anything so we kind of like okay he didn't know he wasn't told then that means this part is a is still a mystery alright so there are places there that are just kind of even John was like mmm you know those are things I was like okay so John wasn't told what this means so that means this needs explanation now let's listen to this and if you've ever read The Book of Daniel you understand that it dovetails with Revelation it's like you're just reading another book of video when you get to the book of Revelation now exactly now the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him now listen carefully - sure - his seventh things which must what which must work so now if one chapter number one chapter number 2 chapter number 3 Church ages in chapter 1 chapter 2 in chapter 2 chapter chapter 3 now now that means the church edges are not happening later they happen during the time of John there were already people in those days - the messenger of this pedimos similar to a trio Saudis Philadelphia all these places emphasis all these places they already had people when you hear the word a messenger of its messenger of not the angel like with wings the one that is represented the pastor who was there it wasn't electric that person writes a letter and gives to an angel an angel runs with the with the letter no this is a messenger a real preacher in that era the way church is that they are stupid today you can even go there and you see that that is all this one the one that's the church that does this is their techie that's emphasized you get there using say oh I believe that stick but you get into that area of techie and Cypress and all that you kind of realize all day they they they they you be like wait a minute imagine Ephesus is so lightly grew the wait in Ephesus that the word prevalent in techie we're Muslims out the Bible says that it took over the Moslems but at that time you know Muslims were not day at that time because you know Jesus is five hundred five hundred thirty plus years older than Mohammed okay so you understand but imagine that we took over taking now the Muslim took over Turkey how does it happen maybe they did it by walk but guess what that means somebody's left on the job and didn't raise the word because so lightly through the word so any place where the Muslims are where Hindus are that means the weight is not prevailed that means somebody's not introduced a prevailing weight the preaching jokes not the real word now getting me now get yeah yeah yeah now says here shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ all of the things that he saw blessed he that what that one read death breathing is good since blessed is he that leads even reading this book you're blessed just imagining looking for blessings God says read this book you'll be blessed and they that hear the words of this prophecy you are hearing the word of the prophecy it is blessed in your place keep those things which are written they in for the time itself is what at hand now go ahead at hand when you read it way back when they were using English and listen carefully when they were using English in those days they they would get the Queen to come into a room and they would all stand when the Queen Enders when the queen is at the door they will not stand don't stand like this don't sit like this and when the Queen gets in the person who you know ashes the Queen into the room gets it they won't stand when they see the Queen they all stand and the personal assured the queen who said Behold the Queen of England is at hand not it woke up he shall come tomorrow no she's already dead that's the English that they were using when they translate the Bible so the for the time is now so the church it is where there not not tomorrow after this prophecy did you get it I'm are we going to see a report three prophecy always repeats itself some way but when we're talking about these check edges we're not for the future change with for that change is it gonna repeat itself yes all right hope some people are getting it but now so we get to watch up to number one shopping about you chapter number 3 and chapter number 4 read verse number 1 and here this number for chapter number 4 verse number 1 watch this clearly listen replacing for this one after this I looked and behold a door was opened in it door was opening ever and the first voice which I had was it were a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and I will shew thee things which must come what must be Hereafter he afterwards after didn't know that was happening in chapter 1 chapter 3 number 3 so chapter 1 2 3 4 happens before anything that happens after chapter number 4 so when you see chapter number 4 we have already gone past all the church edges because the church edges were happening at that time now you have a problem why am I talking to you so there are two things in the book of Revelation the things that are happening now when John was writing then the things that are happening later the things that are happening later in Chapter number 4 that is the things that we need to listen to and read what is happening after because Church ages they've already taken place they didn't get that but now what I'm trying to figure out is this verse here says there were candlesticks right and there were also golden sticks right and 7 starts sorry read in verse number 20 and green listen to that read verse number 20 of chapman 1 listen carefully a necessity one kind of figure out what am I trying to get to just listen revelations 1 verse 20 the mystery of the Seven Stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the Seven golden candlesticks the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches you see now and people are trying to figure out what does that mean seven candlesticks even it means that you just show a mystery this is the explanation of it Ambro in the book of Revelation when it says the mystery it tells you what it is so you don't need a not that guy to tell you what this is it's just right there oh I know you're confused about this here's the explanation so the book of Revelation is the easiest you can come up you can read easiest alright so so now now now if you look at it now you realize that when you have chapter number one chapter number up to chapter number one two three before you get to chapter number four you realize something chapter one two three ends with the church the church the church the church the church in the gursha the church in this the church in this just stretching this when you come to chapter number four five six seven going 18 you won't hear the name Church why the raptures already taken place so now you are left with what with the issue of the seals and the trumpets so chapter one two three you realize that we are talking about Church church Church and then there is silence no mention of Church in four chapters and chapters and chapters why the church is gone but the biggest problem is this there are so many people that say so what is gonna happen you know will I be able to to be something for getting it thank you for getting it getting it I want the producing prophet you really make the Bible fun and also estándares is saying that's powerful prophet you are really building my spiritual life and Zoe Julie is on action Graham is also saying we are getting it this is wonderful and the same prophet your teachings are so elevated like the tower of Babylon yet it's so easy to grasp I just wait for your broadcast every time god bless you amen a and amen amen amen so now watch this now I want to deal with them there is one problem that happens and I want you to open in face this alone Ian's for that investors alone Ian's for 13 if you may before we get to what your happen first Thessalonians 4:13 but I'll wait for wait for people to get past the sidonians please it's not as easy as you alright we have a we have B wasn't the electronic Bible so it's just got the Salone ins and you get it and the other world is like me we are you going with this D all right first Thessalonians 4:13 but I will not have you to be ignorant but I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are which are dead that is sure or not even ad is others which have no hope you people who are life when you see people die like right now coffee people are dying the Bible says if they die in Christ they shouldn't but their day but if they die in Christ I don't want you to be ignorant that's what he's saying lik information be stupid beard and a hint that's what he's saying here don't be stupid all right that is surah now don't cry don't don't cry you can you miss them but sorrow no even as others which have no hope since there is a city level of sorrow that it personally developed when somebody dies that shows they have no knowledge and no faith then there is a city of sorrow that they have that shows you just missing somebody but there's no server here they just missing someone I just missed them but then but then there's some people who cried until tomorrow one woman the husband died and she went and said by that graveside every day every day which is brilliant every day just going to the griffon but when you called a what day is the present day one time we went with my wife and one of her way back way back very young at that time code to use kind of the the wife couldn't go they had broken not not as a church not know when I was in church before that it wasn't we we were not even we had no church at that time and we went to to the funeral home because the wife couldn't go you know you got to inspect the body and stuff like that and we just went in there and stood in there and we knew the guy and we stood in there it's two of us with the body such as a real moment it's a it's one of those things that you I don't want anybody to do and we're standing there looking at that but one thing clicked we could look at the person say this man if he was if it was him that we know he would've greeted us you'd have set up here and spoken to us he would have spoken but totally would have talked about our spiritual things and stuff like that this guy is not inside we you could see not just naturally spiritually that the guy is not there that you could call him you not answer not because it's dead but because the guy is vachetta this body if somebody dies where you are right now and it's not gonna happen someone dies where you are right now it only takes two three minutes for you to fear them that body is not fearing them yet they hid the body when they were alive you would greet them you could hug them they dime they fall down in dead you can't hug them like something is different now what is taking place there is a shift you already know there is something that is taking place a change in the atmosphere is taking place here alright some people are getting it man some people getting it so we are in this don't saw when you when you have that problem don't sorrow is some with no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them which also I dared in Jesus will God bring with him it is they dead in Sutton in Jesus for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep in other words the people that start to rise first for the rapture are they dead not you the dead caught up with Christ and then we follow that our life from like my life no no no no the Dead will be number one all right for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel you see this place places with the voice of an archangel that's where the watchtower the the jovis witness I don't know where they were witnessing it but but it offers witnesses immediately that's where they think Jesus then again you're not the Son of God from this face not even the Bible says you come within voice of an archangel if I say I'm gonna I'm gonna shout like I'm live I am i live i know i'm just using the voice of an archangel every if i had the voice of an again show yourself what if the voice of whatever Grainger's copy god see what I'm saying so people just see kind of nonsense like that all right and and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise what second first they are the ones who shall go first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words now right there we have a problem maybe you never even saw the problem and I haven't even got it I haven't even gotten to one day after the rapture I wish I was I was that quick now was this we have this big problem here because if and remember G God gives an example of the bride of a man's wife and church in Christ in the sense of man who marries a woman who marries like pasta Chris would say you would say the church is definitely not the Bride of Christ but it is part of it on this basis that we shall be in Jerusalem the Bride of Christ that we are simply a part of it not all of it now let's concede that these guys who say we are the bride let's say fulbright we're not it's the book of Revelation we read it let's consider these people that say we are the fulbright and then we get to a point where we say the church is the wife I'm not saying it is I'm telling you now let's use that and then the same people say the tribulation would happen while is the wife is the church is here okay did I make sense or should I repeat this they say the church will go through the tribulation in other words with rapture will happen after tribulation I don't know for what reason what we need to suffer then we are taken now and then they say we are the Bride of Christ no problem let's use that example so here is the equation wife comes you better angel comes to Beverly and you say I love you so much we want to have our wedding in heaven oh it's all right that would be so brilliant so you love me I love you so much but before we take you to heaven I've got these five guys that I have brought they will pierce you stab you everything you have wounds everywhere gushing blood will come out then we go and take you to to go and have a party dinner in heaven and guess what this number 18 come for tea yourself with these words huh they didn't get it some people over how is she gonna comfort yourself with the way that you are gonna be beaten you're gonna be stabbed blood will be gushing and I take you for dinner it doesn't make sense it's only fools who think that there is a way God is trying to take you before the punishment before the pain how can you propose your wife and say we're gonna have dinner after I've beaten you and after the blood is gushing after people have stepped you after allow even fire to burn you then guess what comfort yourself with these words that you are going to obtain this alone tells you rapture before and I'm not even I don't want to go further for this issue if you can't you can tear up the rapture after tribulation before and we even even dealt with this let's just see what people are getting it people gave me there's no comfort in that our churches that's okay we'll get by we'll just we'll see you when you come back because this is being stabbed and stuff like that doesn't make sense at all for me George is saying this is so powerful prophet we are getting it's such knowledge surely we can not be the same after hearing the word preached like this also ahead Sean Rivera is saying this is practical Vanessa's critical sicknesses and the Saffir of God I am addicted to this word so if you look at when we were reading the book of Thessalonians it said he said and we wish a we shall be caught up and the way that appears is caught up there it is the word ha ha ha to be to be taken to another location like chicken you know taken up now that word does not appear that appears in the Bible but the word rapture does not appear in the Bible it's not there you won't find it and the problem is most people are going on their electronic map wasn't looking for the wet lab you will not find a way to ruptured a it's not there but when you go to what is called the Latin Vulgate and look at the same the same the same arm the same face in the Latin Vulgate if you could read Latin you look for the same face it is the word rapper true which means caught up same thing Latin Vulgate so you when somebody says oh it's not there so it's like a rapper man when get to the real Latin which ISM is the proper tense of repeal our English words wrapped you know wrapped and rapture that's where we get the come from the word the past Pasquale for appeal which we will get the wet rupture so when we say rapture we're dealing with from a Bible of Latin developed in Volga it is written in the Latin and we take rapture from day so don't think is the same base Thessalonians Brigade enrapture we get in grab patrol all right guys here someone says I do not want this that kind of wedding blood gushing then dinner and but before that remember I comfort you with those ways so it's like you're putting yourself with the blood gushing I mean you know just putting in your brain blood gushing you know if you're a lady you'd understand that day is gonna be special you want your gown clean you don't want messing up you have got that I don't know when they call it it's not called a crown or is it called again tiara yeah you get back to everything and you you're thinking everyone knows I'm gonna be the best-dressed nobody else ever seen some people who try to address and dress beyond the bride so silly people like that like they gonna like that they make you fashion in the people that created Fisher they queue in one go when you a dress so just just think about it think about it alright tiana and actually I was saying I will I was always taught that we would suffer times would be hot and then Jesus would come and take us it makes much more sense that God would not let his people suffer like that before taking us to be with him exactly it's it's what I would say is it's some it's people we have decided this is what it means and we're gonna really really suffer let's go now - okay sound and mic for some reason somebody maybe is the is there alright alright alright alright so we should have just a sample alright so so I think some people are getting in fierce bed all right also uncommon Queen angel on action Graham said it doesn't make sense about what kind of a father would God be that he would make his children suffer fast and then the rapture takes place after that now some so now what's this now hey that's it that's a very very good jesus said if you guys being evil know how to give your sons good things how much more and guess what people don't see it that way they just feel like anyway anyway and for those who want to know what's happening around the world we have Georgia its opening on Friday or they open on Friday I think this Friday this Friday saloons gyms everything happened even in Lincoln years starting to open yesterday where some small shopping mall there and they were opening yeah people hope you can put people in a cage it's not gonna be see let me just say this to you I respect myself whatever isolation whatever that word is isolation but what are we I salute in ourselves from from each other you honestly think is possible now I don't know whether they're getting it yes a lot of people are getting it especially with what you were describing with the tribulation happening first and then the rapture later the tech guy on YouTube is saying they told us that they would peel our skin and pour salt on us during the tribulation so to imagine that that would take place first and in the rapture bring information has been going now I want to show you something he on average in an hour a person touches their face I'm talking like this 20 times and then our 20 times that's like four hundred eighty times a day and it's the lowest I'm not talking about people would do like this you know I'm talking about you know then here some people just go like this in an hour that's like 50 times so you touch yourself like 1,000 times payday and they say wash your face don't touch your face wash your hands don't touch the face and then there are people who are who are preparing that pizza you ate yesterday who told you that that guy who who brought the flour ain't no coronavirus who told you that the guy who prepare the dough had no coronavirus what about the cheese maker tinium for novellas the person who transported the cheese to you today today - the - pizza whatever pizzas in the hope is a nation yeah didn't have virus who told you that they had cheese when it was prepared the people were packing it didn't have coronavirus and then it got you and it was plated the president greeted didn't have coronavirus oh what about the tomato on the pizza didn't have grown over what about the salt on the pizza did now the person that then treated the pizza at a shop might be is coronavirus maybe the one who create a touch them the the boxes to pick that call the adapting with coronavirus inside and then you know after it pretty prepares it there is a guy with a motorbike Oh was that big in another bag that was touched by another guy before he was chosen to your house and then he gets to your house with the coronavirus and give it to you what about the mango you ate yesterday the person who took it from the tree picked it from a tree and then pegged it and the people who put it in a bag and the person who drove those that package to to that shop you bought it from and the 59 100 people 5,000 other people who passed through that store and touch the mango and analyzed it if it's good for them to take to their house and left it with Khurana and then you come and take it and give it to a person who is selling that mango who is Khurana and then you take it and take it to your house or maybe yourself Khurana now it is guarana is goodness every way you think you can hide from Khurana Jesus only it can happen you can wake that that question can't wait they just this is giving you time you know anyway they're getting it people are getting in people getting in people getting it all right so the postman just arrived a few days ago postman with the letters like this I didn't expect the guy fell like wait here stand ESA let's see we've got nothing here that in the testing temperature go like this on the forehead and then the gavlak yeah yeah thank you no Corona we're now taking hour later the guy goes who knows wait came from that later it stays on money for 4 days and you go to shop every day to buy for food because you are in under in lockdown and then the money is 4 days of Khurana all right you've been protected more than you think trust me you'll be like oh please good let coromandel touch me from the day corona' started in december you have to eat and you think it had not moved from from China how many goods if you bought that came from China with Khurana you still here thank God we're away in this thing now because this Corona thing has gotten us to some other place dear god no go to revelation 6 8 6 8 now why do I want to go to revelation 6 8 or maybe what can I do here because I want to I want to touch something but I don't want to kind of go deeper on it Matthew 24 20 and 21 yes sir here is what we are talking about let's say the rapture has taken place everyone has been snatched into heaven and you know the people that are really believers in the sense of believing and they're come in the currents that remember the only people that are going to be taken to - by the object are the current Christians no no I don't mean somebody who is in the mode of messing up at that time they are in their backslidden stage where you're backslidden step that moment when the rapture happens you are you are left here though you're a Christian let me repeat this because some people don't get it when we say backslidden we're not talking about you say the Christ is rubbish or anything that's another stage of backsliding but let's say you were supposed to be in church every Sunday and that's something you decide woke up late you know change they will sing worship so and then the sister suing so who's seeing then when we are about to go to 1 p.m. then pastor Savannah comes and sings a love song a very spiritual one because but kneeling down crying on the floor I know then you bend your comes then does one hour of some revelation when I all want a prophecy ah tomorrow I watch but anyway I watch on TV Bible says remind each other is the day's approaching do not do as the manner of some is that means it's a manner its manners to go to church anything bad manners to not attend church if you don't attend church every Sunday you have bad manners to go to courses notice bad manners can't be here in everything imagine the devil was cast down from heaven for thinking so he thought let me go up to heaven and become like the Most High God said I don't want this kind of character he he thought and you got said no more place for you here for thinking imagine the devil was cleared out of heaven for thinking not for acting thinking now you so oh I'm just watching you just watching TV do you get what I'm saying you watch and then rapture happens and you oh you just cease the church is not there you're watching like this the process is no longer they you stop thinking these guys in the media are they're very crazy then you realize some five six seven people who are left in the church where the other is Church finished I think people walked out how come they are closed some way they only cheat because they come in as a still shooting you understand what's happening in you had your house why have you been left if you've been left because you're not a Christian no UI Christian do you have the mark of dress yeah but the problem is at this moment of your life you are a backslidden person you so many people think Bexley the big sliding is just doing some wrong for too long no just one minute of back backsliding it is no time scale big sliding two seconds of that big sliding his big sliding and the rapture happens in that moment in your stage you are left here I know I wish I would not push messages like this because message is al exactly this al for people who are gonna be left but also they are so important because there's some very they would things I'm not part of that when they are definitely gonna be the captain and the prefect of the left behind people because in their minds they covered all the basics they already know what's happening you understand they already know like you know I don't like that I don't like this I don't so I'm going I'm going you know and you know we go to church we with the bosses trust me trust me it'll be very bad the imagine got holes in been Mena's hand them itself cause it bad manners you think you're gonna make it to heaven you don't attend church you think I'm gonna tell even not the purposes you have bad manners you have bad mannered person and you're you go to heaven you with you we are with you a bit minute visit Evan it's gonna happen it's not happening so you have to really really understand what Christianity's to really say I'm dotting every I and crossing every T for me to go they don't like yourself you can have two or three mistakes that you do tell yourself yeah these mistakes need to go but it doesn't mean to say you you you are not born again used to born again but you just miss the rapture Oh see that's the pact people don't get this a but if I'm born again I can't be I will not be the rapture will not miss me no you I a born-again person who is not doing what born again people do at the time when the rapture happens then you can't guess it like I just need to know when when men I've got tell me they're actual dead then I just get rid you're not ready you're pretending to be ready even gold is after changing hearts not changing actions most preachers are preaching about changing in action when the Bible is talking about changing your heart God is a hot changer not action changer because God knows actions come from the abundance of the heart so we are trying to tell prostitutes to stop prostituting where as we need to change their hearts so they stop this okay some people are getting it some people are getting it some people still not getting it now a lot of people are getting it a triple because they say thank you prophet this is on YouTube my confusion is answered somebody says can you preach between the gap between Genesis 1 in Genesis 1 - the problem is you are not here so don't tell me what to preach I bring this over and over and over and over and over for a lot for the I don't know from the time I became a Christian I've been preaching this repeat this every time referencing it referencing it and referencing it please all right but if you want me to do you want to hear that part you come tomorrow tomorrow be preaching the flood before the flood of Noah so so tomorrow I'll tell you about the flood that happened before the flood of Noah and why it happened all right and why the rainbow you hear it's actually even day about the flood that happened before the flood of no you would be like what I know and some people have had it but they never got the scriptures that support it in tomorrow take your notebooks and we are writing we are reading a new blood ok there is a flood before the flood of Noah and I know some people like I'm gonna research it trust it trust me there's nothing you research here that I teach you that you're actually gonna get the real supporting evidence from from somebody who is researching I only tell you things that I definitely know we got it right you're getting it all right so so so so when we get it to revelation 6 now verse number 8 reading we go to revelation I read we started Matthew 24 verse 20 but pray that your flight be not in winter neither on the Sabbath day in other words that you don't get disabled all right because you need to go with this ones this pray that you are not left for any reason I don't know if that's what 20 is telling you don't be left for any reason in other words when this verse is telling you this it means what is about to happen is beyond anything because you should not be left for any reason whatsoever don't be late and notice what he said he said son shall be merry and shall be given in marriage at that time you are gonna have then no more life where people are getting this and getting this and getting this and getting this and then no more life is going on and that's when things happen you said you know and I know but today is my wedding day so sand is my wedding day so I can't go to change hmm okay no problem God said some will be marrying and being in marriage when it shall happen I tells you to have a wedding day on that day is a dangerous story if it's a Sunday tell your husband we may ring on Saturday all right if it's on Sunday and the thing happens on Sunday yeah you'll be married to somebody who is left behind the both of you enjoy your honeymoon during the tribulation honeymoon with a chilly boom no animal day only a moment no honey left and if you're gonna listen carefully you see when the moon will be there for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be since after the rapture first number 20 there is gonna be pain like never experienced in the world and never will ever be experienced imagine listen you're not getting me you are definitely not getting me after the rapture there is pain like never never ever take place and remember the tribulation is the tribulation yet there is the second death there is Gehenna the devil be thrown in Gehenna the devil be thrown again in the lake of fire those lack of fire those Gehenna for they are not even to be compared to the tribulation and yet they attend the never cease since the pain that will happen one day after the rapture will be like never experienced before and nefesh of the experience after and we know that great revelation RIBA is called the great tribulation because Christ talks about you should have tribulations tribulation and people confuse those tribulations for the Great Tribulation so when people read when crazay you shall have tribulation on this earth they think the tribulation is up before the rapture because they hate the word tribulation it's not a speech or wait it's a normal way so he says a Great Tribulation ear to distinguish other tribulations from this tribulation so this is the Great Tribulation not the tribulation he told his disciples you have this one is a great one so the great one now it says the pain that shall be experienced one day after the rapture you know the rapture the next morning after grabs all the next hour after the Rev linux/unix second after the rapture the pain that starts from day has never been experienced on earth ever and will never be experienced ever if a period of seven years yet this thing the the lake of fire is coming Guyana is still there and still the purposes is no no no comparison no comparison whatsoever Sodom and Gomorrah what happened fire rained from heaven and people were bending and bending and God said that one don't even compare to the seven-year period thank you so much thank you for making this so easy to understand we have also jackie saying thank you so much profit for opening my eyes and saying you have really changed my heart thank you prophet somebody says yeah biggest crystal says i was warned by my former pastor not to read revelation because spirits who come through to haunt me so somebody says you know when if a child is born stillborn and they die and you know they will they go to heaven of course go to heaven don't listen to a lot of people there are some people preachers we just want the babies in hell for some reason they feel like I don't know to send babies to hell for some reason let the little children come to me for the kingdom of heaven it's for such as this and that wasn't even that was even before the New Testament Jesus is speaking before the New Testament why the book of Hebrews the Testament is a testament when they tested I saw the Testament is not a testament to Jesus dance if jesus is alive it is - speaking in those ready Marcus you are reading its Old Testament so yes I do by also Musa you saying prophet your teachings are full of wisdom that is beyond human comprehension you make me love the word more and more and I'm doing more and more to Christ amen thank you so much it's it's um you know I always tell people you know it's brilliant to year people talk about what we are doing as an impact and impact we are making in their lives it's so amazing and it's so brilliant to hear people excited about those things and I'm left with about a few minutes all right all right and I haven't started now here revelation 6:8 we've got we're going wherever life instance a let's go to Revelation the book of Revelation so we know the pain that you experience is beyond all right then well of course we have got the book of the revelation chapter number five and when I saw that I saw the right hand of him that sat on the throne a that other books were written and books were opened now we're gonna talk about it in all day as we talk about this series but right now I'm not talking about Seuss I'm just talking about the painting that shall be experienced or fallacious 6 verse 8 and I looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with you they know what the fourth part is what does it mean fourth of the world fourth 1/4 1/4 1/4 of the world to kill them and you arrived they have been left by the rapture and you among the people that are left and heal the Bible saying okoto be killed right Oh Cora of the earth - killed by the sward by Finland by plague and wild beasts imagine you're sitting in your house like this a wild beast just gets in and kill you [Music] plagues all this way hiding people are hiding everywhere from karana this one will be in your house you can't hide in the house you can't go to the hospital now right right now they just realized a report came that the CDC which is the Center for Disease Control get some people tests the task is that they sent to another state where already infected with by Corona vera with Granada and they are testing people using infected that's a report whether it's true or not whether they were I agree with that it happened but remember just just imagine stuff like that happening we were looking was a Chicago Chicago that was on nothing was Chicago some lady in Chicago saying we have already put the 3 G's we have them we already know where we are going to inject people face with facts it on live TV you want the authority you want to operate of the city and you already say now we have everything things about the vaccine way is the vaccine they just say some things then you start thinking these these know what happening they exactly know what the vaccine is they just don't don't don't get mister anywhere revelation 6 let's read literary in Israel so so now now now if a court of the earth watch this listen if a court of the every face to the population count in that it is the sleeves 3/4 of the population still alive at the end of the see judge meant where you say fail see you second see one till they say 7c right then comes the trumpet which I mean in Revelation 9 the trumpet comes see then the trumpet so they receive in trumpet now I want you to see and the four angels of the of the reference I released to kill one third of the remaining population right now I don't know if they're getting it mm-hmm now if you know your fractions very well all right this will people know their fractions I just put some fractions down here if you know your fractions you know that one one over one-third of 3/4 is 1/4 and 1/4 seems plus one fourth trumpet equals 1/2 that means half of the population would die just at the beginning of the tribulation so the world is 7.5 billion people or let's just say 7 billion all right that means more than 3.5 billion people who die but remember is I removed the 500 you know a million just let's believe that the 500 billion they have ever resilient Evoque fight the rapture so we just take the favored remedial way to remove them and now 7 billion are left and half of them dead and you guys used to think there is another chance to make it using the second flight and not now we are playing Church everywhere a pastor says something wrong and that is that not justified attacks another pastor gets the hit and this one is fighting this one this one is fighting this one this one is fighting this one the children of this one are like we are also fighting and you think you are making it to heaven you are Jokers there is a time when people have to say I'm sorry I messed up this one says I'm sorry I messed up move on let it be known across the board that people have moved on and be quick to forgive be quick to move on in Marion's big quick to move on in relationship big quick to move on in churches big quick to move on you are angry with your pasta for 14 years you do God a you are gossiping about your pasta you are planning for another man of what yeah I'm gonna write this about him if he doesn't give me money what kind of diva is that you ain't if a robot and you think heaven is smiling God is smiling you make a change you I add that by chance I'm getting this no you want there is a seriousness that need to come to you I went in and made pasta Chris the first time I made pasta Chris I sit down with him maybe for an hour two hours I don't remember the time it was like it was like two minutes that was many hours I wasn't two minutes was hours but it looked like I had not done any minutes but when I left they I called my wife and I said she was like tell me why how was it and I said I met a Christian she's like what what do you mean I met for the first time in my life I've made a real Christian she's like what you've made a lot of Christians brilliant Christian I said I am a Christian I'm doubting that I made three ones but this guy is the New Deal is a Christian not some funny yes of course his name is actually Christian but but the point was I couldn't really understand where I was miss missing it up because I'm hearing one person talk for hours and I'm talking I'm asking and so quiet and then you say some things then you kind of realize in your spirit how he's reacting in his spirit then the things you are hearing and no funny jokes like let's buy a shirt let's buy a belt no this is every led their life then you realize wait a minute I mean to reflect something like this you know the people you meet then you think I think I wasn't going by the rapture because if this level is attainable I need to attain this level so you you really have to be quick to understand everyone out there is trying to build their empire as a minister trying to build a Empire Christians are trying to going to change to get miracles one day after this one day the pain that the world is experiencing the rapture takes place and somebody ain't driving a plane is in trouble oh my god I wish I had people I wish I had people was real let me hear what people say comes at the moment Bianca Brown I think thank you so much profit now I understand what it means to be back slidden because I've heard so many conflicting explanations this is so good now I can explain to others what it actually means I've learnt a lot thank you amen amen the book of ammos a most 5:14 almost 550 I wish you'd understand also each day there is the day of the Lord which is some refer to the second coming and some repetitive before it reaches it comes which means between the end of the seven year period and the beginning of ISM is rain because Jesus is gonna reign for 1,000 years on this and also the devil I will be arrested and stuff like that and then you'll be released on to the eighth and guess what you'll do he will manage to lie to the people on earth to rise again as God yeah you'll be released and then you'll convince all around the world to go again is good and fighting in Israel that's where the Armageddon comes in because the devil they've been able to convince nations and nations that that guy is evil but then that's when his battle ends and we and I said that's another story that would talk about seek God and not evil that you may leave remember it's almost Old Testament seeking God okay I want I want to kind of remind people the seeking God concept is not true all right and so the Lord God of hosts shall be with you as you have spoken had the evil and love good established judgment in the land are you there and vinius verse number 18 woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord the ones of the lated car let it be here since the destruction to you to what end is it for you the day of the Lord is darkness and not light so you are talking about the day of the Lord it shall be darkness it shall be dark as if a man did flee from a lion and a bear message with him and went into a house and lint is the end of the world and a separate bit iam Shaun of the Dead a lot be darkness and not light ever free and even very dark no brightness in it yeah there's no there's no brightness in it darkness only imagine on earth right now light sages can just happen but no more lights they're all everything is okay everything is clean are you hearing me it's beyond is beyond is beyond now Matthew 24:29 Matthew 24:29 I want to show you something I want to show you something remember I don't I don't every time I minister to you I don't come here and with some notes and say on this Matthew I will go to this one no I just start searching when we're talking right now if we go I already know what the Bible says I know what the Bible says I know the faces already they already in my spirit already not because they were put there by the Lord Jesus Christ because I'm a prophet no I read them and they are in me all right now they come out when administering as what about says when you shall be taken to these places do not be careful what you're gonna say for your defense for I shall be in you and you shall have this will come out of you they shall be ready for you don't worry about that's all I use in the Bible I study the Bible I study a myth I'm a studious person study study study study study study study said what God say Oh what Ellen is the happening in the world and what proves what we are talking about and guess what when I stand anywhere aking answer anything I can get in the scripture back again because they are not coming out it's a computer principle scouring the guy go principal garbage in garbage out good in good out that's a computer so if you wait the anything it will happen I don't need to really read the Bible it will happen when it's only to come out of me it won't put it in it will come out the word prayer is the word procedure it means what you put inside is now coming out if you put junk in there you pray junk out all right 24 right yes and I'll read from verse number 27 for as the Lightning cometh out of the east and shine it even unto the West so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be for where was wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagle's be gathered together immediately after the tribulation of those days now start talking about after immediately not after the tribulation not during the Triple H and I just wanted to show you something the Sun shall be darkened and Jesus will come like with what with his light the Sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heavens shall be shaken planets will be shaken when Jesus died on the cross what happened the planets the moon the Sun the earth shook in terror and in earthquake took place that one decided not to give his light the Sun set in what happened they I need to weep I need to month for a little bit darkness covered the earth when he does and if you go to geography and try to look at what has happened they I can actually look at the time when darkness covered the earth and it is almost the exact time according to Italy measurements that Jesus died on the cross the day he was born when they were saying they were following a it's time get it back again you understand the people who deal with the the astronomy and stuff like that they would tell you correctly that and that time if there was an alignment of the stars imagine that the earth and the planets they are there is science the purpose is the shot before science put this test as for science and look at what the science is doing looking for for for aliens in another in mass looking for aliens in this location looking for aliens in this location the purpose is know these planets that I put around the world therefore science and the web it does not mean sign like signposts like like I'm like for for season like like it's winter is what no it means a signpost they are indicating something they are all day waiting for this thing to happen they are celebrating the coming of Christ and you think let's go and see what that star is let's go instant says it shall be shaken if not only on earth this tears will be shaken the moon will be shaken the the Sun will be shaken right now the second law of thermodynamics is called entropy all right that means the earth is losing energy until it gets to a resting stage right now start from back when like this right now so according to the second law of thermodynamics it actually tells you that there is a decline it will get to an end and yet the Bible says there is an end that's coming and a new heaven and a new earth coming minerals like this one the systems of this one are going to be winding winding down in thermodynamics is proving it in science so whether you believe in this Bible or you don't and you believe in science guess what or you believe inside what that means is your science in thermodynamics is actually telling you that the Bible is correct that there is a decline so science is not against the Bible it's actually proving the Bible all right the CA what are the questions are before we get deep I into what we are talking about so many questions that came through today regardless and this is just part one alright so we're gonna go to part two you know that kind of thing okay Joseph Peter said prophet what about someone you were talking about church attendance earlier someone looking for a spiritual church they are overseas there is no branch that they can go to physically but they do watch services online they do what they do that means they are actually attending church because you don't have an had any other opinion another place to go to but you see the other problem is this what is your sitting there do you have people that you can go and win so you can be a home group because the Bible says they broke bread from house to house all right it tells us that the church at that time was even going from how to house breaking break they were they so you can't just say I'm just my own my own a Christian or to win souls so are they winning souls is the question Thank You Janine gasses on a Tom Graham said I'm gonna be brutally honest I'm a Christian but how most probably commit sin even just in the form of a thought all the time not deliberately though so in that single moment of a simple thought I will not be raptured along with others not remember the point is you have to have conscience also clean the Bible says it this way that that is certain about he that is of God cannot sing all right then he says confess your sins right you confess your sin the word confess is what is the word homology homology means saying the same thing that God says about you see if we confess our sin if we homology our scene then is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us in the word cleanse us say the word cleanse is the word kateri toe it actually means to clean your conscience so be righteousness conscious so that you think something bad righteousness overtakes it I don't know if they're getting it so if your righteousness conscious from now be wise don't wait as it oh and it happens I'll be thinking this I might be thinking this I'm admitting it fix that problem now so you'll fix it this way by understanding that sin is already been dealt with by Christ on the cross only your conscience cleanse you from righteousness from unrighteousness I don't know if they're getting it what cleanses you is not Jesus dying again on the cross it's your conscience I don't know if they're getting it or should I just go a little bit further all right all right if we confess our what our sins is what he is faithful all right all I want to show you in the one John 1:19 in the Hebrew 1 John 1:19 in the Greek 1 John 1:19 so that I read it nicely 1 John 1:9 I believe 1:9 yeah 1 John 1:9 you see now if I if I start from from verse number 7 but if we walk in the light all right all right now verse number no I want to go to verse number 6 if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth now notice notice right now I told you when you asked a question the reason why I cannot I cannot say who I don't know is because the weight is already me so the moment you mentioned the question they boom my scriptures come up and I start or I know already I want to give you an answer I'm not looking for any other it just comes out why the weight is in me put the within you so you are able to kind of know what deception is all right now walk in darkness we lie and do not do what the truth this then is the message which we have heard of him verse number 5 and declare unto you that God is light in him there is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with word with another and the blood of Jesus Christ is son cleanses us from one from all sin now face number eight if we say that we have not seen what happens with this different services we align so we have seen yeah for all have sinned ha so how I'm gonna go through the rough Jeff we have seen please listen the biggest problem of people is when I'm explaining they already going to the end of if you like okay I say and I said I need to know just go with me forget about your answer your question just cool this process if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us okay so we are liars if we say we have no sin but they are never sinned in my life I've never seen today we are liars all right this three seconds that I have one two three them I never seen no I'm a lie according to this face did you see me in here no one two three seconds exactly four now five seconds I've been holy clean no sleep so how can I be lying here if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves the truth is not in us verse number 9 says if we confess if we want mala geo the word that you check is the bow when the Bible says and this okay is 26 times this occurrence in the Bible is 26 times by 21 in veces occurrences this way if we confess the Lord Jesus Christ oh Jesus Christ a sin that we confess no it's the same way if we homology oh if we say the same thing God says about Jesus what does God say about Jesus that is that's the book of Romans right then that that means Jesus born again we are born again if we confess that Jesus is what is Lord so God said Jesus is Lord and we come here and we see Jesus and say is Lord we believe in our heart we confess it we are born again so we are born again by copying God we are born again by agreeing with what God's saying God looked at Jesus and said you are Lord and he looked at us and say if you say what I say you are born again so the reason why you upon again is you say what God said about Jesus I don't know if they carry this so maybe people say why do I need to believe in my heart and confess in mine because the word confess is homology oh it means repeating what God said about Jesus and believing it in your heart you believe it is God believed it that this is the Lord and you say I believe it just like you did so homology I am saying the same thing all right now this is if we confess our sin if we say the same thing that God says about our sin what does God say about your sin in the New Testament what does God say about you see he's saying it is forgiven it was dealt with on the cross so what is the problem of sin the problem of sin is conscience is it clear I think these guys who are here are responding well you are not hearing you guys thousands of you so so so why did God God is that what the problem of sin is conscience do you know it that you've seen this is the thing that will trouble you so conscience depth in your self-portrait and your self portrait when you go to God to ask for prayer you tell you Sophia will not hear you because of what you did so it affects you not God sin is not the problem of God okay Mia not getting me being believed is this biggest problem so what is sin sin is not accepting Christ now here is if we confess our sins he is faithful the word faithful day is take ability to the prescription pistas pistols or pistols so now it says here he what he forgives us our sins he is faithful he is faithful he is faithful if we confess if we homology if we say what God says about our see what is going ok I stole God you know I stole yes but you know my sin has been forgiven on the cross that's what you say I'm homology ring right now I'm not going to go to the Father forgive me for my field for what I have stolen whatever stolen that means then if you forget what you sinned guess what that means salvation is based on your memory some vision is not based on the capacity of your memory what if you have forgotten distance you maybe you messed up so you're not going to be born again you are done you were your custard because you are for your memory that means the heaven is is only for intelligent people who memorize stuff that they did before so sin is not a problem of God not even see here this correctly says if we confess if we if we if we if we say what God says about our sin after we sin we say God what is gonna seem or before we sin or whatever or when we're not even singing my sins are forgiven as the confession every morning my sins are forgiven when I walk to my school when I walk to my workplace my sins are forgiven God died for my sins tied for my says my sins are forgiven but remember when I say that for my sins remember they the generic language of Scripture and what I believe I revelation for those who follow me you wanna say he is faithful he sticks to the prescription of forgiving a person who knows that there is a homology oh who does ramallah G who repeats what he says about things he is also faithful if you stick to the prescription of knowing exactly what God says about your seat he also sticks the prescription of forgiving he is not doing it because you do it but he's priest he sticks to the prescription alright and just to forgive us our sins all right just what to forgive us all right to beat going away or to depart now that is a now the way the birthday is like for a husband divorcing his wife that's the way that appears there which is a fear me it is a divorce so in other words he is just to divorce us from our seed gonna send that and cleans us now the word cleanse is the word cateresa which means to make clean conscience or to clean the utensils that God uses imagine they are holy holy things and you're cleaning all the things that are in the temple mm-hmm so they are not getting to buy them they the wine you put in there there's two holy what you are removing because you need to put your wine when they are still in the Holy so free from guilt of sin this is the way that appears in the cattle is free from guilt of sin free from guilty does it mean to say you are free from sin from guilt of it Jesus finished the sin on the cross but the guilt that you Carolyn is the one that comes only to you when you are Christian guilt comes and when guilt comes you go to hell for guilt you don't go to hell for sin so when you sin you feel guilty and your conscience is now guilty so the Bible says when you see that happen cleanse yourself by what by homology you say the same thing God says about your scene that's how you get forgiven in the sense of your mind not God God forgive your sins but the problem is with you and because the problem is with you you not go to heaven for sinning okay because you sinned you not go to heaven no no no but because you did see now you use the Christian we just seen it your conscience will be dead end you feel guilty and that good conscience will take you to him not the sin the sin was dealt with if paralyzed listen to this listen to this oh my God all right all right all right all right honest I want to show you this since but sin gaining occasion all right what's this but sin that's Romans 7 verse number 8 but sin let me give to the King James rather you know King James our King James Version but sin taking opportunity by the commandment by the law produced in me all manner of evil desires but apart from the law sin was dead oh I don't you people didn't get it we've been talking about this yeah we have to talking about the one day after day of general beef it's a sin took in occasion through the law but if there was no law sin was dead now Jesus cancelled the law so is dead but your conscience revives the scene and if your conscience revives the sin it revives the law and then the law kills you so the law will not take you to heaven you are now under they know you're no longer under grace just what you're going to hell for what your conscience not for sinning but seeming will produce a guilty conscience so sin produces a guilty conscience and you go to here for good conscience and God is only here to cleanse you from your conscience so right now some people would like No so profit does not believe sin would take you to hell technically I've calculated the equation of of Ukrainian the wages of sin hour and the Bible says death has been dealt with on the cross so it can save that death itself can save did the thing anymore I don't know I don't know what that they are getting it I don't know that they are getting it I want you to read Romans 539 people getting it yes indeed do better on me what we think I get it now profit vintage says it makes more sense now this Romans 5 verse 13 and I think if you read my wife's book how to live a guilt-free life grace driven how to live a guilt-free life it is an issue of you not feeling guilty you know but there is a certain level of when you not feel guilty and you just sinning anyway because you don't feel guilty the barber says you wanted to see it with a hot iron this is now branded by what I own a what I own is I own do brain then you'll be of crossed beyond the no more labor you have gone over to the other side alright but I want to get to ramen so we're not talking about this guy just kind of generals there deserve medals all right Romans five verse 13 for until the law sin was in the world but son stood the law Horace please get this the Lord did not happen fast that's what the scriptures say this scene took place it was already in the lobby it was already in the world before him let's read repeat for until the law sin was in the world sin was in the world it was the first born before the law came but sin is not imputed when there is no law but fin is not counted if law is not dead so the law is everywhere the sin is everywhere but not very no sin is day if there is no law the law is the one that says you should not drink in public you say well so drinking in public is wrong according to the law yes in Britain here you're not allowed to do to smoke ganja wheat not one all right but if you if you take a bag of marijuana full of you know and get to the airport they stop you you go to jail but if you manage to mmm-hmm and you get to Washington DC and you come out of the day you know as you're checking out and the immigration stops you and they open your bag like whoa weed those they can you can use just one so we can also share with my friends why there is no law against weed in Washington DC so smoking weed which was a sin here in Britain has only been changed by the location sin in Britain no sin in Washington DC so smoking weed in that area I'm not saying here please you listen give Lee Roy a black angel saying smoke weed is okay than smoking weed down in that scenario becomes a no sin in Washington DC but as sin in Britain so what has changed is it the type of the wind no he is the country the country says this law here we have a law here so the law has changed not they see me so what makes this sin the sin is the law do you know right now do you know right now all these gay people having are moving around marrying I just it was it two days ago a brother and a sister make what made it way way they got got a permission of the ten years of fighting in the course they even have the pictures the picture of you so you can see the brother and sister who just got married brilliant people nice-looking tastes amazing nonsense what some what a brilliant nonsense you got it yes please put it out there so people can see brother and sister robot minute so according to them there is no more issue a few hours before they got the judgment in court it was against the law I showed you about ten states or something on Sunday which allow people to sleep with animals imagine a whole judge sitting then say yes it's okay for you to have sex with the horse and the dog in America most powerful nation on earth his states that allowed people to sleep with their dogs and their cattle yapeth who knows maybe their pet snake who knows honestly in it's okay for you exactly so you go you're gonna see some some things here so so so many questions that are similar in what they're asking regarding what you're seeing in relation to backsliding a lot of people didn't quite catch it because you said no you are now watching it happen they've caught it they just want me to make it easy for them all right if the rapture happens as you say it and you are it happens while you are in your stock is now on this screen right so that's the New Year's brother and sister allowed to marry after they even kissing each other day Oh cute What nonsense a New Year's brother and sister warned the right to marry after landmark ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States lawyers just allowed is seen to be legal but sin was not working now sin no longer works now this one according to the Supreme Court not got to the Supreme Court the law is no longer day to prevent them so it's now legal but the law of God now if you sing on your conscience will prevent you from seeing so you need to cleanse your conscience but if your conscience is cleansed you'll also become very very unlit on what sin is or didn't get it when you conscious the late you kind of know this I can do that I can do that I can do because it's now in you not to do it so so they have to opposites of the same coin when you have one side as sin causes you to have guilty conscience but the Bible says if you homology oh if you're conscious of your righteousness see this righteousness consciousness brings you to your level where you stop sinning scene consciousness gets you to a level where you're guilty and due to a technical hell because remember you should be righteous consciousness righteous conscious you should have righteous consciousness righteousness consciousness in you that I have been imputed the a righteousness of God has been implanted in my spirit so guess what I'm righteous see that's why we say change in line with a I am righteous I am holy you know so that it gets into the heads of a lot of people I'm holy I'm righteous I'm holy I'm righteous you know when you're about to enter a pub at night that thing can come to you I'm righteous I'm holy it won't tell you don't go there because you are righteous you use of blood in northern I'm not looked at that type of visit to get in there why consciousness is saying I'm holy I'm righteous and holy and righteous and holy you now know what is righteousness being holiness has been called by God apart from the people and then being called to God for your service and you look at the bottle of vodka you black this is not for people who are calling me nobody stay in their house why but consciousness you are righteousness call you have righteousness consciousness in you so consistently you are repeating it to yourself I'm righteous I'm holy I'm righteous I'm wallet you see what I'm like no way we don't touch that is anybody there is their vest for vodka and now I'm not touching it is there this for for smoking no I'm not touching it why something in you just tells you this is not the life you are living now it's not your ooh that black I don't drink I don't smoke that's self righteousness consciousness see consciousness one we watched one lady one girl on one was it boy yesterday some some show some way and they were asking this this lady this year this boy and my guys were like come come watch watch this one was what's this one what's this one I'm like okay let me watch then after watching goes I didn't put put another program not this one and and this little boy was just moving around tensing or some move like that I don't know what I don't know Britain's Got Talent or something like that and they asked him twice do you think you can win he said no oh you should be confident as them after he what everyone else everyone stood up to play for him said do you think you're gonna win is like a no in his conscience he's no I'm just going there to play maybe the mother to say they forced a mother told him it's not about winning it's just a fun so he's going there with the mentality that is just fun but if he had been drilled and drilled you win he goes in there and performs knowing I'm a champion different different fear comes when you're not conscious of who you are and fee is the opposite of faith know who you are know who you are alright my boys know there are signs of you be Ranger and one member one one one teacher some way is my son is to toe you know I'm tall like your son is tall so he might intimidate people I'm like intimidate because of height you want me to cut him halfway and she's on the phone I like you a racist right there she started explaining how she's not a racist I'm also trying to explain to her how she's a racist and then trying to explain a lot of things to her as a did he say anything again I said but no but he stole some kids who feel like they intimidate him like what you want us to do now I shouted at that lady over the phone I almost put my hand through the phone to grab it and the following day she had come back to her senses and she was really real apologetic of the whole thing why and guess what my son's know if you do that I will come really 20 million miles and % you know fighting that that is a known fact you're getting my point all right you wouldn't just walk up here instead bidding my wife the realities I don't care whether you are like Goliath I would do anything that I could do I can do I don't know buy it do something I'm do you understand yeah you kill me I'll be trying all right but I'm telling you I will not die always erect beat you up ow do anything why I'm conscious of Who I am there was a time when I would be broken I didn't even know what to do until I go to a point with my wife I said look we reserved the vision one time and what it was soft rock at that time and you see the vision just the Lord can one night the Lord came and said angel fifty four fifty four thousand right fifty four fifty four thousand pounds shall be like a thousand to you I didn't behave with a thousand forget 200 anybody saying fifty four thousand pounds you will spend it like you're spending a thousand that was way back we have even gone past the thousand the 54 do you understand maybe didn't get a buddy from that tiny I started feeding myself with that information fifty four thousand it's like I did they shall be I'm sorry thing is like 1,000 to me 54 is like 1000 to me 54 is like 1,000 to me 54 so if I stay I 20:54 I do feel like I've spent a lot of money I feel like maybe 1,000 it's just gone old 500s well it's not an issue it's not an issue anymore we're staking the house them go like my god 54 when will it come no it's gone how I quantize myself my conscience coaches understand so I am wills conscience I'm not perfectly conscious so I can never speak I'm poor never my son say I want this I'm like okay I'm gonna use it to you it's only the mother who is very very understanding and should be like no no no not now they can't have that they can't have that so yeah so you know they kind of know way way to go sometimes they do some funny funny stuff and they ask they ask their mother you know can I have this and the mother line know if they ask me is normally yeah conscious of anything but sometimes they when when I feel like this is a trick I'm like go and ask your mom but my consciousness I'm conscious of Who I am I am rich I'm not broke I will never be poor again in my life it's a consciousness so that consciousness brings in the miracles so when you are conscious you are righteous when you're conscious you are holy sin disappears not that sin you have is current no it disappears you know no get to it but if you sin you need to homology or say the same thing God says about your alright Diana Mota is he I actually went to a club for my sister's birthday and I felt out of place and I left early because I felt that place just wasn't for me exactly it's not like you have a vest that says you should not go to to the pub right of course we can find something where we join together and - it says the same thing that we are saying right now but I'm saying it's not like there is a verse that says thou shalt not smoke I don't know what kind of smoke you know huh Susan guys it I've been struggling with this for a while now I felt so unworthy of praying and being heard I always believed that I'm a disappointment but today I am forgiven thank you so much Amy see the point is the trick is not what the problem with people is people are trying to stop a sin that's not what you do you conscient eyes yourself that I am righteous I am holy as Christ is so your mind so all of those things start getting into you start getting into it and the way it gets into you and the way it gets into any way it gets into you and there are things that you just know Christ we don't do so buddy is not like can you go with me to a pub so what would Christ do what would Christ you what would Chris what you know remember what would Jesus do WWJD nonsense because they make you want to think what you should do but if it conscient ties yourself with what Christ did already has already said what the word says the moment somebody says this you say no even before you understood why you're saying no because the thing in you your spirit in you is telling you the answers and your body already disagrees why you are conscious of who you are so consciousness is what you need that's why the Bible says he will cleanse you from all unrighteousness you cateresa remove the bed conscience and then that removing of bad conscience who get removing the guilty so you are guilty by your own conscience not because God says you're guilty your own conscience make you guilty and then you go to hell nothing you must all but God sends people to hell yeah yeah yeah yeah if you have not read the verses we have read you know you know why are you here let me let me get you this one so you understand it's not G God who sends you to hell because some people like God 1 Corinthians 3 22 21 I always want to start with a verse that is B you know before the normal one three you know it is yes I suppose so you were saying one day before there are after they're up two years this is it because somebody is saying what if I'm left after sinning like this he is the answer that's what we're dealing with this is 1st Corinthians 3 verse 21 mm therefore let no man glory in men elect no man what glory memory for all things I don't say my cousin is a director for vision now vision is gone into administration yeah when did the administration just today yeah Australian Australian ready now if your angle that the way you were battering on that all after finishing my a level my degree I'm working for Vision Australia it now is in administration you are your did you see this is don't glory man don't say my guy is the degree cool you see why didn't say he would se say glory doesn't occur in God knows for all things I use so who owns what we want vision me he was a genius 282 with the way back boy so I own Paul Paul who wrote this one is mine okay anyway Oh Poulos even Apollo's is mine or Cephas even Peter or the world I own the world or life even life or death so you mean even dying it's me who decides when I die all things present nor things present even the future are all things to come Oh things to come I own them all yours the Oreos so what decides where would dies way you who decides whether to get to life you not God God is not sending you to hell you sending yourself to your true duty but he gives you a way to remove the guilty then he says if the way is not working for you and you have not practice they can guess what when you see repeat what I said about you see you died for my sin then guess what Elka I carry so I will clean your conscience and when I clean your conscience Duty disappears and when you disappears you are clean before me so what do I do to stop see I take the conscience of righteousness I'm righteous I'm holy I'm like Christ Jesus I'm like this imagine saying I'm lonely I'm like Christ Jesus with the bottle of vodka I'm like Christ Jesus you yourself like no no no no let's just talk this way to go get I it doesn't correspond alright let's get another question because you all right this is but one guys we've got a god but to some other time they do some bigger things because I can't be you know taking your time like this and taking my time in the same that there are things that I wanted to say today that I can say I'm just answering questions now yeah you are helping so much thank you prophet dude it went Suey on Ackerman Graham is saying is I'm gonna summarize because it's quite long he said some years back in Switzerland a certain man of God was working miracles in the conference and then he made the comment that it was the ring that the man of God was wearing that was causing the miracles to happen in other words it wasn't the Holy Spirit at work so in a previous broadcast you did mention that you can grieve the Holy Spirit if you say that miracle is not of God so now he's saying do I still have a chance to make heaven if I'm not or if I'm not forgiven did he know about it he doesn't say whether he knew what he was saying but now he's feeling bad that he actually said it because when you started it but the points I mentioned is it you have to say it ignorant yeah but if you knew the correcting that angel is used by God but I just want to stand here and say it's not used by God then you definitely did deliberately knowing or pausing the Holy Ghost which deliberately C so if you didn't know I receive one thing let me give you one blanket thing so you understand if you are here and used to worshiping God guess what chant is 100% that you didn't grease the Holy Ghost you you might have proved him there but you did not sin against him committed the unpardonable sin Griffing happens but a nepali person is what we are talking about here so the unpardonable sin is the most difficult thing that i'm talking about you know Griffing the spirit is not the thing that is unpardonable sin okay so now what i'm saying is the fact that you are here most people that have committed and pardonable sin don't even want to see Jesus don't even want to hear him in fact all the people that they've committed it don't hear body they don't some people their mother dies and they would say that Jesus is useless you know they already know that no he's not useless but I'm angry because my mother died so they are angry at Jesus right now if you call them say let's go to chase your blog and know Jesus took my mother are you serious you know because they told Jesus were gonna prevent it from happening yet this verse says what even death is yours you controlled it by your own mouth you controlled it do you know what gives you long life the pipe was a simple or not your father and your mother listen to them do it Allah does mean I respect him as a good money good money no or not their words what do they say what do they speak all right I took my wife's father to my mother my mother just looked at it like this it was in 20 minutes of seeing it you were like yeah this one is the one there was no there was no negotiation you know this one this one is the one the realities the realities do you know if she had say no I was too gonna do it but I was gonna do it without honoring it but I was also happy that at that time I was born again to the point that I knew the power of a mother and there was no way she would've said no I'm the one who brought the pepper as a here yeah you see if she was the raw money she would've said I don't know then I'd be like oh my god this is a bad idea I'm gonna look for somebody that this woman really like Greece with she wasn't gonna look for me I was looking and this one she didn't know nobody you understand the point so the Bible says honor your father and mother twice once it's honor your mother and father then another one says honor your mother for that in the Lord so you have spiritual honor for spiritual father's then for natural mothers and fathers so it's for your gaze to be increased on the end for you taste increase for your gaze to increase so what gives you long life honoring your mother father so you know that already Sophie angel is asking what happens during tribulation to those who died outside of Christ they're dead they're not going to heaven when they go to hell hell is still operating but then after the tribulation of that one really one thousand years when when the devil is not being thrown into the lake of fire remember Diana then the lake of fire Gehenna is so who be taken and put in the lake of fire Gaia is a living organism it is a mouth all right it is a stomach it's written day so the Royal purposes even the devil shall be taken to the sides of the pit to the side like the side of the stomach and the walls of the stomach of the of Dana Gehenna is got a stomach it's written day if you look in in the Hebrew you realize that it's actually formed like a peasant I'm not saying it's a peasant please but it is what combate means if the Bible says the devil shall be taken and put to the sides that means they are watered and other places it's not the same what no different temperatures for different people then it will be taken itself Gehenna and be placed in one place with one temperature called the lake of fire it will be thrown in there so that's where you are going if you are asking your location Patrick Pearse is saying Papa why did Jesus tell us to pray that it happens not in winter Oh actually I actually described it I said what is being given there is just the agents of it pray that you will not be busy doing something and not busy doing what God calls you to do that's what it's saying see you are busy playing snooker and people talking nonsense and stuff like that when this thing is for the church that is ready all right so that's the point that is talking about don't be joking around so I thought today I'm just I'm just gonna be in the pub you know it's just my friend's birthday so like a bit drinking you know I'll just be talking with the boys as we wind up for you and Jesus arrive like okay yes finish a little bit hey come back for your test - yes yes you know F of the world is gonna die how do you know you're not a part of it all right so that's what it means three more questions and we are done for tonight and that's part one enough sin that I've done more than two hours now you know silence my pens were held please pray for me guys so that I would be able by the Spirit of the Lord to do one hour these two hours are up doing guys I really need to pray our ears out the infected is not there is nothing what pray over yeah prayer is not a better you got the what are you what are you fighting all right yeah oh yeah there's nothing to do he says so if I have the Mac of Christ and at the time he's talking about the rapture and at the time I do something wrong will I be left behind because I've got the muck of Christ if or what he says if I have the muck of Christ and I do something wrong during the rapture remember when we're talking about the Mac of Christ we say the Holy Spirit how come people who are with the Holy Spirit now can go to hell and now you are protected when you are going we only on the time trying to explain that that during the tribulation the seal is the Holy Spirit we found that in the we found that before before the rapture that there is something that is actually in the macro Christ which is the seal and we realize the seal is what is the Holy Spirit so if the people that are actually born again with the Holy Ghost can mess up and go to hell and they have to Christians do you think you have better chances during tribulation or before tribulation that's your homework in fact your home but please don't wake because this is so simple you you get even see the chance is then a more difficult in Chinese now so if people who are born again here with the Holy Spirit can go to hell because of what I've just been describing about seeing about contains about whatever that means just right there you have a problem and we're talking about grieving the Holy Spirit we learn about all these things so that means it's gonna be very easy all right is it the things that you hate about God right now you get into trouble black code but whatever time you know you're asking about like whatever I don't like go to black or white wait let's take the book they take a whole book like this with your sins they say this is just the introduction to your sins you say what have you done so imagine the things that make you think Oh God how can you do my father just passed away God what are you doing good imagine that day how many things will be happening to you that will cause you to say those things that you don't mean that will cause you to get into an upward and paddle opposed impact within the things that coming out of the beating you up this one is coming out trying to kill you this one is trying to behead you this work and you just think God drew out of my prayers are not answered you shot it good before you know it before you know it you've already committed that but no passim it's a very dangerous location to be in if you can get disappointed with good enough with a job your mother is Tuesday your father is Tuesday you'll get disappointed by code imagine that time when you'll be getting into your house like this you get in there a lioness gotten in it killed all your stability including your mother and your father in those days and you think but I was praying yes that they got to protect my mother father look at this oh god what are you doing the Papa Papa before you know it there will be more chances to speak nonsense about God at that time yeah what about a Christian who has committed suicide say as they have not confessed before death now I want to deal with suicide in to Path number one we don't know when they committed the suicide thing what has happened before they died did they speak did they confess were you there did you hear them talk if you were there when they committed a suicide you killed them you should have cut the rope so so since you were not then you don't know what they say before they could see they did report where they could not change the the you know some people you'll be trying to hold on to that rope they have changed their mind because now painful and maybe they say they have forgiveness then but number two if you commit suicide and you commit suicide and didn't say that you committed a sin why suicide is mainly a result of pride most people who commit suicide if not hundred percent they have pride all right now people we have relatives that committed suicide i angry at me right now but do I care do I look like I care I don't pride makes people commit suicide why imagine why did you commit suicide because I sinned I did this one impregnated two women so you are afraid to be seen in public now after this see pride they decided let me end it because I can't stand it Oh what about so many what about those people who who have got maybe their mother and mother died and stuff like that and then they decided I can't live without them fear why because they realize they can't live without their father or their mother or their sister now feels not having a good life without that has taken over so they died of fear they killed themselves because of fear Sophia is not a spirit of God is the spirit of the of the devil for God has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of what Salma son means fear is coming from one from the devil so it's because of fear and pride mainly so all these things are the ones that causes suicide there's one that cost suicide well Nick so mr. nixel is saying the scripture says after death comes judgment how then will the dead rise again on rapture were those that I judged says what he's saying the scripture says after death comes judgment how then will the dead rise again during the rapture okay well they come back to them to the people being raptured oh they're gonna be taken to heaven is well sounds gonna be taken to heaven but you need to understand one thing it says for we shall come together with him I think what he's the dead in Christ that you think the scripture says after death comes don't be thinking that they did when they died their judge didn t go to hell so how are they coming back again alright I think we dealt with that another day when we were talking about there is a difference between prison and judging and then sentencing there are two judgments here in your in your world where you have a time when you are taken to a judge before judge for sentencing all right so there is a time you sin straight you go to hell before judging anything then there comes a judgement where the judge now sees it's just telling you what you did that gara that warrant is that you are where you are so you can't even a do you be there ain't no I didn't think if Haugen good put me here and the judgment comes like okay guys you know that time cause because of this and this and this and this and this that you did same thing with us we are going through a judgment not to be judged for what we did but to be given the rewards for what we perform imagine somebody summer will suit and stuff oh you sue somebody and then then you win the your whatever your court case that's exactly what what is gonna be like for Christians they go there and they are told now you want your cat court case that a dad so it's not like some people say it's gonna be like a screen like for 4k full-color from the day you were born you see us off like oh wow wow then you start grid one you are stealing you are lying we have passed from judgment to life I mean we skip the judgment with judgment did we skip the one that talks about what did you do what did you do what did you why because sin is not a problem with God all right we have a question on Adam grant from Kennedy man Wanda he's saying as a businessman I would like to know if Africa will rise before the world ends will the world end while Africa is poor he Africa is the richest continent on Earth riches continue no profit proof you know Britain has nothing 7 to 1% of Britain you know what they have more than Africa Alucard whatever that is what heavies talk they talk 71% of British economy is built on talking just giving you information of things that they don't have no mind to talk about are no mining industry you can actually count on you own your hand like nothing but guess what richest country why they know how to manage there are many things in Africa that we are giving Chinese people do you know we're talking about Chinese people the Chinese that took a black man in an advert in national advent a black man for cleaning detergents they advertised a black man in the street grebs a black man not in the studio ever they took him grab grab the black man put the the cleaning detention Xindi in the washing machine put the black man they've closed and he came out white and they are selling detergents like that on national TV and as those are the guys that we are giving all our countries in Africa president allowing Chinese to look the whole country the continent better give it to the British at least you can negotiate something these guys don't know nothing they are they are busy taking anything really looting Africa that's exactly what's taking place right now so you say I forget snot rich forgets rich one of the most landed continents on earth why because they mostly knit but the problem is we not textbook information in the resources they take the resources they siphon them and bring them here why is it happening like that because the leaders in Africa most leaders I'm not talking about every leader of every every country the biggest problem when you teach like this someone is oh oh you're talking about your country's president oh you're talking about that other present I'm just talking about a general Africa's got some corrupt people not because they want to be corrupt but because of the gap that was left because of colonialism something in now in America the black people you can't blame them for the crimes why they were left in the ghettos the economic different the difference day there needs to be some reparations for that gap imagine taking people from Africa from their from their countries from wow the culture they know and you just grab them grab their children in on the sea straight to America and after that they revolt you kill their mother and if the mother and father are giving you problems at your plantation you sell the mother you take the young child you keep the young child you so the brother it is they never see each other for years oh they are died without seeing each other and guess what after doing that to about six billion people six six six hundred million of some people you tell them yeah I can't give you reparations yet the Jews when they have a problem in you know in in Germany you you have given them reparations you've given them money for what happened and yet you don't give black people for what happened seems as if there is a fee or some way that if we give black people money they will rise so you can't tell me that Africa is poor it is rich it's the people that need to wake up and when they wake up kick the Chinese out of that can tell you remember in the bubble you save two pounds two pounds ago in between we actually reduced our currency the current was one pound as to one Zimbabwean dollar in the national standard to the extent that the economy of bridge in Zimbabwe they even said let's lower our currents let's reduce our devalue our current rather for the right wait devalue our currents and we made our two dollars are to be we say now how your pound is equivalent or two dollars so that we could do trade in an easy way people do that Australia did that with an American dollar they lower their they develop their own currency so that they can continue trading safely and then our two dollars was now called pondo in other words the say Shona wait for pound to say it is the pound and what happened the British kind of did what they did and the Chinese came in we allow the Chinese to come in the currents wind what happens if there is any success in Africa the Chinese needs to move up wake up and the resources will be gone I'm just saying I just say all right all right all right they are really looking at you see it you see it country zoo resources will be gone because in China they have no wait for for crisis the next the nearest way to crisis that China has is the word opportunity so when you leave this all this coronavirus or they're thinking of this opportunity and you are finding crisis they have no wait for it they didn't click you see the couple the Chinese vocabulary is got a lot of words but they have no actual actual weight that represents crisis the next one nearest one is opportunity so when economy is not working they they are thinking that's an opportunity for us to go to Africa you know but you think I start seeing opportunities if you have a Chinese they a Chinese guy met mohandro in London and said you know what's wrong with your people he got angry like what do you mean you're my eight people so your black people so the Chinese girl oh yeah black limousine oh yeah tell me so the problem is when they go to Manchester they call their relatives and ask how much per hour can they be paid for a shift my people when they go to Manchester they look for a shop a connection to sell to a few people imagine the difference already they have problems they I've worked in Britain for a long time when I was you know coming up and most people here what most of you have worked in Britain you have not worked with the Chinese in there over 1 billion I think and you've not worked with him why simple they are rich mother their mindset is different the thinking of looting taking over so Africa is not drop like you're talking about Africa is rich you just need to get rid of Chinese people I did not say you see any Chinese get away get away no I'm talking about this fake investment that they are there for imagine the money that they bring into Africa it has never changed tells you when the British were they yes they colonized the country it was wrong but when they the countries it was wrong but when they got in there they actually put structures in place actually put structures that you could access it that is a structure that is a strike these guys are not doing it they put a structure they want to own that part to these guys of course they colonize and put structures and then you know they kind of stayed with the people now these guys are looting and taking into their country they're not staying there I think this is now our country no no no it's not happening and look at this day now they brought the virus now one virus they paid World Health Organization to say don't please Trump should not say who it came from one we say Chinese food Chinese food simple stuff like that all right two more questions we're done I'm tired now Diane I'm tired but I just need you two guys to pray for me for me to 40 minutes or 30 minutes every service 30 minutes for the minutes boom all right Diane Frankland said what about the return of Elijah should we expect this to happen during the tribulation no I'm I'm talking I would talk to you about it I'm not answering that one we did that right we actually have a message only two so when I say nope I don't mean they don't not coming during the tribulation okay all right because that's when they will be coming but they were also resurrected during the tribulation and go to heaven [Music] but anyway I did not say Elijah or Moses check what I say I didn't say Elijah Enoch check what I said I don't talk about what I've already preached cause a lot of people know exactly what I said so he's right there ecology Center said prophet is going to church every Sunday a guarantee of going to heaven no you can actually go to church every Sunday all right in your is Cena is whatever IDs is the devil himself going to church is not an issue but it's a good manner to go to change so that you receive the word all right the increment that is able to build you up since the Bible is able to build you up so the issues the weight will build you up so it's not church attendance all right what if you're going to a toxic change what are you going to church that is no wait what if you just go to church and sit like this there some people go to church and sit like this in their own day what's up talking to their friend is the is the preachers preaching and why you oh hi will see you now three please please go to this shop there is a blouse of mine and a sketch and some shoes just send me send me send me what Kano has done send me please please go to that Gucci euhh think you're going to heaven because you have attended a service the issues the way the issues the weight if I don't know whether people understand Mike my son Isis is the word is the word getting into you the entrance of the word give it a light but they should be fellowship with other brothers and sisters right that fellowship is good it's quite Nonya there is a sharing and impacting of these things that an experience that you actually have a family that's what is important imagine I sit here in my house for two three four days I don't come out my kids come and say good morning I don't answer talk like this these guys do I need to fellowship them I had them talk to them sometimes if I don't see them I kind of come back to I come back home around 11:00 and they are in bed I can just go there and trouble them until they wake up and sometimes I have to take photos because I've told him so many times I was in your room and I know like this is our selfie you know and OB they're talking nicely and they forget but at least I've done something and then we laugh about it the following day because I miss them seeing them the whole day so I have to have that kind of fellowship in the family same thing we change one last question Naveen Kumar said we have the Mac of Christ and the mark of the beast so now he wants to understand how somebody called Elroy I think you came in let some preachers say we will go through tribulation apparently if you listen to some preachers after listening to angel I don't know what you want with other preachers a Jew is enough for me oh it's important we have one preacher you respect your honor that will tell you what you need to hear all right having all these United Nations this preacher this preacher this preacher this preacher you get confused so he wanted to know if the muck on cane is possibly the muck of Christ nope no no no no please don't confuse Mack the cane issue and this the cane issue if you listen to what I said about Hebrews 8 8 and ebro's 9 17 I was Minister I was ministering on Hebrews 8 8 I don't want to read that you know ok it 8 8 9 we were talking about on the day that I made the covenant right when I took them out of Egypt that is Exodus 19 all right that means before that is not Old Testament Genesis is not in the audio cement is an old book okay because of ever since the old testament says in Exodus 19 according to that verse in Hebrews so anything before Exodus 19 is another disposition that is not in the Old Covenant it is among the Old Testament books according to the way they were written here but according to Hebrews 8 they day I made the covenant when I took them on the day I took them out of Egypt that means we are we know for sure that the Old Covenant starts in Exodus 19 because that's the day God says I made a covenant with them so before that the Covenant is not made so is he operating and the law no is the operating under grace dead closed why because I made her accuse and God protects the middle didn't get it and God says who sort of accuse the Madera and the muck was put so that people who see don't kill this one it is a typing shadow of it but it is not but it is representative of what of grace because the law had not studied and the Old Covenant was not studied the Old Covenant only starts Exodus 19 we have prophet Mario asking a question about one of his leaders he said tell me what do I do with someone he's a leader in his church but he's continuously smoking how do I help him what's the best way to help that I've mentioned it conscience that person is a leader with no weight in them so the problem is the weight it's not this scene you know one thing I think I would just do a service talking about sin so people really gain what sin is all right the problem of God is not sin he dealt with sin on the cross the problem of the people is they do not have the word the word give it like the entrance of the word give it like not the weight just in front of you like this it needs to end up to enter so this person is light in their head weight in their head but it is an internal spirit if it enters their spirit then light shines on the darkness of smoking light shines on the darkness of drinking light shines of the darkness of stealing light shining on the darkness of life that's how it works but it doesn't just shine light you have to have that message that is connected to that area you are struggling with consistently fade into you we have a brilliant man of God in America with a name of a currency in u.s. spectacles for eyes that means he is not healed in his eyes but he is mighty rich that means the word concerning money has ended the word concerning healing of the eyes not yet it is entering but it has not yet gotten in SOI heavily to override the eye problem exactly is it his problem no he's not dying by wearing spectacles so much they like it I have a brother wisdom with the doctor very Leonard guy and he just likes wearing those glasses they don't they are not they cleaning or whatever they are no time you know prescribed prescription glasses just clear ones him and he's been wearing them for a long time to the extent if he removes them if something feels kind of funny all right it's like Smith who goes with moving without a Bible he said I felt naked so he the New Testament he would move with every time and if he doesn't have it he thought like he wasn't rest so he's not dying by wearing that so it doesn't make up for him but if you don't like it he then has to get the Word of God concerning but healing for himself and then the word so might link that he'd overcome it overcame that ball blindness zero overcame that fear overcame that thing and some people just okay with that kind of limitation and blankets okay not a problem at all moving right my wife was wearing size six or so six and when I started doing the food size size reduction miracles the first day I started doing it she tend to size five I hadn't been lay hands on yet Oh God Cameron like hey guys there is a miracle here nope it was just at home when she was moving from the church like I can't fit this size to this day something now that I've told you my wife's eyes don't send shoes please Oh somebody send me some some shed and another suit day please don't send me any facial nothing please please please don't leave I'm not interested in no funds a brother of mine was send a very big soup like from here today that the wife would even help him old ladies from afar because somebody in the pride to think they understand fishy on modern day I mean of course the Tony was the same way for I would just buy you two so don't buy my wife shoes it's alright we are okay we have a lot of shoes in fact she has a shoe company for Vincenzo Luca NES that's enough okay we can do that all and love you so much for people who want to sell shoes don't fit so for the people that are giving through YouTube just remember YouTube takes 30 percent if you want to give through our website you can do it but this is not a day we talk about offering you know it's not that no more service no more services tomorrow and I'll be dealing with the subject the flood before Noah's Flood all right and you might say what does it you know some people asking so what is this to do with the gospel it is the gospel but is it just because you are a dunderhead a nincompoop a food that is food by other fools and you have no idea what the purpose is it doesn't mean to say there are some people that have not found the papers and if you keep listening and listening in your Mick the Bob says the meek shall inherit the one the teacher possibly the ones with a teachable spirit join him at the earth to want to really want to be rich and Nick their teacher poor they listen to the teachers and they land in the inherit but you you know everything so this is an affinity what I will need to help us then two minutes three minutes introduce our that's why this is why this way and boom right now this messages already taught you about seeing how to prevent it what is happening yet we're talking about the day after you thought I was just dealing with the punishment that will come I didn't have time to talk about it they're serious and the trumpets and stuff like that but I got you to get to discuss what you should do to never assume you're going but to know you are going but also prevent not going that's what's the purpose of this message it wasn't the purpose to tell you one by one you shall be bitten by a locust that's not that's not the premise and on the day that actual happened thousands if not millions will die the same day so don't bank on it what if I'm left as a Christian in the rapture has taken place that else the rapture goes like this people on planes they are driving whatever they are driving they are on trains and if they appreciate they will be taken and the plane is falling the crate the Train is crushing millions are dying including you will be left behind and yet your Christians but you have not gotten the time to repent so you can die on the same plane for what purpose just because you don't want to go with the first flight or you feel like I can't change now you know the way I like patting you know that way I like clapping God will come while it's clapping and say assistant and just just finish the same thing we are coming and you don't know you talking about seven years later it's one more question for the road this one has come so so so many times its proper what will happen to the pregnancies of children of non-believers during the rapture Oprah children all go to heaven what about children all go to heaven yes children will go to heaven they are children yeah definitely they are pregnant so disappear what about this be be careful yeah but they would be born but they can't be born after tribulation that's like a world with no children so just imagine you you know you are you are you're pretty that's what the purpose is pray that you're not pregnant and you don't breastfeed at that time remember you're holding a babe like this breastfeeding like this and boom are the pain of youth left behind and the pain of a child disappearing and the new CNN will say it's what happened Mars and Pluto in alignment and then the exes did this and then the the children were sucked into the atmosphere they won't give a reason because you see one thing there'll be some process who we have been left here who will be arguing that if it was the real rapture would be I shall be gone so it's alive if the rapido was taking all Christians it was gonna be so easy for for cartoon news network CNN to to tell some truth you know and and say look guys there's a problem here a the people that have gone are all Christians they all say there are some Christians that have gone and there's some Christians that if left with that idea now imagine them be some fifteen fifteen twenty at the guy so two hundred or two thousand other Muslims that changed in their houses and the mothers like no but my son is Muslim because the matter doesn't know the son received Christ so there'll be a lot of confusion news items who say no mine is Ian do we were with him the baptizing is they were dipping in the ocean together two months ago he's not a Christian and has been taken so the news would be like it no it's not even ruptures and lies some religions who say no because their sons are hiding that they're Christians because all died so they'll come out and say is Muslim say that so news would be everywhere Christians M gone yet but Muslims also it won't Hindus also if gone and and and and people who worship as good this they've God because they don't know those guys change and received Christ so they will give you all kinds of news all right guys so love you so much guys and thank you for giving me an opportunity to minister to you the Bible says how can they go unless they are sent but also how can they go to preach unless this somebody to preach to and I'm excited that I've got mature people like you guys who can be whatever ask questions the ones you like and and and and all some of this evangelist Yousef shake I am a Muslim background but Christian now thank you welcome to the family [Applause] thank you for you to board with the word thank you so much Ken thank you so guys thank you for being part and parcel of what we do and those who are you better enjoy Foundation Financial Partners you're seeing what we're doing with you better angel but remember you are seeing Zimbabwe but we have posted Zambia we have posted other countries as well America with the VP prostatitis is doing his thing with these people New York Washington DC you know it's happening people are doing it so just understand that when you see as posting Zimbabwe it's because the public text news and they spread them and they do videos with ministers and MPs and stuff like that so some are doing it with mayors and stuff like that especially Zambia did it and the videos went around and we posted some so don't think is one country we have a lot of countries that we are covering all right so we love you so much guys we love you so much may God bless any tomorrow the service is what 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. as usual because you are locked down 7:00 p.m. you're all love downs I so 7 p.m. and it's called the flood before Noah's Flood I love you I believe in God so I believe in good news and we are not out of good news we just [Music] sometimes you read some few things and you don't understand at all that in the scriptures there are some spiritual conundrums that can make you if you understand them spiritually when you spiritually comprehend them they make you a spiritual gender not a force to reckon with I'm not talking about you understanding it from a a celebra approach no I'm talking about
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 52,406
Rating: 4.9160523 out of 5
Id: xmDlK0EGmLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 54sec (11094 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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