BEFORE ADAM | Part 2 with Prophet Uebert Angel (MAJOR)

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Pete city Anita did city not eating Street did did I dee da dee da dee da dee da dee da fresh fire oh my god during this awakening Almighty God may we never be the same maybe never be the same Holy Spirit Oh we spoon ties are smooth baptize us where the Holy Spirit baptized us with yeah yes around sunny Glenda year for new nanny shaadi no news me eben uyoku Rose Marie Queerty AB Romina Yasu we have the mandate we've been called spread his word we are intercessors The Ambassadors yes Pete see it city the heat city not eating Street indeed God Eater dee da dee da dee da dee da da fresh fire oh my god during this awakening Almighty God may we never be the same maybe never be the same Holy Spirit Oh yeah glory be to the Most High God welcome to today's service are you excited before Adam Pottle it will be an awesome Sunday as usual if last Sunday was anything to go by then you know for sure today is going to be something else so I want you to get your spirit ready alright I didn't say your body I want you to get your spirit ready to receive something today because we are about to pray and when we pray just like we did last week pray that the word of the Lord that His Prophet is going to speak today locates you everything that he's gonna talk about today it's about you don't think about anyone else think about yourself introspection where do I fit in this word that's the way to do it so we're gonna pray so that our flesh is under we kill our flesh we don't want anything to do with the flesh today we want our spirits to feed to nourish and to grow today so it's very very important that you prepare yourself so before we do that we're gonna get into today's word in our prophetic messenger the good news daily so I want you to get your good news daily devotional so that we can read what today is all about so Sunday June 21st Wow it's June 21st already that's amazing and today's word is power of your words proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof there is so much power in the words that you speak can you imagine that even your salvation requires your mouth to make that confession that Jesus is Lord many of God's people suffer today because they are too quiet it's not enough to believe it in your heart you have to say something jesus said that if you will say to this mountain be moved from here to there it would obey it may be a mountain of sickness a mountain of barrenness a mountain of poverty when you begin to speak and proclaim the good news of God's grace over your life it has no choice but to move out of your way hallelujah isn't that amazing life and death lie in the power of your tongue so whatever you declare even as we pray today you have to understand that the scripture said it he said anything that you say that's it all right so there is so much power in what you say so the prophetic declaration for today I would like you to sing it after me it goes this way I choose to speak life today I decree and declare that my life is changing not just for the better but for the best so today before we start praying I'm just gonna greet a few people right here on attend Graham you know how I feel I'm always on Adam Graham I can see that Shashi is connected dr. Sam T Shaniqua is connected and he should be expecting prophets call anytime that's amazing clarity V is here to naturally Gamu a GoSee flora mu Dubois here Tama is here Carol is also here Bromley sugar Anita is also here Carol is also watching welcome everyone we are going to have an amazing amazing amazing service and it just so happens to be Father's Day amazing and tonight we are geared for the concert it is going to be absolutely amazing it will be off the chain and it's amazing because we get to celebrate prophet that way too so before we get into anything else I want you to get up out of your seat because we are about your prayer we want to pray and declare that today's word which is so fitting this is why I love our prophetic messenger the good news daily devotional it has a specific word for a specific day and it just fits for every day it just fits every day so right now we want to declare the word for today was that anything that you say has power there is life in it you have power in your tongue right now in your mouth right now there is power so if there is power in what I say I'm about to declare something today so I want you to rise to your feet right now so that we can pray I want you to rise to your feet the Bible says even if you tell a mountain be removed from here to there whatever it is if it's a contract that wasn't working if it's your health if the mountain is a bad relationship or a relationship going sour whatever it is whatever mountain you are facing right now I want you to pray about it and we are going to help you to pray about it we are all praying in agreement in Silvernail so we are going to agree right now I want you to raise your hand so that we can pray begin to pray right now open up your spirit to receive yield to the Spirit of God to receive I want you to pray pray pray right now whatever the man of God is going to declare that is your word for today begin to speak it right now declare it right now there is power in your words Masekela Coast and Arabic a Sunday a trabajar me Sakuraba syndication atarraya mas in darayya otra cosa and Arabic assemble a yah mo cetera at Ron de vacas a chariot and Abajo same day relate Arabic assemble at ruckus and area mas in Decorah Honda Mikasa Rakesh Katara Sundara kiss Pattaya trabaja kata miss Sakura young Maria pray pray pray right away you are keep praying he pranky free mints in Daraa Kusaka tarea gender Ibaka son mentioned area chakra hey hey hey hey son Dirac as condom ashika Truitt rava messenger go cetera at random opposite a Muslim Derek Assam Dara Kolkata Mass in darayya tacos and a dietary kosher ayat Arabic isamu akasaki Tariq and Arya open up your spirit to receive new to the school of the Lord today come on somebody pray pray pray wherever you are lift up your voice wherever you are right now in surah Baqarah ayah sleep praying he prayed he prayed mass in darayya Atacama yato sundaraiah mass endure a holocaust Indaba a terrible war tsundere yet anaconda Hamas and area Taraka Sunday show today atomic asunder ayat Arabic o saga machine Daria caution gotta see Katara Sundiata so Katara yeah Terra Mikasa in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah what a mighty God we serve I know for a fact that something good is about to happen to you today I just want you to believe it only believe all things are possible whatever situation you're facing today Cove Adorno Cove it whatever it is know today that something is gonna happen in your life all you need to do is stay here connected to this broadcast today when the man of God comes whatever he utters from his mouth take it as your salvation whatever it is that you desire that is it that is it that's your miracle that's your breakthrough so receive it right now distance is not a barrier for the Holy Spirit to do his work so don't say wow if only I was closer to prophet as he speaking if only prophet could lay hands on me let that voice be the connector that you need let it be exactly what you need the connection you need so it is well with you in the name of Jesus I'm just gonna read out um just one testimony before we go I have so many that we have received during the course of the week but I'll just read one and this one is coming from Tinashe he's saying greetings in the name of Jesus a few days ago I was involved in a motor vehicle accident where I was hit from behind by the trailing vehicle the police officer who attended the scene charged me with driving without insurance and also implied that I was in the wrong however I remember the message by Prophet manipulating spiritual systems I went in prayer and declared if I be a child of God that there be cancellation of all charges that my car be fixed by the other counterparts insurance glory be to God all charges were dropped and I'm getting my car fixed Thank You prophet for the word which works not some of the time but all the time we have so many tests when it's called people are receiving scholarships promotions even after ministry Academy so many things are falling into good places so listen to me whatever it is even your car listen to Tina's testimony he just had it was a an accident that he had and everything was being blamed on him but he declared the same word that prophet is teaching us today and always just declared it he remembered it he said no my man of God said this it has to work in my life that's exactly how we do it so be prepared because it's gonna be a good service so we will see you right after this property is here and he's geared before Adam is gonna be delectable as usual so see you right after this every situation if you are watching me by way of television now I decree in declare life to everyda situation and resurrection to every situation in the name of Jesus whether it's cancer is vanished when I diabetes it is gone whether his paralysis it is gone HIV gone cold in the name of Jesus a resurrection to every situation life to everyda situation in Jesus Mike there my ship will galley Cara - she odd Co blackest good news world with lewbert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing you he see city PETA PETA city not eating Street I did God Eater dee da dee da dee da dee da dee da fresh wire oh my god during this awakening Almighty God may we never be the same maybe never be the same Holy Spirit you know we spoon ties us with baptize us where the Holy Spirit but yeah Sookie yours around sunny grand a year - I know me eben uyoku Rose Marie we are t-ara bina in our society here on dish Rosi Rosi I know his son I know condo CA Oh listen wherever you're watching from wherever you're watching from we alive today millions of people will be joining us in some already live with us on miracle TV a YouTube Facebook of review Roku a lot of places good news TV and we have Adam Graham as well and a lot of our sons and daughters around the world and other TV stations that are actually connecting to this all right so we have a lot of things taking place right now we have a lot of things taking place I believe starting from this week right I think will be in the Middle East in the middle is starting from when also Friday Friday next week we started Friday we went live on Friday so in fact we aware in the Middle East not a forget area in the Middle East and some parts of Europe Wow Wow in fact in fact the satellite we are on now that covers that is actually more expensive than the one that covers Africa so we have a lot of things happening up here trust me things that taking place I don't even know it was Friday did you know that no we started Friday then Friday this new so we are moving around the world and we were promising people gonna be in India and India in India India's gonna be touched but right now we went with Middle East North Africa part of Europe just to cover the whole thing and so right now some brothers in the Muslim world are watching us so we'll mention some few countries that are that are being covered in a few kind of during the broadcast and you you see that we are actually covering a lot of places a lot of places a lot of places so we're excited to be here and I know you are excited and before we start the service I want to say listen happy Father's Day to have your father every father happy Father's Day it does not take being male to be a father to be a father it takes something beyond being male alright so there are a lot of people who are fatherless it doesn't mean say the father is not there it just means the father is not there it doesn't mean the presence of a father in the sense of the father was they a father to father the child it is simply the father who stood father the child has disappeared but is he there yeah is there some way but it's a child fatherless mm-hmm that means fathers actually mean you are taking care of you the ones you fathered some understand what the Bible says to say is if any of you provide not for his own family he has lost the faith he is worse than an infidel in other words if you don't provide for on your own family as a male figure and you've got your children there that means you're not a father you give birth to the children but you're not a father so this Father's Day is to the real father's so but before we do that before we get to the service we have to get to elder a brother a singing yell la yeah thank you thank you thank you so much and then a lot of things are gonna be happening today before I don't party of course but we have the concert tonight what time is it again what time is it again 7 p.m. BST all right 17 British Standard Time so some African countries it'll be 8 I believe some before getting calories with midnight I don't know but the point is so many people say oh just tell us times you know like you know what it will be in my country we have a lot of Nicias watching I'm paying telling you it'll take us posts and posts and posts to just mention your your country what you need to do is look at BST and know exactly what it is in your in your country don't be lazy so a lot is gonna happen a lot is gonna happen tonight so the concert tonight is going to be fabulous fabulous I'm telling all these guys are gonna be there ministering and the Lord is gonna do marvelous stuff marvelous but it is are you better angel so I I give you back to the music ministrations of our brilliant brilliant brilliant good news is pastor femi with it is I Oh I I thank you the time the time is now the time is now so we are broadcasting live to all these countries it's amazing I just we have Italy Germany Denmark France Algerian Austria as by Jane Bahrain Belgium Bulgaria right Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Egypt Jordan Georgia there is a country in Europe called Georgia by the way it is not an American thing Greece Hungary Netherlands India not now we're in India India North Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait all right exact Stan whatever the name is Lebanon Libya Moldova Morocco Nepal Oman Pakistan Katara Romania Saudi Arabia Serbia Sudan North Syria Tajikistan Tunisia teck teck Manston United Arab Emirates hos Baxton Yemen Kazakhstan and Afghanistan as well I are you hearing the sound of breaking records we are breaking records everywhere just imagine because we were speaking about it all this week about let the signal go on and was supposed to goal I think when it's day then Thursday then it didn't happen so I thought it was gonna be next week it's already Friday so really happening right now we are they in these countries now and that's a different satellite footprint on its own but we are taking it to those countries as Morocco TV not as good news TV alright and we're gonna be having another channel in America and also in India and we were thinking to call one of those TVs maybe in America or be cold wow TV so we have we have spirit TV we have spirit TV that I want to be maybe baby and I are thinking to put it in the Caribbean islands then we have the American side of it Wow TV you're watching just wow yeah that's what I want to do I understand you know you know I understand that the the whole world is watching and one thing you need to understand we know exactly where we are we are at the very end of the end of times and the Bible says it it calls it in the book of Timothy in fact 2nd Timothy 3 verse number one it tells us that it is the S Cotto's the last of the last when you're opening the precise last chapter then you open the last page in the last chapter that's where we are in history so it's very very important to understand it is important that we put this gospel around the world this revelation we are giving to you it's beyond all right so I love you so much and raise your hand who ever you are father in the name of Jesus blessed be his name both now and forever blessed be your name father in the name of Jesus now everyone watching right now be blessed but their eyes will be claims that they can hear clearly annoying their eyes with I solve so the scales can be lifted off in the name of Jesus cried I decree and declare right now that they're gonna hear a word in season that they do not get bogged down in the issues of Revelation and complexities and and explanations but they get to a point where they say surely God did something for me because he loves me this much they understand the anta line of that revelation in the Magnum of Jesus Christ right now father help me remove this tank of flesh this I of flesh replace it with the eyes of the Spirit and the tongue of the Spirit in the name of Jesus so that when I speak I speak the Oracles of God then I speak only what you caused me to speak in jesus name amen and amen love you so so so much and listen we gotta go into the word the book of Genesis it's amazing it's amazing we are a lot of people wondering what are you saying it's coming from and all that and it so happens that we have a lot of also people that do not understand the power of Revelation and the power of understanding that things that they think are not in the Bible they are in the Bible and I don't know if you're getting this if you're getting this this is not a ploy to try and agree with science no big difference this is not it we have not been caned into this revelation because of science no we understand that good science agrees with the Bible then there is bad science all right so we understand this for instance if you understand that the Bible says and God met the waters that way antim to go above the heavens and it put a feminine to separate and when you look at it you don't think about it that at that time the force of gravity had not been discovered and the Bible is already telling you that there was already a famer meant to prevent things that are but from going I don't think that up from going up and if you look in the book of Genesis you realize once and it's in the beginning God created the heaven in the earth that alone is a scripture is already fulfilling physics it is code time space continuum so what you have is in the beginning beginning is time mm-hmm God created heaven space and the earth meta so you have time space and meta and not these have to kiss mount a knee asleep for life to exist let me just explain maybe you're in here and if you notice what the Bible says he says in God and God what's this now God stretched the heavens stretched stretched in other words the word strength that means stretches and they've just wrecked discovered that space is continuously stretching and that's time before science even figure out time space matter if you have not time and you only have space and matter when will you put metal in space if we have no space and only have time and matter where is meta because meta has to be in space you didn't get this now you didn't get this so you have to have time space and matter existing and if you have only time and space and you have no matter what will you put in space you didn't get that you didn't get that and and why would you need the time since there is no matter to control with time you didn't get that so you have time space Ponton um just right there and why did he stretch he stretched all of it in order for it to fit but watch this now there is no way you act survives without space bodies the earth cannot survive without the space and the Bible says he created the heavens notice it doesn't say it listen they say if you look at it if you look at it he created the heaven twitches which is if you look at the the the word heaven it is in it means it's a plural kind of thing just like Paul says in the third heaven that means there's good faith seven second heaven in the third heaven so he's talking about all things called heaven if we look at Ephesians 4 it tells you again that he went up on high far above the heavens that means all of them that means there no one there atmospheric heaven and then there is heaven where God says then then the Bible talks about the heaven of heavens how we God stays and and the Bible says he went far above and I'm digressing let me go back to the way good science agrees what Oh Jonah saying I saw mountains when he was in the fish that was at the time when nobody in marine biology had ever discovered in marine science I never discovered that they were mountain ranges under the sea what are you saying I don't know if you're hearing me are they watching before is that insane miracle watching from Namibia Wow science a mission economy BIA Philippines Eukarya Janita is saying bring it on my father Kevin is saying break it down the bread making simple the complex and exposing the heater Bible and dictionary ready with what winters are Watson watching from Egypt we've got Stephen gone up watching from Namibia and we have Greece who's watching from South Africa now I want you to see something here this is the verse it is he who sits above the sphere that is called the ëthe oh no no no no no you didn't hear that that's Isaiah 40 verse number 22 that means Isaiah knew the earth is not flat or didn't gather that's even before the scientists discovered it wasn't flat you're not hearing me so whenever you see something nana i want to go to something that that you need to understand he inscribed a second in the face of the waters and the boundary between light and darkness see I'm going to touch on that later on but let's get to the book of Genesis chapter number three because we are dealing with the pre-adamic not race world by no means talking about the race I'm talking about the world that was you so we call it before Adam now chapter number three says it this way now the serpent was more subtle verse number one Genesis chapter number three verse number one I want you to understand it and never miss it please never miss it never miss it because it's so amazing how people talk like maybe some people some of my own students came and said but-but-but prophet the Bible says the purpose is by one man sin ended in the world and sin death passed through or men so if it were one man sin entered into the world how can they be another word that happened because of this waste that vest doesn't prove anything he says by one men who say the one who was there was a man of the gorzon never decided so you have to go back and say what does the scripture say this world this new one this one here is own life and its own rules the sin that was in the past never entered into the new but the sin that Adam created started with ended in this project now watch this now we're gonna do with that but let's deal with this is where is that now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made now watch what he says says which the Lord God had met there is something in the Bible called made bara and aza we're gonna deal with it in a few minutes I want you to be listening that's why I'm taking my time now says 'i'm and yet now what i want you to see something now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had met and he said unto the woman yea he has God said the devil is not a prophet he can't predict the future if he can predict the future he can only guess the future but he can't afford to guess the future what he can do is align his demons to go along a certain way to fulfill what he has already said will happen maybe you didn't get that now in this place he makes an attempt at prophecy if you look at it deeply you will see it but let me show you to you now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay his God said how does he get this information has God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the field and the woman said unto the same when we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the foot of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest he die and the serpent said unto the woman yay you shall not surely die now I want you to understand did they die no now you may say yeah but God came and even said you shall surely die he did but they lived over 930 over 900 20 years after this now you can say yeah it was the spiritual death he was talking about okay let's deal with this issue for a second how does the devil know that it is to do with trees no no you didn't hear what I'm saying now how does the devil even get a realization that his 3zi that they were told not to eat fruit is it he didn't say and what instruction were you given by the Lord no he said what listen yes have you been told not to eat and the woman saw verse number six and the woman saw the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did it and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sought Victory's fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and they had the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden now I want you to see something maybe you did not see imagine that Adam and Eve and maked in the garden no clothes on very naked like the day they were created naked and nobody's seeing anything wrong with nakedness oh I feel I feel you didn't hear me I want I want that picture to actually get in for you to understand it before Adam concept because it is a reality that a lot of people's theological parties have been actually gotten into when they hear that status oh no no no it's not true because because I think we are trying to fit sign into science we are not we have realized some areas that people didn't catch and we know this by prophetic eyes now it says here that that they they were naked and the devil approached them and say you guys are naked no he did not mention the nakedness he knew something was wrong because these guys were naked and not ashamed so the devil knowing what used to happen in the act in his own first one that we described in the Book of Ezekiel we told you that there are three guardians and I'm gonna show you there are three guidance the one that was there the one that is here that Adam left and the one that you'll come you didn't hear me now when the Bible is talking about paradise the word paradise simply means pack it has nothing to do with buildings it is the word Paradiso and Paradiso simply means an orchard an orchard a pack a garden that's what it means no buildings nothing just an orchard a pack Paradiso so if you say paradise is heaven you have a problem because there they cannot be mansions okay I know it dealt with matches one day it is simply a garden so we know there was a garden before a garden Adam and Eve and and how way is the garden you see we told you a certain location that you would find that putt one time but let me explain to you one thing the earth was just tangia or God Donnellan treating Gia which is one lump that if you tick Brazil and join it to Africa it'll become one thing jinx or fitness so imagine after the flood God separates the continents tectonic plates begin to move so that means they are moving at the fourth way way the Garden of Eden is also so the breaking of it makes it difficult for you to locate there the Garden of Eden now you you're flowing with me so all of a sudden the devil begins to see that Adam and Eve and naked in the garden and he has a problem because he looks at him said you guys are naked in his head when we were naked in my first garden it had to do with a fruit from some trees but but but what system in his first garden all the fruits were prohibited so he comes in with knowledge that she already had from the previous garden he says you shall not eat of every tree he knew if you are naked and you don't know it it's because you didn't eat the fruit I knew I knew you're not getting this I might be moving too fast for you so soon so he says he says he says he says look you have a problem happening here did God say you should not eat of every tree because his knowledge of the past was every tree is prohibited oh my god my god I wish I I wish I could describe this to you but as the old preacher said it is indescribable so so I I you are you understand are you understanding that now now if you say no it's one tree if revealed the secret so imagine what the Bible says it says for these Islam fills the temple Kali ghazan for that means God wears clothes now if God wears clothes and you guys are naked here even us where we come from we were close where I was in the first one we wore clothes because we messed up the garden now I see you in another garden you didn't hear me now um hear me so your problem is you are naked because you have no idea that you are naked so you are naked because you have no idea you are naked not only because of that because you don't know why you are naked and even you don't know why you are naked it is because you didn't eat the fruit but I'm confused did he give you the same rules so the woman then says I say no no no no no hey we are not like you in other words the woman doesn't even know that there was another garden she just talked to know is this tree he said you showed visually that what he is the life himself I don't know if you're getting this so the difference I live himself is like no I know I know that Ricky brought you now I know him I know him but I want you to understand he says you were in the garden of God Faton now I know I know you have a problem with that so no it is the same same garden let me prove it to you you know we don't come here and tell you something we got excited with last week and decided to teach no this is the revelation according to prophet angel this is the revelation I live by all the success you see is revelation I don't know if you're getting this so he is an a garden in there but he says you in the garden of God every precious stone was your covering that's a Book of Ezekiel every precious stone was your covering you were in the garden of God until sin was found in you but the problem is if it says until sin was found in you we know one thing that is a problem right there is a problem why because when he is in the Garden of Eden he already is a sinner no no no no no no no it says you were removed from a garden when sin was found in you oh now he is in another garden after they be missing this point right now he says you in the garden you were where were positives until sin was found in you so when sin was found in you you were removed from the garden but he is the devil in the garden that's not his garden the garden of the devil didn't have Adam and Eve he says you who weakened the nation's to shake the nation's to overthrow nations who shut the Venetians the year since then by the abundance of your trade there was buying and selling in his world am i talking to somebody now am I still talking to someone now so so so now we know he was in the garden of God and sin was then found in him and when sin was found in him the Bible says any fell from heaven with his angels fell from heaven no it didn't say fall from heaven at all according to what we read last week says from the mountain of God way in the garden but when Jesus is talking about it and says fall from heaven he's talking about falling from the sky but it tells you something that there was war in heaven you're gonna do with that so you understand Sartain in his angels there was war in heaven and Sutton and his angels we're gonna read that in a few minutes so I understand what I'm giving it what I'm giving to you I'm giving you this this this this this and put it out there so you get it in your head and you get confused real quick so we come and sort it out in your brain so now my problem is this is in the book of Peter theremins of in accra Devine and grace they shrank Rodriguez second Peter 2 verse number four and I'll read I'm waiting for you to get there people understanding what I'm saying saying these teachings are rewriting my brain this stuff makes you break the self place limitations placed on your humanity thank you on Facebook is saying revelation too heavy needs more minutes to digest now but I think I'm doing it very slowly right it's very very kind of now for if God's okay yeah or do you see for the first time I understand this deception of the tree in the garden and dolphine is saying you have answered one of the difficult questions are faced in my evangelism Jenny Wow people are catching it sir thank you thank you now what's this now for if God spared not the Angels that seemed hmm I know you are not getting it but caused them into hell now the moment you hear hell everybody's talking about Hell now this word appears only once in the Bible I don't know if you're getting it now it is the same thing as the word Archangel appears only twice says then Jesus shall come down with the voice of an archangel then one in the book of George talks about Michael the Archangel now I don't know where we got the idea that Gabriel is an again Joe you didn't hear that right did you just say did I say it out loud I don't know if you're getting it so you have a problem that people would just ticket scripture run with it so yet my coldiac in your only fests referring to an Angels an archangel that's it that's a dead gone that's good one verse number 9 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel all the mentions of archangels are done I'm saying this to say there is a lot that Christianity is taking phone for you know just like it's nothing yes yeah yeah again yeah hey Michael again yo Gabrielle again yo this one again you know the Bible tells us one I'm by no means saying there's only one I gave you I guess the one that's what the Bible says so we stick to what the Bible says now it only appears once as the way the Tata rule if you hear the word Patras it is the same word Tata rule so it says God did not take a Levant or credible I don't know if you're getting now it's easier for God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell cast them down to hell cuss them down to hell he is not listen it did not say cast them down to earth is it to help cast them down cast them down to hell now watch this now he said to Tata rune the way Tata remains a dark deep now the only part we know definitely that the angels were created we know one thing I want you I want you to see it clearly he says when I laid the foundation of the earth oh my god I wish I wish you could understand since where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth if he laid the foundation of the earth and the angels were there he says when the Angels clapped for joy that means it cannot be after verse number three and he says you and then when I laid the foundation of the earth when I created the heavens you were there now that tells me that if the Angels clipped when he created the heavens they angels precede the heavens I wish I had people now now I don't know if you are here buddy but I feel something right here if it is possible that this happened that means there was a problem here that that that we see that the heavens and earth happened only after the angels way so when then when the angels cast down because they were clapping with God so which day then it is to be after this number one but before this number two why because where's number three is so simple it says in Genesis 1 verse number 2 and the eighth was we thought from and void and darkness totter ooh they didn't get it the missing the Bible says the angels were cast down to tutturu they were cut down to a dark place and verse number two is the only dark place so whenever we see this number two we are seeing a location where the angels were bound it is not hell it is the way touch a rule it means a dark place now when God tells you that and there was darkness and the waters covered the deep is telling you exactly where the person is I'm about to confused somebody because I know I know you didn't hear that are they getting this are they getting it now now so so so we have we have a problem with people that say wait a minute so what do you mean you mean the devil was there before yes he was there before I do you mean before Adam there was somebody before yes to watch somebody before that we are called Homo sapiens in science there are a lot of other humanoids they are called human and they look like human beings you find that in the fossil record I'm not trying to take the Bible put it in the fossil record and they'll line up no but you cannot deny physical evidence this way the Bible says the love of God which surpasses Genesis and the word you know Scott there it is the word it is the word science we have the love of God which goes beyond that means the body not science is not good is this it's okay but what we have oh yeah it goes beyond silence I wish you you understand are they getting it are they getting it Angie Allah says my brain needs to be reinstalled with this revelation oh my god this is mind-blowing you might need to you might need to because I want to I want to kind of get it bit by bit to get you into it I don't know if you understand someone 48 2 to 5 someone for 8 2 to 5 says praise him or his angels praise him all his horse praise Him Sun and Moon praise him all ye stars of light praise Him ye heavens of heavens and you waters above the heavens let them praise the name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created now it's a problem right there because if we commanded and it created well there is then another problem you might not see the problem but I want to show you the problem it's it's not it's not that kind of problem but it will be a problem is in job 38 verse number four in session I've told you that he created this thing by command I want to be because last week people say you were going too fast let's go now I'm going fast but but it's like I never have I don't have look this is my there is no not CA all right so I go as it comes so I understand that now now and this is my Bible is I read now what's this where were you when I laid the s foundation tell me if you understand who mugged of its dimensions this is job being asked what's this surely you know who stretched a measuring line across it on what way it's footings set or who ladies Coniston while the morning stars sang together and all the Angels shouted for joy I don't know if you for some of you haven't even seen something now that means he is saying as if there is there is a stretching line and God did all the measurements and is measuring everything and the angels are just looking and watching but but why would they shout when they don't know anything if I say let there be a dog and you see a dog for the first time you don't shout you cry you get surprised you get shocked unless what I'm doing is the restoration or something that got messed up don't even talk about that now he didn't hear me so so so he says and they shouted for joy joy feud them Oh at last that thing is beckoning you are they getting it are you getting it tomando z-table I don't know if you are getting it my respect to you my prophet I hope one day I'll shake your hand and learn at your feet amen amen amen amen it's it's amazing let's hear what people say we've got manfred angel Jamia who's saying my head is spinning Wow trying to connect the dots the puzzle is fitting by by this revelation hey you man now verse number 2 Peter 3:7 and I'm going back to 2 Peter 3:7 watch what he says watch what he says but the heavens and the earth which are now no they didn't get it did he get it the heavens and the earth which are now this brand-new you miss them is that right they miss that so let's go to verse number six by these waters also now watch this let me read it whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished since there is a word that actually perished so slow they're forgetting what happened before this one you didn't get it by the heaven that which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and prediction and godly man sinned see you are forgetting what happened before are you still flowing or you you might you might have left me there right there I don't know if you understand now if you read verse number two here is in Genesis chapter number one and the eighth was the word was is the way higher and the way do I am is the word became it is not the way it was let me read it for you in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and then the earth became higher meant to become something happened for me to become it doesn't just become it God created the heaven in the earth and then it became become now in void a chaotic mass something happened right there in Jesus predicted and so it is that behold I saw sudden fall from heaven like a lightning why is he falling like a lightning because it was the light bringer with their with it last week in wasn't just the speed it was the look of it you still flowing you still flowing you're still flowing you're still flowing right so it became it became how you flowing uh-huh now I want you to see here I want you to see here if you look at it we talked about - hoo boo hoo we talked about a lot of verses that talk about Tahoe and boo so if I read it they add became chaotic and wasted and darkness was on the face of the deep dip dip dip dip chatter ooh a deep dark place and then the Angels when they sinned they were put in there if you understood I dealt with the Nephilim and you have no idea where the Nephilim came from that's it you say why why would they able to do these things how would they able to sleep with the daughters of men some of you are getting it already because the angels that sinned way fell from heaven right fell from heaven and straight to hell where are these ones who are these ones sleeping with the daughters of men what world are they coming from I'm not mentioning nothing right there you are clever enough to take to piece together the pieces and get them now because most people's aware which bodies were they using with me in heaven they were only solid rock that's what the devil said I will climb pop and become like the Most High I'll go past the Stars meaning to say here the certain body allowed for him here to survive all right some people okay now I don't know if you're getting this all you have gone now if we go back to second Peter 2 4 6 4 if God did not spare the angels who sinned but cast them down to hell Tartarus and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved for judgment people mix it they think verse number four and five and six are the same it stages that are being laid down for you to know verse five and did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah ah so the ancient world was not spared but it's for Noah's time he was saved now they didn't get it yeah these are two stages we are not talking about the time of Noah verse number forces if God did not spare the angels who sinned when before Adam but took them and put them in Tartarus because in every stage of civilization they are some who sinned and some who shall be spared says but he destroyed that world but is for knoweth time he didn't destroy all of it but simple or one of eight people a preacher of righteousness grace bringing in the flag the world of the ungodly so he's not talking about another flood here the first one was destroyed as the ancient world but time of Noah there was a flood but saved eight people six and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them to destruction making them an example for those who afterward would live ungodly I don't know if you are getting this now are you getting this are you getting this now now I want you to see something here now verse number Isaiah 14 I'm reading many scriptures today right because so many people are aware ways this way sister we're reading it how are you fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer hey leo Lucifer and remember Lucifer is not a bad name you can actually call your son or daughter Lucifer it simply means a light bringer not forgetting that it is God who named him this name because it was a good guy says until sin was found in you Lucifer and then he became the devil imagine God was so quick to change his name to the devil after I messed up some let me let me show you something that that that is exciting about that because a lot of people don't don't have an idea I want to show you something Isaiah 14:12 is the only verse in the whole Bible that talks of Lucifer that's the only time the word Lucifer peers you know when you hear this everything is everywhere then you get to Saturn in the devil certain simply means an adversary but before that he was Lucifer with no adversity in him there no no no no adversary power in him nothing not causing adversity nothing he was just pure guy upright dignity now here verse number 12 of Isaiah 14 Isaiah 14:12 2:15 how are you fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how you are cut down to the ground you weaken the nations for you have said in your heart I was sending to heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I also sit on the Mount of the congregation on the furthest side of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High do you notice the scripture I will be like the Most High now you missed it he says I will be like the Messiah the main reason why he rebelled was he had God saying let us make man in our own image who is like us it shall be in our image in our likeness so that means you are demoting me so I want to go up and be like you so my idea of rebellion is because I don't look like you I don't act like you and you think I'm some focused guy with no ability to do anything so now I wanna show that I'm like you so he said I'll rise and be like you the God is creating a man who is like him X like him talks like him moves like him things like him exactly physically looks like him how does it look like him the Bible says to Moses and I will pass by you and I'll show you my back God as a back with no backbone with no backache and you didn't hear me now soy sauce also he says I will touch you with my hand on your face that means God is a hint is my hand too short to deliver what has ends so we know that we know that says sit on my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool goddess feet yeah you are you flowing with me are you flowing with me why are you flowing since my eyes go to and fro around the goddess eyes so we know that good is a mouth goddess a nose that's why he calls himself Erica by Yamaha they are such a meme you know what that means the many breasted one the many not shrewd one the men you know it means it means when you seen God goes sighs and breathe it all out of his mouth and his nose and you mess up again in who wants to beat you but his size again he sais million times billion times is saying using it's not so it means then many nostril one Eric if I am Xavier hmm so we know he has a nose so he says this one looks like me guess what the person who 40min heaven with his angels is called Michael now right there you got missive like what was there was the way what are you say the word micro means looks like God this is why the Bible says in Jesus when he comes back he shall shout like the Archangel in other words there is something some angel that looks like God and it's called Michael that's why he is the Archangel so in the angel seemed they say exactly like our God this men is power that's why Michael is like that but he is in His image and not in his likeness but for us we are in His image and likeness and the Bible says we shall judge angels we we you and I we shall judge angels when we get to a location we'll sit back and say Michael passed by we didn't like the way you responded to brother so in sirs problem you didn't hear what I say Gabrielle come here come here what did you do on that day Gabrielle Gabrielle see the purposes don't you know we shall judge angels and the devil is a cherubim and the cherubim is a second-level angel and it knows the guy who is coming is not just ruling me he's ruling even the ones that above me and it's really given the ones that he is going to be exactly like God functioning like God talks like God things like God walks like God you miss that don't miss this now don't miss this dynam for you have said in your heart I was sending our exalt my throne above the sons of God sons of God I also sit on the Mount of the congregation of the furthest side of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Messiah yet you shall be brought down low to shore and the word Sheol they means to the pit or to the deep so there is darkness there is darkness in verse 2 and if you notice darkness is not created and God creates his own light during darkness inside darkness God creates lights and he doesn't do anything to do with the light with darkness no he lives it right day he doesn't correct the issue of darkness he lives darkness right you're gonna get it in a few minutes you're gonna get it in a few minutes now I don't know if you're getting this that's why when he read insecure says you weigh in the Eden the garden of God every precious stone was your covering you were anointed cherub till iniquity was found in you so some now this is the problem I want to be like God but he seems to be creating someone who is better than me if they knew you get angry imagine you a boss and all of a sudden somebody's now your boss you start wondering what did I do wrong as well as this build or be vigilant for the devil's falling down to earth and he knows he has a little time and is angry and has got glitter if he's angered so everything that the devil is doing right now is to disappoint the plants of God he is not possessing you in order to afflict you he is possessing you in order to punish God the Bible says that's why when he shall be loosed he shall even to try to to deceive the very elect his point is not deceiving people it's a breath oh he is doing have you notice that everyone who leaves church or ministry who go to another posture that they know that this one used to fight this one to try and settle scores why they'd ever what the devil does is he wants to settle scores so the problem here is not you the reason why you are being possessed is not because of you yes you opened the door but the devil knows if I possess this one I know the difference between him and me he is possessed by the Holy Ghost so I need to possess him with demons all of it is position so he looks like God but I want him to look like me because I want to be like the Most High I feel people with the Holy Ghost and they are filled I'm God but I'm the devil if he feels with the Holy Ghost a few demons so we are all alike didn't hear now if we look at the book of Revelation guess what what is he gonna be dead dragon the great serpent he was a serpent in a beginning and yet the Bible says Jesus is the serpent this happened did not look like like this happened we see now this next we'll see no discipline was in some at that time standing upright like everyman and when the curse happened says you shall walk on your belly he was upright like this like yo yo yo yo Eve notice the Bible does not record that if God even sked nothing you could speak to a separate like how are you doing today no you can't I don't know if you're getting this are they really getting it I thought matrix was harder but this revelation needs the Holy Spirit Himself to make you understand and no two ways about it I am loving this revelation it is always on it's understanding now I want you to to read something here which is a very very funny one but I will try to make it wake verse number 24 commando of Genesis and God said let the earth bring forth the living creatures of is kind alright but before we get there let's go to verse number twenty it's very powerful home and a valley gone acrid the villa oscars yes and also let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature the moving creatures came from the water the Bible says God looked at the water as it brings of moving creatures okay I know you didn't get the animals themselves came from the earth no no no no no no you didn't get me at all the Bible says he brought them out please don't miss this one don't release it and God says let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life notice what the Bible says it doesn't say that we have life already life from way from which world bring forth creatures which had had had life already has it inside bring forth the creatures I do a new creatures so you understand something that happens they that God sighs something then he makes it happen again as if it's a repeat and you see it in a few minutes now now and follow that might fly above the earth in the open firmament beds came from the sea no matter why Moses that's exactly what evolution says the guy doesn't read this inside I've got a theory you are lying lying monkey you Darwin Darwin is a monkey you can't argue with someone who says I want to be a monkey he says his great-grandfather was a monkey that means even so he's a monkey rent monkey other people are green children of some one this one is a Darwin was a grand monkey now you don't have to argue with people one child went to the to the father and said Papa Imam is saying we all came from monkeys said no no no no my side of the family actually came from God but your mom's side of the family they were all monkeys that she's right you know you can argue with anybody who who is saying we came from monkeys they come from monkeys how do I never get from monkeys now he saw this remember that guy was a Christian but but if animals came bells came from the water Moses is in the desert and the children of Israel said we won meet Moses doesn't say a let's go n hunt the Bible says any calls for beds I used to come and behold they came out of the water didn't get that the Bible actually says Moses when he calls when the children of Israel were hungry he called out the quails to come and the quails came in aged from water he knew exactly what happened these were not nucleus there were quavers in the water they were not swimming ah let's read verse number 21 and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly and after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good now now you're missing it about a missive you about a missing now and God created huh I thought you called them to come out the way we read it you call them to come out of the water now you are creating them from way you said they were in the water now you are creating them so you are seeing now what we call a summary being placed in a place that means the animals you seek imaging out of the water had already been formed had already been created did they see that so you see where they came from to start with and then you see the summary of it and God created so you can reverse the design and God created they have the animals and then they came out of the waters you didn't hear me you didn't mean if I will skip verse number 21 to go to visit my 20 and God bless them huh what's this most people think it was only Adam was told this what's this so then God took this look at the animals and said be fruitful okay and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth they are now told now we are changing what used to happen then is changing now you bet you in the sea giving birth in the sea now you are giving in the earth so you see a shift of things that we used to happen in the old world now being changed into this now I know you are missing some of you are like what is happening am I being too fast maybe so that we this is definitely not a message you hear once and move on you've got to get back to it daily until you internalize it and if you notice it says an animal that had life and the Whittle life day is do hae it means multiple lives and God breathed and into Adam and gave him life it is not singular it is mortal lives and Adam became a living soul so what happened there is flesh life then when the spirit meat met the flesh it created another life called the soul so every time God speaks in applies I don't know if you're getting this now and they're evening in the morning what a face now if estimate 24 and God says let the earth bring forth the living creatures huh the other animals on earth the purposes in decode the Etzel earth bring forth living creatures now from where are they coming from well we would find them say people would deal with creationism and say no there was no other world there because look at it is this and God says it was good it was good it was good it was good it was good so we know definitely we definitely know there's no way it can be that good because God will deal with that in a few minutes now watch this are you here creepeth thing and beasts of the earth after his kind and it was saw verse number 25 and God made the Beast huh I thought you you called them to come out now you are making the move tell us what you're trying to do exactly because we're not getting confused you do this you make you do this you have got this high we're having a problem here so now we don't know what you are really really on about as they say here what are you on about so you create then you make when you you create then you made them again then the point is not there it is in the book of Genesis 1 verse number 1 in the beginning God created Beryl and when bara means to make out of nothing with no previous raw materials ok I know you're missing it I know you I know you are you are missing it but if we go to Genesis 2 3 and 4 you will get it let me read it for you or somebody might read it somebody read it Genesis 2 verse number 3 to 4 I want you to listen to it and get it and God blessed the seventh day God but we just caught seven days Adventist everyday we worship God this summer saving the day we are seven days in god bless the seventh day God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it mm-hmm because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created god bara which God made from nothing and made man is the word aza meaning created out of a raw material that already exists so whenever you hear the Bible says created met sometimes it is like in English they interchange the words but if you look at it in the original rendering it kind of tells you this is from nothing this is from something that was there before oh my god I don't know if you're hearing this let's go let's read let's read of the heavens and the earth mm-hmm when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens exactly now we go to name my nine with people get a problem name a 1960s year along the Lord are the Lord you have made asad heaven he is referring to the heaven he sees that this one was fashioned from pre-existing material Oh meaning to say when you see it as Peter says Peter was saying the F that was and the S that now is in the heaven that now is he knows the one that is now is a renewed one that's why it's impossible in the book of Genesis chapter number one to see where God creates the earth you will see it I try try it you won't see it and God said let there be light and God said Let there be vegetation and God separated this and then night and day and then God said and then God said and God said but never nowhere else will you ever see and God created the rock this was a freshening of something that was there he imagined that his darkness above what's this and there is the first day and the second day and God is using his own light as God and he says then Lenny puts him ed put the two great lights to rule the night in the day if you notice the construction day does not talk about Barak yet from nothing it means the Sun was day the moon was day already when you get to Genesis verse number chapter on born of is no born it's already day he created the solar system before he said let there be but remember since there was darkness go to a place called Inuvik right now Inuvik January or February whatever the time is it is darkness completely every day for the year for the month they don't even News time is useless then you're going to mid towards the middle of the day of the of the year it becomes sunshine and never darkness 24 hours every day for your man I'm not saying it's just a little bit that knows sunshine completely if they have that getting too close so that you say is night guys so there is darkness that is already covering the atmosphere so the first heaven which is the atmospheric event is covered with darkness and light cannot pass through now when God says I now put it in the sky it means they removed the darkness so that this light can be shown oh yeah you're getting it now some people are getting you are you are you are you getting it now so we have a problem right there where people say oh therefore you know verse number Romans 5:12 I want you to read Romans 12:5 12 so we being many are one body in Christ mm-hmm and everyone members one of another mm-hmm having then gifts differing according what means 5:12 Romans five bro Romans wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned now did he say angel sinned men so we are in this scripture speaking of men not angels so since in this scripture we are speaking of men and not angels we definitely know one thing we are not talking of angels we are not talking of anything that has no flesh that doesn't look like like God that doesn't act like God we are dealing only with the men so people use this scriptures I know it can't be that because in the past there was no other men because only one man sin ended in death in there so death came only after the men know this is dealing with the earth that was transformed if I say now we have a rule in Britain anyone who goes to the pub who caused all his family will be arrested because of one men ignorance and going to the pub all your family members will also be arrested this is a new law we are starting now it doesn't mean to say before that there was no other law they might have been a law that was then stopped now we are starting a new country in the countries no longer called Britain is called Britannia and now we have a rules for Britannia doesn't mean said that law was not in Britain but maybe that glow in Britain was already referring the dogs and cows and keto and and and and horses but now we have a human being rules for the beings are these so the first man is being told any men who sin because of your sin now people say oh because of this verse that mean there was nothing behind that no angels angelic beings a world of angelic beings and the world of men that looked like God something forgetting it some we are not getting it so there is a human world all right spread through Ormond but the pre-adamic world now death was day so it can't be they it can't be because God said it was very good let's read Jeremiah 31 verse number 40 I will add a few questions today Jeremiah 31 verse number 40 it says and the whole valley of dead dead bodies and of the ashes it's a big place right if it is good ashes so creation is scientists say it's not possible to have to have a previous world because if we're the previous world then we have to account for death before I meant since I didn't get it whereas death came because of a man who sinned so since we have that scripture in Romans we can't have been the Old Testament that the out the pre-adamic world sinning or dying because death only came because of one man now I understand that but I understand that but and I've already told you that's for angels this for men pre it only stands if we are saying there was a human being before Adam we didn't say that God said let there be let us make rather a men in our own image that means there was a humanoid who wasn't in his image do you even know that this we are now was seen in visions the Bible says the prophets desired to look into these things when it was revealed to them imagine we appeared in prophets visions you don't know what that means you really don't know what that means him you you and your Brock self you and your sick self profit side oh my good if we were him this is the angel desire to look into these things in other words a pre-adamic world they were sleeping one day like this and boom huh I just saw Alyssa these guys are gonna be brighter than us just imagine the devil receiving a vision of who you are today and you don't even know who we were you're insane imagine Elijah was shown these times he says it wasn't for him these all died without obtaining the promises the New Testament said they all died by faith this one by faith sera by faith you know by faith he even testified that it pleased the Lord by faith and died before creeping they the promise they died but they died after seeing visions of you this who we are now was in people's visions this same you that you play around with you in in a vision of somebody who said oh my god that means people change in brightness human and creation bright becomes brighter becomes brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter in the spiritual realm we had those that glow with a different glow that the prophets looked at and saying we are being blinded by angel hey they looked at us and the life we now lead has no it doesn't show what they saw now imagine the Old Testament fog and then imagine the pre-adamic world seeing visions of the times of Noah and we're like oh my God if we were those guys then they moved from day how can Angels come and sleep with the doodles of me you know do you understand how beautiful angels are have you seen one you'll be so shocked symmetric sometimes you see people's noses going ladies he is going like that angels angels but they looked at the daughters of men and say Mamma Mia come to Papa what was happening with them this is the thing that appeared in their visions they knew the type of creature they were dealing with so they no doubt their physical appearances I said no no no no no we know what we are doing if we sleep with these ones you didn't hear what I say now so so most people say you know shouldn't have there should not be death because if there is not death God will not say it was good then in verse in Jeremiah 31 verse number 40 the dead bodies dead bodies were there and of the ashes ashes and all the fields under the brook of Kidron and to the corner of the horse gate toward the east shall be holy Lord so it's a holy place and it has dead bodies and what is okay cause it holy and you think it should not be it was good because they were not born they were born so God can say they were it was good if they are born and yet he just called a place with dead bodies holy I don't know if they are getting this or maybe some people would not understand well secure 36:35 par llegando Zika carried the ankh ridiculous and they shall say this land that was desolate is become like the Garden of Eden oh so the desolate land has become like the Garden of Eden they wasted and disel it ruin the cities are now fortified and inhabited there now for God what about Gideon when he was sacrificing for the devil God came and said don't remove that would wear yourself at that altar cut it down there same would use it to sacrifice to me why are you talking about you see it was good then you think they should not be dead bodies God is not interested in that God is not the god of the dead nobody's dead everyone is alive you understand so people miss it people miss it now I don't know whether you're getting it are you getting it are you getting it so we have it we have the problem of people now now I want you to see something I want you to see something very very good now verse revelation 12:7 early in 12 seven I'm about to finish for for today Parag in ovando Sica and there was and there was worry in heaven Michael and his angels Mike coined his angels mm-hmm fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels hmm and prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world hmm he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him now if he was cast out into the earth and it is invest - we will look through all Scripture you will not find a place way to fit for him to fall now you know find it no way and it says for you deceived what the nation that means the way nation's before that's why we have to get into science now and say look at it yeah he deceived not he shall deceive some of you will say no it means it's not exactly that time no problem let's agree that is not that time but we do agree that Jesus spoke about it sorry you saw it so means Jesus when he was speaking in the New Testament before the New Testament he had already fallen still is before the New Testament you will not win on this one so the devil is already there and is losing a battle buddy he has been deceiving the nation's and if you go to 0 20 it tells you that by the abundance of your mates and ties with people how he was buying and selling he was in business he was no small boy he was in business you were in the Garden of Eden the garden of God it is the Garden of Eden , the garden of God trying to tell you a distinction that this one is not the one that Adam and Eve had completely different I don't know if they are getting it are they getting it I don't know if you are you got they're getting it on each be saying Wow amazing these are profound insights Oh some men of God bring it on and tap Yamaha we saying we are getting it sir also a positive on Adam grab we're saying before anyone reads the Bible they need to sit down and listen to this message what a treasure escaping the mind of God through the lips of the Prophet amen Michael Dennis is saying this revelation is deep all my questions have been answered to live in the days of Prophet angel now I know I am glowing beyond majors amen amen it's it's an amazing thing when people look at things and they just come up with some funny explanations and all it should be like these it should be like this because it's not exactly like that it's not that easy it's not that easy but what's this so the devil understands this thing called a human being is of a higher level a higher degree something that is so high so but but but prophet the word review doesn't mean review it means feel is a translation it's a mistake no problem the moment you say whew you means it was empty you mean it was empty that's already a problem on its own it was empty what was empty that's where we are looking for now what was empty what am I feeling because I need space to feel and if you say feel the earth that's exactly what the Bible says where is the eight were created at when because we know what happened in day one we know what happened in day two we know day three day four day five day 6 we know but there is no it created day if the Bible it said verse number one and God created the heaven and the earth as a summary oh no problem day one and God said let it be the earth he never so we have a problem that means we know this one is not a summary because if it was a summary would find the rock code the earth being created in day three or day trip advice and God created the heaven and the earth now just just for for your for your for your understanding ie I don't want I don't want you to miss something I want to show you something watch this I want to show you something i i i I want it to be the point is I want to be I want it to be on let me try and get past Biff and he said in the instruction of the word the word the word beginning so you understand what was happening in the beginning and I'm about to finish so please you've taught me so much in this hour compared to me learning for thousands of hours I've sent it to you now thank you so much thank you so much just just the words the earth and the heavens and in the beginning God created in the heavens in the beginning and we want to deal with the word beginning all right are you getting it safe alone Craven and e-z attractive Engel Aquatica foodies yes some confusing verses in the Bible you are blessing to our generation it's happening right now using knowledge is power I am enlightened are you getting it are you getting it are you getting it are you getting we're trying to we're trying to get you something so that you see it and it's online right now I'd rather get you something okay don't be offline don't be offline so get this get this so that you get it you get it in your head you get it in your head you get it saying I refuse to allow the devil to use me to settle his matters actually see this history of the world not to me in academic journal thank you sir amen amen amen I want I want you to get something so that I show you that when this happens is already happening it's already taking place God is already kind of done anything everything why this summary is they okay because the summary doesn't make sense if you say to me in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth it simply means one thing you don't care about my questions because if God created the heaven and earth I have one question where do you come from God just imagine being handed the Bible and boom here is your Bible yeah okay this is my first time to read the Bible yes the first time in the beginning God quiz go why would you just tell me telling me God did something where does he come from who is his mother mm-hmm what about his angle and I need to know something you know address at least one wait in his house I don't have you getting this yes we're getting it I don't even get it do we have it now so that will show you something very very important for you to get it very very for you important for you to get it so so the the bad boy is a problem immediately when you read in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth you think oh that's a summary you did it let's go guys let's go no wasn't like that it was a beginning something that God is trying to show you there is already a message in here that makes you a believer when you read Envy the Word of God is so powerful want to do is as Beth rash a left shin I don't know if are you seeing it there now if you're seeing it right now and I believe you are seeing it that the word beginning there is written in this way bet rich a left shin yard Tov just the beginning that's it do you see how it is Wallace you see that means house or anybody who is the head reg means the first person or men's head or the leader all right God means the oxide which is where we start sacrificing animal the Ox yes yes then it gets to be a point ways as Shin consume and the sign of our left is actually a cow a cow's head the word shin is the word consumed or to destroy it is a sign that shows teeth hand wake is the word yard the it is the way um it appears even this word um when you rewrite in the Hebrew you are looking you're acting like you are drawing that's how you see it so when it says when you say is Beth a house it will give you a sign thing that coils around like a covering then it tells you first person it gets gives you the picture that looks like a person then you get a laugh which is an ox head and when you notice God started with giving sacrifices of animals mm-hmm then you get to the way the shin it means to consume or to destroy teeth then your demeans hand awake then TAV is the covenant a Mac it is sign of a cross now let me read it the way it is saying just teaching these words it says their house mm-hmm the body of the first person who is the head God himself shall be destroyed by his own hand work on the cross that's the way the beginning so the moment you read in the beginning God has already finished the coming of Christ that's why it becomes easy for you to receive the word you don't know why you believed what God said in the beginning god ah why am i believing this in the beginning God where does it come from it has already entered you now it's already inside you this thing is already entered I don't know if you're getting me so are you getting this are you getting it are these people getting in the word performing a mass brain operation in Congo or niche we say once I try to think so much about where God came from and almost went crazy because I couldn't figure it out thank you so much for the revelation we're gonna do with it another time oh we're good cultural IIIi don't know if you're getting this if you're getting an idea here but that seems as if when God started with number one it wasn't a summary it is a summary of the whole Bible but not of creation imagine II consider is from the way the beginning so when you read you've read the gospel without knowing it are you flowing for those who don't know much about what I do put the other pasta so that they see it I want you to see something that is brilliant here is your life with me right now God is doing marvelous stuff marvelous stuff Kira mantra veena and credo Gilles K byaku incredible girls they are uncrated Aman's they tell Akira Bank to ask each other's what's this are you here now it says the English name is what the one first English name is what Adam these are the first ten names in the Bible we talk about the generations ten generations the ones that are the ones that are being followed by God as he follows through his creation remember we have to have set why because ever was killed by Cain so we don't mention Cain we don't mention Bible because ever is not there Cain is gone so the word ever then the second one then the third one the third one the dead one the fifth one sorry mahalo yo the six seven eighth Lamech and what and Noah right so when you see all this taking place now when you see all this taking place kuriboh on credit ganas are you hearing read their meaning read the meaning appointed moto sorrow bless God shall come down teaching his death brings despairing rest so that's it that's the what does the you have read the the Hebrew meaning for all right yes it means what men appointed mortal sorrow bless God shall come down teaching his death brings despairing rest maybe some people didn't get it it says here so that I explained it in the right way are you getting it some people are like whoa what is happening what is that wearing I want to read it now says here is appointed mortal sorrow but the Blessed God will come down teaching that his own death shall bring those in despair rest I don't know if you're getting this now are they getting it now so immediately you are getting what God is trying to say put it back put it put the first thing back so that they can they can they can they can kind of copy I want you to screenshot that all right I don't know if they're getting it are they getting it it's something right is it not something Callum angry de Bercy read Amanda mondo Sica Cali incra began dos it's something if you listen to you like so if you if you want to start from God and you go to Adam and you go to set and you start from the it simply means the god man who is the God made Jesus the god man is appointed a mortal men of sorrow and is born so the glory of God shall come down instructing that is death shall bring those in desperate comfort and rest I don't know if people are getting this how leg evict agus version and unleash missing prophet you are very rich in knowledge of God ever since I started following your teachings my spiritual life sorry elevating to a higher level and some artists Amati saying WOW prophet this is a new software being installed right now in my brain what are people saying what are people saying so that we know so out and and also ask questions I'm gonna give you maybe five minutes to really ask questions oh can please screenshot those so that you have them with you yeah sure we have Solomon saying prophet help me to understand something if fallen angels went to Tartarus then which demonic angels are we binding here on earth I'm not binding anyone because they're already bound but uh but I think we dealt with it on the thing it was demonic some the demonology it's actually on YouTube right now and you can actually see it and remember we dealt with the Nephilim please go read the Nephilim you see Gordon read the Nephilim go read a nickel lighten then you actually get a whole thing of the question you just asked why am I not answering just direct it's because it's in three series three part series Nephilim is also in Nicolaitans you can actually see oh that's why it's happening ah this is it this is it this is it all right and today I actually mentioned it you should be saying prophet do God do ghosts exist if yes how long do they live oh they do exist you score the holy ghost are you getting it I had at least 15 questions when you started preaching but you answered each and it during the course of the message thank you so much I am totally answered hey man so so now what's this now what's this ie I kind of get sometimes into into people understanding the the things that we if we deal with let me say kings and leaders in in those days it also gives you a certain kind of picture of what God was trying to do with the names alone again God names and names and list them the way they follow and you'll be so amazed at what they mean God is interested in you but he is making of you created a rift that split his church in heaven most people want to talk about why the devil left God but they don't know the reasons the reasons why the assistant God let me explain the Weisse to God as he called himself imagine that the devil is is moving and goes to God and is the only one who can walk on the coals of fire and goes to the Angels to give them instructions of what God has said and from a tenant passed to that president passed it passed we have not seen that they saw they have not seen God stand up if we look in the Bible you realize that in the New Testament you see one time God stood and it was when when Stephen was being stoned and you would think he's about to prevent them from killing him nabob is's and stevens that I saw for I see this son of God Jesus standing from the throne Jesus stood from the throne God himself you say Jesus is not God he's sitting in the right hand of the Father are you joking the right the end of the father simply means the place of power that's what the Bible says I sold a lamp as it was slay with the lamp Jesus in the middle of the throne if he's in the middle he is the one sitting there you didn't get that now and and he stood from there and you think Oh Steven you're about to be saved and he died so nobody had ever seen God's tent he just the Bible says and God shall sit in heaven shall laugh we know what you're doing on the throne he laughs he has never done anything listen from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation God is not doing nothing zero check it from Genesis to Revelation God is not done nothing the only thing good does is talk that's what the Bible calls this Christian the confession of our faith oh yeah oh you don't understand even when we talk we confess even to get born again we confess even to get things we convince even for a wife to keep his Lomb by his mouth he shall keep it by a mouth she shall protect your own house with only God and God said in say let there be let there be never stood that room for nobody never we never ever in God traveled and walked no he sitting on the throne when he wants to come here he gets into something a certain ship just to allow him to be on earth but you still be sitting there remember there is a big difference between the presence of God and the person of God but it's enough practically and Sookie I can be here right now or in a service and stand here and wave my hand like this and people fall under the power that means where they are my presence is but on my person is here it sort of is sort of having a magnetic field where God is tending here but there is magnetic field the magnet where the magnet is here but a magnet can can attract something that is in its vicinity or rather in the boundaries of his field that's what we call magnetic field but if you got beef you aren't the magnetic field you won't see him now watch what he says if I make my bed in hell you hold you are they do you think God lives in here no his presence Rickey's every way for you went up Ephesians four anyway that far above the heavens so that he may feel all things God is in my phone he's in this he's in my watch God is everywhere I don't know if you are getting what I'm saying are you getting what I'm saying at all hope you are getting it we have a question from Alice he's saying you once said being born again simply means born from heaven above is this a valid reason as to why angels are called sons of God yet they are not born again did the Lord Jesus died for them similar means the ones that have made them is two sons remember we are spiritual sons then we've bona fide sons we are not God's spiritual sons or they didn't get this is what people have the problem with spiritual fathers they say no we have one spiritual father God Himself is not your spirit over who made your flesh we are biological ones and spiritual ones at the same time who made the flesh who made your DNA people have not studied the power of it with your father they have not because their mindset is not the heart of a father is the pocket of a father that's why it's so easy that's why I couldn't stay where I was before I couldn't I had to go back to my father big difference if I'm not your father and you know you have another father go beg I went back you are troubled wirelessly why where you are you convinced yourself I'm a son here I'm a son you using confess it yourself and to go to black that connection will always be there and I'm not ashamed of the gospel so I'm not ashamed of anything that I do if I'm making a correction I'm making a correction people don't know what spiritual fathers are they have no idea there's no idea they have no idea you see where my father is right now if he says right now stop the service that's goods which to me I don't care whether I like it I don't that's my voice SSB way don't you know don't you know they shall give an account over you that means when we get to heaven they will say angel come here and you be student you might I don't want I don't you be day and God says were given account of this one and I shall do now was this now what's this so God is not doing anything he's just standing there if he's standing there right they're not doing anything they'd ever know something this is the attitude of this guy he does not move but when he gets to the people now to the Angels when he speaks music plays they've never seen good with music play they can't even look into his face he's too holy in fact the Angels say holy holy holy holy holy holy that's what the Bible says they shout holy holy holy they shout the Angels how are they shouting holy holy holy holy holy holy why are they shouting like this do you know why every time they look at God here's another face they've never seen before they see another color this is holy this is another card holy this is an ethical holy the Bible says we have a concert in the evening trust me if past a famous touch with it is I it is I it is I it is I even know you're getting bored it is I it is I it is you're getting bored right it is I it is a it is not going anywhere this music is it is I it is I it is I hope like a please please please please please switch on to switch to Nickelodeon cartoons why it's a repeating useless repeat yet the Bible says they have been saying only only from eternity past and they shall continue they not stopping they are not tired nobody's bored what he saying is all right why one day when they look at God they see another face that they'd never seen before they say only decide decide is that holy holy holy it's a shock happening they're getting shocked every minute surprise shock they don't know why how is he changing like this they can't approaches light says it wills in a light no man can approach yet if no man can approach and men above angels that means angels can approach his light and only the devil could approach the light he caught a glimpse the angels would just see colors and shapes changing in Kolok whoo whoo whoo whoo that brilliant oh my god ho ho Lord oh oh oh oh oh and they're doing all this holy holy holy holy holy and not getting tired it's terrific to them now it's pretty brilliant music because it's they allowed to be shocked do you understand do you understand angels angels one time I was taken to heaven in a vision or in the flesh the message within the flesh on this vid I do now not say and when I explain those who do explaining we were having this thing where I would talk about what the men of God hears and I also have this and we had me talk about that vision and after that I was taken to a location where the angels were gathered and I was taught to tell them what is happening with souls on earth and I mentioned how brilliant it was how the Lord is blessing us then I mentioned one thing that angels fell under the power not under the power of God I said but some do not believe and the angels looked at each other like what they don't what believe you mean like they think we're thick you know in their head you could tell something is happening within them that you mean someone who say there is no Jesus you you understand they were taken aback I was talking with my son today he was telling me some very important message my son in South Africa made one it was who is dealing with some important message and it was talking about the the issue of angels how they even get short checkpoint listen I was telling him this and he said oh this is the reason why watch this when the Korea is stay in the place in an angel arrives to tell him he was your heavies on this is how come show this be in you get so shocked by the doubt he said you do not speak again oh shut your mouth I've never hit anything like this what can you believe God are you mad so they differ the devil is is approaching is getting to to to to a location and and and and and seeing that the angels believe me and they know I can dance they know again seeing they know I'm beautiful but I've never seen the features of good so it's testily they look at me again I got a walk one on one course on fire I look at this the angels are like aah Devi you a dangerous Devi Lucy Lucy you are dangerous lucify is like yeah yeah yeah so what about what about what about this one what about God said ah you saw the guidance all along it's been sitting but me ah even now I must look at you do you hear the big evil ghost do you hear the soprano now what about the tenor out do you hear the organ I'm hearing the soprano now and the trumpets are you hearing this what about the drums are you getting to sit even when God speaks he his voice sounds like many rivers of water say just sounds like water but you you have bits you you understand so so it was easy for him now to just tell them that I think I'm like God they say you are not even like God you can do better than God you are walking good only since he is like just the moon would just be a big rock if it wasn't for the Sun the moon does not shine if you understand science it takes the light from the Sun that is put on it cast on it and it just reflects it to f3 seconds later boom boom that's all it does that's what the dev was doing he would go and receive his shine from God and go to the angels and show them you get me shining that's what about was this new way now sillas up to something you wait you wait you wait on the day I found you you way that's what he was like until he was cast down when he was cast down the light is no longer day tagless covered the earth why he's cast down now he has no life to reflect God said I wanna show you if you leave this place here you are now darkness but the Angels had already believed him so they fell with him watch what I'm saying there is a big issue why the devil is what he is like he is like this because he knows something something is up something is up I want you to list this year what people are saying and I'm a bottle close i'm a bottle close i'm very close I'm about of this because we we have to get this part three of this thing to be there so we can have something before something anything Papa why can't a chose repent is it because Jesus didn't redeem angles but you meant remember angels are noticeable are not going to be born again even the ones that are they are not born again that's what about was his angels decided to look into these things they don't know nothing that's why angels don't preach the gospel oh if angels preached the ghost what do you think you'd need us listen if I count the Angels that we mention in the book of Revelation and say I saw ten thousand times ten thousand plus an innumerable number of angels before we get to the innumerable number that means every human being can a fifty thousand angels now if they are all distributed equally energy Mohammed bin Laden who is dead everybody so do you think God would need human beings to preach that goes one thing you need to understand is a church is the gospel is given to us it's given to us to spread oh I feel something is happening we are breaking records trust me we're breaking records I'm excited there's got to be an announcement that I'm making it next few weeks I might only need to make it you eat of yourself and we are still around the world doing our distribution for this room today we're in another location and distributing food foodstuffs to those who are marginalized those who are less privileged and those have been affected by this coverage era so it's an exciting moment and exciting time the Word of God is moving on and the gates of hell what are people saying about people saying I've got a question here from solemn God if Adam was deceived by the devil who deceived the devil and Christ is the word what is the devil and remember what we dealt with we said he what'd he do he took two things let me say I don't want to kind of go deep eye on it because of the reasons that I said because most people think angels are robotic beings they're not they're free choice yeah oh you told the way like come no no who the free choice that's why they could follow the devil even the ones that I left with good right now have free choice but any of them that was going to rebuild he cast them down with the devil remember the devil was not really really cast down for really kind of a sin that we can call a sin for the reason of being cast down the Barossa is until sin for you said I will you said that saying he said is the one way he was cast down from heaven he said he taught it it was a thought that got him fired from heaven it wasn't an act it's not like he actually did it no for you said I will go up and become like God you want to be like me that's what you thought you don't goodbye now you you actually perform the CD you don't think if you actually go forward they do it physically yeah this one now taught and a Bible says because you thought you're done now and then I'm done with you now imagine so that means all the angels that also thought and all the ones that we are going to think later why because God is not confined to time it goes around time he has already reached the end that's why it's called the Alpha and Omega the word Alpha in the Omega is the word out at end Itali meaning to say the one was touched by the beginning before his death he's touched by the end before his death that's why the Bible says Christ who is crucified before the foundation of the world he has already gotten to the end of the world then is it now let's that because I finished the end your twenty billion is already found so your issue of praying for it simply means one thing it simply means God is already saying brother I've already given you sister the twenty billion is already there for you it's not going to be manufactured it's right there brother it's right ASIS and now when I see myself crane I know it is God who is pushing because I have to dot every I and cross every T all right Janice saying profits so what is the meaning of the Stone Age is it this is this before the Adamic world no let me explain to you in every word that came to pass right there were stages of development based on their civilization that's why I always say if the British and the Americans left Africans as they where there was going to be a second civilization that was going to help them all these diseases that are being cured by a medicine from Africa these were bats that Africans were using I believe it was Queen Nina whatever was I don't know whether is another another not Queenie per se but it was another kind of medicine so many actually found box to have been used in Africa roots so that means they had their own level of civilization position they would've continued in that way and gone the other direction of civilization and then we could it be trading with the Western world based on their with their civilization and with our civilization so when you see stone edge he doesn't mean say it was during the no no no that era was more danger than this one it was more perfect than this wasn't human beings those were angels they enough power have you seen the fossil records of what kind of animals they do the mammoth the bigger bigger bigger ones the dinosaurs of other levels the fossil record would tell you if those animals lived with us now that's why Jurassic Park is a hit why because they are trying to show you that we created another one that was from day from the world before now we put it in this thing and it is breaking out of this fails we have given all this technology we have n it it just left why tenders anymore you'd put it you oh I put a wall you put whatever it'll just this house no matter how big it is it will just go boom no the following day we have to look for builders build again and another dinosaur comes in I'm telling you they were dinosaurs that we created during the time of this this world even the Bible says in the book of Job did I not that's the book of Job chapter number 40 did I not make this with you Livia tan all these other I'm telling you you have all this mentioned day since I made them with you that means they were even bigger animals that we made at the time of this present world but the animals also in the password so when you see that it doesn't mean to say we we we kind of remember the the Angels didn't need to read anything to be powerful we are transformed by the message so if you don't take the message you don't become who you are supposed to be because as if in a mirror we are beholding anyway we are being changed into the same image the Angels don't need that they already that okay how would they sleep with the daughters of men when they don't have a body for human beings that means there is something that was happening with them that could stand the scientific world so stone-age is this world but now they're discovering whole civilizations with towns another earth has come from the tree in China species that's where it comes from it's an anti-malarial drug always it exactly it's like I'm not but it's a tree but we have malaria way in Africa we're not dying they might have found it in another location but we're using it they it was not caught we need hair coded themselves was the found it somewhere else yet we already had it they do you understand what I'm trying to say we had our own civilization and they had their own civilization who would have gone separate ways and still created our own civilizations are they flowing are they still flowing when God put a sign on the forehead of cane so that he doesn't get killed by others who are those people the Bible talks about are they pre-adamic beings - no the Bible says it in the book of Genesis and we read it that Genesis he at what are the sons and daughters are we are we are we together yet what other sons and daughters so if he had other sons and daughters we definitely know we definitely know for one thing that that they were marrying sisters at that time why because of genetic mutation genetic mutation meaning say if your create some people that are very very brilliant like the genome is almost like twenty thousand and above twin thousand around twenty thousand when talk about genome and you get to from your father - from your mother I I know I'm not talking about chromosomes here so some people say oh you have four so how can the first men be that because there are so many people with over 20,000 so how can two men Korea that but these were perfect human beings and I mean even were perfect so they were created differently from us so they could create multiple genomes I don't know if you're getting it or maybe it's a different thing but my ignorance is surely being confronted today this same Bible that I've been reading all my life you show me more things I can never be at a point where I know it all with the Scriptures a man yet rudely I seen Thank You prophet you have just answered all my questions I have I have had I thought I was living in my own world thank you so much I'm not hungry for more revelation amen amen amen amen amen if you look at in fact let me give you this next week do we have anyone yes it's because of time because of time was of time we have anybody who wants to ask questions maybe ever use something that is against what I'm saying or if somebody who's like I I don't understand this I don't understand that huzzah on you should be saying God's holiness is not dependent on the faces of God and holiness is not the description but you say no angel has seen God as well what is he what is he God's holiness is isn't dependent on the faces oh no no I think you have a problem with what is the word holy the word holy does not mean you're upright I think somebody who has not listened to what I preach holy does not mean it's not a spiritual it's not a spiritual weight holy is a language it's just like someone is speaking Shona Oh Sulu and that's a word that we then check and put it means separated different it has nothing to do right now you see here if I have my Bible here and my and my my cloth here and my barbary and my right and I put it here and I check this aside is holy that's what Wally means it means I separated it from there so all they are trying to say is we are separated from you you are definitely we noticed some level that's what they are saying so hole it does not mean you have done some good thing you are so perfect that's why the Bible says since you are holy do what the father says do what is in the Lord why why if somebody's worldly I think they were doing what was they are being taught since you are separated act like it so being separated and your works are two different things your holiness and your works are two different things you are holy you are taking out cold out from the people holy then there is separated to God in separated from the people two stages you are separated from the people and separated to God so people miss the issue of holiness because the church is talking about different holiness that is not scriptural did they hear that all is it making sense to so you say what we what we do when people hear holy holy their minds that is we are saying oh you are so perfect how I've done what did he do he's just sitting on the drum there's no action he has done so what action does God have that you can be like oh it didn't go to the pub which pub is in heaven he married five wives where which scene can God actually commit in order to be a sinner I don't know they're getting it all God's holiness is not dependent on his he's talking about God's holiness not us as humans he's saying it's not dependent on his faces he's saying holiness it is his description but you said no angel has seen God but Gabriel stands in front of God no not Gabriel he says Gabriel says in the presence of God same thing with Jeremiah when he prophesizes in the presence of God now presence is magnetic field is nothing to do with what you're thinking that oh do you understand that Moses never saw God now I know I've just studied another one right now yeah because what you see oh then wasn't so good then wasn't so good just go to the New Testament and you realize God's saying and in the bush for Moses saw in the bush and and you're bending in the bush yet Moses said I saw God doesn't mean to say when they say they saw God they actually saw him and he and what did what happened with Jacob he fought an angel if what God the Bible says he fought an angel after fighting in angel an angel Britain we know the Bible says an angel but when he speaks he says I saw good in SFI and therefore team you did you fight God we were just reading here it says angel never mistake the way the Bible says in a generic sense to mean it is so the Bible is not of private interpretation where you interpret one verse based on your vests you got beyond that and God they remember we talked about Michael we talked about Gabriel seeing God does not mean you have like oh yeah that we with the way you are looking ok later let's go all the angels can see him all the angels can see him he had he was in a place where no man can approach alright if the devil and his angels are bound in chains waiting judgment how come they are still deceiving and a fig camp you know that's not see people have the problem of thinking angels and demons are the same and I've described it over and over again I said go research and see not we say don't research just go and listen to my past messages people we have the problem of thinking angels demons angels demons they have a problem they disembodied spirits check it I prayed on this a model spirits are you getting it are you getting it we've got Isaac we're saying if if God did not create the earth what about in Genesis chapter 1 verses 9 to 10 he separated the dry land from the waters and called it Earth I thought bara is creating something out of nothing exactly remember what we explained that you get correct created then you you get it med as interchangeable used in English you don't go for English and notice this when we talk about if a paraphrase or rather it's summer of what happened like we did in with number one and we actually did that verse that is she's talking about we actually dealt with it but we go to this pot valve one verse verse number one and we realize that's a summary of what happened so whenever you see God saying then I created the earth and is what we remove the waters right separated I don't know whether separated is creating all right since you're sitting there I want to I separate you I said now you people were sitting here move sit there separately I created you okay I'm maybe sometimes here's my mind it doesn't you know so I understand every we're not trying to make you like you are you are dumb or anything no you just say just saying look at the scriptures the way they are saying it they are not saying being separate head and Bingbing are the same imagine this stage is brilliant where we have a chick service we say just please argue with me ask so these are not planned ones like I get it I get a heat before the service or like okay please can you answer this one before no really you actually see the comments you Soviet say oh this is the question going up there alright let's go it's okay I will be nice today I'm in a good mood in most times I get frustrated because what I preach that over and over and over again and I kind of take this view that maybe some people didn't listen but I understand now like my wife told me that some peopie new to us so they really don't get what we preached before so yeah so I understand that you know way bigger be like what kind of students at this table preach this over and over given you know Brian Bui I think prophet who they're not the correct as mentioned in job 38 31 verse 31 and 32 where they in the pre-adamic race read them job 38 any remember when job is being being asked this question right he's not somebody we are talk we're not talking about some other area another time you know and and and this just happens to be the oldest book in the Bible in fact second office but Genesis carries the the oldest story all right so it's not like it's not like this guy had the you know people think job was in heaven literally that's way state you know job job you know like when when God created Adam he was doing it in heaven just Johnny in Israel in the City of David that's what he took that so you see see our even you in your house like what yeah in Israel that's why the tempo is there that same place where the tempo is if you look in the Jewish tradition that's exactly where God took the first soil to great Adam that's why it's an issue building that temple alright ready characters mentioned in job 38 verse 31 to 32 so the way they in the pre-adamic race the scripture that the person is referring to reads can now bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion in admissions and if you go back that's why I keep saying that's why I kept saying the biggest problem that's happened that is happening is this people have not read the messages or had the messages we preached we preached in the Nephilim series what do we mismanage mentioned we mentioned that these days you see unnamed after Nephilim's that's why you find all these other myths that are taking place where you have Zeus giving birth to a son with the God of God a few men all these are things you even see even these donkeys with the head of a man what are these these are pictures of something that happened in the pre-adamic world why would they chain themselves and shift themselves into into a half anymore half was half the head that's why it was so easy for God to bring Adam in bring all animals as they choose who you like to marry monkeys and chimpanzees it was you see when you look at his a and there was not found any helpmeet among the animals that means the previous ones they were interested so God was trying to show low guys the reason why he can't fit with animals is not like you ah you didn't get that alright alright alright I think do we have another one I don't think the quizzes are not that difficult you guys find some difficult ones they don't have the other ones like we answered them way back I don't know if you're getting this or you know getting it are the people getting it the two things the devil together I will not do it now we have played part three but I think I mentioned that time again that we will deal with it mm-hmm in fact we actually did when it's income from if you check the YouTube again you see I think so many times without within an inability to judge right and I'm inability to judge right you have freedom and the freedom to judge and the freedom to choose as a big problem your freedom to do anything then you have the ability to judge if you mix the two your freedom and you miss it you miss judge iniquity means the inability to weigh well on a scale I will become like the Most High you have already weighed you are free of course but you have weight good in yourself and you so yourself is equal then we have the freedom to do so I just answered but you know might take a week to get it what I just said are you hearing this I wish I could tell you what I want to tell you but not now not now we need we need to leave it for next week we need to leave it for next week before we start another new one which is more deadlier than this one but we are still ok with this one now we are still okay with this one are we getting it the power of three if God knows all things why then why freewill if God knows all things why freewill okay I don't know the question what it says but let me just try to interpret it if God knows all things why give free will you can't freeze your ability to know just because you give somebody an ability to choose see when if I know my wife wakes up in the morning and says I love you good morning and it's a robot I can be like Oh figure darling is the recording she wakes up looks at you good morning I love you and I'll be like what just does it no you can't force people to love you by gun gunpoint say I love you now I love you you go Rosie she loves you that word ah very very deep you lent yourself but it's better to give somebody an ability to choose and when they love you on their own though I know the future knowing the future doesn't make me make you like me like the Bible says one of you is the devil Jesus didn't say Judas said one of you it did not make Judas to become the devil oh my god you mean ii jus cool judas could have changed yeah he could but the Bible says he was a thief he would steal from the bank so we know Judas was bid before he betrayed Jesus he was an accountant dude could see you so we know for sure that he didn't correct his ways so when it got to the end he was the one to deceive we had Thomas who doubted but he didn't betray Jesus so they were sinners in there that could have actually contributed to Thomas could have betrayed Jesus but there was somebody who could betrayed before still the man of Jesus money stole it and it was good that it fell on him to betray Jesus and it's called Judas because it's from the tribe of Judah he was a relative relatives will betray you for a song they didn't get that type of message where even the devil would sit in Lin way he went wrong amen amen amen and amen some more thing is parallel world it's already there paru that's what the Bible says we are seated far above a principalities and powers since we had come unto Mount Zion yet I'm in my house yet you are come unto Mount Zion when did I come unto Mount Zion ye are come unto Mount Zion it means I have a parallel world I live in heaven and I live here that's why the Bible says we are ambassadors of heaven we are ambassadors of heaven an ambassador kill ammonia viniq ravine and they say I've just said something but now who is since we are ambassadors that means if I'm an ambassador of America to Britain I'm paid by US with US dollars my current is from day even when all these things are happening in the economy is going down again is the US dollar I don't care why my money is from America I'm the only one who can raise a flag in someone else's country and raise my own country's way and if you run away and you come to my embassy the country I mean won't arrest you because my embassy is the sovereign state if there is war here America will send a plane a jet in a helicopter pick me up here get me to the airport nearest and put fly me back to America why I belong to America you get it in now yet someone is getting it someone is getting it we are ambassadors of heaven when the thing got better on earth what shall happen we shall be taken in a twinkling of an eye why we have another world we live in so parallel world exist nicely we dealt with it last week on parallel world where we talk about the the prophet saying I was in one location Kirito Sayaka uh yeah yeah ours in one location and ministering to my own wife hmm and I was taken by the collar on my spirits and suspended between the temple and the heavens and I saw in the temple mmm the abomination that causes desolation and at the same time I was with another crowd in the I mean with inhabitants of another town sitting there for days amazing their ways discussing with them huh you are at war kissing your wife and you're also in the temple seeing what they are doing and you're also in another country sitting with them discussing in your wife thinks you had one so Evan took into your husband wha so what are we doing I always go shopping the same husband you are talking to is in another country I was ministering they possibly even can tell you here measuring inland in our array in H ICC while is ministering IRI appeared in London in the same church ministering to them the only person who couldn't see to start with was the pasta they even told the pasta pasta why are you still preaching when the Prophet is telling them a parallel world exists but most of the times listen most of the times you don't even know is happening yourself until you wake up and realize it you don't unclear Ankita hottia cos are you flowing or going home alright let's see three more questions then we are done you to be saying question men of God please can one who has the holy spirit be possessed by the devil nope can he be afflicted yes but if if this person moves from grace to law then they have opened so yes with the Holy Spirit but you can move from there I think the question then is it possible for a person with the Holy Ghost to live God oh yeah it's possible they didn't deny him taking say I don't believe in him anymore or they can act like they don't believe him anymore the action can prove they don't need the Holy Ghost anymore if your question then is are we saying what's this are we saying that the person with the Holy Spirit can can can get the Holy Ghost to leave him on his own only ghost is a gentleman he doesn't fight nobody doesn't fight people he is very gentle so we just stand there and look at you ladies and wonder how many people today say the good morning Holy Spirit how many people said hello Holy Spirit now you have a low Holy Spirit how many have said all is released in the foot together how many no relationship with him you get to hit that that kind of lifestyle until you get to your life to go down and look to what we said in the book of Revelation when we're talking about Nicolaitans that go back to your first love I mean it is possible to quench the fire of the Holy Ghost is in the book of Thessalonians says despise not profits and despise not prophesying said whatever you do you cringe the Holy Ghost is it possible yeah I don't know if they're getting it it is possible it is possible now now if you if you see here more insight has just discovered that Springs of fresh water under the sea the Hebrew root word NBK meaning sauces or springs yet the book of Job says have you seen where I put the springs of the sea oceanographers they actually people would do with oceans right they actually have seen now that they are Springs another I don't know if you are getting this are you getting this or you've gone home you see the word dip in the in the in the Hebrew team in against the vast depth of ocean almost eight miles deep the only modern science has been able to discover how do you see that if you're talking about meteorology we talked about a clashes one verse number seven all the rivers run into the sea they'd never resisted that all rivers are running to the sea you didn't hear that right that's what it's got the hydraulic cycle of modern science they'd already seen it these guys had already seen it notice this are you here now says who he has weighed now watch this who he has weighed the weight of the wind that's job being asked and now they just say realize that actually with this weight it's got the force of wind before they even discovered them way to measure the pressure wind the man had already seen it and God was telling him and the pressure you can wait are you hearing the word for vapors is the way that that that comes from the word NS which means to lift up all right now the Hebrew word should be translated high clouds referring to Camila Castellani you remember the equivalent in Buddha you're getting the points so the psalmist is describing our clouds come from the edge of the horizon up over our heads to cover the sky and then it rains then the book of Psalm 135 7 says it causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth Pepa to become clouds already talking about condensation before science discovered what is happening they just the drain was coming oh I don't know if you understand are you getting it the word every word mist which could be better translated by floor spring or spring the Septuagint right text runs less spring the most likely etymology of the word is from the from the way aid which represents the Kissimmee River from the mouth whence issues the waters of the eighth or brought us with water from the earth and Genesis to 6s but they went up a mist in the middle of the earth and mist from the if they wanted a mist and they discovered that listen it's a lot of discoveries that have taken place I can I can take you to one two three and we can move from there if we if we're talking about right now the end is round Isaiah 40 verse number 22 it is he will sit above the circle of the earth proverbs 8 27 when like when he prepared the heavens I was there when he drew the second or the sphere on the face of the deep tourism when Gooden planned it to be spherical since that was they didn't get that you didn't I are you getting it are you getting it f is hung or nothing in outer space that's exactly what he says the distance from the air west to from the east of the West is in fact in finite in in in science maybe they didn't get that all right distance from the north to the south is finite do you notice that that's what science is are you getting it then someone or 8 1 or 3 12 says as far as the East is from the West so is so the Bible says no there is no measure here and he had signs you can't measure it in finite and the guide already seen it signs that not even discovered it I don't know if you are getting it when we're dealing with our ocean currents since the beds of the air and the fish of the sea that passed through the paths of the Seas they discovered recently that they actually passed in the sea what do you think ship using just direction they know exactly passed through this this coordination coordinate this coordinate in the bubble I'd already said there they are paths in the sea because when fish birds fly they see the past and they know where to go they don't know nobody now scientists alike I discovered it I discovered it like Livingstone discovered a Victoria Falls do you know the story he was there with black people day and black B was odd there is something we want to show you let's show you so do you see that whoa said right right the quid I discovered something you did not you people were they how did you discover ideas off I don't get on if you understand when he made a law for the rain and a path for the Sun stand opposed it's called lightning step leaders in science said he made a pathway lightning you just think Lightning is coming like this they are parts that is following then a barber also says then this this eyes can only see three thousand stars we can count three thousand stars but if you take a telescope they become innumerable when you check like you not telescope you god define to study and realize the gallic they are innumerable they can't even number them here is and the horse of a heaven angels and they also heaven be the stars of heaven cannot be numbered none of the set of the see measured will I multiply the distance of David the descendants of David that's Jeremiah 33 22 and I can go on and go on and go on and go on just imagine when you think science is opposing the Bible it's not it's actually agreeing with it what you need to understand is there is a reason why God has put you on this earth and there is a reason why the devil is angry with you there is a reason why it was time for your growth you do anything to stop you from achieving what you want to achieve but you say no I will not be moved i decree and acclaim now in the name of Jesus I shall not be moved I shall not be moved for my best my beginning started way before Adam God had me in his spirit before Adam before Adam before Adam I decree and declare now I will fulfill my calling I will not be stopped by anything my hunger will be satisfied by the word in the name of Jesus I will win souls everywhere in the name of Jesus I will move mountains I will cause things to move miracles are mine miracles are mine signs and wonders are mine named Jesus key romanza Rando crater was a Jesus might name we pray amen wherever you are right now I want you to do something that is that you've never done before - really really pray over your seat now before you give it I want you to pray over your seed but not just pray because they've been praying about it but I want you to declare something over that seed over that offering over that partnership I want you to decrease something of my life declared apply it call it a saint seed something that is sent in order to bring back something see the Bible says he sent His Word and healed them or notice he says he healed them all he shall lack is with that means you can shall lack your offering you can shall lack your seed you can shall lack your testing you can shall lack your your your partnership your tithe can be sure like why because this when the word was chalant it healed them all yet Jesus is in his hometown and he tried to heal the sick in fact he said in the year the sick guess what happened says some with minor ailments were healed but he could not do they know mighty works but when he said his word healed them all there is a same thing that makes it happen now will you see it you're offering your tithe your partnership I want you to send it far in the name of Jesus this shallick offering wherever these people are this shall like offering let it get to a certain level to a certain level where they can say even within these seven days it surely brought back a testimony in the name of Jesus I decree and declare right now let it produce a miracle that will shock them in the name of Jesus I speak now by the authority of the Spirit I speak now by the authority of the Spirit I speak now but the season for harvest is now the season for harvest is now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus as they saw right now as they go to this website right now WWE world comm father make them lights let that offering be alight to disperse every darkness of poverty darkness of sea sickness darkness of shortages of bad relationships so it can create something that they say in seven days a miracle by this Sunday let them be giving testimonies in the might name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus go to your to the website right now WWE world come and remember I have to to be fast and you know I took your time I was just because of questions and all that I really wanted it to be a short service but you know I come here well meaning well I really I meant to be you know fast and all that but it just happens because last week or so fast and people are complaining that you just went too fast so this week we were trying to be but yeah they did now I want you to see something when you get to a point where you understand you don't need to be taught to give you have matured Christians are always told no more most people never give what they feel to give they give what they are told to give and that's a bad problem be at its level where you say I'm not going to be instructed some people saw especially a Tom Graham people they actually give before we even finish the service in the beginning so when we just say Oh Dan somebody is done are they I think we are having a lot of people doing it right now has given Winson Chile Farida Willard Melanie Agnes has given Noah mia has given Emmanuel quite a lot of people are giving isha has also done Lorraine Freeman Dan Kyra go near a Dan Rebecca Don Jane Dan Joseph is saying Dan Lycia mahaki offering done so many people are doing it right now sir same thing on Facebook we've got brain who's saying done with what Elizabeth who sing Dan got on yet I was seeing a type and offering done amen amen so before doing it a loop about doing it enough I'm excited that you guys are doing it did we do it is I we did right it is I think I like it is I I like it is I I like it is I event let's let's do my money it's my money it's my money the one that it did with Craig bone my money my money so whether by Versace whether pay my tithe whether by Vincenzo it is my money what I pay my partnership it is my money so it's important part of him with it is my money they know you come back I'll pray for you and we then meet each other concept Oh such powerful right concept concept it's gonna be something oh boy how far you did a BSA crack boom come down placing it on the pirating so whatever I do pendulum oh good try watch insider Charlie I will see you later then moneymoney my money money my money money money money my money morning I'm on it my my money morning the money we got you know go finish you stupid you know they know I need you to pull hurt you it's a life of my dude do believe it you you money we got my money my money my money my money my money my money my money morning follower thank you for these that I hear right now we'll figure that in the next seven days create a miracle that they can trace back to this moment this time end this season Father we thank you for this day we thank you that your revelation hit home your revelation got to another level where they know it's not about before Adam it is always about what they carry that the devil got angry about in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that these people be protected heavenly protected heavily guarded and God protected in the name of Jesus let them attract good news this week in Jesus name Amen remember tonight we have the good news music concept God is still doing something I love you guys and listen to me Bibi and I are excited that you're part of puzzle of this family and we are so excited with because of all new family in the Arab world Jesus is a life Jesus is the LA alive and is the reason for this channel trust me is the reason why we are here and we know for a fact that is coming very soon for we are living in the last days and the last days here is the eschatos the end of the end the end part of the end time so we know for sure that you guys protected because you are watching this channel and we love you and we're praying for your family that in everything that you are protected financially physically your health spring forth like the morning in the name of Jesus amen and amen love you guys and see you tonight at 7 British Standard Time I will be singing in the spirit love you guys love you guys love you guys see you see this Bible is literally letters sent to partners when when you think Paul that's why it's got the letter today the letter today there later today these are letters partnership is much more than being on a mailing list you can say that partnership is a bridge that connects two sides on one side you have individuals businesses ministries and on the other side you have the work of the ministry the rewards for the work of the ministry and the ministries grace the bridge of partnership rests upon two fundamental pillars one pillar is prayer and the other is finances these two pillars are designed to benefit you as a partner just as much as the ministry the benefits are a two-way stream from your side you pray for profits you Burt and BB the staff and for God's grace to be upon the work of the ministry coming back to you is the commitment of prophet hubert and prophet BB along with the good news world staff to pray for you every single day in addition to your prayers when you sow your financial seed you are exercising the full measure of your faith toward the work of the Menace
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 101,349
Rating: 4.8928571 out of 5
Id: AyRrgqnGfqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 28sec (13108 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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