Prophetic Timeline - End of the Age 7

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[Music] you have given me a life in abundance you have healed every disease you have given me prosperity from beginning to the end you never take [Music] we give you [Music] you have opened up away [Applause] [Music] [Music] you have given me prosperity [Music] [Music] you have given me we were [Applause] [Music] father we were [Music] [Music] we [Music] yeah we were [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] greetings welcome to this international online sunday service such a pleasure to have you joining us this morning as we gather around the light of god to learn from the lord concerning these very pertinent issues a glorious time indeed as we sow our seed and make investments in this end times global missionary network before we begin we encourage you to subscribe and click on the notification icon and make sure that you are amongst the first to receive a message every time there is a special delivery for you on this platform on youtube my name is father karumba joined by pastor chunni in a few moments we'll be hailing the presence of the great prophet and of god what a time pastor kramer always good to be here indeed amazing season our fathers opened the door for us if there has ever been an opportunity for investment it is the door that our father has opened through the global missionary network yes a platform where we can evangelize where we can minister through the voice no it's important to have a relevant word it is important to have a word in season and what our father is doing is he's giving us direction in life yes it's one thing to minister and give direction is another our father is giving us direction in life through the word of god interpreting today's events so that we know what to do and if there's ever been a platform where we can evangelize with the word in real time it's it's this platform that our fathers create us right now a lot of times people talk about their worth and right now our fathers opened our eyes to understand that we have a part to play in as far as our worth in the kingdom is concerned and what an opportunity what an opportunity because we have done everything else and we have never really gotten to a point where we understand how we can build our tomorrow in that kingdom from this platform from this place and our father has given us that highlight that there is a platform where you can partner as an individual forget about what the world says listen to the voice of god you have a platform here to partner with the word of god and evangelize minister and minister in partnership with our father the voice that's right and touch lives it's important that we we partner and create value for ourselves that's right in the tomorrow and backing details are flighting on your screen please make use of those backing details if you need further assistance please get onto the whatsapp platform you might feel like i want to give unkind and if you want to do so our team is on standby ready to assist you and lead you through the steps of how you can effectively do that we're seeing you coming in and uh joining the stream please do gather around in a few moments we'll be hailing the presence of uh the great prophet on this platform this morning so gather around as many people as you can send this link on your social media platforms and make sure that as many people can gather and hear this very special and critical word from the prophet of god like what you've just said the banking details on the screen the contact details are also on the screen wherever you are you've got the categories the five categories the one thousand dollar five hundred dollars two hundred two hundred fifty dollars and hundred dollars and that's an opportunity for you to partner but don't be limited to those figures that's right if you can do more you'll be worth more and that's the teaching that our father has given to us it's important don't be limited by figures sometimes we tend to fix ourselves in in in figures or on see on platforms that probably suit the environment you go beyond you you exceed what you have done before like our father said and obviously obviously your life will never be the same again you know one of the questions that people have been asking is what we are doing now how does it contribute to our tomorrow that's a question that people have always been asking and our fathers taught us this is a platform to create value in ourselves it's an investment and sometimes we may not have the answers but we have a man who has been there a man was proved over time that he can go ahead of us a man was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he has a relationship with god and this is the man who is coming to highlight and i remember in his exact words you will thank me when we get there you will thank me and this is an opportunity if you have ever doubted anything else please don't doubt this because we have always had this question what is it that i can do in order for me to improve myself in that kingdom it's amazing and we've never had answers on that but our fathers come with answers so wherever you are you have your loved ones you have your children partner on their behalf partner on their behalf if there are people that you feel need to be watching this broadcast please send them the link send them the link this is the time where we sit down and we hear what god is saying today real time yes that's right i remember a platform is being created for you way those that have partnered especially with this kingdom agenda the prophet has taylor designed special material just for you and very soon you'll be getting more details concerning that where he will be giving you special teachings and special guidance and specific areas designed for people that have partnered and invested into this kingdom agenda in the different categories thank you so much for continuing to join the stream if you know someone who hasn't joined us yet please do invite them in a few moments we'll be in introducing the prophet this morning so invite your friends invite your family invite those you love the service this morning is about to begin allow us to take this moment now to introduce the great prophet greetings our father may god bless you pastors and bless father we are eternally grateful and as you said when we get to that place we'll look for you and we will thank you definitely father and just to understand that the death of jesus was not just for us he got more out of it wisdom blessing wealth in that place you you're helping us to understand the value of our life beyond the physical that we can see and helping us to make investments in a place that has no time where our value there will be fixed according to what we do here sure so father we're so grateful for taking us into the depths of the word of god explaining to us about these issues concerning the end of the type from a prophetic perspective father you you blew our expectations you [Music] you made us to understand these matters in a completely different light with depth and specificity that we had never ever heard before neither could we have imagined but the clarity now is so astonishing confidence is settled in us um we we feel a greater urgency we must confess to get our act together definitely in that marvelous place sure thank you so much father and again remember he as a result of what he did right here on the earth he got a name that he never had before for god hath highly exalted him so he got a higher position and then a name was credited into his account and we must believe what the word of god teaches [Music] it wouldn't be fair for the father to give the same name that jesus already had as a reward because that's cheating yeah and and being a just judge jesus had to get something out of the work that he did and we must understand the um in fact today we want to look at something so critical because i touched briefly on that last time last sunday but let's get into uh further details concerning um what happens exactly at rapture okay i want you to see because i promise that we are going to have [Music] major events taking place in the heavens whilst we also have events that never took place right from the beginning of the creation until those days down here on this earth so we now have two different places where you have completely different activities taking place all at this same time what are we having in heaven what is happening up there and what is transpiring down here but before i get into that it is important that we also spend a little bit of time on what i termed the the great conversion okay what happens to us at the time the trumpet speaks okay when we hear the trumpet there is a conversation there is a dialogue between believers and the trumpet when the trumpet speaks and an order is given by the trumpet for us to come up here what exactly happens at that time because i know that's a mystery which even paul himself tried to address probably given the little understanding that his audience had he wasn't really successful in conveying that mystery to them but also given to the nature of people listening to me today probably you are better off than um the kind of people because he once complained at some point paul actually once said i couldn't speak to you as unto spiritual [Music] so everything else that he then went on to write about he wasn't really addressing spiritual people who are mature in the things of god but sometimes we jump on scriptures and we want to think everything that was said by paul was really spiritual but he had actually downgraded himself to match his audience first corinthians three okay verse one yeah and i brethren could not speak unto you i could not speak unto you as unto spiritual as unto spiritual but as antacano even as unto babes in christ you see yes i have fed you with milk and not with meat for you the two ye were not able to bear it you see the same statement you hear when jesus said i have so many things that i would have shared with you but you can't bear that information as of now until he the spirit of truth comes okay so you're seeing a qualified man of god who is well educated in the things of the spirit but he considers the level of his audience how much they can take in at that given moment then he moves into some kind of a compromise where he shelves certain information and he reserves it right up to the time of maturity [Music] so whatever paul was saying while he she was with them it's not information that we can rely on because we are not the same age with the people that he was addressing so i am smart enough to know that i would not even want to know exactly what he taught them at that time i'm happy to know what he then taught them when they had matured in the things of god wow thank you so i'm going to share with you some of the things that i i believe belong to the mature thank you okay i'm just going to make an assumption and believe that probably there are two three people watching me today who are really mature in the things of god and the information that you deserve is greater and bigger than what they got okay so paul is having a problem with his membership you hear that i couldn't give you meat i couldn't give you bones you needed milk that's that's so interesting but i want to show you what i call the great convention and and you're going to find it so interesting because i want you to know um what happens to you when you hear the voice of the trumpet when the trumpet speaks to you and a direct order is given by the commander jesus himself the man in church when he speaks the same voice that declared light be and without delay the light appeared and the light never dared to ask [Music] where do i come from because it made a demand in the light appeared the same voice will speak and you will hear and then what happens to you so i'll talk about how you are converted in as much as you already converted there is another conversion of your physical existence into another existence then the conversion of your works the conversion of your works that is so critical this message you need it for the rest of your life you need it you need it you need it so straight away let's get into scriptures because that's where we belong that's where we came from we are products of what the worst of the world [Music] let us make ben he spoke first before he made us so we live by the wedding not by dread bread alone right paul considers some of the questions that we're being asked by the immature and we want to read a bit about that in first corinthians chapter number 15. verse is 35. slowly we take it down to i think i'm sure first 58 i don't know let's see what is there because at first i want you to know and see how god is going to perform a miracle where you are supposed to be converted into another manifestation that is compatible with the kingdom of god okay there is a kingdom that has to be entered into which has different material than we have in within the kingdoms that we have currently okay so let's see questions that are being raised by people when he had communicated with them concerning the resurrection of the dead they went into asking to raise questions like most questions that we're receiving these days okay let's hear what they said and what he said in response but some man will say how are the dead raised up the question is how are the dead raised up how is god going to achieve that how is he going to raise the debt uh-huh and with what ends number two with what bodily with what body do they come do they come because these guys are have really considered the decomposition of the body that every part of your being is just uh disintegrated and how is god going to put you back together what so what form of a body are we going to have at resurrection and as much as you would think such questions are reasonable look at how he responded thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die thou fool that which you sowest is not quickened what you saw what you saw is not quickened there is no quickening of the seed except it die so after you have sown the seed the seed has to die for it to attain a quickening when you saw now he's bringing an understanding a very fresh understanding to you exactly what you're doing when you're sowing you are not bearing okay you are not losing he says unless the seed dies it cannot be quickened so in trying to help the seed experience a quickening you have to assist the seed you put it into a place where it first dies in order for it to experience a quickening it is quickened after it is dead [Music] something that even if you are to pray for the seed it can never be quickened unless it falls into the ground and it dies first so death is part of that quickening process so you assist the seed in his death and by allowing the seed to die we have actually handed the seed over to the quickening power of god now he's explaining what happens at resurrection and that which thou sawest that which thou saw is the thing that you carried into the thumb into the field thou sourced not that body that shall be you see what you go on to sow is not the body that shall be but bare grain so what you carry is is grain and it begins to talk about different types of grain but bear grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain maybe it's wheat that you carry but he's saying what you'll get as a result is not the thing that you buried okay so there must be a conversion where you take a seed a non-seed a physical seed and when you bury that expect a different body to image from the same spot so there must be a conversion that happens away from your sight where what you would once carried into the field first is something that if you have to take a picture of it it's it's it's something that is so lonely it's just a single seed and for that to be quickened into for that to become many you have to saw it into the ground and you let it die and then it is quickened right there and the body that you see coming out you see a plant that's a different body you never carried a plant it was a seed you have the entire tree with branches and leaves and roots you never had that in your hand so look he's showing them the quickening of the seed how it is buried in one form and how it is resurrected in another form and it is not just one seed that you see coming out you see oh follow me today oh follow me today now see that you you have a body of a seed in a certain form and you want the form to be changed god created a place where that transaction becomes possible get that seed away from the ban get that seed away from yourself you don't have that capacity to bring about the new body that the seed requires detach the seed from yourself bury it let it die then watch the body that it comes back putting on the same seed you won't even recognize that this was the same seed now he's talking about resurrection okay i'm not i'm not here talking about money here we're talking about our physical bodies now keep on reading but god giveth it a bonding who gives it a body god god gives it the seed is given a body no this is not saying that after sowing it and the seed is dead god will create another body in its stead it says god giveth it they eat there is the seed that is given another manifestation wow the seed is given another god is a giver of bodies so many things to talk about you see imagine god gives to the seed that is given when god gives to the seed that is given he gives it a body god gives it a body so you must have the dna so to speak of the first seed that you have sown still existing within the new body that comes out of the grave so and god gives it well god will give it whatever is sown god will give a new body to the seed sown that's a critical piece honestly okay keep on reading slowly but god giveth it a body as it hath pleased him oh my god according to his judgment keep already father please please please there is a very very deep principle and i'm trying to if we go on we might we might not father i know you're excited we'll get to that just just just wait and see just watch where we're going [Laughter] oh that's how rich the word of god is that's how you see when you begin to feel the way that you're feeling that's the opening up of the spirit [Music] okay that's the opening up it's a window it's an open door of the spirit where you begin to perceive things that's that's that's life that is just to hit you right there okay just keep on let's keep on and to every seed his own body his own body every seed his own body yes all flesh is not the same now he comes to the resurrection again of the dead the same fools that are raising this question he says now all flesh is not the same not the same flesh all flesh is not the same flesh it is all flesh but all flesh is not the same flesh that is what but there is one kind of flesh of men there is the flesh of men human flesh another flesh of beasts beasts also have flesh another of fishes now fish also have flesh and another of birds and beds also have flesh and he's putting these flesh into different categories and he says these flesh are different from each other they are not the same so before we go on to talk about new bodies is focusing on the current bodies that we possess and he is insisting on their difference just so that you know that if we are different in this fleshly manifestation so shall we be also even after resurrection there is never going to be uniform if god really needed us to be uniform that uniformity should have been maintained right from the beginning where we have one flesh one type of it but because now god enjoys seeing the difference in flesh he's the same god who is also going to enjoy seeing the difference in our manifestations in that world to come okay so am i am i being fast here no no no father all right so see that you have different types of flesh of the bed of bees and fish in the in beds and of humans there are also celestial bodies now he goes on to talk about heavenly bodies they are also celestial bodies celestial referring to the heavens celestial bodies there are things that you see you read about and you don't hear what is being said he's still maintaining the same language body body body even when he got to heavenly ones the word body still appears so these heavenly beings are in a heavenly form or heavenly body they have bodies and the bodies are heavenly and he didn't just end there he came back again back to earth and bodies terrestrial and body is terrestrial earthly bodies but the glory of the celestial now he goes on to talk about the difference now in the glory the originality of those bodies it's not just talking about shining as most people think when they every time they hear about the word glory glory simply refers to the original nature of a thing [Music] but the glory of what but the glory of the celestial is one the glory of the heavenly body is one and the glory of the terrestrial is one is another notice that even the physical body has its glory so there is glory in this flesh there is glory in this flesh but the glory of this flesh that you have in this flesh is different from the glory of the heavenly body there is one glory of the sun again he goes on to different bodies again in the heavens where he talks about heavenly bodies as in um stars and the moon and the sun how they also carry different measures of glory there is one glory of the son one glory of the son another glory of the moon so there's one glory of the sun and another he calls it another he doesn't call it the same in another glory of the moon yes and another glory of the stars yes for one star difference now he goes to the stars from another star in glory so the stars are never in as much as they are so numerous they are never the same each star carries its own unique glory so that we understand if god has enough in his reserves to reward them to bless stars with different types of glorious if there is such a word look at us because when we get to the time where where god now begins to reward his people our glory also is supposed to be different he's a god of variety he has been enjoying that over time seeing things in their difference we are never never going to be the same because that is not consistent with god's creation that's not consistent with god's creation he enjoys we see him enjoying a variety the difference so the glory is different so also is the resurrection of the dead so also is what the resurrection of the dead what about the resurrection of the dead it's going to be different the glory is going to be different one person is going to have more glory than the other okay keep on reading it is sown in corruption it is sound what is saw in corruption the body it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption my god raised in in corruption i'm going to come back and explain that in detail to you just right here i'm just giving you what paul gave to them but i want to go a little bit further and show you exactly what is going to become of you when you hear the voice of the trumpet thank you for thank you it is sown in dishonor hmm you see there's a way to what this honor is honor dishonor it is raised it is raised in glory my god so there's a different body that comes out of the grave from the one that you buried from dishonor into glory it is sown in weakness now notice that notice that so powerful the men that you buried whether it was your father your mother your sister your brother all those people had exhibited science of weakness at some point even the fact that they have been overcome by death or sickness or disease we went on to bury them in their weakness but at resurrection what happens it is raised in power when you are raised in power what is he talking about what is he talking about child of god hear this hear this when you are raised from the dead there are different types of resurrections in the bible for instance the resurrection that we are going to experience is unlike the resurrection that lazarus had many types of resurrections because i once had a person raising a question he had a situation we ministered to his father who was as good as dead or as bad as dead brought him for a healing session for some time he couldn't do anything he couldn't walk now they carried him into the auditorium and we ministered to him and he was manifesting every word given to him by the physicians they had given him only weeks to live asked him to put his house in order you're dying because of this critical disease that you have so he comes in that state knowing that his days are numbered we ministered unto him raised from there began to walk went on to work again for his family for more than four years he's okay his feet now still this man went on to die in a car accident he died in a car accident and to my greatest surprise the family lost their testimony they became so much disturbed by what happened and i i don't know how they managed to marry the truth the miracle of the father had and now that our father is dead and how we couldn't we couldn't avoid it as prophets i don't know how i don't know because these these things are so their words are part i'm thinking how does this come in they don't marry how does this come in because to them maybe they thought the miracle was supposed to be eternal the healing was also supposed to cover even the accident that was going to happen but we think their father was in that kind of if you look at the video if you look at the pictures he was dead raised from that state now he's back to work then he goes on to die then they lose the testimony they lost the miracle because now their father is dead and they believe if he was a prophet he should have at least seen this and averted this rather than just dealing with the condition the disease that our father had it's amazing how people bring things together and and they they have a story but i'm just giving as an example here to say if a miracle is not genuine simply on the best is that it is not eternal if the miracle that you receive is not genuine because it is not everlasting if it doesn't last forever and then you believe it is not genuine it's a fake miracle because how is it people are healed today and after two months they are sick again that's where some of the people even journalists they get their stories from from such from such people how come you said you recovered and now you're sick so they say that's a fake miracle but if you ask them do you believe that miracles that jesus performed were genuine they say yes if it is jesus they believe you ask them a question have you ever been to lazarus house to conduct an interview like you're doing with me right now and ask him how is he how is he doing these days find out how lazarus is doing if you find him dead does that then mean that the miracle that jesus performed was not genuine is it in the lifespan of the miracle why am i touching on this aspect because that's where we are going i just want to show you that there are different miracles healings even resurrections in the bible the one that lazarus experienced is not the same with the resurrection that we're going to experience in what sense he came out with the body the same body that died was the body that came out of the grave now the reason why i believe it is the same body because the same body then went on to die again it was buried in weakness it was raised in weakness [Music] strong waiting yet for another death to occur and lazarus himself is also waiting for this great conviction that i'm talking about here because there are people who think i got this job from god god gave me a job but how is it that i'm i just got fired so there wasn't god involved to begin with yet you must have enjoyed the moment of the miracle and do what you're supposed to do there are things that you have to do to save god and to prolong the lifespan of a miracle what did jesus say to the men that he healed go and see no more unless something bigger and greater before he's getting this man into teaching that most healed people don't want to listen to jesus who is eternally he is not even just anointed he is the anointing after giving you a miracle he tells you how to behave so that you don't fall into a even greater problem than the one you had before he knows how his system runs but let me i'm just trying to show you something here notice i want to touch on something here i hope you are following holy spirit i ask that you give your people understanding at this point in jesus name chad of god when the trumpet speaks when you hear his command and he tells you come up whether you are alive or you are dead and then you hear that voice now notice you first of all changed you are given a new body a new appearance that enables you to tap into divine communications a coded word spoken by the trumpet that non-believers cannot articulate you're able to perceive it to interpret it and to follow that command because now you you are putting on a body that is no longer disobedient to divine orders it is given to that body to obey that voice and like the one that you have look at how you've struggled with all the ten commandments now what what sort of body is that you might want to know in this one that body this is what i believe first of all it can be the same body blessing on scripture it's not the same body that was once buried that comes out from the game from the grave it is sown in weakness but it comes back in power so if this body knew it's just that this body has limited information if this current body that is weak if it had information that it will become better glorious more powerful after death uh father even the pain killer you don't take it i'm just i'm just giving it i'm just giving it to you as an example the reason why we want to hang on so dearly to our lives it is because of the limited revelation that we have concerning the life after this now what sort of a body that's the question how are they raised and what sort of bodies are going are they going to have now this is what i believe cause we are given opportunities by god sometimes to test powers of the world to come and by god's special grace some of us we have been able to here and there have an experience to at least see where we are who we are after this phase what am i talking about when a body is resurrected the bones are brought together the flesh is brought together like in the case where you have the prophet himself speaking to the dry bones he spoke to the dry bones and he taught them what god was going to do that god is going to raise you you will become referring to israel a nation in army again spiritually notice something you must understand that there was never such a valley the prophet was never taken to any valley physical valley that was in a vision so if that was in a vision it means the place that the prophet went to was a spiritual place but what is amazing is that there in that spiritual place what do you saw we're bonds once you see a born in a spiritual place the bone is spiritual because the valley is a spiritual value because this is an allegory god wants to communicate with the physical israel what they have now become spiritually and how he is going to raise them and he began to prophesy bonds were brought together flesh came back and he prophesied to the four winds okay yes [Music] notice he took time to explain the return of everything else except the blood he called upon the spirit to come and immediately those bodies got resurrected now let me show you something here okay jump to verse number 50. you come back and go through quite a lot of scriptures in between but just for education people says before you forget verse number 15. now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god okay so you will not enter into that kingdom with flesh that is the reason why there is need for the flesh to be converted but the blood doesn't get converted when you are raised from the dead there is one thing that is not going to be retained for you to have a more strong and more powerful life after resurrection there is something that you die with that should not become a part of your resurrection your blood your blood all the limitations and restrictions and weaknesses are embedded within your blood it is given to your blood to fail it is given to your blood to be weary it is given to your blood to not retain certain knowledge that is divine and once that blood is brought back into the afterlife you become as weak and as limited as you were before because your life was as a result of the manifestation of your blood when a human life is programmed the program is downloaded into your blood now when you study leviticus okay chapter 17 verse number 11 leviticus 17 verse number 11 for the life of the flesh life of what the flesh life of what flesh that's from the spiritual life the life of the flesh is what is in the blood the life of the flesh is in the blood so if your flesh is alive the life of that flesh is dependent on the supply by the blood of life you must get this part i once dealt with this but please this time don't miss it oh okay if you notice that he didn't say for the life of the flesh is the blood it says the life of the flesh is in the blood so the blood is not the life of the flesh but the blood carries the life of the flesh it is a career it carries the program called life why i'm saying it is not the blood that is the life of the flesh i said this before i'm saying it again why is it a man still with blood in his body he dies in the hospital you measure the amount of blood in his body it's the same amount not an ounce missing yes yet the man is dead if the life of that flesh was in the blood how come the man is dead yet the blood is still there the man is not supposed to die that goes to show that the blood itself receives life from the spirit so the spirit gives life to the blood and the blood is an agent that converts that life spiritual life into a life that the flesh is able to live with or to survive all so the blood comes to convert that spiritual life so the blood is there it receives life from the spirit and then that life that it that it receives from the spirit is converted and then the flesh begins to feed on the life that was once spiritual but your body didn't have access to that kind of life for the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit so your body really required life that comes from the spirit but your physical body cannot receive they think of the spirit okay so what your blood was actually doing was to convert things that your physical body would not ordinarily receive from the spirit then it is converted it is brought into a neutral position where it is no longer a spiritual life which your the kind of men cannot receive it's now in a form that is accessible to the human flesh that is why when the spirit now departs both the flesh and the blood dies so it was never the blood that was the life of the flesh so what happens now when you are resurrected there is a bypass where now oh right now if you look at yourself picture this there's need for the blood to be present in your body there's need for the spirit to supply life to the blood and there's need for the blood to convert that life into a form that the carnal man can receive because he cannot receive the things of the spirit now let's talk about two things that you are you are natural men you are a spiritual man you are a spirit you live in a physical body and all these two manifestations are yourself okay but what i want you to understand is that in as much as you are together you are not yet one that's the reason why separation is still possible you are not yet thoroughly mixed together which is the thing that i believe is going to happen at resurrection we can still separate you today put your spirit aside and we leave the physical body alone and we watch as the body dies in as much as you are together you are still a community it is still many of you in one place the unity is yet to be established that's why separation is possible right now follow me follow me yes so we can separate your spirit from your body as we speak but at the resurrection the kind of resurrection that is going to happen is where you have the spirit and the flesh coming together that mixture is so comprehensive so intense that you now have that which was once flesh co-existing with the spirit where your body at that time now doesn't rely on the blood to convert life you are receiving life directly from the spirit that used to give life to the blood follow this yes now the the thing that used to limit you during your stay on the earth is omitted that ingredient deliberately god lives out that that ingredient in your in your makeup at resurrection so when jesus is coming he comes with spirits of the dead and the spirits of the dead they will go back to the grave find the dead bodies and they are united in those spirits now they quicken the bodies the body now receives life directly from the spirit and in the body that you're going to have is a mixture it's a confusing body because it can do both it can do all things okay jesus comes back from the dead and they believe that he is a spirit in order for him to convince them that he is not a spirit as you think he said reach hither thy finger yes and behold my hands for a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones that is what he's saying and by saying it doesn't have flesh and bones he's not saying there are no there's no flesh there's there are no bones in the spirit it's just referring to the type of bones the type of bones [Music] that you can touch touch this type this is not the type that you can see in the spirit luke 24 verse number 37 luke 24 verse number 37 but they were terrified and are frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit and he said unto them why are ye troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts behold my hands and my feet that is i myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have and when they had thus spoken he showed them his hands the spirit doesn't have flesh and bones as you see me have hmm as you see me have he's not saying there's no there's no flesh there is no bones in the spirit please this is very hard to understand he's saying as you see me have the one that you see me having okay is talking about a pure spirit so he's trying to present to them that what you are witnessing now is not purely a spirit because what you have in the physical i still have okay so we are not going to be spirits [Laughter] let me show you let me show you let me show you look at the book of john look at the book of john see what the body is able to achieve chapter number 20 verse number 19. then the same day at evening the same day at evening being the first day of the week of the week that's the day he was raised from the dead when the doors were shut what was shut the door what was shot the door what was shot the doors these are physical doors that were shut by the disciples making sure that they are safe they are afraid of what has just happened to their master and they know these guys in power are coming after them so they make they made sure that they had enough food staying indoors and what happened when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews yeah came jesus and stood in the midst right in the midst he all he appeared whilst they were gathered together he appeared right at the center how how is it that we are talking here and then suddenly he appears and then the door is still locked and we are afraid that maybe he's a spirit and then he goes on to say no i have bones but how did you get in here how did you get in here you see the mixture yes when imperfection when the blood is removed from your veins and your body physically now can have access to the life of the spirit where there is a unity i'm telling you what limits you now yes i understand to think that what was limiting the men from walking through was was not even the bones of the flesh it was the blood that's the thing that he came without then he appeared in their midst and then from there he's saying touch me from the sand from their center he says can i have something to eat just to prove not because he was hungry he just wanted them to see that they can easily touch him at the same time he is walking through walls what is he demonstrating he's showing them the form in which they are going to be raised also so that when you begin to preach about resurrection touch this aspect that this is the kind of a body that is rapturable wow because that's the same body that he was raised up with so he's trying to let them see himself so that you preach what you have seen not only what you have heard you have seen me walking through walls is a demonstration of the life after death when you are raised from the dead you have a body that people can touch yet that same body can walk through solid walls what makes that possible is the presence of the spirit how the flesh is is able to access spiritual life because it is one now [Music] with the spirit now i wanted to see this i wanted to see this this is so critical this is so critical now it's not just that he's now able to walk through walls look at his body after resurrection max 16 verse number 12 you want to know before before we get to the convention of your works we're talking about yourself here after that after that he appeared in another form jesus appeared in another form for the ability to appear in another form that's exactly what paul told us that it's not the same appearance it's not the same seed that you saw it's not the same body you are given inability after resurrection to appear in multiple forms already i'm showing you the riches in glory our difference in eternity our ability to manifest in different forms he's showing us why is he back after resurrection and he's spending 40 days appearing here and disappearing there he wants to convey a message that look at who you are after this so-called life your ability to appear here in one form and you appear in another place in another form what kind of a life is that who said you only have one life who said that so you see now this man appears to the men on their way to amos now he's asking them what are you guys talking about and they said are you the only guy who doesn't know what has happened a man called jesus he came they killed him with so much hope that he was the one to restore israel and the bible says and he began to teach them from the law throughout the prophets the things which must happen to the christ so you have jesus preaching about himself talking about himself citing himself out of scriptures so that they would understand what what is happening during that time they never they didn't know that it was him if the wounds in the hands were still there if he had wounds in the head because of the crown of thorns they would have quickly recognized him if he came with the same face with the same hairstyle they would have easily recognized him he had a way of putting that aside and he comes in a way that was so difficult for them to recognize him yet he appears to others he has wounds to them he didn't have them at the time they were they were talking all the way until he pretended as if he wanted to just proceed and then they said please it's late you need to spend the night with us they were also excited because he was good at citing scriptures you know [Laughter] then he then reached out when he saw the bread something came upon him he couldn't hide anymore because you know he's the bread you see there are things that when you present before you manifest you can't hide anymore you see the work that they did the generosity entertaining christ having him in their house was what made jesus to then manifest he took the bread broke it and then he blessed it whose bread is that what kind of authority what kind of a visitor is that we compelled you to come and sleep over and you are the one now opening the pantry and then we are breaking whose bread is that what kind of a character what what is that only kings can behave like that they can't hide even if they try to pretend like they're slaves in civilians they will still you see he broke the bread and what he began to say suddenly he allowed them to see who he was and immediately he didn't he didn't say okay guys i'm going he disappeared he disappeared what is he doing there he's showing you the form your ability to appear and disappear it will after resurrection why because there is no more blood touch me i have bones i flesh but he didn't say i have blood because remember his blood has been put in a different location yet we have him here yes it was needed at the mercy seat we now have him where is that flesh getting its life from if the life of the flesh is in the blood is now living by the spirit and he still has a right to survive on the earth because he still has the body but the body is a glorified one it's a glorified body why do we still need our physical bodies why should god resurrect us why should god still reach out to the flesh and raise the flesh i've said this we're supposed just to become spirits but because of a an everlasting law that we cannot survive in function fully on the earth unless we are earthly because we are going up at rapture only to come back and reign on the earth therefore physical appearances and physical bodies are needed so we are changed we are changed we are given new bodies then we are one with the spirit what the spirit can do the flesh can do what the flesh can do the spirit can do that's the mixture that's the greatest conversion that's who you're going to become after resurrection you must understand that when you now have access to the spirit life directly and you don't have to rely on the blood converting that life things that you find yourself doing what a kingdom some people [Music] might choose not to believe but in as much as i'm citing scriptures i don't know what else to refer to apart from the word of god your united states okay can i show you something look at the book of revelation chapter number six verses 9 to 11. and when he had opened the fifth seal there's the fifth seal that was opened in the heavens i saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god under the altar i saw the souls so the assaults of them that were slain that were killed notice these souls are under the old they are being piled being put in a certain location because this is seal number one five five this is already after people had started dying and the antichrist is already destroying and killing people these are saints that are dying during the tribulation i'll get to that so they are dead and a few days after they are dead they are already complaining these are tribulation saints and i saw their spirits under the oath their souls under the old notice these are souls where are they under the old notice okay move move on let's see and for the testimony which they held they held a testimony during the tribulation yes and they cried with a loud voice saying no wrong they are able to cry saying how long oh lord holy and true yes dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth when are you going to judge for how long avenge our blood so they have memories of their past life because they are souls so they are able to remember okay so hear what is happening and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season a little season they should rest rest for a little seed but before they were taught to rest notice what was given to them white robes white robes white robes white robes you know it's it's so so interesting so so interesting to look at some of these things you're telling me that these are souls yes and these souls even after they are dead they need to put on they are dressed in white robes even if you want to think that these robes represents righteousness but that righteousness is supposed to be a conversion what was it before it became the white robe we're getting to that very soon but the aspect of dressing there's a dress code we are not going to be naked in the spirit the need for us to put on something remember he who overcomes i'll give him access to the he will eat of the tree of life after resurrection we are still supposed to eat how are you going to be able to eat if you are purely spiritual why do you need to put on a garment a rob if you are purely spiritual means there is a part of you that still needs a covering even after you are dead they are given robs notice this group of people it wasn't the crown given to them it wasn't um um it was just a rob there are those that are just going to get close that's it and he said to them just rest for a while because there are those who are supposed also to die the same way that you died because the seven year period isn't it over but you think that the soul had to be dressed in order for the soul to be silenced god dresses souls in order to silence them you still need something to be given to you in heaven for you to be to be comforted you did something jesus did not give himself then said okay put on me in the presence of they were complaining for revenge until jesus had to reach out and give them something which is not himself and they said it's okay we can wait wait my god you are in what form we are going to be different at that time you are able depending with the kind of reward that you are going to get that reward is what is going to help you do things that others cannot do okay the reward that you get after you are converted you are in you are now a combination of the spirit and the body never to be separated again no more place for diseases and sicknesses in your body you have accommodated the spirit in every area of your physical being you are fully occupied that there is no more space left for a weakness to remain in that body the spirit wants to do anything the body allows it to do the flesh wants to do anything the spirit allows the body to go ahead and proceed no more limitations at that moment then rapture becomes a possibility you can easily ascend now we are being taken up to where for what purpose i'm i'm talking about your conversion in that state we are we are raised and we are going towards a certain procession where we match before him and there is the judgment of the saints the judgment of the saints hey i'm trying to look at my time to see whether we are going to get into that and child of god resurrection has just happened we are gone we are no longer here where are we we are in a place where there is a program lined up for believers and suddenly we have knowledge of what is going to be happening we know why we are here we have access to that knowledge now we are waiting to be granted different abilities ah and it's payday we are getting rewards according to our labor our work after those rewards we just find ourselves doing things that you can even show your friend this is what i can do wow show me what you can do some only have one manifestation some would be able to appear in different forms depending on their work i'm going to explain that part now because whatever you did down here is then supposed to be converted into another form of manifestation another form of power you will find people with strange abilities the kingdom of god after resurrection where sometimes you are invited to come and dine with the lord there's a feast where we have to sit and we are eating some will have to reach out pick the food and they eat physically some they look at it and they are satisfied the way we eat is going to be different different and that is going to become a reward to some people some will have to run to and fro to get understanding they will have to visit knowledge there will be people even in heaven asking god questions asking their neighbor what is that they will still maintain a certain level of ignorance because that kind of knowledge is never given to them as a reward there are some who are so elevated that wherever they are it's information that goes to and from looking for them knowledge comes to them i want you to see something marvelous that begins to happen when a man walks up to anything he touches a rock every detail every information concerning the rock is transferred into his reasoning into his understanding and he knows when it was formed how it is feeling what has happened where it came from whether it came from the top of the mountain every information concerning matter is transferable by touching you have that knowledge blood can no longer limit you the revelation of blood is no longer at play now you have that kind of understanding some are going to if they want to talk to you they have to look for you and find you and then talk to you for them to behead there are some in the kingdom of god that you don't will not need to come to where you are for them to be head they will speak wherever you are they have a different platform of communication because their voice was so loud on the earth their gospel has not been converted into a communication platform which is superior i will people people must must get what i'm talking about here this person who is able to speak in the heavens in the kingdom of god and his head not just by people things and even creatures animals around him they hear what he's saying even when he's thinking of something that thought is communicated and things hear what he's saying without him having to say anything that power to communicate is a conversion it wasn't that power wasn't in that form one is the person was still on earth it was a seed that the men saw which was then converted i think i need to explain that thank you i think i need to explain that because [Music] read for me or maybe pastor you can do it for me matthew chapter number six verse number 19 to 21 matthew 6 matthew 6 19 lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth lay not what lay not up for yourselves for yourselves treasures upon where earth upon the way upon where earth is he against laying up treasures for yourselves no he has a problem with the bank the place he's not against laying up treasures he has a problem with the place [Music] so when you are reading that understand that he is for the idea he is for he wants you to go on and invest but he is letting you of the best place where you can do that move on where most and rust does corrupt where is moth on earth where is rust on earth and what do they do they corrupt your treasure so jesus is preaching an even better investment he's not against investment he's actually prison he's bringing a better investment he has gone way deeper than we have gone in preaching success he wants it to be everlasting here there is moth there is rest and where thieves break through and steal that's his problem with this dimension you can have it today and then it is stolen from you somebody who never waited for it comes and he gets it from you it's stolen if churches are not that important to jesus as some might think why would he conduct a seminar on preservation of treasure why is it a serious matter to him people of god please let's let's not let's not dismiss our reasoning when we are studying the bible let's not act like we are we are zombies like we we are not we are not why why make it a subject he tells you how to best invest where after you have invested you don't lose your investment but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where in heaven and he said but lay up lay up lay up treasures where in heaven where neither moth nor rust don't corrupt you see this you see this now the question that you need to ask jesus now is how whoever quotes this scripture for you jumping up and down tell him to slaughter mr preacher we have given you enough cold water to drink in the tower to help you in the spitting on our silver things now we want to know how does a believer lay up explain that part to me yes if nothing that we do here matters in the kingdom to come how does one then lay up treasures treasures what eventually becomes a treasure in heaven needs to be laid up down here and how is that possible if there is no great conversion oh my god [Laughter] oh [Music] if i'm supposed to lay up treasures in heaven because there is no rust the risks are zero i will not lose what i've invested then the question is how do i lay up because this is an instruction given to me how do i lay up so i'm not just focusing on rapture here that the trumpet is going to sound and i'm going to be taken where you are being taken to is where you have invested you are being raptured towards your treasure keep keep on doing and where thieves do not break through no steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also for where your treasure is there will your heart be also so you will gravitate you will be raptured towards your treasure eternally you find yourself in a place where your treasure is so rapture is not just going up there so that we meet with the lord and then it ends there he unites us with our treasure so that where the men's heart is is where his treasure is [Music] so how do i lay up treasures in heaven what is it that i can do now that is that becomes treasure treasure treasure in heaven now tell me maybe it's not giving maybe it's something else at least tell me what it is how do i lay up treasure in heaven if also treasures were not that important why have them in heaven why have treasures in heaven also if we are going to be the same why lay up why invest now i understand this part i'm coming back to this and show you how treasures are laid up in a better place for a better return in that investment look at matthew chapter number 19 verse 16. matthew 19 verse 16 26 yes one came and said unto him one came and said unto him yes good master good master what good thing shall i do he wants to do something good that i may have eternal life you see his understanding he's an understanding is you have to do good in order for you to have what to eternal life that's his understanding i'm not saying he was right that was his understanding and he was correct because he's looking at jesus who is yet to be hanged on the cross so according to the old covenant you have to do something good right that's how they would attain eternal life not by the cross but by doing works what else is left out of the works that i've done because i want to make sure that what i have is life eternal follow this [Music] did jesus say don't do anything no if doing something in order for you to attain eternal life was the wrong concept immediately jesus would have said it's not about you doing it's about me dying why didn't he say wait until i go to the cross then you can have in our life you should ever advise the just just be patient young man i'm going to die very soon and then you'll have it in our life he's asking what should i do what did jesus say and he said unto him why callest thou me good yes there is none good but one who is that one is god he is god so is god he's himself yes you see so you must be careful when jesus is talking to you but if thou won't enter into life if you want to enter into life keep the commandments keep what the commandment keep the comma you do something you keep the comma so he's talking to an old covenant believer old testament he's in the old testament jesus is in the old testament so keep the commandment yes he saith unto him which which one because as far as i can remember i've kept all of them yes jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness honor thy father and honor thy mother and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself the young man said unto him all these things have i kept from my youth up what lack all these things have i kept from when my youth my youth up what lacquer yet now he's asking this is a business stem what else do i lack jesus said unto him if thou wilt be perfect now notice the word used by jesus you is this young man is asking tell me what do i like and then he says if you want to be perfect he brings in the word perfect if you want to be complete if you want to be whole so he's not just talking about eternal life now you don't want to have money here and then you lack in another kingdom so if you want to be perfect you want to be okay here and you want to be okay over there what do you do if that won't be perfect go and sell now he's telling them how to lay up treasures now that was your question how do i then invest in that kingdom to come he tells him first for eternal life to be possible follow the ten commandments yes and in those commandments there was no instruction for him to go and sell everything then he goes on to say but i feel like there's something else because i don't want to lack and then he said my young man if you really want to be perfect both in this world and in that eternal life you want not just eternal life but you want to be perfect you want to have a perfect body in that eternal life yes now i'm telling you what you can do so that you maintain the same status that you had here in that kingdom what you do go and sell go and sin and give to the poor give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and you shall have what treasure where in heaven where in heaven where in heaven is he against you having money no is he against you having treasures no he's actually advising this young man to withdraw from this corrupt account into a better uh place if we are all going to be the same why ask this man to sell everything if he's going to be like are you telling me that if this man had gone and sold everything and given to the poor we are all going to be the same what does the need for him then to to do that there's no need for him to do that because if the package in heaven is the same why is he supposed to do that there's something critical about what jesus is saying sell everything you have and give to the poor you might actually think that jesus is really concerned about the poor there but you notice he tells somebody that he loves that is so dear to him and he wants him to follow he said i want you to follow me but i wanted to say everything that you have and give to the poor and you follow me and you shall have treasures in heaven yes so my question is is you really supporting the poor no it's not he's not he's saying the poor poor people are the that point of transaction that is where the transaction the conversion happens there are ben tailors they are here to receive on behalf of the bank they don't own the bank the money in the bank is not theirs because if jesus tells somebody who has it to sell and give to the poor what makes you think that is concerned about the poor is because that's where they want to have it here because every money that you give to the poor they're never going to invest they're never going to give it also to the poor the poor don't give they are here to receive so give them so that they enjoy it right now trick them give it to them now let them eat it now where they need it the most but whilst you are giving it to them what you have given to them gets into your heavenly account where eventually if the poor are to die they won't find anything in that kingdom unless they also follow the same principle they don't get rich in heaven based on what they got on the earth they get rich in heaven based on what they gave on the earth like you did are you following this principle okay now hear what he's saying but when the young man heard when the young man had that saying the keeper of the ten commandments when he had this part that's why there's so much controversy around this area preach about everything else when you get to this part watch how the young man responded he went away sorrowful sorrowful he walked away from who from jesus look at the men walking away from jesus so sorrowful for he had great possessions he thought jesus wanted to rob me jesus wanted me not to have anything so he walked away from him sorrowful because he did so much he had a lot of money okay before we go even further why is it that when he said i've kept all these commandments from my youth until now yes jesus loved him you read in other gospels jesus actually loved him it means he never lied he kept all the commandments how is it that he was able to keep every other commandment except this one of giving and investing in the kingdom another question how did he manage to keep all the commandments being that rich if money makes you rebellious to god right how did he keep all the ten commandments when then jesus said give to the poor and then you will have it that's when the problem started he misunderstood that the people that were left now with jesus are the ones who then got to know the meaning of what jesus meant he walked away sorrowful because he had so much money he wanted to have it yet jesus said if you want to be perfect it wasn't wrong for this man to walk away do you know if that man dies in that testament even after walking away from jesus like that he's going to heaven but he is not perfect that's what jesus was addressing he want he said you lack one thing if you want to be perfect do this so he walked away then then said jesus unto his disciples verily i say unto you that a rich now you're saying this to his disciples the man is gone yes that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven rich men shall what hardly he didn't say impossible hardly it would be hard for richmond to enter into the kingdom of heaven and again i say unto you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter than for a rich man a man who is rich this is not a spiritual riches physically it will be hard for him to enter into the kingdom of god yes when his disciples heard it when they heard what jesus just said when they heard him say that rich people are going to find it so hard to enter what did they do they were extremely amazed not just amazed the amazement was extremely exceedingly amazing amazed i will ask you very soon why saying say then can be saved who then can be saved you don't raise such a question if you're poor right preach it fart my god riches pastors yes they were so much shocked exceedingly and their worried now was then who is going to be saved if it is impossible for the rich they are not happy that at least we have an opportunity here if they were poor as some of you people think why why why are they astonished wondering who then who then try to try to try to imagine that kind of a question being poor you can't raise such a question when you approve because you know that's your opportunity to be saved [Music] they are worried because these guys they still have something that they've kept to themselves because everything they have given into the kingdom of god and they are also in the kingdom of they still have what they have given people don't understand because remember remember when jesus had gone same peter they went back to fish they had their bots yes okay okay okay no problem let's just keep on reading but jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible with men with men if it was your formula if it was you coming up with a plan this is going to be impossible for me for rich people to enter but but with god all things are possible so you enter because with god all things are possible your riches with god is possible your money with god all things are possible then answered peter now now i don't know why he's they're they're calling it an answer behold we have forsaken all we have forsaken and followed thee what you have advised that guy to do that's what exactly that's exactly what we did what shall we have there for and jesus can you imagine you have jesus and you're asking him what shall we have you have jesus and you're asking jesus what shall we have this is peter oh my god this is a guy that you think was the most spiritual and we quote his scriptures because we know he's in the bible and we think he's a super being he's asking jesus what am i going to have i thought he was supposed to be satisfied knowing that i have you your everything to me he's asking the everything what are you going to give me what are we going to have did jesus say you have me no and jesus said unto them verily i say unto you is this this is my bible did i give you this bible no father jesus said unto them very licensed verily i say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones yes judging the twelve tribes yes and everyone that have forsaken houses everyone that is for second houses or brethren or brethren sisters father or mother or wife now he's not just talking about sowing here he's talking about forsaking okay not making that a priority not focusing on these things whilst you still have them because you can't be talking of you just say to that young man owner your mother owner your father and he is saying forsaking your mother what is he talking about he's not talking about sowing your mother or sowing your father okay you still have him and yet you have forsaken him so he's talking about making jesus your priority your number one thing if you are able to achieve that one list you have it you have forsaken it once you have it you have forsaken it is he saying go and kill your mother if you have left everything for my sake o lands for mind name's sake shall receive an hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life you shall receive a hundred fold and if you are inherited what everlasting you shall inherit everlasting life but many that are first shall be lost okay read mark chapter 10 verse 29 mark 10 verse 29 and jesus answered and said verily i say unto you verily unto you there is no man that hath left house house or one brethren or brethren or sisters or sisters or father or father or mother mother one mother yes for my sake for my sake and the gospels two things there yes he's separating himself even from the gospels for my sake if you left that for my sec number one you abandoned everything even your family for my sec following me that's number one so i'm now with you instead of you being with somebody else that's following me a number two for the gospel sec now he's talking about investing now in the gospel everything that you have lost for the gospel sec there is what is called the gospel and people must lose so to speak into the gospel when you invest into the gospel when you find the right message and you sponsor that message you are transacting it but he shall receive 100 fold now when this time now when now oh no no a hundred fold in heaven now in this time now in this time whatever you lost there you receive a hundred fold now in this time houses houses not one in brethren and sisters and sisters and mothers mothers you see you see everything begins to multiply so some of some of the people might actually think that if you have left everything you have given everything you should then be found with nothing that's unscriptural if he says if you have given everything for the sake of the gospel you shall receive a hundredfold in this time and then he goes on to say houses then you must expect to meet a man with houses yet you've given houses right instead he has given everything you meet a man who has houses and he tells you it's because i've given everything hmm oh my god i feel like you're just jumping out of this place because people people don't get what jesus you meet a man who has given everything to the poor and he still has a house how do you how do you explain that is because you cannot out-give god it's gone past through the phase of not having after giving until now what he's getting from god out in numbers what is already invested into the kingdom of god in this time if you look at believers and you see them not having a hundred fold don't question jesus don't doubt the believers yes what else do they believe in they don't believe in that part they're not believing in that part unless you're telling me to doubt jesus because that's the only option left he said it in this time even with persecutions yes you'll be persecuted for having those houses you'll be persecuted for having whatever it is that you would have invested into the kingdom of god with persecutions you can keep on reading and children and lands with persecutions and in the world to come and also in the world to come eternal eternal life but many that are first shall be last and the last read first corinthians pastor read first corinthians for me chapter number three verse eight first corinthians chapter number three verse eight now he that planteth and he that watereth are one and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor he that planteth in he that watereth one are one yes and every man shall receive how many men every show what receive shall in the future shall also receive this the future reward that is coming shall receive there's a moment of receiving from the hand of god where it's not god himself just giving himself to us he will hand over to us a reward his own reward according to his the reward will be according to the word labor the reward is not according to the labor or the cross your labor sorry your labor how you labored on the earth i'm coming back to that i'm coming back to that go to verse number 12 verse number 12 of the same chapter now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver if you build he said paul said i have already set a foundation which is christ himself and your responsibility now is to build upon this foundation gold if any now if any man if any man build upon this upon this foundation is there already the building is not is what is not yet there but the foundation don't don't don't set another foundation it's there already go on and build gold silver precious stones and wood hey stubble every man's work shall be made manifest you see he's giving us different materials with which you build be careful observe analyze the material that you use in building in laboring in the kingdom of god that's why you said god and what gold silver precious stones would hay stubble you see some of these things are highly flammable if you look at that so be careful before you saw before you commit before you labor before you work so what does he say every man's work shall be made manifest every what means what work jesus's work shall be jesus is a work man's work men's swag man shall be made what manifest for the day for the day there is a day of judgment which is coming to declare there is a day when we get there now after rapture there is a day where works are declared before the mighty god and there's a manifestation of the quality of works because it shall be revealed what shall be revealed the work it shall be revealed by fire by fire there is a specially made fire [Music] that comes to reveal the work the nature of the work done because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work what is going to try everybody's work the fire what is being tried the work the work is that what jesus did on the cross that is being tried by fire no far can you try that with fire it's not about entering into heaven it's about getting rewards what you did to what you worked for not what he did for you but what you did for him it is being tried by fire and what happens and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort of what sort the material of the work fire is coming to prove what sort of material did you use whether it was in giving money whether it was in giving advice was your advice not flammable was it a solid advice if it was a message that you think you were preaching it will have to be you you enter the kingdom so excited that you you would spend you were spending years in the forest doing missionary work even in africa not until that message that you were preaching because there are people doing that going up and down the abandoned their families right and if you look at the quality of the message that they have carried you wish they'd stayed home it's just they're just committed it's just a zeal but they don't have the message that can survive this kind of that's the day when you realize that most preachers with hundred thousand semens probably it was just one semen that he preached fire will have to prove whether it is of wood or it is golden that's before the words so most people who think they are really working and saving god wait until that work is put into the fire and what happens if any man's work abide if it abides which he hath built there upon yes he shall receive a reward what what what is he going to receive and what there are rewards yes if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss if a man's work is built what he suffers is what loss there is loss where is that the kingdom in the kingdom of god losses have followed some people still in the kingdom of god we are up there after rapture whether it is the wedding fest or this reward ceremony don't worry we are in heaven we're in heaven but this is a moment of rewards fire has been set every man so that's the judgment of the saints where we are getting before we come back here to demonstrate our different supernatural powers we must have received that first on that day this is where it is happening so you suffer loss there is a loss that you suffer but he himself but he himself shall be saved you shall be saved he is not talking about salvation there because these are believers already saved he's talking about probably you getting a comment [Music] you will be saved in the sense that your work is gone you are not changed from heaven simply because you didn't do anything you enter you are saved but like what yet so as by fire yet so is by fire you can try maybe isv first corinthians 3 14 isv if his work is burned he will suffer loss however he himself will be saved but it will be like going through fire look at the situation you only be happy that you finally have entered everything that you thought you did for god is gone in the fire you've suffered loss in the kingdom loss is in the kingdom but some are getting rewards some are getting rewarded for their work second timothy chapter four verse number eight second timothy 4 verse number 8. ii timothy 4 verse number 8 henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day laid up so he's saying about that same day and there's a crown that is laid up for me and not to me only not only me but unto all them also that love is appearing you are loving he's appearing because you know rewards are coming how my god oh my god oh my god but he calls it a righteous crown a righteous crown what what is what a crown is this what sort of a crown is this person he's saying there is there is a crown which is equivalent to the righteousness if that righteousness is the righteousness of christ upon him then the crown has to be the same okay now yes yes you those are not rewards there is no promotion at work when you get the same job that you had before in the same salary that you were getting there's no promotion whatsoever there is a way that he conducted himself which caused for a crown hmm you think the man who was on the cross and he said remember me when you enter your kingdom and obviously that man was remembered you think it's going to be rewarded for what he himself is going to be saved but not he suffered loss he never had a chance to save and to work in order for him to deserve the rewards that others are getting i want people to give this a crown read it again henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love is appearing a crown of righteousness now it's either it's a crown that is put upon him for the righteousness or the righteousness itself becomes the crown okay okay you are crowned with righteousness crowned with righteousness crowned with righteousness he's talking about the future here was he not crowned with righteousness already when he got born again he was what is that for again that's not futuristic his righteousness came upon us already when we got born again what is he talking about oh i have a lot to talk to you about concerning that but let me just show you another place where jesus himself was speaking matthew chapter number 10 verse 41 and 42 matthew 10 verse 41 and 42. he that received receiveth the prophet whoever receives the prophet in the name of in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's wrong shall get a prophet's reward and he that receiveth the right so this man was never a prophet he never prophesied all he did was to receive a prophet what he got was whose reward prophecy was the word prophet who's the word prophet now picture this in heaven there is a cue where prophets are being rewarded for their prophetic ministry and you see some people there's some boys and girls standing there who never prophesied a dime all they did was to receive laws that prophets it's time for rewards and here comes a man who never dreamt even a sin sick even a big he's there and you're wondering what are they doing there we received those who were prophesying so i'm here for the prophet's reward and he that receiveth a righteous man now it's not just a prophet there is a man who is righteous can you imagine you identify a man who is upright in his conduct not a mischievous man of god a man an upright man of god and you receive him knowing that you are miscellaneous you misbehave some of the times but then you identify a man of god who is righteous and you receive him in the name of a righteous man of a righteous man shall receive what do you get a righteous man's reward what do you get a righteous man what do you get a righteous man's reward was it because you were righteous no no oh man what can i do with this bible feel like hugging and kissing so i'm saying father this derived righteousness definitely i can give another scripture if you want righteousness is transferable that's why even jesus himself was able to transfer it it's a contagious condition it's a contagious state of a man where you are no longer being asked about something that you did wrong and so you are being treated like a righteous man on the day of the reward is if you never misbehaved why because you identified the man who conquered the area where you were defeated you never had victory in that area but you identified the man who was victorious in that area and you received him the day he is rewarded for his righteousness you are called upon why because you received him in the name of a righteous man [Music] and now you need more scriptures first corinthians chapter 7 first corinthians 7 14. you'll be be the one to read first corinthians 7 14 for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife an unbelieving who has been signified by her wife by the cross the wife by the blood of jesus the wife the wife that believes goes on to sanctify the husband by sanctification he's not saying now if the the wife is born again and the husband is not it definitely means that the husband also is now born again no he's talking about sanctification setting apart earmarking your husband for salvation that wife makes it easy it makes it possible for the blood of jesus to access that particular individual that husband there's a trans a transference of the righteousness of the wife the man is no longer in the same state a man with an unbelieving wife in a man with a believing wife these two men are different the other one is sanctified why because when he married that woman he married a righteous woman he's receiving the reward of a righteous woman also and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband who believes that's what he's talking about sanctified by the husband who believes else where your children unclean else if that is not the case it means your children were going to be unclean so what is the proposal he's telling you that your children are clean based on your righteousness based on your righteousness when you are born again that's the that's the revelation that we got finally we used to think unless they also have to yes yes he's saying lest even your children were going to be unclean if that was not the case but he's saying they are now clean because of your status you have sanctified your children you are born again your children are ready for heaven they are earmarked for salvation righteousness is transferable wow why is it it is good for a nation that has righteous people it is good for the nation if their righteousness is just for themselves why is it good for a nation to have righteous people it is transferable the nation becomes sanctified it receives the reward of the righteous when the nation knows how to receive the righteous man what are you doing what are we talking about here what are we talking about if this is the word of god these are not personal stories i'm giving you the word of god as it is if this is hard for you to understand i doubt if you're ever going to understand anything else this must be straightforward you must believe this but now you identify the righteous man and you received him by receiving him you invested in the world to come yes so the conversion now closing closing oh please forgive me you're closing now you're closing here it is if you give money into the kingdom of god you support the gospel for the gospel sake hear this fastest and your money is gone away from you physically into where you are spiritually where you're going there is no loss if people say money my money has been stolen okay giving it into the kingdom of god he is actually telling you that where the money has gone to i'm not eventually going to be there that's a loss so he's not lying you can't make a report to the police and say i've lost my money when they finally find it in your bank account if that money is still in a spiritual account it was never a loss but if people say i've lost my money they're just telling you that i've invested into a world which i'm never going to visit so they're not always lying hear me if it is money that you gave into the kingdom of god is it money that you're going to get when you get into the kingdom of god yes it's money but not the money that you think it is money is a medium of exchange not coins not nuts yet what you gave was coins and nuts okay into the kingdom that was your definition of money so if you get into the kingdom are you going to be given hundred dollar notes do you think you're going to be given a thousand dollars because you're partnered with a thousand dollar do you think god is going to give you 10 000 u.s dollars in heaven yet it is u.s it's not a heavenly dollar it's it's u.s why would god give you a u.s dollar outside of u.s outside of the united states why would god give you that money in heaven what you gave was a u.s dollar do you honestly think that god is going to give you a u.s dollar in the kingdom it's not a u.s dollar that you're going to get but you'll get money you must understand that when we get into the kingdom of god we have entered into another economy of the kingdom where transactions will continue perpetually we are buying you see in the kingdom of god god himself becomes the shopping mall will be buying from him wasn't it god in the book of revelation who said you would rather buy god from me try it in the fire what did you say i counsel thee to buy of me gold to get it for free buy buy you buy with what you buy it with what whatever you used to buy is money it's a medium of exchange get rid of all those coins in your head it's money you buy from who from him in heaven god becomes the salesman when we are in that kingdom in the big menaces over there he represents different manifestations of power and abilities things that you would want to do in that kingdom you look at god and you look at the amount the reward the money that you have invested into that kingdom you can actually buy certain power from him this is happening in heaven yeah you must never think that these are just allegories and so on what you gave here was money a medium of exchange you gave money into the kingdom what was supposed what is supposed to happen now is when that man gets into the kingdom economy it has to be converted there is the equivalent of what you gave whether it was a sermon okay let's talk about salmons let's leave money just a little bit because some people might be confused what you know people are going to be rewarded for okay because your thinking is that in that level just preaching the gospel if you're preaching the gospel god will reward you okay he what is he going to give you in return for the gospel if it was the same one you have son what are you going to reap what what is he going to give you for preaching a a good sermon a solid sermon do you think god is going to give you another semester that you preach in heaven to who do you think there's going to be a champion somewhere the bible already declares there is no temple there according to john what he saw in chapter 21 in chapter 22 of the book of revelation i didn't see any temple there because he had now become their temple what do you think you're going to preach if it's a sermon that you delivered and you get rewarded with this with the same one to preach to who that someone has to be converted into a language a form of communication and ability to communicate wow wow so here it was a sermon that you preached when you get there because you had already trained your spirit man to communicate spiritual things an ability to be given to you to verbally that becomes your reward it's an exchange something equivalent if it was orphans and widows that you were keeping you were looking after them giving them blankets you think god is going to give you a blanket there this is going to be purely a blanket like you know blankets like you know blankets when it is cold there's no such a weather there you must understand if it was a jacket that you gave pastor in the nice in a nice style that you gave that is supposed to be converted into something that looks like it that you need to put on you still put on what you have given down here but it's going to be in not in the same form what you saw when it comes out there's a conversion where they look at okay so now let's look at these people they're on the earth they have material and physical things okay the help they are giving the advice these are physical advice that they're giving so as they are sowing towards each other how do we convert that in this heavenly economy what is money coins down there what are they here help down there what is it here advice a sermon a message down there what is it here everything we do here in terms of investments is represented by a reward in heaven yes so you must understand that when you are sowing into the kingdom you are giving into the kingdom there is something that represents what you are giving which is already in the kingdom economy and in exchange that's what you're going to be because you were able to transact down here you'll be given that and they'll tell you you see how much you invested into the kingdom of god you made it possible for the gospel to go on now that amount is equivalent to this measure of power this measure of ability some people think when we receive crowns we're going to have a golden crown hanging on your head day in day out some of us we are struggling even with masks how about spending the rest of your life carrying on do you know god is so heavy that's what most people think that maybe it's going to be this god that we have is represented by the actual god okay so when god puts on a crown on you it's an amount of power vested upon you placed upon your head in ability to function in a certain way unlike others where people see you some have to walk to from one place to another you have to disappear from here and you appear over there we are down here imagine 1 000 years we are reigning with christ some are able to come to africa they blink like that they appear in different places something that others cannot do because we are down here on the earth we are like the supermen superheroes with different and several abilities those are crowns where god enthrones individuals into different offices of royalty where you have power as kings but your powers are different so you must understand what is happening when you are sowing into the kingdom of god and you support ministry and you support the prophets and you support the righteous man what you receive is the reward of the righteous being righteous there is an equivalent reward so they look at when you help that woman that was so desperate that day what you gave to her you allowed her to get into your car when she was so desperate when she was when she was being attacked by thugs and you transported instead of maybe dropping her sitting bus stop you you took a right to a house and you delivered this all so let's see how that is converted how much is that here because you offered transport what do we use here to transport beings your mode of transport here if it was cars that you were giving if it was properties that you gave it was if it was land that you gave what represents land in this economy that's when most people are going to be shocked you're headed today but you're going to be shocked how others are going to suffer loss whilst others are getting rewarded this is during the day the judgment of the saints before we come back after the wedding we must come back with different abilities as we are descending some they've lost all they have is a garment they can't do much they're stuck in one place some they've multiple resources they can inquire from the lord for anything they're being told angels still ask questions god right now some people can transact with god get out of him once you are there in that kingdom you'll be able to approach him like in a supermarket and improve yourself and come out of god dressed differently depending with how you have invested how active you were in the kingdom of god so in closing now look at this what are we here for if this message is true this life it's a phase given to us where we make decisions on who we are eventually going to become we are not here to become we are here to choose who we are going to become whether you live from one year up to a hundred years it's a period of time given to you to decide on who you are eventually going to become in the economy of god this whole life that you are living right now it's a period of choice given to you choose every day you wake up god is asking you choose choose you have a chance to invest into the kingdom of god invest into the kingdom of god who do you want to become so now choosing to become somebody here and it ends here that's a miserable lifestyle we are here to invest into a coming kingdom a future kingdom but we don't wait until we get there for us to invest in that kingdom no so before you are taken you must already know how much you are worth in that kingdom because it's it's dependent on what you are doing in this kingdom earthly physical manifestation in the flesh what have you done what are you doing what are you doing i hope i'm able to to clarify some things here you have to know right now immediately how much you're worth take note of that keep on investing into the kingdom of god you'll see somebody has a million dollars and he gives a dollar to god and somebody has ten dollars and he gives a dollar those people are different these people are different it's not just the little amount no but you must also understand its equivalence what is it that you are going to get in return what represents what you have given your ability your energy your commitment the time that you have spent helping somebody it's a seed what represents time in that kingdom that you're going to get how is your time going to be spared and restored when you are there what is time in that currency what is messy in that currency what is the gospel a sermon in that currency that's the greatest conversion now if you think what i'm saying about works is not possible how come you believed what i told you about us being changed if there is need for us physical beings to be changed we shall be changed we shall all be changed if that is possible as being physical and we are changed into something else what makes you think it is it is impossible for the things that you have given also to be changed so that they become usable so that the things that you they've given becomes compatible is something that you can also handle in that kingdom to come you are sending your seals where you are going stop asking god where is my enemy where is he fighting me from your your your enemy is not far from you anyone who discourages you from sowing into the kingdom partnering with god's work he has destroyed your life it doesn't take time for you to realize that very soon you'll be away but okay okay if people don't believe in supporting god's work find your way around them support god's work somewhere whether you belong to a ministry that doesn't believe in that keep on helping god's people you don't want to be poor in heaven you don't want to be the least in heaven you don't want to have the smallest crown the faintest light will be given to some people we read for you chapter number 12 where those that draw men to righteousness shall shine we are drawing many to righteousness and who shine differently yes so it's not all about money if if it's money that you don't have what else do you have pastors there are people like that they don't have all they are quick to say is what if i don't have money what am i going to become who am i going to become who said [Music] sowing is is just money that you saw same those same people they have they have no money they have no job yet they still don't have enough time to spend with those in need of their presence they can't go to the hospital and talk to somebody who's not feeling well even the gift of their presence they don't know even how to invest in sowing their time giving their time in as much as they don't they do that they have no job you thought so now i think he's going to take advantage of that no no you would have spent time probably canceling somebody you have enough wisdom spending your time in the presence of someone who needs you the most and you're no way to be found what is that time in the kingdom economy think about that when you pray you're sowing sins what are you going to receive when you get to heaven prayer they will say now let's let's invite intercessors and then you are showered with prayers in heaven what do you say what i say there there's something there that represents your access to god communication you'll be given that and they will say that's the prayer when it gets to this place we converted so this is our local bureau the change [Music] your local currency here before we hand it over to you we give you the currency that we use here the spirit of things it's given to you and when you asked when you start transacting with that man in heaven you will not run dry ah you will not run dry because it keeps on circulating going back to the same person so you you you have to make this a serious commitment that's why also encouraging people right now partner with this global missionary network it's a network where we are joining our hands and we are saying we want to support the right message we want to support the right message and for all information if you want to be educated and informed in this area god has given us the right message not only us there are several other men of god who who god has given the right message we do have the right message we are not hoping that god is going to give us the message god has given us the message god has given us we have the right message the right trumpet that needs to be had these last days and i want you to make sure that you partner take this commitment seriously and you send your seed send your seed today whether it is a thousand dollars whether it is ten thousand dollars whether it is actually there's somebody who's who send a seed of ten thousand dollars actually god bless you and he keeps you and you know and you receive the equivalent of that i guarantee you that that's what jesus promised in this world and even in the world to come you are self-guided you are protected whether it's a thousand dollars somebody sold a thousand dollars you are blessed you will be kept for eternity because of that commitment somebody sent five hundred dollars somebody send a hundred dollars somebody send a fifty dollars that commitment you will not go unnoticed you will be called upon and something will have to be given to you on that great day and i pray that when your commitment and your seed is put into the fire you will not suffer loss you will not suffer loss invest more in that kingdom where you don't have losses where there are no thieves how do you do that do you wait until you get there for you to invest no he said right away do that support god's work no one will ever steal from you unless if you are giving a false man of god who doesn't represent the kingdom of god and you give your money supporting his kingdom then eventually you're going to a place where you've never sent your money make sure that it's a man of god true men of god the right message from god when you support that it's like you are in the united states hoping that after 10 years i'm going back and i'm going to be staying in my village i'm going back home to my home country zimbabwe and you're sending money there is that a loss is that a loss you see so if a u.s dollar not is not allowed in zimbabwe what do you do when they send the u.s dollars you could they are converted into the acceptable currencies that is how it is in the kingdom of god everything we have here they are representing the actual things that we have in the heavens saw your seat and i promise you according to the scriptures and the word of god you are not going to be like your brothers and sisters who don't believe in in works [Music] heaven you enter by what his works okay you enter actually not just heaven his presence you enter there that's what he did but save him right now commit yourself commit yourself dedicate yourself there are people that have never sent even a dollar into this kingdom because they say we don't have but if you go on to ask them for how many hours have you prayed for that ministry it was two minutes everyone has something to sow it's just that the devil blinds you so that you don't see so that you don't make an investment how about time you see so i want you people to [Music] commit if you are hearing me loud and clear i would love to see people as we are closing now sending me a comment [Music] just type i'm partnering yes just that just type i'm partnering i'm partnering i'm partnering i'm partnering i'm partnering i'm partnering i'm partnering i'm partnering i've heard this i believe this this is true this cannot be this this can this message cannot be forged you can't it's it's true i'm partnering i'm a partner i'm a partner i'm a partner i'm a partner just type that i'm a partner i'm a partner i'm a partner i'm a partner you are typing and after doing that make sure that you commit send yourself i'm a partner i'm a partner let that come out of you at some point write it down commit that's the first commitment just type i'm a partner i'm partnering i'm a partner i'm partnering those are the only comments that i want to see right now scrolling right now just partners just partner become a member of what god is doing and believe you me very soon you're going to be a happy individual now i've just touched on the rewards we'll get into the wedding my god don't get into the tribulation are we ever going to finish this hopefully not hopefully not it's a good sign also that we are still around for some time a little bit until we are done thank you so much pastors for having me thank you had you not been citing scriptures i think they would have been stoning in some way father you have given us pearls from the onset father you look at the principle of sowing where the seed has to die but also the i think the the most important part is where god then comes in to give to the seed father just from that i saw a very profound principle in the kingdom where whatever then germinates it's not in the nature of the seed though the dna is contained within the rest is being in given by god father that is a principle in as far as giving is concerned even investing in the kingdom is concerned father i was amazed it it it brought to the fore the idea that sometimes you may decide not to give by deciding not to give you a stealing from yourself an opportunity for god to invest into your sin and not giving is giving actually not sowing your sowing father i found that to be very very profound you come you you go and explain the intricacies of the nature of the resurrection that is going to take place father you separate you you bring the la you bring lazarus to the four and you bring us to the foe as well but then you you highlight the differences in resurrection it takes somebody who has been there in the spirit to navigate this terrain father that was amazing and then you you go on you keep on explaining the reward system you know one of the things that has always worried us is how what we give is going to be converted under the form of the currency that will then be availed in the kingdom you you are wondering what do i do do i give to the poor do i sow into the kingdom do i sow into evangelism do i do this and then father you you highlight something very very important because when when you were ministering i was looking at the heart of god today if one is to partner with the heart of god today what else can you partner with that is greater than that father for today hmm thank you so much father thank you you're welcome we've been blessed father we've been been tremendously blessed now we now we have a metric we have a standard to use in terms of determining the value of the things that we are um helping to get expedited up to into the kingdom thank you so much for that father wow although a question maybe that we can then present next week but give a teaser for this week would be um an interesting message that we were given growing up many of us were taught that where the lord jesus talks about how in his father's house there are many mansions and he's going there to prepare a place for us um it would be interesting to find out father and also for you to explain to us the nature the those mansions um what do i need to give here so that i can have more properties in heaven what should be contained in my properties and if i'm to have properties in heaven um is it possible to trade one property for something else i i suppose we're just curious about the fluidity of the economy in heaven um what it is we'll be able to trade and buy will there be some sort of beauty change where i can say i know i have this crown but i'd like that crown um what can i top up on this crown [Music] yeah this is the curiosity just want to understand i can see you know this gentleman is not touching food i also want to do that i'm willing to trade this um but we'll look into it more expensive right i hear you i hear who deal with that thank you so much father thank you good to do that ah global this global missionary network it's it's a great chance it's a great opportunity to bind yourself to the work that is happening this end time mandate this investment into the kingdom of god the details are flighting on your screen they'll be doing so even as this service has ended make sure that you find yourself in the top bracket for those that are giving we know what's at stake as the lord blesses us let's continue to invest in this great kingdom until we meet again next time [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] i [Music] you are only [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] my well [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Emmanuel Makandiwa
Views: 41,508
Rating: 4.9485326 out of 5
Keywords: emmanuel, makandiwa, prophetic timeline end of the age, rapture, prophetic timeline, end of age
Id: Kir_QBSbA5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 27sec (10827 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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