FROM NOBODY TO BADASS - Kenshi: Ep. #1 - Nathan's Story

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hello everyone my name is Nathan and today it's time to dive back into kenji the finally released version we're starting with the default scenario and without any further ado let's get this started hello this is Nathan and apparently the Sun is very bright and have a look at my statistics they are pretty bad what I want to do first of all is level up my statistics and the first two statistics I want to focus on are the athletic skill which is gonna make us run faster and the strength skill over here we can carry more stuff etc etc the skill system is pretty extensive in this game it is also a slow game so expect a lot of cutting around in this series without any further ado let's get this started I already have a plan how I want to achieve that we're gonna go over to squid so let's click right over here and pause the game and Nathan is gonna go I think it's time to speed this up a little bit and if we have a look at the statistics hover over athletics we can see that we are actually leveling up this skill right now just by running around what we want to do in the beginning of the game is basically avoid everything that is gonna kill us which is everything because we are the weakest of the weakest athletics is coming along nicely so I think I don't have to look out for that too much however we are being chased by bandits I almost missed that actually I stopped here we wanna run it to the town of course over there there we go now they're being taken apart that's actually watch this spectacle so welcome to the combat of Kenji we we do not want to get hit just run around it is too early to get hit well actually maybe we can get a hit in here right there hey so that's basically what you have to do in the beginning just run to a city if you're under attack but as soon as this guard is finished with this guy think we have the possibility to loot these I'm gonna steal dad and I'm gonna steal that actually we could even wear it who this guy even got some boots hello I want to trade with you yeah let me come around the counter why not what I want from you is a couple of bandages and I also want to sell you that I should be able to do that yeah fencing chance a hundred percent because they are bandits the backpack we should find in this store yeah I think what I want is a wooden backpack to begin with and that is 800 let's go outside of town and actually come around here because there is a copper vein now this is gonna take quite a while and what we are leveling with this is the laboring skill well that doesn't look good starving bandits okay so we have to run away from these guys fortunately enough I didn't pick up any of the resources yet so we are empty and we should be able to run away from them so I wanna try to outrun them actually like run around yeah that seems to be working Nathan is fast already well not too fast c'mon c'mon c'mon oh that's not good oh yeah guards help me help me oh that's better that's what I'm talking about now I just have to run in circles let's attack this guy he's on the ground come on Nathan do something attack him man not sure what's going on I think this guy is just playing dead yeah he's just playing dead man this game is weird sometimes but there we go I'm getting all of the weapons although he's getting up he's getting up run away or maybe we can we can take him on I mean he's pretty beaten up already let's attack him Nathan to do something ahh we're in block mode of course maybe we have to get out of block mode and there we go we are actually attacking that's what I'm talking about give me your weapon now finally okay cool time to buy some food and a backpack show me your gifts I want a wooden backpack and I'm giving you a couple of these and maybe you can also have do we oh we don't have the or yet and we just have not enough to get the backpack well let's sacrifice one of our basic first-aid kits there we go now we go back to mining we're actually a little bit hurt from the looks of it so what I should be doing is bandaged myself up let me see there we go just have bandages in your backpack and right click this is giving you a chance to actually heal all right time to collect some of that juicy loot the wooden backpack actually allows you to stack materials in the output we can only have five copper after that nathan is just gonna stop there we go my laboring is already up to 18 and we have two full stacks of copper now I think I'm gonna leave it be at that for the time being this is pretty much probably going to level up my strength as you can see right there so what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna have a look in town and probably buy some food at the bar right here by pressing alt you can see everything important in the immediate vicinity now as long as we have the food in our backpack or inventory our character is automatically gonna eat when he needs oh you're a laboring skill actually suffers in darkness - 56 % that's intriguing so maybe during the night you better run so that's exactly what we're gonna do let's stop this we carry enough for the time being we're gonna go through the town and then back to the town we started that yeah we're definitely very slow however that's exactly what I want I want to level up my strength strength for and it doesn't seem to slow down as you level up so seems realistic to get this pretty high here we go we have arrived at the bar hopefully we can trade our cup for a reasonable price ah it's even priced better than usual so we're already above 3000 cats again Athletics 8 and I want to get close to 30 so I would say we're gonna skip this part and I'm gonna meet you right back when we're ready for the next step all right guys we are back I took about 14 days of training in order to get my very weak character up to par if we have a look at my character sheet you can see I have now athletics of 30 - strength of 37 we also have a stealth stat of 30 which I trained up by just sneaking around in a town and finally my laboring stat went all the way up to 57 collecting all the pressures are we actually also got 12,000 cats from that and just so that you can see that on camera as well we have collected some more or that we're gonna sell right now so let's have a quick look at the bar we are actually currently in the hub if we have a look at that on the map it is right here this is the place where we want to be in order to do the next step in our training program but first of all let's sell all this shebang this should give us some nice gift money well let's purchase some cooked vegetable here as well with the money we just accumulated we want to go all the way to the back of the hub where we will actually find the shinobi thieves I think they're called and if we pay them a lot of money we will actually gain access to an important area hello I'm Nathan I'm the new guy so you want in on the shinobi yes I want to join the shinobi thieves you can join for a fee just a fee I don't have to complete a test to prove myself no but just a one-time membership fee of ten thousand cats and yes I recommend you doing that should we maybe ask what we get in return for all of this allies oh that's important hideouts to ha shinobi thieves stick together that sounds good specialist training equipment can sell my stolen stuff and discount yes sign me up 10,000 cats welcome brother to this shinobi thieves what we want to do is have a look at the training dummy I think they have some advanced training dummies that we can use in order to level up our thievery and assassination yeah look at that those are like training boxes aren't they locksmith training box - this is gonna make things so much easier instead of training on the real stuff and getting caught all the time which is trained here a little bit so they have normal training dummies and then assassination dummies well that is going to be pretty useful let's actually speed up time a little bit and see how fast we do that pretty quickly so I guess we're gonna get our lock-picking skill up as well and then the assassination and this is gonna get me to the next step now this skill is actually useful if you don't plan on doing any theory because you could get enslaved for instance if you get into the wrong situation and then it helps you to get out of the cage or maybe there are abandoned shacks or stuff like that now actually I think I'm gonna do that off-camera here as well I'm gonna bring this up to 30 but first I want to test this training dummy I wanna see if this really does level assassination and yes it does even very quickly look at that we're gonna bring it up as much as we can I think at some point it probably stops with the training dummy but yeah with that out of the way I'm gonna be right back as soon as this step is completed alright guys we are back and I actually totally forgot that I had the game running I had to wake up my son and then I just forgot about it and I was training like crazy look how long this level actually takes but I decided to see this level through we are going to be 19 in assassination and we also have 20 in lock-picking what we want to do now is leave the hub of course with enough food which I do have and we're going to search for some bandits we want to snatch one of them away in order to play with them and train up some of our skills well well here we have some bandits however they are in a large group what I have to do is sneak up on one of them knock them out and then run away with them but I probably can't do that as long as they are this close together I mean one of them is surely gonna survive they discover me again time to run time to freakin run thanks to our athletic skill we are of course the fastest so we might have to wait for them a little bit yawn boots boots boots boots boots boots I'm gonna bring them to the guards and then we're gonna snatch one of the survivors oh hold the phone this city actually does not have any guards does it there are some outlaws they might actually help hey guys are you ready to help come on guys don't just stand around oh okay okay someone is helping I think I can just pay them okay maybe we can just pay them 500 cats that's easy no no no that was the odd so I just paid the other guy let's go into the hop man I thought this would be an easier task well in this case we're gonna attempt to flee into this direction I don't want to be beaten up that is not the idea let's see if we can actually make them split up or give up at some point this game is great this game is absolutely brutal they are following me forever I mean look at these bastards they're not gonna give up great I managed to separate one single guy from the Oh were they going for me yeah there are starving bandits there they are I wanna get a large group to the guards then we can choose our victim or or friend I I want to say okay unfortunately we only got two but that it's better than nothing I would say now we go come on okay oh that's what I'm talking about no they took them away bastards okay guys looks like we get another chance here it is actually in the middle of the night which is substantially helping I would say we're gonna go into sneak mode and yeah look at that they don't even see us 60% though come on we need to get this guy I believe in our skill yes yes and it failed it failed run run they're coming for me okay that's not good okay hopefully they leave me a body I want to take one with me oh this cart is actually checking me showed them your gear yeah I have nothing to hide okay let's pick you up great we got one okay let's hide a little bit we want to heal this guy up actually before he wakes up put down there you go and we want to search you give me everything here just give me everything first-aid that's what we want to do after all he's my friend and my punching back kit we are both naked no weapons and now we're gonna beat each other up and this is hopefully gonna increase my toughness let's actually look at that toughness yeah already - now we also dodged that's good so that should have increased our Dutch rating already 19% and now we're beating him up and he's already unconscious again okay let's just heal him up again and then we're gonna pick him up until he recovered a little bit there's something going on here who are you I would loss maybe we can actually snatch some loot from here hold the phone maybe we should get away from here yeah yeah that's what I thought get away thankfully animals do give up sooner than humans now I wonder I would like to build a sleeping bag of some sort so let's have a look into the building menu camping maybe a camp bet so can we build it here can't build too close okay ah and there confirm cool okay now we have to build it and we probably need some materials namely a sleeping bag let's see if we find that in the bar hello I hope nobody is bothered by me carrying around someone here nope doesn't look like they've got any sleeping bags unfortunately well okay unfortunately that means we have to go back to the other town and try to find a sleeping bag I'll meet you right there there we go the traitor in this second city we found actually has some sleeping bags so I'm gonna snatch one of those and hopefully we can build it nearby this city as well there we go this looks like a fairly secure location to sleep so that's where I'm gonna build my sleeping bag yep put down is he gonna get up hold the phone no he's still unconscious okay that gives us the opportunity to build this thing in my job and then I wonder if that is going to work we're gonna pick him up again and then I want to put him into the bed there we go because now he's going to heal a lot faster and no he got up you idiot wait wait wait you need to get unconscious again I'm sorry buddy but you're my training partner oh yeah we are dodging and we're getting tougher hopefully that's what I call training he does get a few hits and I have to say wait wait wait wait wait Nathan what are you doing look guys this is so funny this is just part of the training there you go finally cool so now I guess I have to beat him unconscious the entire time I don't know how this is gonna work out however did it help Dutch well that's gonna take a long time including martial arts it's fun nonetheless let's see if he gets up yeah there we go attack target young guy go back to bed well I guess I'm gonna meet you back once we're done with the training okay so what can I tell you about the past few days in-game basically this first guy beat the crap out of me and then he just ran away so I had to search for another guy and to make sure that doesn't happen again I trained a little bit on the training dummy however I didn't give him enough time to recover and now he lost his left leg I think it's still somewhere around here nope it must have teased bond no actually it's still rolling down here oh no I can pick it up we should pick it up maybe we can actually stitch it back there we go there there is the leg anyways this guy is currently recovering and every now and then I'm actually picking him up and putting him next to the bed he actually gave up he doesn't get out of the bed anymore but there we go we just put him down he's gonna be unconscious for a little bit but then he's gonna try to crawl away because he's at the moment still crippled well it's gonna be crippled forever I'm so sorry I wanted to have a fair match with you anyways now I'm training my martial art skills with him and the way we do that is attack unprovoked there we go every hit we get a little bit of martial arts in beautiful and he just attempts to run away I'm mostly hitting him in the chest and the stomach but there we go now now he's actually playing dead what it was so back into the bed he goes we can even do a little bit of first-aid Kim oh there we go you cannot do first aid in bed that is weird he goes back into bed and I continue mining a little bit there we go it's nighttime it's time to sell all of the junk and make some money beautiful you take all of my copper it's still worth enough to justify it that reminds me I actually also purchased these maps in order to reveal some stuff on the actual world map for instance now we have this lone Shack we have Waystation though I explored this before we have to swamp village yeah everything that is marked in green we now know where it is and we might want to explore it later on here we can also see how we stand with the various factions pretty neutral at the moment we have a research tab we get to that in the future and of course we're also gonna accumulate a lot of people but the first episode is all dedicated to getting strong you can see how much I've been beaten up by the amount of toughness we have 18 so I'm only helping this guy at the moment his toughness is already 21 he can take a beating so I don't want to hear anything in the comment section about this are we clear alright then I guess I'm gonna be right back as soon as we get to the weapons training and we are gonna exchange this guy this is just a worse he's just crawling away see you in a second alright guys we are back and it is actually quite a bit later I just had too much fun in this game running around with my character gaining skills and slowly but surely becoming a badass if we have a look at my statistics right now we can see assassination is a little bit higher we also gain thievery I'm not sure how that happened probably from looting corpses we have a lot in stealth at the moment but most importantly we upgraded our combat statistics and I went into katana so I liked the combat style the most however we will have to train all of the other skills as well of course we also have a lot in medic because I got beaten up a lot as you can see from my toughness which is 30 however now one-on-one with a normal bandit we usually have the upper hand with our statistics it is now time to stop our lonely life and actually get a squad together in the beginning it's gonna still be very small and I actually want to start with an animal and if I'm not mistaken earlier I've seen someone here who sells just that ah there we go right there here he is actually not leaving everyone else is leaving for some odd reason but there we go show me what you have you have a couple of animals and I think what I'm interested in is a pack ball so that's exactly what I want to buy there we go we can even a give him a name bully there we go it even comes with a backpack doesn't it ball backpack look at that we have so much freaking space alrighty our first successful recruitment I would say we're gonna go back to the hop and see what we can get there there's also a new backpack I want to get so let's see how that actually goes there Nathan is much faster so let's switch into adaptive speed mode I guess we can actually also name our squat and I think our faction so I would like to hear a couple of suggestions for those beautiful we have arrived at the hop let's actually see what we can find in the bar we can talk to a couple of guys hops this is a drifter okay we're talking to ops he wants to tell us a story can't be bothered to read that to you but I guess that sounds amazing how did you find it right there then I will grant you your wish whatever you said oh man join us in the search of this beast we just got a free recruit well he's not really good at anything we will have to train him up but he already got some basic equipment we still have to get him a weapon oh look at that she actually wants to join my crew just like that oh no she wants 3,000 cats which is the standard price for new recruits so I think we're gonna pay her we can even adapt her looks if we wanted that's kind of a weird mechanic and we can also adjust her name so for future recruits also such as me names down in the comments now she already has a katana which isn't bad and some pants they will be mining copper mostly well for now I'm just gonna give them five tried meet each the bull already has some stuff in his inventory I just hope they are going to eat that now what we have to do we have to find a geared copper vein preferably a cluster of veins for instance right here we have two veins fairly close together and there's even a third one so we could each work on one lane and I'm just gonna send the ball back and forth in order to collect the or so Nathan you are gonna work right there then we have hops who's gonna work here and we have heft who is gonna work right there oh actually right here we have a large copper resource that might even be better I think I'm gonna go for that hops and heft you guys you could work on this one instead so I guess for now we're gonna store them in here because every time that happens I have to reactivate the command no actually I can shift click and this is gonna add a chop and they will always get back to it when they can well I guess I'm gonna send pulley over to them I hope we are not gonna lose this guy oh okay he takes a more intelligent way no I'm not so sure about that he's gonna take a long way around anyways that's what I'm gonna be doing the next I don't know 30 minutes or so and once we're ready to sell I'm gonna be right back alright I've been mining for approximately two days and I figured out that the trading range to the bully is actually pretty far so what I could do is just walk over to this mountaintop select the ore and collect everything however one thing I noticed is my bully doesn't actually level up in athletics every time he makes a level it just doesn't go up with the number now just to preview that we are gonna walk over here let's actually hover over athletics $89.99 and it just goes back to zero without giving me a level so that is a little bit unfortunate we seem to have a bucked bully here however we collected a lot of ore as you can see right here and we're still doing it great bully is back let's bring Nathan into the bar and do some trading hello I want to sell you some stuff okay cool it's still worth two hundred and for that is perfect let's go ahead and sell everything out with shift I can actually sell an entire stack and the shopkeeper cannot afford it anymore what a pity well we want to buy some food anyways right I wanted some more bandages for Nathan and also dried meat we take all the food you have actually alright then bully and Nathan it's time to go to the thieves place over here maybe they have a vendor too we have a nice piece of armor here which seems to be at a discount this is cool but what we really want is the thieves backpack that is what I wanted so what I have to do ease I will have to get rid of mine this is two-and-a-half thousand it's going to be worth it because I'm not gonna suffer any drawbacks from this when I want to go on a thieving run there we go thieves backpack it is actually not even smaller it might even be larger but I paid a lot for it ooh actually this katana is not that bad it is also pretty expensive but it has like an enormous cutting damage yeah let's actually do that I think I'm gonna buy myself this katana does this have like less range because of this shorter it even has an indoor bonus which I don't have on mine yeah let's totally do that I'm gonna purchase this katana and this is gonna go to one of my colleagues I'm gonna grab this I'm going to give the backpack to heft I think I'm gonna make her the bimbo for everything let's go ahead and as a group we're gonna make our way over to squint or squid I should say we can get rid of the rest of the carpet there maybe purchase some more food and after that I guess I will have to do one more copper run before we can finally get into the settlement building in the next episode am i bully finally got athletics five man I hope this is gonna fix itself nasty little bug I think we're being attacked yeah this guy is attacking us now let's see what we want to do we want to taunt with Nathan because he's got the best defense at the moment Nathan you need to attack this guy he's attacking the boy now we're going for it everyone hack-and-slash come on it's just a measly boned off no leaf leaf heft alone my bully is also helping Oh nanoo nanoo Oh a thief's backpack doesn't stack items I see the problem anyways now it's time to heal up oh man I'm so bully is dying actually but I think we can save him right yeah there we go now it's just unconscious there we go actually I can make this a job now whenever someone is damaged and I'm nearby and don't do anything else I'm going to heal them up bully is still unconscious but I guess I should be able to pick him up right you'll also search the doc yeah give me all that stuff sells herself okay now I can actually carry him around it does look a little bit funky but it's all gonna work out that is hilarious and look how fast I can still run we're gonna sell some stuff here in the bar that don't mind the bull and all oh that's expensive man okay I'm gonna buy some dried meat then and of course also our copper here we actually get good money for it here look at that we have 28,000 cash that's not too bad to begin with I mean we're gonna need building materials and we're also gonna need arm plates maybe I should buy them already we're gonna need at least 12 of those so that's maybe a thousand three hundred I mean he doesn't even have 12 at the moment but we also need at least six of the building materials and when we see some more plates maybe in the next city I'm gonna purchase more this is gonna allow us to get a little settlement started at least the beginning of it alright I would say at this point we are actually gonna wrap up this first episode where the heck is my group right here bullies still recovering from coma but I guess we can just carry him around shouldn't be an issue at all cool well with that out of the way thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed today's episode have a great time and see you in the next video bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Nathan's Sandbox
Views: 206,019
Rating: 4.844358 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi playthrough, kenshi first look, kenshi review, kenshi episode 1, kenshi lets play, kenshi guide, kenshi combat, kenshi base building, kenshi base, kenshi how to, kenshi making money, kenshi level up, kenshi training, kenshi war, kenshi release, kenshi slave, kenshi bandits, kenshi locations, kenshi exploration, kenshi adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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