Kenshi | Blood in the Sand | Let's Play Kenshi Gameplay Part 2

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day in and day out pickaxe to stone fill the pockets with whatever iron ore he can grab haul it back to the bar and sell it for a pittance just so he can buy a little bit of food and still have made just a little bit of profit see there's more to it than money rust hilt can feel himself getting stronger he runs a little faster he can carry a little bit more weight and he swings a little bit harder enough for him to notice at least and while the money in his pocket may be lighter than he was expecting well maybe it's a little lighter because he's a little stronger but rust tilt is at an impasse not too long ago there was a group of bandits that walked by him heading into the hub not the first time he's seen bandits walk in but every time he sees them he hides and waits then he kept mining until the Sun went down and as he walked into the hub he realized something wasn't right fresh blood and bodies what could be waiting for rust hilt in the hub [Music] it certainly has been an interesting few days for rust hilts interesting in that well he's definitely watched the pattern of the Sun rise and set multiple times and now we're on the outskirts of the hub about to head back in to check out what's going on because rust Hill caught a little bit of a whiff of trouble as he was heading back into the hub but also first of all that planet is really pretty well don't look under the floor that planet is really pretty but as we zoom out and we make our way in back into kimchi you can see some blood here and here and this is what caught my eye initially as I ran in something looked off and wrong so I figured now is the good time to properly start recording I had been recording just the the grinding in case something happened and this is this is where we find ourselves heading into the hub with blood on the floor it's a little worrying not gonna lie but before we head in let's go look at our stats some things have changed our strength is now a 6 that's insane and it's almost about to be a 7 well insane for where we started athletics is now a 10 working its way up towards 11 an hour laboring is a 27 because of course it is we've been hammering away for quite some time and we've been sprinting everywhere one of the things this game does is let's try to stay realistic if you pack yourself with a ton of objects in your pockets and you wear heavy weapons and heavy armor there is an encumbrance system but if you run around with that stuff if you work laboriously with that stuff your character is actually going to increase his strength and his laboring skill or whatever it is you're doing much faster it's like strapping weights onto your chest and then in going and exercising and running weight training that is in this game that's how detailed it is so we've gotten they've been able to blast forward a bit but really the big concern here is what is going on in the hub you can see blood spot blood spot blood spot and if we crawl our way over this way we have ourselves some corpses we zoom in we've got a hungry bandit yeah I think these are the bandits that I saw outside another hungry bandit here they're both dying not a bad thing because I can beat them down and take what they've got somebody who's already dead yeah it looks like the guards probably beat the hell out of them they might not have anything left and then somebody else who's dying over here so let's go ahead and start looting and seeing what's going on here we don't need to sneak what's a sprint a weapon that we can sell another one that we can sell I'm not about to get attacked right hungry bandit leader she's running nope she's running away okay that's fine she's hungry and that's okay all right that's fine run away run away it's good for rust hill cuz he can't fight right now as as strong as he is compared to how he used to be nowhere near ready to be fighting anyone so where does that I'm okay with that I could first-aid them and then start beating him while he's down we'll see well hold up interesting let's stop that and let's just stealth ko hmm I'd like to practice stealth Kaling if possible I don't know if that's doing anything I don't think it is we pick up the body how do I drop it well I can run around with his body on me this will be good for my stats we can just rust he'll have dug unconscious person over his shoulder just running back and forth I don't know how to there we go rah still put down okay and that's that all right well let's get into the bar it's still something we've we've made some some progress here it looks like the the others were looting their bodies and seeing what they had which is fine with me hey good to see you again what's chan I don't think these guys ever leave before we go anywhere else and go back out to mining and training and all that other stuff there's a few things I want to actually check first over here there's this little thing I can like touch with the gears so I'm gonna swing out that way and see what's going on over there may be something useful maybe it's not what what am i doing am I going to the bathroom I am yep going to the bathroom cool well I don't need that on top of that there was actually a building that I saw yep right over here I don't think I went in here this looks like the yeah there's door shut over here let's actually take a peek and see what's going on in here I actually didn't realize that there was another building that hadn't been toppled over and whatever chaos ensued here in the hub so we're gonna pop in ooh somebody live here no this is all free rice weed rice weed fabrics Gohan hacksaw leather sock a water jug and a couple beds and this hold down alt there we go 14% chance let's do it we should sneak and think that's gonna up our chance well we picked it that was successful well well well what do we have here Linden's reports and a couple other things let's grab all of these in them in the med kit we'll leave this here for now I'm gonna take a look at Linden's reports momentarily in fact we should do that right now a little bit of lore okay we just uh we have to hover over it I can't click it open mmm Luden's report book part of an official report within the holy national seal hi paladin luden reporting his Patrol as ordered by commander NYX we investigated the hub fortunately there was no sign of enemy troops it appears they all deserted the region but before doing so the blasted fools sacked the settlement and set it ablaze ah see that's why hub is a mess before they laughter they ruined everything the hub is nothing but ruins most buildings are ready to collapse entire sections of the walls have been destroyed retaking the hub would be effortless but resettling it would prove most difficult it appears their troops occupied the town for some time given that no bodies were found inside but we still don't know what made the the sheykh savages abandon the hub further investigation required all right well that's the first report and we could actually if we wanted to rebuild the city should we decide to just an option book to during our patrol in the southern border paladin Lu sex hound spotted shadowy figures atop the hill on which the hub sits at this point the day was getting late and Akron's light had almost fully passed the eastern hill so that we could not clearly see who the intruders were lussac's hound grew increasingly more agitated until it eventually managed to escape his hold and chase after the intruders inside of the ruin we followed but during our ascension we lost sight of them the hub itself was still empty but it appeared that somebody had indeed been there doors or open items had been moved for example the hound could not be found anywhere within most likely it was killed during the chase it is my belief that the sheykh may have sent scouts to see if the hub was retaken we couldn't see any anyone retreating down the southern rampart so they must have set up camp in a nearby cave I suggest we send patrols deeper south to prevent any further incursions I also recommend that Lu sack be sent home for a few days the loss of his hound has been a blow to him that's sad all right as instructed this is at number three as instructed we reached the hub under cover of night we heard voices when we got close to the walls both female and male but once past the gate the voices vanished in the hub was silent again again there had been signs of movement inside but after thoroughly searching the place we found no one however it was when it was when I was investigating the bar that I heard Sentinel em fetch shows scream we looked everywhere but couldn't find him nor we could find any sign of fighting not even a drop of blood It was as if the damn place itself had swallowed him Weedon standing longer and quickly withdrew to outpost that place is cursed the darkness has taken hold of the town and it must have been this darkness that killed the sheykh soldiers in lussac's hound previously reported the presence of potential sheykh scouts but I know now that the shadows were in fact the wraiths the hub must be torn down and scorched to purify the hill and to cut off the corrupts corruption spread Oh what what well brother VAR Alou is right in the fact that the hub cannot be held for now he is mistaken as to the reason why narcos power did not increase significantly in the last year's it is Akron's light that has been wavering for some time now our faith is a conduit that allows occurrence grace to be bestowed upon us we have let our society fall into decay in debauchery and none but we are to be blamed women acting with ignorant brazenness children shaming their fathers men forgetting the deeply traditions of our holy society it is not the dark demon s minions that have been covering the light it is we if we are to avoid our lost brothers fate we must purify ourselves only then can we save this world from damnation last last one as history has shown the hub cannot be held every time we try we inevitably lose it within months the recent loss at the hands of the Empire was further proof of that narcho shook the world and made two entire sections of the southern wall collapse and no later than a week race have appeared and taken one of our holy brothers as long as narcos darkness covers the place we cannot hold it for too long have we fought with the false enemy we must redirect our attention dark demon s first minions only by destroying the darkness can we weaken her influence interesting so potential lore about the gods of this world the reason the hub is a mess we spent all night in here which is hilarious we have a couple of beds and more importantly we may have a position here where we can call home for a little while this is a little bit of a warehouse is a couple houses but more importantly I guess the question then becomes do we believe that there is some sort of super stitch Asst ghostly thing happening here or is it more likely that there's a hidden this is like maybe a hidden wall er or door that leads to somewhere else that we can then use to see where these people that are supposedly operating in the darkness hide a lot of options for potential but right now we don't have an answer and that's okay rust tilt kind of finds comfort in the fact that there is no real law here that no matter who takes over they're not gonna hold and even though some of the most scary most powerful the the the zealots those who killed his mother and his father for you know false pretenses and for under false pretences rather can't hold this place so that's good let's head to the bar I want to sell off pretty much anything we don't need here and we'll sell the cloth and the rice whoops buy that back on the rice weed I'm gonna arrange that and I'm gonna head back into this little area and see if those statues are worth anything because we could absolutely sell those for a quick buck as well if we hacksaw is interesting damaged book and we don't need the cup I mean we could sell every little thing we find but there's no value in that it's better for us to sell things that are worth at least a decent mount of money all the while working on our physical attributes and skills right they're all dead everybody's dead in here well see this is what we're talking about ninja garden in G garden in G guard hungry bandit that's committing a crime I mean they're hungry so likely the crook just just hanging out there I guess oh he put the body down what so let's rifle through the pockets real quick again not particularly worth it is she dead she's unconscious all right well while she's unconscious we might want to wait around to see if she wakes up because if she waked actually oh it's just the guard swinging back in all right well we know the guards this town are no one to mess with let's actually sell the leather for now I feel like that might be a mistake but I'm going to do it I don't I'm gonna sell these off we read them already I don't know if they're they're good for us for anything all right here's my plan come over here take her weapon let's sell the weapon off real quick this bartender is probably like why do you keep coming back and why do you keep having weird weapons that clearly don't belong to you and rusty let's just tell him don't ask questions all right here's my bizarre devious plan she is unconscious let's go ahead and pick her up let's take her out of town I'm gonna Wow Wow Wow what the hell man this is bonkers all right hold up hold up put put her down we dilute everybody this is insane I don't think they're gonna have much because they're bandits and they tend to have nothing but I'm gonna take their weapons is this better than mine plus four plus three yep it actually is better than mine by barely barely better but it is we're trying to make a best of a bad situation you know we're we're very date were very weak characters in a world that is inhospitable we need to make sure we do everything we can to let frig the world in our favor more or less if that means robbing the dying constantly and selling it for pennies selling their gear for pennies at least that those pennies will buy a rust hilt some food so the plan here is rob these guys blind sell all their weapons look at the blood trail oh he crawled you can actually see where he crawled from he was beaten down here and then crawled all the way over to here just to die he's crippled I can bodyguard I don't attack him unprovoked I'm sorry my man we got a practice our our attacks so we're just gonna attack this bandit until they die they're dying they're gonna reach a hundred blood very quickly here but anybody else who wants to wake up and start crawling away that's that's okay with me but yeah that blood trail is from them just crawling for safety that's gruesome in that's an unfortunate way to go ooh well it'll fit a little bit better it'll look like it belongs so will actually look like we have somewhat of a matching outfit oh hey are you guys zealots or yep okay you're zealots so what I was going to do initially was take her out and heal her away from town and then just beat on her relentlessly until she died in hopes of getting my attack skill up but no such luck and if we go into our melee we're almost at level two it's not great but it's better than nothing all right back into the bar what a strange little event that was but that's what's kind of awesome about this game and kind of one of the reasons I adore it so we've actually doubled our money by doing what we did which is fantastic but the hub is really still gonna be our home for quite some time I think I don't know how or if that's ever gonna change but I wanna I don't know can we go over here I wonder if they'll let me in this tower I'm very curious if there's anything in there we'll see let's see if we can talk to them about it at least so you want it on the shinobi a the guards try to lay the crack down with a fool and nobody there nothing nothing a few cats can ándale I want to join the shinobi thieves I'm not interested right now sorry what happens if we go in nobody's yelling at me can I go up the stairs where am I getting yelled at right is being followed ooh training dummies can I actually use these are am I gonna get yelled at if I end up using this all right we'll see what happens I'm training I'm training I'm training huh well it looks like the shinobi thieves even though we may not be a shinobi thief don't mind having us hanging out here and we can actually work on our melee attacks all the while this is not for public use traveler leave it alone I see can I actually get up to three okay well we'll stop out we go I'm not gonna mess with it bye and now we know that that's up there maybe at night if we can sneak in maybe maybe we'll be able to do a little a little melee training of our own but for now we want to go mining again but it seems as though we've got company over here but they should be gone by the time we get over here so let's swing back over and we can go back to mining for a little bit so while mining something caught my eye and I think I'm gonna go check it out at night there seems to be a bit more settlement out to our whatever direction this is what what direction are we facing here yeah a bit north of us you can see a little building here and I only caught it cuz during the day this that this right here is a windmill that means there's somebody there's there's somebody or something here yep see there's a house and I don't know what that is and I'm very nervous but we're gonna find out one way or another man we're going to sneak in are we gonna try and sneak in and see if there's anybody living here cuz there's nobody living here or there's nobody home we could potentially loot this for all it's worth if there's anything there so rust hill seemed an opportunity feeling a little confident after all the work he's put in the dump he can see muscle definition the amount of actual money he's made in the past week or so he's feeling like maybe this is it oh it's a bar it's a bar okay we don't the sneak but we might as well why is there a bar way the hell out here when there's a town with a bar not far well what happens when we go in hello what's going on man nobody you got a one guard it looks like ninja guard up nope - yeah I'm looking for you I guess what do you have oh damn you are a crossbow man interesting change sheets dried meats meat wrap bread I already have some food I don't really need to be buying and spending more food fuel holy crap a big ol jug of water honestly the next big thing we want is a backpack if we can ever find it let's come up here I see if there's anything up here okay he's watching I'm being watched yeah the guards are watching fair enough fair enough good bye Sun is bright this morning covering our eyes the Sun blows across the great Grand Desert all right well what's this do this little windmill thing is a pinch of generating power not disappointed just confused rust tilts it's by the bar why is there a bar within walking distance of the hub where there's also a bar but that particular bartender seems to sell more weapons than anything so maybe it's a bar purely as a front and what they truly are is kind of a black market dealer spying and selling weapons to anyone who needs it no matter what let's do a perimeter let's do a perimeter exploration of the hub well we don't want to leave far from the hub quite yet it might be worth taking a look and see what's going on this looks nasty green and gross well it certainly shows that hub is in the middle of nowhere calling it the hub maybe a bit of an overstatement and I'm sure rust hilt believes the same thing it is a hub of scorched buildings hard winds and sand that's all it is a hub for in criminals when they show up who anybody is getting straight up murdered in the process around the hub lies nothing not a Diggity dang thing at all but pathways out and beyond there's actually a little valley here that leads to some water I think that might be worth checking out seeing some water from this hill and it's the first water we've seen here in the Grand Desert we might as well see if it's worth checking out and if it offers anything for us we're currently in a sandstorm I don't know what that means you want a storm it affects your accuracy in combat fair enough I feel like if we're gonna run towards water there's likely gonna be creatures and settlements nearby Pizza I need a QE rotate more those whose you know subsist on water like any living creature would set up a home I feel near water it's why the hub is where it's at it's close to water advantage it's easily defendable on the top of a hill not too bad I do not see anything but damn if it isn't scary to be this far away from the hub and I'm sure rust tilt is feeling a little bit of pressure maybe even minor anxiety as he sits here dust storm blowing in his face seeing what this water is all about we've got movement there goats are befores we're fine but here we are ground floor and there does not seem to be much here this is a river if we take a look at our map it seems to run all the way north to this big what was probably a lake at some point and ended up being dried-up lake now you can see this land showing what would used to be a big body of water doesn't seem to be a big body of water anymore and the north is an Arctic there's so much biome here I don't know what that is I don't know what any of this is an island over here my god there's so much and we're just we're still just kind of close to the hub but yeah there's there seems to be very little here I want to swing in and hopefully they won't attack me what slave MA oh these are slave traders okay we have slave traders here doesn't look like they grabbed any of the dead folk you're just passing through I don't think there's any bodies left anyway and they were probably all dead but we keep a safe distance crouched in the corner watching them leave to make sure that we are not going to get scooped up in their shackles and put into a slave camp the question is a slavery better than death I think that depends on who you ask okay night is falling upon the hub here let's see if we can sneak into the Ninja guard tower and maybe make use of their training dummies a little bit while they sleep if I'm lucky if I'm lucky god knows if this is gonna work but I'd certainly like to try and if we do get lucky we will to check it out where are you going oh you're going up and around how interesting up you go practicing stealth thing at night is always welcome as well pump up our stealth just a little bit hello ninja my name is rust heeled and I'm here to train on your dummies nope they're still gonna be a bunch of people around it looks like if I wanted to use your dummies and be part of the shinobi's what did we say you can join for a fee that's it I don't think a plea to test or proof or anything do I look like I got time for handing out busy work no this is the business we're running not a social club just a one-time membership fee of ten thousand cats what do I get in return for all that mone you get yourself allies we have hideouts like this one in a lot of major towns we watch each other's backs she don't be thieves stick together honestly not bad the safe haven for you to rest and recover we have specialist training equipment to use you can sell your stolen items for our to our fence it also sells some hard-to-find specialist equipment at a huge discount well I don't think rust hilt is is in the mood to be a thief being a criminal isn't what he wants criminals are exactly how he got into the position that he is more interested if he could get in there and maybe use this training dummies to train and then ditch the Shinobi's you know immediately after but the shinobi's are smart and well they charge a hefty hefty fee just to ensure that you aren't gonna just use them and ditch em I guess it's a good way to ensure no immediate breakups in a relationship tip number one from rust he'll have somebody pay you $10,000 or they yeah where you pay them $10,000 and then nobody's leaving anybody it's just not happening alright we've got we've got coming in dust bandits all of them injured well one of them is injured it's only slightly and it is the just a bandit not a leader anything he came running up so that scared me I wonder what kind of yeah he's got his legs are hurt and things are not looking great for this particular dust bandit coming into the hub maybe just doing a patrol this guy's getting stuck on a Ledge we're just gonna watch and see what they do I won't bother you if you don't bother me I feel that's fair if you see the sword on my back know that I took it from somebody who deserved it how'd you like the rum rumor what did she give me rum I love it I prefer water yeesh bet you're real barrel laughs at a party but whatever I bet you my right here that I could change your mind you screw my own rum back when uh back when we had the distillery beast rum I call it one glass that stuff and all hell breaks loose one guy gouged his own eyeballs out after three glasses of it great stuff but all good things come to an end and I got busted by the guards so they can spray a chance to hire yourself an expert Brewer traveler um I'll be make sure you never have to face a bandit or gutter or gutter or a crazy priest sober ever again how much six thousand cats no deal I can't afford it everybody's so expensive I can't bring on anybody need any rooster excuse me recruit heft yeah but I have a small recruitment fee they need some selling never mind then everybody comes with a goddamn fee except for the one dude I Cameron Bure his name from the last episode and I said no to him because I'm an idiot I just like you sound stupid and then that was the east like I'm out and you know what that's that's honestly fair I wish these bandits would leave not proud of himself rust hilt has clearly become a vulture in these deserts picking off the corpses of the already dead and mostly already looted anything worth having is gone but rust hilt is taking everything he can but it's wearing on him it's not something he wants to be happening he wants more for himself he wants more for his future and that might mean leaving the hub sooner rather than later but for now for what it's worth rust hilt is still gonna stick around and keep things rather defended sometimes the status quo is the most comforting thing at all eight days Russ tilt has been out here eight days in the hub mining running it back for a little bit of money and then buying more food so he could continue to mind and make a little bit of profit all hoping that this profit will allow him to purchase things that will aid him in his quest for well for finding himself he doesn't really know what to do he's lost his family is dead and he's mad he's mad about it the religious zealots who murdered his family are still out there but he's nowhere near ready to find them or fight them or even make an enemy of them not yet not like any of them would know who he is anyway it's been quite some time but the progress he's been making as a miner wall is positive is not enough to make Russell feel like something is happening he's not made nearly enough to make himself feel like this has been worth it so he's been scheming thinking what can he do well the hub is empty save a bar and a security tower and stealing from them just to sell it back to them would be impossible the way it works in the game is that they know that they're being sold their own stuff back to or at least they partially know to a degree there's a chance and if it's theirs I think the chance is much much much higher also I'm sneaking because of statistics but what can we do well we know there's a bar slightly to the north a separate bar that does not belong to any city perhaps we could steal from them but the bar also seems to stay open or at least bars seem to stay open all night long I don't know if that bar will be open come nighttime because night time is what I'm gonna want to try and sneak in we could explore maybe check out the world head north a little bit or south rather and see if there's anything out there worth robbing from maybe keeping what we get or grabbing stuff that's not all that valuable to us and selling it off to somebody who will buy it for a higher price again not a bad idea and perhaps one will try but I think the first thing we're gonna do other than sell everything is is wait till nightfall come nightfall head to the bar and then if we're lucky we'll murder whoever's there House chopper stolen goods no problem right now here's our current weapon and if we you know slowed things down to a pause we're right we're rolling with the horse chopper it's not fantastic right it's it's actually far from fantastic but right now he's stocked with a ninja blade in a katana he also has a crossbow that a toothpick rather of standard quality this one's shoddy this one's standard you can tell by the type and prototype is probably scary each one depending on their quality determines their statistics it'd be interesting that maybe go range but that'd be a lot of our cash he's buying it for how much am i buying it for I imagine I'm buying it for 720 because that's its value but the sell value here is way lower because he's overstocked on things the katana is are out of our price range and the ninja blade is interesting maybe as a secondary weapon but I don't know if it's any better than what we have here so the cutting damage is 0.3 1 versus 0.47 yeah it's not immediately not worth it we have some food cubes over here blunt damage is none blood loss is one point one zero so it's got higher blood loss and tack damage plus for defense it does plus 10% damage versus humans though plus 10% versus humans - 39% vs. robots this is just flat-out I think it might be better for us to I don't know maybe this will be worth grabbing as a secondary weapon it's not terribly expensive we have three point eight thousand cats which is not a lot but it's better than nothing he's no armor to buy some building materials which you do not need right now I think want to dust King the dust King has wanted this know the leader of the notorious dust bandits he is thought to be hiding out somewhere in the border zone thirty thousand reward oh god we could be bounty hunters that'd be great and there's a book here it's research artifact I'm gonna take it I don't know if I can do anything with it but that's not bad and then you know what I didn't gonna buy this sell the iron club and wheel this is our secondary I think that's our that's our play and then we wait till nightfall and when night falls we can head out to the bar to the north and see if there's something we can snag interesting very very interesting again we have all these weapons and we actually have no real way to do any damage with them we're nowhere near ready to fight anybody if we look at our stats you can see some time has passed I'm up this 10 strength now laboring zat 38 the stealth is at five everything L think is about the same our melee attack is only a two most low level bandits are around 20 so that that tells you how far away we are from from dealing with anything and thrust hilt is far far far under trained when it comes to wanting to deal with any sort of enemy that's not on the ground bleeding to death and even those he's beaten to death were out of sense out of a sense of necessity they were bandits they were murderers and he knows if he wants to survive in the post apocalypse his parents always told him that that is going to kill you if you ever try well the only way to not be killed in the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is Kenshi is to kill them burst and so that's what Ross tilts has been doing it's not been Pleasant but it's not been enough to send him into a spiral I mean in order to even live as long as Russell has you have to have a heart of stone out here there is no happy city like we have nowadays no safety net any city can be rated at any time for any given reason you have to be ready but rust tilled was a farmer he was not ready so for now until until sun fall which is coming soon I'm Russ tilt is going to continue to mine away god damnit don't where am i I got lost ooh-whoo we had a fight we have a fight happening quite a fight escaped servants versus hungry bandits we may have something here alright we're gonna slow it down it seems that our our plan to go with thieving is far from ready yet we're gonna swing in real close I want to stay down and we're gonna just watch this fight play out we have bandits and escaped servants and these are the bandits so now we have to loot them or at least we can try so these are the way these bandits are fine escape servant of the holy nation of outlaws are not let the bandits go and do their own thing unconscious he's gonna wake up soon he's playing dead so he's not gonna be doing anything yet I'm a little nervous but he's playing dead so he's gonna get up soon recovery coma abandoned why don't we swing over there they're not gonna bother us for one reason or another they don't care who we are they're not coming back playing dead okay we may have an opportunity to get some good gear he's in a recovery coma nothing worth taking he's got a gun I'm gonna take it that is actually a big gettin right now look damn it run run okay he woke up thought you could con us no I don't think it con you well he's taking shots I don't didn't I take his ammo nope [Music] let's see what he does we did try and rob him he is not as hurt as I would like him to be however he is certainly in a bad spot his chest is incredibly low and if we get a couple chest shots off of it and we might be able to take him down I just don't know what that'll do to us in the town were in so instead let's run you still can't see me he's taking shots at me let's see if I can drag him away far far away we've not been hit yet and he has not done anything X holy warrior might be worth trying to fight moving in all right we're gonna go too slow here and we're gonna watch this fight a block instantly ow we're gonna watch ourselves oh he hit me so hard in the stomach we have first aid chests hit we have to fight if we can win this ooh that's the left arm now boof that's the right arm now and he's still blocking us I think we run I think we're faster than him get out just cut cut across and for a long time rust hilt needs to go we need a run so we need to head back to town so let's cut till hard left it's gonna be heading towards you no back that way but he's gonna be getting shot at all the while now he could potentially bleed out but our where we're worried about ourselves we can have to bandage ourselves up a bit and maybe take the night to rest or at least get ourselves safe Ron rust hilt run from your friends run from the man you upset you tried to be a criminal didn't work out for you well it might have worked out we got a gun that alone is valuable but we went out the wrong door which led us there in the first place so I guess that's a good thing let's hope nobody wants to murder me hello welcome take a look around I will and by take a look around I mean heal myself first aid so we're gonna sit in the tavern where there's guards and we're gonna bandage up now we're healing and that's gonna help us with our skills and Russell tis afraid that was an opportunity for him right there to hopefully with luck get him a little bit of experience a little bit of fighting experience we did up our mail a defense but we did and we upped our toughness as well he did walk away from that a little better statistically but at the risk of his own life and that that's scary this is worth only 258 here so worth holding on to the question is what do we do with it let's see we need ammo and it's good blood loss we could steal we could sell it I think we could sell it off we might be able to sell it off to the bar to the north as they were heavy and they did have a quite a lot of weapons it's only midnight so we actually do have time so why don't we sneak out the back up level up our sneak in the process okay we're not being seen will he get mad let's see nope he does not care let's get out of here sneaking off and seeing if we can rob from this bar first and if we're able to rob from it depending on what we get we'll have enough to trade or enough to enough to keep and make our lives a little bit better in the process but we're sneaking because it's gonna up our statistic for stealth and it's now the stealth statistic is it's just important to have as is we're already at 6 we're well on our way to 7 I think maybe not that's ok and we'll see what's going on here Oh hold on hold on wait what do we have here dust bandits really messed up dust bandits who I think are going around and curing their friends looking up and over the hill I don't know what they were fighting they could be coming from a battle far off let's see what they end up doing he's crippled if they leave the [ __ ] behind we're gonna go beat the hell out of him I think that's what we need to do there they're ditching him true like true bandits they are ditching him yeah then he stopped trying to follow what if we attack under provoked and just beat him while he's on the ground boom we just smacked him yeah they're not turning around and he's not screaming for help he's just trying to get away and he has some good stuff it looks like yep we're just gonna smack him in the chest Russell probably does not like doing this let's be real he is basically taking down in a man who's already on the brink of death his his friends or his posse or maybe even his family to him have abandoned him crippled left alone after a rough battle only to be forgotten gave his life to this bandit troop only to be killed by somebody who sees an opportunity before them in that alone and again Roscoe probably doesn't like doing this isn't not enjoyable for him boom down he goes but it's kill or be killed and while it's not something he wants to do it's almost something he feels he has to do we might be swapping everything here yeah we're gonna be looking like a bandits but it doesn't say dust bandit uniform so people will not think we're bandits unless we do bandit reacts do I want to hang onto these boots I don't think I can hang on these boots because these are better and they're gonna be a little heavier than normal but I don't mean to do that I want the rice bowl here we are a little bit of an upgrade some better loot we're gonna be a little slow but this is gonna be good for training he's unconscious still let's first aid him let's truly be terrible people if we first aid him what the hell is that I heard I heard something roar if we first aid him we can actually beat him back unconscious again and gain some skill points for it and that's tempting so why don't we take this bandit who we've assumed has murdered a bunch of innocence they are bandits after all and robbed people who didn't deserve to be robbed and bring him back to life just to swing at him a few more times first aid him and it's gonna help our first aid as well all things considered this is all very very valuable to us he doesn't have a weapon on him right wait no he has no weapon he can't do anything it's need to make sure I can't pick that up I'm not asking to pick it up rust hill you just need to be you picking off who we can when we can he's almost not unconscious which is good we're still working on him he's playing dead he spit at me did we do good Oh homie I don't know what you're talking about hey I need to attack you come back because now you're gonna be our my sparring partner ow all right now yeah that's fine you're not doing a lot of damage huh oh good dodging I literally brought him back just so I could fight him and he is quite comparatively his martial arts is zero though but he has high Dex a decent dodge and rust he'll doesn't seem to care that much instead of stealing we're spending a night beating a poor bandit roof down he goes now wearing his gear this bandit wakes up to his clothing being worn by the man who came up from behind from what he assumes was the hub or that maybe even that bar just to pick it just to take up the the last pickings of what's left of this guy how do I switch to my second weapon and down he goes once more is he dead no he's just unconscious our melee attack and defense has gone up what better way to get better at you know being you than to force yourself to fight those who do not deserve it I can't even Med myself yeah healed up already I need to sleep splint injuries can't do that we're gonna get him back up off the ground with luck anyway and we will continue turning the sand red with his blood well we bandaged him and our field medic skill has gone from a 2 to a 5 which is great however he's not gonna do much I think this is where I still says goodbye let him live he may not make it genuinely but he'll have a chance and that's all he ever got that's all rust he'll ever got was just a chance so why not make the best of that chance and make do we are currently have a moderate load you know I'm saying oh and it seems as though something else happened here a bunch of bandits caused some problems maybe attack to the bar interesting well I'm good dump this gear first evening hello what happened seems like you guys had some problems sorry I couldn't be here for it well let's sell some things and maybe buy some things let's do business what you got so you have a gun and you'll buy my gun for about three hundred and ninety I might even just get rid of the gun as well that already gave us a good chunk of cash more research artifacts which could be good how about another first-aid kit ring to saber blueprint maybe not a big deal right now we need a backpack that's what we need if we can get ourselves a backpack that would be real good dying dead let's go sell this well maybe it's better than ours minus five plus three instead of minus four yeah that's sellable just say good morning sorry I'm just gonna sell these things off I don't know why you didn't pick them up and you know sell them on your own but not particularly complaining now is there anything up here that I could steal let's sneak and see he knows he knows I'm here can't look into any of these okay how to research tech blueprints you found a blueprint blueprints allow you to learn tech instantly to learn a blueprint open your Victoria right-click to learn it if you're wearing a backpack make sure to close at first so that the blueprint doesn't search 14 yeah got it I don't have a backpack unfortunately let's go back outside I don't think I've clicked on this oh that's the build button I think I was looking for that earlier I thought it was I don't know what I thought it was tech but it's not it's build buildings a small Shack I need five building materials camping campfire camp bed farming vegetable farms a well lights mining a stone mine tech small research bench which is what we need but I need three building materials ok building welcome to build mode first select the building you want from the panel hint building a small Shack will allow you to build a research bench inside with this you can learn to unlock a new tech tree I see so that kind of points us in a direction then I knew that that was something you could do but I just didn't know exactly how building a Shack might be what we need to do building a Shack to get a little bit experience of running for us they need to start properly researching anything might be a good thing now we could just be nomads forever obviously for now we're just gonna follow rust hilt back to town while he kind of gets used to his new equipment load looking a little bit more better than he was prior and definitely more forged formidable maybe we should buy our building materials now just to have them I really I just want a backpack they're not expensive and there's all five right there do they stack so my inventory would have to be completely empty and I need a bag somehow feeling a little bit of confidence I think in his step having not only well not only re-equipped himself with some good stuff practice a little bit of combat not that he's fantastic in any way but feeling as though he's kind of hit a dead end here in the hub itself I think maybe knowing that there's a still a town not too far from here the only other town he knows of I think maybe rust hilt feels it's time to head south head towards Quinn see what's there and with that maybe find another way to make some money I think we're gonna buy out the rest of their food I don't like spending this much but I think we're gonna buy at least that and as we as we travel we're gonna need it it's so expensive to drive meat I think we'll be okay with that I think it's time I think Russ still sick of mining and realizing this town is overcharging for everything that they have and they can because they're the only one around as the bar to the north seems to only sell or at least mostly sell weaponry this one sells food and everybody everybody wants food and it's a problem because this is everything is so expensive so feeling frustrated feeling a little bit confident though not terribly much and feeling like he's prepped to make the trip rust hilt begins his travel to swing heading south hoping that it's going to be a journey worth taking and when we get to squid what will we find well it's long one way to find out the outer walls of the hub greet rust hilt as he walks away he's thankful he's thankful hub the hub gave him a place to stay a place to start a place to feel at least a little bit of safety though not entirely but if safety is gonna be something he wants in the wasteland everybody knows you have to do it yourself so leaving hub behind him much like he's left most of his life rust Hilton moves on beyond the walls of the hub beyond the safety of the guards of the bar and hopefully past the wandering patrols of any or all criminal organizations we can only hope this particular trip will be one of peace interesting to see a bunch of just metallic objects lying around we can't do anything with them yet but I wonder if we can eventually because it is giving us the cancellation sign like it could be interacted with I just wonder what it could be look at this alien play this is my first time really getting into going into the wasteland as a player that's beautiful too but it's scary I don't know what what waits out here for me God knows it could be anything we're actually well on our way to Squibb we're almost there not too bad that's a lot more windmills than we are used to seeing and I'm curious if this place is gonna be dangerous and I'm sure rust hilt feels a feeling of elation deep down excited that there's something here bigger people but is scared there's obviously a line of guards on the outside is this a place that will welcome us will they kill us will they be neutral will they even protect us as we make our way up we'll be binding out very very soon let's hope rust hilt finds a welcoming presence and friendly conversation as hub was well the hub of banditry in uncertainty [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mathas
Views: 243,895
Rating: 4.9437108 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, lets play kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi lets play, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi let's play, kenshi 2018, kenshi steam, kenshi guide, lets play, kenshi rpg, let's play kenshi, let's play kenshi fr, let's play, lets play kenshi deutsch, kenshi playthrough, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 1.0, kenshi full, kenshi part 1, kenshi alpha, kenshi review, kenshi let's play 2018, kenshi let's play 2017
Id: hNkgzAVaxH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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