Oliver Tree Breaks Character - Wild Ride #173

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thank you hey everybody and welcome to uh Bonkers wild ride with Stevo Oliver tree is Bonkers and man I heard all about him trolling people I legitimately researched the guy I genuinely expected that I was kind of sit down in the van with him and just have him like just mock me like you know troll me like make a joke out of our deal and that is totally not what happened if anything I think we can safely say that uh there was an instant connection and and uh the guard was dropped I mean the guy's hilarious the guy's hilarious and is very clearly uh you know having a laugh but man we also I believe revealed the true Oliver tree and uh man this dude is an artist with a capital Z so let's get into it all right dude we're wrong Dive Right In huh let's do it ladies and gentlemen Oliver tree what's going on yeah dude we've never met huh we have not met before that we're both like thriving in the action sports Community stuntman yeah obviously you're the real stunt man but I do say I'm a I'm an amateur level stunt man clowns clowns I did go to clown college yeah so we have some similarities there's some parallels there we've we both make music I know and I actually listened to your rap album you've got some crazy stuff man I'm really impressed actually that you know the diversity is there you've got quite the um the Rolodex and the portfolio speaks for itself well thank you um it's pretty gnarly because the my rap career really was the darkest like most like just gnarly chapter of my life and when I bring up my rap career like nobody knows about you're the only person I've asked on this podcast if they knew about me rapping I also know about your time with the Wu-Tang Clan yeah nice yeah obviously more people know about that more people but you know that's part of your rap career that is that is but this isn't about me this is well it is kind of all right I would say so what is it called the show yeah that's true Stevo's Wild Ride yeah um now uh dude you're you're uh an impressive guy man we kind of learned about you and um like nobody ever knows when you're serious like uh it is that a lot of work um I wouldn't say so no no like I mean I'm serious I'm a serious dude right but a lot of things we say it seem to be not true well that's we don't have any way to verify that well that's not true I mean how would you know it's kind of hard right well I mean there was a large period of my life where I was not on the internet so it's hard to really be able to track back to what happened during those years those formative years right your grandparents were onion farmers yes that is correct that's true how did you know that I would I did a little Deep dive myself okay and both of your parents were trapeze artists oh no my mom was and my father was a ringleader at the circus nice which circus oh the Dell pickle Family Circus nice it was Northern California based um but yeah that's I mean you you are quite an impressive clown yourself I mean what was the school I went to Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey clown college and um I did not uh work for the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Billy circus I wound up working in a circus at a flea market in South Florida and then you ended up on a cruise boat uh other way around first was the cruise ship then was the flea market circus and they kicked you off the cruise boat yeah they kicked off the cruise boat and said the next best thing was the flea market circus but you know I think about this often it's like think about how lucky you are that these clowns band together and cut you off because what would be you know your life right now if you had been the lady clown there how where do you think you would be you would you still be at the you know would you be on the cruise boat still it's an interesting question man because um uh I do believe that I am just such a persistent attention that I would have figured out a way to uh to survive and you know maybe it's almost a shame because you could have taken the clown level to another place but I think you've done that yeah you kind of are and I think of myself as a modern clown as well in a lot of ways I mean even with the way that I typically present myself very clown-like you know big suits ridiculous stuff I mean it's a different version of a clown there's different types of clowns you know I would do I love what you do let me tell you that I love what you do I love the way that uh that it's legit music but that it's you know you're having a laugh you're not taking yourself too seriously I think there's enough people trying to be cool and I feel like Cool's been played out since James Dean probably like it's kind of for me like I'm just so bored of it I'm like what else and I feel like there's been so much people trying to sell sex and trying to sell like this idea of cool that I'm good I don't really need to cover that that's not really that interesting from an artistic standpoint because when you're an artist everything you do is Art you know I had a friend who once said the way he eats a banana is Art and I didn't understand that at first but like everything we do is art piece and so that took me a while to click but now I see it I'm like oh if you make a sandwich that's a piece of art you know obviously when you go to a high level Michelin star Chef that's art obviously but when you get someone who makes a great McDonald's burger that's art when you see like an athlete play a sport at its highest level like you know you don't think of football players as artists but when they execute the perfect play when they execute it in such a way that's like you know almost like a ballerina dancing through and executing the ball to the other side there's art to that you know so as I've gotten older I've recognized that everything's art so as an artist my duty is whatever I do if I'm gonna do an interview that can't just be a means to an end for press it needs to be an art piece yeah speaking of football players as art I like a Tom Brady and I see beautiful art he's a genius she's gorgeous a beautiful sculpture I mean dude he's gorgeous right and like I it's crazy it's crazy yeah um your buddy when he eats a banana like uh he's probably not eating it that's why it's hard well it's crazy because when he told me that I was like that's some oh yeah you can swear oh my God you said no swearing no no if it's at the very beginning I was surprised a guy like you was saying that's right I know you're a YouTuber so you've got to keep I was gonna ask you what did your friends and family think about when you basically became a YouTuber were they concerned about you what were people in your world or were they like what are you doing Stephen because obviously a while back right was there some like legit concerns from like the Inner Circle that is so funny dude what a wonderful question remember were your parents worried about you when you became a YouTuber what's quite an interesting trajectory you know I mean dude at the time I I got into YouTube My First Youtube upload was 10 years ago this month wow like I should really make it 10 years on YouTube thank you and um at the time of course that was uh 2013. like it was I was in a bad place I had a dark year that year like um Knoxville was making the Bad Grandpa movie without the jackass guys it felt like we got Timber laked wow you know uh I felt like I was the Jackson four and um then uh I got like a guy got kicked off The this TV show that I was hosting what one was it it was called Killer Karaoke where people would sing karaoke while terrible things happen to them um and I didn't want to do anything with animals anymore instead they were like okay we'll get rid of you and replace you and we'll keep doing stuff with animals um so like I was trying to like pitch stuff and nobody would want what about Dr Stevo Dr Steve where was that in that trajectory was that before that was before I got clean and sober that that happened back in 2007. and then Killer Karaoke was killing karaoke was uh I shot it in 2011 and it didn't come out until 2012. um do you make good money off Killer Karaoke or was it yeah it was decent yeah I um yeah it came out like November 2012 and uh then 2013 they they came and me I've said 2013 and and um a couple people told me about getting on YouTube and I was just like man I'm like I've been like I've had like TV shows with my name in the title like I've had like number one movies I'm now gonna upload the YouTube it felt like so depressing but and you know like I just didn't really I didn't think that there was even like money in it I just thought oh I'm gonna try and get views on YouTube you know like what made you finally click to do it not Sam macaroni Sam macaroni yeah do you know him no but I'm getting hungry damn bro yeah like he taught me how to edit and somebody and dude it brought about a complete rebirth for me and and my career like uh now I now I I identify as a YouTuber well the thing is YouTube's bigger than television now I mean Mr Beast destroys the ratings on probably any television show besides the Super Bowl or something I don't know I think he even bites the Super Bowl right there you go yeah yeah it's crazy you were ahead of the Curve I think you've been in ahead of the curve in a lot of different ways over the years but that one specifically I think you really hit it at a sweet time because now it's like when I think about my album that's coming out and I do press around that I'm not even bothered with anything conventional press outside of YouTube is the only thing that matters to me I'm like that's where the kids live that and Tick Tock is pretty much where the youth is so it's like if you think is a kid going to be watching this like early morning or late night TV show forget about it you know do you say that because you've had a bad experience with the Stephen Colbert show I had a few bad experiences I almost got sued a few times I was like um my guy Isaac who's who's masterfully running the the internet on this TV I'm so excited about it we've never done it in the van I love it he showed me uh at first he told me that you got in trouble with Stephen Colbert you're banned from the students for some bit that you produced well I had sent them a script that I wrote for it and was like hey is this cool they're like yeah it's great we love it and then when they saw what it really looked like it was maybe a little different story but um it was during the time where they were filming things um off-site during covid so I was like able to use my production company alien boy films to produce it myself and I was like oh this is great I get to really have the ball in my court I had done multiple late night shows before that and one time I almost got kicked off The Late Late Show as well um because I was on stilts you know as a fellow circus man I was like what could be cooler than doing a performance on stilts and they said you know they knew I kind of wanted to do a little stunt potentially and they were like if you fall off your stilts we're not using this um we're gonna kick you off the show and I was like okay it's over I can't fall on the stilts during my performance and I was playing the show and I'm I'm like in the middle of the performance on television and then my wig fell off because I don't I never actually had a book that I always would wear a bald cap so people thought I had a bowl cut but it was basically just this bull cut and malfunction fell off while I'm performing like right at the beginning of the thing and I'm like oh all right that already was like a left swing I wasn't expecting but then I'm going I'm like this is my one chance to be on stilts on television like how am I not gonna fall you know I'm like this is the perfect opportunity what else am I gonna do it's not that interesting to see someone walk on stilts I've seen you do it tons of times you've never seen me on studs without me falling exactly and that's the only good part you know so it was like at the end of the thing I was like I have to fall even though in my mind going into that performance I was like there's no way that I'm gonna fall I don't want to jeopardize this this is a big moment and then well happening I was like when else am I gonna be on still it's on TV yeah it's like uh Jim Morrison on The Ed Sullivan Show don't say don't they they said growing couldn't get much higher yeah they were they were nervous about that but yeah they were like you need to like the union guys were like we're gonna shut this down if you fall because I didn't have you know the proper insurances or things around it they were it's a for them it's a security uh yeah it's quite risk and then presumably you were walking on Durham it's actually a prototype I'm not really supposed to talk okay it's my buddy makes them in his garage okay Santa Fe um I saw uh you had like the world's largest scooter yeah I built that I won the world's record with the Guinness World Book records but then they almost sued me too that was a crazy situation yeah yeah why would they see you because I had filmed the I want I got the record before I had announced it and then I filmed like a Hollywood version and um you know because I wanted to do it right like this was uh during the actual shoot of it and so the guy if you click on the IMDb link that right there is uh no go down yeah that's Randy rigatoni so this guy I found him on Craigslist and he said he was in the French cousin no no he's not related but this dude I found him on Craigslist he said he was an official and as it turns out when we were filming it the dude literally had no affiliation he had the whole outfit and everything I had nothing to do with that he comes in he's like yeah I'm an official we can make this so I had this guy who was claiming to be a Guinness official Randy rigatoni came on and it was because then they made me take the episode Down so it went live was broadcasted onto YouTube while it happened and then basically Randy rigatoni screwed me and it was taken off YouTube for at least I think probably almost a year maybe more and then I had to cut out Randy Tony take out all the Guinness logos and all this stuff and I had to have people like trying to edit out VFX out their logos it was this huge nightmare situation I had to trim all of the footage so that Randy rigatoni no longer even exists in the video so but you did end up with the record I have the record yeah good how much does something like that cost you do you want to talk about it but I usually don't like to say numbers but it was upwards of half a million for that for that scooter yeah those are Harley Davidson motorcycle wheels the whole thing is made out of nuclear grade titanium so like the actual build on that took a team of 15 different Engineers it was a nightmare and it shouldn't be that complicated right clear grade titanium yeah do you still have the scooter of course I have it I where are you familiar yeah I'd like to think I still have it I think I could sell it for a lot my idea was I was gonna sell it as an nft that came with the this is during the nft errors right now you can't talk about nfts without getting people upset but I was gonna sell a version of the nft that came with the real scooter and I was gonna sell it and then build one that was one entire and then break the record again I I felt bad about doing it so I decided against it how did you it looks like there's different stilts going on here yeah this is so there's a stilt there that's actually my buddy built these this is one of the highest stilts he ever built so so those are Peg stilts yeah that's a peg store and like that I mean that's like legit have you ever been on one that High I mean dude one time I made out with a giraffe while walking on like six foot pics that's nothing those are nine feet yeah I mean dude like six feet from the yeah it's hardcore yeah it's nine foot Peg studs is gnarly I was actually um I bought a smart car to do a bunch of dumb stunts with and um I wanted to uh one of them to be like six foot pegs to the the smart cars uh hair over five feet tall so I figured if I was wearing six foot wooden Peg stilts the car could blow out the stilts and I would just go to the ground but uh man maybe maybe I should revisit that idea instead I could connect you with my friend no it's not Randy my friend who builds stilts it's Larry Linguini how high are you comfortable with still it's like what's the highest when I was when I was making out with the giraffe I would I was uh like I'm six feet and then the still turns six feet so that made me 12 feet tall yeah uh Dura stilts are typically four feet tall like fully extended so I was running two feet more than fully extended tourists I don't know I would do like maybe six foot seven foot I could connect you with this guy in L.A yeah no Santa Fe Santa Fe New Mexico yeah but he can ship them all right I got it I got to make a move pretty quick and uh pegs Stills aren't that complicated no it's not but the thing is rigging it up with this was it was incredibly that's why there was a lot of engineering that went into home yeah you don't want to fall over I know no it's serious danger and what about your pants the pants can get caught in the wheel too so you have to be very careful but yeah I had various versions so that if you look at like uh one of the ones where I'm not on the stilts you can still ride it um there's a miniature handlebar that's lower so I actually had to set up so that I could practically ride it and then I have one that's set up when I could ride it with stilts but that as you can see I actually crashed it how did you get that to Russia for your music video oh I didn't that was a separate scooter so that was my first attempt and that wasn't Russia that was in Ukraine Ukraine so it was my first attempt to build the world's biggest scooter and I had my first big budget I mean my second one I guess but this one was a really large scale music video budget I had over a million dollars to make this I I had trouble believing that and um my Ukrainian dollars no that's USD we looked it up and it's on it's it's just Wikipedia it's listed as the number 34. yeah we were 33 for a while someone knocked us out yeah the most expensive music videos ever so then I asked my guy uh Isaac to um where's Thriller was on the list right Thrillers in the 70s I know 70s or no seven oh seven number one was Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson that one is a nightmare have you seen it uh it's called scream it's like the early days of VFX but I think it was like all the money went into this VFX for a airplane or something but it's like so horrible it did not age at all but they spent some I think those numbers are but if you look at like the actual products I think people are just pocketing most of that money because the quality is so so low well yeah they're probably paying Michael Jackson 75 of them you think so or you think that there's like the Purdue I feel like it's always the producers I mean why they're pocketing the cash of that's my experience I don't know what to say about that sometimes people get taken advantage of but what really sucks is when people are taking advantage of themselves you know like letting a nasty habit just hold you back compromise your health ruin your life now now I'm not having it I'm not having it and that's why this episode is sponsored by fume yeah what's fam it's a device okay it's a device that helps you quit nasty habits I mean you can trade in breathing in Crazy chemicals with just breathing fresh air what's so special about it is that it's flavored air because you've got a core in your fume device and that core flavors air man now like hey I think we all know I quit my main bad habits over 15 years ago I still love this thing I even made a deal with you guys that if you see me in person ask me if I've got my fume in my pocket because I will man I don't go anywhere without it I love this thing and if I don't have it in my pocket when you ask me well then I'll make whatever little Shout Out video you want me to make on your cell phone that offer is good with every listener of the Wild Ride podcast for the rest of this calendar year yeah dude that's how much I love fume and that's how much I want you to drop your nasty habit and replace it with the good one so go to tryfume.com and use the promo code Stevo to get 10 off your journey pack why is it called a journey pack because your journey starts now baby it starts now it's a journey towards being a better you and a you that you feel good about so try fume.com use the promo code Steve for 10 off your journey pack now let's get back to it yeah where do you make your money back on a music video just by yourself yeah I don't think an artist makes any money you don't make any money on music I mean you get an advance but now you do on YouTube or Vimeo right the label takes all of it but they give you an advance of like okay your next album here's the money and you kind of survive off of advances from the recording side but you don't make a penny on any of it well I mean you gotta figure that it's basically promotion yeah it was an artist it's promotion figure tour did you tour yeah I'm actually about to go on a world tour so Paris Luxembourg yeah hit an Australia New Zealand uh yeah I'm gonna do most of Europe and then the UK so I gotta believe that your live show is gonna have like some elements I've just invested so much money into it I basically made my live show into a mixture of a movie and a play and um somewhere between like a TV show and a concert and so for me that the new version of the show I'm so excited but then it's like you know you're always like oh next time I return to this place and it's probably different as a comedian I know you guys have much less overhead so you can actually like make your money but on in music like the team gets Biggers and I have to fly 15 people around the world and then I have to bring these massive LED screens and I'm trying to bring these pieces for production and the other artists that you're trying to bring on you got to support them and it's like it becomes this thing where every time I'm like oh next time I'll make my money back and then I'm always just like oh but the show gets crazier and I want to deliver I don't want to do the half-assed version but I did the first show at Red Rocks um about like two months ago and yes that was like the First dress rehearsal we had never even got through an entire version of the set and that was our full dress rehearsal and it was insane to see it come to life and there's like little literally I have these cues in my ear they're called slates and I have like maybe a hundred of them in my ear it's like turn left turn right all these things while I'm singing I'm listening to these things adjusting so that I'm in motion with the visuals behind me but it's like it's performance art but mixing together like my love for filmmaking as a director and producer and and I wrote a 34-page screenplay for it so it's like Fusion you know and I know that that's something you do really well is Fusion after like both of us have been able to mix our careers by just pulling from so much stuff that's something I've always admired from you and I think you've done excellently it's it's created such a unique Avenue for you and not just you know with jackass but wild boys and so many other things so it's been you've been a tremendous inspiration for me thanks man I uh I definitely relate to the idea of uh bringing different Lanes together you know like that's that's a big thing for me man think about this there's not that much room to do anything new if you think that you've invented the wheel again you haven't no matter what you're like oh my God I just come with this idea and you've done a lot of stuff for the first time you know I've seen even just coming down to the way you promote things different things like that you're like a guy who's always like coming up with new fresh things that haven't been done yet but in a lot of ways there's probably a micro version of it that has been done somewhere else or something you you think oh I just came up with this crazy idea but it's like six other people have either had the idea and probably at least one of them is executed upon it just might be a smaller scale or a different variation so for me it's like the only room for Creative breakthroughs and new territory is when you fuse together mediums it's like for me in music like my last album was a country album then I put out my next song was like dance music and the album before that was alternative rock music and pop music and Hip-Hop and so it's like there's not a lot of room to make a new song you know there's only so many chord progressions there's only so many popcorn progress questions so then it Narrows even more and then there's only so many lyrics in English that really are like fit into the rhyme scheme patterns and you're such there's such limitations so for me as an artist I'm like well what do I do to make this interesting I'm like okay well I could do Fusion like the gorillas was a big inspiration for me it's like how do I mix together all these genres that don't belong together but then it's like at a certain way like that's a little bit boring too even that seems like it's already all been done and so then it's like okay how can I mix the mediums together how can I bring in like really focus on filmmaking and do it in a way with music that is like feels fresh and try to bring new ideas but you know no matter what I'm like shit's already played out as far as like the music videos go and filmmaking who are your Inspirations growing up because when I watch your music videos I I get a lot of like uh like old Missy Elliot Vibe and like I believe his name was Dave Mayers who directed all of like her Busta Rhymes videos because all your videos are so bright everything's outrageous huge so like who are your Inspirations for me it was more of a feature filmmaker or so like Wes Anderson the Symmetry on him is something I've taken a lot from in some of the color palettes um Tarantino with some of the you know explosions and violence a little bit but I have to keep it you know it's crazy because we have freedom of speech but there's so much limitations you know before I come in you're like hey don't swear for the beginning it's like yeah and you're the craziest dude you know like I don't even want to begin to say some of the stuff you've done but it's like you know what I mean it's like but you have to limit yourself and there's nothing wrong with that and as I've tried to expand as an artist it's like how do I reach a bigger audience how do I reach you know make it so that little kids can watch it too I don't want to just make it only for this a niche adult audience or people who are like you know it's like in between the age 20 and 35 or something like that you don't want to narrow yourself so you have to play and abide by these rules because you do want it to be like accessible but also you're like okay well now I have to slip on a banana instead of the person pushing me off of the top of the bus and this bus sequence fight I did for my last video and it's like pocket you know what I mean well what was your bus sequence um well I was riding a pogo stick doing pogo stick flips and that actually took a long time to learn how to pogo stick have you ever pogoed um not really and and that's why I wouldn't like this one four months yeah the ones that they're doing these days you can see on the tick tock the first left one yeah Pogo these days it's crazy so gnarly it's got to be so dangerous yeah I think basically it might just show a little Montage this isn't the actual music video but just like a clip from um not sure but anyway this is actually you doing the flip I do all my own stunts there's no stand-ins this is a guy who's not me but basically like you know I do the sequence where I'm these yellow guys are chasing I mean this is a horrible way to see it because it's all cropped in from uh you know I went up on the rooftop of the buses and you could stop it there but it's like a whole fight sequence that takes place and um you know shooting instead of me shooting like I wanted to have potentially like the idea of like a gun that shoots out of the pogo stick but I'm like that's way too gnarly like I don't want to be supporting in the school shooter thing it's like you have to be very conscious of what you're putting out but I was like okay well a fun silly way is that like it shoots a little rocket and the rocket explosion is like this tall and the guys jump out you know what I mean like kind of finding ways to make it like fun and for all ages and not like feeding into something that might be a negative thing you have to watch because you don't even realize it's like the potential of what something someone could get out of something you know right do you have uh like different uh art that is designed to be like not careful like crazy Reckless not allowed on YouTube I don't know I do make a lot of stuff and then I have to shove a lot of it so I have like crazy stuff that I've done and then I'm like well is that our Willies I yeah I was gonna ask you guys about that so I saw you guys went to my boy R Willy's house in Australia how was that experience I just knew before going there that I wasn't going to want to jump off the the ramp and uh I think Ryan didn't quite understand that well for him it's like drinking a glass of water right right yeah right I know I mean this is a real Daredevil in the crazy right here so I'm surprised I mean I was surprised that I did it but I saw his mom do it yeah then I saw Isaac do it and I was like you just hold on right I just have so much experience with getting broken before I even make it off a ramp and you had a tour still going on correct yeah that was right before Gold Coast that's the dangerous size like the middle of the tour I think right yeah so do you have a background in BMX or anything are you just well I mean that thing was just so easy you just I mean I closed my eyes before I went off the ramp because I didn't you know I love it but but yeah the thing with action sports to me is like we're talking about art to me this is the greatest art form and like when I see someone one like our Willy I mean I think he's the greatest artist of Our Generation this dude is willing to die for his self-expression truly die like it happens often it's not a nor it's not a thing that's like oh my God you couldn't be more right about that and I uh I mean if you're off inches you break a collarbone or whatever he um absolutely does things that have never been done on a regular basis like when you're talking about everything that's multiple different things too right scooter BMX well that's the thing now he's kind of moved more into the BMX Lane because like me and him grew up scootering and when you learn how to flip on a scooter the rotation is faster because it has a lower center of gravity compared to a BMX so he learned how to spin a BMX bike better than the BMXers based on his knowledge of scooter and his knowledge of how the gravity Works um and how he can get faster spins so like him being a scooter rider was the ultimate Advantage for him to break into the BMX world but now he's pretty much taking the whole BMX World by storm it's like such inspiration I was with him I actually competed against him at our Willy land and I creamed him dude I actually beat the guy really because he's been more focused on BMX so his his scootering is Rusty but we we basically left it as like a standstill and our Willy if you're watching this when you're ready you come to Oliver Tree Town back in Santa Cruz come jump on my 25 foot ramp at my parents house let's finish this like a man yeah what happened to the footage of you creaming him oh it's on there this is the video I competed against the number one scooter rider in the world I beat him it's on YouTube learning learning how to to scooter in Santa Cruz I feel like it'd be hard to go to a skate park in Santa Cruz with a scooter that's true well there was bike parks and um I grew up biking as well biking was a huge part of it for me so like I raced BMX downhill um did everything from four cross to the solemns um cross country cycle cross we lift the bike on your shoulder like I did every type of bike racing you can uh but jumping was what I did for fun and like scootering is inter trying with that my dad he had a huge love for biking he would be like the coach of the um high school he built like he made a uh cross country team there and then he was one night he came home he's like he's like Oliver come with me and me and my brother went with him and he's like he took me to this place he's like yo I'm gonna build a bike park right here I was like Dad you're crazy what are you talking about but basically there was a spot called the Fun Spot as a skate um thing that was getting torn down and they were going to build a different skate park that was like millions and millions of dollars of infrastructure and my dad was like well we could use the old ramps from the Fun Spot and build a legit legal bike park so the bikers have a place to go so he like was able to facilitate in getting the company that he worked for at the time to help kind of invest some money into building the first legit Bike Park in Santa Cruz so you could scooter there and then that one at a certain plan to get moved and he me and all my friends and stuff his company like helped pay us to work and rebuild the next bike park but uh it's called the Fun Spot was the original the first one but then it turned it was a skate park and it turned into a bike park but yeah it's evolved again the newer version is slightly shifted and then it was the post office oh that's the Polar grounds I used to hit all these spots but there was a huge mountain bike scene in Santa Cruz and I grew up in that scene and my dad's the company he worked for they were rebuilding these buildings and there was on this famous legendary if you look up the post office that's where like I used to go when I was it's an Aptos and basically the post office was the center of like the whole West Coast dirt bike jumping scene and uh that's it right there and then basically my the company my dad worked for they were gonna tear them down because they're building these buildings but they weren't going to build them for years and there was like a security it was an issue with just getting sued basically and my dad was like able to keep it alive and so he was like an advocate of always trying to like make a safe place for bikers because the skate park you're not it's not cool to ride a bike and it's definitely not cool to ride a scooter there so this has been a big part of my like background in getting into stunts and doing for me like this was kind of my real addiction you know growing up before I got into heavy drug use and not at that point in pendulums you know yeah I uh I I heard that you um got kicked out of your house for being a drug addict when you were in high school I used to sell drugs as well that was the real reason oh my God that's the hardest I laughed when uh was so hysterically funny well it's because I didn't say it my friend get her one of the settings it was his voice okay but yeah it was crazy out that whole thing with that that was the first time I ever dressed like that and that was like the original character and that was a joke by the way but he was kidding you know yeah there it is but yeah that was the thing where I showed up to a music video shoot I had my first chance to be in a music video that would reach MTV well I don't know if it was mtv2 at the time or whatever it was but I was like okay how do I want to present myself do I want to sell sex and like try to be like everyone else or do I want to try to make myself look as ugly as possible so that I can stand out and be stick out like a sore thumb amongst all these other people selling sex so for me it was like the first thing so I was like what can I do and I just pulled things from my youth you know the bull cut was the haircut I had my whole life growing up I was too scared to get any other haircut the ski jacket I stole from my mom um the glasses were like the glasses I wear as a kid that made me feel cool the jinko jeans were like the pants that I always wanted and the socks and sandals combo was like the most goony ridiculous style of Footwear I would wear so it was pulled together very like you know authentic to me like I didn't have to buy the jacket I literally stole it from my mom's closet and I have pictures of my parents wearing that my dad wore it sometimes skiing and my mom would wear it so it's like a family Relic at this point but anyways I pulled all that together and I show up to the music video shoot and my friend getter who is one of the studs he like looks right through me he didn't even recognize me and I had gone like spent time out he showed me how to produce a lot of uh my beginning era was like formative years he showed me how to produce and I showed him how to DJ and he became a very successful DJ so it was crazy we both showed each other so much but he I'd known him for like six years spent so much time in high school with him and he like looked right to me he didn't even know it was me and then he was like no way we gotta go film some Vines it was like back in the vine era and we filmed these three Vines and this is after I had already gone through like failed record career failed like so much stuff that I've tried so hard to be a serious artist and then we feel and no one listens to my music no one cared and like then we filmed these Vines and the first one got posted this one and it got like maybe one or two million in the first couple days and then like then he posted another one and it was us dancing and that one got a million in the first dared to and then posted another one that one got a million and I was like what the hell is going on here I spent my whole life making art nobody cares and somehow now I've figured out that this I didn't even have to try I just show up looking silly and that's what people want to see they didn't even care so I was like so then that just sort of like informed a new approach to everything that you tried before and all of a sudden it started working it was fairly calculated because I had the strategy I'm gonna go in this is what I want to wear but that was also playing a cashier in this video and like they're like you can't wear the jacket you can't wear this like it doesn't fit the story and I was like all right that's fine but anyways I just saw I was like that was the original plan look that I wanted to do and I was like this really worked too well I was like how is this way more potent than the art I've been making so I was like how do I find a way to use this look and really like maximize on it to use it as a vehicle to pull all these people over to my music and that first I kind of was like weary I was like I don't really want to like make it Force promotion of the songs so I just kind of developed the persona and kind of developed trying to make it so that this character could kind of live in the internet and not necessarily make it like this guy's a musician so people were like no this guy makes music but I was like no it's the other way around I always made music no one just cared about it and no one gave a so I was like I was able to kind of like slowly ease in and I have this idea and I think you've executed this very well but it's like when you are um someone who really loves to do something and you have built an audience you could shift the audience to something else like if I wanted to be the world's greatest Chef I could be like hey guys I've actually always been a chef and follow along with me on this journey and if you make it as authentic as you can they're there for you obviously they want to see a certain thing like they want to see your stunts but that doesn't mean they don't want to see you do your comedy specials or the different things obviously there's a crossover and you have these van diagrams of different levels of like okay this audience likes the stunts this audience likes the comedy this audience likes and there's like you know maybe 20 of them for someone like you and myself as well where you have the super fans is where they all interlap in the center you know there's like the Super Fan and then there's people across the board who are all kind of it's not like they're just gonna like one thing they'll probably be able to cross into other ones they might be like Stevo's comedy is trash I'm not gonna listen to that but everything else they love or they're like just call me so funny I don't really want to see them naked though you know what I mean and it's I experience that all the time with what I do well how did you open for Skrillex because that was before all that was before all that yeah so you were somewhere is this alcohol nope I'm sober so good I love it man yeah that's not alcohol it's just water bro it's liquid death I like it oh what was your question before because you're successful but you're successful enough to get the attention of I was a DubStep DJ back in the day I had many iterations so like I was in like uh yeah and she really tied his buddy out of DJ yo he taught he yeah I did teach him but he said he'd be successful but like you got to be somewhat successful if you're touring around with Skrillex I didn't tour around with them I played an opening slot in San Francisco it was like I signed my first agency was like this dubstep thing that was happening in Santa Cruz and um I just kind of worked my way up to it but it was something where I only got that because I was playing like backyard parties and whatever and there was like a guy who was a hero to me and then basically like I basically like showed him what he saw what I was doing and he was blown away and he's like you guys need to sign this dude so it was the kind of thing where just a lot of hard work and a lot of trial and error and that came after a period where I was in heavy duty drug issues where it was like once I got out of it and hit my rock bottom and had my like you know LSD rebirth then I was like okay I need to like Channel this energy and this addiction into something else so it's like the addiction it's about addiction hopping you know if you're an addictive personality like you and I it's not about like oh no I'm gonna be not addicted it's like okay like I'm gonna learn how to be addicted to something healthier you know and that has to shift so for me I found that was like music was basically like my religion saved my life from like okay now I have an outlet and I had an opportunity to play at a Big Show and that show went great and it led to the next one and that one went great and then it led to me opening for Skrillex and then after that I was like man that went so great what did you guys think they're like well we're really looking to push our artists that are making music and I had always grown up making music like I was the fat kid in band the band class playing baritone in the the back of the room I was like you know I played piano since I was a very young kid I wrote like albums even at the age of four I had been playing like guitar taking lessons all through middle school and elementary school so like I had like my first rock band I was I joined in was called irony and it was in Middle School um and then that like it ended up turning into it then I was in a rap group called mind and then after that then I was a DubStep DJ called crife and so I had all these different iterations and these different things but like you know I hit that that last era and they were like uh yeah we want to push you know people who are really producing I was like all right I make music I'll focus more on production I get it so I started making music and I was like what I was making was not naturally coming out as dubstep and I was like I don't really want to force myself and it was at the time where the drugs started wearing off and you start getting sober and you're like is this really something I want to contribute to because when you go to those Raves and you start seeing those kids that are spun out of their mind they're like yeah and the Jaws are tweaking and you're like seeing the same people over and over and they look like zombies and I was that you know what I mean so but you could see it from another lens and so for me like seeing that I was like holy like realistically I can't I'm not gonna force myself to make dubstep you know and then essentially I was just making music and it was more like Indie pop music and bedroom production it was a mixture of hip-hop and like uh alternative pop music and then it was just one of those things where it was like okay I'm not gonna force myself and I kind of saw early on I was like how far can this whole like Drop thing go and these different things so I kind of was turned off at a certain point I was like there's so much like restrictions with the genre like a building a drop it's like okay like that's kind of boring for me I'd love to like make songs and so I shifted and I did the right thing but it was very painful because I had to start back over again and that whole thing was put to the side and so it's just you know different iterations but ironically enough now I've been focused making my first return to DJing and so I played a hard summer this weekend with uh Dylan Francis and also I sang some songs but actually DJ that kicked him off the DJ booth and showed him how it was done I played some stuff with some other artists as well but I did my own set on the day after but I'm kind of re-emerging myself into it and I've spent 400 hours working on my my return as a DJ so I'm putting this show together Dr Oliver tree dubstep DJ so I'm returning my dubstep debut is that something did you have a DJ portion of your show at Red Rocks no ah no I did not but there was DJ who opened up for me supercomputer this new act that I just recently signed to my label alien Boy Records so super computer played right before me that's DJ project and then Little Ricky as well those are the two acts that I signed to my record label but anyways that's the same thing what are you gonna say I'm sorry for interrupting him normally I'm getting better at night no I'm just ranting at this time I'm good um I'm just apologizing to my list well I'm sorry as well your listeners having to hear me talk they want to hear Stephen no no no no no you're doing great man this is fantastic and we're loving it um I just want really want to know is this is uh is your upcoming tour does it make sense for you to add in a little little dj performance I mean I would love to do that there's a world where there may be after parties or different things but I'm just trying to take it to such a high level like 400 hours is a lot to spend on DJ said it's not even completely finished but I'm mastering it and I need to now spend a shitload of money to make crazy visuals and I really want I want to like as an artist it's not about oh yeah like DJing could save me money or DJ I'm like I see the potential from an artistic standpoint how could I contribute to make the craziest DJ show ever made you know what I mean every time I try to take on something I'm like how do I make it the craziest thing it's ever been done and it always falls so short and I look out like it looks like like but you know whatever the intentions there and and I I uh bring that up like incorporating that into the show because um Kid Rock such a ridiculously talented human being like I I saw him at his show on his tour and he goes around the stage plays the drums he plays the guitar like he plays like like weird instruments like uh I don't know if you played a cello you know like you just can play everything and he's unbelievably talented on it then after the show he'll go to like the club and like take over the DJ booth and then now like he's the most like mesmerizing DJ like he just does it all and so um you know when you talk about your show being something that really brings all the different things that you do I mean I don't know I wouldn't want you to half-ass it by doing like uh you know an underwhelming like short DJ thing but if you just hopped on and just like really really gave it to him really hard and then hopped on some other you know yeah no for me it's a very separate thing because the DJ said it's like it's mixture of all the music that I grew up loving and then some of my music's in there but like I don't want to make I want to make sure that the audience understands this is a very separate thing it's not like me just playing my songs you know what I mean it's like right right right but anyways long story short I see them living separately never together but like for example I just this weekend I played this thing Hard Summer or something it's called in Los Angeles and like for example next year if I play or two years later I hope to play one day as a DJ and one day as my band so the two can kind of live in conjunction but be separate because they're very different things so like I would I would keep the shows separate it's a lot of work to do the normal show okay I would give myself at least a few hours to rest and maybe do after party or something let me ask you this when you come out on stage at Red Rocks are you not hitting it hard on your scooter oh I always do scooter stunts that's a signature thing see that's the thing is that scooters and what you're doing with your music are two very separate things but you put them together 100 that's like that chocolate and peanut butter so if you rode your scooter off in DJ booth and then picked up your guitar like now I'm hard as a rock I like it I'm getting hard just thinking about it Mom I think you might be onto something big here man I like this I like where your head's at you Loosely graze the subject of a life-changing LSD experience yes that is correct Burning Man family vacation to burning man what happened um I feel compelled to warn you guys right now that the story Oliver is about to tell about his life-changing experience is not necessarily A recommended approach to improving your life okay I said it it's probably not healthy now what is a healthy approach to improving your life is the sponsor of this episode it's better help this episode is brought to you by better help and that is about finding an appropriate and healthy way to change your life for the better what is it it's therapy baby it's a platform which connects people with licensed qualified therapists and it takes out the going to the office the getting in the car driving across town you do it all online and they've matched up over 3 million people with licensed qualified therapists plus when you're on the website and you're looking for the therapist you're plugging in specifically what it is you want to work on I'll go ahead and tell you straight up what I go to therapy for is to work on my relationship with my fiance because man I strongly believe it's better to fix the roof before it rains than to you know what happens if you don't if you got problems man I don't want problems in my relationship I want to have a healthy relationship and I want it to work great and that's why therapy is important to me now everybody's got stuff to work on and that's what better help is all about that's better h-e-l-p.com slash TiVo betterhelp.com Stevo for 10 off your first month jump on this your life will improve and you'll be glad you did now let's get back to it what was the trip like the trip was I went to my own funeral I watched my death play out um yeah basically I watched my life play out as a drug addict this was kind of at like my very very bottom bottom and um how old were you this was when I was 17 I believe it was right before my senior year in high school with the burning man with your parents at 17. yeah and I was this is right when I was kind of rekindling my relationship with them because that summer I had been kicked out I was doing different hard drugs every day just mixing them all together as well and selling hard drugs to survive and my friends were cool enough to let me live at their houses so it wasn't like I was homeless I had people that took care of me but like you know it was like very dark period of my life and um that's the difference between a homeless person and a couchsurfer right is charisma and con Artistry which I think you and I both have fitted up very well no Charisma but yeah basically you know I was in a very low place and um with that I kind of I was supposed to meet my parents the night of the burn so I've been kind of doing my own thing seeing like the concerts and stuff on my own and like the last night was the night of the burnout I was supposed to meet with my parents and um the Playa is super massive and there's no I don't know how it is now but when I went there's definitely no cell phone reception right have you been no I I consider that a no-fly zone bro I feel like that you would have the time of your life there I mean I know they have like you know sober communities there you don't need to be are you in a you can't be around people that part-tick it's not that I can't be around it I just have to like have a legitimate reason for being there and it's well it's just like the craziest art performance of all time I mean people spend their whole years making these art vehicles that are like you know pirate ships driving through we'll go to the next one it's pretty wild I think that's perfectly Fair um my other you have to go dude no I'm not here to sell you on it I only went one time it's not like I'm a burner right my other Prejudice is that I don't really like being over in in a big crowd oh I'm right there with you it's a lot of work but you can wear a disguise bro yeah oh yeah I mean everybody's in this people everyone's wearing like things covering their face from this the dust so talking about YouTube we went to this YouTube convention the remember VidCon and um I was like man walking around to convince it's gonna be a lot of work dude I'm gonna like get a disguise you know and so I went and bought a stormtrooper costume at the costume store and I go to the VidCon and everybody's stopping me to take pictures with the Stormtroopers you spent too much money on it dude now you said you you saw your funeral like okay like get deeper into that okay so what happened was anyways I'm supposed to meet my parents we missed the Rendezvous spot and basically I brought acid a bunch there thinking hey like I'm gonna try to do with my family and they were my my parents were kind of open to the idea but it seemed like it maybe wasn't gonna happen but anyways like I take this acid and I'm supposed to meet up with them at this thing but I didn't have any water and I was like oh I think I have enough time to go back to where I was staying and get water and come back and or no I was like I didn't have time to meet them back there before they come here and I went and then they were gone the people I was with are like they already left and then they real that was when it clicked to me I'm like oh you're not going to be finding your family because it's just mass chaos the night of the burn it's always chaos there but and you're not allowed to spend money everything's barter yeah pretty much I mean you could buy coffee you can buy coffee and ice and water I thought like as I understood it money is no good like well you have to pay like a ton of money to get in there you know I don't know it's not cheap so but the idea is really cool concept of like sharing and um kind of just like trading but going back to the story so anyways the whole thing the trip starts by me missing my parents which was supposed to be like a really epic special thing we all went to Burning Man with the intention to spend this beautiful night together so I'm just like start frying off out of my mind on acid and like I was like I had taken I had like a bunch of the strongest assets I've ever gotten I bought like half a sheet for my friend and it was double dose to begin with but then I had taken it to some different festivals and things were as hot and I I was like okay there's probably heat damage this may be and I don't know like what's the idea behind that that I had in my mind but it was certainly not and I was like oh I'll just take extra and so I took a bunch which was like the equivalent of probably eight tabs or something like that and I just I just fried out of my mind to the point where like the burning was happening of this giant man he's like 50 I don't know how much 100 feet tall some crazy number he's Giant and they burn this thing it's like a sacrifice and then I'm just like in my mind all of a sudden I'm like next to the BBC there's like real like news sources documenting and I'm like oh I'm here to give a speech like in my mind I thought I was and I'm like giving the speech about how incredible burning man is and then all of a sudden there's cameras everywhere around me like hundreds of them people are closing in on me with video cameras and news reporters and I'm like get the away from me like I was having open eye full-on delusional because what I guess what happened was I got hungry and then I ate a bunch of weed brownies that my parents made but the weed brownies were so strong that normally you would just pass out your eyes go bloodshot but when you're on acid you don't fall asleep so it was like that's probably what pushed the edge to the next level as well because like it started getting super paranoid and I think the weed brownies was a big part of that and also maybe taking the hallucinations to another level because I never had those types of hallucinations on LSD but maybe I just never had taken quite enough you know but it was so crazy so they're closing in on me I'm like riding this big wheel chopper bike through the desert I'm like get the away from me I'm like cruising down like I don't give a if I hit anybody like I'm ready to just plow them down I'm going through and I start overheating it's essentially like a PCP type moment I know you used to do dabble I love that so I started overheating I'm like oh my God I got it I rip all my clothes off I'm completely naked I had a backpack filled with like ounce and a half of mushrooms I just throw everything that I had the bike down I'm just like running and I'm like I gotta get out of here I gotta get I think all these like devils and things are trying to kill me and I'm like start going into this like dark reality where I'm basically I at some point like collapsed and I see my eyes are playing movies they're open but I'm just watching movies and it shows my naked body on the front page of the newspaper and it's like boy overdoses at Burning Man and then I'm transported to my funeral and I hear all my families there my intermediate Aunts Uncles cousins grandma and parents and whatever and everyone's just weeping like he was such a good kid but he did so much drugs so I essentially had watched my life play out as a drug addict like there was a moment before that where I was running and I went from like this light around me that like because that day or the day before I found out I was gonna play my first big DJ event so I feel like there was this like light that was around me and I was like ran further and further out into the desert the light disappeared and I was just in darkness all alone as and I watched myself age from my childhood to an old weathered out old Skeleton Man and then at that point I died that was this whole thing I watched my life play out as an addict and then basically I was so high I couldn't even see I was just watching movies I'm running through the desert and there's the outside parameter fence which is a snow fence I couldn't even see it I was so high hallucinating these things that I flip over my body's cut covered in but like cuts on my dick I'm sure you know how that is with some of your stunts um especially the ball sack stapling yeah I I've been there man I keep running though I'm like I gotta get the out of here this is hell like I'm trapped in this never-ending Rave hell I thought I was like there's like all these Rave things and I would be going in circles and it was just like I thought I was paying for my sins as a raver almost like the rave music was just never ending and I'm like running out there trying to escape this hell realm and I eventually like and I'm just my body's like I'm trying to rip when I was on the ground I try to hit my I think I'm dead right but my body is still going I don't understand it exactly but it was almost as if my brain had been destroyed my body was still going so I was on the ground hitting my head against the bottom desert floor which is incredibly hard and I was hitting my head pulling on my hair trying to pull my brain out of my head and so it was this crazy things on my head's now warped I'm covering Cuts I'm running as far as I can my feet are covered in Cuts because I'm running on rocks and stuff and a veg at a certain point I can't down enough I'm like there's nothing out here I gotta and I see the light in the distance like miles out I could have easily died it's like freezing out there and it's like probably 2 A.M in the morning and I'm just like running out there and then I'm like there's something in the distance I was like I gotta go to the light and that was the Burning Man The Burning Man had already been burnt but the actual event the the festival is filled with lights and craziness so I was running towards that I saw it in the distance yeah they have like a big ferris wheel kind of they got everything you could imagine but yeah I'm saying like giant rubber ducky disco text you know it's just like a crazy art scene we could have this RV there and you've got to kick it in the RV you could interview all the people out of their mind on ketamine yeah but long story short then I like hopped over this fence because I could see again and I'm running in and all of a sudden there's like a ranger basically they have people guarding the parameter this was like when I had come down enough that my mine was melted but I could still see again and they were like did you just sneak in I was like fully naked I was like sneak in from where like so I like run into the thing and now I'm like entering into a party of 60 000 people I'm completely naked and I don't have my clothes and I'm like streaking through this party what happened to the backpack full of mushrooms lost it all I was thinking about that because that mushrooms I used to sell mushrooms and there are mushrooms that I was gonna sell to people and then my parents found them that was part of like the reason too like that was part of around that era was like when I got kicked out and um basically they gave me the mushrooms back that I give it away to people that Burning Man so it was always supposed to be a gift to the burners but anyways long story short I come back and I'm like freezing after hours I'm covered in cuts my mind's fried out of just completely useless I couldn't even remember where I was staying if I wanted to and so I was just walking around freezing and these this woman I started like weeping I was just had hit such a crazy rock bottom and This Woman's like are you okay I'm like not really I don't really know where to go I lost everything I don't know where I'm staying and she's like oh come with me and like she took me back and like her friends were there and they gave me this giant cloak and then they gave me like some water and some cookies they nurtured me it's that's the cool thing of Burning Man everyone's kind of looking out for each other you know there's a lot of like love in the air and maybe that's not everyone there's a lot of random people who show up and are there to frap row party out or whatever but the core is kind of this like very loving experience are the people like bartering sex and I don't think so but there's definitely orgies and stuff like that and there's probably like uh you know six foot nitrous tanks oh you would be in heaven back hold you yeah I remember that from being on Grateful Dead tour yeah Grateful Dead how old are you uh 20. wow I saw the dead at the bowl and then when I was walking out of the bowl there's probably two blocks worth of nitrous tanks lined up and then as you get closer to it you just hear the people on the floor laughing as you're getting into Hollywood a while ago this is I mean I that was like 10 years ago okay and then I was eating mushrooms there was it still it was still called the dead or was it like further or one or the other it was the dead it wasn't it wasn't John Mayer yet they call it the dead dead and Company yeah because I went even I walked by and I think it was further or one of the like different versions of it that there is now and it was literally just people with uh huge balloons just in the street right like they're just like take over Hollywood there's a there's a group of guys from Philadelphia they call themselves The nitrous Mafia yeah I know they just yeah they just control the whole east coast and they just follow fish and there's a reason why they call it hippie crack yeah for sure because it brings out the gnarliest I mean there's a lot of money in a nitrous tank right like you can make so much money back in the day it was five bucks for a balloon yeah ice cold fatties medical grid I mean outside tank you can get like a 2 000 this guy sounds like he works for the night yeah yeah dude but the the nitrous Mobby on the East Coast like they're no joke though like people would end up dead and like for like bringing their own tanks to festivals and that's crazy yeah that's super hard I got Isaac's on point inside the 19 East Coast hippie crack ring yeah well it's so addicting too like while you're doing it you just need more you calm down and you're like crazy load me up it's really really crazy and when you're on other drugs to it yeah like it's such high level like these dudes would like because the security would be so tight to bring stuff into the festivals that that there was this uh one called the Gathering of the Vibes in Bridgeport Connecticut and they would take uh scuba gear and scuba and they would scuba these nitrous tanks from boats like nights before the festival and go dig them up so like the tanks will already be on the on the grounds for when they get there yeah I mean dude there's high level stuff to get nitrous or like a medical grade nitrous for sure yeah or you gotta just have a good hookup with a dentist I mean I don't even know I don't even know yeah well it's crazy that they sell it to kids you know like when I was in high school they would let me go in and not tanks but they would let you buy the ones for coffee yeah cartridges yeah coffee yeah what's the what's the reasoning because they were selling a cracker for the balloon and they would sell it to me I was like 15 or 16 times like yeah you can have that I was like there's no like you can't buy cigarettes but you can buy whippets right I I uh were you talking about buying those at a smoke shop smokes wow I think you're supposed to be 18 to go into a smoke shop aren't you well I grew up in Santa Cruz things maybe a little different yeah yeah yeah dude man um when's your tour start um at the end of next month so I think it really starts in October and November um it is something that I've been working on for literally five years like this show I've probably invested four to five million dollars into this concert so and that sounds like a large amount but with all the music videos and things that are in it um I should say it's well over that dude I I get that easy I've spent way more than a million bucks on my uh bucket list show yeah and I saw you promoted that recently with jumping off of the London Bridge yeah yeah bro that is genius level marketing I think that I'll just say this I don't think you get enough credit for being arguably the greatest marketer of our time oh I don't know about it the billboard is pretty funny one of the greatest ever I mean everybody was like yeah because that was when the citizen app was popping and it just went Bonkers on citizen I appreciate that man do people say this to you often they must I I've gotten some some credit this one really worked out pretty well I was up there with one of the greatest marketing stunts ever done yeah they weren't too happy yeah well well thank you man no and that's the thing you know when I think about and also that you're just so shamelessly self plugging your things but with the greatest names and it's funny and it's entertaining and I'm sure probably right about now you're about to turn into the camera and turn away at your house what can I say Oliver tree knows about this podcast and knowledge is power that's why I use whoop man because I want knowledge about what's going on with my body with my health with my sleep with my recovery and there is no way to get more knowledge about your body and your Fitness than with whoop and man I've got the killer new stylish whoop band I mean dude come on everything about this company is awesome and it motivates me to stay on track to be getting the exercise keep track of the activities the calories and most importantly the sleep I don't know if you realize how important sleep is but when you get your whoop then you're gonna find out a lot about what's going on it's going to tell you how much sleep you need it's going to tell you how much sleep you got I mean I could go on and on and on and on but what's important here is you go to whoop.com that's w-h-o-oop.com and you use the promo code Stevo to get 10 off at checkout now you're gonna get the whoop band with the waterproof charger totally for free and you're gonna get 10 off the membership and man I just can't recommend it enough so one more time go to whoop.com use the promo code Stevo and change your life for the better now let's get back to it cool well I was gonna say so I've been like trying to promote a bunch of different stuff and I actually wanted to see what maybe Stevo would give her advice from a marketing standpoint so I have someone here who's going to bring some of my new products and I wanted to run them by you I love it and see if you have any ideas so the first question I have for you is do you ever grow facial hair I've never really seen you with any kind of beard or anything can you grow it I have okay pull up Stevo with the mustache Stephen with a mustache I I grew out a mustache simply for the purposes of having it waxed off because I've never seen somebody wax off and how painful was that it it was uh it was yeah bring in the first product so wait actually hold hold up right there can we bring him in yeah not the book yeah is this okay so basically see that's I hate to be the guy to say it but I can see why you don't grow facial hair you're not you know it's not very thick and Lush and dense and I've been developing this product and over the last few years I've spent a lot of time trying to perfect it and now we've got it down to just one capsule but this is called go tea grow and this is something I want to give to you it's it's a gift for me to you and I was just wondering how would you promote gotigo do you have an idea I would just love to hear some of your ideas you don't have to spend much time but I was just curious if something comes to mind I want to do a quick run through of how Stevo would promote some of these products um I think the first thing that my head goes to is uh sex cells I like it something sex though so you want to have like a way of uh uh linking having a goatee to just being an absolute Beaver magnet I love it okay so you got like uh now I have goats at my house they have like really like a couple of one-on-one in particular has like just the craziest goatee I would probably start with uh my goatee can you say it and look into the camera well I would I would start with my goat and you'd say my name's Stevo and oh yeah is it like you hold this yeah I'll reveal it yeah yeah hey everybody hey everybody I'm Stevo and I'm here to tell you that nothing gets more beef than a solid goatee now I don't have one why because I haven't been taking gotigro but now that I have goatee grow get ready to see me smothered in vagina that was pretty on point all right it feels good so if you want I would suggest maybe you try taking your first one here all right let's see what it's super high in nutrients it's not gonna it's nothing bad you can maybe take a few you might need more than one but we you know it's not it's not fully approved yet but we have it down to it's safe don't worry all right well it's been a long time since I took a pill that I didn't know what it was but some guy he's so sketchy dude I'm just talking about burning man yeah did you get those at Burning Man no I made them I worked with the team you're a legend bro down the hatch dude hopefully uh we'll see how you feel in about 20 minutes okay so the next thing so I understand you are a New York Times bestseller is this correct is it more than once or just one time just one only one so come on a guy with you in your marketing skills you've written a few books though right or someone else writes it you put your name on it wait wait wait I have two books and um I collaborated okay both of them with the same guy so I know you're a professional New York Times bestseller but I have a book I have been writing for the last 18 months and it is the ancient art of goatee growing and this is something that I am super proud of it's something that's I'm actually unveiling it for the first time right here on the Wild Ride show with Steve all right so I think first of all if you can't um we can take a glance are you tired of the same old clean-shaven look frankly yes I've I've worn it out do you long for a stylish and sophisticated facial hairstyle that will set you apart from the crowd look no further than the ancient art of goatee growing this comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the history and evolution of the goatee from its origins in ancient Greece to its modern day popularity with step-by-step instructions and expert advice you'll learn everything you need to know about growing and maintaining a perfect goatee so yeah you don't have to read any more of that but look in the inside if you could just read the thesis really quick and just I think it should be the first yeah a man without a goatee is like a lion without a Mane after nearly four billion years of goatees on planet Earth there's no reason you shouldn't be able to grow one for the last five years Dr Oliver McNichol has worked with a team of scientists in Morocco perfecting the perfect goatee formula with only one pill a day now there's nothing stopping you from having the best goatee in your neighborhood go to gottegrow.com thank you and that is officially live so you can go and get your first helping go-to grow so if you were to promote this book how did you get your New York Times bestseller and what would I do what suggestion do you have for me to try to sell my book to get a New York Times bestseller for the ancient art of go-to guy um I do a rap song I think music do a rap song about goatee's that's good have a good viral on Tick Tock well in my concert I actually have a little snippet I'm not supposed to talk about this but I actually got Eminem to rap a little bit about goatee and endorse goatee Grill nice so maybe with just you know a little sign of a piece of paperwork we'll put you into the commercial as well hey dude I'm in okay that was an easy sell uh can you say that in the camera I'm in okay cool dude um and then okay so I'm just thinking like I've also worked on this other book and this one I spent a few years working on and it's a graphic novel it's called alien boys can we bring in can we get my guy to bring it in so yep so this book I signed the inside gave you a little bit this one and I know it's not a New York Times bestseller yet but this did get a Nobel Prize nice so no ball or Nobel a noble piece rise yeah I like this is something that I wrote with my friend Orpheus thank you for being an inspiration to me since childhood I've looked up to a guy who covered himself in you make the world a more colorful place I'm proud of you for being sober and being an amazing role model never forget that you are a Pioneer who has trailblazed their own wave thank you for existing at the same time as me sincerely Oliver tree I love it dude thank you I really really love it now I heard speculation that Oliver tree and little Ricky are the same person oh no no he's a childhood friend someone I grew up with so he's the first signing to my record label alien Boy records and I recently just signed this new group super computer so those are kind of my two focused things that I'm doing outside of my own project um but yeah this this kind of ties in the whole world of all the music videos and builds the universe and I know you're probably would you do you read do you know how to I I do know how to read um I think I've taken a turn towards audiobooks I love that you grew up with him Little Ricky yeah that's yeah he doesn't really look like that though does he I don't really I can't say too much but yeah he's a super sweet guy and um the music that he's making is insane so it's been pretty epic getting a chance to see and help him develop as an artist um and yeah there's been some kind of delays and things that have held back his debut mixtape but we've been working on it for a few years and it's I'm really proud of it he was featured on my first album so it's been pretty epic anyways okay moving forward can't plug Little Ricky too much because this is really about me right and I've got to promote something else so I have this new line of merchandise I've been working on really really long time now and it's a new the whole collection is called best friends and um can we get my guy to bring and I have a gift for you this is for you to keep all these is for you to keep as well so okay nice your guy looks like you oh yeah that's terrible he's one of our unpaid interns he gets college credit um so College what what college is he getting um I think he goes to in the tri-state area I don't know the name of it so this is one of our First Merch pieces so I think that's pretty sick you want to show can you show the camera I sure can look at Jay Leno and over a tree would you mind wearing it I don't mind at all I'd be honored I'd Rock the out of that yeah dude where can they get that they can get that at olivertreymusic.com I'm selling it exclusively on my merch store yeah it is time oh look at you my dude was straight boiling I know I've been waiting for that for a while all right dude I'm gonna learn in this we are wearing matching t-shirts with images of us and it's kind of the mashup of uh me and Jay Leno are you mashed up with somebody or we're both matched up with Jay Leno both of us you know I've got Jay Leonard's autograph tattooed on me no way yeah straight up and you also have a picture of yourself tattooed on you yeah is it over here Jay Lau he really went in on that one can you show the camera that is quite impressive he really he spent a lot of time on that one I yeah I was um on the The Tonight Show with my buddy Chris Pontius and it was just a little gag uh we got Jay Leonard to autograph my shoulder blade then we went into commercial by the time we came out of commercial Pontius had fully tattooed it wow and I saw that you also have that other tattoo was it from Thailand from Wildwood yeah legendary they just did whatever I know you're trying to get the Angelina Jolie um I got them I wasn't sure if it was real I got the legit Angelina Jolie tattoo and Chris wasn't so lucky yeah Chris just got whatever is it the same guy so funny dude because he Chris made MTV pay to get his tattoo lasered off oh damn and we were just talking about that the other day and I was like man that's just too funny considering the garbage that you have tattooed on yourself Chris the fact that you cared enough to get something lasered off is really impressive why did he want that lasered off because he because it wasn't his choice the oldest tattoo trick in the book guy asks for one tattoo he'd give him another I hate it when that happens yeah but uh that's a legendary one okay so my next question okay what are you drinking in this this is coffee man you drink coffee a lot I drink a lot of coffee I thought you were sober okay I'm serious yeah um a lot of people do carve out caffeine so you do you smoke cigarettes uh I'm I'm uh what do you call it I don't smoke weed I don't smoke cigarettes cool great for you so I love that you drink coffee because I have another thing that I'm selling and I wanna can we bring in um our next gift so I wanted to see uh I think you're really gonna like this by the way okay fly that over so this is an official best friends piece wow dude that's something that maybe you can even drink it on the podcast I don't know I am hyped on this yeah and that's you know a celebration of your sobriety how far you've come in now you're down to just coffee yeah I'm down to just coffee check that out actually can you hold that up yeah yeah wow I've heard it both ways so that's you and me melted into one person yeah so I was gonna ask epic yeah how would you how would you provide this is my new favorite mug I'm honored I put a lot of thought into this this was not something that just happened over here yeah evidently I mean this is how long does it take to get a mug like this months so if you were to promote the shirt and the mug I mean we could talk separately or together as a package what would you do to promote it is there anything that comes to mind I mean don't Mash your dicks together Mash your face together here's what uh here here's what we've come to learn about selling T-shirts um the most effective way is to do it by pre-order where you make a video right you make the announcement you say that this t-shirt will only be available for one week and you lie to them right no no we tell the truth one week and it'll never be available again okay so get your order and then and then by doing it that way we've got a production team ready to turn around the the orders a lag super fast so when when we finish taking orders for that week then we print the exact amount that we sold and we ship them immediately and how long does it take for them to arrive from their payment points it depends at which point during that week they ordered it if they're the very first people you know like we could be chipping out the first orders and then you know to have it within a week that's impressive well as soon as they order Oh you mean after they the people in the order at the beginning of the week if we wait until the end of the week and then print it then those people are looking at like 10 days right right yeah but uh if we have a batch go out at the beginning and then clean it up at the end but if we have it in stock two or three days right but the whole idea is to not make more than you're gonna sell right you don't want to end up with a bunch of inventory that you didn't sell and you don't want to can't you just bring it on tour with you or then you have to pay your taxes we do we do that yeah and you also don't want to leave a bunch of money on the table by not having enough yeah so by doing this pre-order way you you definitely I'm gonna use that take the guesswork I love that I'm actually in the midst of launching my new clothing company alien boy clothes ABC and so this is one of the designs that I made for it and you're cool if I legally sell these dude you can sell these can you look into the camera Oliver Oliver tree can sell these t-shirts until the cows come out and you won't receive any residuals yeah it's fine like you say that into the camera I don't even want any residuals I think you're a good man you're such a legend bro and then the cup how will we sell that um I mean dude this is just this this here is arguably the most classic collab piece of merchandise ever made we could sell that on Stevo and do a 50 50. I'm prepared to do 50 50. and I know that because I'll be making enough with the shirts that 50 I can lose on this the with coffee mugs what's the trick well dude we don't even have a trick and I'm I'm losing my mind over this you have a picture maybe I can get one of yours I got a mug shot yeah I'd love to give you one you know what I think it's up in this top cabinet okay there we go and the thing with this with the design like that that thing is just gonna sell itself it's my legit mug shot on a mug so it's a mug mug I love it man you look cold man what did you do that was at my first DUI how many times you've been to jail uh many I've not no I uh I have not yeah I've been interested in jail many times how many times ah it means I'll take it actually I'll take it yeah that I thought was the most genius thing we've ever made everybody drinks coffee it is it sells itself but but it didn't like for some reason the weirdest thing for some reason I could give you some tips I think it's a little scary it's a little dark I don't know I feel like maybe we could have made a little lighter more fun is it a black and white photo we were working with to begin with uh well you were saving money on colors I don't know that that would have made a Design This and get this if you want help I'm willing to extend my hand because the idea is genius the mug mug could go big I think it's the color combination and some of the actual aesthetic of the mug maybe why what color would you do oh man I would say that for another conversation we could talk business after the podcast here's the thing is that I just don't know that mugs are uh they don't sell like you want them to yeah but we do a limited run yeah I mean not just the questions what's the turnaround time 24 hours okay it takes phone calls to get the Prototype oh the well that's the thing the Prototype they had to build the print now that the screen print is built bro these things will fly off the shelves all right I think I would be inclined to go with the t-shirts okay do a limited run I like that 50 50. uh we're thinking more like a 75 25. yeah I'm I don't know um No One's Gonna want to buy these I don't know how many we would sell but that's the thing if you do the pre-order model right is this off like the Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker yeah we might have some copyright issues it looks like a rush hour I base it off of Rush Hour Loosely allegedly I'll tell you what man um I will cherish this t-shirt Until the End of Time me too this is my favorite shirt I wear it every single night I love it man it's a it's I would say one of my best designs okay so the next thing I wanted to ask you is apparently you have been beefing with bam and I think that the marketing has been incredible for your new skateboard with Chris Pontius so I wanted to ask you is he legit mad at you you think yes well it's very hard you know but I will say I have been working on my own skateboard design my own line of skateboards and I wanted to present you the first one and just hear your thoughts about it can we bring in the skateboard can you come in here can you bring it to me please uh Scott can you not touch us yeah I don't want to get your slimy hands on it go down that's a new one all right thank you so I'm really really proud of this this is my favorite design I've ever done you're good you can go you're good to go home now um so this is a skateboard that is the first copy of an entire lineup we've printed out 10 000 of these things already wow but I wanted to present you the first one and I wanted to hear your thoughts on how you would promote it so okay nice all right Stevo and Oliver tree I mean Jesus this thing sells itself that's you it's an image it's us it's an image of me and Oliver kissing each other is that a mullet or a do-rag that's my exact haircut I have right now yeah that is uh he's partying his ass off in the back it's the technically speaking it's the bullet the bull cut mullet yeah but yeah so what are your thoughts how would I go about is it you know an underground scooter rider not really a skater what would be the best way for me to try to sell this I love that you gave me a little bit of a goatee yeah I tried to just Spruce it up a little week down down the line you're getting some Beaver already um yeah so uh this thing sells itself um of course with skateboards like um it is a piece of art and and and when you sign it right so you'll be willing to sign that yeah okay cool I'll tell you um do you actually sign the stuff yourself or maybe one of you guys signs it yeah that guy spent half my life should I get my grubby hands on it um I prefer if you didn't okay oh you could look at it though so can you show the camera because I want to make sure they get a good shot yeah we don't want to alienate our audio only people so let's describe how intimately we're kissing on this you can it's clear just to have a Bud Light logo it's beautiful okay so any thoughts is there any one idea you know because I thought you were really promoting this new skateboard with Chris Paul it's super super well and efficiently I was wondering maybe how you could help me promote my skateboard you guys should reenact it that doesn't pull out literally just about to say the same thing I I have discovered recently as you pointed out that um beef sells for the best friend's line I I would propose that you and I um get very angry I think that would be for sure I've used that one many times yeah yeah uh best friends is the line right you know uh we could maybe beef with Bobby Lee and Andrew those guys are jokes especially Bobby Lee I mean I think Bobby Lee's a little bit more authentic I've I've beaten him up multiple times I could take him down he's like three feet tall yeah it might be if he's more with Andrew Santina no way yeah that's crazy what's the beef I mean uh he um wasn't particularly responsive to uh text and then when he did respond he uh he would pass me off and and blow me off and what you wanted him on this we made up come on yeah yeah he was too big time he big timed me wow he Big Time me but as Scott said we did make up and now I'm willing to on makeup can you remind me that text that you sent him get each shot each shot um but uh B I would like I would happily on make up and Resurrect The Beef because I think that would be the strongest way to sell our skateboards so me and Bobby was a bit different he stole my hat we went to I was in Koreatown and then me and my crew went there and then I was wearing the super cool beanie and Bobby Lee took it and was wearing and I pulled it off and we there's actually footage that leaked online someone was filming it there's footage of us physically fighting and then we tried to make amends and I went on his podcast and it just made things worse and we had a physical altercation multiple on his podcast um okay that leads me to my next thing um I have this new album coming out alone in the crowd and I wanted to be the first one to give you the first person I have not given this anyway can we bring in one of the uh I thought you sent him home for the day well I'm not sure if it's yeah sorry about that so this is my new album alone in a crowd I spent um the last three years making this but really most of this year I was living in Brazil and I was working on it there trying to I wrote a lot of the new music a lot of new material on it but this is something I'm very proud of um the vinyl this is a limited edition vinyl because this is not the official album cover I had to keep evolving it and changing it and the songs are slightly altered because you have to turn in the vinyl nine months early and so my version that gets released digitally has been since evolved and Amplified so this is the worst version of the art and the music but it actually makes it more valuable if you can believe that but anyways this is my third studio album alone in a crowd and I was wondering is this uh the more country no the country stuff didn't work I had to give that up okay so this is the third final installment this is the last album I'll ever release so that will make it even more valuable oh yeah and yeah yeah I could sign it too if you guys got some kind of pen we would probably need a silver one or something though I don't know if Black's gonna help but yeah the uh black and red red could work yeah what's your uh yeah I gotta I got a ramp I'm finishing up Escape I saw that damn so hyped do I have to come through show you how it's done damn so I've done it it looks crazy and you're being a good neighbor too I saw that yeah dude um even I wasn't a good neighbor this morning man what happened the construction crew showed up at literally like 6 30 in the morning by 7am on your ramp yeah well they're building a fence I think legally you can start at seven oh yeah if you start at 6 30 you'll get a fine like you wouldn't believe 6 59 you're seven you're good to go I did not know that there's some yeah yeah it's the red vinyl transparent red did my brother my girl has a record player at the house well I'm sure you're not gonna listen to it but I would love to give it a spin one day you're the first person to ever hear it's not out yet no one's is I haven't given one of these to anybody so I thought I would give yeah thank you for honor to you so in return of me gifting to you how would you promote this um music video like we talked about I'm not I'm not out sorry video that's already been done I filmed three videos in Serbia and I made a three-part series the third one's still not out yet so I'm that is being taken care of take it out too but I'm uh really fascinated with this cover art dude like uh is is each person like their image was shot separately and then all put together had to composite them together it's uh really really pretty killer what's the only pretty killer I see how it is it's epic dude what uh is the musical Direction here you said country didn't work yeah so this is fusion um I would call the genre alternative pop but it goes from everything from Hip Hop to dance music to Alternative pop music electronic um there is uh Rock in there too it's it's Fusion okay now check this out dude I have this uh thing that I don't do nearly enough what is it that um like I I'm picking an album and I listen to it on a loop belligerently over and over nothing but that one album for weeks on end said that I fuse the period of my life that I'm in with that music and said that for the rest of my life if I ever hear anything from that album it teleports me back to the time very powerful thing yeah and I think uh I think that I've decided to do that with this wow you're gonna hear one song and turn it off no I don't know that's happened with some albums but I don't think that's gonna happen well the thing is if you don't like one song just go to the next one because there's such diversity in it that there's gonna be one thing that you could love in there and I've heard your rap music it's it's pretty similar it's pretty uh what do you call it aggressive yeah very interesting that's an understatement okay so um you said this is not out yet no it comes out September 29th so this is your early you're at at the beginning but I wanted to I I had to beg the label and I I asked label I was like can I give Steve a one and they said no we don't want him to leak it out I was like that would be the greatest thing we could ever do fans like buy this and leak it out themselves they like find these gateways in the system and are able to exploit it and then they yeah see my music and sell it so I mean I was like if Steve wanted to I'm not gonna I would be lucky I'm not gonna I would be happy if you did actually well I'm not gonna leak it dude it's not crazy that was their response was yeah we're concerned that he's gonna leak it I was like it's vinyl the dude would have to go through a lot of trouble to try to leave this out and I was like and if he did we it would be the greatest thing that he could do for us yeah dude well I I don't know you wouldn't know how to promote it I I I'm bad at music well you could do a stunt or something too yeah that's like you specifically it would be great if Stevo did a proper stunt no but if I for me is there anything you can think of just the worst idea anything that comes to mind um I think that when it comes to music you want to get the music two people so like I mean do you want to uh right now um acapella I think I'm good okay let's look at the track list here if there's something that's particularly salacious you could draw attention to that like uh we've got uh the first track is called Bounce it's about sex bounce it's bouncing up and down on all right that's good you want to let people know that I'll let people know I'll maybe have to put that in parentheses on a digital yeah bounce up and down on Deez Nuts I like that you could do the remix we'll get you on a rap first yeah yeah okay good I went outside here ugly side yep ugly side what's that about someone's you know other side to them decide that maybe isn't uh let's just say the most um the side that they like to show people but the side that comes out when maybe you know you see the real them or they have something to lose you know I think people don't tend to show okay too much of themselves until you maybe they don't get what they want and then you start to see other sides to people that wasn't my first assumption my first guess would have been that oh this person yeah they're kind of on the ugly side like us you know but yeah anyways you don't need to go through the whole tracklist but anyways I appreciate you even taking the time to listen to it yeah and I think that uh it's masterful I think that that is um in and of itself a very solid way to promote something by simply presenting it to somebody and asking them how they would promote it because really what you're doing is promoting it by doing that maybe potentially can we bring in the next thing um is my guy still here he's just waiting out there in the sun poor guy Turbo so oh yeah bring this in this is something I got for you you could put up in your house probably right above your bed nice so this is my tour alone in a crowd that's sick the tour uh and it's a movie because I'm performing the movie live um as a play and as a concert and a TV show and a movie um so and I got the dates here you can see well Ricky's gonna be there across the board from New Zealand Australia I go through Europe and into the UK so my my question is to you first of all what do you think I I think it's fantastic I think uh you got Aqua starting in New Zealand all right um this is all International no America we're not even touring It in America only overseas strong yeah I found it does better overseas yeah okay good good um yeah so uh so what would you do to promote this I mean because I'm thinking about maybe taking it to some podcasts do you have any suggestions of like podcasts that would be good for me to take maybe try to promote the tour on um I think that you uh have a pretty strong podcast uh Network you're hitting all the the The Heavy Hitters like you you just do the ones you're doing okay next question how would you promote it is there some kind of stunt that you would do is there anything that comes to mind because your execution on both the last two performances that you you filmed the new one right buckets so those probably some of the best promotion I've seen I mean the only person who even takes Toe to Toe even by one baby toe is maybe Logan Paul there's a couple people like that who come to mind that are pretty legit marketing guys super good but you are on another level and you're willing to risk it all so is there anything that comes to mind how you would promote this tour alone in a crowd I think I think this is gonna sell itself dog I mean like you did Red Rocks like what's capacity there fifteen thousand I think it's only like eight or nine so it's not that big still pretty damn sick um collabs so so stuff the the marker ba Rivier do you know that guy oh yeah I think I know of him yeah yeah he puts together yeah yeah I think uh get together with him I think uh yeah I've got some cool openers I got swaco and Tommy Cash number one guy in Estonia then Little Ricky and supercomputer my ax will be coming to all the shows so there's a pretty crazy lineup I'm very proud of this but uh maybe we put this right in front of the camera so we can get a shot of it the whole time yeah we can just maybe park it there for the remainder I love it thank you yeah you can put it down I think this is uh you've done a fantastic job putting more gifts did you bring well actually to do a miniature interview can we bring in my interview stuff this you're gonna freaking love what's up with the hair dude freaking bowl cuts falling off so I want to present you this 100 questions with Dr Stephen Gilchrist Glover so can we can you show this so this one's legit dude don't touch that okay I'll be taking it from here so I've worked very hard I've watched every Jackass movie for the eighth time every episode of wild boys I've pieced together a very in-depth interview so do you mind if I ask you a couple questions please please okay give me a second thing is still I I bought like six of these things and they literally none of them fit my eye I have small eyes okay so I'm just gonna you need something to write on um a skateboard could be good yeah so first things first I got this set up this is how I'm kind of old-fashioned and I like to kind of keep it old school so I have this hand written onto a scroll and this is a hundred questions okay Stevo okay let's see here okay I want to write this down all right first things first what's the worst thing you've ever done oh the worst thing I've ever done uh I'll tell you one that comes to mind um my buddy Tommy had to say Tommy Who Tommy card deal he uh had this idea we called it the Poo handle and like to go to a gym and like some big like but can you slow it down muscular guy like watch him get out and walk into the gym and then go and Tuck a piece of poo under his door handle someone you said the last part again take a piece of poo under his door handles out of the gym like uh uh you know he's knuckled deep and and Pooh as he reaches under his car door handle so how'd that play out well I didn't do it I'm so embarrassed to admit this and it was in the 90s okay I I pulled down this chick did you film it yeah I think I did like uh I think I did like um I definitely I filmed I don't know what happened to the footage like uh it's like why doesn't even do that you know like here's the 90s Jesus I just move on to the next question we have a limited time here okay this one I think you're gonna like who do you hate the most in the jackass crew um who do I hate the most I'm pretty angry at all of them right now why is that well because I I uh invited I sent them all an invite to my skate party what was the goal of the skate party just I got my new ramp you got your new boards on sale now maybe that's it all right okay fair enough um okay all right this next one is I'm gonna have a panic attack if you go through a hundred just I'll make I'll make it quick okay it's in your mouth B's covering your dick taking beerbongs up your butthole what does your dad think about your stunts um my dad is able to compartmentalize he sees uh the business um like uh potentially see he's able to be supportive of the business of what I do while not being in love with the creative of what I do okay that's fair enough all right we can keep moving faster um what do you think about making a Best Friends TV show where you and I go around the world and get into crazy hijinks and shenanigans I don't know I'm all for it dude that's my only problem is uh being at the mercy of uh corporate establishment no corporate and you know yeah like just put on YouTube kind of a thing yeah yeah we'll pay for it 55 about 25.75 yeah okay cool you'll do the 75. yeah good good okay but yeah we'll talk about that I'll pay the 75 for the budget but you keep 75 of the profits does that sound right yeah okay okay um when I was a kid me and my cousin used to watch Jackass and we would play this game called dumbass and we would throw ourselves down the staircase how does it feel knowing you inspired a generation of kids breaking their arms um I got some headlines not long ago when I acknowledged that in the beginning of Jackass when the media wasn't so fragmented when there wasn't any YouTube and stuff that like jackass was legitimately I thought I would say a bad influence but in the many years since then I think you can't really point the there's so many different ways to point the finger I don't feel right culpable 100 all right you can only pick one jackass or Wild Boys be real Stevo this isn't about money this isn't about ratings what was more fun if you could only do one for the rest of your life what would you choose good question um do one for the rest of your life yeah I'm gonna go with jackass and and um I'm gonna qualify that with uh just the you know there were certain situations with the wild boys um word I didn't feel good about how animals were treated I could see that um and now a lot of people say yeah well you guys mistreat animals on jackass like didn't Peter come after you they yeah I'm much more comfortable with the way animals were used on jackass than in certain cases on wild boys um I'm not going to defend every use of animals on jackass and it's not my decision whether they get used or not yeah but I'm more comfortable with jackass is there a favorite Wild Boy story that comes to mind after all the traveling you did um wild boys story um that I'll refer you to our Wild Ride episode with Jeff Tremaine okay uh we really really dug into this one we don't need to bother um do you ever go back to Brazil I know that you moved there when you were six months went there for wild boys don't believe I've been back so I was gonna ask if you went after wild boys it's an incredible place man I recorded most of this album here Julio de Janeiro and I was I was in this glass house on top of the hill in the jungle and I'll just go to the beach every day and then go record it's a magical place you should go back for not work purposes one day um shout out Brazil um okay moving forward um let's see here were you on drugs for wild boys I was how did you acquire drugs in these different territories is that hard because you seem pretty out of it for some of it and Chris too he looked yeah we did a lot of drinking okay drinking yeah but you were you doing hard stuff or no a lot of drinking I smuggled weed to um just about every place that I couldn't be confident in finding weed um and uh you know with respect to the harder drugs um the wild boys would actually represent um little intervals in between drug vendors I would typically be still awake for days on end cocaine Bender when we went to the airport to start the wild boys trip it would be like a day of travel like a day of act you know and then by the time we're shooting I've kind of recovered from the bender and and I'm not on hard drugs so the sleep deprivation carried some of the yeah yeah wild boys was in it was a crazy chapter in my life man how about being sober now being around people who are up like when you see someone super drunk or how does it make you feel um what's your tolerance for I'm not uh too concerned with it I mean I don't really care to be around people who are super you know intoxicated um but with that said like I spent 11 years in sobriety touring comedy clubs where people have to drink you know it's like to drink minimum not a problem being around it yeah what about someone asks you the same question four times in a row never have anywhere they're so drunk yeah what are you tell me you're gonna be here and it's like a loop it's so crazy Cena um when you get off of a comedy tour do you find that you feel depressed sometimes no I just want to get home to my my animal because you know like for me after a tour like especially a big one I get like like from hearing the screaming every night and the crazy energy and then going back to being a normal person and doing laundry can kind of feel a little bit like from a high standpoint the high is so high and then you go down to normalcy and there's a you crash you have a huh you never have that you know experience um that's not something that um I relate to too much it only started recently when the shows got bigger for me okay the highs got more intense I think I like that but it's so I'm sober doing it but I'm just noticed that like I like that and I'm questioning myself why don't I have that it might be a music thing it happens with music like musicians get depressed sometimes after the time because I don't know yeah I just think that um you know touring can be like kind of grueling and it's just like oh I really want to get home especially like with my animals at home and I just want to like get back like whatever this first flight is after the last show like I typically want to be on that and get home as soon as I can yeah that makes sense and you have is it your partner is your wife or no uh we're getting married soon finally we've been engaged looking forward to the getting the invitation yeah I'll be there I'll be wearing this it's going to be in Tennessee I can't wait I love Tennessee good I'll be there um send me the uh the dates and I'll be setting it up yeah we'll have a date soon I can't wait man I'm happy for you maybe our wedding DJ bro I'll be there have you done I'm not cheap but I put on a hell of a show yeah I love it um what about I wanted to ask you about your drug abuse side effects as you've gotten older do you start to feel certain things more do you find the is now that you're sober do you not really feel like you have much effects or do you feel like as you've gotten older you're like oh my back from all the Ecstasy or something like that I'm starting to like I'm noticing issues with my right hip which are kind of bothering me and I'm gonna guess it's not from drugs though no okay so this is you're just getting older yeah all your stunts because I just built this awesome ramp and it's like uncomfortable to skate it is it pop in and out it doesn't pop in and out but I can definitely notice like go back to Stem Cell yeah I don't know maybe so when you see footage of yourself on drugs do you recognize that person do you see it does it seem like it's someone else like you're watching someone else or does it feel like you're like oh that was me I remember it very well I remember it very well and there's something about seeing footage of me on drugs that uh it it almost like makes me relive it like I can really like like I remember it too well well you know like it makes me a little bit uncomfortable because it kind of puts me back in that time so after the drug stopped what did your addictions hop to sex food um spending money uh those are like the main things yeah like um it just it's a dumb on it and if I if I open up my Amazon app and uh there's no presence coming like I feel a little bit empty wow like I like to always know that I've got presents coming for me I don't live anywhere like I don't have an address or live anywhere this is my manager's house okay so I don't actually collect stuff I don't buy things for me it's more the collecting of the money just stacking it oh there you go but it's kind of like you know at a certain point you want to live somewhere so I'm hoping to be able to get a proper spot but yeah I definitely like I mean I buy pretty negligible stuff on Amazon so um I'm not like when I say spending like I don't have like a really flashy lifestyle you know like uh but um but yeah I definitely want to set myself up with savings so that I can um retire and live comfortably and not be like a lot of uh entertainment industry people who went way past the time they should have gone what about doing stunts sober versus being up did it compare much or no they have a saying if you take away uh the alcohol from a horse thief you got a sober horse thief I'm a sober attention so nothing changed pretty much I mean there was some acclimation to sobriety but uh but yeah the will to do the stunts was never um because of drugs and alcohol it was because I'm an attention yeah all right we'll question real quick I know this has played out but for you what's either the scariest stunt that you ever did or that someone in the crew did that like when you think about like what was the most gnarly maybe for yourself or anyone in the entire crew what what comes to buying just Bulls so Johnny stuff yeah Johnny's stuff with bowls that last one really did in numbers yeah they recover fully yeah I would say sorry I mean like there's concern with with concussions that like actually that you know it's a super delayed effect and so the damage is done but it won't really uh present for until later so you know you gotta have a concern that is there um you know is the Reckoning to come you know and like that's that's scary does he still have a stutter I saw he got kind of like a Stutter from the head injury uh I don't I don't know Knoxville to stutter no I just saw some interviews where he was talking and he would kind of like speak his speaking it was probably right after it happened maybe you didn't notice that I don't know how to say I monitor my clone my communication with Knoxville pretty closely um what percentage of a shot is um God I hope it looked good um and is gonna make the video or like versus the actual pain of it because I know that it doesn't look good enough you're and so how much of it are you kind of like playing up the reaction not to if you don't want to talk about that it's okay but I know you guys are doing stuff that could kill you and it's super risky but I know that there it is a movie I don't think I don't think anybody's playing up a reaction you never think so I I don't think so and um I think that the that the the barometer like if there's a metric for whether a jackass bit Works It's the reaction of the guys the peanut gallery right right right like uh if the guys aren't giggling yeah then it didn't work if the guys are giggling then it then it worked and I don't think uh the peanut gallery of guys you know watching something happen is ever gonna pretend to giggle if they don't find something funny right um what's the worst thing you've eaten for a stunt ah worst thing I've eaten first done um yeah I mean there's been some pretty terrible stuff uh maybe Preston sweat oh probably the closest yeah that was rough I've seen that a few times um so I guess I wonder sometimes what goes through your mind while it starts happening like when the shark that seems like one of the gnarliest ones for you was when the shark when you hit your foot against the shark you like kicked it was that up there with one of the most scary ones for you yeah dude I'm really excited that um I've just finished up a video I made with Chris Pontius called uh 10 times we could have died wow so you cover this up I I I literally went through your mind I saved that video for a long time man like I've got like sort of the Silver Bullet collection you know and like was there something that you were thinking when I was having you just like get me out you know accountable for anything I did around sharks I don't know I don't know why but that one had occurred to me well like that could have been really bad yeah are you shocked that that things didn't turn out worse for what you guys had done here's what you think there was a level of calculation with most of the stuff that was practical enough that you I think that there were a lot of close calls there were a lot of risks that um you know I wouldn't be necessarily comfortable taking at this point in my life um but with that said everything that that we did um we approached it like with the idea of getting away with it yeah do you feel like jackass and wild boys would be the same as what it was if it came out today or do you feel like with like cancel culture and the rules and Appropriations different things that it couldn't have even existed obviously you made jackass 4. but that had even that had to shift its tone a little bit I think that a jackass has aged pretty well because it's devoid of like you know any bad intention you know it's like I'm not saying that was bad intention the spirit of it was was very uh positive wild boys wild boys they're they're a lot of things that wouldn't age I feel like yeah I was watching it and I'm like that's crazy but like you know also it's just from a very different time period right there there's stuff on wild boys that wouldn't age well like you know that would be considered appropriation yeah um but at the same time like the the spirit of what we were doing like uh was it was never a negative you know yeah I know that there wasn't the intention we were really ambassadors of Goodwill and I think in a lot of ways you could have the mindset of someone could say oh this is appropriation but for your like representing the culture even though you're maybe not the guy to do it right and you're like you know I'm sure some of the people were like oh like this is like well right like showing off our culture to new people in the world and there's something to be said about that but that's another conversation right I remember like before my last Australia tour I pulled a clip of uh Pontius and I dressed up as um aboriginals with aboriginals like throwing boomerangs it was classic as Pontius through this Boomerang and it came back and it nailed him in the head and he was bleeding on from his head like it was just a classic bit but um you know the people who uh are close to me sadda dude that's not gonna play well you know even though we were with like native Aboriginal Australian people who dressed us up themselves I would imagine that that kind of um makes it a little bit less offensive but you're right you know you go anywhere near that and and people get get real bent out of shape um but I stand by the the spirit and the intent so this I want to word right but this is something I thought about which I don't know um if people have brought this correlation to you and you might not see any connection with this but I feel like jackass was born during a time that was extremely homophobic and you guys came along wearing your g strings getting naked with the Bros showing off your asses or shoving things up them touching each other's dicks drinking animal semen you guys seem to normalize male nudity which is still even a taboo thing in this day in America I feel like you guys were almost allies to the queer community in an interesting way I know well I'm just I'm saying suggesting because you didn't see this but from my outside it's like there's even the Rainbow on the Dick house production logo which that's very obvious but I was just gonna ask um how much of that was a conscious decision I think that there's something uh the the we got a kick out of like making homophobic people uncomfortable you know like there's kind of a sense of like the The Jock bro you know like which I'm sure is a large part of the audience right right yeah like uh and you guys are reaction based you know yeah they can't get the the full reaction so that probably plays into that too yeah if we were targeting anybody it would have been uh you know like homophobic jock frat dude kind of mentality but it's interesting because I feel like there's almost like with hazing and things like that they almost like explore that themselves in a way that like for them makes it okay maybe I don't know but anyways I just was curious because I saw that like the logo even at the beginning I was like right and how much rainbows even play into like the intro outro of like bird movie or whatever it's like obviously there's some some clear I think that like like there's something about um an ability to not take oneself seriously yeah that that that's that's really at the heart of of Jackass and um I think that when when when guys are taking themselves super seriously like that's uh you know there's a lot of uh overlap with kind of homophobia I think right um I was gonna say is there any kind of ground rules that happened before the filming of a movie like is there certain things you're like you can't do this like if you're like before you go into production or is it just like the Only Rule is there's no rules like fight club stuff um it's like uh there's a lot of sensitivity to um just the spirit of of what what we're doing yeah the number one rule is uh you know respect and um like with regards to third party you know never put your hands on never like uh you know be mean-spirited never you know like to ourselves and each other like there's basically no rules like you know was there physical altercations that ever arose from it they're a couple is that you can't talk about that kind of stuff I'm happy to talk about it what happened here just from like the reaction from something because like I could only imagine that from the beginning of the movie to the end the tensions are building certain people are getting back at each other uh the Pontius Wrestled a number of people like mostly danger Aaron um didn't danger and Bam almost get into it too man I think bam kind of maybe beat up danger yeah it seems like Aaron kind of gets the low end of the totem danger socks Dave England on tour yeah on a tour but there's never that's not like any uh do you ever have any beef on the filming nah I saw him wild boys like you were punching Chris in the airplane or something and then like he can't he got so pissed because he's sleeping and he got up you were like and he was in the first class or different like oh do you know I seen him come like and just punch you the Black Mamba I think yeah that's uh punching Chris Pontius is a dangerous move I I can't remember a time when uh I was bold enough to do that yeah um I'm sure maybe you were coming off a bender yeah mid-flight on your way on to the next adventure definitely a lot of gnarly flights did you guys ever have like safe words or certain things where like when the bit was done you needed to sit because I remember there's one in sequence where like and this is different because it's a dog but like Johnny is getting his butt bitten by like a dog and he yells Oklahoma yeah Oklahoma I was just curious that was for every skit or Justice that's the only safe word I'm aware of but you guys would use it if something was cross the line I said Oklahoma when they uh connected my balls to a rat zapper electrocution machine was it it was I don't remember that is it used in yeah did it get you I think it might have been in a 3.5 so how much stunts are actually filmed for the sequence and how much don't make it in either the 0.5s or like the credits very little very little doesn't get doesn't get exploited in some fashion right because I was gonna that's a pretty cool way that you can make two movies out of it how did the the 0.5s do compared to the did they even get theatrical uh no theatrical the straight to DVD but it's like a bonus straight to DVD except for the 4.5 was uh Netflix exclusive now now I'm seeing people uh kind of crying out for um physical copies of uh 4.5 which I don't believe exist um and and they should because there are a lot of people who collect physical media what's your favorite part of a filming a jackass maybe what's your least favorite part uh getting the shot is of course the favorite part when you get to be like we're done yeah it's like for the day there's I mean what Jackass is is a battle of attention for screen time you know we're we're battling for screen time and and just when you get the shot and you and you got the screen time like that's just a battle one did you guys ever lose footage like is there any time with wild boys or jackass or any scenes that like you wish would have made it or something that got erased like a story I refer to the Tremaine episode again but there was a photo that uh that's known as the greatest photo ever taken I think well there's a couple of those um and uh I was in a compromising situation with um a prostitute in Indonesia and there was like quite the perfect photo taken like through the window and they were like multiple people in the room that I weren't wasn't even aware of and uh so I was like mid thrust and it was like the peanut gallery in the room and like this phone and and uh I destroyed the hotel room made of super temper tantrum and demanded does the photo be deleted the photo was deleted and that like is the most um sorely grieved loss of media for you or for the rest uh not necessarily for me you're happy I don't know that I'm happy like I could have been your enter into the porn star there's one more career path that could have happened there yeah I don't know how I feel about it because I don't even know that I ever saw the photo but um but certainly like if you ask anybody in connection with wild boys they would probably say that that was the most grieved lost media does Lance the filmer who is always throwing up does he get paid extra to be on camera um I don't know about yeah I think so I think that he's got a talent deal I think he's got a problem he's like he's got to get something for that was it like so if you talk you get sag or is it like something like that yeah I think that Lance get has a producer deal and a talent deal and like you know whatever is filming you know like uh yeah I think I think he does pretty well I know you maybe have spoken of this already but um I can't remember I remember there was something about it but with movie payment you don't have to talk about if you don't want to but is it like was your deal structured flat fee or residuals for the movies there would be an upfront piece so you get an advance up front yeah there's an upfront piece and then there's the back end consideration profit participation or points and was that always across the board or after the first one or the second one you sent some president for that yeah the first one I remember the movie The First movie we got uh like the minimum scale and then and as I understand it it was Knoxville it was like Hey we're making a movie the guys are getting some back end after that we're during the movie the show was like going into the first movie which I thought was really cool and then um there's been uh back end since then and you were able to kind of fight for more of it as the movie yeah fighting for more became a thing like only for me did it become a thing on the fourth movie but yeah like I remember hearing something about that what was the I just always found out what I was gonna get I was like oh cool and then come the fourth movie I was like man I should have maybe tried to like push back and fight for more so it was my first time ever trying to fight for more on the fourth movie you think that was because you had built your profile up yeah on Jackass 2 and you recognized more of your words I thought so yeah I thought so but um in hindsight I didn't do myself or anybody else any favors by uh approaching it the way that I did we went on into the media with it yeah one of the media is kind of a bad look and and um I uh you know I I ended up making amends you know or like acknowledging that I handled it all pretty poorly real quick our camera's about to die and you have a you have a voodoo photo shoot oh okay soon do you want to ask whatever how many last ones I get out talk to me like that Scott I'm gonna cut this one before I have three more pages that one's good yeah I think should I go to the end yeah that's good okay I'm gonna cut this before it dies so it doesn't corrupt any footage sure okay we got that one and that one all right this one's at six you weren't kidding about 100 questions yeah that's why I came I was gonna interview you that was my main plan okay I love it um Okay so yeah all right this one yeah I can keep going or you need a second can you cut this do you want me to cut it yeah cut that one it's about to die this one's has a few left okay all right hear me out hear me out this wasn't as much I'm trying to make a proper documentation it's not as much for me as it is for your family I'll give you the guinnessful book of records for long as well I'll have to ask you these other questions at another point maybe I'll call you um and I'll spread it to your Reddit forums okay so um I'll get to the end here because I'm not I'm being pushed off the set understandably um but I am gonna get some residuals to come over on Saturday I'd love to yeah dude what do we is that the big Escape yeah well I'm not gonna SVP for that all right all right if you could go back in time is there anything you would change in your journey through life I I'm protective of the space-time Continuum I learned that from Back to the Future okay yeah that's good I like where I'm at now and I I don't want to mess with it do you believe the journey to becoming the legend they call Stevo was your free will or your destiny oh you know um I I believe that Free Will is uh and immutable unbreakable love the universe um so predestination um I don't think really is in the cards but then again you got like your I don't know man I don't know I think that uh tough one it is it's a tough one I think that ah I think that you can't you can't there's no way around free will to just give somebody a predetermined outcome I think that I came into this life with um like just a persistence not even necessarily a good persistence like I'm just like the most like annoyingly persistent bastard so I think that my free will coupled with my persistence was a recipe for uh what happened but I always think why are we persistent why are we passionate you know and it's like is that free will at that point too uh I think that that as um on a soul level I do believe that we choose our parents that we you know like outline a blueprint for what we're supposed to do in life and and we go into it so like I think that ahead of time before my life began like on a soul level I equipped myself with certain characteristics which which by definition were predetermined but then once once you pop out of that womb then uh yeah all right I'm getting close here I know you guys are ready to get out where do you see yourself in 10 years do you think you're still be shooting yourself in the sky and porta potties covered and pretty far out um I think that the that the world as we know it societies we know it I picture being dramatically different in 10 years right I think that like I would even say like on the level of like the fall of the Roman Empire type different you know like um maybe maybe not maybe maybe I'm talking 20 years but I think that the societies we know it has a very limited amount of time wow so you think it's all coming to an end not necessarily coming to an end I think that the gravy train is coming to an end and I think that uh that I I would imagine the the Great Depression of 1929 right is effectively chicken compared to where we're headed crazy um so you're a doomsday prepper a little bit yeah a little bit 20 29. is that the year I don't know I mean who knows you know um but with that said um I definitely have a limited amount of time left to really beat myself up yeah will you retire you think I've got I mean I think I I retire from piecemeal from certain things right like I've already thrown in the towel on standing um back flips that's good not kicking like uh there's certain things but um you know who knows I'm gonna evolve I'm gonna like I'll probably always be an attention Corp but um I I'm working to set up um like a property with the animals and the animal sanctuary deal like I love that last question when you die what do you want people to remember Stevo as um what do you want them to remember about you my ego really wants uh people to remember me fondly having entertained them you know like uh that bad that I want them to remember me as somebody who's loved um but that that's just ego talking I think um if I have a legacy then uh I'd like it to be um like with with these animals in our sanctuary I wish you luck on that Journey thanks Doug yeah thanks for making time security stuff yeah dude you're an impressive cat brother after all that do you really have three testicles that will never know no I do I was born with a condition yeah and they used to make money you calling Oliver three they did they used to call me Oliver three it was kind of uh I don't like to talk about it head out we shattered the record for the longest episode of The Wild Ride podcast ever what was it before like hovering around an hour and a half yeah Kevin Smith probably was the longest before that yeah and this one was two and a half hours unbelievable it's like an hour longer than our longest and it didn't feel like two and a half hours this dude this dude is Bonkers man he's like he's like my new favorite guy I'm dying to see his show his live show I don't doubt that he puts every little bit into it that he says he does man I feel like we got to know the real guy and I really like the real guy and I really like you because you stuck around for the longest part we got to do something special here if you're still listening or watching this deep into the long the very end of the longest podcast we ever did then I need you to an agent post something like do the street team thing but but put hashtag what hashtag street team bonkers because I'm going to be looking for that man that retention dude that I was like nervous I was like we're going so long like man her attention falls off like because that's me too I'm a psycho all right guys I love you thank you for sticking around hashtag street team bonkers
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 186,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wild ride, scott randolph, paul brisske, skinny vinny, comedy, interview, oliver tree, bobby lee, r willy, alone in a crowd, the real oliver tree, true oliver tree, oliver tree out of character, music, hiphop
Id: a3SEsDkUN1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 15sec (8535 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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