Ric Flair | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #457

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Ric Flair: It's hard to wrestle for an hour.

Theo: Yeah dude, I can't even make love for 11 minutes. So you put me against another man I can't do an hour, bro

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/sciomancy6 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

Lost it when Theo said "I always wanted to be in a coma" lol.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/tropic_gnome_hunter 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

“I tried to sneak up on a mirror for like 2 hours. I got pretty fucking close. If it had been a leap year I coulda done it”

One of the most underrated Theo jokes of all time

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/otherworlds 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

Ric Flair complaining that you can't make sexual comments to flight attendants anymore. Lol. He's exactly as I expected him to be.

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/GKBilian 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

They’re vibin lol

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/trippinonsomething 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

These two are made for each other oh my god. What a fun ride

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/awrinkleinsprlinker 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

Theo chuckling while Flair was talking about rehab got me 🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/bigsheev 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

Diamonds are forever baby. Who0o00!!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Apx2dnt 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

I am so confused. I swear Theo just had a Ric Flair episode right before Hogan was on. They even reference to the episode a few times. Am I losing my mind?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Wet_FriedChicken 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2023 🗫︎ replies
I got some new tour dates to tell you about uh we have Oakland California on September 16th we've added a show there Akron Ohio October 7th we've added a show Washington D.C on October 22nd we've just added a show there also limited tickets remaining from Milwaukee uh and Las Vegas get all your tickets at theovan.com t-o-u-r uh if if if a show is sold out don't go crazy and spend a ton of money we'll come back through and uh and you can get you a fair price ticket over there um again all tickets at theovan.com t-o-u-r for the return of the Rat tour thank you so much uh for just coming out and being a part of my life new merch for you merch heads out there we've got some new shorts that's right the Rat Life shorts and blue salmon and sand we've also got the new tie-dye be good to yourself teas in aqua creamsicle and indigo get that in more only at theovonstore.com we want to thank Grand Cathedral cigars in Tampa Florida for letting us host uh the episode here at their um beautiful lounge and it's a cigar or really a universe for cigaring and um and doing that it's stunning it is it is undeniably the nicest Cigar Lounge that I've been in now I've only been in probably 11 cigar lounges so that's the only part of it that I want to be honest about but we are very thankful for them in uh Tampa Florida at 2201 North Florida Avenue today's guest is a 16 time world champion uh there's nobody like him I'll tell you that he's one of a kind he has had quite a life I mean the guy has been he's almost he survived a plane crash a lightning strike he's been through it all we're grateful for his time today he's one of the greatest entertainers of our time today's guest is the Nature Boy Rick me I sit and tell you my stories and I am a song yeah that's why I moved over to Nashville a few years ago is that where you live now yeah oh cool yeah that's a great place save that tax money too yeah no kidding and you can you can conceal carry and carry a weapon over there oh you can oh yeah I believe that will work we're really cancer carry a weapon though I mean well heck in half your career somebody always that's that was the funny thing about wrestling somebody always showed up with a web you know it's like Jesus Christ you have no idea you wouldn't believe some of the stories I could tell you about Glenn's yeah man I'm trying to think when I saw my first gun did y'all have guns in the house growing up yeah for my dad was an avid Hunter he was yeah I grew up Minnesota so we pheasant duck stuff like that oh yeah dude you got not big game but shotguns yeah and then I uh I collected guns for years I had a a guy that was a policeman in Asheville North Carolina I will mention his name in the 70s that you know how these you know these the guns that they recover and raids and all that [ __ ] right and he would love to walk in the room pick out what I wanted people might be people I would just pay ridiculously low amount of money like um is an example they used to have the state troopers used to carry that nickel plated at 357 I mean yeah unbelievable they can't find those guns anymore yeah yeah the only the only gun I don't have I I should have got it but I didn't um is I was going to buy a replica of the Loan Survivor The Lone Ranger no the Lone Survivor the rifle oh I've never even seen it I don't think oh yeah the one that that Bradley Cooper Kerry remember yeah oh yeah who is it who played Lone Survivor Wahlberg or Cooper yeah yeah they have right here in Tampa I shot recently I shot um I was in Nashville like shows at Kid Rock's house have you ever met kids I know real well yeah dude yeah and John they went off with all five of the bars now yeah yeah I'm trying to get the kid to carry the drink he won't carry it for you I haven't asked him yet I know him real well yeah his place is too much huh oh man his place is unreal that he's got like he built like a new it's almost like um the capital of the south in a way or something of the White House yeah yeah yeah you roll up there you're like this is unreal in a big arena I I thought it was a little bit like a warehouse yeah he's got a good iron uh Production Studio in there all his collecting cars and I mean two bars a church yeah 600 acres of prime land oh yeah he said he can get married and divorced right there legally on his property yeah I said I think the bar probably helps you get divorced I said I think that'll lead to it yeah yeah he's not touring right now he said I'm gonna let the young kids or help Inspire them and help them yeah Rick thanks for for hanging out man thank you for having me man I spent so much of my childhood watching you man and thank you thank you you know it was uh some people watched WWF right yeah and that was fine that was easy yeah but I when I was a kid if you stayed up and if you watched NWA right that's who knew about like those that's when you could tell if people were rich or not yeah that's what I felt like like poor kids always knew about all the NWA guys yeah where are you from I'm from uh Covington Louisiana okay so just like a small town outside of New Orleans Mid-South yeah dude Terry Funk just um oh just God there was so much awesome wrestling back then jyd oh dude yeah what was he like in person good guy yeah yeah you had way too early but that was the rock and roll Express for their Midnight Express Bill Watts yeah you know a lot of we've lost a lot of them unfortunately Devon Eric's oh all gone except for Kevin and that's that I mean yeah that whole family just tragedy three suicides I think in the family did you go to any of those funerals what about the funerals over the years have they I went to three of them um well let's see the oldest son you know got electrocuted that when his dad first started out there in Buffalo New York yeah when he was a kid had a trailer and he was not he never wrestled or anything but he's got electrocuted a little hot wire and a damn uh trailer park and then uh Carey David you know I had some kind of a obviously illegal substance it was a I can't remember what they're called but it was probably I hope it was cocaine no no it's a muscle relaxer oh he choked to death he couldn't regurgitate they call him um Somas Somas dude oh yeah yeah I took him he loaded up on Somas and he got sick after eating Korean barbecue and all that which we all do in Japan and uh he died right there in his own room same thing happened to Miss Elizabeth really yeah she couldn't regurgitate because she was taking it was almost like that I've never understood that but that that high from the song there's nothing that I want to entertain ever yeah a buddy of mine gave me two Somas once and I and I was he wanted me to drive us somewhere yeah so he was not as he's not the smartest guy and I drove us in onto a street that didn't even exist right when it did I'm sure I've never tried one but man I've I Hope they've been I can name of three or four guys that have died you know because they just can't regurgitate and wake up in the middle of the night and that the soulmates relax your muscles are bad you can't yeah yeah I mean it's ten times impact about Valium yeah man some of those medicines are just too powerful yeah did um did you go to some funerals of the year what was what was like a wild funeral what was one that really hit you man was there I mean obviously funerals are just heartbreaking oh probably the hardest for me um in the last five years but well first of all dusty religious Dusty and Piper were really difficult yeah and then Harley Race that was really difficult but um yeah Dustin just a shot I mean it must have been heartbreaking the WWE they they the funeral for Dusty with his with his will handles I think we're seeing they had it here in Tampa obviously and uh there were probably 2 000 people trying to get in but the WWE had full security and um the boys spoke so elegantly of their dad um Cody was wrestling now but they both wrestle but I called you with WWE was telling a story and he you know I he didn't neither one broke down real bad I'll break down what I think about it but he said he asked his mom one time he said how come it's only just pictures of dad in the house and no other wrestlers and his mother replied why would you have a picture of any other wrestler when you're married to Elvis um well he was was he a good husband what kind of guy was he great guy wow he was so lovable most innovative you know one of the most Innovative right there type we're tied withins and Innovative with ideas and creativity and he was so fun to like there's wrestlers that are entertaining to watch because of their physical Acumen there's wrestlers that are entertaining to watch because of the moves they do yeah Dusty had that like I loved when he would go against the ropes and kind of put on this like like almost feminine Wilds kind of thing you know and like he was just a con um you know I wrestle him probably a thousand hour Broadway we could wrestle for an hour wow yeah don't let his weight it wasn't it was deceiving is to the fact that he could he he was in good condition it's hard to wrestle an hour yeah oh yeah dude oh I can't even make love for 11 minutes yeah to be honest with you so so yeah you put me against another man I can't do an hour bro you know no matter what city we're in I better keep you overnight in Tampa Tonight brother I get some people who can help you out with that I don't know what about me he said hey we both started at the same time I can't help it if you can't keep up that doesn't fly with the chicks these days no these days yeah all these chicks want to you know everybody wants to get off and it's just too much man I missed the old days when a woman was as happy you showed up foreign I can't yeah man well I always had to take you know I always had so I was always so nervous I've always been nervous kind of nervous my whole life and I've always had to get those gas station pills those wiener pills you know and a lot of the series they came out with they never even tested I don't think on humans or whatever I think a lot of them were animal tested yeah which I respect but it's a little different you know three blocks from here at the age illumination clinic right I get four shots a week though really I think if I have to be there they shoot you up oh yeah oh wow it's amazing what you can do to yourself these days if you got the money make sure they shoot you right in your weiner yeah right there it takes 25 years office yeah cause look I would get these I'd get the gas station pills and then make my legs Sweat Right so I could have heck but I could barely stay on the bed that was the problem I mean it would be like the lady like she like did you get off I'm like no but I think my thighs did I mean I would they make your legs sweat so bad some of them they made them in India yeah and uh I mean those shook my nervous system but um yeah I've always needed the pills man I think I used to I used a lot of steroids when I was young and I don't know if that had enough I don't know who know who knows you know it could be that I'm in my head a lot but um yeah [ __ ] I've always interviewed too and I have to admit in my youth oh yeah dude I took them dude I once I'll tell you and small testicles you get small yeah nobody explains the downside oh man you could spend four minutes looking for one of your nuts exactly we got the medicine over here to make them grow back it's called ACG how big do they get uh I don't know everybody everybody's got a different opinion oh I remember when I got so small one well I think when I was a senior in high school like trying to find the last two pieces in a pillow case man it was it was uh it got pretty bad there yeah I remember we used to use test 200 I think was what we used or something doing it on the ground test yeah God that [ __ ] was fun yeah my God I would [ __ ] choke out my own stepmother yeah and I don't even have one you know I never I never experienced that and I don't never gave me I guess I didn't take enough of it but I didn't have that what they call road rage I mean I the things that upset me over the years but it wasn't as a result of being a steroids you know yeah but I think you had enough you had enough energy in you yeah I've always been eyeing it yeah what a blessing huh yeah people have always assumed that I snorted cocaine and all that the only jug I've ever taken um but it was prescriptions and Xanax really no cocaine uh I just smoke weed when I'm young you're not smoking now that I'm involved in a world of cannabis but um I think that's one of the reasons I'm still here because that that the up and down of cocaine and then the guys would take the uppers in the morning or not just our guys but athletes period yeah it's a game when you're competing stay up and then go down stay up especially you know when you're International when you're traveling internationally you know like going to Japan twice a month or going to Australia twice a month like I was doing it in the 80s it was crazy yeah yeah and once you get used this is the tough thing about use in performance and answers I think once you get used to getting something to help you get up or to get down it's hard not to want to use it again yeah and then you need the opposite of it yeah so that's where it gets really tricky well when I almost died in 17. I mean I literally you know do you know the story I mean I know a lot of surgery almost died so which one are we talking about though 2017 okay my intestine oh when you had the uh some when you had the test and rupture right of a septic respiratory heart failure total kidney failure pneumonia Centric being the worst part right they had it and I was in a coma for 13 days so um when all that and of course I had a stoma the bag had that for a year but at the end of the day when I finally realized and I had no memory for six months going backwards forward from the time I woke up of course I recognized everybody but I couldn't remember anything I didn't remember going to the hospital wow um so but when I finally started taking a toll of myself like I thought [ __ ] I am really a [ __ ] I'm a nightmare to cosmetic [ __ ] nightmare I look like [ __ ] my my and I um so what do you mean a cosmetic nightmare I mean I've got a scar from here to here uh I lost 41 pounds I was stoma I'll show you some pictures later on it was bad so that changed everything yeah and my testosterone column you know something I always took pride in right and we all do we get it done it's good blood work is a necessity of life my testosterone column was 12. that can kill you alone but doctors don't want to play the word testosterone is like nor like you know doctors wanted I mean you can there are ways to find out the levels that you should be at but I was down to 12. wow so I called the doctors will be that's that's too old but I don't want to prescribe it 12 what it's 12 12 sounds like yeah it's supposed to be 400 of my age yeah 12 left dude yeah I came into the Thousand now oh okay but I have to run by the gas station every week the 400 my age don't work I hate the Thousand I gotta have open check oh yeah brother this is a thousand to a high for you nope perfect yeah so you were out of commitment what was it like to be in a comment I always wanted to be in a coma I just dreamed I just dreamed and now you wake up my I like I dropped my daughter I got married and I went back and all of my stuff in wrestling it's funny I got so high with Mike one night Mike Tyson is that ever talk about Mike Tyson yeah so high we're Partners in the Cannabis business got so high with Mike one night at The Hamptons that I went to call the um a cannabis coma right I mean I actually thought I died I said I said to myself and they they brought me back to my room and I lived there and I thought I mean I wasn't aware of anything I kept asking people to touch you know like you do when you think it better hurt and people were squeezing my hand but I'd be talking to him and they wouldn't talk back to me and I was like you know on the delay process right yeah and I said to myself did I die if I just died because I feel like I did when I was in my coma but I can think I don't think I could think when I was in my colon I mean that's the way I was talking to myself wow so and all of a sudden I mean everything possible work like the room finally at three o'clock in the morning I kind of sat up like Linda Blair went I'm alive I'm back yeah I called someone on the phone and say is this really you okay that was just a television that was a television timeout oh my God that's all that was oh I said I take my clothes off at the dining room table or anything but let me know what I've done wrong all I could think of what I possibly could have done wrong yeah oh yeah man I remember I remember just being too I'll just yeah there's something about that level of weed now it gets you too high oh well I just haven't done enough on my my practice up every time I knew I'm going to see Mike yeah you got to work your way up to it yeah I'm about a three or four hit guys I just said I'm gonna smoke as much as you right now brother dude that weed comes off the top bro oh man yeah that's it make it highlight dude I remember getting so high one night I was trying to sneak up on a mirror for like probably two hours that's good and I'll tell you this dude I got pretty [ __ ] close man sneaking up on the mirror oh I think if it had been a leap year I could have done it I should have brought some Ric Flair drip for you man oh I'll get some okay I'll get some I'm glad I got this man you brought me this okay I mean this alone is pretty epic yeah you know it's great you are an energy you are you are like an original human energy drink so I am yeah so to have one yeah makes perfect sense have you been in an accident have you been damaged up check your body is something broken is something missing that's the you're like whoa jeepers no wonder I'm late to work I don't have a limb well Morgan and Morgan is America's largest injury Law Firm if someone has done you wrong well what are you gonna do being fair is very important to me Morgan and Morgan they have over 100 offices Nationwide and more than 800 lawyers with over 15 billion dollars recovered for clients Morgan and Morgan has a 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and it kind of scared me you know if you're struggling if there's something that's off it's I mean we're humans we have a voice and we need to use that and we need to get feedback from someone who knows what they're talking about Better Health can help set you up with a licensed professional that's right it's entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and you can switch therapists at any time there's no charge and I want to iterate that if if you are going to a therapist and it's super comfortable and easy but nothing's changing then that might not be the best scenario you can always try a new one here or there you can go back to the first one if you want visit betterhelp.com t-h-e-o today to get 10 off your first month that's right that's better h-e-l-p.com slash Theo this episode is sponsored by betterhelp you know one thing Rick that I noticed that you did that you always did really exceptionally which kept me super entertained was your ability to play defense actively right like even if you were being the victim in the fight yeah you were always like asking for Mercy there was always if you got hit you always win over your own legs yeah it was like it was as much fun to watch you like being defeated as it was to watch you winning and for some reason sometimes it was almost I'm better getting beat you were good at it you were really good at it weren't you and then I just lie the next day on TV and if you don't forget about it that didn't happen to me when you were begging nobody did it like yeah it was it was just there was especially with the hair red oh blood flying everywhere but there was something about it that because a lot of guys they would just be getting beat in that moment yeah but you were always actively demanding the attention sometimes I wouldn't even know who was hitting you because I was watching you and that's really interesting a lot of times you're watching the beater you know yeah I could take an ass kicking I was really good at that how did that energy start you think I just have I've had it my whole life brother I was add before add was about oh yeah I'm still looking out the window in fourth grading Richard we have your attention please uh social studies one-on-one I spent 13 years in high school let me tell you I still haven't passed English or Latin there's only four years of it now I was there five I mean I didn't go to 12th grade I went to 13th grade foreign did you go to prom do you remember going did you go to high school prom oh yeah yeah who was it yeah uh well here's the funny thing I I this is a great story I've never told us before so I hitchhiked my parents from Minneapolis I'm very conservative I wasn't private school in Wisconsin I got in trouble it was either private school nothing bad yeah the Hadley Center where'd you go what was it called I went to Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam Prep School very expensive with either that or a reform school because I got in some trouble um trying to buy liquor underage nothing serious but it was enough to get me in trouble and then riding my scooter around Lake Calhoun so I got there so I made all these friends and you know there's no cell phones back in the 60s and all that so now I have a whole new group of friends and they're all from wealthy families and they go to everybody's going to spring break I said what's spring break I said we're all going to Florida so I went home and I said to my mom and dad a second I go visit my friend Bruce in Chicago and they said yeah they gave me 200 bucks and took me the train station and they drove off when I walked all the train station and hitchhiked all the way to Fort Lauderdale wow it was the greatest I did have two years in a row so you go right up to the interstate and put your thumb brother I'm telling you out I mean I'm walking through making Coney land man I mean that was some strange [ __ ] for a guy from Minneapolis walking through making Georgia brother yeah the hell is looking different than Minneapolis so anyway then I got picked up by these college girls I went right in so my first night there I'm in I'm in Arby's right and with my friend in this chick was working on Arby's and she goes um Wisconsin leather jacket on a no shirt and I didn't like trying to be cool and uh she goes where'd you go to school I said the University of Wisconsin she said cool she said you want to go have drinks afterwards I said what time you get off she said 10 o'clock and so I ended up staying with her and her mom wow on top of her but my mom on top of which one both but I invited the one I got invited the one to uh uh what was their 10 days I mean dude in 10 days you got to meet the whole family right exactly um but I ended up inviting her to to prom you know but not even thinking and so I get a letter from her at school and she said um my mom is flying me to Madison are you going to pick me up particularly the prom and I had a girlfriend in high school oh boy that was bad so I did another question and I made a mistake so Gwen Worthen was her name oh like when where are you now when were the forgive me and so she did she she didn't fly in then you told your girlfriend you couldn't take her yeah yeah all right so was it strange because I I I similarly brought a girl to I didn't really have like that kind of relationship in high school right because they gave us what what they called Saturday night but this is a great [ __ ] they gave us what's called soulish right so what is it called 10 minutes to go hide behind a tree who did the parents no the school did oh really they have dances and all that right at 10 o'clock you got 10 minutes ago I'd be in the tree and then back with a cool at school back to the dormitories the dormitories weren't cold right but we all had binoculars and [ __ ] you know in telescope looking at the chicken you get a lot of intake he had the Intel the hell so uh so they gave you 10 minutes after the prom and after the dancing after after every Saturday night they called them soj okay you guys are gonna have 10 minutes right I mean come on yeah but you could try I know I did just as I got that first hook I called young with the whistle whoa whoa it's like a military drill Everybody Run you have 10 seconds to return it over all right well turn the goddamn dogs loose I just wear a big sweater nobody will know God that was fun so you had it you weren't you were unsuccessful with uh staying committed in a relationship from the beginning oh yeah I've had problems with that with relationships I've been married four times wow but that a lot of that is in respect to my travel God you know you you being a fan you probably didn't realize I wrestled an average of 400 days a year 400 times yeah because twice on Saturday twice on Sunday for 10 years Michael how can you wrestle foreign you graduated but there's only 365 days right I said I know but I wrestled twice on Saturday twice on Sunday man I did that for 10 years you cannot I'm never home how do you how do you stay married some women just can't live like that and I don't blame them yeah of course not yeah my first wife just said this is cool and I have two kids by her we get along with this day we never had an argument she just said this is not what I signed up for yeah I said I'll buy you a bigger house because I don't care I don't I've been spending my life alone because once you get on the road and if you're successful as you know yeah it's fun yeah yeah you know and why go home if you have a day off and you're like in Los Angeles you have one day off are you gonna go all the way back that's right on Carolina or you can stay in L.A you're gonna stay in L.A New York I mean yeah I mean you find your old family how many guys do you feel like had kind of illegitimate children out there and oh I don't know do you think it started to happen I think I'm I'm sure it has happened but I mean that happens and that happens with any traveling people that travel yeah it's gonna happen because I've never experienced that myself but you know some of these girls not in the old days they want to get pregnant oh yeah if you had money they wanted to get pregnant can you guess what hello you know that's why all this stuff is so sophisticated now with DNA and all that that stuff it wasn't around back when I was a your age now but yeah you had to hold the baby up next to the man yeah it's crazy but I know I never experienced that I don't know but I think you know with volume back it that kids can't all fall back on wrestlers because right yeah well yeah yeah well it's happened I mean the football players that travel the basketball play the travel baseball players are never home I mean you have pilots and flight attendants come on they're just yeah I mean they just in the old days that was they were the most fun the flight attendants were the most fun can we have matches we have tickets at the match yesterday yes are you saying that oh okay I'm not supposed to tell you but that they still are some of them but it's just an attitude thing now but some of them now they're hot but then they're they're like men well it's just you know they're just kind of like you think it's a woman and then they turn and when they say you know and they're like I'm a man you know you're like oh dang I have I have an experienced that but I've experienced it work they just don't want to do any more than they have to yeah in the old days I think that they were they were they would go above and beyond above and beyond because but but but normal yeah that makes sense yeah things have changed a lot with that and you know you you just you can't you can't you got to be very careful what you say to a woman and all oh yeah I mean okay you couldn't exist nowadays no me no I'm kidding got it I used to walk around all the flight attendants doing the Sweet and Low joke you know I'll show it to you later on you know what's your difference between sugar and sweet little shoulder later on no you couldn't know you could never do that with a planet then and now good Lord but did women get offended back then by it or they kind of liked flirting or well are you kidding yeah you I mean but but you know now it's like any kind of travel today I I mean I dread that's why I fly private a lot if I if I can if I if it's within if it's practical yeah I understood um because people in general they put computers on put earplugs on you got no one to talk to people don't drink and the old days people would drink on the plane Oh yeah talk to each other and walk around and now everything is such a stringent I mean everything is a rule yes you know remember the old we used to sit in the old cabinets on the higher end the 747s tell stories laugh and they're big trays of food I mean that all that stuff on on our domestic Airlines has gone yeah now the foreign Airlines still let that stuff go on oh yeah we've shut down everything Singapore Airlines you would never get off the plane yeah you can get a massage yeah everything they had somebody come on polish my feet on there did they yeah I never had I don't even know they needed polish anything you want they'll do it all dude yeah they'll [ __ ] cut your I mean they'll cut the hair on the back of your legs but on ongoing uh Dom Perignon I mean they just they never stop serving you yeah it's great but domestically we've just gotten so conservative and this is different everything is a rule that's a great statement everything's a rule now it's like don't attack the pilots don't smoke in the bathroom well I understand that but I mean it's just you know I understand the pilot thing but it's like you know if you're I'll give you an example so I fly I've got like I've got four million miles with uh Delta and I had to when you add up all my mileage over the years uh if 70 million I'm sure no I probably had 15 million miles between Northwest and which went bankrupt Eastern went bankrupt U.S error well I mean they've all you know have gone upside down American United well they're they're still going and Delta of course is my favorite choice I like Delta too yeah but um we used to be able to socialize and all that now you know when the cap like when the thing goes on and they go here's what makes me mad and I'm sure you felt it you know when the captain goes okay ladies and gentlemen we're getting ready to approach that means you're right at ten thousand feet I know this for a fact you're still 45 to 50 minutes from touching down to play in his assembly man grab a cup of coffee no we have uh we've closed the galley yeah man the flight We're Not Gonna land for 50 minutes oh that's I'm sorry I think Well ma'am I said um can I have a built beer she said don't we close it up I said is that your rule or the flight Rule I said are you I mean I've had women like a girl go are you harassing me I said no I've seen it for a beer excuse me you know or they'll go oh yeah please Mr Floor what would you like yeah you can have a picture can we do a sign something for my son it's a or b yeah and someone and I would say it's like 80 or 60 40 good but the 40 can just you know and then and then like I had that surgery right that bag and broke a couple times yeah it smells bad right I had to stay in three hours in the bathroom the woman's knocking what are you doing oh oh you really don't want me to know but don't knock on the door again I mean that you can't yeah it's horrible wow because it's a year it's SOB yeah that's your intestine it's so it's attached to intestine so it's dookie yeah yeah it's terrible it it's terrible damn yeah I would not wish that anybody ever yeah I mean I've stepped in [ __ ] before and that's yeah that's if I was bringing my own [ __ ] outside of me oh my God I would be bummed out my wife actually had to learn how to clean it why why we hired full-time help right yeah it got me where like on the weekend and then like a weekend warrior it's like like being in a rest home the regular staff has gone and the people working on the weekends I don't want to be there anyway they're second string third straight yeah you're talking so then she finally went August and learn how to do it herself but it's nasty man yeah and and you have to re-watch what you eat because different things trigger it that makes sense was it kind of cool to eat some things and see them come out in the bag I know the bank wasn't clear no it wasn't that they didn't make clear bags damn you got to get that clear one huh I'm saying that'd be crazy I'm laughing right now it wasn't funny then oh yeah no it's crazy my sister was born with a rare liver disease and uh so she needed a transplant her whole lives when we were kids and so she had to have a bag a lot and so there was always um we were always dealing with bile or some type of thing around the house you know it's terrible I I feel a lot of I feel bad at making light of it but no we're joking no I was just saying some of the the things that you go through with that condition it's and it takes really patient of people does that make sense oh yeah that really care for you that to be around you who nurses that's one thing I would love to marry a nurse I think one day because this the the ability to have that job is really a god-game gift I think let me tell you this I I had right after this right um I had to have four heart surgeries in uh seven weeks okay but by the time by the second two they were walking me in in the same room and the same nurses and the girl brought it up what do you call those things that a player would she would play my space yeah and she goes she she goes to me I swear to God you couldn't make it up right so they're eight dollars government and she put a washcloth on top of my uh groin and she said I won't like but she space not looking like this I hope she meant the other nurses these days you don't know who's trying to leave oh my god wow or take a picture social media Ric flurry and all that [ __ ] yeah look at this little dealing foreign you guys sign the release and they couldn't make water release they all started laughing I go I go she goes we don't do that here I said ma'am I'm just kidding let us we don't cyber leaves I'm just kidding please dude oh yeah good penis yeah some people might as well so yeah girls girls use that word more than guys do now it's different it is oh girls will send messages girls will be like come and [ __ ] me you creep yeah I'm like Jesus well all right I haven't got one of those lately number what uh what state had the best women do you think Florida here or uh because Florida has a lot of criminals built into it there's something about that pirate because remember Pirates started this place there's Spanish people can dance they can hide treasure yeah it's it's a great place to live but you know the difference between Miami and Tampa like night and day yeah um Tampa just this is great but Texas beautiful women there oh yeah there's beautiful women everywhere but you it just seems like they're an abundance of them Tampa the government plenty of all the colleges here you know got Tampa University then you have South Florida Hooters UCF Where She Went I mean and then you've got Florida Florida State I mean there's a bar over here called amso that during the football season when the alumni and its Insanity what's it called American Social okay am so yeah and they that's over here on the water you know with the odds outside and everything and it I would say it's probably um probably 14 or 15 000 square feet it's big yeah and they can house it but man for the they have like 30 TVs for these college games and that if you're ever in town it's a Vibe huh it's a Vibe and a half and there are women everywhere God God I wish I was 35 just one day what would you do you think Oh I thought about that a lot I don't know man but just give me an idea 35 on a Saturday in in American Social a lot I could do a lot of damage 30 even more that five years who did you guys after the matches did was there like group shot how did it all was there like a big group shower oh it was a big group shower like for that like did you guys was it like a football team that after the after the night everybody was it like a big no the guy's shower I mean to get their matches are gone yeah yeah and when you guys used to drive I mean one thing that's always fascinating about wrestlers I'm friends with The Miz right he's a wrestler oh yeah and he's a great kid he is a great guy how do you know him he's a great guy we've known each other for almost 15 years now oh he's a great kid yeah he's a guy that really cares for the businessman and they [ __ ] on him when he started they gave him a tough time they gave him a tough time that's a [ __ ] and that you know that that's the guy is a bully I got no time for that but yeah he's a wonderful kid yeah and he's made the most of it and I I'll go and tell you the truth whatever they hand him he goes he doesn't complain if he does I'm not aware of it and so damn respectful he's a great kid yeah yeah I met him years ago with his Dad he was always a hard worker yeah and just extremely cares that he always had that energy that was uh he always had this Charisma that was a little bit beyond him as a person he's a Cleveland guy yeah Ziggler oh his Dolph yeah he had a dolphin comedian too you know right yeah I know that he's I know that he's done some comedy and I communicate sometimes on social media yeah but um he's a great kid The Miz and I've been friends for a long time and uh I've always admired his ability to roll with the punches yeah what was it like whenever you did they did your storyline ever get like where you were like I know you had the like those [ __ ] off years where you didn't love it and um yeah worse it must have been hard huh well I was like you know he ought to say it out of mind it didn't work he kept trying to lose me like what do you mean out of sight out of mind I mean if he thought if he could take real TV and bury me that that he forgot he forgot where I'd been for 20 years or 25 years before I met him yeah yeah you don't lose 25 years of being a man and then all of a sudden have some [ __ ] try and put you in the back of the pack yeah yeah I don't even think you couldn't either you know he beat my brains out though that that was a big self-confidence a big time a big time loss of self-confidence period in my life yeah yeah I guess you don't have as much control over how not relevant you stay but how much visual how much attention they give you I mean it's kind of interesting the way you guys business is set up right it's like you're the performer you're the athlete you're the competitor but then there's also this business side that kind of gets to politics right was it like that early on did it change it wasn't like that early on when I got into business you were either good they were bad men if you were bad and they don't like it they beat you up really right beats you up right in the ring if they could yeah yeah now it's so political it's off Jesus it's a business more yeah usually when I when when when you enjoyed it the most when I enjoyed it the most is when you were there because you were that much better than the next guy or the woman with it now it's you can be better than anybody but it's all it's it's it it's sad but you either accept it or you don't be part of it I'd rather be part of it and accept it and I don't talk about it and I'm not talking about any individuals I'm just addressing the reality of our business now I mean yeah it's it's very political yeah where football and all that it's political but you're not going to put Aaron Rodgers down you're not going to put down XYZ you guy guy well just whatever I'm using you there in this example yeah because he says something smart yeah you're gonna play to win right and if somebody says something smart it's almost with you guys it's it almost would behoove them to use that as the well yeah but they have these writers that come in that I've never wrestled writers are unreal I mean they they come and they go a turnover and how do you ever get to learn the business if it took me if it took me 12 years let's say I I started in 72. I didn't figure this [ __ ] out really till 83. so how long is that 10 years nine years yeah yeah it took me nine years to figure it out and every time I thought I had an I had it something else popped up yeah but then I once I got it I didn't let it go but then people want to take it from me always too old about it it's not ready it doesn't look the same but uh 80s heels don't drive hurt at all yeah and here I'm sitting here with here sitting here with you today and where are they yeah I don't know they're driving between towns yeah what was it like when you guys would hit the road was that a lot of fun did you guys enjoy thousand miles a week man minimum yeah it was fun and it was mostly the southeast you guys were in huh well I was in Charlotte I'm probably the only wrestler alive uh even Hulk had to move out of Florida he moved to Stanford a while he's doing that but Hulk and I are probably only two guys that during that during the course of our career in our Heyday that uh never left home I never left Charlotte they wanted me to go to Atlanta they wanted me to go the Florida I mean I wish I had come down here only because of the day state tax issue tax savings yeah but once I found it when I was there it was when I got to Charlotte with me and Richard Petty the highest building was 10 stories Brown Bay I mean I've seen that Tom grow and why would I leave that to come anywhere right yeah especially if it's your home yeah if it's a city you feel like that's your home well I moved there when I was 23 and I grew with the city yeah did all your wives you met them all in Charlotte yeah wow no um my first wife I met Minneapolis she's from Minneapolis oh yeah she lived in Charlotte now because of my grandchildren yeah never had a crossword just great story so we used to stay at the Raleigh Hilton and there was a bar called the Hilton underground right so this guy walked towards me and says goddamn I was talking about 10 girls that was packed because I used to always say on TV but I used to go wherever whatever hotel we were going to be in there say 18 to 28 no boyfriends no husbands yeah comes through the Nature Boy or what'd your wife think of that well same thing you'd love about me not one of my wedding rings why are you wear a wedding as a guy that's not my gimmick honey please why why are you tell him what we were saying I said they give us a deal on the hotel room what do you think I mean do you have to think anybody showed it up boring I'm going to put into place is packed the guy goes to me get a guy get lasers I look at that guy get laid but you can get I'll get you later on here no staircase let me buy you a drink he was my wife's private eye I can call him right now she run the Speedway Club in Charlotte though oh hello they're laying a little joke girl they want to ride with you it's like be my El Dorado man you're so dude you like hooking your buddies up yeah yeah it was hard getting back to Tokyo was impossible to get laid but really yeah so in Tokyo it was hard to get him it was hard to get a little person laid Yeah but uh hang uh Cowboy Lang had a pretty good hang on them so I could sell that for the game yeah yeah odd boy I'd hate I mean it'd be so hard I mean that would be just you know that's like a damn kettlebell something like that I mean if you even have half a pound of of wiener on them on a little person that's [ __ ] yeah it looks a lot bigger and it's passive if you put the right makeup on the sides of it dude because I'll put makeup on mine I'm making a look you know you wanted the light hit it the right way lighting's everything when was the first time you got laid you remember it uh 15 wow yeah it was um 14 I mean 14 or 15. I was I had just got my WSI and I was a what is a WSI water safety instructor for a lifeguard about uh I got I got my lifeguarding thing I must put anything hey I think I just turned 15. so um I got my WSS I could be a lifeguard at the my parents lived in the Colony Apartments while they're waiting for a new home to reveal for two years so I this summertime job I clean the pool lifeguard good swimming instructions talk to the mothers yeah yeah God boy The Traveler the little the lonely mothers or their husbands on the road like to be a little Nature Boy foreign I want to let you know that uh gray block Pizza you know they uh were the first sponsor of this podcast and um the owner moved on he he he folded up his Doe and uh and he moved to Oregon and he started a business called blue cube baths and they are ice plunges they are cold plunges and man they just put you God they just put you right back into the cradle of civilization baby they make you feel alive son that make up oh don't make a dang Eagle land on your tongue just the virility you feel being in there they're really really wonderful blue cube baths.com you can check them out I was very fortunate to receive one as a gift from them and I just can't recommend them enough and I just wanted to let you know how they associate uh to the podcast and if you're interested in in an ice bath or in a cold plunge blue cube baths is where to go you know it was a fun job so you met a lady there flight attendants I met oh got a flight attendants there was everything Jesus to this day I'm not a beta because like I I was I was seeing this girl that was a flight attendant for Northwest Airlines who was dating the head of the bed out the beta house at the University of Minnesota so when they rushed me at like five years later the guy never he never got over it yeah he was jealous I guess I was 15 and she was what 23. yeah dang that's a win brother I used to be sitting there I'd talk to her mom and dad in the apartment and she would say Rick come to the door I want to come up to the stairways I can show you something and she I'd walk over to the store and she would stand in her completely naked in high heels wow going like this oh yeah yeah okay my God boy and tits was just so nice back then weren't they everything my god I've never seen it like that in my entire life even in the magazines it looks different yeah nothing like a real tit yeah you're an adult woman my God I blew Coral or a car which took me 10 hours you what I blew Coral to her car which is that old-fashion deal or it's 10 hours sweating like a snow [ __ ] 120 degrees that's how much I like that stuff she had a 442 and that's the first one we ever made love to yeah no no no with the person I made love to was I didn't know how to make love oh yeah yeah I was like you know who knows but the the the the validity of the of the fact is I I could recover in six seconds so wow okay let me just okay I'm ready wow really oh my God like a human score gun I never had that I would get I would get counted out of the ring all the time yeah I mean I would get yeah God and there's nothing sadder I'll tell you this from somebody you don't have this experience but I'll tell you there's nothing sadder when a girl's like you want to go again you're like I want to yeah but we're not yeah and then you have to sit there and do something or you gotta [ __ ] go get a lemonade or something yeah I haven't experienced that but I haven't yeah I have but in that situation I just go like I'm tired the worst part is I never say I can't I never in that free you never tell a woman the truth no Jesus then you start telling her the truth then you got to be honest with yourself and that's hard to do with women oh [ __ ] they can put the hottest light on me and ask me a thousand times and and I and I am guilty of doing it but there's still a little admit it wow I told the judge five times judge I did not do that we have to we have you on film that's not me it looks just like you why it's not me the fifth man I'm gonna remember that um boy you're in trouble yeah holy cow but living with women women like that game they wanted they wanted they want you to they want to be they want to be as clever as we are but they're not so women like the game huh you gotta remember that oh sure they do yeah that's a lot I'm gonna tell you something right now women love Cowboys ladies love outlaws like little baby in love with stray dogs you know that yeah yeah for every good woman there's two Outlaws for every Outlaws is 20 women yeah even if there's your blanks they make the noise hey oh man yeah that's crazy God yeah dude there's been some times on the road it's like yeah there's sometimes you like there I think there could be a woman that could come up to me right now and be like do you remember this and I'm like I have no idea about that yeah first of all a lot of them don't look the same I just I have no idea we're talking about to be with me in 1982 I said whoo you know why I mean Hello someone move her out of line she's blocking traffic here she's claiming she knows it's impossible boy we I think I've got a cold have you had some ladies that came back hell yeah my God that happens at least once a month differences around the country remember me no and now how old are they uh well I'm 74. some are oh my God and I probably everybody your age is dead and some of these chicks might as well there's no way that you and I now and the Mariana Westshore not a chance dude mistaken identity you got the wrong guy my name is Fred Phillips not Ric Flair did you watch my biography was it you worked I know you worked on the road who do you who was fun to travel with on the road like when you guys were just in the car cruise and who was it oh me aren't Italian Berry is the best yeah yeah oh JJ yeah and that was during Four Horsemen days the best wow man we've how much fun must that have been you got and we all ride in the same car yeah yeah what kind of car would you get um we're all driving Cadillacs and I bought then all of a sudden the Mercedes thing hit and I bought but that started by a Mercedes I never changed I bought a world of voice one time but it it just it ain't worth it yeah because there was a big deal and you can't park it near anything because you're afraid it's going to get dinged up yeah that's what I never liked I rode with a friend one time who was rich and and I'm like dude we got to park seven miles away because you don't want to get the doors down yeah um yeah you guys would hit the road huh oh yeah every well we well there's no later on we traveled via private jet our company bought a falcon 10 which was great but in our younger days we traveled uh yeah but we we we later travel during the day you're never gonna go why go why drive it when I was young we drove at night but as we started to realize that we were at a level of popularity why not spend the night and going out and enjoy the local you know whatever food whatever establishment ladies or flavor yeah yeah and then travel the next day but then when we got the jet that's when we [ __ ] we like Vegas worked Seattle back to Vegas all night yeah Portland back to Vegas on all night La back to Vegas out all night San Diego back to Vegas all night it's called the Great American match on tour Albuquerque back to Vegas right yeah Vegas Vegas and then Frisco in L.A and then we hit Kansas City anyway home man I mean I was running a weeder product you know a lot of guys were blowing up which which is not uncommon I just doing coke yeah the only reason I didn't in my dad was a doctor and he just said don't do it on day one man he said you're gonna this guy can see this happening in your business I don't know anything about it but you know it happens not not just to you guys but because it was wear and tear and travel oh yeah it's almost a necessity yeah but I avoided that but oh man I tell you I've I've had 17 nervous breakdowns no [ __ ] I was just so exhausted and one night I I wrestled for an hour in Orlando or in the old Eddie Graham Sports Arena which is a tin building 104 degrees and I wrestled Butchery when my heart was like racing like hell song I called my dad on a pay phone and he was in Minneapolis I said dad my heart's racing he said what was the last time you went to bed and I said I don't know I thought to myself I didn't want to answer because I said well I went to bed last night at what time so that I never went to bed right and then so I had to go I had to go to um Tokyo the next day and I got in a plane going God I can't do this so I drank all the way to Narita drank 14 hours my baby slept two hours but I woke up kept drinking right this is like 83 or 84. Landon Narita back then we had the paper ticket and I said I just can't do this and I could hear Bob's wife flare son you know I walked over to the guy I said when's the next flight back in the United States he said we got one for Seattle leaving in 20 minutes I said that when back they didn't have that deal but the bags took the paper ticket we'll be back I flew up from Narita to Seattle Seattle to Chicago Chicago to Charlotte and to make a long story short I sat down next to this guy I sat down where sat down next to this guy on the plane going back and Rita to Seattle and they go do you mind if I talk to you he said no why I said I'm having a nervous breakdown I need someone to talk to him and he he said really I said yep I'm having a nursery account and um so we talked all the way to say I'll drink all the way to Seattle and then I slept to Chicago and I walked and got another plane I landed in Charlotte and the firm order was there Jimmy Crockett he said you got to go back you're advertised we got back on the plane never even left the airport went all the way back to Tokyo oh my God drinking again I mean that I would I was having a full-fledged nose breakdown he got there and went to the arena wrestled an hour and I broke the sweat and holding it just started over again but the guy from Seattle we changed addresses right he sent me a Christmas card for 10 years he said I didn't know how famous it were really enjoyed talking to you man you're an interesting guy isn't that crazy I didn't know how famous you were when I made really enjoyed talking I hope you're feeling better that's a whole pledge breakdown man God what did it feel like when you're having a nervous breakdown like what like what do you kind of go through I had one a few years ago oh you just you lose control of me you just like you you'll be looking for someone to talk to it's strange it's hard to walk up to someone and say hey I think I'm having another breakdown most people want to run away don't forget to call the cops he's a wacko yeah call God no I waited in the plane took off before I sent it to him yeah I don't want him calling him you're like hey remind me when we take off I got something to do yeah and nowadays you can imagine walking up to a plate in it will you talk to me I have another breakdown okay yeah they'll call you racist and they land the plane please and they put you in the suit and take you off the floor oh I got about five of them no kidding yeah it's heavy huh you know agoraphobias where you have to be close to something oh yeah yeah no drama agoraphobia yeah you can't be alone you can't walk outside of your house oh you have that you think annoy at it wow yeah I had it for about six months I couldn't I couldn't get myself to leave and drive to the airport I mean it's horrible what do you think brought it on and when you feel back in it like would it because I was just living a crazy lifestyle do you think you felt bad about anything or do you think you just it was just so much like drinking and partying oh just so much drinking a party and I just I didn't sleep yeah and the one thing I did do which is kind of legendary in our business is regardless of what I did to myself I worked out every day and sometimes I just push myself too hard and that would cause that and then you know having different promoters try to you know you know like when I cut my hair I really lost my mind when I cut my hair Jim heard Spartacus put a hearing on I'm Ric Flair [ __ ] you know there's something you know when I cut my hair and I walked through the Charlotte Airport nobody knew who I was I wanted to absolutely walk in the bathroom and kill myself he used to abnormally walk around or hey Rick yeah combing my hair and all that and I got the surfer Joe Eric I'd just give me a break uh you know I mean Native Americans it was a big thing to them to have their hair they took each other's hair yeah captured one another they would scalp one another I started a trend with it yeah and then they have some for more I mean I still can't believe I gave into them yeah man it's funny because I've cut my hair before and it [ __ ] hurt me oh I can remember the girl name Mary Riley she said are you sure you want to do this I said no I don't want to do it but I almost have to keep my job but man I was I was in shock at that alone was it what was a nervous breakdown how hard was it to be like I could imagine like I don't have any children yet I would like to have some one day you know and that's the greatest reward in the world was it really the greatest reward in the world yes were you surprised that it was so rewarding did you think did you you know my problem is I it was the greatest thing in the world but I didn't have time to spend with my older ones yeah my younger ones had more time to spend with but the younger ones I mean I they lived in Minneapolis number one um and the NWA did not was not that was AWA so it ended up we didn't even go to Minneapolis Oh so I only got to see them during the summer and when they came for the summer I'm traveling right so I just had them travel with me with some of that fun sometimes yeah when we came to Florida for a week yeah or we went to Portland for a week or had went to Dallas for a week you know but a lot to do here with the kids you know Busch Gardens yeah I've been to Disney World and and uh Universal at least 50 times each one yeah with both four sets of kids with my for the four kids um is it hard like because you're a hero to sew like you're a icon to people you're a hero you're this you know this thing that's larger than life especially in the time when you were like when you were wrestling in your Prime and that was just the prime for like if somebody was a star then there was no way to the the only they were if television and their job labeled them a star they were a star there was no and there were there weren't that many stars right there were some but there weren't a ton yeah but was it like I wonder if if it would be hard as a child right if I'm looking at my father if I would always feel like man how do I love my dad as much as these other people love him does that make any sense yeah yeah I think my my older kids actually because they didn't understand what I was doing I think they were very resentful for a while but it you know it just where is he you know that and all that's all they want all that wants your time and the time is what you don't have yeah in my my line of work because we travel I mean even the kids today are still traveling four days a week oh what's fascinating a lot of people don't know about wrestlers is that they there's all the times they aren't on television they're still wrestling oh yeah different fights out they're still wrestling different men they're leaving they're leaving for a two-week tour of uh England and Italy yeah uh leaving now when next week yeah I just wonder if that built up like what it would be like to and you didn't have a choice so you couldn't wrestle less really right um no I'm kidding I had a chance to make a movie with Orion pictures they wanted me to do a James Bond things I think what I hear was like that's best the guy was a big fan of money he came to The Forum was we're wrestling out there but they offered me 250 Grand wow and I went back and then cracked and said yeah you have to drop the world championship and go for six months but I don't know where you'll be when you get back and I couldn't they have been buffaloed I should have gone and made the movie you think I'm back and I would have got raped sure I would have gave you but you know you know it's completely you don't know and you I think life forced you to make a decision based on what you know not what you think you yeah and be this I mean a lot of guys tried forever to make in Hollywood and three have made it yeah Batista made it John made it and of course Dwayne but but I can tell you I'm in a Roddy Piper spent his whole life but outside of that they live there were just B movies yeah he never got that crack and it's not good to have a talent he just it's not very political too it's so political yeah and now it's a lot of people's you know there's also even nepotism in that business there wasn't there was nepotism in you guys business kind of isn't there or like I guess there's a tradition of name in you guys's business you know because you have like Dusty roads dust and Roads you had the Von eriks you had um there's a lot of people whose children will also flares the flares yeah your daughter is a wrestler yes both your YouTube but your sons wrestled huh well your youngest son wrestled your oldest son didn't wrestle my all of a sudden they did wrestle yeah yeah my younger son's the one who passed away yeah yeah you you have been great yeah but my daughter I have no problem saying this it's the best wrestler period female or male in the business today yeah and she's badass yeah was there ever a thought uh uh did they you guys ever get pitched to do a match against each other no no no yeah what was it like when they had the ladies of wrestling back then because remember that horrible they put those Danes in there sometimes you know and everybody looked like they were like Angry Jazzercise yeah yeah no that it didn't float it was it was a nice Theory and concept but did y'all to travel with those ladies no no you never saw them I saw lady wrestlers in the old days but it's a totally different thing and it and they were badly managed and mistreated as the images were I mean the midgets got paid nothing really that's terrible yeah that's why anything I could do to help them Transportation wise and that or buy them drinks and food or that or get them laid get them a little yeah yeah all right shut up Lane and would he wear a cowboy hat yeah oh yeah Google Cowboy Lane he's famous and was he the tallest I think I think he's only 410 right that's tall enough to [ __ ] huh Geo would you like him take a cowboy yeah he's a little pretty small dang you got nice hair on him huh yeah the guy with Hollywood 4 10 4 11. four foot yeah yeah oh if you show up to [ __ ] at four foot you got to really mean it yeah yeah especially with a five foot nine chick oh wow how do you even I mean I don't even God I would have watched that man yeah like scale of the mountain I'm gonna watch that match dude or at least like hanging up your uh putting the star on the Christmas tree on yeah I have a friend that was with a one-legged [ __ ] and uh Des Moines Iowa one day I said how was that because it was brutal we had a little person in our town and people would always try and get him to like tell him like that people always study new secrets and like magic and [ __ ] people always like do some [ __ ] Magic say [ __ ] like that um who tell me about this say you're on a plane right the plane's full of cocaine right it's going down you don't do cocaine but there's you gotta there's you there's one and it's all wrestlers who's the guy that's got to get in there and [ __ ] the only way to save the plane is somebody's got to do all the cocaine who's the guy that could really [ __ ] party I used to do a lot of cocaine oh the I used to call him John Wesley Hardin you know with John Wesley artist supposedly the fastest Gunslinger of all time I've never seen anybody in my life and and this is a compliment yeah to him as a person a man I've never seen anybody that could run and I'll take Keith Richards all day long then run with Roddy Piper wow the hot rod brother he used to wear that shirt that said we had the best shirt of all time how much Rod can you take I said that's just my gimmick I want that damn shirt all right how much ride can you dig God boy I would want that yeah I'd love dude my God I would love I mean I would turn the eight ball into a two ball in four minutes yeah you have no idea really right I wrote my book He said he's like the Dominican Republic wrestling Jack bonano we had a riot after the billions of the matches oh yeah Jacksonville because over there the wrestling's name listen I'm the first white guy to go to the islands man this was rough no [ __ ] what didn't they like well we did a finish where he had a sleeper what was his finish hole right it's not a little guy right and the referee one dropped my arm right to right and the bell rang right and they thought that he won and the guy went to hand the belt to me I'm laying there like well brought in all that and they thought what the [ __ ] and they hit the ring wow caught ourselves all the way back got back there I'm glad they took in the office they gave me five grand and gave Roddy Pipers platoon full of cocaine it took us over to a whorehouse and dropped us off and drop you off oh he Riley looked like Chevy Chase and uh Trading Places and lying around his mouth but that trading Place does that movie with Chevy Chase Scarface got nothing on all right wow man he ended up doing stand-up comedy at the end of his career yeah he listen the most entertaining guy oh he Demi he's funnier than uh I used when I inducted him an Hall of Fame I said uh who's the guy that was murdered General McCarthy for a while oh uh Jim Carrey yeah Jim Carrey yeah he he funny Jim Carrey wow yeah he was incredibly funny witty yeah what was the gimmick that a lot of gimmicks you know I mean one thing about wrestling is staying creative staying unique especially like um as inner as the wrestlers themselves but also as the producers the people putting it on what was some gimmicks or a gimmick that [ __ ] flopped you were like this is [ __ ] unreal too numerous too many to pick on just one yeah it's here's the deal they it would they have probably have a hundred kids I'm not accurate on this count but between 80 and 100 kids in Orlando right now at NXT right um if I'm looking at what I've seen in the last 10 years which my daughter's involved in that equation in the last 10 years my daughter Sasha Bailey Becky Roman Seth Dean they're all Main eventers and still are yeah that's hard and then once you get on top it's harder to stay on top because you don't know Mrs has been around Miss has been there 20 years yeah believe it or not Randy Orton's been there 22 years he's just 40 years old wow you know what I mean yeah and Randy's still on top Randy's started on top and then on top Cena had 20 years on top it's hard it's important but the percentage of people that come out of there I would say is one percent um it's that hard I went to a big recruiting thing this summer in La at WrestleMania and they had a hundred kids I think intent they took 10. and they and they recruit legit college athletes from all over the country to attend flew them in put them through the drills and you know physical drills um not the kind like we used to but still to see what they're made of but most division one athletes are you know I've got to fortitude and that and out of that 10 one might make it it's sad is that her yeah was there as many people trying when you were coming up no it was what the young where do they did everything in the world to keep young guys away from it yeah wow so why why was that why because they didn't want the competition so a young man the best example of all time was Ricky Steamboat with you know not not only a great wrestler great person but when Steamboat came to Charlotte wait if they hated him he's handsome young great body because that was back then the bodies were just starting to become a big part of the of of the business especially in Vince's business and you know you want everybody wasn't lifting weights and nobody was as handsome yeah what about Personalities in a way yeah I had I had to really fight for him to get him to even get them going because they said uh he'll never make it well look how big he got so hmm yes I guess it was it is a real nice kid too which is not the kind of guy that's going to be a prick you know right it's easy to be a prick and then say that's your way out I mean the [ __ ] I want to do this I don't want to do this anyway [ __ ] you guys like I can name 100 guys like that yeah I don't want to do this anyway or you held me back that's the greatest land how do you hold someone back if you're not the promoter how do you hold someone back yeah you call her promoter and say this guy's an [ __ ] well a good promoter's gonna go [ __ ] you guys got talent if he can draw money we're like Vince look at all the [ __ ] with Bishop he's still found a way to use them right right and it worked but how do you leave the company in the garbage truck I mean he always gets it then put him in a garbage truck and throw them up his last day of the government really yeah wow yeah but he he utilizer to make money yeah Vince could forgive anything if there's a dollar attached to it he's a businessman businessman be a business first wow hey come on you're gonna be the Hulk right so that's called so Bischoff Hulk Kevin Nash and Scott Hall would go out on TV this is Hulk and I used to think to myself what in the Hulk knows this I used to go man this just ain't cool Bishop we got so mad at me because I wouldn't do it and they'd be on TV and say we're going to close you down Vince we're sitting here telling you because they beat him for 83 weeks right oh beat him in the ratings yeah for 83 weeks right and then Along Came Stone Cold Steve Austin and then one day he went like this to Vince and guess what 83 weeks are over wow and within two years the company was bankrupt yeah but he's forgiven Hulk and he forgave Kevin's got all McMahon did sure yeah you brought them all back yeah and he was always to make money yeah I mean Hulk Hogan and he oh to me Hulk Hogan is the biggest star he in Austin are there two biggest stars in the history of the business okay tell you a great story I'm the NWA world champion I'm traveling around the world doing everything Hulk is in WWF right I go home Minneapolis my dad goes how's it going right now how's everything going I said it's good he said all my friends are Hulk Hogan They Don't Know Who You Are oh dead I'm the [ __ ] world champion of what a what hate you [ __ ] Hogan I'll say this your championship belt I don't know if win win no I'm gonna tell the story about the hooter girls in Jacksonville when I hit my watch and I couldn't find it or my main yeah subject almost a professor at Northwestern University I took her back to the hotel in Chicago and my friend came in at four o'clock in the morning and she was going around revolving doors my Rolex they've all got a story yet you threw your Rolex in a bowl of spaghetti and then told you I'd love them I said we're gonna throw my walls oh we don't do that I'm frequently in Oregon and round two get the [ __ ] out of here do you think people dreaded scene were you always like too much of a party for the scene no no people love me people love me yeah yeah I could find something to do in Lubbock Texas on a Sunday night brother oh yeah man that's a lot that's hard to do yeah somewhere somewhere there's a victim I just need to start the conversation and what was this who else could drink like that with you who could really oh God name it that's that endless double A Mike eggstrand Piper a drinking either there's a lot of guys can really drink yeah did you ever try to stop drinking well I guess after your cert after your after that well I didn't drink for a year you didn't drink for a year and then one time I was taking steroids and I took an overdose of one and my heart went like this and the guy said uh you've been drinking too much you thought I had cardiomyopathy so I did an old duelistly or that's hard for me to quit drinking it was hard it brought me a rehab I had no problem quit drinking what did you how long were you in rehab for 35 days and you where'd you go to place your own Tampa oh that's nice yeah Florida has Fuller every every other building in Florida yeah this is a dump it was It was a an old uh um no not a Days Inn but La Quinta oh yeah oh yeah over here on follower right yeah so my roommate my roommate's a doctor from Fort Lauderdale that's there for digesting uh uh crystal meth anally oh that's one roommate now what's that got to do with me drinking the other one the other one is the other guy is the 23 year old that was taken 40 milligrams of Valium at 23. you don't think he would vibrate in the other guy I'm trying to think um the other guy I don't know what the hell he did but I mean it was so far-fetched and here's the deal I get there I go through all the physical and all that get all the [ __ ] done right the doctor checks me out I wake up in the morning and I when I was a kid I used to smoke so I I just loaded up with cigarettes dip I've always dipped my whole life I've quit playing and I don't dip anymore but I you will again though I might well but it's just nasty it's different you know oh yeah I don't like it but I didn't do it yeah but um I look across the courtyard I'm smoking a marble right and I'm bringing a cup of coffee and I said I said to the guy my roommate I can't remember his name just like a doctor he said as a doctor I said what you doing here it's been a patient here for five years I said the doctor is taking care of us and the [ __ ] patient what I couldn't believe it so I walked into the counselor is that [ __ ] guy does he have a license no they're pulling well how was it how is he practicing medicine it is a nun house I was in the [ __ ] night house I I mean I cried I went this is another house I'm full of nuts when the doctor is taking care of you give me a shot prescribing medication and he's there for he's a five-year vet and he's a patient and he's a patient and he's taking care of me oh my God who wrote that script I don't know that's what I said to him holy [ __ ] wow oh my God damn right you're not allowed talking to the girls Rick okay I didn't want you to take the test again what does this look like a bear or a skunk or an owl it looks like you dumb [ __ ] why are you asking me the same question when looking at this box for three days three weeks and I'm not gonna change I don't know what it looks like what does it look like to you and why are you in here too yeah you think I'm lying no [ __ ] and did y'all do any Athletics in there did y'all do like volleyball you know one guy told me I missed the morning walk and we went to the big meeting I threatened to kill him I said next time you stooge on me a [ __ ] I'll find you before we get here cut away everything anybody want to talk to Sir oh the circle before you go to bed God circled jerk God man no no [ __ ] it was brutal see you never say you never thought coin is over so broad to give you the coin to do it I walked across the street I'm like walking into a bar put on the counter I said I mean you can have this you can frame it say Ric Flair was there and give me six Miller lights and two Jack and Coke and two uh Kettle One and cranberry and lime I'm like Frank I'm all right there then uh then I had a limo pick me up and take me over to the beach yeah yeah oh you got to go for a swim after that oh Jesus I wasn't kidding what was was there ever any like wow you're not supposed to drink okay oh wow they faked me out with that for a while the company will never have your back break if you don't go back and rehabit you said you'd go back I'm not going back yeah well company number usually gonna say okay fine two weeks later you come over to TV yeah of course I thought I wasn't allowed to come anymore you are hahaha do you think there was anything was there a point where you really damaged your ability to go back do you think that you damaged it not that they chose it no with them no I always got along with them yeah no that's that that's one of the reasons I'm successful I always I've always said yes it's the difference between me and Hulk and he'll tell you I said yes Hulk said no yeah because I wanted to get along I didn't give a [ __ ] right if they gave me something to do I just made it better I'll do whatever they put me in that house act like I'm not okay I am a nut did alcohol your son your your son uh had addiction issues I I'm in recovery right so I've had addiction issues over the years it's in my family yeah with heroins it's not an addiction disease yeah it's unbelievable I've never it's I I was in such a denial unbelievable and as a parent is it hard to notice when that's going on because I never been a parent like is it hard to notice like I think I noticed a little bit when high school with the weed now but here's the thing he was on life support four times okay just be prior to dying and one time one time when he came off the ventilator his left leg was like gone yeah I mean we had to send him the two and that's a Sierra Tucson and from there to he went to Colorado I mean to climb um to this facility that exercised to get his leg back and all that oh his legs shut down that's like any money that not shut down totally but he it was a good women Yeah Yeah Eddie Money used to Huff so much gas and his legs shut down yeah well then the next time the worst was his oxygen level went down to 42 for 24 hours that's supposed to be in like 95 plus 97 actually 98. the thing I put on your finger right his doctor calls me in and says if he wakes up he's gonna be brain dead um so I was just I'm I'm preparing you I swear to God is I'm sitting here in front of you he woke up the whole family was there we thought it was you know we all came everybody came from around the country it's a good because we thought he was gonna die right there he woke up he was completely [ __ ] normal wow nothing wrong did it shock you guys the doctor looked at me it shocked him he sat down I've never seen anything like this in my life I'm happy for you and I'm sorry that I gave you that diagnosis no I'm glad you did because then we went and sat down and figured out Auto attack it again well this is after the leg thing man he was a fighter huh yeah but I mean to this day when you go to the doctor and you have a if you if your auction is at 42 you're you're not supposed to be functioning yeah you can't even whistle dude yeah and he woke up he was completely fine he's a tough kid and I went I went my God this has got to be you know like this will be the wake-up call yeah and so I took him to Tokyo and I got I got him playing and go back I looked up and said let me tell you they put Paul McCartney in jail here for smoking and Joint they will bury you because it's very strict in Tokyo they don't [ __ ] around like they do here with with drugs you're in drugs in Tokyo or Singapore or something like that yeah in a world of [ __ ] man he came back home to go to WrestleMania to see his daughter see my daughter and let him on my site wanted to buy tennis shoes came back went to the went through Del Frisco's to watch NCAA he wasn't drinking or anything bottle of pills filled with water um so Wendy picks up the pills took it away didn't even tell him I had it right so he wants to go back to the hotel I'll go go ahead it's a Wendy went with him so when he called me and says can I knock on read the door to get um um like aspirin or not Tylenol or something like that right she had a headache and um he didn't answer the door so I went right back right this is what this is like all in 45 minutes time right right yeah you're at Del Frisco's you hear that you head back I open the door he's like this just sitting in a chair no sit on the floor okay so I didn't see any needles so I thought oh God he just I've seen him like this a thousand times so I said do I call the police the same thing at the same thing I said no I'll just I'm gonna put him in bed that but because we were so lucky he didn't make a news because the cops kept it loaded on the DL for me they put them in rooms and under a different name and yeah they're understanding yes great guys they pulled them out of his car one time and called me I mean so I had to do a really great Report with them so I just said I said but this time I said I'm gonna let them bottom out I mean that's they keep that word bottom out you know yeah I just couldn't imagine him dying in an alley somewhere because I let him bottom out right I mean how would I ever get over that it's really hard so I wake up in the morning I go out coffee with my oldest daughter come back and I just said [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] mad at him right now I'm not gonna I opened the [ __ ] door just to check on them which I just I even walked out halfway said [ __ ] I'm just gonna check on them my candles leave them walking he was purple [ __ ] call the cops same two same crew same exact people same paramedics boom and the guy said he would say the same thing to tell them we'll stand outside he came out three minutes and said he didn't make it oh I said what he said he didn't make this time work man oh I've told this story a hundred times but I can't it still kills me I started drinking from 10 in the morning until I got there at 9 30. got into the bartenders while they were setting up 9 30 in the morning till 2 A.M for five [ __ ] years I just go ahead just I just couldn't believe it say if you don't go drink right then what what why do you think you had to go like just I don't the only way to get away from it I didn't take drugs how do you get away from the feeling that you're the juror yeah responsible for not calling hmm I should have called it's hard if we it's I'm sure it's really hard to be the parent of someone that has you know an addiction what did you learn about addiction like watching your son like did you was there anything that you were able to learn about like watching it from you know yeah don't be in denial um I I'm worse than French letter Fritz was a non-nile of the boys he would not believe that they were getting high that they were screwed up all the time he was in denial oh it's just you guys are just imagining her carried Through The discus 210 feet at Houston I mean it he would you know that big deep voice yeah the boys are fine they're just growing up and having a little fun smoking a little weed like they were a lot more than that but do you think addiction just runs in y'all's family well I don't know your other children do they suffer from no no no yeah I don't know how he got it I mean it's heartbreaking witness I've lost a lot of friends with from addiction and it is heartbreaking to watch you know so I can only imagine what it's like what was your son like like what kind of what kind of guy was he the greatest kid in the world fun handsome bum I mean I know I'm talking about somebody who's a he was a lady killer man yeah I live he lived with me for a while whoever after I got divorced the last time and he he would he would call me and say Dad will you do me a favor and I said what's happened we talked to this girl's friend while I'm uh God we run a wingman for me yeah we are yeah he used to bring his life and come get her out I'll watch TV but get get the friend out of here I can't even have a conversation with her if you can find humor in this as I'm standing up there let's say they're 1500 people at the funeral maybe two thousand a huge Church in Charlotte whatever hell and there were 20 girls in their first two rows I didn't know wow man I would take him down in South Carolina to Columbia to go to the Gamecock game huh I said well I'm leaving tomorrow morning 10 o'clock you come home with a different girl drive home the next day every day like father like son he was the master man yeah yeah and it's Jesus do you think he felt like it was tough to live I mean I just wonder what it's like if your dad is so such a he has had such a unique life you know do you I wonder if you feel competitive do you feel or it's just life that's just life I I think I say it just like because the other kids aren't affected like that at all yeah I actually actually I can imagine maybe once in a life smoked a cigarette when she was 10 years old or two I don't mean nothing nothing and she's around it a lot I mean it's not as prevalent as it was which is a big difference thank God what drugs harness prevalent now no there is problem but not where the guys can just grab me they're more aware yeah for some reason thank God everybody's aware of the fact that the [ __ ] is dangerous yes and we didn't have time to think about back then yeah the guys and if it made you look bigger it kept you up longer but at least they have three days off we didn't have days off [ __ ] the Hulk was on I it wasn't just me Hulk without 72 days at a time wow it's a long time to be away from home oh I can't imagine yeah you come on people look different yeah they invented cell phone so your goddamn wife would call you Jesus but that that song of Kid Rock you know and uh living alive in a slow head yeah different girl every night at the hotel yeah here's to call the front desk and say if anybody calls to me I ain't here hey my friend I am an alien my friend let us ask for Tony Atlas there's a comedian there's a comedian named Larry Reeb yeah he used to have this joke one of my favorite jokes he said my wife said never answer the phone during sex I said what if it's you calling I always love that one man did any just strange women ever show back up at your house so that had a freaking scary are you kidding me to throw up the driveway I have no idea who you are what do you mean you promised me last night I didn't you promise you [ __ ] now I'm hurting my kids my wife's in the front yard never admit you're wrong what happened nothing I found black hair in the carpet in here I said what are you talking about it's on the dog I am donating a dog over here this is human hair who'd you have here nobody somebody had a dog with 11 inch hair over here like I think it was a long-haired Chow yeah yeah what are we gonna do you know oh my way I'll have you I'll call them please you told me before you loved me what are you talking about I didn't know your name you lied maybe I did what what about the product man so this is new Ric Flair I like it man makes me feel good it does it'd be great enough well you did I'm almost done I can leave it in a camper on too dude all of another can Dude hell yeah it almost makes you feel erect a little wow oh what's the toughest thing about getting older right by getting older yeah what's been like one one thing that surprised you that you didn't think would be that certain way or something that's been kind of interesting you know it's interesting for me my my dad was 70 when I was born so it's all like even just getting to sit around a man who's 70. right and being the president it's just you know it's almost like um I don't know it's just interesting for me you know I never got to spend a bunch of time talking with my dad and stuff so even to be able to have a conversation as an adult yeah the guy in his 70s kind of like resonates with me in like a special place I think um what's yeah what's been interesting about just being older like what's or what's been surprising about getting older what what do you think would not be one way or maybe would be different or um no I don't know I don't think I even ever thought about anything like that until I got sick then you really appreciate you appreciate it when you recover from something like that I mean the airplane crash was one thing getting that with lightning with something else but when you literally on life support and you almost die yeah and then you realize that for some reason you're lucky enough to be and I truly believe that he makes every decision he is going to give you another shot I spend so much time preoccupied with trying to figure out how not to [ __ ] up really yeah because I love to [ __ ] up yeah I mean I'd love to have fun I don't mean I don't mean [ __ ] up right I don't want to hurt anybody right but how do I how do I have fun and not get in trouble well it's just it because social media you can't do anything yeah and I love to go out and I like I never drink at my house there's not a one drop of alcohol miles I'm a social drinker that's purely me yeah so and I just go out every night you know people understand when you do when you you spend 38 years on the road like Kevin Nash said in one time if I don't spend two nights in a hotel every week I'm lost when I took that ear off and Bishop off and sued me yeah and I went home I hadn't been home I hadn't been home and didn't even know my wife Christ my mother-in-law lived there now we had two Maids I didn't even know it what Advanced days I'm breaking yeah three o'clock at the Country Club sometimes one wow what do you do to the country club I'm not playing cards I'm drinking yeah and talking to the bartender she's a nice looking wow I'm playing poker with my liver that's what I'm playing it's pasta night send the kids up dude I remember my dad used to take us to the bar and they'd have like that bowl of [ __ ] peanuts oh I know [ __ ] man it was so much fun dude and that's when bars didn't even have TVs in a remember that that that I can't deal with no TV no bar no me these days you gotta have the tea you want the sports on I live in diaper sports but you remember when they didn't I don't know yeah do you want to know something yeah I never knew this is the guys I'm so embarrassed I didn't know what prime Netflix Hulu I didn't know what that was until until I get sick I didn't know how to Google myself yeah I didn't know what Google was all I did was Drive travel wrestle and have fun I didn't know anything I'm still not computer literary she showed me the other day how to work emojis on my phone oh wow I mean I'm and then and then when I'm laying in the chair home in the hospital I didn't ever be in a rehab for a month learn how to walk I didn't know that I had a stoma one day one day I'm sitting there I'm home in the house and uh the girl comes and sat down I'm here to change your bag yeah yeah and I go and I said I said I didn't well while on rehab because I couldn't walk or anything oh and they're there and I had forgotten I didn't know whether I didn't know had the stolen in rehab the whole time you're in rehab yeah I didn't know it for 31 days then I got home and the woman's there to change it wow yeah that's all for that then you were out of it then you appreciate life yeah was it hard to go back to drink well then were you shocked that you just after that 30 after the days in rehab that you went back to drinking is it scary like is it bad for you to drink if like is it did the doctor say don't drink today I mean also the doctor was in the facility so or they said don't drink of course they did okay but here's the deal yeah so being a former Family Medical family I went I didn't get one second opinion I got 30. okay every time I met a doctor that knew anything about your your internal I'd had prior surgeries in 2015 and it's one in one million times that you can Nick your intestine and it can burst again hmm and that was not one million so now when I drink my kidney levels everything's perfect and my my kidney level off a little bit the doctor tells me drink more water so now I drink for every drink I drink a small bottle of water nice you got a plan now you got a plan what do you think God put you on Earth for do you think about that sometimes it seems like you do um I don't know but I'm sure trying to Min my ways I'm a wild I was a wild silver I still am I'm harmless but I was oh it's harmless but wow I've been new to the toys with nurses that did not sign a waiver I wonder how many run around on them what wrestler had that real hammer on him in no homo but where wrestler really had that freaking wand on him huh you know I don't remember somebody had to have that launcher um I mean you've been around some of the biggest men in the world yeah I know I'm trying to think what about Haystack baby oh I only knew he's that dog no he might have had that needle on him yeah I got the name but I don't want to put on there yeah no no sweat yeah yeah I got it look I'm just glad somebody's got a big one teased his wife all the time no yeah when you see one of those joust victims like his wife that's got to be unreal yeah but she wouldn't she wouldn't like me making a joke no I don't think I don't think we should I'm not trying to get it out of here the front page out of the whole interview Ric Flair says the hammer I remember but there's something about you you know because most of your life you get to know your own weiner right yeah and then every now and then somebody walks across with some real crazy wiener you're like my God that guy is [ __ ] running a different ball game I was in a different line of work it's different genetic that guy's in a different line of work boys any other questions that you had there's anything the last match I saw you last match in Nashville yeah oh that's a dehydrated man it would have been so good yeah were you what do you mean you're dehydrated for it no I was fixated on weighing 218 ball I was in better shape then than I was in 2008 I mean I was up there where I went right now to John Cena's trainer 500 free squads wow running a mile and I hate running this is two years ago a year ago July wow you're going July and uh I mean I got I had 10 weeks to get in shape for it and I was doing everything up I mean and I had a partner and you know I drove I dropped so I'm going right now to Rob John Cena's guy up here at Landa Lakes I mean and we've uh but I was fixated on got down to 218. um but a cosmetic level nightmare anyway so I was gonna wear a shirt but I I woke up in the morning of course I was drinking the night before at the Palm with the Hilton in Nashville right I love that bar yeah it's nice and then I'll saw Bobby you know one night so um Bobby Rock Kid Rock yeah yeah and then he came in the match oh yeah he walked in my dressing room and he went um I've been entertaining you for a long time I want you to I came to watch you entertain me tonight then we all went to his place afterwards yeah yeah they got to get a bathroom on each floor though man that's a good point man Jesus Christ buy a [ __ ] bathroom that five five four climb downstairs to one stall when they got 2 000 people oh God it makes me want to get one of those stoma bags yeah exactly yeah well no don't wait for that but um anyway so all I had was two cups of coffee and three we went I bite I didn't drink any water or anything oh and I got out there and I felt great and all that and then I realized that anxiety and I made the mistake of saying to one of the guys I don't feel good of course now they think I'm having a heart attack yeah or I just I don't feel it I got light-headed I actually fell asleep on the apron I'm standing really oh yeah yeah and the guy had to go Rick Rick when I woke up and I got back in and then I did something else and I'm laying there and at the end and Manny my son-in-law is going you uh you have to wake up sir I have to wake up Sir you're handing me the brass knucks to hit uh Jared with right so he put the rest of my hand you have to wake up Sir you have to wake up Sir boom but you know I got whacked myself way too early and then because everybody was panicking until to end it right I had faked like I was having a heart attack I went ah just because I want everybody to slow down [ __ ] we can do this I mean I can make it just listen to me but you know what everybody's first of all I appreciate they were scared of death I was gonna die okay but I wanted the match to be better because we'd rehearsed it to be a 20-minute unbelievable they're supposed to suplex free Alpha top rope and all kinds of [ __ ] but anyway it that's what makes you want to do it again because I got in such good shape and it's like I'm a really go oriented like now my new goal is like I'll be 75 right so in February so I want to bench press 225 five times and I want to do the 500 free squats in 14 minutes again yeah that's a lot yeah it it it's very doable but you have to do it no no that might be one of the best quotes I've ever heard right it's very doable but yeah but you have to do it yeah I used to be able to do when I was reading the best shape of my life I used to take a deck of cards Jokers being 20. right so flip the card right 10 crunches 10 push-ups 10 free squats next one Joker 20. wow I could do all that it's 457 of each in 38 minutes my record that's hard because getting up and down for the free squats and the push-ups 440 57 push-ups this [ __ ] heart that's a lot yeah Jesus that's a lot yeah that's okay I I couldn't do that for the last match but I when in my in your Prime well trying to you know when you're when you're traveling these [ __ ] towns right they don't have they don't even have a YMCA oh yeah some of these small towns so I just had a hotel room and had to figure out a way to kill the day so there's other you know what I mean what's who's somebody you miss wrestling who do I miss wrestling yeah the biggest thing is while wrestling is a camaraderie God when you just know who personally like is there a person you met you were like man we really it was just a real oh I miss iron the most probably he just lost a son too to addiction or no I'm not sure what it was but he it's a horrible thing yeah um I just had my travels from anyone for I traveled with Sean and Hunter and I love I love hanging out with Undertaker and I don't get to see him very often love of Steve Austin I hardly get to see Steve Steve just um you know keeps himself and basically isolation yeah Undertaker came out to a show mine a week and a half ago two weeks ago in Austin oh yeah it's really nice to meet him and Michelle that's his wife yeah beautiful yeah he's beautiful it is about adopted a beautiful little baby oh really yeah oh I didn't know that yeah yeah they're a great guy they were so kind yeah he's a great guy that was cool um who did was it did you ever get to meet Madonna no but Dennis Rodman did yeah Dennis is my man how in the hell do you do you cheat on Madonna for karma Electra I go I mean Dennis I said Dennis I didn't she realized that I would walk on fire to lay on top of that and you she you caught her I think Madonna is incredible oh yeah when she was younger with that song or hers Like a Virgin like a bird oh Jesus Christ dance with your heartbeat I'll tell you this story Rick so I'm at my grandparents right dude my girl and uh they wouldn't let us watch wrestling or nothing dude because they were [ __ ] you know they wanted the Lord to find us and so I would go on the Lord's day my mother-in-law would I said say to my wife they're they're drinking again out by the pool and on the Lord's Day kiss my ass Marianne the Lord's day every day is the Lord's day especially in freeloaded living off me that's the bottom line free loader and a large day shut up mama shouldn't be yeah oh God that would make a guy drink oh yeah that probably started it Jesus Christ we have to pack the beer cans up me and iron right to tell stories laugh all day long laughs I went across the street I met my grandparents so I'll go across street there's nothing to do they live in they were in a small town in Illinois and Wyoming Illinois so I'll go across the street and there's a park there yeah and some girl I never known or anything she had a TR like a transistor radio she plugged it in and tuned it to Like a Virgin right yeah she's that starts dancing on this picnic table for me and I never met her or anything I'm just like I'm like probably nine or ten I walked into the Park yeah I was just wondering what big stars came out to see you got like what like I was trying to think of some of the big stars then that were like some of the biggest in the world and who you would have crossed paths with that would have been surprising uh not that many I mean I'll tell you I I I Adore Chris Everett right yeah so I'm flying to Japan and I'm sitting this far from Chris Evert she's wearing a yellow polo shirt right gold Rolex this is in the 80s smoking hot right God and I mean and uh not a word yeah you know I'm not gonna go over and shoot myself and die right and she didn't give you a sign nothing zero zero but I flew back with Yvonne Lindell and he wouldn't stop talking oh God Jesus Christ Yvonne get a drink calm down yes wrestling's fake okay now [ __ ] can we move forward I live next door to Vince McMahon good for you buddy dude I sat next to Eddie Money one time yeah he he told me he was used to Huff gas right and so one of his legs shut down and get it working and then he started showing me semi-nude pictures of his newest wife oh God it's pretty cool yeah well no she she is like uh wow you gotta respect it you know what if I want to show you this Rick so I have an alternate personality it's a wrestler right and it's called Uh the Rat King baby so I just want to show you one of my promos let me know what you think okay and this isn't you Rick this is a different guy yeah what are your thoughts on that raccoon then the regular people who run you out your little loose meat dinners well I got news for you what kind of news he is saying anyone can get it will you be the one Rat King all you need to know Rick is that I'm ready cause I'm gonna give you the truth baby and I'm gonna give you the trauma name the time and the place and the place and the time cause I got a clock and a globe and an ax to grind from Alaska to Nebraska from Maine to Fort Wayne it's your call you Turkish slice and boner monkey what do you think there potential I'll take it man you look good from a legend I'll take it rick thanks so much for sharing your life thank you man you've been uh it's obvious you wanted to be an Entertainer and you've been extremely entertaining throughout my entire life thank you very much appreciate it yep you guys have a great trip you reminded me my own give me Cornerstone oh but when I reach that ground I'll share this piece of my life I found I can feel it in my bones but it's gonna take
Channel: Theo Von
Views: 646,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Theo Von, This Past Weekend, TPW, comedy, podcast, comedian, interview, talk show, stand-up, stand-up comedy
Id: ZK1Vl8Zk3gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 45sec (7665 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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