Austin Reaves on His Real Relationship with LeBron and Dating Taylor Swift!

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Good exposure for AR these guys are a little weird but they got a lot of fans

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/frodounchained 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Love Austin but no fucking chance I’m supporting the Nelk boys or Full Send

👍︎︎ 118 👤︎︎ u/DonStockton64 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

These guys look like douchebags. Not Reaves.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/tarnyarmy 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

I hate Nelk but imma keep listening to Austin Reaves interviews

These guys are so douchey and fratty contrasted to Austin being the most average and chill dude. pretty funny

Edit: this is a good interview dont sleep

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/EvenShaman 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Fuck these guys, sorry Austin

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/spiteful_trees 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Don’t know these guys. But impressed by the broad range of legit good questions. Austin Reaves going to make all NBA in a couple of years.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/sushibotx 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

All high profile athletes always end up on these douchebags’ podcast smh

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dilly_dill428 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Austin noooooooo

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HeaterWylin 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is like watch Reeves be interviewed by a goldfish

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JobberMcJobJob 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2023 🗫︎ replies
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the app use code now let's get another thought [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rewind all right boys we got another full sun podcast we got a really cool one today this is like a spontaneous one we got Austin Reeves in the house random random how how did how did you see this guy's DM of all people oh how did you guys start talking remember honestly shout outs tiny it has been a minute though it's because I showed love like mid-season that's yeah that's right so the hype was there but it wasn't escalated yet so you DM me back yeah and it just started there yeah and then I'm like I said I'm spontaneous I don't know where I'm gonna be I never planned anything so this was last minute now you probably won't respond because you just got your big bag No I'll I'll respond yeah congrats congrats on that appreciate that how does that feel to sign like a deal like that your second year uh I mean it was great um obviously the the 12 hours of free agency was there it was stressful but I know I wanted to be in La uh I've said that many times but I feel like all the work that I've put in finally you know come to the top so it was a great feeling any talk I I saw today there was like something San Antonio was going to maybe consider like trying to sign you is that rumors or uh I mean a little bit um but I mean they had the cap space they had you know opportunity uh but you know like I said I wanted to be here and uh that was the main thing was to get back here what do you think about speaking about the Spurs what do you think about Wendy I mean his second game was really impressive I think it was like nine for 14 or 27 uh first game was rough but he's just got to get used to the speed uh that's the main thing in the physicality but you know my brother plays overseas so he always talks about the physicality over there so I think that won't be as bad I think it'll be the speed for him but if he's what they say is you know he should he should do uh really good things that guy's a tree eh what is he seven five yeah never seen anything like it the first game the craziest thing I've seen he shot a he when he was playing overseas he shot a step back three and uh tip dunked it like his own three yeah yeah and that's I mean I've never seen that before no that's he's they're saying what he's like the biggest Prospect since LeBron yeah [ __ ] like that's crazy yeah I don't know how he feels about that bro yeah I don't think he cares okay so then uh also he just launched your own shoe line let's talk about that how do you how does that even start uh so rigor is the name and they I mean it's a new shoe company in China um and they reached out I think before last year and you know just wanted to do just a regular you know endorsement deal you know I wear their stuff and then after the year that I had you know played really well uh they'd come back and you know wanted to give me my own shoe and you know I think there's like probably 25 maybe 26 players in the league that have their shoe their own shoe so it was a it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up so um I'm excited for it it comes out I think first of August so everybody go by so bro where's that gonna be available uh I think on their lot on their website it feels like for you everything happened so quick and one thing I noticed about you real quick is how you play so confidently even when you have LeBron and A.D on the court like you're you know what I mean yeah like you have these two guys so how much pressure is there on you and how do you play like so comfortable when you have those two like Legends yeah I remember I think it was my my first game so my first game my rookie year the first game of the season I got a DMP and it was my first of my career I never had one so it was different for me and then second game we were getting beat by 30 by I think Phoenix so Vogel was like just go like it was the start of the fourth game was basically over and I went and played good minutes and I uh someone sent me a picture afterwards and it was it was me Brian uh Russ ad and Mello I think and then you got me out there I mean that's crazy it was uh it was a picture that you know everybody was having fun with you know how social media is but um at the end of the day it's really just basketball for me uh I've put a lot of work into what I do so regardless of who I'm playing with uh and you know playing with those guys makes it easier for me because they're so good um so that's really the main thing just taking care of what I really needed to do and is there do you feel like I know you've only played with the Lakers so you pretty much have only played with LeBron but when you're playing with him is there like a different type of pressure because you don't want to upset him too and you know what he's trying to do uh yeah I mean with all the success that he's had uh you don't want to be you know obviously our first year would sucked we were you know bad missed the playoffs so to be I think that was the first time he missed the playoffs maybe second um so to be on that sucked but uh at the same time like I want it for myself you know mostly uh obviously you know I care about you know I've been with him and ad for two years now and we've built a really good relationship so I want to win a championship with him um but at the end of the day I really want to win it for myself what's like the best advice he's ever given you uh just to be myself I think he's seen from day one like the IQ that I had uh the way I played the game and how it kind of messed with his game uh so it was really just be me there was no reason to defer to him um he's gonna obviously get his own because he's LeBron but uh that was really it was just being me whoa going back to last year you guys have a good season congrats on good season appreciate it but uh you did get swept by the Nuggets yeah what were the expectations going into that series because like you didn't went like I'm I'm from Denver okay I know that they're a good team but I did not think that you guys were gonna get swept your nuggets man dude it's it depends who asks okay right now it makes sense right now yeah okay yeah yeah as you should be um now the expectation was to win uh if you go back and look you know obviously we got swept and it sounds bad but if you go back and look um every game honestly maybe game one they were beating us by you know 20 most a game and we made a run late uh and actually had an opportunity to win that game and then two three and four were toss-ups you know if one thing goes your way you know we might be sitting in the NBA Finals playing against Miami but you know it's basketball and they got two guys over there that are really good and then their core around that played really good against us they didn't miss shots what do you think like were there any adjustments you guys could have made like is there anything you could have done to beat them I think we tried everything uh I think Joker just just honestly was on a different level uh I think they made probably six or seven just ridiculous like he made like two or three ridiculous like one foot step backs to the end of the shot clock that it's kind of just like daggers uh no he may win a game four um probably with like a minute 45 left they put him up like six just a little bit Out Of Reach uh but I think we basically threw the whole kitchen sink at them they just you know played really well what's what's like The Locker Room app like after like a loss like that like what's like what's what gets said after the series uh there really wasn't much talking um obviously you're pissed off about you know losing everybody's competitors and wants to win um but you know I think from where we were early in the season to where we were late I think um you know you don't want to you know take failure and getting beat in the Western Conference Finals but if you would have told me we were going to the Western Conference Finals in like January I probably would have looked at you like you had three heads so I know you guys are pretty the Lakers are stacked up I mean we just wasn't playing good basketball at the time uh you know obviously you never want to you know not think you're capable of uh you know doing some things and going far but uh you know after the trade deadline we really started playing good basketball and I everything was clicking you know people were you know uh relationships were really building and it it felt like you know we were really going somewhere we were talking about you signed your contract with free agency what is it like watching what happens with other teams so like we'll just go with the Suns how they pick up Brad Beale like do you guys do you look at that like [ __ ] like it's gonna be tough to you know match up with them or whatever or yeah I mean you pay attention to you know everything that's going on or I would say everybody does uh but you know with I think the core that we brought back and then the guys that we added uh you know we have a chance to beat anybody but you know anytime like you see like you said Brad going to you know Phoenix they got I already got two or three guys that you know really can score the ball and you know it's gonna be a long night defensively when you go play them but um we're confident what we got yeah we're talking to Golden State picked up CP3 yeah that was random yeah how random is that that's crazy it was I was I was actually doing we had me and my brother had kid Camp back home uh basketball camp and one of the coaches that was there he like ran across the gym and told me and I was like there's no you're probably looking at the wrong like I think there's like butt crack sports or something that always puts out fall stuff um but he was like no so I don't know that one's uh that was strange oh do you think that those two like Chris Paul and staff Matt like play well together I think they can figure it out because I think they're both too very unselfish guys that really just want to win yeah what about if you had to predict like Damian Lillard oh I have no idea uh I think I've seen some today or yesterday that the uh Portland's GM was like we'll wait as long as we need to wait um until I guess they get the deal that they want so I have no idea yeah just seeing all that [ __ ] like on Hatch that's why I think that what makes the NBA so special is like the free agency is so crazy that even in the off season that there's there's always something going on yeah you know what I mean and then these guys on social media too like yo NBA is so different in that way um we were kind of talking about like how competitive what do you do competitive outside of the NBA a golf very a lot I'd probably go off every day I've probably missed since the Denver series I've probably missed like four days right now having golf I probably golfed every day other than that um that's really it I used to play the game a lot uh fortnite Call of Duty but uh I don't really play that much anymore you even golfing your whole life uh I started when I was probably like 16. I just picked it up really to get out of school um and then when I went to college I really you know started golfing a lot and kind of fell in love with it and started taking it more serious and you're saying you off camera you're saying you play Dilo sometimes yeah we play uh ever since the trade deadline you come over I bet we played almost probably almost every road trip and then we play here or some too and you guys do you guys ever get action out there yeah we I mean gamble a little bit uh just have fun with it you know competitors uh what's like the stakes on a game with like you you and Dilo uh nothing crazy you know he he started probably two or three years ago um so he's kind of still new to it um but you know we'll go go bet a couple hundred let's say like one day you kind of like you whoop his ass a little bit is he like not giving you the rock on the court no he's not like that at all um yeah no he's uh he's one of the most selfless persons uh people I've been around uh he really wants everybody else to succeed and you know I think that's why we have such a good relationship you seem like I don't know but do you do you like talk trash out on the court not really uh very rarely someone's got to say something to me first yeah who's ever yeah who's ever talked [ __ ] all of Memphis honestly their whole team talk [ __ ] um they felt good beating them in the playoffs but now I'm not really I mean I think you would think more people do you remember anything specific they ever said no no not really and it's not I mean nothing crazy yeah I think at the end of the day everybody knows like you're still grown men out there like you can't really just go call somebody a you know something wild no I know that [ __ ] was funny because they were going crazy their walk out like on social media like there was so much [ __ ] just happening for them and all that hype that was actually their walkout is actually hard though I know but they were also like kind of like getting like no one wanted to see them win but then everyone loved it do that clip yeah so that's true that [ __ ] was hilarious is it do you pay attention to like social media and like the playoffs or anything like that uh I'm not a big social media person to start off with I have Instagram uh actually just started a tick tock page uh golf uh hillbilly bogey um but no not really I don't have Twitter never really so what tick tocks all just golf [ __ ] yeah are you [ __ ] with like the dances and [ __ ] like that too no I don't know what none of the trans you don't like pay attention to the trans no not really that shit's whack right what don't don't look at steinies it's not that bad that's what you do no it's not that bad none of that on that 21 song by Drake came out you know okay well that's a little different I think like 10 doesn't like that part you won't ever see me Rich Flex I know you like that song it's okay what what do you what do you bump for like your when you're trying to get fired up they really control the ox but it's a lot of there's no way they trust you with the ox huh no they they would trust me with docs um but it's a lot of like little baby little dirt uh future Thug a lot of stuff like that that's your go-to [ __ ] or that's what gets played that's what everybody plays but that's I mean I like that stuff too we saw on your uh page you had a picture with Morgan Wallen yeah are you guys boys uh yeah I mean friends I guess I don't know I met him once at the game you made it look like he was there to support you I don't know I don't know why he's there um but I actually was talking to him a couple days ago on Instagram uh just about his tour stuff uh yeah that's really it you know he's from what I can tell go go do yeah um how this is something I'm kind of curious about how involved like how often do you see your teammates let's say in the off season or just like like off the court like do you guys ever do anything just like stay in touch and like keep the chemistry there yeah I mean this off season for me it was a little different just because of free agency and I was you know a free agent uh so I wasn't here as much as I was last year um so I haven't been around you know any of the guys really since the Denver series but uh about this time is when everybody kind of starts funneling back here to you know go work out at the facility and you always run into each other at the facility um a lot of people you know play cards together um outside of you know what we do at the court or on the court so uh for this year it's not been as much it has in the past but uh about this time for the majority of people ever we started going back have you ever been invited to a taco Tuesday I have not bro which is crazy I think it's crazy I haven't been invited either but I think only A.D has been invited I'm sure he's been about it yeah how do you get on that list I don't know you gotta have a 40 piece I think I don't know I haven't had 40 no no once you get 40. you get to go to Taco Taco Tuesday baby well maybe I'll get there one day uh what's one thing you want to improve this season about your game really just being more of a playmaker I feel like I can play the one um you know at a high level and just really proven that because that's really the position I've played basically in my whole career um until like kind of college uh in my last couple years um but that's really it and then just sharpening everything else you know just trying to get better overall is there anyone like you watch maybe even now but I was gonna say growing up where you try to like mimic your game after theirs yeah I was I always say random people like there's a big Joe Ingles fan um love CJ mccollum's game you know he's not the most athletic dude um not the tallest but you know gets his spots and there's nothing you can do when he does uh makes tough shots that was a huge Kobe fan um so being in this position now playing for the Lakers um you know with everything that happened you know stinks because you know someone that I would have got to meet um but yeah I mean those those two are the two that I usually answer what was your work ethic like when you were like growing up like were your parents like big on pushing you or are you like more like self-driven yourself apparently it's not really my brother is the one that you know drugged me out of the house to go to the gym uh when I was in like seventh eighth grade you know I like basketball but didn't really love it um and that's when he was dragging me out of the house telling me I had to get better um but like 9 10th you know ever since then it was basically the love for the game uh you know I sacrificed a lot of you know social life uh going out party whatever to you know be in the gym to try to get to this position I want to ask you have you seen this photo what's good with this movie uh I don't know I blew up have you seen that yeah definitely uh you know what was going on in that moment yeah so Alex this looks like spiny at 4am sleep in the bathrooms behind me we were playing in Brooklyn um this was my first year and I think we were winning by like 17 18 with like a minute 45 two minutes left so I didn't know why everybody was still in the game and coach Drew up a play excuse me and uh that year I like asked a lot of questions so I knew what I was doing like I was never gonna give a doubt to um for me to mess up uh so I asked coach as I was walking out of the Huddle like what am I doing and he was like nothing like you're you're standing on the left wing and basically chilling you know Brian and AD and Russ are going to play this three-man game and I walk out on the court and I asked Brown again like what what what's going on and he went into this like hole you're going here here here here and I was just like I don't think that's like I was just confused um so that was really it but I got to the locker room afterwards and my phone was going absolutely crazy then he posted it and it didn't make it better so that was it today yeah he posted it with the I think it was like the The Avengers uh he made like a comment don't don't do it I won't do it was something from one of the Avengers movies yeah do you guys like have uh like you guys text or have like a group chat like the team like mess with each other and stuff uh it's more like business stuff like basically times we got to go to places uh you know people text back and forth like you know even memes and stuff um during the season yeah and you were talking about Russ because people forget like you played with Russ and I personally think like people fans were a little bit unfair for sure like they were a little hard on him for sure but then you go and see him and like he just signed his deal which I think was two year eight million right yeah what do you like when you see like that a guy like that who you played with like do you think his game is just not the same anymore like how does how's Russell Westbrook making four mil and these other guys are getting these big bags I don't want to like throw people on the bus like Dylan Brooks four-year whatever he's done with the Rockets like I mean a lot a lot of the times is is really just uh like situation um there's a lot of you know Toms you know people might sign for more money because a team needs that like if you need a two guard and you don't have one you might overpay and I'm not saying anybody's ever paid uh you might overpay the two guard that you want a little bit just because you really need that and even though that they might not be worth that or they might be worth more or whatever um that's what a lot of that goes into but as far as brush like one thing I will say about Russ is like he was probably one of my favorite teammates I've ever had like always good mood to me um I got covered in Minnesota my first year and he reached out asked if I need anything like three or four times in like a week span um so as far as like him as a person you won't get better as far as basketball you know I think it's um you know like you said I think it was hard here and I think it was really just fit I didn't think that you know what we had meshed together and like ultimately gets to where he is now yeah because I think he's still skilled like obviously you can't go from being you know that to not being good yeah going off that is there any player where that you played against and you just like been so impressed like holy [ __ ] this guy's got game like uh yeah I mean yoga just won um he's just so unfazed with everything you do yeah you can throw a million different coverages at him uh his best thing about him is is he's so unselfish he don't care like he has scored 10 points and be happy if they win um that's really the main one but I mean there's so many talented guys that can't really you know pick you can you can admit you're not going to you can admit that he should have won the MVP yeah I I personally thought he should have I think now everyone agrees but it's just like yeah after watching him especially in the playoffs and I don't know if it's just him but him he he's just like the most talented but also there's no other player in the league like him you think that's fair to say in terms of how a big man like can operate like that yeah I mean the way that he plays is so unique for a big man uh but I mean obviously joelle's really good and dominates the game in just a different facet uh it's just jokic I think like we were going back to the you know uh MVP I think it was just voters fatigue you know he wanted the last two years yeah two years this would have been 30. yeah so for the first time ever yeah I think that was you know part of the issue but you could look at both of them and be like you make an argument for either way yeah I was gonna ask does like back to the social media like pressure [ __ ] does like do you ever like read any like DMS after like a loss or something or like something on ESPN like does that [ __ ] ever like get to you like a little bit sometimes no personally I think it's funny it's funny oh that's good A lot of the the fun the real funny ones are parlay people um they'll be ready to you know come come get you if you don't hit their parlay for them uh those are the funniest ones to me but like I said I don't I don't really pay attention to none of that tell them about bro right here this guy messed up one of your parts oh okay he would tell you if he did what you want to tell that story no we don't have to but he may have he may have been one of those guys at one point uh well hey I understand uh what's been one of your favorite or what do you think was this year your biggest your best NBA moment and you had a lot of them probably um either the one of the the half course shot against um Golden State game six or I had a career high 35 against Orlando yeah um I had family in in the building so that made it more special uh so one of those two did you see that video of A.D boxing I did I actually just seen that as I was coming over here what would you what'd you think of his hands he tell you he'll walk around and tell everybody he's got hands um I don't really know I don't box sorry I ain't got no critique have you wait but uh does that does that bother people at all what like it's like the fact that it's like he's out there boxing and like like the injury [ __ ] no I think I honestly think boxing is a really good like conditioning um so I don't think I really don't think that that you know bothers anybody you know you'd rather be active than not be active yeah you guys are pretty free to do in the off season like are there any you can pretty much do whatever you want yeah uh I mean not really but I mean like after like the season's over do you go travel do you or do you just stay here like you know I'm not a big traveler I go home uh back to Arkansas hang out play a lot of golf you know stay with family um but yeah for like really until about now uh from the Denver series you know I didn't really have any obligations you know it was a little different for me because a free agency but um you know it depends on like where you're at in your career do you have because you seem like you don't really the LA will say distractions no not really a thing for you in season no not either not even after your your 30 piece games no I stay at the house your DMs must be flying after like a game like that but I don't even know yeah you do you check no I mean if you're seeing this guys yeah yeah this was like one of the first ones that popped up okay I love that there's a bunch of stuff on Twitter done by UNT Swift have you seen that yeah that is it was funny is that that's all not real not real no you never raise their up or anything no do you listen to her music uh old music she's got bangers old music is actually she's got bangers did you go at Sofi low-key you were like August something are you gonna go no I'll be in uh I'll be with the FIBA team okay I locked down like 20 tickets for that did you really okay I mean yeah what 36 oh we have a suite there okay so we have a ticket for awesome if you want that's a good that's a good one for the birds do you take it for him if he wants to go the funniest part about all that was is like how did that come about everything no I have no idea but everybody knows everybody no everybody that knows me knows I don't go out so everybody was like the funniest part about all this is awesome being at a bar and I was have you ever like talked to her met her oh this is the whole like night fight or sorry nightlife like partying stuff just never been an interest of yours I've never been drunk um bro coaches and stuff gotta love you I hope so there's a ton because I mean there's a bunch of stories out there of like certain guys that have gone to Vegas the night before games like yeah I mean it's real I mean I know it's a real thing too but has that ever have you ever seen stuff like that or is that ever a thing where you're like dude like we got a game tomorrow no not really uh I would say you know our team is very professional um you know when you got a guy like Brian you know I don't think you'd be unprofessional because he's been professional for that long it's like going to the principal's office you gotta go talk to him the next day bro that's definitely has he have you ever had an instant where yeah like you're meeting with the coach and then like you walk in and like LeBron's in there too no no no that's not happening but bronze definitely yeah okay cussed me out a couple times during games maybe not it cussed me out it's a little extreme why why because you were probably you were probably trying to go hero mode and no uh it was some defensive stuff uh which I've always been coached hard uh my parents used to yell at me uh every coach I ever had used to yell at me so it's normal for me okay here five seconds left you have the rock two people you're double covered you've got 80 and Braun open who you can't do this dude this is a real game scenario who am I passing it to or okay you're taking yourself a shot you can take a selfish but you're doubled first of all I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna have the ball in that situation so it's a crazy situation um I feel like you might there's five seconds five seconds but you're double you can I'm probably throwing it to Broad because he can go make a play I mean 80s you can't that sounds extreme but I'd probably go around too I mean but you could get the Highlight if you take the shot I don't care about that yeah you do no no I'm [ __ ] with you um that's a tough question who's been one of the tougher guards you've ever had uh damer jaw Dame gave us 40 and three quarters yeah and Josh just so fast yeah we're like I mean with that series he was like all over the place bro too it's just coming to the Lane it looked like he was getting hurt yeah he hurt his hand so he was out game three I think um but it I mean there was a couple charges Brian took on him that he fell really hard uh but he's uh he's one person that you literally just can't stay in front of like you can do everything you want to do and it's just impossible he's kind of like Russ early on in his career where he could just fly through the lane and dunk and yeah like it's very rare I feel like even now you don't see point guards that can really do that then his play-making ability but the way he sees the floor uh is tough too because you got Jared Jackson usually Corner cutting uh for lobs and you know the way he passes you can't step up too far but if you don't step up far enough you'll dunk on you um you haven't been a poster have you I don't think so I was having this conversation a couple days ago I don't I'm I'm smart enough to get I don't want to watch anybody at the rim no I mean if if I need to I will but uh I'll get out the way bro that's I was watching have you ever seen those videos of people who do it for fun oh I see I actually seen one a while ago yeah we're like one two friends right one friend will stand under the rim and try and block the guy dunking and they'll just get destroyed yeah people do that all the time that's about I would never most people hate the sound of metal on metal foreign I get it it can make your skin [ __ ] here at full sin we do what many other companies don't product has to live out of everything metal on metal to us it's music to our ears get your shoddy tools boys good luck there was a clip I saw earlier and it was actually of LeBron that said the first day of practice that he knew like you were gonna be uh I can't remember what he said but it's only about he knew like you're gonna be this huge success have you seen that clip yeah have you have you ever heard of like the whole of cap stuff oh yeah for sure was that you think that was a little cat moment or you're like did he come home I think he actually like I said earlier I think he was one of the first people that was like just seen the way that I seen the game because obviously he's a higher IQ guy you know he's arguably you know the highest IQ guy that's ever played so um I think we you know kind of connected on that side of basketball first um before like all the skill stuff after that but uh he likes players that you know play the right way can do everything not limited uh so I feel like you know from day one we had a good connection and um that wasn't one of those moments is there any truth to the cap stuff like how he's walking through the arena like the books I was on the first page like I don't know I was a regular person it's always on the first page though I mean I've seen all of it you know the same book always on the first page no it's always a different one so maybe starting a name but how serious you do you take the like a lot of players take that walk in like in their fits very serious I walk in in this every day the hoodie and sweats I feel like I'm very relatable to yeah you know just regular people when you when you first came in the league did you feel like you didn't have any respect or like it was like their people were lacking while you're looking yeah I mean but that's kind of been basically my whole life uh I had like three scholarship offers out of high school um you know obviously took a chance went to Wichita State transferred you know I had a couple offers but it was always kind of like I had to do you know the most to you know get to where I wanted to go and went undrafted um and you know that was a a rough night but you know we strategically planned it out to kind of put me in La um you know obviously with Brian uh so it was kind of it's kind of been like that my whole life and I don't think I would change it just because you know I think it you know helped me you know kind of prepare for all of you know the stuff is to come dude it's so wild to think that you're undrafted after this season they just had yeah what what was that what is that like when you go on drafted like do you immediately think like I'm gonna be playing overseas uh no uh I just knew I needed just the opportunity you know that's all I ever you know needed and I knew just I was confident in myself with you know the way I play the you know way I approach every game instead of just some games uh I knew if I just got the opportunity then I would uh you know ultimately get to where I am now uh it just was a lot different my route was a lot different than everybody else's not everybody else's but yeah the majority do you have any like personal goals that you want to accomplish like this season this next coming season uh I mean really for me I just want to win I want to win a championship I think I I looked abroad it was I think game four of the Memphis series and I think we we just had a big win at home went up 3-1 and was just like this this might be the most fun I've ever had playing basketball just the the level that I we were playing at you know you're playing against the best players in the world um and just that the playoff feeling and just keep going and going and going I mean ultimately to win a championship is you know really my only goal yeah how much does that energy change when you go from the regular season into the postseason it changes a lot and I mean you read a lot of stuff about how Braun you know or a d even a d you know their mentality changes their like attention to detail changes um because it's literally like everything's got to be perfect or you know you're you're not gonna win games so uh I like that stuff because I'm kind of like that even in the regular season because I'm not the most you know athletic not the tallest skilled you know um I kind of have to do that you know all year to you know make an imprint okay so I have at the Memphis series uh you went viral again because you started screaming yeah was that was I can't remember was that after a big shot yeah it was game one uh uh I think I have 14 in the fourth um I had like four straight possessions I had I had a pull up maybe a three a layup and then another pull-up to kind of seal it and it was you know it was just one of those was that just off the rip like I'm hammered did you yeah it was no that was one of those emotions that you know it's kind of just took over and um you know I felt felt it and I meant it does it ever like surprise you or I guess kind of scary that everything that you do like like that can just go so viral yeah I mean is is good and bad I mean just because you got to watch literally everything you do uh but at the same time like you know that's the stuff that you know ultimately like you know keeps you growing um so uh yeah it is what it is and uh who do you think on on the current team is like just wanna who do you think is like one of the funniest or the who's the biggest character out of the whole Squad I mean honestly bronze up there who else we got Ruiz up there once rui you know um warms up to you gets gets comfortable he uh I didn't for the longest time I said but I'm on the plane I didn't know if he talked uh for like the first two weeks and then he finally got comfortable and you know shut up uh so uh he's up there but I I mean my I might have to say Brawn just because you kind of put them on this like stature that he's this you know business guy does everything whatever and you get around him and he acts like he's 18 years old just joking never in a bad mood um yeah so he's got to be up there what'd you think about uh LeBron's like comments on the uh like right after the series when he said he was going to retire I didn't know what to think to be honest I didn't know if it was true I didn't know if it wasn't true um obviously I didn't want it to be true because I wanted to play with him longer so uh but yeah I don't know you know you see all the stuff about how they think that it was to Cloud the Judgment of because we got swapped or um all that you know stuff and I honestly have no idea if it was you know um Brown does play chess so he's he's a smart man he plays they play chess on the plane no I'm just saying he plays chess and life uh he always knows I I mean I play a lot of Chess uh do you yeah I want to find my phone oh um but uh he plays you win against the computer no you play against uh people oh do you yeah there's an app you can play against people what's the guy's name that the best guy what's his name I'm not that good no but you know what I'm talking about Magnus Carlson dude you gotta look that guy up he's like teach me something huh so maybe you can teach me something uh once once Braun said he was considering retirement no party it was like this is my moment this is like this is no not at all what do you think you would say was your biggest like Learning lesson when because you went undrafted but then when you get into the NBA like anything that just hit you about the game with the speed or whatever where you're just like [ __ ] I gotta make some adjustments in my game yeah it was it was like preseason or it was training camp my first year we had Dwight Howard uh DeAndre Jordan um and and ID those are our three bigs and I didn't never I never had a problem you know getting by the initial Defender but when I got to the rim you have guys that are seven foot seven one seven two that are actually athletic and hand-eye coordination Goods so like bacon passes around the rim lobs and dump offs uh it was really hard for me at first I couldn't figure it out and I remember there was practices where I turned it over multiple times and literally like I was just pissed I couldn't figure it out and um that was really the main thing where I had to go back and like literally watch film to figure out you know what to do to you know get passes through who's the most like famous person you've ever met at a Laker game that you were like holy [ __ ] probably Will Ferrell oh [ __ ] yeah you met him well I met him I actually met him at um at a charity event that uh Clayton Kershaw does a ping pong tournament and this is one of the craziest stories that I've had so far uh I was with one of my friends and he was like he's seen him and he was like because I want to ask people for pictures because I'm kind of shy and I don't like to do that but my friend was like oh you you got it like we gotta get a picture of him I'm like yeah I agree so like he's walking our way and I was about to like stop and introduce myself and then I'll ask for a picture honestly and he looks at me and was like yeah what'd he say he was like Austin and I was like yeah yeah I was like yes sir and he was like I'm a huge fan and I was like oh [ __ ] me too like uh he was like you care like care to take a picture with my son and I was like no obviously not um as long as I can get one with you um but that was the the one that I was like like this is cool that's dope and he's just like he's just like you you know see in movies he's we talked for like you know five ten minutes and he's just as funny you know in real life what do you think is best movie it's got to be Step Brothers yeah I think yeah I mean he's he you know what he's funny in his uh [ __ ] [ __ ] he's funny where's the other thing is actually really hilarious yeah because he's pulling the smoke right yeah yeah that that he's that guy's a legend he is such a legendary and I also uh that's a sex story one of the I wanted to be will or uh Adam Sandler he was Courtside and I think it was game six against uh Golden State and I was like if we win I gotta say something and we won um I played well and sadly I had to do media like I had to do a radio on the uh scores table as I was going over there the our uh lady that takes us to the do the media stuff took me over there and by the time I was done he had left uh so I didn't get to meet him so that's when I really want to meet Bobby dope let's go up to him and say you're him or what no I don't know what I say it just happens how do you have an arena outside of Staples that is your favorite place to play or you just feel the most comfortable uh that's a great question uh I'll say one I hate is Miami well I've never played good in Miami I think I'm like a like one for ten I maybe scored like Five Points there uh I don't know why I really don't um but I like Golden State I like Dallas uh how different is that atmosphere because in Staples you have like your regular guys Courtside and it's really dark in Staples so when you plan like it do you does it feel different when you're playing in like ran more random towns or stuff like that uh I mean some of the some of the Arenas are more like they're built more up so I was like the fans are like on top of you basically yeah uh so those are the usually the Arenas they get really loud um but you know personally I would not that I don't like to play at home because Staples or crypto whatever it is just you know all the history behind it but me personally I'd rather play on the road who do you think's like the toughest fan base or is like on the road Memphis is rough uh you know they they rock with their guys um Milwaukee and actually actually Denver um in the playoffs really surprised me it was uh there was multiple times but right before game one actually uh as they were calling out our starting lineup it was the place was literally like shaking all right any of these people ever barking at you or like piss you off with what they say uh no not really uh [ __ ] I mean you do get you know back and forth with you know fans every now and then I actually got into it I had one in uh Denver actually game one that might have been game two one of the two uh but can you talk about the situation uh no I mean I don't remember what he said but yeah I can't say what I said back but and then he actually he he was actually course on in LA and I seen him and I was just like what the [ __ ] are you doing here he just busted I laugh and he was like he was like I was just messing with you uh last game uh he was actually a cool guy I don't know who the hell he was though damn that's that's had to be somebody yeah really quick you know what's so crazy who just hit me up deloading really yeah I swear that's my like that you know you were you tell me you were coming here oh yeah and I talked to him a couple weeks that's my dog is that cool if I send him a photo of you yeah I don't care he here he was gonna come on right before the postseason no really catch up the schedules yeah that's you won't meet a better person sure how do you guys pull together we could have got the [ __ ] talk going biggest golf game ever tomorrow uh I need that I haven't seen him in a while who do you think's up all time yeah how many strokes do you give him though uh uh like eight to ten okay so he's not that bad if you're scratched he well I think I was playing at like two during the season so he shoots like low 80s though he shoots like mid but he like he's never I don't think he ever really kept his handicap um so he kind of just threw out a number and we just ran with it um but in golf I would say I might be up a little bit but he's definitely took my money in in cards what do you play cards wise uh what game yeah Blu-ray is uh there's some card game that they taught me honestly no gin rummy if you could start breaking 100 then we could we could have played them through the two dude he like do you do like do you fix your lie or do you have some like [ __ ] like driver's license in a Scrambler you can do what you want you get exact Club linked you can move do you got to learn scramble but do you guys like address the rules before or do you kind of like make them up it's a club like same surface I mean if you're going into 18 years in the scramble technically you can do is Club length you can prop it up uh if you want to be like very ticky tacky you know you can say you can play it play it down technically but I don't think a lot of people actually you know played by PGA Tour rules have you ever played with like uh uh a player on another team on the road or anything I haven't no I really just played with Dilo and then a couple of the coaches the reason that I started hitting up a lot of NBA guys is because like Draymond has a podcast patbab has a podcast like all these guys are starting to do more stuff off the court like do you think that's something you'd ever do you think that's important uh I probably wouldn't get in the podcast world uh I think just because so many people have them uh but like I said I do the tick tock uh hopefully the I'm probably gonna do a YouTube channel just of golf for me just because I enjoy playing golf uh me and Trent actually you know started the tick tock we'll probably do like I said a YouTube um and see where it goes uh but it's you got the YouTube channel live now yeah or no no not yet it's something that we started probably like a week and a half ago two weeks ago we should launch it when this comes out at least so we could say let's put in the description if it's there check it out go subscribe to us I'll do it but you have to play your first round with us 2v2 let's do it maybe 23. we can definitely play do you play a lot do you all play a lot if we travel a lot so I'll go from playing like I'll play like five days in a row and then I won't play for like a [ __ ] month you know yeah but I love playing I wish I could play like it's the it's so fun I have to say it's nothing better I have to say it's the second greatest sport but what about what about have you played with any tour players no uh I'm a huge Jordan Spieth fan and uh so I would like to play with him uh actually I seen the other day I was scrolling through Instagram and uh I really don't pay attention to my stuff uh so max Homer's uh name popped up just because literally all my Instagram is Golf and I clicked on his page and it was like follow back and I was like oh [ __ ] I might I might need to follow him back because you know I'm like when I say I'm a golf fan like I'm a huge golf fan so uh do you watch this for it I want yeah you would have definitely you would have definitely signed with Liv I mean why not especially now after everything they merged and basically they got an extra whatever they signed for just to get back to wherever they were going so can you imagine missing that bag then you can't be mad at him well because all the all the PGA guys started to come after him and it's like I personally thought like how are you gonna get mad at a guy for doing what's best for them I seen because they did the uh what was the Netflix show uh full song I haven't seen it yeah it's really good DJ was just talking like he was like in any other job in the world like you could be whatever it's like if you could work less and get paid more yeah everybody's doing it he was like I don't obviously not everybody because some people turned it down but it was like I don't know why I wouldn't uh and that really made sense to me yeah I feel like you could be you could definitely play with these guys I actually this is random but I went to middle school with Windham Clark really which is crazy that is crazy in the US Open Yeah we actually or no he didn't go uh me and my family went to uh the US Open we said on 18 um the last day it was cool have you uh we just did I don't know if you know like the streamers but we just did a couple streamers on our podcast like Aiden uh I mean I know of Aiden but these guys are signing like two year hundred million dollar deals damn I don't know if you've seen that so they just stream twitch and they're getting like they're saying they're getting NBA money now I mean if you're in two years 100 million you get I mean that's technically making more than LeBron from just LeBron's like yeah what do you expect by the Lakers Lakers yeah I mean if that's what it is yeah so hypothetically if your Tick Tock gets popping you never know what could happen never know as a fact uh that's crazy though two years 100 I wish do you have any other Hobbies obviously you golf oh you play chess with your bro behind you on your phone yeah we do that um like I said I play the game so I'm I'll probably play more when I come back out here when I'm at home um usually just golfing hanging out with family uh other than that I really don't do [ __ ] who do you think you've learned the most from from the Lakers so my first year it would and he was only here for half a year but Rondo oh [ __ ] was someone that I was like like asked a billion questions a day too I mean just because once again he's an IQ guy uh and actually Frank Vogel uh told me when I signed my deal he was like I want you to he sent me by him on the plane um he wanted me to just you know honestly be everywhere that he was and just ask him questions and uh so that was probably he probably taught me the most in the amount of time I was with him uh because like I said I'd ask him probably if we had to practice for 45 minutes I'd probably ask him 15 to 20 Questions uh about how I like to just how to improve your gamer like or your mental like schemes like what he coming off a pick and roll like what he looks at um because you're never looking at your Defender you're looking at the weak side help or the the high lift guy if he's too far in just his progressions on you know how he plays pick and roll because he was you know so good uh for so long uh other than that you know it's been everybody I've been lucky to have I mean my first year we had probably five six Hall of Famers then we the rest of the team have been in the league for 10 years other than like me Malik uh Taylin uh and Kendrick uh we were the only four that had been in the the league lesson 10 years so we had you know opportunities to just really learn from guys that's been around since you know mid-2000s yeah I was gonna say I don't think I [ __ ] love Rondo which is probably one of my favorite players even because like when he played with the Pelicans yeah like when I remember when the playoffs came he in the season he was kind of chilling but he just turned it on and it was like he's just like it looks like he's one of the smartest IQ guys to ever play no he's he's very intelligent uh and he's someone that's not afraid to speak his mind like if he doesn't agree with something like and he's not he's not problematic at all but he uh he definitely makes his voice heard as it should be because of the way he you know approaches the game and uh all the like you know time that he's done that to you know get to where he was yeah well do you watch anything else besides full swing on Netflix any recommendations for the people I haven't I haven't really watched anything in a long time uh when I'm out here is when I do like when I play the game and watch TV shows but when I'm home I don't really watch TV I feel like you gotta just come out with us one night bro I don't know about it he's trying to have a big season bro we'll see him on the golf course what's the night out with y'all look like depends [ __ ] it depends yeah I mean like pretty wild like but like nothing you supply some [ __ ] you've never seen before it's probably some [ __ ] out I don't know no I'm just kidding uh you've gone out with the team and stuff yeah I've been out a little bit it's probably something similar to that but not as cool I don't know why you would say that well I mean I'm not trying I don't know how would you say it like I like I don't know we're out like at the club I'm probably like with the smoke show he's working on something and then yeah you pull the smoke shows out of here no okay there was three chicks huh Saturday I wouldn't say but it was it was a lot better than Siamese girl she was like Saturday was like if you played in Miami it was a bad night yeah like if you went one for 12 like that was mine but I was playing in Miami all the time it happens that's that's how it goes it happens yeah play better at certain Arenas yeah bad nights and where were we yeah Vegas is not yours Vegas is not I one of my worst places to play yeah Miami's actually my best really yeah interesting it's hard to play Bad at Miami though yeah that's true actually uh what about your relationship with like Jack Nicholas do you ever um I mean I don't really have one uh yeah obviously the pitchers out there of him tossing me the ball uh you know said what's up but I don't know him uh I think someone told me that that was might have been the first time he's been out of his house since covid uh was to come to game was it four and six um so which was cool or no he come to the Denver Series so three and four um you know he's a legend I think we got his seats when we took Hezbollah to the game right oh yeah bro no I I we uh I dapped him up I was about to take out the I was about to take the ball out like five seconds left and I seen him over there and I was like hey this is a once in a lifetime opportunity at the end of the game you had it yeah you should have just ran up and just gave it to him I turned around before I was about to take it out I put my Knuckles on you smack the [ __ ] out of him but that's tough yeah everyone ask him for a photo I would have I definitely with Luca before that was okay yes yeah he was with him uh you saying that now I do remember that yeah yeah that was a fun ass night yeah who do you think is the coolest person you've seen courtside uh any anyone ever just shock you like a Rihanna like a t-swift I don't think tea Swift's ever been Courtside uh no not really uh I mean Floyd Floyd's been I mean he comes a lot like uh actually Denzel Washington uh that was someone else I wanted I wanted to meet um but I think we lost the game I was pissed off uh so I didn't go over there do you see when Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny were there I did yeah I don't know anything about it Bad Bunny looked lost yeah probably I mean I wasn't that you were probably more focused do you like bad Bunny's music you were watching that I was watching the game I've never listened so I can't you know I think his music sucks I like it I hate it I've never listened so I couldn't say anything okay I don't I would never turn on Bad Bunny there's a time no I just wouldn't some of my teammates were uh I can't dance for [ __ ] yeah so it's like it just doesn't do anything for me like I'm useless on the dance floor so it's just like why would I ever played Bad Bunny I mean at the club yeah yeah I mean I don't know if that was a lame answer either Who's laughing over there by the way why are you laughing okay again I'm gonna do a different scenario not the one-on-one but you're about to play game one of the finals for some reason no one's phone's working they're like yo Reeves here's the ox what's the one song you're throwing on oh God that is hard take your time one song that's such a hard question you don't have a go-to no not really like one go-to track that's a bit of a go-to not really like one I don't know yeah what's what's up what's your one 22 by Taylor Swift I mean that's not getting places that's what he withdrawn no no not in the locker room for a game no uh maybe you should just throw people off and like be like the funny guy bro time and place yeah time and place for sure yeah like what happens if you throw like Morgan Wallen on on the ox in the locker rooms everyone just never tried that yeah I mean not that I mean I just I could maybe I don't play the music yeah I'm that guy that probably gets it wrong you know what I mean yeah like when it's my moment I probably would [ __ ] it up yeah and um I would play something that had yeah like you said you play little baby or a little dirt yeah you're [ __ ] safe how often does uh does like is there like that half game or like uh halftime or like post game big speech post game what like big speech in the locker room not much honestly uh there I will say this if it is it's like very like meaningful uh if it's like in like uh if we go on like a three or four game losing streak uh and something needs to be said um but for the most part it's you play so many games that can't really get caught up in you know one game what do you think's the you had a I can't remember who was against me you had a huge like you had a 30-point triple double I think it was in the postseason uh it was last it was my last game of my rookie year it was against Denver but that was a regular season game yeah would you say that's like probably one of your biggest accomplishments yeah probably uh just because like the people that like the names that I got put into for doing that uh for I think I was like one of maybe like four uh undrafted rookies that's had a 30 point triple double do you know who the other guys are or might have been I might have been the only undrafted rookie to have a 30 point triple double and then one of like four or five Lakers that was a rookie to have a 30-point triple double it was like Jerry West's Magic Lonzo and maybe Kareem or someone that's a pretty solid camera when I heard that I was okay that's I mean that was cool yeah do you think that anything any of your components because you can I mean you can pretty much do everything you think anything's underrated uh I think my passing ability is a little underrated I mean just because I haven't played the one as much um but that would that's one thing that I think even like from probably game 55 on which was which was on more of a display uh just because you know had a more opportunity how tricky does that get because you basically have if you Dilo and Braun are on the court like any three of you can play the one so how how hard is that to adapt to when like you're pretty much converting into a two or you are a two I think it's I think it's really more about feel and understanding like who who like really who's got it going at the moment uh obviously Brown is brown and you know he's the guy um and I don't think anybody you know gets that Twisted um but you know there's like even the the Memphis game uh game one where I had 14 in the fourth like there was I remember I think someone got a rebound and passed as a Braun and maybe I mean I was just gonna run to the corner and I took off running and he like yelled at me to stop and just gave me the ball and it was kind of like one of those like I said feeling moments that you know I had it going and um if roles are reversed uh I think that's where like the the chemistry and like the actual like care factor to win takes over like the egos put aside yeah when you're hot they were feeding Lonnie Walker for sure yeah pretty much I mean he won the game he won yeah he won this game what was that four or something one of those games yeah he literally won US and it was the yeah it was four because if they would have won it would have went tutu and if they win that game they they switch back to you know home court advantage how crazy is that with for your confidence when you're hot and bronze giving up the ball and being like yo this is your game uh I would say okay it feels really good um I mean like I said just because of you know who he is and you know all he's accomplished for him to you know trust me or like you said Lonnie or whoever's that really got it going at that time to you know kind of just take over is feels good yeah [ __ ] yeah sweet you got anything else I think this we covered everything you know the name of what your YouTube channel is going to be probably hillbilly bogey where'd you come up with that name well some some people call me hillbilly Kobe uh obviously name bro yeah it's it's cool um some well no it did uh but then the people have given me 15 nicknames so it's kind of just everywhere uh so that's kind of where it come from uh well this will be out in what 10 days what's today Monday Thursday with the next it'll be oh yes we drop every Thursday so not this Thursday but the following so you guys gotta drop us in the description Austin's gonna Drop It Go show them some love go subscribe yeah I appreciate you coming no for sure cool ass dude man thank you I appreciate it congratulations bro appreciate it never gonna crush it we gotta come to a lot of games this year then yeah come on I'm gonna be asking for tickets so I don't care let's go you don't pull up whenever appreciate y'all good [ __ ] [Music] [Music]
Views: 629,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle forgeard, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, Austin Reaves on His Real Relationship with LeBron and Dating Taylor Swift!, austin reaves, austin reaves highlights, austin reaves team usa, austin reaves nba, austin reaves taylor swift, austin reaves podcast, austin reaves interview, lakers, los angeles lakers, lakes podcast, lakers highlights, usabmnt, bleacher report, nba lens, house of highlights
Id: vWFbjPDrc2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 42sec (4002 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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