Dana White, President, UFC | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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all right so welcome in sir how are we doing see you my man what's up here we got the whole team today I know Arthur's shorts cool not yet man there we go how you been awesome thanks man Mike Tyson mm-hmm population control it is that's the first thing how you been you good family good thanks buddy you've been traveling a lot just got back from Europe good for you where were you in Europe Belgium I was there too and then we went to Italy went to the Coliseum went to the tour and then we went somewhere else France I was in Italy too you must get destroyed over there how do you even walk around you yeah he's on the bike chasing me what every time I get out the bike he stops takes pictures with me these guys on bikes is like a team like 12 kids on the bikes chasing me but how the [ __ ] do you walk around the Coliseum we one day we went to this little [ __ ] place in Italy right I was on a boat so they got little boats to take you to the thing when I we pulled up and I got off the boat I just got [ __ ] swarmed and surrounded and it was so bad I had to get back on the boat and go back to the boat because we couldn't even [ __ ] walk how the [ __ ] do you go anywhere listen here's me I'm gonna tell you this me you how do you you're like the one of the most recognizable human beings on planet [ __ ] I got all the M MMA um the fighters over there the um the kickboxing Champions they're all my bodyguards yeah oh so you have a few oh yeah you have all this Fighters making Europe is different all the fighters run the show you know that yeah yeah it makes sense that's what you'd have to do I have no bodyguards I got off the boat and uh said yeah I gotta get back on the [ __ ] boat and leave this is this is madness because all the restaurants there is like outdoor and it's just like boom I mean mobbed my wife has to stay in them she stay in the room it's just too crazy yeah yeah it has to be I mean I can't even imagine it I I experience this much of that you're the most recognizable [ __ ] guy right it's not like America where you could cool out you know yeah well Vegas you can do whatever you want in Vegas and [ __ ] walk around whatever but you get over there 24 hour it's one kid and this one guy is giving all the kids this one thing the science I'm sounding like all the kids are coming 100 well the other thing too is for for people in other parts of the world are we doing this are we on now we I guess we're I guess we're in right we're in so okay another great episode of hot boxing I'm Mike Tyson and we have the man here Dana White no introduction thanks I'm trying um wow but like we were saying I was talking about your your one of the most famous recognizable human beings on planet Earth and for some of these people in Europe to get the opportunity you know when they see you to meet you or take a picture with you it has to be [ __ ] crazy crazy crazy it's um if they know I'm coming and say I'm [Music] um fam yes they like English I'm in England which I can't go really now but if I'm in England right they would call that cousins from Africa and let them they would come and they would come and prepare from Portugal or whatever and everybody be there and um a trip in England the families there everybody is it they look at sports figures totally different than the people over here you know and sometimes it gets too crazy it might be the balance kissing your feet to something I guess and it's just but it's big here too I mean listen when you walk I say this all the time I've been friends with you for [ __ ] over 20 years and I still when you walk in room people people you are an iconic human being uh you know forget about sports just in pop culture period you are an iconic [ __ ] human being man when you walk into a room people [ __ ] [ __ ] their pants and and uh and and to to get the opportunity to meet you that's why you got people flying in from [ __ ] Africa and Portugal and all this other [ __ ] it's it's it's it's it's [ __ ] awesome it's a big deal you know um when I'm objective about myself and I look at what I believe other people are looking at I said well I can you imagine how many floors this guy have but that's the other thing that makes you who you are and why people are so Blown Away by you you're so [ __ ] brutally honest about yourself and and the way that you you look at yourself and you are a very unique amazing [ __ ] human being man come on you got to think about it right and that's the other thing that makes you so [ __ ] awesome too it's just yeah you're awesome Mike you're awesome anyway you're a nightmare yourself man every time you hear MMA UFC you guys see it didn't work we hit a dinner wipe the most um gotta say a prolific Gambler in Vegas that's the word I like that word prolific yeah that's what you are here listen listen and this is crazy all I had the cab the um not the captain but the uh they got Uber everybody now that day in the white he can't go here and he's banned here or you know Dana's band of this hotel he can't come here I didn't know he did things like I thought he had fights or something over there people pissed him off he's over there because he's racking up the money he's taking everybody oh yeah bankrupt the hotel when they say band what they mean is they won't let me play at the limits that I want to play at they'll make me play in you know inside this uh I would go in and I would play as much as they would allow me to play I would play but I'm one of these guys as soon as I [ __ ] landed you know the sickness is real as soon as I landed I went straight to the to the Red Rock and uh and started playing I heard that yesterday the day before yesterday oh you did yeah yeah the news travels fast but yeah as soon as I got there I [ __ ] I I went in and played and uh it's just it's what I like to do about Hong Kong yeah which um played there I only play in Vegas man you know when you're playing these other places the thing about Vegas is when you play in Vegas there's a lot of uh um you know there's a lot of uh you know all these casinos are competing with each other so you can go into these different casinos and and set better rules for yourself than you could if you play in one of these Indian reservations or some of these other places but I do like I do like the win in Boston the win in Boston is pretty gangster those guys uh I'll be in Boston I leave for Nashville tomorrow we gotta fight in Nashville tomorrow and I'll be in Boston next weekend but uh yeah I do like that we see some of the old crew needs coming around too they yeah I got all my friends back there and yeah the Boston fight's gonna be fun I'm looking forward to it um wow it really is it's a great [ __ ] City my favorite city in Boston yeah the fighters kids the amateurs where are you from New York okay he's really preppy no the Rivalry is [ __ ] great though I love I love the New York Boston rivalry and I love the Philly Boston rivalry I love going to Philly so I'm a big Celtics fan and I'm not afraid to fight nobody they're not afraid to feel he's [ __ ] awesome right I we go into Philly right and and when we're playing the Celtics versus Philly and I go in there and I wear my Celtics gear and [ __ ] and I walk in and people are [ __ ] like you've got some [ __ ] balls wearing that in here boo UFC sucks and they're yelling all this [ __ ] at me when I go in there and I got my seats and all the people are sitting around me and if we can leave Philly with a [ __ ] win it's it's the best thing ever um you know and and I'm friends with with Michael Rubin and so we talked [ __ ] on you know back and forth with the Celtics and the and the Sixers uh I love the Rivalry with with Philly man it's awesome do you party he's invited me to a couple of his part he just did one for the uh the Fourth of July he had the big white party out there everybody yeah yeah he's got everybody there but I go to my I got a place up in Maine so I go there every fourth of July so I haven't uh no I haven't done one of his parties yet I noticed this when I was younger than meeting people who I we call them wealthy they um the best people they don't care about anything they give you all anything you got you you have to turn it away because they give you so much it's just the same [ __ ] way when you have it you should be that way you should be that way when you have money and somebody and you don't I agree I don't disagree I so there was a gym what the [ __ ] was the name of the gym when the Golden Gloves Golden Gloves so we used to try Hal Miller that's right so we used we used to work out of a gym you know he was the [ __ ] King you know when he would come they'd clean the [ __ ] gym out everybody had to leave Tyson would come in but it was a Golden Gloves gym for underprivileged kids and and you know people trying to make it come in and Mike kept that [ __ ] place afloat yeah Hal Miller was the guy who ran it he's an old cop and whatever they'll throw you right out on your [ __ ] head when Mike was on his way there so Mike would fight so he'd have a big fight at MGM or whatever and you'd and you'd come back to the gym after the after the Tyson fight and there were brand new [ __ ] cars everywhere in the parking lot Mike bought everybody a [ __ ] car everybody that was involved in the fight had a brand new [ __ ] car yeah listen if you say you say you have a crew you could be a gangster you could be a crew whatever if um all you guys got to look like the boss if a guy don't know who the boss is you don't know you think oh you're the boss you gotta look that way you got a crew feed the Wolves he took care of everybody everybody taking care of me now helping me they're like oh come on I don't disagree oh man I know we got that big fight man Boston man what's up man yeah no that's going to be a problem sugar Shawn O'Malley oh and Sterling Al Jermaine Sterling didn't he just fight um who the Sterling his fight a great fight well no yeah he just beat uh who's the [ __ ] did he just beat now we gotta Google Now who was it no no Sterling won Ultraman Sterling won and yeah for Henry right yeah Henry sahuda yeah that's right [ __ ] Mike knows better than me uh yeah he fought Henry sahudo yeah um now he's taking on O'Malley in Boston's so excited anything big planned for that yeah what do you think how Molly how did Molly come back since he broke his leg that time who my Molly broke his belly broke his leg oh yeah yeah I know he didn't break his leg he he uh he just injured his leg Yeah he was he's good no he's good he's healthy he's ready to go Al Jermaine's ready to go two weeks from now in Boston and uh yeah I'm looking forward to that whole that whole card tell me who's who's the guy in um yes you know who's the guy that the whole world wants to see well I I mean if you look right now uh Israel out of Sonya you know he's still Untouchable yeah there's a bit is a big star for us right now and what I love about this kid is uh he loves the fight he wants to fight multiple times a year um vulcanovsky you know uh is an absolute Savage Hamza chamayev I mean he he's a huge Star right now everybody wants to see he's fighting Paula Costa and uh Diaz already didn't he who uh Nate Diaz yeah yeah well no uh him and Nate were supposed to fight he didn't make the weight so we ended up fighting Kevin Holland instead um Nick is still a big attraction huh Nick yeah but Nick doesn't uh Nick isn't fighting anymore yeah Nick's retired and but yeah I mean people love the Diaz brothers man love them and Nate's still fighting right Nate's still fighting yeah you heard about Mike he's gonna be training training your boy we're going to say are we going to Saudi Arabia well that's what they told me I just think I'm gonna go to you hear what I'm doing no talk to me there you go why are you laughing at me I'm not laughing I'm excited too but I kept going I'm going to be training Francis nagana fight Tyson Fury come on I know you're my third I didn't hear that yet no oh yeah they told me and they bit my arm I had to do it what do you think about uh Jon Bones Jones legendary come back that's [ __ ] I mean the guy is he's the best he's an old Planet that's one of the all-time great 100 situation boom that scene boom he's the best he's the he's the he's the greatest uh he's one of the greatest fighters of all time period in all of Combat Sports and you know I don't think people give him enough credit the guy is undefeated he's never lost in MMA moved you know went right through [ __ ] murderer's row at light heavyweight as a young [ __ ] guy then moves up the heavyweight and wins in heavyweight and and they say he's crazy what do you think about that they say he's crazy all fighters are crazy you know that but um no what makes Jon Jones so [ __ ] unique and and so special is if you look at all the things that he did outside of the octagon and outside of the sport yet still destroyed everybody that he fought it's pretty fascinating um but yeah I mean Mike you know better than anybody when you're dealing with professional fighters you have to be a little crazy to be a professional oh absolutely feel like that huh they live with fear for all those years like that the person you want to be but Jon Jones is Jon Jones is one of those guys that when he's gone is when he'll really get the credit that he that he that he absolutely deserves he is a bad [ __ ] yeah 100 you got a fight coming up in November it was type uh Steve yep and they know Stevie it was still funny Madison Square Garden he's an old Warrior yeah is that going to be like his last fight maybe there's a rumor it could be I mean you know John's talking about retiring uh after that fight but we'll we'll see what happens we'll see how it plays out I mean he's so [ __ ] good it's just and I you know I think it'll depend on what challenges are out there for him after that fight if he wins if he can beat steepe realistically if you look at his steepe's looked at as the greatest heavyweight ever Jon Jones is the greatest mixed martial artist of all time we'll see how it plays out like excitement in New York gotta go to New York man for that one man November yeah yep November at MSG so what's up man Elon Musk what's going on with Zuckerberg well I heard you got all the information you want to promote that it's real it's real yeah my wife said um it's real zuckerman's gonna kick his ass I'm I'm uh you know we were literally funny because we were talking about the Coliseum for that fight and I actually did have a meeting with the uh it's the minister of cultures team really in in Italy uh to actually hold that fight and the Coliseum if it would happen so but how they gonna fight you it's going all out of this boxing no it'd be MMA yeah yeah I don't want to see that one no way man I want to see that yeah we're talking now I think I'm going to use steroids or something no no steroids no no steroids allowed but no sleepers you guys would be drug tested my wife says the same thing he's a Blue Bell ain't he like a Blue Bell Zuckerberg takes this [ __ ] very seriously he is a huge UFC Fanny trains and uh he's an MMA fan [ __ ] karate kick this [ __ ] man octagon okay but look how Elon looks like he doesn't even look like backyard Elon doesn't even look like he from this plan look at him but Elon grew up doing Judo he's a he he he's a legit Judo guy and yes no legit Juno Guy come on that's why he wants to fight this young [ __ ] Intergalactic gymnastics well a little bit of prediction for that like I mean yeah I mean it's one of those fights that if we did do that I would build a killer undercard you know with tons of gray fights and then you'd have the main event but think about how big that fight is two of the richest most powerful guys in the [ __ ] world wow are gonna are gonna fight for it on the biggest stage yeah everybody would who the [ __ ] doesn't want to see that one for free who doesn't want to see that fight that's the kind of fight you're [ __ ] your grandmother would watch that fight you know what I mean it's it's a it's a huge trumpet fight to be bigger than that and my I can see somebody in my house like why people have got so much money just don't know what to do yeah the counter fight and Floyd was like 600 million how much is this fight gonna build like yeah he's gonna be bigger than that I think this thing does a billion dollars billion dollar fight in Revenue yeah a billion in Revenue the biggest fight of all time was Conor and Floyd which did uh four point something million pay-per-view buys and then the the second biggest one was Floyd Manny which is literally right behind it is that one of the reasons McGregor don't want to come back he made so much money you don't need to come back huh yeah I mean uh Conor makes a lot of money you know outside of the island liquor dude in the liquor brother lots of [ __ ] he's got his hands on a lot of different things so he just all tastes better than this howler [ __ ] look at that really tell us about it what kind of liquor that is it's uh no no no no no no Fireball yeah good for you brother a good popcorner no that's not the popcorn I like well that one's garlic and the other one's white cheddar which one do you want no I would like look at this look at this what is that cheddar the cheddar white cheddar the black one is the white cheddar this one's actually high protein it's called Kudo it's high protein if I I wanted some pop make some popcorner too just like that tell me that that isn't awesome that is not good you're gonna love that popcorn tastes not good right because there's cheddar it's healthy popcorn actually it's healthy huh yeah exactly yeah gluten-free tear that [ __ ] up and it's high protein look yeah you think it's fruit hey there that [ __ ] up your life expectation based on what you eat exactly very true you switched your whole thing up man I'm drilled up now no what you mean what does it mean no hello what did you mean what would it do for that how do you look before that she'll be well [ __ ] now he's slimmed out cut up down okay ready to fight I ain't ready to fight I'm uh yeah I fight to get on the treadmill every [ __ ] day if the money's right Mike would you would you fight in UFC oh train I don't even want to see Mike fight anymore me and me and me and me and Mike got into it about this before so when Mike was fighting the uh when Mike was going to do the Roy Jones fight I I was totally against it I didn't want him to fight and and I kept saying like yeah I don't think Mike should fight and then Mike called me one day and he's like stop saying this I'm a [ __ ] grown ass man if I want to file if I said no you're right you're right because he felt like I was like [ __ ] on the fight because I didn't want him to fight okay so I called him so listen he didn't want me to fight yeah but he gives me a job [ __ ] with some Shock I knew this was coming I'm I'm in the listen and the guy that's supposed to be my shock instructor got his leg and his arm bitten off by Sean and he's gonna tell me shocking great animals no this is one of the funniest [ __ ] so I said Mike I don't want you to fight man listen I'll I'll I'll get you something else so so you know Shark Week comes up right so so I get Mike this this kid hosting Shark Week and and going down to the Bahamas and doing the shark thing and uh he's like so let me get this straight I've been fighting my whole [ __ ] life you know that's what I feel comfortable getting in the ring and fighting you don't want me to fight but you want to throw me in the water the [ __ ] [ __ ] sharks right so apparently when Mike went down there isn't that true and and he gets down there like he he freaked out a little bit from what I heard I wasn't there this is second hand I heard he scared the [ __ ] out of the whole crew that was shooting shooting the the Shark Week if it's not too severe I'm gonna come here and kill all you [ __ ] that's exactly what happened so [ __ ] in their pants they were so [ __ ] scared because I guess he threatened everybody that is yeah if I'm not too severe you let me do this [ __ ] there's another guy that dude that that door that states that you don't want him to fight he wants McGregor and you hate him Jake Paul what's up like what's up with Jakey yeah I don't [ __ ] hate Jake Paul everybody one of those guys that that you know he's a young kid and he's just trying to get attention you know he's always looking for attention and and uh you know he's doing his thing I mean whatever whatever it's all good I mean he's doing well with the KSI and all that [ __ ] right oh that's his brother okay the brother is [ __ ] brilliant I mean the brother's [ __ ] breaking in big dough you know the the the Logan Paul is is uh is a business man this kid's really making some big moves and KSI too those those kids are making real money and doing their thing what's that the KSI yeah I think the popcorn's a hit the Bob the popcorn's a winner over there I can't eat the pipeline because they've got like a little lightweight root canal oh [ __ ] drugged up you too thurton no but I know that [ __ ] in the teeth yeah oh when the weather's off it's gonna be a hell of a day oh my God babe your top five UFC fighters of all time so hard to do because you know when you look at the 23 years that I've been in it there's been so many great fights but you gotta you got to start with Jon Jones oh can I tell you about this yeah I got John John Bones Jones I got khabib Conor I got George Saint Pierre and I ended it with sugar strong you know no no Mother's body those are all good ones these are recent people man you got to have Ronda Rousey you know what I mean you got to have uh Amanda Nunes greatest female fighter of all time okay um there's just so many it's hard to pick five and say you know you have like he said you know those are all recent how do you not have uzman Kamar uzman's got to be in there um yeah it's it's tough to think about those tough guys back in the day her voice and in his era and his time yeah it's hard to just pick you know know five all-time great Fighters there's been so if you look at the different generations of people who helped people to another level we've seen guys fight no um what um weightlift division a guy 120 come find a 400 pounds that was the original right that's how I started like 300 Pounders versus like who's truly the baddest man on the planet Matt Hughes would have to make the list I mean it's just oh man there's so there's so many people that have it's tough to pick uh we'll talk to Frank Murphy yeah and then you look at all the different Brazilians that that came up you know the pride era I mean you know Pride Fighting out of Japan and it's hard to just pick you know five Rickson was good too Gracie Ricks and Gracie and a little run but yeah but he never really fought in the UFC hoisted but Hixson he fought in Pride exactly Mike knows his [ __ ] my new things first happened who did we have when this first happened not Jim um Doug who was it who was those guys oh you're talking about like Dan Severn yeah seven what's the other guy fought then um uh Don Frye exactly these people it's not like these guys talking now they're very you know you could tell these guys been in school and stuff I was just hard off the street yes tough guy they didn't have no skill but you're tough Dawn Frye punched a fan in the face like a few months ago you know and I just saw an interview with him and he was like uh this girl Nina who who does you know is a social influencer was talking to him about it and uh I guess the the fan was saying why don't we go outside and Don fry punched him right in the face when he said that to him but Don fry made a sound like he said she said he asked you that and you punch him in the face and he said no he asked me that and I said we're out here he was acting like he was pointing away outside and uh yeah he punched this guy in the face he's got to be getting sued over that uh but yeah I saw some good fights true he's a tough mean [ __ ] too yeah he does seem like one of those really Hillbillies what [ __ ] exactly 100 do it do it punch boy yeah you don't ask Don fry if you want to go outside no matter how [ __ ] old Don fry is the most horrifying like like like Fear Factor like a Mike Tyson type that's a good question Mike Tyson era like being like yeah crossed over to you know UFC or MMA I I would say right now you know Hamza chamaya is like that guy Hamza Maya he's not like a human even huh you know he'll punch in the [ __ ] face in two seconds uh that whole that whole Sarah Longo team has that that that attitude too that whole crew um they've slapped a few [ __ ] fans here and there too yeah um yeah but for the most part our our guys and girls are great I mean they're all normal well-adjusted you know people that that don't run around you know doing that kind of [ __ ] what's her name uh uh Juliana Pena [ __ ] beat some bouncer's ass and got sued for that uh and she just did something some of these girls will throw it in poor little girl [ __ ] the bounce up yeah yeah she I don't remember exactly what the story is and wow Ronda Rousey beat the [ __ ] out of a couple guys in a movie theater once uh that's why These Guys these people are single people man yeah no guy got no time for no woman to be beating his ass hey man actually hey come back I think he sued her too I think that the bouncer sued Juliana Pena um but yeah I mean all these all these kids are tough man they're you want to make a name for themselves well it's speaking of tough man this power slap League man what's up wow that's some real ass [ __ ] man yeah I know it's laughing right out it's been fun that's what this is we're in the power slap war room right now this is where we make the fights first Champion now well I think we got all the Champs right up here on the wall the next fight the next fight is is uh next week next Wednesday we have are you in town next Wednesday no I'll probably be in Saudi Arabia oh [ __ ] all right I got to get you to one of these fights yeah so we got this dude that that so the so the co-main event over here this kid right here his name is Nate Bernard monster this kid's a big [ __ ] monster apparently he's a security guard for the Buffalo uh bills his hands are [ __ ] huge and and this dude knocks everybody out I'm so excited to to watch uh a Nate fight uh next week Nathan's slapping them out oh my God you got to see this dude anybody have to go to the hospital I gotta oh yeah oh I got it hey think about back in your day think about back in your day when you used to train if you would have slapped somebody open hand slap somebody you would have [ __ ] knocked everybody out with an open hand [ __ ] slap you know what I mean you were at a place where oh you know you're probably better off slapping people than punching them back in the day um do these guys on steroids doing this stuff too no no these guys get drug tested yeah just like the the fighters do yeah they get drug tested they go through the same safety protocol and all that [ __ ] that that that UFC fighters and boxers with the athletic commission oh man that's why some of these guys are monsters hey did you see the picture that I got out there uh outside my office of of you and I think it's Mitch blood green are you serious yeah where you're knocking his mouthpiece out of his mouth it's out by my office you got to see that picture it's one of the [ __ ] coolest pictures that I I got a lot of [ __ ] Tyson [ __ ] in this office but that picture is badass you know really Keen Billy Keith he's associated with Tyson Fury from England yeah no no I think he's from here yeah but he gave me that picture as a gift it's [ __ ] badass you guys got to shoot that picture before we leave and look at this picture I got it man crazy Mexican he's a born-again um he's a born again Christian I think he's a preacher is he really this is what I heard it kind of makes sense that's one of my favorite all-time Stories the green [ __ ] stories imagine yeah is there is the Destroyer guy what's up with this guy man like Darius yeah um yeah Darius just had a tough run in the last uh whatever AJ AJ's a man this kid Austin Turpin [ __ ] lunatic this kid's an absolute lunatic um but tough as hell you got uh the crazy Hawaiian you know we got the super heavyweights now that fight uh with him and Camille that's going to be uh over 700 pounds on the stage for that fight um yeah we got power slap four coming up August 9th it's next has it ever been one smack the guy never got had the chance to smack the guy back yeah and you know everybody thinks if you get the first shot that you automatically win it's like 52 52 percent of the people that slap first win so it's it really is uh plus you don't have that big of an advantage as people think you do what's the longest rounds that it went to so you can go uh three rounds the title fights are five five times five yeah the AJ sound like the AJ Wolverine fight went the distance so it went five full rounds yeah and those two were both bad [ __ ] so who won the decision uh Wolverine yeah how did you how do you judge it judges you know they have judges there just like uh MMA and Bob I like that one bit I like these yeah guys get rocked guys get knocked down and get back up um you gotta come I'm telling you you have to come to one of these fights live you will [ __ ] have a blast it's so fun being there live is fun oh yeah oh yeah the energy in the place is [ __ ] awesome wow it's it's a lot of fun even though barbaric aren't we but that's that's um it's a platform so that people want to see that um let me tell you what so you know we kill it here in the United States in in India doing like 300 million views Indonesia 100 million views Brazil 30 million views 40 million views in Russia um the list goes on and on we just launched in China in 48 hours the thing did something like 100 million views in 48 hours and no it's it's [ __ ] killing it oh yes well this stuff was coming out of like Poland and Russia and I started looking at it in like 2018 and I'm like this is [ __ ] crazy so I took a deeper dive into it and and the the it looked like somebody filmed it on their flip phone and they were like in a basement or a bar or something and there was a barrel in between them and I looked at the number it had 350 million views on YouTube that's what I said and I was like this is like a [ __ ] Justin Bieber video for Christ's sakes that 350 million views [ __ ] that so I dove in I said what would happen if you did this the right way got it sanctioned had good production uh you know quality you know what the answer is billions of [ __ ] views that's the answer we launched it I just I said this thing could be [ __ ] big same thing I said with the UFC 25 years ago and here we are remembering the first dominant when they said yeah get the [ __ ] out of here they ain't gonna have no fight there's gonna be no real street fight um fighting it definitely get the [ __ ] and then next thing you know we got um it was not hacks so Jim Douglas I keep thinking of him but it's not some guys forget his name and then another guy they go and think boom boom boom Oh [ __ ] when I went outside everyone was talking about the whole [ __ ] neighborhood I remember that that [ __ ] yeah there's been some like some in fighting there's been like these cultural moments um you know outside of traditional boxing and things like that the first UFC was one of them and then um like the backyard fights with Kimbo Slice when the internet really started booming those backyard fights and the Kimbo [ __ ] thing was so massive um and the other one whether people want to [ __ ] admit or not was slap when this slapping [ __ ] started you know 350 million views on YouTube I started looking at it and and you know it's crazy how there's always these little cultural movements and moments in Combat Sports just when you think you've seen it all you haven't remember how [ __ ] big Kimbo Slice was yes I saw it last night before he died why did he died yeah and then and mastered all came up through that too yeah the exciting techniques coming into the ring like just going at yeah it's just fighting with rules so I know you went through hell in the beginning like clearing everything and the Banning they're trying to ban you guys yeah hardcore no but I love that [ __ ] that I I love taking something that people say can't be built and can't be done in doing it and building now it's American Pastor making it big I mean if you look at the UFC and like he was just saying what we went through in the beginning now it's [ __ ] everywhere this is this is you know the new combat sport that people are training in and doing like if Mike Tyson was [ __ ] 13 years old this is what he'd be training to do now if he was 13 years old this is what he'd be doing my math I put some wrestling to him a man yeah at your Prime [ __ ] everybody up I don't know if they stepped on my toes out of tap down and I've seen some guy they step on the toes and step on his toes I said [ __ ] yeah you look at that now because you're [ __ ] 55. back when you were like 13. you're a [ __ ] beast you'd be all over this [ __ ] right now this is what you've been doing scenario of having Mike come out with my shorts and no shoes my [ __ ] up toes but listen I'm talking about in the beginning I'm surprised they didn't kill anybody in the beginning of this [ __ ] yeah I know it's it's uh well if you look at it think about this they fought to you out there was no time limit or anything yeah and and and uh those guys weren't like Peak Physical athletes back then it was you know it was all these tough martial arts guys with different backgrounds and but it was fascinating it's there's always something about fighting in these new forms of fighting that that captures you know the imagination of people all over the world that's why I always say you know it doesn't matter what color you come what color you are what country you come from what language you speak we're all human beings man fightings in our DNA we get it and we like it we like to [ __ ] watch it listen this is what we do more than anything in life we [ __ ] and fight I think we fight more than we [ __ ] that's That's the basis what humans do I can't fight [ __ ] but you like to watch a fight oh yeah the thing is the thing is about fighting is when fights break out you know okay look at world star oh yeah look how big world star became just from [ __ ] fights breaking out and we'd love to watch it and and uh you know you'll be in Morgan Stanley and these two guys start fighting these two Bankers the whole world will stop everything what the [ __ ] get them John hey Elroy you got them and fight online yo that [ __ ] is crazy [ __ ] speaking of a fight heavyweight 32 seconds man you man Derek Lewis man that was [ __ ] wow about that flying Niche Jesus [ __ ] Derrick Lewis with a flying day did you see that fight no but who did it kick uh Derek Lewis fought this last Saturday right Marcos yeah and he fought he fought a tough [ __ ] comes running right out first thing he throws is a flying knee like masford all did against Ben askren Clips him with it right tough Brazilian dude knocks him down gets right on him and [ __ ] fight over I'm the last time I saw him fighting for that that thing with the Russian guy with a good jab he stopped him from Houston right there yeah exactly he was on a bad run here and uh you know it was looking like he was going to retire he comes out with this flying D and stops the guy he's back on time immediately exactly right back in the game again I don't think Mike would respect 32 seconds yes unless you don't give up you got a chance that's like his uh last contracted fight are you gonna resign that was the last fight on this contract yeah he was we were talking about him retiring so okay um but no he ain't retiring now just like boxing just take one punch your whole life change is that true we I guess we didn't people because we were at the other fight we were at the uh you know the Terence Crawford yeah and Errol Spence fight which was like you know Mike Mike was right about that fight I called ninth round I thought it'd be more competitive though yeah everybody did I mean that that was the fight that everybody was saying it's about time this fight got made this is the fight that people need to see I didn't see it I had a fight that night and I was in Italy but uh I heard it was it was complete domination who does Crawford fight next um if you don't fight another fight with Spence he's gonna fight this guy why would you fight Spence again if it was a complete yeah he has a mandatory Clause ah uh it's up to expensive if he wants to fight now got it um okay so if that's oh so who do you think he should fight uh other than other than Spence who would be next for him yeah Crawford he could either fight the cholo guy Charlo or the guy from Philadelphia boots and his boots he's the up and coming guy everybody's talking about I think spin should fight him in order to get a rematch with a CrossFit that's a good that's what I like that's what we would do here exactly that's crazy a lot of people don't want to see a remix though after that yeah that's why if he's going to improve we're going to see how he does that's why he's right then you fight one of these guys work your way back up to yeah fighting Crawford plus it's another Payday for you that's what this is all about and it would create some it would be way more interesting for people to buy it exactly to see if he could beat this kid yeah you're absolutely right Mike boys what's up what's up with them I [ __ ] love them no I ain't talking [ __ ] about it though I'll tell you that but he's doing a a Walmart liquor tour you know what's that about stores are you doing like a store tour yeah yeah so me and the milk boys are gonna uh we're doing this deal we're talking about this deal right now it's it's not a done deal but we're talking about this deal right now with Walmart and uh you know talk about this big long-term uh deal with these guys and uh you know we're still in the works but yeah we're gonna go on on a road tour here hitting these different cities and uh different Walmarts that's gangster how's it going to work with them like you work with them I love these kids yeah these guys I've become super close with them over the last several years um hardworking good kids that that [ __ ] get it on your popcorn he'd definitely do it he's always put did he punch you in the face yeah he punches everybody in the face oh really oh [ __ ] I like him though a lot I like him too don't get too serious to myself listen up man oh and then um uptight yeah he's always like on edge I agree he's a great kid the milk boys have actually they blew him up they they no no they didn't blow him up he was already blown up they took really good care of him that when he came out here they took him on this like this tour and and did a lot of really good [ __ ] for him but as bull has done very well I mean we did a deal with him for the uh the video game deal we did a deal with him uh with t-shirts where he made a bunch of money the kids made easily easily over a million dollars uh yeah just with us and the note boys just with us in the milk boys he's made easily over a million bucks so yeah he's killing it cradle to do man that was crazy I like babies [Laughter] oh my God man the next spikes that's coming up man like you know I I see you're mad excited well yeah I'm going to Nashville this weekend we got a fight in Nashville this weekend I got power slap next Wednesday uh live and free on Rumble and then the week after that we're in Boston for the title fight so August is going to be fun the end of the year every year I mean it's just like you know the Glory Days of boxing as you start going into the fall you know the the end of the year schedule's coming up and it's all fun fights October we're in Abu Dhabi we're going back to Paris for another fight we're going back to Madison Square Garden with Jon Jones and steepe oh the end of the year is going to be fun so I'm looking forward to uh winding winding down here in 23 and um yeah it's been a great [ __ ] year I used to live in Cleveland um what part but a lot of serbs live there the whole community in Ohio but Cleveland Community yeah oh you live oh you lived in that Community too yeah I live not far from there before wow Deepak I believe it's something you used to train out of Ohio too right yeah when you were King yeah yeah did he did he have a nice Camp there was that was that camp nice it was really nice yeah for the time right 100 percent what are your Origins man I heard through the grapevine used to be like aerobics like kickboxer trainer Is that real yeah well what everybody says that I was a box aerobics trainer that's what everybody said that was let's call it let's call it what it is yeah so so back in the day I used to that that's what that's how I used to make money but lots of Fighters do that [ __ ] oh okay but listen so so here's the thing if you want to bust somebody's balls you're like I heard you used to do [ __ ] box aerobics I used to train people and and make you know that's how I made a living but yeah I mean if if this didn't break out I'd still be [ __ ] doing that I loved it I loved that job um yeah I used to train um Fighters and I used to train businessmen you know their wives you know whatever I used to yeah I loved it I used to have three gyms here in Vegas and uh yeah it's crazy it's the truth yeah social media like how it is now back then it would have been over oh [ __ ] I mean social media is is one of these things where it's it's the greatest marketing tool of all time for all the negative things that you can say about social media and there are plenty of them there are a lot of positives to it they literally changed the world in so many ways and it never been helped before yeah I know listen anything let's say Mike I'll give you a perfect example let's say Mike is going to make an appearance today somewhere here in Las Vegas back in the old days you'd have to [ __ ] spend money advertising all he's got to do is put one post out now and the whole [ __ ] world knows where he's going to be what time and you might let's go to the space station to talk about this yeah what program let's go to the other talk they're promoting that's all day that's what we're doing I mean you did it with Word of Mouth yeah no it's true back in the dark but that's true back in the day it was all about Word of Mouth um and and these days you know I think social media is one of the not one of them it's the greatest marketing tool of all time there's nothing bigger or better it's literally and when I was talking about Mike where he'd be appearing Not only would people in Vegas know about it the whole [ __ ] world knows yes you know what I mean it's like when we're talking about when he's in London and he's going there and if people know ahead of time and it gets out on social media that's how people from other countries can fly in and say Mike Tyson is going to be there London is like New York nobody really from there very few people really from there they've been born there they came there because their mothers came from another country where the grandparents came everyone's like um third Center third I don't know third or fourth generation yeah there's a lot of people from India yeah and Caribbeans and everything from all over the world that live in uh that live in London London's actually a really cool City now I mean when I first started going there back in the day the food was [ __ ] horrendous yeah so back in like 2001 2002 you couldn't [ __ ] eat there man it was so bad some of the greatest restaurants in the world now in London do you like Indian food oh my [ __ ] god right is Indian food and it's weird because when you think about Las Vegas you can eat any kind of food here all the best restaurants in the world no real Indian food here the Indian food in London is [ __ ] oh my God off the charts I love it toast what the [ __ ] no it's jeans and Toes or beans on what the hell are you eating the beans are not on the toast what are you talking about thank you you're talking about King what is it thank you get the [ __ ] that's King Arthur you throw my king off this time beans and toast he's Arthur what kind of beans like baked beans what type of food is it it's it's British oh yeah that I mean like English breakfast yeah yeah but it is wet it's like a wet it's like a pile of wet beans yeah I'm out on that one too yeah I ate some beans but I eat refried beans right not nothing hard the Mexican food yeah yeah I'm out on the [ __ ] beans and toast and wet bread I'm out on that one too I didn't run into that [ __ ] when I was just doing it that's why I was wet what did he say they pissed on the toes oh yeah this guy we ever going to see Mike in the UFC um video game yeah man what have you been doing Where Have You Been he's been in the game for a long time oh okay yeah yeah what planet do you live on uh uh all the time today every day yeah he's been in the game we've done some fun characters in the game like Mike um Bruce Lee um even Tyson Fury Tyson Fury and yeah we we like to you know you want to keep the game as real as possible it is also fun to have that other element of uh you know all these other guys that you'd like to see in the game like Mike and Bruce Lee and Tyson Fury in every fighting game tank let's let the tank let me get the tank yeah Tank Abbott tank Abby you remember him yeah you probably have been in every fighting game ever made right I have no idea that's like this [ __ ] this is one of these guys that I agree you know we're we're the same age but I grew up a [ __ ] huge mic time all you have to do is walk around this building and Mike is everywhere in this building you know I I thank you I I love and respect Mike Tyson so much and uh you know we we do very good business together whatever the [ __ ] Mike wants to do we do it whatever Mike don't want to do we don't do so it's all good he's down he's down here music-wise who you [ __ ] with man like I like lots of different music um Crawford out with he lost then soon as Eminem came in yeah since it was over you can't come out with Eminem and lose man you get your songs Lose Yourself he had the big hit yeah that's just meant for a fight boxing that song yeah I like all types of music I mean I'm into everything I'm into old school rap old school rock I don't like a lot of this new [ __ ] but uh I like Hall and Oates too yeah [Laughter] but while you listen to like what DMX or Jesus I like DMX too yeah okay of course yeah I like DMX uh you know what's funny I was just listening to I was listening to yesterday in the gym The Fat Boys remember oh my God the Fat Boys [Laughter] I saw those guys around here driving their bins oh man you knew they weren't gonna have it wasn't going to end the only one that's left is cool rock ski no cool rock ski the other two died the two heavy steel ones the Spanish guys still got Morales he's still around oh wow cool rock ski no The Fat Boys there were three of them he died you know monkey did that there look at monkey market D died he died bro are you serious yeah he died a few years ago you're talking about skis Marky D look up Marky D from the Fat Boys he lost weight yeah cool rock ski is the only one that's still alive how many of the Fat Boy's still alive a rapper group he died what February 21 Marky D died there's only one left cool Rocky cool rock ski is the only one that's still alive how much does he weigh no he's skinny now he's lean yeah I think working out and [ __ ] yeah that's crazy I'm glad you stated that because people think you listen to like a lot of heavy Rock heavy metal and yeah I listened to Roxton but I'm a big [ __ ] rap fan from way back okay and and you know I mean I grew up in in the 80s when when rap really started to take off [ __ ] Run DMC LL Cool J the Beastie Boys um The Fat Boys salt and pepper You Give Love a Bad Name that's Bon Jovi wow yep that's him wow wow thank God I was so happy for him hope he's happy for him that's crazy um but yeah I was a big rap guy and and in the 80s and plus I mean when you were talking about DMX I mean one of the greatest walk-in songs of all times when Mike walked into [ __ ] you know the DMX I met him when he was an interesting person yeah and a very interesting very intelligent very smart he's very spiritual too man he went he didn't see something's wrong two times he's really quick he's um he's kind of anal he's smart stick on one thing for a long time how'd you end up walking into that song did you just hear DMX and you were into it at that time and or did you did you meet him or oh no I didn't mean that I met him once but it wasn't like um when we talked for a long period of time he said how you doing everything well you know he's very studious I didn't expect that from him you know and um I had to leave but it was a good experience meeting them you wanna I'll tell you guys something fascinating so basically the way that the UFC production is built was based off Mike Tyson's walk-in um to that DMX song when he was coming back and the friends friends while both a fight so so me being a huge I I I hated the [ __ ] commentary on HBO boxing hated it made me sick I used to literally watch HBO boxing and mute commentary because I couldn't stand these [ __ ] guys um so Mike Tyson everybody's buying the pay-per-view because you like Mike Tyson right or you just want to see whatever crazy just gonna happen whatever but for real boxing fans and Tyson fans Tyson's walking into the bow the fight and I use this as an example all the time I show people they are [ __ ] on Mike from the minute he starts walking in until he steps into the into the uh ring wow and it used I couldn't [ __ ] stand listening to these clowns so when we started building the commentary for uf's you don't ever see the commentators [ __ ] on the fighters when they're walking in they're taking their own job if you watch that pull up pull up I think it's uh it's like under something like Mike Tyson scariest walk-in or or whatever I want to play this on the podcast and show this to you guys but then uh you know so Mike's walking in they [ __ ] on him the whole [ __ ] way in there and uh you know I'm a Tyson fan I'm watching this [ __ ] I bought this pay-per-view because I'm a Tyson fan and I want to see this fight and then the same thing happened with Larry Merchant and the Floyd Mayweather after Floyd Mayweather he starts talking [ __ ] to Floyd Mayweather after his fight and says to Floyd if I was 30 years younger I'd kick your [ __ ] ass right now what the [ __ ] are you clown is that we're on HBO now listen to this turn the volume up oh [ __ ] listen to the commentary Tyson as he heads toward the same ring he made his disgraceful exit exit 87. he made his disgraceful exit revved up listen listen to what these [ __ ] what this guy says I think that's one of the [ __ ] Brothers there I can't remember his name [Applause] house Tyson entering to some scary imposingness really will he be able to intimidate his opponent tonight will it even matter right is that even mean he's turning the corner the fans will soon see him I can't believe they could do this [ __ ] listen to what he says here when he walks in I've watched this 10 million times [Applause] [Applause] you alone oh yeah listen listen I really thought [Applause] he thought by the crowd here but uh very mixed right I thought there'd be more even with the win tonight no matter how one side of it following the two fights to with Holyfield has stopped plummeted the pundits came down hard his stock plummeted skin rate Fighters now it erupts as he gets into the ring but it's certainly nothing overwhelming the guy cannot stop it's one of the Albert Brothers yeah he cannot stop talking [ __ ] about him the whole walking so you're a fight man right you're tuning in to watch Tyson and this [ __ ] idiot is literally [ __ ] on him the whole [ __ ] walking so when we when we built the the you know the production for the UFC you don't [ __ ] talk [ __ ] about the fighter you talk about his record talk about this you talk about that last fight before yeah you see this guy that talk [ __ ] about you did you see him during that time yeah but it's okay that's crazy okay listen nobody in Russian knows who he is but but the thing is that that was my problem with HBO boxing these guys would literally talk [ __ ] about the fighters you're buying this [ __ ] product because of the fighters I left HBO to start Showtime boxing oh because of all the [ __ ] that's crazy yeah we started Showtime Boxing we left HBO crazy yeah so that that had a huge impact on me coming up as a fight fan and uh you know so a lot of what you see in the production of the UFC with the commentators and the people who are involved based off this Tyson you know this Tyson walking right there let's see I learned that today that's crazy I didn't know that well it's good that is something in this planet that you didn't know and I helped you and I helped you I helped you learned something I learned it I'm taking this with me taking me to the Grave hey know what I never know yeah brothers and sisters I have a sister yeah you have a sister yeah I remember that yeah good what would you be with a brother that would have been cool Yet brother right yeah yeah I've been interesting tell us more brother huh are you the spiritual guy like no who are you you know it's funny I don't believe in much oh really but for some reason I believe in karma karma is the one thing that I do believe in for whatever [ __ ] weird reason I don't really I'm not very religious at all I don't believe in God the devil ghost goblins [ __ ] Angels or any of that [ __ ] but uh I believe in karma for some reason I believe that um like Mike was saying earlier we you know what you put out you get back if you you know if you're a good person you take care of people you treat people right treat people with respect comes back you know if you if you are fortunate enough to have in life you give and uh you know yeah that's about as spiritual as I get you know what I noticed about Vegas anybody in Vegas all the um limo drivers know who's the best Tipper in town they all tell each other the best temper and who is it I don't know there's a lot of guys that's pipping but a lot of guys like me there's a lot of tippers yeah but that's it I mean that that's all part of it you know what I mean the uh you know taking care of people yeah they never forget that 100 20 years I tipped this guy remember what I tipped him and everything yeah it's a big deal man you know people are out there out there grinding and working especially you know when you come across somebody who has and is very fortunate in life do they share and do they you know I'm sure you know guys a billion they don't want to tip no one hundred percent hundred percent these guys just you know when you first notice part about me is cool they look at this monthly this I literally just experienced that in in Italy when I was there it was amazing how many people I came across that um you know that that deal with whether it was in the restaurant that we were at or on the boat that deal with billionaires all the time and they don't take care of them they don't you know it's it's fascinating to me yeah it doesn't mean my wife looks at it too it was fascinating billionaires believe that why do I have to tip them I'm paying them right why am I tipping is not like he's giving it to me free right that depends and it depends on the level of service you want you know right if you want a certain level of service uh you can't expect everybody to you know there has to be there always has to be that carrot you know of motivation of like if I go above and beyond and really [ __ ] knock it out of the park maybe I'll be taken care of and and whatever it's just I'm I'm just a big believer in that we do that in in this business too we we give bonuses for people who go out and [ __ ] lay it all out in the line we give bonuses um you know bonuses Inspire I agree I mean being in Vegas man is like I'm feeling more bored yeah I wasted like 80 bucks going from the car to the room like tip this guy to the guy with the bag then the guy then they bring the bag up there's another guy bringing it back I'm like well no no so there's two different things you know yes Vegas is the land of tipping or whatever but they can also pull the [ __ ] racket on you right so the guy comes up right you go to a hotel guy comes out and uh takes your bags out of the car and sets them in the bag whatever you oh thanks right then all of a sudden you turn around there's a [ __ ] new guy with the Commandment where the [ __ ] did this guy go back I feel bad so so then you're like all right let me take care of this guy so you take care of this guy now some other [ __ ] guy pops up oh there's three or four of them and and you know half of this okay you guys figure this out amongst yourselves here's a hundred but no it's true I mean I'll [ __ ] like my boy Elliot over here we see there's some face as we go like when people know that you tip well right they'll be [ __ ] nine guys I got two bags of nine guys hand in the bag to each [ __ ] you know what I mean there's nine of them right we've seen this this one pulled off but you know [ __ ] it what are you gonna do what are you gonna do I just feel bad you know so I just I just unknown for that don't duplicate you feel bad because you really think that they need it no I I think that yeah but I don't feel bad like there's another man like another you know helping me out yeah we'll take care of you just don't pull the don't pull the racket on me like it's like when you go out to a [ __ ] nightclub and like hey you want a bottle of champagne to bring the [ __ ] champagne over that's you know [ __ ] way overpriced anyway and then they start pouring you know 30 glasses for everybody and then somebody will take a sip and they throw it out or dump it and then hey you need another bottle of champagne no we're [ __ ] good we're good with the champagne I didn't like the one you gave us just don't pull the [ __ ] ing exactly so don't pull the racket on us we'll take care of you you you stated you don't believe in anything like the other day they had a press conference about aliens and [ __ ] so if an alien comes down and it's Mass suicides would you be surprised no I do believe in that I do believe in to think that you know out of the whole [ __ ] universe and however you know big it is and however long ago to think that we're the only people that exist is crazy I I don't believe that do I believe that there are aliens down here right now amongst I don't believe that [ __ ] either but who the [ __ ] knows right who knows and it came to Vegas supposedly yeah I saw that I saw that they know where to go even the aliens know where to [ __ ] yeah this is the place to come hang out if there's any aliens here it's us we are the aliens yeah we could be yeah who the [ __ ] knows that's a whole different story I don't know who we are for me to think that there's somebody up somewhere orchestrating everything in our lives and what's going on and we can ask him for favors and [ __ ] like that I don't believe in that um I believe they give us the power that we don't know about to be able to dictate again and never get our life who knows at the end of the day man you know we're gonna find out what we're going to find out in a few years here why do one guy making another person does it and this guy's more sophisticated you know well I think that there's I think that there's scenarios where some people just have that [ __ ] thing you will you had that [ __ ] thing you know first of all your special individual physically you know what what you were capable of doing physically and you know sometimes things just align you met cuss and you know and and you were on this trajectory to to become who you became but it's because of who you are you're made up a certain way it's the you know physically you were capable of doing what you're doing you look like a bad [ __ ] and always did um your your attitude you're just you have that thing and some people have that whether it's in fighting or acting or singing or whatever it is and others just don't you know what I mean some people are born very attractive and people who are born very attractive have much easier lives than people who are are not attractive let's put it that way and you know everybody sort of has this thing and though you might not be as attractive as another person you might have a [ __ ] incredible personality and you can make people laugh and and everybody has their thing and some people are just born absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] and want to complain a [ __ ] about everything and why their life doesn't work and then there's other people who are [ __ ] Savages and go out and work hard and grind every day so I don't believe that it's you know people are set up in different ways people are just made different ways and we as human beings are attracted to certain things and not attracted to other things it's I agree but we are the aliens that's crazy it's wealth a factor because well you had a different mindset in the beginning when you had no money now you have money I guess you have no I always had the same mindset I've always been the same person that I am right here today I do have more money but I'm the same [ __ ] person I I always was and when he says we are the aliens here one of the things that I believe is I believe that we think we're way more important than we really are that's what I believe I think because we're intelligent we believe that oh there has to be a reason why we're here there has to be this we think we're way we are a [ __ ] infestation joke of this planet we are an infestation of this planet and then you have all these [ __ ] nuts that are like oh we have to [ __ ] save the planet and we have to believe me when the planet is [ __ ] done with us oh it's over it's [ __ ] we won't even know exactly we will this thing will [ __ ] Shake us like a case of the [ __ ] fleas uh when it's time when our time is up if you look at the history of the world and what has existed on this planet we're just another little blip a life fan is nothing nothing we're already there there's nothing expiration date 100 and we feel like we're gonna live forever isn't that some [ __ ] 100 you hear these egotistical Maniacs saying oh we need to [ __ ] take care of the plane yeah listen when you're when you when you're out in the ocean don't throw your [ __ ] in the ocean don't be a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right take your trash and throat where it's supposed to be [ __ ] thrown don't do this and don't do that in global warming and all this other when the [ __ ] planet is ready for us to go we're gone we all got to take care of the planet because when we die they're gonna have animals of the planet is going to eat our ass whatever's here the plastic that way there will be very few you know very few things to remember that we even existed there'll be some buildings and I was just in uh when I was just in Italy they were telling me that they literally just found this other civilization you know with all these tunnels and all these caves they just found it now it's [ __ ] 2023 and they just found this that's going to be us someday oh listen you know what I mean we aren't that [ __ ] important no not at all we've done right now we do more investigating on the Egyptians to be doing human race right now you know we're going to find their wealth we're going to find their knowledge we're going to find their Treasures who built the [ __ ] pyramids we don't know who built them how did they build them and all this why did they build it right we can't even build the house that'll last three [ __ ] years now these guys built the [ __ ] pyramids you know there's a lot of crazy [ __ ] that went on in this world that we don't know we we think we are so [ __ ] important and we are not I mean you can enjoy your time you got here how [ __ ] fun be happy stop [ __ ] fighting with everybody just [ __ ] enjoy yourself for the like you said the very small amount of time you got left you got you guys were talking about like the overseas stuff like the food and all that stuff the conspiracy theories how about those so-called conspiracy theory of like these so-called Elites that's just trying to like population control us I [ __ ] kill yourself I believe you have these yeah [ __ ] lunatic arrogant [ __ ] who who think that you know you you've seen these slip-ups where they're talking about uh you know if we can decrease the population if we can decrease the population I I believe listen the food over here sucks every [ __ ] thing we eat over here you know hurts you [ __ ] you up everybody's trying to get you on pills big time and you know these doctors are trying to get you all doped up on [ __ ] medicine and all this other [ __ ] I was just in Italy the food is incredible over there when you get done eating the Italian food in Italy you don't feel like you just ate a pillow loaded yeah exactly and and feel all [ __ ] up because they're not putting all this garbage is it 12 53 right I got a meeting at 12 30. wow what happened no it's [ __ ] one o'clock yeah I just saw his phone and I was like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right we got that from Tyson sport check out the new gloves oh really yeah yeah oh thank you brother you're getting ready to come out here and our Fighters are gonna start wearing this oh it's so cool don't you power slap Mike Tyson I don't want to get power slapped [Laughter] a little [ __ ] see you I gotta get you to a [ __ ] power slap event though oh man I'm gonna be a cringe all right these these 12s those are four teams right you're right you know nice on you congrats congrats on all your success man I love to see you thank you I love to see you [ __ ] kick ass I know you do and I appreciate that another episode of the hot boxing comes to an end I'm Mike Tyson um thank you very much Dana White for your parents here thanks for having me I love I love it brother and this is another end of the episode
Channel: Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson
Views: 427,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Boxing, Hotboxing, Hotboxin, Hotboxin', Podcast, New Show, MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, UFC, Combat Sports, Mike Tyson Interview, Mike Tyson Hotboxin, Mike Tyson Podcast, Sports Podcast, Iron Mike, Interview, Tyson Ranch, dana, dana white, dana white mike tyson, dana white interview, dana white podcast, dana white blackjack, dana white gambling, dana white full send podcast, the life of dana white, Dana White, President, UFC | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson, ufc, ufc podcast
Id: iFpEwa6mzi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 14sec (4694 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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