Old Vintage Hoarder Storage Unit Keeps Paying Off! Found Vintage Jewelry, Toys, & Fabrics!

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the truck is completely buried completely buried all the way this is in the middle of my half circle drive well good morning guys it's like 9 a.m. Monday morning and yesterday I got ahold of a roll off dumpster company to bring a roll off dumpster up here so I can get rid of some trash because we still have a lot of stuff on the bucks truck that we need to get out and I went back inside to get some shoes on because I'd get I got woke up and this is what I came back out here to the truck is completely buried completely buried all the way this is in the middle of my half circle Drive and the problem the big problem here yeah I know I need ammo first mo of the seasons coming up the problem here it's just right across the south side of my Drive this is where you see that little clean-out well just to the left of it there right there is where I have my septic and my lateral lines or leach lines whatever you'd like to call them runs across the south end here and into this this center area of grass and what concerns me is the grass usually is taller where my leech lines are I know that sounds crazy but it is so here's some tall grass and there's some tall grass right there on the other side of his truck just about parallel or in line I should say with where his truck is we're hoping for the best we're hoping that he didn't completely wreck my lateral lines but I've got pictures just in case and he told me he said as long as we don't see gravel in that rut we're fine I'm not buying that a little time will tell but you know you could just be compressing all the dirt on top of the gravel that's the issue you don't have to see gravel to know that you hit lateral so who knows he went to go get went to go get a dump truck because if you look right over here you can tell where he's used his diesel truck to try and pull him out and it didn't work so who knows what a way to start Monday morning great today we are gonna go through the box truck I gotta try and get this thing emptied because well I bought three more storage units today and I still have this the rest of this t.j.maxx horror unit to clean out still have 2/3 of a 10 by 30 up in Edmund that we gotta go get but either way I bought three small storage units today and we got to get this thing cleaned out so that we can go get them tomorrow and then we'll be back at the hoarders storage the the t.j.maxx hoarders unit but anyways got this great big what do you call it dumpster here and literally just throwing a bunch of stuff in the trash obviously just trashed in the trash but they got unstuck from my front yard and finally got this thing dropped off and now we're just gonna work on this this right here so let's see what we can't find today okay so this is what it looks like right now it's been a little over it's been a couple weeks actually since I loaded this truck from the t.j.maxx hoarders unit and finally some dry weather and a little bit of time to start going through it this right here is something that will end up keeping and more than likely putting it on eBay this thing's easily over $100 that serger already went through this box and it's really just a lot of fabric here and and then aside from that there's tons and tons of sewing patterns in here so I'm gonna end up lotting up a bunch of those sewing patterns not sure if I'm going to put them on eBay or if I'm going to sell them in my You Tube auction but who knows what we're gonna find what's uh let's start looking okay so in this tub that we just went through all of this is trash it's all trash I got a couple of these that we got to open here who knows what's inside of them and then I found this I am adorations and affirmations part one and if you look in this very carefully st. German press 1935 I thought that was pretty neat so I'll have to look that up and found some some other fabric here so I set that off to the side and then we've got some clothing and some dish towels and stuff like that new with tags not sure what that is and of course the whole bunch this stuff is gonna go free I'm giving it away free I got somebody coming to pick up a bunch of stuff for free actually today and we're just gonna get rid of it so I'm gonna open these real quick to see what we might have if anything okay speedy recovery okay nothing in that one and well good I have my tripod right there but here we are not using it happy Valentine's Day there's a picture of a dog and I think that yep that's it picture of a dogs cool that'll go in the trash so let me take a look at this and see if this is worth anything okay so with this book it's not in the greatest condition but 1935 found one on eBay for seven that sold for seventeen dollars that's including shipping this will easily go first class for like three or four bucks so I'll set that aside and we'll sell that sucker on eBay we're about to go through this let's see what we can't find okay so we just went through this and I just laid everything out here and looky here guys a bunch of brand new socks some of them Gold Toe they look boys and women's brand new liz claiborne from TJ Maxx obviously wallet we've got a samurai cybersquad locker bag a Dudley the dragon locker bag five packs of toothpicks some of these trim fit boot socks here three pair right here some I guess just a fabric scrap brand new speedo what it's sandals I guess this thing's just got I don't know this I guess was probably just some type of fanny pack giveaway thing right here is a multi compartment mini bag looks to be leather yeah a genuine leather brand-new so there's that and the bundt pan and these I thought were really cool I'm going to look these up there made by ghosts softly this too but look at this guy's it's just I don't know I don't know it's size 3x I don't know if it's men's or women's but it's brand new obviously t.j.maxx actually that looks like Dillard's so have no idea if that's worth anything here's matching pants for it and here's another another with a bunch of hearts and spades and clubs and diamonds all over it so these are brand new I'll have to look those up too so that's everything that came out of there I'm gonna look some of this stuff up see if it's worth anything okay so I couldn't find anything on these but I have a feeling about these that there's something special about them the really really neat regardless so I might be putting those on Poshmark but everything else especially like the socks I know that some some vintage socks especially brand new go for a lot of money especially like the multicolored striped tube socks those can be worth a lot of money but these I couldn't find anything on and these not so much either so I'll probably just lock those up and either send them through auction or on eBay or either here on the channel that stuff and this stuff right here most of this I'll just end up keeping and setting aside for at some point a yard sale so not a bad little haul let's get into that one next okay so we've got an empty and this is what we've got right here so we're going to take a look about four more patterns here sewing patterns these will be donated this right here says Made in Connecticut USA Cooper I might have to look this up I don't know if it's worth anything but that's pretty neat it looks like a temperature gauge terracotta loaf pan it's in there doesn't look like it's ever been you this little duster here will be donated these are brand new by design cottage points set a little table placemats I believe these are cast iron not sure why there's a hole in that one you could see the hole there I have no idea what these are used for maybe for candies or something like that those would be really neat in the auction this is brand new in here have no idea what it is it's just some type of Apple canister these are new as well this will be donated just right here nutrasweet brand sweetener that'll be donated and here's some sterling silver with genuine Austrian crystal so who knows that my going the auction that's a gun I found a gun nice what is this wow that's a looks like an old earring that's cool this looks to be Pyrex this is going to end up being donated this is donated as well let's look here has a sticker on it for ten dollars looks to me like an exacto knife I have no idea if there's a market for this stuff but I'm gonna try and get it out without cutting myself that's a heavy-duty sucker right there so that's pretty neat let's see here made made in Japan patent pending USA swiss ler i'll have to look this up on ebay looks like maybe a battery goes in the back end there I have no idea what this is but that that looks like bakelite right there on the the handle again have no clue what this is let's see this is just gonna be donated it's not struggling or anything this says Dre's PAC Pizza set brand-new nice so I'll have to look that up this will be donated chef high heat scraper by Rubbermaid and here's a rolling pan and then several shirts here this is Roundtree in York brand new guys crazy honors Roundtree and York a baking book and it looks like cushion air insulated baking sheet so that's what we got that is what we got out of just this little tub we still have so much more to go okay so I just figured out what this thing is it's a it's a cake cutter so really for angel food cake although I don't know how it would be used but they don't make these things anymore and this is bakelite however everybody else here that gunshot anyways this is bakelite but however it's not really worth anything so this will go in the donation pile okay so I am planning on keeping this I'm gonna put it in my yard sale pile this is a this is actually a grinder for pepper and it sells for about $20 on eBay it's exacto knife around $20 as well these aren't really worth anything but I think I'm going to hold on to them they are brand new I'll either sell them in my yard sale or maybe even in in an auction so there's seven of them seven if I counted right and the thing is with placemats you wouldn't believe it but some of them are worth a lot of money and I was right on these these are little candy candy dishes to make hard candies and this one I saw eBay selling for over $40.00 or sold for over $40.00 I didn't really see this one don't know if it's gonna be worth much with that hole in the side but I am gonna hold on to these likely auction them off as well and I held on obviously to the sterling silver earrings and this I couldn't find a pizza set of this brand but it's Westhoff dry Zack and a lot of their utensils are going for some decent money on eBay so we held onto those as well okay we got this one empty and this is what we've got there wasn't much in this one but we got a longer burst long a burger basket here with a garter a couple more Pat sewing patterns this little guy velcro this is a Pyrex a vintage Pyrex measuring cup quilters super seamer ruler rule looks like some liners for gloves some of these are really really old they got the their wooden spools no telling what else is in there really doesn't look like anything absolutely magnificent because wooden spools are really neat these are stir sticks these will actually get donated and I have no idea what this is aluminum caddy there's your answer there's an aluminum caddy here this is a bread pan or a nut bread pan I'm sorry a cake pan with a lid and this is a solid brass it's just a solid brass something I guess probably put like a planter or something of that sort and then this right here is exactly what it looks like USPS 15-years safe driver don't know if that is worth anything it's a pin set for a United States Postal Service I thought it was really neat we'll probably set that back as well so we're gonna probably keep this don't know about this off to look obviously we're going to keep these in the longer basket and this will go this sticky-backed tape I'll probably put this in a crafting lot a sewing lot so I'll hold on to that hold on this as well and this this will probably be donated and these these these will be donated and of course this will be donated so let's see what this might be worth it's pretty neat and this long story short not worth much they're getting donated all right so we just got through another tub and look at what we found guys this is some route 66 tapestry fabric decent little probably a yard or two there this is it looks similar I think it looks pretty much like the same so there's some yardage there as well and this stuff is expensive I looked it up on eBay this one's really neat this stuff sells for like thirty to forty dollars a yard so we'll probably set this back and keep it as well as we found obviously some more sewing patterns there and some more fabric this is vintage stuff man what does that say 1996 doesn't seem so old but that's near that's 24 years old so we've got more fabric here and this stuff's got yardage this is pretty thick stuff here and in my opinion pretty ugly then we've got this piece of tapestry fabric just kind of board games I thought it was neat so we'll hold onto that as well and then we've got some clothing here see this is what she was using that tapestry fabric for well hey dear kitty cat what are you doing Kelly come here Kelly okay back to what we were doing so she was making looks like making clothing with it so it was pretty neat but all the clothing here we're just donating nothing too special and this is also going for donation it's a for Part B Smith limited looks like it's just a yep floor mat pretty neat though and that's really it for that tub alright so we got a couple more tubs emptied out and this what we've got here just looks like some type of container here wooden cutting board with feet that's pretty neat a couple of these things a bra a little lazy susan not really anything of crazy interest couple more pieces of fabric here that will hold on to but pretty much everything else except for that and the fabric and those and the campbells can super recipes everything else is going to be donated alright guys so I emptied a couple more boxes here and this is what we've got I'm gonna keep these Ziploc bags because well there's always a good use for ziplock bags a couple more sewing what am I trying to say sewing patterns this was really interesting it's made by Tara graphics I don't know if it's worth anything but it looks really nice this will just be donated these right here were really really neat there's no markings on them but they're just little vintage clip-on earrings so those were neat and these they look like gold but they're not this is not gold I was hoping that they were but it's not here we have pearls in lace and perfume and another pearls and lace perfume and then this tincture Marzio late don't have a clue what this is looks like it's a topical antiseptic for external use only it honestly looks like it's radioactive [Laughter] tons of panty hose guys all of it is vintage new old stock panty hose I don't know if there is any kind of any market for that kind of stuff but we got a bunch of them here book and this book right here is really really interesting it's called saying sex life and saying sex living and once you get over to this page it's a copyright 1937 so I thought that was very interesting so I'll have to look this book up see if it's worth anything also this looks like some type well it's a fabric but I think it's I think it's made it's it's like this that you can cut them out and make little I guess stuffed dolls with them and we've got this little just an organizer here and then we have a couple of special edition Barbies school-time fun Barbie and holiday treats Barbie so got some really cool brand-new well I wouldn't say brand-new new old stock Barbie dolls here so those are neat I don't know exactly what year looking for a year I'm not seeing one 1997 on that one and same there so Barbie dolls right there that's pretty neat pretty neat [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 22,483
Rating: 4.916153 out of 5
Keywords: Vintage Hoarder, Storage Hoarders, Hoarder Storage Unit, Hoarders, Found Vintage Jewelry, Found Vintage Toys, New Vintage, Found Vintage, Vintage Unboxing, Vintage Boxes, Vintage Storage Unit, Storage Wars, Real Storage Wars, Storage Auctions, Storage Unit Auction, Real Storage Unit Auction, Vintage Toys, Vintage Jewelry, Vintage Books, Thrift Trader, Hawt Saucee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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