I Bought An Asian Abandoned Storage Unit And Found This! Mystery Unboxing Storage Locker Auction

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dang it alright guys with date number three and Phillips with me again and he's uh I'm sure he's tired of my but guys truck is empty and loaded down with trash so time to go to the dump and then go get a bunch more storage units we're getting ready for the swap meet this weekend we're gonna make that money now we get to play musical keys here I think this is a this is a Brinks lock so I'm gonna try this one first haha alright guys I paid $25 for this unit dude now I'm regretting it okay let's just pull this up let's pull this out this is cool oh dude it's got wheels check it guys man the change in this thing might be worth more than magnets 10 bucks bucks so there's we're still 15 bucks in the hole guys let's make it happen this is trash my food no the baskets worth this ax is an easy $5 [Music] that's a nice looking vase I don't know what something like that would go for but looks good Wow where's the device Oh what you did there that's what I'm talking about what was it in the trash can that's a cute little Slugger there that soon your trash can that's a three bucks five there the vase might be eBay not sure this is just just like cleaning supplies cuz you always got to clean out your units after you get them these are pants there you go electrotherapy pain relief oh this is a if it's in here that's a that's what I'm shocker we can do some we can do some pretty wild shot experience experience Dameon products more cleaning stuff guys water pail with a hole in the bottom of it it's not a water pill ash bucket for fireplaces Oh see every day here's an easy 10 bucks see I'm telling myself short guys tell them 20 if they say take 15 you're not sure what else this is trash yeah there's family photos and here guys can't show you sorry but that's where do they keep the gold bars oh man more food trash now the canned goods might actually still be good let's see what do we have in here I didn't bring it nice it's like we're getting your pants to the party whoa that's pretty neat guys I hope you can see it it's a porcelain looks like dolphins with a bowl never seen anything like that Malaysia pepper shaker down there have this just glassware guys glassware in here - three - yeah three two one oh not what I was hoping for not what I was hoping for I have to go through this laters two bucks maybe that was one of these dang it those are nice - dude oh well okay let's see okay I'm gonna we're gonna go through this real fast and I'll show you what we got we found this don't have a clue what this could be oh I know you're talking about Shiva possibly she's feeding the Beast very interesting so that could be worth some money let's see what else we got here let's not break this one Jason I'm scared okay looks like just glassware really nice glassware though it's etched so that's cool that's that's a dvd/vcr combo [Music] built-in boat anchor here's a bamboo and steel room divider I've sold one before it marries nothing like 30 bucks Jackson Oh y'all are looking six sweaty sweaty Freddie nice little that's actually kind of nice hardwood totally ain't was down low don't know I can't tell some numbers date anybody need a mattress they do they knew how to pack [Music] you're a fan I have a fan here no you fiend I have a thank you to all the fans old fans Oklahoma Heat's getting dumb dude I'm telling you it's 94 degrees today like the humidity the humidity nice works good here trash can't grammar that's hammer hammer time hammer time april fools that's a cool man seen better days but that's pretty neat nonetheless start with this one got in text pump here cool what do you want bits in here mattress and claws there's an in-text mattress and some clothing in here that's an overnight bag nothing else yeah this is for them couch hopping when you're running from the law since the movie accepted paperwork what's a good move much like that's a stick a v8 baby this is by smart this is actually worked for a little money welcome pineapple - well combined up silicone take those nuts Yvette's [Music] more tools and tools they're a Leatherman this is Gerber dissing you know the purse there's a better purse and one's crossed there's a no-name fleet says grace Adele nothing in it guys if this is the real deal got a little bit of money here but it's fake dang I was hoping it is Barbary Barbary these are probably like $2 a piece at the flea market for six there we go score there's a fujifilm instax mini that's money that is money money son that's trash huh other post-its man shoes that is a bandana if I knew it was clean I'd use it the drafting pencil I think I didn't know exacto knife we go like with the razor blades like that one right there yeah good eye hey bond elephant bottle that knife has seen many better days that's trash you know what hold on to it for the day I'm still at the flea market yeah put nice on the box Hyundai first aid kit let's see if it's the first aid kit or what first aid kit that's cool that's a crocheted still playing I taught you to do caution here's that ey unicorn unicorn owl named ty sell [Music] hmm we have to go through that here and say it nothing wild and noxious yet I don't know what a zinc means it's a polaroid zinc paper oh is that for that incident so the food you feel this is valued customer August 19 there might be money on this we'll have to call it and see if we can get it this is a polaroid zinc what it's called never heard of it have you no but I wonder if you put those in there and that's how you refill like a photo printer it must be to see can you hook your phone to it or micro USB so that might be this might be a little miniature printer nothing else in there so empty there I'm sweating everywhere yes I'm sorry just like clothes and shoes yeah just clothing shoes in here guys but this is all clothing guys give me sons here close work clothes alright guys I just pulled this out it's like a it is broke a little right here but I think it's still really cool what is this like a double for for trash cans or a laundry hamper whatever hamper or something like that your lights and our darks oh wow dude what in the Hat what are we dealing with here Asia Overland made in Indonesia in Ross how much they sell Ross for ten bucks my dollars a piece here - give me five who did give me five looking for five right no sale what no sale here it was in a sack paper stack we just find movies fine is it powder its air oh the bag inside obey just still wrapped help please not be a voodoo doll what in the world just that to Christmas all right man they made sure that this did not get broken that's cool that's okay looks like an eggplant it's interesting Oh Christmas tree I don't think that's Christmas turn upside down I think it's a shell tada dude you're smarter than I am that's right that's a knick-knack shelf give it for me in my house we will serve the Lord that's an easy two dollars and it looks to me like rest is just for mirrors and wait a second you know that that's pretty cool that's not that is they did a fine job on that that looks cool ah knick knacks paddywhacks what's in the what's in the blanket I think it's just there to fill up space huh yeah there's nothing in it that's a old potty chair yep we have an a/c in this place Oh yep well what once it's a lot of fun once it gets up to is there climate control units once it gets past 80 degrees in here then most places it kicks on I probably blew that back table base table glasses right now there [Music] fabrics this guy's is clothing and shoes I'm not gonna go through it nice life staples [Music] just random stuff in there guys [Music] little DVD player pick up some DVDs in here or CDs and DVDs in here [Music] just sayin safety things you and that's really about it see see these DVDs hey that's junk that's cool pin it Los Angeles playboy can't care you know yeah that's that's a cat carrier either either put a cat in there that's what that's wise oh wow form or we can use it as like your gym clothes bag or something but usually cat here there's just a bunch of fabric in here guys for sewing or whatnot yeah there's nothing extravagant bag Oh like a travel what it is so it's like a CD case and behind this file folder [Music] big Keurig clean up now probably sell for what 10 bucks Philip just went to swap meet to reserve our spots for this weekend and I'm going through the last few things before we load up the rest of this stuff but I just wanted to show you guys what we've got here this is a box of what looks to be just housewares let's go through it just a little bit this is kitchen utensils housewares and such there's anything down here nothing's really catching my eye that might be Pyrex yeah that's a nice Pyrex dish there and looks like that must have been an ashtray so it's interesting really everything that's in here I would assume doesn't look like anything else really catches my eye so there's that this is clothing we've seen this stuff let's go right down here take a look what we've got here this is oriental vases that looks like candlesticks that is a foo dog it was a great big foo dog because our nails cool there's a porcelain foo dog this is a porcelain this is made in China decorative purposes only just a porcelain teapot and that's all we got in there I say that oh that goes to the microwave okay yeah so that's what we got in there and here this looks like kitchenware this is a lot of the same kitchen where there's this is a pottery like a planer and not much in there really this one looked kind of interesting we've got two oriental fans here there's a great big piece of brass here sorry the lighting is not very good right in there it looks like we've got a water fountain and some water fountain here I guess those go to the water happens it's something oriental this is brass stamped India little breasts face let these little wall hangers happiness tranquility I gotta be careful cuz there's photographs in here you guys cannot see there's love the others are photographs these are just little wall hanging pieces more wall hanging there's a great big says carnet CA r na t it's just a big brass base made in India then I suppose that's just a great big crisp it's a heavy glass ornament that's what it is here's a candlestick so yeah that's what we got in there l saw that this is just a bunch of canned food honestly the canned stuff since this is a since yeah so this is a climate controlled storage unit all the canned stuff I'll probably keep it all right here goes we got must be a big tin vase and that looks to be a violent lamp guitar lamp that's cool oh shoot that's it Jimmy ernõ Bob Marley it's above Marley lamp guys that's neat not to break it and then here let's uh says di etz this is a kerosene lamp and then just a couple of looks like racks for drying dishes dish racks or something [Music] and this is more dishware I know it's dark here guys but yeah it's just more dishware and that's theirs I've already checked in here there's nothing in those little end tables but that's kind of nice unfortunately this dresser has seen better days we're missing a drawer and up there we have a coffee table another little rack thing up there and a vacuum cleaner and then we've got these mattresses that we need to get out so that is what we got out of this unit not a bad unit for $25 to be honest with you I mean nothing that is just outlay initially worth a lot of money but collectively at the flea market we'll probably get 200 bucks maybe more than that from everything's here anyways guys it is hot and I'm gonna get all this stuff loaded up and we're gonna go to the next location so we'll see you guys here a little bit [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 23,130
Rating: 4.8374557 out of 5
Keywords: found oriental collection, found in storage unit, storage unit treasure, storage locker treasure, found treasure, mystery unboxing, look what i found, i bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage treasure, treasure hunting, Found Oriental Vases, Oriental Vases, Asian, Asian Vases, Found Asian Vases, Oriental, Oriental Vase, Thrift Trader
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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