Hoard Of Jewelry FOUND! One Jewelry Box After Another. What An Awesome Treasure Hunt!

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all right guys so uh i'm sure you're wondering who in the world could possibly be here visiting thrift trader well anybody that uh attends the auctions knows this person very very well what's going on guys jason thrift trader and her and uh guys we are going through the box truck today there is something special happening today and i'll let uh you guys will find out shortly what i'm talking about something special is happening today somebody special is here a lot of you might know her so she's currently inside eating breakfast and she'll be out with us shortly guys we've got as much of this to go through as possible today guys this is what we picked up at the fupu and pew pew unit last week got to get this off the truck let's see what we find okay so right now we're just getting stuff kind of situated out here we've got empty boxes we're making box slots for the auction what do you have there it's a what do you use that for chloe squatty potty squatty potty use that to take a all right cool or just to get a little taller all right i gotta get off here and help her look at her she's doing all the work all the work okay guys well first up right outside this box here is a parker calligraphy pin set and it comes with some cartridges here and i've noticed this entire bag here is devoted to calligraphy so it's pretty neat these are ink wells those look like uh speed ball project set they're calligraphy likely what else we have in here more inkwells a sheeper calligraphy that's interesting so this one right here sells for roughly um 30 give or take on ebay but i haven't looked this one up obviously i just took it out of the bag but this will go in a lot take this out no i like this i think yeah as long as it fits in the box that's that's what we want if we have more we'll just add to it add to this one this is pretty neat stuff i think it's interesting um has to do with orthodox christianity and it's a lot of wall hangings some of them are very interesting alright guys so this came out of this box obviously you guys have seen this before because we showed it in our last video but this is really interesting we think it's silver um this is the marking on it i think i have it backwards dt dtco but uh that is beautiful and it'll go in its own line guys matter of fact we also found these in the same box and i think those will actually go right in there with that one makes perfect sense to me all right so we just ran across a box full of books i'm gonna scan these for amazon real quick and i'll let you know if i find anything interesting all right guys so very first book out of the pile is about 21 on amazon that is pretty awesome and the sales rank was like 250 000 so great book to hold on to that's like making 20 bucks on amazon alright so after scanning this entire box we've got all these books that didn't matter and all these books that mattered and we had a few magazines and those are just going to the trash but these this whole stack right here guys is 70 profit on amazon looks like chloe over here has found herself a fanny pack quite nice [Laughter] all right all right guys so i'm sure you're wondering who in the world could possibly be here visiting thresh trader well anybody that uh attends the auctions knows this person very very well say hi to kate katie's here for three days for the next two days next two days um came all the way from chicago and on her way to family in colorado yeah so we're digging through the box truck today and tomorrow we're planning on going to the tj maxx hoarder unit and seeing what we've got left there which is still quite a bit of stuff you'll be surprised all right let's see what we're digging through right now is a bunch of uh cosmetology stuff got some wax strips here don't think about it don't even it would be pretty funny need to need some hair removed no no sure okay so i guess she convinced me to uh take a strip of hair off of this leg um dear lord kitty do not hurt me chloe wants to do it oh my gosh this is going to be bad oh my god i'm going to scream like a little black sword between your the hands apart and then place the strip on your skin and rub in the direction your hair grows oh no can we cut that in like a quarter that's way too much stand up no way it's white why do i put myself in this situation anything for the views right jokes seriously chloe do not stick that whole thing on my on my leg just don't do it oh is it oh no do not do it just a little right here no not not not the whole way not the whole thing please dear lord oh what why are you laughing it's not me good you tried to cheat me so katie's digging are you having fun katie i don't know how we've got the uh the redneck shade tree yeah right there but uh guys we ran across this i have not opened it texas native inertia nutcracker it's got a lot of weight to it and i'm really kind of excited to see what's in there get that side what inertia nutcracker like a science kit okay so this yeah so like a pecan or something i'm not sure how it works but man that's cool i might have to look that up that's interesting charter company charter company that's cool okay guys so we found a starbucks gift card and it has a little sticky note says five dollars curiosity has it do we have five bucks or do we have 50 and it was a typo a human error typo 80 uses that predictive text thing where you just draw scribbly lines everywhere i'm not able to do that oh the suspense i'm not gonna read you these i have to scratch off the oh you have to scratch it off oh that's good news very good news yeah because that means nobody's ever checked the balance unless they just used it i'll be a pessimist sorry geez okay yes waiting there's five dollars on there hey we got five dollars nice nice can't get anything at starbucks for five bucks hardly hey but it's a good discount that's it yeah okay so we found a flat topper whatever that does oh it makes a flat top and this is just loaded down with this matrix hair dye three ounces of tube and there's tons of tubes we looked up a couple of the colors one of them was going for 12 bucks the other one for 15. that would mean that there's over 500 of stuff in here it is crazy don't mind the trash we're working on it shut up okay so that box is all the hair products we just found and we just opened this up and there's a lot more under here a lot more holy moly what else is in here crazy look at that guys oh my all the patterns all the patterns these are the ones you looked up right here okay so katie look these up what'd you say they were going for at least 10 10 bucks ten dollars each and that's there were 11 there right yeah so that's like 110 bucks this is incredible matter of fact we might just sell this box as it is why not yeah obviously what does this say 6010 blouse have no idea some of these look like they've been cut on some of them are brand new so it's a bunch of patterns here what's what are you gandering what you got uh jewelry making stuff jewelry making stuff nice look at those beads they got the wood beads you like that don't you chloe is that your style you don't want them those are pretty neat oh wow pattern she's throwing stuff at me nice nice little bead patterns fire mountain gym magazines hmm i've found a bunch of fire mountain gems in the past these are beadwork magazines nice way to go chloe that's pretty good sweet find so uh katie did something i told her she had to do it again for video so go ahead you know he's getting a kick out of that chloe are you ready for this so we just ran across a box it's that one and what's that box full of jewelry boxes the box full of jewelry boxes guys we're gonna go through half of this on this channel but uh oh uh oh sorry uh oh oh okay okay we're gonna go through half of this on it on this channel and the other half you'll have to go to katie's youtube channel to see the other half so let's oh my gosh it's so big oh my goodness oh my goodness are you ready for this are you uh yeah i'm ready all right so i'm gonna let her pick which one of these do you want to keep for your channel i like greens you're gonna keep this one okay we're setting this off to the side you guys are going to have to go to her channel to see what is in there all right pick the one we're going to go through right now how about actually let's just do this bag because it sounds interesting the bag okay we're gonna go through the bag guys oh boy yeah this fell out do the honors yeah hey that's a clock clock ring ring it's a sheffield sheffield that means nothing to me i have no idea okay i mean yeah but it's never a dull moment never a dull moment this thing possibly sterling i doubt it though it's probably sterling on copper little bangle is this a graduation castle it is 1966 66 that's crazy that's crazy open this see if there's anything in there oh it's it's got gunk on it i bet it's an avon that's true yeah we're gonna trash that that'll just get nasty okay oh these this looks like it's actual rock yeah it does i'm not seeing anything off hand that's just like wow but some of this is old look at this these are old clip earrings i can't read the back of this is that streaming i don't know can you read it yep all 95. yep that's sterling cool that's really pretty there's a clip-on earring very pretty so yeah there's a lot of clip-ons actually in here guys so some of these are just nice vintage costume jewelry and i bet some of them are signed yeah this is sarah coventry this one has a patent on it crazy so i don't see anything that screams gold but we do have sterling and nice costume jewelry here yep cool okay so we went through that that's gonna be a whole lot all in itself as it is now katie gets to choose another one to open on her channel on mine yup there's another green one yeah you know i want to leave you some good stuff how do you know that's not good or bad exactly okay so she's got that one that one's gonna be opened on her channel again her channel guys the link is down below in the description go watch it go subscribe do it all right which one do you want yeah no you pick you're the guest fine we'll open this one oh oh you picked the golden silver one did you oh did i i hope it's a nice box it is a nice box it's it wait wait wait oh that's an old look it's an old uh green stamp really yeah nice it's henderson oh there's musical movement in here oh it's a musical box yeah what's that a thorin's musical movement made in switzerland and guaranteed for mechanical perfection is used in this jewel case style by melee plays because all right yeah i'm ready oh look at the cameo that's nice oh a nice wait jewel pendant yeah oh man not there's some nice earrings looking for the key [Music] oh man nice that's an opal sarah coventry nice okay so that is pro likely genuine opal sarah coventry ring that is beautiful okay what's next cultured pearl it's missing boo what does it say is 14 karat gold okay does it match the box no this is sterling so there's got to be a 14 karat gold ring somewhere well we can only hope it's in here oh and that might be turquoise yeah nothing in it hey katie it's interesting um okay look at here that's um another signed brooch that matches the earring from the other box does it yeah there's clip-on earrings in the other box okay maybe we ought to like take a little time lining this stuff out instead of just throwing it a lot what's this there's another box oh that's where the music box is yeah there's all sorts this is all signed a lot of it is signed i'm interested in that one that looks really cool got pearls yeah does it say monet sarah coventry yeah sir cove yep sarah coventry that's amazing this stuff is amazing guys do not discount vintage costume jewelry because a lot of it is very well made and worth a lot of money there's pictures of those there it those are old pictures too yeah that's crazy okay so doesn't look like any gold or silver in here but still tons of awesome awesome jewelry so all right we're gonna go to the next box what do you say sure now that we've been through that one katie's gonna pick one to open up on her channel she's already got two yes we're doing three go for it let's do hmm like cardboard box or do i want to do the pink jewelry box that is the question whatever you want to do whatever your pretty little heart desires oh that's heavy heavier than i thought yeah do that one this one over yeah that's a good pick that's a good pick all right we still got more left let's see what are we gonna do does this count with this no that's a separate box right i don't know it feels pretty light let's open it okay let's just not count that one there's a joy box if you want to add anything what about this one yeah let's open this one okay oh here look what look at that oh my gosh endura pocket watch yeah yeah tempus swiss watch some of these are really nice look at that that's a uh it goes around your neck it's a um what am i trying to say necklace to necklace watch yeah okay so they're in the clocks carabelle caravel i don't know yeah that's a nice little box a little talking about just thank you envelope yes do i want to open the envelope okay oh my gosh money the two dollar bill with red it's a red note it's a oh star zero three okay this is and it's a yeah this right here could be major money guys it could be what do you say we look it up see how much this is shocked all right let's check okay guys we looked on ebay and the average is roughly 20 to 50 dollars for this one so we'll hold on to this and probably put it in a uh probably a currency currency a lot at some point that'd be cool yeah that's cool what else is in there is there anything else in there oh oh you're gonna hear there's my word in here i work i don't know if that's real or not it feels like it feels like plastic elaine bought this buck from india when he was in world war two or one that's what they don't say what okay so we're gonna leave this with that letter and sell that in an ephemera a lot i think that's pretty neat so this what is there more last thing what is this this is a 1883 focus focus 1883. oh it's one dollar yep that's a that's a dollar coin that would be silver as well yeah it's really heavy too yeah was nice i know 100 years after excuse me yeah 1776 is the year you're thinking that yes my brain's not working oh uh oh this is a box that never quits giving there is hair bearings that's a cool brooch slash necklace no it's a brooch is it a brooch you can also wear it as a necklace see that loop oh yeah this this is broken though that's cool though nice little palm tree yeah awesome what else is in here oh my goodness all kinds of stuff guys okay this one says sterling those are really pretty and that's likely turquoise yeah clip-ons yeah very nice very very jewelry nice here here here very excited this is from massachusetts massachusetts ooh that's pretty oh wow reed and barton that's interesting let's see about this one i think there's something in it that's probably a receipt this is likely sterling i'm going to set it here don't know what it is that might be empty oh it doesn't look real no there's the other one yeah could be a sterling post though pretty those are really pretty no they're too light yeah they're way too light those are nice though all right we're gonna barrel through this we're gonna barrel through it nice little poodle pendant earrings they're earrings yeah or another pendant any other pendants or brooches poodle brooch look at this one oh i see turquoise lots of pins that could be huge what is that i don't know that's cool though they're stuck together um i don't care about you i don't know if that's turquoise or not there's no marks i don't know some costume earrings all this stuff is really light randomness all right let's open this be there oh we got money in there that looks like sterling this right here looks sterling oh wow that looks really nice look at this guys wow there's my coral in turquoise it's missing the pen yeah jl it's stamped jl there's a timex watch whoops as i drop it nice most of that this right here what's this let's see this is this that is nothing canadian coin south carolina souvenir nice okay what is that great question i don't know like vacuum cleaners miniature vacuum cleaner gold tone all right looks like we've got more costume jewelry here guys ready for an envelope yes watch a watch something i can't read bear dog bear dad their dad look at this guys they made a made it out of pumpkin seeds nice nice yep maybe i can actually get it started it might be out of butane yeah it says japan on the bottom so says japan should be old yorkshire slim huh pretty cool getting close to the bottom getting close to the bottom anything in the coin purse oh it's like a little that is weird nail set but it says western germany that's old yeah that would be good ephemera what's in here yeah costume jewelry that's a really cool brooch it's needs some help but it is very pretty it's a little crooked a little crooked who says um jodin or judy lee i think is what it says judy lee ready for this yep a whistle oh nice that's an old whistle and a trumpet the ball on the inside's wooden yeah the acme thunder made in england it must be really loud i bet you wanna try it go for look guys that's heavy look at that sterling pink look at that oh my goodness look at this guys that is gorgeous nice little that's sterling too that's sterling yeah that's avon these what's this that's gotta be is that a squirrel or one of those uh what are they called i don't know from madagascar i don't know what this is [Music] it works nice [Applause] yeah chloe's creative yes very this is another sterling ring nice what was this oh look at this one this is so old this is it looks almost like hand hammered it doesn't grass copper copper yeah solid copper that's what it says solid copper nice okay that one's heavy that's that's just costume it's avon nice nice nice nice oh my goodness we got a huge mess here we like them tangling right i hate it i know um look at those old buttons for this is okay that's nice those are beaded um beaded earrings oh they are yeah beaded earrings and a necklace that's cool yeah that's that's a cool chain that's like a greek pattern yeah it's really neat what they call it this is heavy it's a lot it's a lot look at this adjustable inwards cool that's the box guys now yeah that's that box oh my goodness the neighbors kids are screaming yep i don't know do we have more jewelry in here oh you know what this might be what's that let's open it wait no no we put that over there fine and if this is if this is uh okay that's probably ephemera yeah um here iron board cover if there's something in that we're going to put it over there this is waterford crystal you want to open it well let's see if there's anything in it i don't think there is all right guys so there you have it you've got four boxes you got to go to her channel to see it are we gonna find gold we found silver right yeah yeah it's possible we found silver all of this came out of this box unbelievable behold this gadget and i have opened it and i have seen it but i want chloe to open it open thy gadget just pull it open [Applause] what is that what is it is it an eraser [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 47,533
Rating: 4.8804779 out of 5
Id: gvcE6MVqHgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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