Gold, Silver, and Ivory Tucked Away In A Hoarders Warehouse From Storage Unit Finds

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okay so from the beginning here we've got some 10k in here we've got a bowl of what looks to be crafting supplies jewelry making supplies it looks like we have a what looks to be some type of jewelry box here and then a couple a couple of other boxes right here so that's what we're looking at let's dig in and see what we can't find what's going on guys Jason's riff trader coming back to you with another video today we're gonna go through the shop get it organized a little bit cleaned up a little bit and I actually donated a whole box truckload of stuff that would usually go to our thrift store we donated it got rid of it make it make some more room here in the shop that was yesterday and I'm gonna show you just how much room I've actually been able to gain back in Moriah warehouse a little bit of an update with everything that's going on since hot sauce and I are now expecting our third kid oh yeah yeah in case you didn't know that's really kind of where we are with this whole thing is we ended up closing our thrift store it's unfortunate but we're just gonna focus our efforts in other places it's not a big deal at the end of the day we were month-to-month there so we weren't locked into any kind of contract which is a good thing I wouldn't have done it any other way and the unfortunate thing is yes we're closing the thrift store but the good thing is that gives us the opportunity to just donate everything else that we would deem essentially yard sale items aside from that also pawpaw is hanging out at the house he's not really leaving and that's exactly what we wanted to do is just stay at home I know everybody loves pawpaw I loved pawpaw I missed him terribly he's only 20 minutes down the way but we're not going to visit him in fear of whatever might happen and and he's just staying home and that's what we really need him to do so for a while it's just gonna be me in this ugly mug that's what that's really it for this this channel Papa's not going to be with us we still have a full box truck that we need to empty out and we need to get back up to the t.j.maxx hoarder unit and get the rest of that stuff out of the storage unit and I'm not entirely sure exactly when that's gonna be it should be pretty soon we've had a lot of rain here and we've been dealing with that and that's why nothing's come off the box truck so I've been kind of focusing here in the shop and getting things a little more organized let's take a look okay so this right here was just plumb full of stuff and I've got I've been able to get rid of a lot of a lot of the stuff that we had over here was just stuff that that really wasn't worth much I mean it's it it was stuff that still had value to somebody but it was yard sale stuff so we got rid of it and down this way we've got a lot more room as you can tell than what we did have this thing was just stacked full of boxes and we got rid of a whole bunch of it so that's where we are with that if you're new to the channel make sure to hit the thumbs up button make sure to subscribe to this channel and make sure you're here with this Saturday night for the live auction let's see what we can't find today okay so just an update on how the shop is looking I can actually see my floor for the first time in forever all of this right here was plumb full of stuff still got that corner to go through in this right here to go through but look at this guy's it's nearly it's nearly empty which is amazing because wow it was just packed full of stuff all the stuff right here on these shelves I'm planning on keeping and we'll go through a lot of that stuff probably here in this video we'll take a look at some of the stuff that I'm keeping here but those are my buddy Phillips need to find a way to get those out of here at some point all of this stuff on along this side here I'm keeping all of this right here look at all of that fabric just sitting there it's crazy and so all of this right here is going to be donation I've got somebody on the hook to come get all of this tomorrow and I'm excited to have that gone including that desk they're excited to have it gone it's gonna go away and I'm sure I'm gonna add to the pile before it's all said and done this right here is all trash and all I have to load that up and take it to the dump but making some progress making some headway this right here was actually donated to us I'm gonna see if I can't get it to run it's a John Deere edger that sucker is ancient pretty neat though okay so the first thing we've got are these three boxes of baseball cards some Larry Johnson they're baseball basketball I'll just say sports cards how about that these three boxes will probably just go in a lot on our YouTube option and I haven't went through them don't have time to go through them lord knows what might be in there what might not be but yeah we're gonna send those to auction perfect brownie I've never seen that before you've got an expandable bread keeper this is really neat this is a Pyrex portables brand-new in the box there it is right there decided to keep that this right here is a marble bag and decided to keep this it's kind of used up a little bit but who knows this this might actually be worth some money got a Hamilton Beach feat maker it's new in the box of course it's old old school new old stuff these I bought a while back and there are little fisheye lenses for cellphones so just clip on about a whole bunch of them with I used to sell these on Macari and kind of got out of that so I have no idea it was new so I kept it this right here I might end up using on my own account it's a micros microsoft office student and teacher edition 2003 so I kept that potentially to use for myself all right here we go let's go through this box okay here is what looks to be says big comfy 1995 big comfy I don't know her worth but I think she's around 30 or $40 on eBay so I decided to hold on to her I believe this is what they call blow mold and so it's a blow mold ghost sorry and I've got just some random stuff in here this is an older purse usually I'll hold on to these these older style purses until I've got several to lot up in an auction here's some crochet thread brand new I say it's brand new it's a little dirty but I'll lock this stuff up in our auction as well stuff like this and then a bag full of wooden beads and then here's some more beads in this and just a lot of jewelry and beads and this as well and here's an organizer as well this this thing's new never used I'll just add this to a craft lot in our auction okay in this box we've got a whole bunch of socks these are brand new I'll likely lock these socks up in auction as well just a ton of socks then we've got a lot of what are these cold sewing patterns and I have tons of these they're just kind of scattered right now but I will I'll get them all in one place eventually then we've got a bunch of these several of these let's see one two at least three of them in here and they're really nice picture frames brand-new so who knows a lot of this stuff that came out of the TJ Maxx porters unit that is new I'm holding on to and I'm just gonna other than the crafts and stuff like that I'm donating a lot of it and this right here I have no idea that's a Ralph Lauren technic kit I guess it's for painting or something that looks like a painting brush of some sort but I thought it was really interesting so I decided to keep it and a lot of these crafting and sewing books I'm holding on to them to lock those up as well alright and in this box we have a bunch of these Neopets from McDonald's a a lot of emerged brand-new never opened some of them have been opened is that like that one but I'm holding on to those to lock those up and down below you see a bunch of a bunch more patterns now as far as I understand it these patterns are worth about $1 apiece and you can lot them up on eBay for a hundred of them for a hundred bucks pretty easily as long as they haven't been used of course they you can still sell them used as long as all that all the pieces are there but you won't get as much and so that's what we've got in this box all right and in this tub we've got a harley-davidson jacket let's see if I can turn it around there so I thought that was neat and kept it this is an Under Armour hoodie again something that'll go well on eBay some Alegria shoes these are good for these are considered nursing shoes they sell pretty well on eBay here's a Vivitar B 3800 in multi exposure I guess it's a ten millimeter camera and this thing should sell pretty well on eBay as well some more shoes here these these I actually bought on from Goodwill and I think that these are Allen Edmonds I can't remember these are some LL Bean slippers I bought these from Goodwill these about from goodwill as well they're keen slides another Goodwill purchase these are Mercedes boots these are some high-dollar boots guys definitely high-dollar this looks like it's a flower bomb this is a perfume Liverpool this is a jacket a woman's jacket and a pair of men's BKE jeans okay so I just showed you guys pretty much just one shelf of the stuff that we're keeping right there I think it's time for us to really kind of dig into a few other boxes that I haven't really been through so let's take a look but first I want to show you this this is really cool I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna do with this stuff but it's a collection that came out of the gold and silver storage unit that I bought a little over a year ago and I'm still holding on with this because I don't think I can get rid of it take a look at this right here it is exactly what it looks like these things are so ornate and so interesting genuine ivory that's exactly what it is all of these pieces right here except for this one this one stone and but everything else here is ivory Natsuki I think they call it Oh be careful look at this guy amazing I just don't know what I can do with this stuff don't have a clue and I don't know why there's holes in it either I've always wondered that there's a lot of these pieces have holes this one obviously doesn't but a lot of these other guys do see there's holes so interesting so interesting all these pieces here it's crazy absolutely crazy well wait what's looking oh look at this check this out I think that this is hand-painted let me set it right here so I can fold it out hand-painted tiles I thought those were really interesting and the backside has a different a different view as well so those are really really cool ok guys so this box says crafting and miscellaneous and it came from the gold and silver storage unit that I bought a little over a year ago there's a lot of stuff that I've just kind of condensed down and haven't really went through and this is one of those boxes so we're gonna take a look today and see what we've got ok so from the beginning here we've got some 10k in here we've got a bowl of what looks to be crafting supplies jewelry making supplies it looks like we have a what looks to be some type of jewelry box here and then a couple a couple of other boxes right here so that's what we're looking at let's dig in and see what we can't find so in here looks like a lot of jewelry making supplies and some jewelry I would assume that it's mostly crafting that's shells this is all stuff that you go really well in in my auction so that's all supplies to jewelry making supplies here's a pair of earrings there's a brooch copyright jayjay so this is a signed Cal it's a cow that's interesting here's a pin New Mexico it's got an alien on it I have so much jewelry it's unbelievable how much jewelry I've got and some of this some of the stuff is vintage oh it's pretty cool so nothing's really jumping out at me but I'll have to spend more time with this let's just put this back in here and move on okay Wow all right so that's that's nothing special that's seed beads it was an unfinished some unfinished business there this is Levenger but I don't think there's anything in it yeah it's empty unfinished and that just looks like a little catch-all for some thread and that's really about it and this this thing wait wait wait oh my goodness all right empty JCPenney let's see what's in here Wow look at the buttons holy moly this ain't plumb full of buttons Wow the whole thing even these and these and there's a lot of mother-of-pearl in here it looks like that's cool so it's a box plumb full of buttons and yeah those are buttons too this one's probably the same oh yeah Wow tons and tons of buttons look at that guy's that's amazing I don't know a single thing about these things I know that there are some buttons that are worth a lot but I can't tell the difference between one or the other Wow tons of buttons all right this looks like some batting some fleece batting okay that's a pattern for cross stitch twenty bucks all right let's get to it here we have what looks to be a jewelry box there's jewelry in it no way okay rip on college rip on Wisconsin what is this that's pretty just an earring this is neat it's a little pill bottle pill box looks like pewter has a dragon on it that's pretty neat and a little felt on the end yeah it's pewter it's got a copy right here looks like or a stamp of some sort doll gee al L don't know yeah that's pretty that earrings really really pretty but it's not gold however this that's stamped 14-karat nice a tie pin 14 karat gold woohoo we'll take that that's cool all right wow that's crazy I'm finding gold still that is insane weight is like here's a ring okay and this is also stamped 10-carat so this is a 10 karat gold ring Wow I don't know if you guys can see that it's not gonna it's not gonna do it that's 10 karat gold ring there it goes maybe there it is that's pretty maybe that's amethyst no I don't know I'm not even gonna guess okay so there might be a few pieces of sterling in there as well I think this this lifts up and we've got more down here these are cute they're just made of ten little brooches there's another one that's a peacock and a clown this is really interesting it's made of leather it's a tie pin looks like handmade of a dragon looks like that's cool what's this this is really pretty it's got some kind of engraving on it I don't know if you can see that sorry my hands are dirty I've been working out here all day that might be a real diamond in the center of that how does it open okay on this side this is an Illinois pocket watch Illinois pocket watch I can't there it is it's missing it looks like it's missing the face cover the glass cover to the face I don't know if this is gold or not I'm not seeing any markings anywhere that's really cool I'll have to set this aside and look it up this is really neat if anybody knows anything about these Illinois pocket watches please let me know wait there's a thing to open the other side oh wow okay so that doesn't says d dot WCC one two four eight seven I don't know if you can see that right here it's just there it goes that's what it's showing up as so I'll have to take a look at this okay back where we left off so that's pretty much it for there have no idea what these are Henry Mason or Harry Mason I don't know Thanks interesting all right let's see what else we got in here we saw these oh wow says made in Holland and it looks like it stamped nine to five so that's another brooch sterling silver brooch think about this that's pretty it's an earring I don't see a stamp offhand but that could be sterling potentially here's the other one there's so much jewelry here it's ridiculous Wow okay moving on bagful of what looks to be wooden beads of some sort and bone that looks like bone wood and bone these feel far too light to be real so I think they're just plastic this looks like some kind of kit denim in diamonds interesting that's pretty that looks like sterling that looks like sterling and turquoise just a piece of costume jewelry here I think guys that's marked for 20 bucks don't have a clue made in China that doesn't look like gold cubes I guess they're stone cubes you got me dude you got me hmm we need pop off here with his commentary I'll tell you that much that is probably the world's largest ring I don't know what use this would be other than a pendant don't have a clue no stamp anywhere I couldn't imagine it being anything this is pretty a couple of earrings here I got a look look at these why would they be by themselves don't have a clue it's one of those things where I'll just have to test it I mean it has that gold luster to it but I'm not gonna sit here and say it's gold because it's not blatantly marked I know some pieces are marked on the post and I'll just have to look them up real closely with a loupe see what else you're gonna hear that's an empty bag another empty bag another empty bag look at this guy's why are there pins like that on there that's interesting to me I don't think that that's sterling and see this one's the same way I don't know what those pins are for that's old don't have a clue obviously I don't have a clue about a lot of things to scoop for bead working okay this looks like it's a these are stretcher bars for needlepoint Wow bead gallery stuff is all brand new okay this says Swarovski Elements that's me and that's everything in the bag here that's interesting these look like mother-of-pearl for inlay purposes and stuff making inlays those are pretty neat yep Dominika dominic art inlay calm yester these look like clock parts made in Germany yeah there's so much stuff in here guys what's in here oh yeah bunch of seed beads somebody was making what looks to be a Michigan little t-shirt out of sea beads ribbon roses more ribbon this is a die-cut of some sort hey Arielle oh that's just a cell phone charger and the rest of this well here's Claire's collection Colgate and the rest of this looks to be just a bunch of there's that $8.50 is what she had on this that's really pretty i don't know if you can see that she took a watch what it looks like she took a watch and put some type of flour in it and turned it into a brooch that's pretty neat here's more twelve dollars what she's got on this and it looks to me like it's a bracelet another inlay that's this time it's a dolphin and then the rest of this just looks like it's a lot of what do you call that I'm drawing a blank huh I can't think for the life of me live for me right now ribbon duh so that's pretty neat I think that's I think that's pretty much everything in this box other than yeah that's pretty much it I'd say that was a pretty interesting box [Music]
Views: 36,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Found Gold, Storage Unit Finds, Hoarder, Storage Hoarders, Hoarders Warehouse, Hoarders, Jewelry Hoard, Found Ivory, Ivory, Silver, Found Silver, Chinese Ivory, Oriental Ivory, Hoard of Jewelry, Crafting Supplies, Real Storage Auction, Real Storage Wars, Storage Wars, Thrift Trader
Id: 0vp4NnUwxxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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