I Found A Safe Full Of Jewelry & Found Vintage Game Consoles Storage Unit Finds Mystery Boxes

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this has got some weight to it oh it's a lock box nice all right let's get in [Music] what's going on guys Jason thrift trader coming back to you with another video today we're gonna go through a storage unit that I bought an auction paid $80 for this guys it's a little 5 by 10 got a lot of stuff in here let's let em see all them mystery boxes right there that's what I'm interested in that right there I don't care so much about right there but yeah I just bought it really just for the mystery so we're gonna take a look here see what we can't find let's dig in ok so we've cleared out some space here and I've got some things pulled out here so we're gonna go through some of this I don't have a very good feeling about this unit but fortunately we only pay 280 dollars for it I first impression is someone with a drug addiction and who knows though we might find something of value we'll just start right here and start going through some of this of course that's medication and what looks to be just a bunch of junk really in there literal junk this says Josh's wood burning tool if that was all there we'd be looking alright this could be some money if it works ti-83 plus a graphing calculator and see this is what you don't want to see literate oh there's a pocketknife nice nice we'll take that but inside here is just a bunch of lighter parts so who knows that pocket knife right there could be something we'll have to look at it let's see what else we got in here besides just junk something else you don't want to see a bunch of butane lighters not a good sign not at all a good sign so everything else in there pretty much junk pretty much so it is what it is all right next this right here more junk for the most part I see a oriental fan right here it's broken and win times right here we've got a piece of a bicycle and a couple more pieces two bicycles here let's see if there's anything in this empty alright looks like right here we just got a bunch of shoes I'll have to look at these a little bit closer nothing's jumping out at me these vans here really have seen better days Pumas here's a Nike Nike Training flex TR - these actually look kind of nice if I can find the other one these not so much so there's that looks like a DVD player there this is all clothing we're not even going to mess with it piece of artwork they're probably handmade more clothing here this box has got something that's metal right here basketball and this looks like well used Toshiba laptop so that's likely going to be trash as well in here that's still got fluid in it but we've got that's old that's an old old drill hand drill and more more stuff in here let's see that's a battery cable more clothing and here guys and then in here this is just like a grab box of stuff we got news if anybody wants views oh I don't like seeing this this is scaring the crap out of me so I'll have to be extremely careful make sure that I'm not bringing anything like that home with me because I don't want that paperwork stuff these 3m safety glasses there's a little nothing in there here we go that's salvageable it's a nice Zippo cool other than that everything else pretty much looks like junk okay this right here this is not junk misto oh wow it's a misting system with a fan oh wow oh that scared the hell out of me [Laughter] I'll have to look this up this might be some money who knows misto by Lascaux that could be some money so good news I just looked this up on eBay used this is like $70 so we've nearly made all of our money back just from this little fellow right here and obviously I'll have to test it and clean it up a little bit but that's awesome that's awesome look what's coming up next all right guys well I got you on the tripod for this right here and we're about to go through it and see what we can't find it's like a little handbag here doesn't feel like there's anything in it although there's just a little bit of junk in it so there's that here's another handbag made by Montana West that is a good brand definitely potentially an eBay item there that's really nice good shape this one's empty this one is okay hopefully we can find find the drill set that goes in there that's why Odie there's another leather purse here nothing in it there you go just what we need a marijuana bulk at that word hound that's the New Testament dope there we go here we go empty and a yo-yo anyone and then the rest of this stuff in here is just junk really empty so if there's anything in the side nothing in the sides nothing over there all right that's it for that bag all right so we have another tub here and right here is another milk crate but we're going to go through this see if there's anything at all of value this is not turning out so good but we'll see we'll see what happens here just a bag tape of work nothing if nothing of importance there here's a yeah in here we got bits and pieces of a lot of things junk mostly oh wait wait and that's seen better days this there we go why would this be in there we have this guy's it's a Nintendo 3ds Wow I'll take it right there now if it works that's another question LG phone i'll log of these phones see here's an apple iphone here's another fun i'll lock these up just in big locks on ebay and get rid of them that's about the best way to do it here's another watch that one's still running how about that put your crayons back here yeah maybe some of these could be gift cards and if so then I'll have to call and see if there's anything on them there's a lot of junk in there there's a lot of junk okay next who the heck knows what this is cuz I don't looks dangerous JT this looks like a hopper to maybe a paintball gun automatic hopper that's what it looks like nothing in there here's a pocketknife just a china-made dude sticky bunch these butane lighters in there not seeing anything crazy important going through this I'm gonna deem this mostly trash obviously I'm gonna go through it more in detail but I'm certain you guys don't want to see that okay guys so a bunch more just stuff for bathroom a whole tote here of more shoes more shoes but then I ran across this box and this is pretty neat this is a gas tank and this is a small engine probably to a little pocket bike or something who knows I have not a clue what I'm gonna do with it but that's pretty neat got a got an engine interesting okay so I'm not gonna go through this box entirely with you guys because there's a lot of personal information in this box but these right here I like seeing these these are pogs we've got more pogs power caps buy Power Rangers and x-men so I'll have to dig those out and there was something else I saw off the hand look at this it is a Yoda bottle opener and it obviously needs new batteries but that's cool so there's stuff in here there's stuff in here that I'll be digging out to keep okay next up next box I opened here it is a one and a half horsepower wet/dry vac by shot back I have no idea why they'd even put it in a box but there it is got a shot back this right here looks like a crazy looking machete if I can get it out of the sheet most definitely seen better days made by oh it's a bear grylls Gerber you see that bear grylls so although it's in rough shape maybe it's worth something definitely have to look okay guys I want you to look really closely in this box just look really closely at everything look at how it's all just apart everything's torn apart and tossed in a box to keep for no reason that I can imagine this is the sign of a meth addict okay so we were just in that box here and I open this box right up here and boom looky there beautiful absolutely beautiful Nintendo 64 that is amazing so we found a Nintendo video shoot in a Sega Genesis okay so we got an n64 a Sega Genesis a Nintendo 3ds so I am I'm stoked definitely a meth addict storage unit but we're gonna make out on this one quite nicely alright so I just pulled this out of a box and we're going to go through it because I think we might have another Zippo right there and who knows what else so let's take a look that's nothing why did they keep all this why what's what's the point okay there's a Zippo so there's Zippo number two Zippo number three and that's really it out of there is there anything in this no no nothing in there bunch of John how about in here doesn't look like it all right well not tremendous this box is plumb full of nasty clothing so I'm not even going to show you let's look in here just stuff dude stuff is that a cheat no it's Conair I'm not not seeing anything although that's pretty cute that's kind of nice see what else nothing off the top here fancy by Jessica Simpson okay foster grant I'd say that's mostly junk mostly oh let's look in here hmm yeah there's the scale oh dang it it's all torn up that's a portable washing machine it wasn't torn up how far back does this go oh yeah this is good little ways good little ways let's look in here cards and receipts I think mostly nothing crazy oh it was a portable speaker Dallas snapback nice what's this oh there's another cell phone nothing in there this has got some weight to it oh it's a lock box nice all right let's get in okay I'm sorry I had to turn off the camera and trying to find a spot to sit this here we go okay it is unlocked woohoo yes yes yes yes all right so this is where we're gonna have the most potential but as I say that nothing's just what is that don't have a clue nothing's really kind of popping out at me I would have to say if there had gold it probably sold for drugs but you just never know some of this is nice though that's a nice little broach right there sorry guys couldn't see it that's nothing I'm not seeing any gold or silver what kind of pin is this huh that's pretty missing some stones though I don't think there's any silver or gold in there it was worth the shot [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 16,166
Rating: 4.8397436 out of 5
Keywords: Found A Safe, Found Safe, Safe Found, Found Jewelry, Found Games, Found Vintage Games, Vintage Game Consoles, Found Lockbox, Found A Lockbox, Mystery Boxes, Mystery Unboxing, Storage Unit Finds, Real Storage Wars, Storage Wars, Storage Unit Auctions, Real Storage Unit Auctions, Real Storage Unit Finds, Thrift Trader
Id: 94xR1Cf04J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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