Treasure Hunting In Hoarders Storage Unit Packed Full Of Vintage Toys! She Spent Thousands!

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oh my goodness look at here guys all right Barbie collectibles Tommy and Kelly dressed as Mickey Mickey Mickey and Minnie - what a protest mimicking yes it's a Mickey and Minnie mimic what's going on guys Jason thrift trader coming back to you with another video and today we are at storage unit number three we totally skipped number two we'll be there later we're not even done with number one but the anticipation was killing me and I wanted Popeil to be here for this and see this storage unit at number three guys is a toy hoarder storage unit well know the truth it was too late in the day and that is full of furniture he didn't want to mess with the purchase there you go that's the truth that's the truth but I'm telling you this storage unit is going to be crazy let's just get right into it okay so we got a few boxes pulled out of this storage unit here this is storage unit number three and we've got a few boxes here flour dishes Zhu Pets yeah there you go and we are about to go through this box and then we'll just move on down the line so let's go right here obviously you can see there's some things in there this says Raggedy Ann and Andy porcelain dolls you ready for this yeah you guess here we go oh my goodness look at that okay what do we got first and foremost Earl okay hopefully we find her shoe she's a sweetheart let's see the front of her clean there's a pin out at her house oh wow incredible let's look up here at the top what does it say the season Joaquin doll company interesting okay there it is so the Susan Joaquin doll company don't know what her name is we'll have to do some more research later she's not alone oh well that's good it's never good to be alone in a box in a storage unit right well you cropped up lucky I will not be putting these in my house she feels like it today me and granny had probably three or four hundred of these is she the same yeah Susan Joaquin doll company Wow look up incredible all right so all the clothes and all that good stuff okay let's see what else we got so here she is and here's the other one let's keep going holy cow I cannot imagine if this storage unit is just like this the whole way look at that holy moley Raggedy Ann that's a that's Raggedy Ann and Andy that is one piece best friends that's Raggedy Ann there already these two are matched here no they're different she's holding the cake well but this is a he I think her I don't know I think all three of these are writing in we haven't seen any yet but these are incredible yeah yeah what copyright date is this this was bought at Kmart copyrights 2006 on this how about that one 2004 on her yeah that's cool alright so box number one to porcelain dolls and three Raggedy Ann brand new in box alright flour dishes sooo pets I think that's what it says I don't know okay we pay it that's a TYB anyway beanie baby right there let me look at him let me look at the very bottom the butt tag this is a swinger 2004 PE plastic pellets so this one's look at the big boy you see this it's a Funko bobble head from big boy that's cool they've been business anymore no but me one great big put that over night Street that's cool okay we got Precious Moments is that box empty or what let's see what's in there pop all have a UNESCO oh yeah oh wow okay so that's side number one put that back and flipping around you probably outside number two that's the whole set right there said of what set him whatever set of whatever and here's side number two it's the place did it goes to I guess I guess you just set them right there on the grassy knoll haha 1998 that makes it 22 years old incredible I want to know what's in this says Jordan mark what's Jordan mark that's the next question what whatever this is its brand new pull that out pop off I'd rather be just filming yeah you give me the hard work this is not the hard work okay this is a okay is there anything inside of it that's a really nice wow this is really nice doesn't put through the feature framed it no it's picture frame it's a picture but okay picture album that's the word photo album we'll get it right one day huh what's that say uh I can't read that way don't get excited don't misunderstand these are not for you but for your dish pans just clip the yarn pull out the stitches now you have two dish cloths but you lost your britches [Laughter] that's definitely say it these don't if these don't fit or suit your taste don't throw them away in anger or haste just cut off the buttons pull the threads you'll lose your long ease but have socks instead there you go oh it's made of socks are you go it's made of socks well shoot I'm gonna keep this with it that's why she was she was keen she was keen I think we have a seamstress on our hands what do you think oh boy red and fabric all right what else we got what is that let's look at it who's the babe I made by nobody wait wait a second buddy that's handmade let's see here you seen the light hand painted by somebody 1970 cool all right set that jewel right there oh no we do okay it is a picture okay picture frame by Ben he Gann Smith Smith ba n hy ga in and Smith s in Y th is fake real wood yeah that's real wood yeah huh I don't know I don't know you got that other cookie fried that let's sit this over here together I'll bet you this is one too what do you bet I bet you're right this was a little nicer oh it's just in the packaging better here there you go okay we need to be careful because we're getting in just some China here what are these little things well they're just little knickknacks but they've got mark so says 20 8/6 and or what they're good for to be perfectly auto-driver to put your mention about yet when you drink a little bot good you Mitch oh this goes to these and these are more picture frames Oh Wicky dude's got the wiki dudes here people are calling us rednecks you know look at that little Robin not a robber lubbers if you don't rob it from a blue bird blue Goble West Germany this is West Germany go Bo goe ve L played Luke ever well he just taught you just tossed him to the side like he was nothing how much you want but this is one of them commemorative plates well I ain't betting nothing cuz you're the one holding it how is it empty and sealed oh it wasn't sealed oh well it was a plate bye-bye Hadley collection we might find the plate that's got the certificate in it so I wouldn't doubt that what so ever and there's yep no need to look at it we already know and there's another one right there alright next box shelf figurines cards here we go oh dang look at there right on top look at this this is the real deal this is the real deal this is that painted stuff couple with champagne it's cheap crap no it's not fine alright this is personal gotta leave it over here although that's really cute they're bound to be a top this bitter juice oh that's neat what is it it's just a little like ladies use me like Michael designed by Michael sparks now is the ride dishwasher safe to a stop very old okay little Tweety pin here nice little Tweety pin I'm more anxious this this is another one of the little containers but some of these look I want to check the feet to shift the feet were war to see if it was possibly old because of that that noticing the glass but I don't think it is huh this is guys this piece right here is Queens fine bone china made in England Avon 96 well okay that's a Vaughn there's the top and that's etched glass yeah what does that go - this is good of this that's made in China pretty though hold me there found another piece to the set oh here's more of this fine china stuff oh this one's fine bone china blue blossoms made in england exclusively for avon 1974 was avon ever worth anything anything avon ever worth I don't know I know I've always assumed that Avon was never looking got about fifty of those they bought plates that she collected ever just not keep 72 yeah until we quit collect them and you know they're just boxes it all off you've got but made in China this is like real can see there's more of the Queen's another piece okay rabbit city walk this one broke a little made in China there it is ftda I've seen that before very recently actually this okay that goes with that there it goes your son well this lid this goes to that Stephan Sibley crap where is it what Clause of that oh oh it's right here I think yeah maybe not that does not belong together oh there it is that's a little fella there's the teapot to it anything else in here we got a few things I'm curious to know what this is it feels heavy I'm opening it oh my goodness oh my goodness that's is made that's a night look at this if you would way looks perfect made in China $15 crap that's what it is well it's nice it's heavy I don't think I honestly don't think you can buy stuff like this anymore that's a really cool shelf they say they made it out of horseshoes yeah I guess they probably did horseshoe wish to me yeah that's cool all right box number four says dolls and ducks in a box of marinated beef flats let's hope there's not marinated beef in there good okay digging away that is a platypus who's that made by Gans Gans that's cool here's a duck this looks like a duck by the Barrington collection my winter hat by Bala yeah Maude Maude Humphrey Bogart yeah that box is smaller than that one so I'm assuming they're different okay it's a figurine similar to Precious Moments only the bottom of it they want a $40 for that bad boy yeah or if it's worth anything really naughty naughty made in Taiwan I don't know if those worth anything or not well to whoever was willing to pay that that's the next question is it really worth something I'm interested in these uh what's this little fella hanging on down here for dear life she's a cutie little baby whoo she made by that question is going to remain unanswered Avon a mother's touch porcelain figurine nod but you know I don't know if I got stuff very good or not I wouldn't be the one to ask a lot of people collect it Joe I wouldn't give you a nickel for it but said yeah you know I'm not the only person alas oh wow look at that mothers say 94 84 84 that's older than me yeah don't know might be worth something maybe not I'm gonna gander at this it's a Madame Alexander box but what's really in it oh okay Taylor looking at her she goes that would be pretty sweet deal with this little bit here a long time look at this pop off yep yep Alexander what's it what's it say there on the on the tag meg Meg says here Alexander Keynes Meg okay and that is York scarlet Madame Alexander New York USA she's old she's really old dude somebody I think oh she lost her shoe it's all right if there's it as long as it stays in there I know where she is well we got we got one one stay in for him there's two Madame Alexander dolls in that little bitty box guys look no he did not and see they wanted that was $35 this thing's only 15,000 80s but were ever made 15,000 of these particular figures let's see what's in the big well your boss Boston on that I'm just gonna lift this lid here and Gander away okay yeah that's a big one oh by the way this is a little mini baby 2.0 is this the real deal here probably looks like it down here here right underneath her hair what's that say meg Meg Little Women Meg my Madame Alexander Little Women Wow what's that little thing well she took care of her dolls didn't she a lot of where they love these dolls I wanted $6.00 for her I guess she was selling them she's got price tags on today okay oh my goodness look at here guys all right Barbie collectibles Tommy and Kelly dressed as Mick me Mickey and Minnie la protest what a protest that well it's kind of like black faces what do you make there mimicking Mickey and Minnie yeah it's a Mickey and Minnie mimic here Kelly and Tommy as Alice and the Mad Hatter that's Barbie collection this is Barbie collection classic Raggedy Ann and Andy Hansel and Gretel collector's edition Barbie these are all freaking this is a nice Little Red Riding Hood is that what you saw 2001 on this one ooh this one's cool look at this The Wizard of Oz Wow Goldilocks and the three bears Shh this is the widows out here that's the winner that's an old rocking horse right there tiny is that actually made to months like that yeah it might be for decoration I don't know you could probably put a little that'd be mighty rough for a little bitty baby to be sure if they're small enough to sit on that they're not big enough to oh hey we got stuff in here Oh bro we got a really very careful with this crap because it would break that looks old do we even want to get it out well I want her out I gotta see what she's made of birthday boy made in Taiwan that doesn't mean that she is there's the let me see what she's made right here who's this made by she's got the tag tucked into her shirt to protect it this is precious moments big old precious moments doll Daisy April ain't she a cutie Wow yeah that's for one of her dolls to sit in you know and about that doll rocks that rocking chair in the middle of the night look at this look at that another tricycle this is another one of them set your doll on it and let it do its thing in the middle of the night you can teach it to hobby the hobby type lobby I've seen them dude anybody that's freaked out about dolls would absolutely hate this storage unit none I'm kind of one of those guys I'm not a big fan of dolls wow thank you for that yeah I'll use the heck out of it that'll be like the tenth one I own is there anything in this pup oh no but it's an old kitchen set for like a dollhouse you know what covered put decorations over like that in this whole thing he kept the original TOI beanie babies and it says original that means it's not old this is Gretel though and there's Hansel see all these other things are in here I'm going to leave it in there this Hansel yep Hansel and Gretel okay well I think we've seen enough of this little that's all that kitchen kitchen stuff ain't it go to the cabinet there that's cool be sure to play on that together would you get oh yeah guys if you're interested in any of this stuff shameless plug here we have traitor auctions which is a separate YouTube channel from this make sure to go and subscribe to that channel because we auction all this stuff off more toys what's that that's a raggedy and wristwatch guy like Mickey - mr. boss oh yeah 1971 pop oh is it yeah these little tins I mean I guess people collect them raggedy an alarm clock what he was in love with it yeah she liked him let's see here oh look at that nope glass pop off yep glass baked heat-resistant glass baked there you go let's keep looking how much you want but this is glass baked cake I bet it's Raggedy Ann and Andy so this one said yeah yep yeah that's Andy he's wearing a hat hi Raggedy Ann the holy man those are fire came to this is glass make GLA sbak e you ever heard of that oh now you have these are just exactly like fire key yeah I bet you whoever is in love with Raggedy Ann and Andy is gonna be in love with the storage unit Raggedy Ann and Andy yeah Hallmark keepsakes what's in here I bet it's Raggedy Ann and Andy how many times you gonna say that of his video you have to add it to crap out I would open this but I'm not going to Raggedy Ann and Andy look at this what's this kitchen creations look it's a Raggedy Ann goodie jar I want to know what's in this Madame Alexander box could be wrong I hope this proves it let's go who's that by Raggedy Ann and Andy Simon and Simon and at all it's just a sticker I'm trying to get Chester Simon and Chester incorporated yeah this one same Simon and Chester incorporated this one is Madame Alexander yep aunt who is it who is that imagine that look up all being wrong mop top Billy Bob Dylan whose mop top Billy is that not Raggedy Andy mop top Billy circa 2000 put him back in there so far the video yeah located gangrene you know pop does best I don't need a hand well well let's get closer to her okay we're start right here this thing's heavy there you go what's that it's a panda egg what what's all over it that grease age no that's literally my glass egg but what's all over it that's look at that protector that's crazy okay heartwarming no this is more Avon stuff country sitter's girl and and heartwarming country sitters boy we got the girl and the boy here oh good goody-goody get wait I think she's lying to us look at there there's a country boy well something like that oh look at the Frog who's that buy more Simon and Chester I wonder if that Simon's jester stuff is good because I have a feeling we're across a lot of it can you imagine I can just imagine one bedroom of her entire house completely stacked to the ceiling with Raggedy Ann and Andy stuff can you imagine that I don't walk to that's likely what happened to the heart oh my heart oh my Brian to father Simon and Chester yeah well it's just okay I want to show you guys all these but there's just no way we'd be here for a million years right I want to see what this this little thing is you'll down here if you guys really want to see what's up with this have to come to the auction she's not human hair that's human hair huh looks to me like it is and see if I can find anything on the back 334 of 1,500 is what I'm seeing those words 334 1,500 but who made her that's what might be on the bottom of her usually oh the neck yeah she's super pretty there any she's got him I don't think she's a bad about it well there's a lot of porcelain dolls that are not Madame Alexander that are worth a crap ton of money let's see let's see the back side of her paw paw if we can can you turn her facing down Eddie coat now she's porcelain no doubt I know who she is don't know she's a cutie there you go there's box number don't know that Minnie [Music]
Views: 24,904
Rating: 4.9313459 out of 5
Keywords: Treasure Hunting, Hoarder Storage Unit, Storage Hoarders, Toy Hoarder, Hoarders, Found Vintage Toys, Vintage Toys Found, Vintage Toys, Found Doll Collection, Doll Collection, Huge Doll Collection, Doll Collection Found, Hunting For Treasure, Real Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunters, Storage Unit Auction, Storage Auction, Abandoned Storage Unit, Thrift Trader, Trader Auctions
Id: 8gSFqNhNwPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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