Good old fashion potato salad& Baked Beans/ and some good chit chat with Mr. Brown

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we man you're tight as it got in Taupo bullet with some good fertilizer well come on let's get out of the garden titers [Music] they're cookin there's been enough of them chicken for Twitter which is a good sign first thing you want is I've got that was just about two pounds of potatoes you can do thirty pounds just whatever because you may be making it for a big group of people so you can just double the recipe but this is going to be plenty for me mr. Brown and I really I really love potato salad but my favorite put this type of salad it's just a good old-fashioned potato salad there's a lot of different ingredients you can add to a potato salad but I just like the old-fashioned kind so first thing we're going we got our bowl but itís got them diced up now if you want to you can mash them a lot of people like that their potato salads creamy mashed up I'm just going to take a little salt not too much salt my potatoes some I started steaming my potatoes but these were fresh out of the garden and I just willed them and you can leave the skins on too and I come really close leaving skins on but I just wash them good and peel them so anyway you want to do it okay we've got salt and pepper on potatoes now if you want to put a little bit of garlic or something like that that's fine but like I said I like mine just plain Jane old-fashioned I'm putting a little bit of paprika now we're just going to start adding stuff in there and I've got a half of a diced onion and you can use a red onion I I was going to go out and pull up a red onion out of garden and I decided I'd just use what I had in here it's going I've got a half of a diced sweet onion I've got Oh probably about a half of a cup of diced bell pepper now this is red and orange you can use green whichever you'd like I've got young tender celery that I had in the garden and this stuff is so good when it's young like this and I just chopped it up and I'm going to use leaf and all it gives it a pretty color it gives it a pretty taste I just love it I love celery and my chicken salad I just really I really like celery okay now we're gonna put whatever your choice of relish is and if you don't have relish you can just catch up some pickles you can use sweet or you can use dill I'm gonna use sweet today but I like either one and I'm gonna put two big take them type of things just like that I'm gonna put so most the time I just eyeball that so I'm trying to get your recipe I think I'm gonna start with a cup of mayonnaise and I'm gonna go from there some people might like their tastes a little bit drier some people might like it pretty moist like we do but we're going to do a cap then I'm going to put just plain out regular mustard in here and I'm going to put probably a good tablespoon just like that now I'm just gonna cut up some boiled eggs and it's about that simple it's just your good old-fashioned potato salad and since this week coming up weekend is my holiday weekend there's gonna be a lot of cookouts gonna be making potato salad baked maintance and stuff like that you put as many boiled eggs as you want in there and you don't have to put any if you don't like boiled eggs some people put a little bit of sour cream in there potato salad some people put bacon we're just going for the the basic type of salad here now I will be adding a little bit more pepper I don't think I'm going to add any more salt until I taste it so now we're just gonna start up let's see we're at the reason I like using red and yellow and orange bell peppers because it makes your dish look prettier but - I like the taste of it better than I do green some people don't know that they taste different but you're red in your orange in your yellow a little bit sweeter bell peppers in your name so it looks like my playstyle is gonna be pretty moist if you like a really mustardy tasting take a salad you can put more mustard in it but I know that I've always always got to add more pepper and then I'm gonna taste it for salt or mr. Brown can come taste it he knows how I stuck a little bit saltier than he does it's because of my dentures I guess I can't taste all that salt get him some potato and egg here that need more pepper or salt a little bit sophomore ever you live this off then that you know voiceover to your taste yeah we're soft in it so this is your just your basic old-fashioned side salad not so what I like to do kind of pretty adapt if you're taking it somewhere when I'm taking this thing where we're going to be eating it but let me get a paper towel kind of clean the sides off here which is a little bit of paprika on top just sprinkle it on this is when I make deviled eggs I put a little bit of pepper egg on top of my deviled eggs tape and then if you got an extra rolled egg just put your bald egg on top just cut up a few places just for presentation that just kind of tells them that there's bald egg in here and that is your old fashioned everyday place salad very easy to put together and longer it sits in the fridge right or better it gets so I'm gonna make some baked beans they're gonna be easy to throw together hopefully it's everything that you have in your pantry I'm gonna do it on top of the stove won't be put in the oven and will be ready for cookout and I've had mine this is my little large cast iron grill man Daniel Evans little thing is just the right size for me and him and you can take you can love this thing up and on truck and you take it anywhere with you and just don't take up much room but I've had this the coals lit for probably about thirty minutes and they're good hot but the fires not real blazing hot so that's what you need when you're cooking some thin pork chops on here and after marinating them I just took them out of marinade I just started the marinade and I just sprinkled a little bit of pressure I didn't put them with salt on it a little bit of garlic a little bit of paprika and that's all I'm gonna put on here we're gonna put them on the grill now since these are a thin cut it won't take them very long to spit but you want them today 3:30 this is my little large grill and you can tell it sits out here under the shed but it'll get rested up we try to keep the cooking top you know we clean it and oil it up just like you would a cast-iron skillet and we need to to do something with the bottom part too it draws a lot of moisture out here even under the shed but it don't keep it from cooking good that's for sure we're gonna make a little bit of a brine for our pork chops what I've got here is I've got five been cut pork chops and you don't you can have a thicker cut it don't matter just have her you block them and I'm just gonna make a simple bride one might go over here just a little bit I'm gonna put a half a cup of water and I'm gonna put back forth of absolute low sodium soy sauce then I'm going to put a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce now the only other thing you need for this brine you put you a little bit of brown sugar in there if you want to I'm not gonna put any brown sugar it's lemon pepper you want about teaspoon of lemon pepper and here in your brine what I'm going to use is my this is my my infused sea salt and it was infused with if I put the link below but it was infused with orange juice orange rind thyme and rosemary and then sea salt and that's what I've gotten here and I'm going to put a teaspoon of this instead of lemon pepper but if you got lemon pepper that's what you need to put in here I know some of y'all didn't make some of this infused sea salt and you know a little goes a long way so I'm just going to put a good teaspoon [Music] and then I'm just gonna put my pork chops in here and I'm gonna cover my um it's best to put it in it like a gallon size bag but I went to the drawer and I'm out so I'm gonna move these around and then some plastic wrap over the top and then everyone small going there and kindly uh switch them around so that all that pork gets sick that good marinade in there and we'll let this marinate up till we decide to go ahead and you know cook up pork chops probably a couple of hours and I can see on there it's starting to get opaque looking around the edges so I'm gonna go ahead and turn them on get a hold of it ooh that looks good that's good stalled on them so you can see they're cooking up pretty good just like I said you don't want to overcook them some people want to overcook pork but something is saying it don't take that long let's start our bank maintance go with our Titus salary now I've got my iron skillet heating up here and I'm gonna take me just a little bit of baking render it out you put as much as I can this you want in there make it as many as you want I'm just gonna be making a pint jar at my navy beans so we're gonna put about that much of bacon in there we're gonna let that render out let it get brown then we'll come back and we'll put the rest ingredients in them we're gonna be cooking our our baked beans its stovetop baked beans this is how you would cook them to peas out and campfire and just put them on top of the fire real easy recipe but really good okay we got our baking rendered down real good I'm gonna put me just a little bit more I have my baking very some hair that I say but because I'm gonna put some hang in some some bell peppers let them Saltire now though these recipes these large recipes you can add so many different things to them just to your taste you could add some jalapenos to this you could add color sausage some kielbasa you could add let's see you could add some hamburger meat to it I've had it with hamburger meat and color sausage in it and it makes a meal for itself but we're just wanting plain oj no barbecue beans if you hear something running this is my dehydrator I apologize but there's always something going on here if it's quiet on the home stairs it means everybody's taking a nap and it ain't quiet so I've got 1/2 an onion probably half of a bell pepper we're socks off by this that for the onions love it ginger and we'll come back and we'll put the rest in boy it smells good in here our bell peppers onions are very tender so one one ahead now it's my Navy base and I'm just using a kind of mine everything says I hand up [Music] okay I've got 1/3 of a cup of brown sugar I've got 1/4 of a cup and molasses and this is what's gonna make your brown your bike bangs so good we'll put just a little bit of pepper this salt I'm going to put about a tablespoon of just regular mustard and I'm going to put about about that much I think that was about a half a cup I'm gonna start it up and see where I'm at you know a half a cup of ketchup is pretty good now I'm going to put some Worcestershire sauce or warchest are shyer salsa or however you say it and I'm sure people are don't be telling me I'm gonna put in me just a teaspoon now I'm putting this in place of apple cider vinegar but you can put apple cider vinegar in it just put your teaspoon they either want to work it'll give it that kind of vinegary tart taste so won't do because y'all know miss Laurey y'all know that I won't taste it make sure I've got enough in there what I need YUM it's delicious and then wish your sour sauce it just really gives it a bite that's why I like putting it in there so that's good good stuff like I said you can double this recipe I'll put the recipe everything down in the description box so that's so easy and how fast that come together you're going to let it cook on top of the stove I'll let it simmer probably only about 15 20 minutes I'll keep an eye on it now if you want to you can stick in the oven 350 oven for 15-20 minutes whichever because all you really got to do is just cook it through just warm it down and cook it through and won't take her long but if you have a double recipe it might talking about 30 minutes so there we go no sir was that a monkey that's an Indian here okay whitbeck war dunno ain't got no and why what was you saying it's a piloted woodpecker are we call them Indian mean big big bird big wood big wood they never our foot long know that I'm out what I say what you doing about all right I know a lot of new subscribers that are asking questions that a lot of our older subscribers know so we're not going to try to board our old one you know you're gonna have to bear with us we're going to tell a few stories about how we met just a few if you think that we can think of this men asked lately we met on the banks of eleven-point River I guess it was a 78 somewhere around 1978 maybe might have been saving the 7 huh somewhere in there yeah 77 in the summer she had been she come up from Texas stayed with her grandmother and we had community swimming hole down there and people from miles around come to that swimming hole and I'm down there swimming family and friends and she shows up with her grandmother and I didn't expect I talked to her and stuff that day I didn't expect to at 16 and I didn't expect probably to I didn't know that I'd ever see her again and she had made a decision that she's gonna step up with her grandmother and start school instead of down on Houston and my first day of school and there she was not being trouble where ever since and you've been troubling you've been a pain in my here no but there she was and we've been together ever since and that's been about 43 years or so now yeah we'll be married 40 years October the 24th 2020 this bowl and I'll be 59 October the 31st Halloween yes and you'll be 32 in January January the 8th gen where they is her birthday she's born same day as Elvis you and he passed away um I've been 10 years ago yeah it's been 10 10 years ago his mama's still here with us she's still doing good she has a lot of she just had a birthday a few weeks ago she's 87 87 years old she's had hip surgeries knee surgeries she still gets out in the battle bit still gets outside and pedals a little bit if you ever hear me talk about Preston diamond Grand Slam that's who he's named after Danny's dad Preston that made me think of a story you think I should tell a story yeah bad there's no way that I can explain my dad he's one of them if they broke the mold when they my dad hard-working man all of his life he's very loud he's very loud if he's around talking he was loud cutting up going on half the time people didn't know whether he was mad or just having fun but this one time he was having fun with me the creek had been up and we talked about he's home we had a big electric fence a big pasture off of these homes we had electric fence and when a creek would get up brush and stuff would get on get on the fence and that's what I'm cleaning off so I'm down there he said go down and clean that brush off that fence in the creek it's springtime so I'm I'm barefooted I go out there and I holler at him my house pretty good ways up there not hollering I asked me I said you got the fence off yeah I reached down and grabbed that fence out now I'm standing in water barefooted and I reached down and grabbed that fence and I picked it up and I shook it about one time when everything started coming off that he had to unplugged it is that what happened on your hire that's what happened all my hairy fried me and I'm standing in that Creek and my cuz I done got ahold of it and I can't I can't get let go of it my hands are just tightening up my arms shaking like this for her cuz I'm telling you back then and they had some bad fences now too but that fence was hot yeah you don't on purpose and I'm sitting there in that water just shaking like this trying to and I finally get it turned loose oh I was so mad at him but it wouldn't matter this I just hollered at him I said turn that fence and then I was scared I could hear him laughing I know what you did a laughing at me he had to be laughing that wasn't funny yeah it was funny to him though and it's funny now that I think about it even though my grandpa used to me same way you or in let you up we've to take a piece of fish you still a green one and test that liquor fins and you just start walking that steam down that fancy little slope that you start where you can feel it tingling or not we didn't have no offense test I was a friend sister all right thing we always always cutting weeds and grass and weeds that was a constant job keeping them homes in I guess back then I don't know anybody didn't have hobbies my grandpa here we are talking about getting something yeah squirrel hanging upside down try and getting my garden you know it's any if even any given morning you can look out that front door and how many we counted 12 no and they are they'll dig it my plants they do good if I plant any kind of seed I know they're gonna start getting my tomatoes and you bring my beans yeah so so season open the 15th well I think it's about time but squirrels in the freezer we got one coming up here to this I wish he'd get up here on County probably knowing that you're on that tree and the food he smells as beans they want something what's it doing I get that bear on the run around not know we're here I don't care what's that camera guitar reality behind [Music] we went around it so I tell you one time I'll tell you story was in store business and I think you're still working front accounting I have read of this because you had come in and you took over and then I went home with kids because when you got off work you come to the store take over so I think kids home fix supper and it was I don't know we did a Christmas tree so it was probably like later December and it was a real Christmas tree I mean the kids that won't cut that thing anyways we brought inside and we kept smelling something that smells like cat pee and we discovered it was that tree so we had to take that Christmas tree down and go get another one okay we got that one that well this was another after knowing that you were at stores and kids got home they plugged that tree in I went to cooking supper and something happened and that tree start catch on fire and I had to pull that thing out and throw it out the front door barn ho do you remember that time that that's too time we hadn't been home our house with a burner remember that time that for know there was no electrical Wars there was nothing in there and that caller that called for ya I thank you I said that that must have been a mouse I think it was a mouse for the matches what about that one seriously because I don't know no other there was no nothing in there that was you know like a can of anything that would catch a fire blow up well I think you said that you had found some matches just loose matches in there so you always think of the mouse was probably I think a mouse was back when you could strike a match on about anything I think that Mouse so we did have occasional mouse in the house and I'm thinking that's what's target far luckily yours home we had trouble at the farm with mice because we we had the highway floor was rent one time when we got home from a mouse or a rat or something they hadn't figured out what was your nephew cuz you were gone on a truck had you to hoe in the water line and not downwards work the ground but upwards struct that floor and it buckled that floor I'm from the marsh no sir yep so that was one time than a mouse cause trouble probably wondering about your rat in the truck my rat in the truck that was Facebook though that was on Facebook but you got only about 4,000 people on Facebook yeah I had to I want to put that scenario in this video but anyway I think pause and finally got the red I had a Ratan under the hood of my truck toon injector Warren because that was a pain to fix but I got it fixed but I kept trying to catch him in there I was gonna shoot him with the BB gun and I seen him a couple times I never got you dating no I shot him once when he running but shot behind things I think I kept putting out poison time some poison in there with a piece of water we couldn't run off with it and I haven't seen him so I think I finally got him that's good he traveled all was that true he's even been in the car I've been there yes I've been talking and I ain't getting done porkchops getting cold and getting beaned all over my shirt ain't got my beard on so I think they collecting in my pocket we've been really basically men working on the dance and working on the shed I've been in the garden a lot I've been doing a lot of stuff inside yesterday I had some time with my daughter so I didn't get nothin done yesterday gardening and that sheds taking up a lot of time right now that we're still not sure when we'll be going back to work there's no for sure timeline on that yet is there not yet so we're kind of waiting hanging on that I'll be going in soon so I guess if they have a lunch program up at school this summer I'll be doing that same vision at that but it's fixing to be summer I'm tell it's gonna warm up next week and not much rain now sir exactly gonna be cooler networks predicted highs and low seventies sixties are there too low humidity so that means we got to get things done we've got a visual yeah and they get that before painting long before I get started on something else that's for sure so anyways if y'all go anywhere this weekend y'all be careful the different states there's different rules not everybody's there you know stuff's gonna be open for people to doing good I think Arkansas starting to open up a little bit more there four days something no its next week they're opening up Claudia so but we're staying home we won't be going nowhere now when that river clears that we will be taking y'all fishing that's a for sure and certain what can you say no dear [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 392,332
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Id: z9-5iqoii4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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