Homestead Zucchini Au Gratin

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[Music] you know it's so hard to come up with so many different side dishes when you're on a low-carb diet and I want to help mr. brown loosen the rest of his weight because it's helping his blood pressure and it's just helping him all the way around and he feels better and so we're gonna stick with it just a little bit longer of course we're always gonna be careful but this is a zucchini gratin or you can say all gratin whichever the recipe said zucchini gratin and with that's not eating any carbs or low-carb anyway we did cheat a little bit on the weekends but I've got me a little bit of olive oil in my pan but two or three tablespoons you want enough in there because you're going to put your zucchini in there and cook it a little while - I've got one onion and about three large cloves of garlic and we're just gonna saute them for a minute or so before we add our zucchini in the pan and that's just to soften the onions up a little bit so what we want to do now is I'm gonna move my zucchini over here and this is about three it's three I don't even want to say medium they were between you know a small and a medium zucchini but it it does make quite a bit and you just cut them in round just like you would your potatoes if he wasn't making potato au gratin and now we're gonna make our big gooey sauce and the recipe calls for marscapone a cheese of course but if you don't have that just use cream cheese I just happen to have one in there from a recipe I had made a while back and someone go ahead and use it but cream cheese will work just as well and in most keto recipes they use cream cheese so either one so that was a eight ounces and you can use eight ounces of cream cheese I'm going to use one egg and this does have you know quite a bit of cheese in it but not so much that it's just over cheesy of course can you ever have too much cheese someone tried now you could use a hand mixer and blend this up pretty quick but y'all know me I'm I don't want any more dirty dishes than a half two so I'm just gonna do it with my spatula here and I'm gonna stir it up real good and playing that egg in with that marscapone a just get it blended up real good and he's coming together really good won't take very long this is gonna be so good you know that's one of the hardest things that it's been with Danny on the slow carb diet is trying to find different sides for him I mean there's all kinds of vegetables out there but just coming up with something different every once in a while because we're not eating rice or pasta or potatoes and of course no bread so so I'm just gonna keep mixing this up and if you want to you can add just a couple of tablespoons of milk to the sauce to kind of thin it out just a little bit I'm going to take about half a cup of Parmesan cheese and that's what's left in this bow so I'll just put it all in there a half a cup and then I'm just gonna keep blending it up hey just keep makes them just good and smooth and I thank my onions and garlic is done now see it's just kind of translucent just kind of tender so next thing I'm going to do is I've got two ounces of cheddar cheese and two ounces of mozzarella and I'm gonna put my two ounces of cheddar cheese in here with my sauce stir it in real good and a lot of it of your older fashioned all gratin recipes are covered just a pinch of nutmeg in your sauce now I'm just gonna layer all my zucchini in my pan now if you want to after you get your zucchini browned and that's just all we're gonna do we're just gonna cook it for about five minutes you know to help the baking process just round them up a little bit but I'm just going to lay our mind in this pan in this pan I really like cooking in it because it'll go from this stovetop into the oven but if you don't have something like that after you get them browned real good just layer them in the bottom of a baking dish to put in your oven here in about five minutes the reason you want to go ahead and cook your zucchini a little bit it's just like I said just to help it just a little bit kind of brown it up a little bit I'm gonna put just about a teaspoon or more in on top of salt on top and since I already got garlic in there I don't think I'll put in garlic powder a little bit of pepper about a teaspoon or so we like our pepper you put you a little bit onion powder or something like that if you wanted to just to your taste just kind of start around a little bit we love zucchini now this zucchini here come from the store I can't wait till this summer to have zucchini and can't now the garden so we're gonna cook this about five minutes and we'll be back to finish it up it's gonna be good okay here it is after five minutes it still got a little bit olive oil in it but that's not gonna hurt anything so you can see how it's tender a little bit and kind of browned up a little bit okay now that it's cooked for five minutes we're gonna turn it off and we're gonna start adding our sauce to it I know this is gonna be so good I've always loved our gratin potatoes so this is gonna be a really good alternative and I never made it with with cream cheese or anything so this is you know how different recipe for me but I'll tell you I know it's gonna be really good and probably something that will will eat quite a bit and I can see you doing with other vegetables - not just zucchini or potatoes I can see you doing it with y'all know we've been eating fried radishes you could do with radishes maybe some different root vegetables you could do this with broccoli and cauliflower so I just sprinkled the rest of my cheese which is mostly mozzarella on top I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit more black pepper my oven is at 400 we're gonna stick our zucchini in there and we're gonna cook it for about 30 minutes until it's golden brown and bubbly here it is out of the oven and it took exactly 30 minutes and it really worked out good because my meatloaf had about 30 minutes left to cook - so my meatloaf come out the same time look how pretty that is oh it's just gonna be so good I'm so excited so we're going to plate up mr. Brown's supper and get it on table for him because I know he's getting hungry and we'll see I'll let him taste it and see if he likes it I look so wonderful the zucchini is tender everything the cheese's are so we and gooey and well y'all think I think it's gonna be really good I think it's gonna be a good side dish let's get it on the table took mr. Brown thinks about so what do you think about the old rotten zucchini as side dish instead of using potatoes was so hot good it is really good yeah that's nice I think it's really good and the keto meatloaf can you tell any difference I mean really the only difference is that you use pork rinds ground up instead of crackers or oops everything else pretty much the same it tastes good [Music] they've got good old meatloaf for me so not too bad for a low carb supper huh no it's really good you
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 140,623
Rating: 4.9665437 out of 5
Id: 7wPzw33QjN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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