Oil Tycoon VANISHED 42 Years Ago... The Case of Cathrine and Charles Romer

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- The year is 1980. Charles and Catherine Romer checked into this hotel room here at Holiday Inn in Brunswick, Georgia, where they vanished. Them and their 1978 Lincoln Continental have never been seen or heard from ever again. (ominous music) Charles Romer, 74 years old, a retired Sinclair Oil executive, was married to Catherine Romer for five years. They actually just celebrated their fifth year anniversary. Now, what brings us to Brunswick, Georgia, to this Holiday Inn specifically? Well they lived in New York, and they spent their spring and summer months down in Miami, which is typical. I guess a lot of people would refer to them as snowbirds down in Florida. Now, they always stopped at this hotel as their first stop back home. Now remind you, Charles is an extremely meticulous individual. He kept a journal of everything that he did on his daily routine, tomorrow, projecting, you name it. He was very meticulous and methodical. He left a lot of information in his journal. However, the last entry in their journal was April 7th. The one thing Charles could not account for in his journal was April 8th, 1980, the day him and Catherine vanished forever. (ominous music) (calm music) (calm music continues) (calm music swells) (calm music continues) (calm music continues) (calm music continues) (ominous music) Catherine and Charles checked in at 3:51 PM after an extremely long day of driving. They took all of their most valuable possessions out of their 1978 Lincoln Continental, brought 'em into this hotel room, laid them out where they stayed. Amongst some of the belongings that they left behind in their hotel room was Catherine's jewelry, which today would be worth an estimated half a million dollars. Catherine was also known to wear about $150,000 worth of jewelry on her pretty much at all times. What happened to Charles and Catherine Romer that fateful evening they disappeared from here at Holiday Inn? Is it foul play? I think it's safe to say that we can rule out robbery as all of the jewelry was left here and their belongings undisturbed. Is it foul play possibly connected to Charles being a retired oil executive? It's possible. But I think the most probable reasoning behind their 42-year-old disappearance is that they left this hotel room after they checked in. They took a drive to go get something to eat. And they've ended up in a waterway concealed for the past 42 years. Is today the day that "Adventures With Purpose" solves one of the oldest cold cases we've taken on? (ominous music continues) - These islands are all connected with all these little canals and everything. This is Jekyll Island, it's state owned. And this is St. Simons Island. People with a lot of money would normally go there to visit, especially if they're, like you say, have money and stuff. They would go here, because there's a lot of old money. - Three or four people here, that work here, have lived their entire life. We're getting a lot of good information as far as the lay of the land, the way things used to be back in 1980. That's rare. We're talking about a case that's 42 years old. And we're getting insight on everything here locally from people who have lived here their entire life. It's powerful. Not only are we getting a good lay of the land, but in talking to them about Charles and Catherine Romer, you know Charles was an oil executive. He disappeared here from this town on his way to New York. We've uncovered another case. On Sea Island, just a few miles away from here, where another oil executive and his wife was murdered. So we're talking about two different oil executives that have been murdered here in this area within a three-year span. Is this a coincidence? I don't know, but it's definitely a huge red flag. Huge red flag. So this was built in like, you know, 2005, where we're at right now. So the hotel that they stayed in was either right here, off of this clover off of 95, here, or downtown. They were from New York. Obviously extremely wealthy couple, elderly, 74 and 76. They're snowbirds. They spent three months of the year in Miami every year. They left at the same time. And on their route, every time they left Miami, Brunswick was their very first stop. They stayed at the same hotel, never switched up their routine whatsoever. If you were on a long day's drive, and you were here at four o'clock, you put all your stuff in the car, I mean, put all your stuff in the room, and then you leave to go get something to eat. would you suspect that it would have to be downtown? - {Hotel Employee] Not necessarily. - No? - Not downtown. There's not a whole lot downtown. I mean, I would venture out to say, "No." Back in the eighties, there was a steakhouse right here. It's right over here, but it's no longer there. - Okay- - Bunch of steakhouses- - So you wouldn't have to go far if you wanted something to eat. - No, you wouldn't have to go far. - All right. The son has stated publicly that he did not think that after a long day's drive his dad and his stepmom would be leaving all of their belongings, checking out. I mean, leaving the hotel room and just going somewhere far away. They're tired. If they're leaving, they're gonna go somewhere immediate. And mind you, the son said that the hotel had a restaurant back in the day in the hotel. So why would they leave the hotel? He didn't suspect that they would ever leave the hotel. They're gonna grab something to eat, go right to bed. They're trying to make it back to their home in New York. They're focused on driving. This is their first stop after a long day of driving. They're not gonna go out for a night on the town or anything like that. After all, we're talking about 1980, very small town. There's not a whole lot for them to do. And I think, and the realm of possibilities is vast, but we have to deal in the realm of probability. And that being, they're not far. They didn't leave far. And what happened to them? Did something horrible happen to Charles and Catherine? I don't know. We don't know that. It's possible. Is their vehicle just simply end up underwater because of an accident? I think it's highly probable, and that's the route we're going to take. I think, where the hotel was, they're going to be right in here somewhere, or along this area here, or downtown in this canal right here, right here locally. - This road right here is off of 341. They shoot fireworks off right here every year. And there's little trails that lead off into this which, in turn, leads you to all of that. - [Host] Okay. - That big bridge I showed you goes right across right here. - [Host] Okay. - It's Highway 17. That's where I was telling you where you'll see all the marshes and stuff like that. And there's really no water and water access. Well, that Highway 17 rolls down and comes right over where the city Lamir Bridge is. But back then it was a draw bridge. That's here, but that leads all the way back up to Mary Ross Park, which is where I was telling you they did the fireworks, which East River keeps going on around until it turns into Turtle River which is going under 303 where I told you about. So it all connects. - [Host] Okay. - If that makes sense. - No, no, that makes a lot of sense. - [Hotel Employee] You can have all this. - Thank you so much for all of the information. - [Hotel Employee] Hope it helps you. - Oh, it helps. - You're welcome. - We have a lot of very good information to go off of on this case as far as the lay of the land. And we're talking about a case that's 42 years old. Where did they go? Were they hungry? I think it's safe to say that they were hungry. They just wanted to go out, grab a bite to eat, and whatever took place that evening, whether it was an accident or something horrible, I don't know. But that's what we need to figure out. That's where we come in. We don't know the why, but we find out the where. You know, we have a lot of area here with water, and what I'm most concerned about is water nearest the hotel obviously, and then around the downtown area. And that's where we're gonna focus our efforts. When we start to take this any further than that, it really opens up a lot of waterways that are gonna be out of our control with the timeframe we have to search for this case. So we're gonna jump right over right now to right here. We're going to the Turtle River boat ramp. Four miles away. - [Navigation App] Head east on Gateway Circle then turn right Gateway Center Boulevard. (dramatic music) In a quarter mile, your destination will be on the right. - We can't even search this. The boat ramp is right here. It's flooded. The road doesn't exist anymore but we can't make it onto this water. Really bummed. You know, this front that's coming in right now is only supposed to last an hour. However, it is now evolving into a huge, huge storm that's gonna last the entire day. Unexpected, we can't even hold the camera still right now, let alone put a boat in safely and able to scan accurately. I'm just bummed, absolutely bummed. This sucks. I really, really want to search hard today to find Charles and Catherine, and just Mother Nature, something in the universe right now is not letting us. Makes me feel as though we're close. 'Cause when things get tough like this, the only thing that defines people who create results are the people who push through and the people who give up. (upbeat music) What a beautiful day compared to yesterday when it was just 40 to 60 mile an hour winds at times, hail, tornadoes in the area, and there's not a cloud in sight, not one cloud. (upbeat music continues) And just to give you guys a accurate idea of where we're at, why it makes sense, is we're right off of 341. 341 is just down from the hotel they checked into. So did they check into the hotel and go out to get something to eat? That's the theory we're basing it on right now. This is really our only main target area in this search is the peninsula that surrounds Brunswick. So knock on wood, today we will discover the Lincoln Continental that Charles and Catherine Romer disappeared in all those years ago. Where did they go after driving all day long? The general consensus of anybody we discussed this case with would be you're hungry, after a long day's drive from Miami all the way to Brunswick, Georgia. There's two things that you are. A is tired, and B is hungry. So they obviously chose not to go to sleep, so they were hungry. We have to rule our investigation basis' on the probability of someone's actions after they go missing, think it's probable they were hungry. Where did they go? The family and their friends and others close to the case seemed to think that they would've never left the hotel. There was a restaurant in the hotel. However, we know they left the hotel. They were seen talking to another young couple with a dog and that was the last they were absolutely seen. So did they decide to come into Brunswick, downtown in the area we're at right now? Check out the water, the waterfront, you know, I mean, who knows what a couple might do when they're in downtown and decide to do something. It's completely spontaneous. Did they accidentally put their car into drive or reverse instead of park, end up here in the water near the waterway over here? It's possible, very possible. Which is why we are down here where we're at. We're gonna work this whole peninsula for the rest of this search and hopefully, hopefully we'll discover Charles and Catherine. That's what we're doing this for. We're not out here just to tell stories. Anybody can tell a story but can you tell a story and actually attempt to really methodically try to find someone? And that's our purpose here at "Adventures with Purpose." Water temperature is 70 degrees. We're working with a temperature of 85 degrees outside. (calm music) So these docks that we're surrounding right now weren't here at the time they went missing. This was all Shoreline Park area. So we are looking for a big car, old school Lincoln Continental, big body car. Basically a boat. So let me bring you guys into the world of sonar Humminbird. There's a boat right there. That's a boat by the way. We have 18.3 feet of depth up here. This top portion of our screen is gonna be down imaging and the yellow surface here is the riverbed. This is the bottom of the river here showing water column black in area 17.5. Now this is a picture in time. It's showing everything that we've gone over. It's feeding it left like that as we go over it. Now I can scroll back and look back at what we've been over and so forth. That's down imaging. Down here on the bottom portion of the screen is side imaging. We're casting a hundred feet in either direction and this boat icon represents the boat in the line of travel. And again, like up here, the yellow line surface is the riverbed to either side. This is water column from the bottom of the boat to the riverbed. And we're casting side. And again, like up here, this is a picture in time. We can go back, we can look at anything we've gone over and review it. So it captures a picture in time as we're going over it showing what we have scanned. Now, this moves top to bottom. As we go over it, it's feeding the images in nice and smooth. Now over here, we have Garmin LiveScope System. Now Garmin represents an actual picture of what's under the boat in live time. This is LiveScope. It shows up here, 16 foot or so, right here deep. It shows our water temperature at about 68 degrees. And again, this yellow surface is the bottom of the river. All this black is from the bottom of the boat here to the bottom of the river bed there. And it'll show fish swimming by. That's a fish there. These are, these are fish. Those are all fish. And that's a fish there. It'll show everything that's under the boat. And those two systems represent what it is we read when we're reading sonar. Typically I will use the side scan imaging and if I'm unsure of what I have on side scan, I'll target it, get over it in real time and look at it right here on LiveScope so I can kind of see what I'm looking at, if it makes sense. Now as we get down here and you can see the buildings down there on the end, that's kind of where 341 almost parallels this little water area over here. Give me a car. Any car we find today is gonna be their car. Absolutely, there's no other car that's made it into the water in 43 years but their car here. There's something right over here. I'm sure it's a old boat. And should be coming over it right about now. What is it? It's a little dinghy. It's a little dinghy. (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music continues) You see the manatee? So right now we are right at the Mary Ross Waterfront Park. This would've been a location that, you know, maybe they didn't want to leave the hotel, come down here, do a little bit of sightseeing at the waterfront before they had something to eat that evening. (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues) All right, here. Nope, it's not a vehicle. It's a pile of some type of debris. Now to me, I know I'm looking for a vehicle that's 42 years old underwater. So I'm potentially looking for just a part of a vehicle that's exposed. And if that fit the scenario and my search vision of a car that could have possibly been majority of it buried and part of it sticking up. However, it's just some, a couple of like boulders and then maybe a cinder block from the parking lot up here. All right, let's get the boat back over, head back over to the other side of the peninsula to where Back River, McKay River joins. We're gonna search over there. It's probably gonna be one of our last locations as that pretty much marks off this entire peninsula where they disappeared. This search is a little bit different than anything that we've done in the past because they disappeared from here in Brunswick, Georgia. However, they were mid transit from Miami to New York. So once we search right here in Brunswick, it's really all we have off of, as far as probable locations to search, for Charles and Catherine. Now, if we end up putting this episode out, which we will, and get clues and tips from you guys, our supporters, the public that is credible enough to bring us back here and search again, absolutely we'll be back. And if we aren't able to find what we're looking for today, hopefully that's what happens. I mean, you guys have a lot of power in what it is that you do through watching and seeing what we do and critiquing it and it's great. I love to hear all of the feedback from the searches we do. And you guys are looking at your maps, and local people here that are gonna watch it are gonna have so many tips and clues for us. You know, we'll be back if we get that information that draws us into a better search area or information regarding their disappearance. We'll see. (sad music) (birds chirping) (sad music continues) (sad music continues) The question still lingers, what happened to Charles and Catherine Romer April 8th, 1980? That's the mystery. Unfortunately, today that's gonna remain unsolved. I'd like to take a second to encourage each and every one of you who are watching this right now to make sure that you're subscribed, hit that bell notification so you know when a new episode is coming out. Leave a comment, let us know what you think about this video and share our stories as we're out here, boots on the ground, attempting to bring answers to families and assisting law enforcement all across the nation. (sad music continues) (sad music continues) (sad music continues) (sad music continues)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 245,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cathrine romer, cathrine romer missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, diving, murder, mystery, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime documentary, crime stories, search and recovery, depression, vanished, charles romer
Id: xJUHPTkomqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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