Jodi Boeckermann's Disappearance: BREAKING DOWN THE CASE

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- [Reporter] Police say there's added concern because she has medical issues that require medication. - Either accident or self harm. How far is she willing to drive to do that? - [Reporter] Authorities are asking anyone who may have seen her or know where she is to contact Rochester Police. - This is (beep) crazy. Come on, there's gotta be a vehicle in here. (water flowing gently) (somber music) Got it! (inspirational music) (inspirational music continues) (inspirational music slows) - Asking for the public's help tonight in finding a missing Rochester woman. It's been a month since anyone has said that they've seen or heard from 64 year old Jodi Boeckermann. Police say there's added concern because she has medical issues that require medication. Authorities are asking anyone who may have seen her or know where she is to contact Rochester Police. - 64 year old Jodo Boeckermann vanished from right herein Rochester, Minnesota on October 15th of 2021. We are standing right now in front of Technology Park Apartments where she resided. She left here the morning she vanished and went down the street to Smoak's BBQ. - Jodi was driving a 2004 silver Pontiac Grand Am, license plate, Charlie November Victor 0-3-7. - Jodi, nor her vehicle have ever been seen from again. Today, we're gonna take you right now into our search software so that you can see the grid that we've set up, our points of interest and so forth. We'll break down the entire case as far as details. Let's get into it right now. (somber music) We're gonna zoom in right now into Rochester, Minnesota, here on Google Earth where we already have our search grid set up, all of our points of interest for today, where we're gonna start. It's going to give you guys a basis of what it is we're looking at, how we're gonna start, what we're looking at, and where we're gonna go. So as you guys can see, we have two rings of interest here. The red ring represents our customary five mile radius from Jodi's home. Which when we zoom in here, Jodi's home is right here on the corner of Technology Drive and Commerce Drive Northwest. Right here's her home. Our first point of interest is gonna be this pond here. In this pond we know that there were tire tracks seen going into this pond. The day after she disappeared those tracks were found. We also know that the pond was searched with an ROV. Was that accurate? We don't know, but, you know, if we have not searched it we don't deem it being searched unless we have. Just to cover our bases and protect the integrity of everything that we do we have to search it and then go from there. So this little pond right here is gonna be the first one. The second area of interest here is gonna be the pond behind Scott Road Northwest. This is a little bit of a deeper pond. Right behind Costco we have another pond over here. We zoom out a little bit more and we got four, five. So we have five ponds right here within a mile of her home. Now you guys are asking, Doug, what is this blue circle for? You have a red circle as well as a blue one. Well, this blue one represents a one mile radius from her home. Now, I've been in communications with the intelligence unit sergeant that has been in charge of this case, and they believe she's underwater within a mile from this location. You know, she was a woman that never left the area. She lived alone. She had a kitten in her apartment at the time she disappeared. Now, her apartment wasn't searched until a week and a half after she disappeared, because people heard the kitten crying and crying and crying. And finally they got into the apartment, realized she was missing, realized her kitten hadn't eaten or drinking anything in a week and a half. They were able to save the kitten's life, thank God. And that's when they really figured out that Jodi vanished, wasn't coming home, something was wrong. And immediately the police were brought in. There was no signs of foul play at her apartment. She left her apartment on October 15th. The intelligence unit here at Rochester PD was able to look at her financial records and were able to tell that she went to Smoak's BBQ right down the street where she purchased her meal. She had a few drinks and she also bought a meal to go, which she does this same thing once a month, every month. So it was nothing out of the normal. You know, Smoak's BBQ is less than a half a mile away. And we know she had a kitten at home she's taking care of. She bought a meal to take home. So we have to theorize that her intentions were to go home. It wasn't to disappear. Are we looking at something simple as an accident scenario somewhere? Absolutely, that's what we're looking for. Could this be foul play? Yeah, absolutely it could be foul play. Are we talking about a mental health issue? That's always a possibility. So we're not gonna rule anything out. We're gonna jump right into these locations and get our day started. It's a process of elimination. Outside of these radius' here, we have a few other areas of interest down here as well. If we make our way to here, it's gonna be these ponds. These ponds now are guarded by homes. There's not a real easy access way to get into. So these are low priority on our list. We're talking about somebody who's been missing for 10 months. These homes were there. It's not a Jan Shupe scenario like we did in Florida where she ended up in a neighborhood retention pond. But at the time she went in there none of those homes were built. These homes were all there. So the likelihood of these ponds coming into play, very, very unlikely. But one thing I do have a lot of interest in is Silver Lake over here. Silver Lake is definitely the most prominent body of water in the region. It's not in our one mile radius, but it's still within our five mile radius. And it's definitely gonna be a point of interest once we make it that far down the list. You can see the other areas, six and seven as well down here. We're not gonna leave no stone uncovered. We just gotta get out there, start the process of elimination and get right to it. We wouldn't be here right now searching if it wasn't for this man and his expertise for fixing our trailer. If you guys haven't seen that mishap we'll throw it all right here. He's the man that put us back on the road in 48 hours. We're not talking about changing a tire. We're not talking about changing a hub. We're not talking about changing out an axle. We're talking about completely redoing the bottom of our trailer with torsion set up to two full blown 7,000 pound axles. Welding, cutting, all, like, thank you. Thank you, we really appreciate it. "Bjerke's Family Adventures" on YouTube. Make sure you guys stop what you're doing, subscribe to his channel. Go leave him a great review as well on Dom's Repair and Fabrication. You know, you can look it up. He's here in Rochester. Right outside of Rochester, Minnesota. Is it Racine? - Yeah, outside, Racine. - Yeah, great guy, great people. Wouldn't be here without him. We'd still be broke down listening to shops tell us, oh, we're four or five weeks out before we can see you. - Right. - Yeah, so, thank you, man, really. - Absolutely. - You're the reason why this is possible today. (somber music) (somber music continues) (reeds rustling) (somber music continues) (boat motor burbling) I'm really interested in that corner, right there. Why does that corner look like that? - It's all matted down. - Yeah. You see how it's dead right there? This is the closest little pond to her house. As much weeds are in here, it's unlikely. There would've been a- - Significant trail. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wouldn't have been just tire tracks. - No, and I feel like even if you were going at a pretty good speed, the back end of the- - Yes. - Vehicle would still be sticking outta the water. - Yeah, absolutely. - But we had to clear it, so. (slow piano music) (Doug grunting) - So you see what we just did with a little boat. Tire tracks coming in is one thing. Plowing a path through here is a completely different thing. You wouldn't be able to mistake whether or not there's a car in here or not. It does get down to almost six feet deep. So it was deep enough. You can see her apartments from here. It was logical this could have been it. And now we're going to the second location, third location, fourth location. Keep knocking 'em out. (somber music) - Here we are at Smoak's BBQ in Rochester, Minnesota. And as Doug said earlier, this was Jodi's last known location before she disappeared. She came here, ordered food, had a couple Long Island iced teas, got a plate of food to go and nobody has seen her since. (somber music) - We gotta make our own path, especially when we're trying to do something nobody else has done. There aren't gonna be paths to get there. Right there. (somber music) - Cool, we got Doug launched. He's gonna go out and do a quick scan of this little triangle shape pond here, and then we're gonna clear this one. If we don't find Jodi here, we're gonna move on to the next. (somber music) - This is only four feet deep. The odds of a car being in here and submerged for that long is just not possible. There's a line running across both sides here. So I gotta be careful not to hook that. (somber music) (reeds rustling) So the first two locations we've been at so far this morning were more in the realm of complete accident scenarios. We're right off the roadway. We're right near her home and we're near both. We're near her apartments where we know she left. And we're also right behind Smoak's BBQ, where we know her verified last known location was. These are accident scenarios. The next few locations are definitely accident scenarios as well, but they're really shallow. The first location got down about five and a half, almost six feet. This one's no more than four feet at its deepest. But we gotta rule them out. We can't assume, we can't guess. It's just a process of elimination. One step closer. Onto the next. (somber music) Right there off the corner there's, looks like there's a path plowed right into this place, this next little body of water that we're gonna go into - [Nick] We gotta find a place to get it in 'cause you can't get it in right there. (somber music) - [Doug] All right guys, come on, let's drag the boat down. There we go. Those fins are backwards. There we go. - Eight feet? - Yep (water flowing gently) Plenty deep enough to conceal the vehicle. (water flowing gently) There we go, we're picking up the shoreline there where it starts to turn black. That ripple, that black ripple is just the shoreline. It's just deadening right there. Getting a full reading of it. (suspenseful music) Come on, there's gotta be a vehicle in here. (suspenseful music continues) This is a self-harm location as far as ruling that corner out with being accident. If there's a vehicle down here on this portion it would lead me to believe that it was more along the lines of self-harm. - Yeah, this could be their second or third pass. You know, it's almost like they did a wide circle first, and now they're narrowing it to make sure they cover it all. I mean the chances of a car making it into the middle of the lake are obviously slim to none. But at the same time when you put the boat in and it's something this small, it's better to just clear the entire area. That way we know there's no cars in there and then we can move on to the next place. - Right. (water flowing gently) (suspenseful music) - It gets down to 20 feet in there. - Does it? - Yeah. - I figured it's deep. - Nothing in there though. Nothing, no leftover construction debris. Usually in these old quarries they have all types of equipment and mounts. There's nothing in there, it's clean. (suspenseful music) So we're pulling up right now behind Costco, Nick. And what I'm thinking is, look at that, straight in. It does look extremely shallow, but did she pull in here? - [Nick] Let's cast her. Let's throw the ball out in the middle. - Yeah. - So I can see the bottom all the way. But we can throw the ball out just to make sure. I think it's too shallow. (locks creaking) (sonar ball plops) Six and a half feet deep. That's deep enough to hide a Pontiac Grand Am. I don't see how a car can make it clear out there is what I'm seeing though. I mean- - We're putting the boat in. - We're gonna have to. (suspenseful music) - Ah, the weeds grabbed the sonar, ripped it right off. - This one's almost back to you. (suspenseful music) At least he's smart about it. - He's getting tangled up on a lot of weeds it looks like. Even though it gets 10 feet deep out there, even if the vehicle had enough force, getting caught in those weeds and stuff would slow it down so fast it would just, boof! (suspenseful music continues) - There's so much build up in here that we can't even get accurate readings. We can't even get our motor in. (suspenseful music) Man! (suspenseful music continues) Can't sonar this! - No. - [Nick] I figured that was gonna be- - All over it's one foot below the boat, but it's, you know, like right here it's, you know, six feet deep and you can't throw magnets in here. - [Nick] I think just by the looking at it if a car would've went in here the back end of it would still be sticking out. (suspenseful music) - It's just not quite deep. It would be deep enough. However, it's not. I mean, you'd have to be, like, extremely speed racing in here. And not only that, the tail end of the car and all that's gonna be sticking out. I'm confident that there's not a vehicle in here. It's extremely unlikely. (somber music) - Just right past the tule weeds it's only four feet deep. But you can see if you step closer to the tule weeds there, it goes into water right away. So even if a vehicle came down here even the front of the vehicle wouldn't even make it to the edge of the tule weeds there. - [Doug] Yeah. - So it's shallow, but we had to look at it. - Yeah. - So - Yeah, now that we're here it's easy to rule out. Like, it's not possible. Well, if a vehicle comes off of here it's gonna immediately nose dive and plant itself right here where it's only one to two feet deep. To get out there where it's six feet deep, the Grand Am, it's not going to do that. If a Grand Am makes it in here, half of it's gonna be exposed. All day long. (police radio chatter) So we just started our search this morning. She disappeared from the Technology Park Apartments. - [Officer] Okay. - We've cleared the pond right in front of there. We cleared the pond behind Costco. - You can have that back. - Okay. - Here you go. - And, yeah, we're just ruling out as we go different little ponds- - Fair enough, it's nice to have more hands to assist us. - Yeah, we provide a really unique resource 'cause we specialize in sonar and we're divers as well. - [Officer] Yeah, yeah. - So once we do detect something we can dive on it and then we usually turn it over to you guys. - Well, very cool. Hopefully- - So just so you know so you kind of have an idea in case- Yeah no, yeah, I've never seen you guys before. - We're going to Cascade. After this we'll be in Silver Lake and then we're just trying to rule out all these little things. We know our communication with Sergeant Jared, that she frequented this on her financial transactions. - Okay. - She stayed in this corridor. She never really left. - Okay. - That morning she left her home. She went to Smoak's BBQ a quarter mile away. She had a meal, two Long Island iced teas, and she ordered a meal to go. And that was the last sighting. That was the last known verified location of her. - All right. - So we're just trying to retrace her steps and rule out all the bodies of water as we can in the area. - Yeah, I'll make note that you'll be in the area. And anyone gives you any issues just give us a call. - Cool, yeah. - And we'll assist you. - Will do, we'll be here today. If we're unsuccessful today we'll still be here tomorrow ruling out. So at least through the end of the day tomorrow. - All right, sounds good. - Yeah, you have a good one. - Have a good day, thank you. - I mean you really realistically only need to go like 20 feet 'cause the car's not gonna make it to the middle. I can reel it back in though, that's fine. (soft somber music) Rob, hold that. - Looking for GPS. - Okay. - It says 9.8 feet where you're at. - Yeah, let's get it back, more realistic. Car's not gonna make it 70 feet out. If a car went into here, based on the pitch of this, there's no way it can make it past about, I mean, worst case scenario right there I would say. - Okay - The problem what we're working with is you have 75 feet of land here on a drop. And we're not talking about a drop off, we're talking about a slow gradual. Once a car leaves this right here, it's gonna nose dive. Half its momentum is lost. It's just not gonna make it out. We're looking for water that's right here where there's a drop off and the momentum will carry it in. All the momentum on a vehicle here is gonna die. You're gonna have half the vehicle sticking up or it's gonna be rolled over on the side, the side sticking up. We need to be looking for a boat ramp once we leave here. Boat ramp areas where we know she would have known she can easily make it into with zero resistance if we're looking at what we think is a self-harm scenario. (slow somber music) So this next location is right up here, less than a half a mile right beside Home Depot. And this little pond up here is definitely, looks like it's deep enough for it to conceal a vehicle. I'm really optimistic about this next location. I feel good about them all. We are so close to where all these places she frequented. (engine burbling) (slow somber music) - This side's too shallow. Looking at that side, if a vehicle went in, and I don't know how deep it is, but even if it came in from the road side, there's a lot of trees and bushes. I don't see it being possible to make it even into the water without stopping with all that brush. (slow somber music) The deepest spot I got was like six feet deep, way, like, 20 feet out. As soon as you start to reel it in it goes to too shallow to get an accurate reading. - Yeah, she'd never get there. - Yeah. - Get that far out. Well, it was worth looking at. - Yeah no, absolutely. - 'Cause this one tapers off so- - Right. - I Thought I remembered seeing this dry. Maybe when it was new It was. It was tapered all the way down. - Right, and like I said- - It filled in over time. - It could be deep out in the middle, but a vehicle's not gonna make it out there anyway, so. (slow somber music) So what we're doing right now is we're inspecting the perimeter of this lake. You can see there's these wooden posts that they have basically going around it. So we're just gonna put eyes on these and make sure they're all intact. 'Cause as you can see they're close enough together that a vehicle would not be able to make it between these without damaging them. So we're just inspecting the perimeter right now. - Figured IBM would protect their property. Smart. Put up some wooden posts. At least show that they're trying to keep people out. - You can see even right here, there's too much growth. If a vehicle went through here, number one, you would see evidence of it. And number two, it's so thick it wouldn't make it much past here before you'd see the vehicle. - All these posts look the same. They're weathered the same. They've been here a while. So if one was replaced, they're gonna stand out. - Same with these trees. (traffic roaring past) Yeah, you can see if a vehicle came into here there's no way it would make it to the lake. - It's not it. On to the next. (slow somber music) (Doug grunting) Perfect. - There you go. - Beautiful, beautiful. (somber music) I don't know. (boat motor burbling) - [Cameraman] See that box? Is that what you're looking at? That square shape? - We got a lot of growth down here, but I got a reflection that's not normal. (boat motor burbling) A lot of growth. (boat motor burbling) Come through there on live scope it looks like a car, but you can see through it on side imaging and down imaging how grainy it is. - [Cameraman] Yeah. - So where we're at right now, there used to be land that comes all the way out here where we're at right now. And over the last 10 months it was taken out. You can see that clear as day, see it? That island isn't here anymore. (boat motor burbling) - [Cameraman] What did you see there? - Ah, I saw something that looked suspicious. (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music intensifying) (suspenseful music slows) It's gonna come up just to the left about 25 feet. Where is it, where is it, where is it? (boat motor burbling) Right there. No, not a car. Not a car. Not a car. - [Nick] What'd you see? - A bunch of nothing, man. - [Nick] Did you go on this side too? - Yeah, we need to go check some boat ramps. Like- - This place doesn't have a boat ramp? - No. We need to check out boat ramps. And there's only one boat ramp that comes up and that's Smith Lake. (somber music) See, this is possible. More so at the end because it's a nice slope. Right here, if a car comes off it's gonna roll, it's gonna hit hard. You're gonna see a big indention right here. Down here at the end though, it's more of a slope and straight drop in. I wanna know how deep it is right there. - Five foot. Four foot. It would've to skip across the water. - [Doug] We need a drop off right here. - Yep. - [Doug] Beautiful layout, but we need a drop off to be right there. - Yep. - This location, unfortunately is not it, but we're going right around the corner where there's a boat ramp. We're gonna get right over there to it. (somber music) I'm gonna go see how deep it is out there, buddy. - Okay. (somber music) (whispering) Let's see what it says right there. Woo! - Nice. - Bass? (Nick clears throat) - [Doug] Crappies and northerns in here, I believe. - Northern pikes? - Mm-hmm. - [Doug] Six. - [Nick] Six feet deep out there. - All right, here is where it's critical. - [Nick] Hmm, big hump out there. - It's right where a car could be. (Nick clears throat) - [Cameraman] Did you just find a car using a- - Sonar ball? - Sonar ball? - [Doug] It's possible. What's that hump right there? - Yeah. - All right, let's put a boat in. - Cool. - Put a boat in, it's six feet. (somber music) (water flowing gently) Five feet. - Six. - Yeah. - Just not working with enough. What's that there? (suspenseful music) - On the right side of the screen? - Yep. (suspenseful music) What's that right there? (suspenseful music) Is that a car? It looked just like a Pontiac. (Doug exhaling slowly) (stammering) Without a magnet I can't be 100%, man. But it's- - [Nick] Are you getting ready to drop a magnet on it? - I sure am. Right there. - Okay, there it is, there it is! That looks like a Pontiac. (suspenseful music) (rope rasps) - Got it, got it! It looks like a Pontiac. (whispering) It looks like a Pontiac. (suspenseful music) Right here we're at six feet of water. This is exactly what we saw on the sonar ball. (dramatic music intensifies) (Doug exhales sharply) (dramatic music continues) We're suiting up right now to dive. It is a vehicle on sonar that does resemble the vehicle that she went missing in. So things are about to go from zero to 100 really, really quickly. Obviously this is what we're looking for. They don't have a dive team here. They're not gonna be able to recover this. So we'll be doing the recovery. (dramatic music continues) (whooshing music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 176,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jodi boeckermann, jodi boeckermann missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, For you, diving, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime stories, search and recovery, news, abduction, sonar search, car underwater, missing car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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