Baldi's UNREAL Basics

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to baldies your real basics in education and learning this is a real remake or a real fan game it's got some kind of [ __ ] about remembrance control forget all about her and summer camp and I don't know what this is in relation to but it should be fun should be fun might be fun it could be fun Oh their individualized chapters as in their each their own kind of game let's pump it up - fantastic oh I really want to test my computer system here bring it on Baldy been a while oh boy I got Slender Man vibes out of this one hello I can't move I can't go this way oh god why can't I go this way well I guess we're just gonna go dis way then into the bush Oh around the bush oh I'm an idiot I thought I thought it was an impenetrable bush fool on me the impenetrable thing was the open field no whatever hey look so deep ah if only I had a corridor or two I guess I'm in the school now hey teach hello-o become a samurai today pretty sure that's how you do it what is it what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me then okay ah so it is kind of a remake oh well [ __ ] I almost got outside I guess what the [ __ ] did I just said oh hey hey oh don't like this let's do I Oh jumbo Jack's sure is great sometime soon okay all right oh god this head Bob Jesus Christ is that Bob I'm gonna get nauseous with this head Bob and apparently I can get a number of warnings down at the bottom left okay here we go I can't wait for this Baldy hello [Music] oh this is much worse also what I just got a thousand flashbacks from hearing that one smack my ass is Stewart and my ass is a tingling from all the smacks I've gotten in the past Baldy plays oh hey Baldy oh no you dyes orrible no it's horrible horrible horrible thing horrible horrible in every way I hate this why am I still standing here okay goodbye Jay zooms okay can I run kind of I don't seem to have a run be me B meter Peter meter beater I don't seem to have a run meter so I'm assuming I can just run forever without problem yeah I can't run in the halls why did that Wow [ __ ] me you big-lipped bastard all right notebook well 56 got it nailed it I'm smart you're dumb well if it's just that easy hi you're not even gonna give me a pretend one what's [ __ ] why are you doing doing a pirouette around me screw you what is this can I have this you can only carry one item is that what I'm okay well that is just goddamn terrifying okay else I was gonna take this game kind of like not so seriously but this one this is legit terrifying and I don't know why well I know why I don't know what was up with that face thing I've never seen that face thing before but it just passed right through me well the layout is kinda similar but also very different from the other one so I'm gonna be I'm probably gonna be lost for a little bit oh I see well that's ominous and scary I don't even know what that is sound of no poker is that that's I'm bad who the hell what's not oh that's weird and oh we were Oh a notebook out here in the middle of nothingness I guess all right well got that one sure am half a doodle e-app oh ho ho ho about all that so I think it's like a grid right it's just a series of square areas and this is oh I don't know what that is but that don't look good all right so I got funkalicious feeling that that ooh bad baldies gonna be spanking my rumpus any time soon okay two dollars all right what the [ __ ] is that what is that oh god I don't even know where anything is okay so there's lockers there governor I've been here already okay so it seems like there's kind of five or four different lateral hallways I think five included what am I looking at oh that's the pulley I don't want the bully not the bully anything but the bully or anything but you and Baldy I see you down there okay well this is problematic okay all right so we got these five lateral hallways I don't think there was anything on the outside so let me tuck in this one I'm just gonna go oopsy poopsy up and down them until I can find the way I need to go that's a problem I wonder if sweepy man's gonna come by oh [ __ ] you are not fun alright so that was one of a way okay it's fun okay hi what are you doing what are you doing what are you talking at the first one to where that dude where the heck er all of the everything okay I came up that one so I'm if I go down this one well it's not oh boy dumpy dumpy dumpy dumpy I'm the dumpy you're a dumpy oh you're a jumpring hey hey I can still look behind me there's a notebook in there outside that oh I thought that was faces just plants okay so three this is kind of good because usually three of seven I can't even walk away from them you always have to run so the the requirements aren't so tight what do you what are you what are you what are you why why why why what are you what are you who are you what are you looking at me hey oh you're getting pushed uh-oh are you a tattletale that just tells Baldy where I is cuz that's not cool all right so I'm gonna circle around oh [ __ ] all right good get this BLAP BLAP BLAP okay got that okay I'm gonna go this way continue down here grab these two things that'll be enough to get one more so Dee I guess if I need that there's more so D whoa okay you're fine there what about in here okay okay we're doing so good we're doing so good we're doing so good we're doing so good maybe hey okay there's my mom oh boy that's not cool don't know what that's about we're doing so good wait what that mean oh [ __ ] that mean these first two wait that would mean there would be two in here right it would be two in here how close is Baldy close people go hey hi okay all right hey while you're doing that I'm uh there is one in here there is one in here there's I have five money when did I get five money I wasn't running Oh shitty tits why why [Music] well I've got another problem besides that hey Baldy hi ha [ __ ] well that was much more terrifying than I ever thought it could be so ha ha ha ho I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get her through all this but let's try this one again I almost had that no 6 to 7 I didn't run I didn't think I ran I didn't think I ran but apparently I did so actually I'm gonna save these two for the end of the game and then I'm gonna go for the rest first you know what I mean I got ma I'm not in trouble quite yet what I'm a little concerned for my safety that's today oh I don't like the way you're illuminating yeah Oh got you baby probably probably being bald is the is the basis of success and and winning that's how winning uh oh [ __ ] um that's how winning is done so if I go on who's opening doors who's opening doors who's opening doors I don't like you oh why that's why that is why oh that's why oh okay I have five money and I don't know how I got five money but I have five money six money now so one of them is worth like four so that's good to know I think he's following where I owe you not it's bloosh okay that's probably gonna work real good Lee it looks like it's gonna be in the exact same places that it was before so that's not a big deal I just missed that one that was near him that I got a circle back for before I get the two in the beginning of it or am I wrong about that I might be wrong about that is this just coin or is this that's coin but okay good uh I guess that's good so I'm gonna go around the outside here it's not well it's not let's not do that right you know what I might actually I might actually go for these two here I don't know where Baldy is right now but I appreciate their their commitment to recreating things not just like ripping oh [ __ ] well this is gonna be okay Kizer no no no no no no okay I don't know why you're not getting me but you're not and I appreciate that I'm okay I'm okay no running into a house I think I can get this though it doesn't seem as hard unless like right let's play unless like right as he hits I get seven notebooks he becomes like an unbeatable which is an entire pot can you all shut up I'm trying to talk we might become an unbeatable nightmare but I don't think that's gonna be the case let's not oh [ __ ] oh oh oh oh that's okay it seems like he's stuck on the bully actually oh well that's good I'm uh I'm gonna take advantage of that Oh sounds like he might have gotten out of the bully oh well [ __ ] okay so if he pops in here I'm just gonna hoof it and blam him with my soda pop me that oh [ __ ] that sounds fast that sounds real fast okay you're gonna get up okay you're gonna go that way and I've got one more left that's all I gotta get I just got to get one more left okay I guess the soda doesn't go for very long then alright let's let's play a gun sometimes just the way those things come out of the shadows ain't fun at all okay so they are in the exact same place that's good to know okay they're in the same place no matter what alright so I went up this one now I go down there I go down this one and then I go up the middle and then I go down the middle I'm gonna do this one no there's none in here show you don't come out of the darkness like that that's so scary hmmm like looking behind you know probably they couldn't figure out how to do the jumping rope mechanic so just how to do jeez just had to do what you got to do with what you got make sense though to me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I did why didn't I grab one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine listen listen buddy listen listen hey listen and one two three four five six okay this is okay I've got four of seven I probably missed something in de Moodle because I'm an idiot but it's okay cuz I'm gonna stick to my plan and then if I if I miss one I know it's in the middle right I know it's in the middle it's kind of [ __ ] because now I have to go up and down one more time but that's okay the whole thing about plans is that they're [ __ ] and you got to be adaptable to whatever you need that's not you doe hey ah hi Baldy hey listen how about a cool refreshing sody pop to keep your mind off of how much you want to murder me let's not [ __ ] oh I thought that was something down here okay yeah oh you're doing good oh he's getting sloppy he's getting real sloppy oh he's getting real sloppy oh sorry don't you goddamn dare don't you frickin dare don't you freakin real fast okay all right so I got to do I'm assuming I got to do the thing where I gotta go to the exits and they're not gonna be real Oh God well maybe I just got to go out the front maybe I don't know he's probably gonna got me I can't hear a goddamn thing oh [ __ ] that's really fast oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I gotta go for the soda pop I gotta go come on come on boy under the camo well that didn't go well but that's okay cuz now I think I think maybe I just have to go to the beginning hey I don't like you I think you just have to go to the beginning and I think the money is random whenever you get it and I gotta make sure that when I'm at the end I have one soda in and then I'm near another one so I think where I ended it last time was actually a good place it says I didn't use my soda I didn't use my toady Bobby properly hearing the whistle Wessel would be great oh she's right in front of me isn't she god she's so she's got like a homing beacon honor ah that's the cafeteria okay where is he okay he's there so I can spare one of these just cuz I want to get some distance I don't have one of those wait oh [ __ ] I do not get me do not make me do the thing I'm just gonna get this now cuz I can't nothin yarder did you grab one of these blast him I'm gonna brush [ __ ] not this way I'm gonna blast him this way do not make me do this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thanks yeah let's do it sometime soon yeah I know where the last one is okay I got a Saudi I've got money for Saudi and I just got to make my way back I'm kinda at the wrong place but whatever you know the whole begging and choosing thing you know that whole deal okay all right all right um again I'm getting I'm get going I'm going get it I've got to go Wow [ __ ] it doesn't work oh [ __ ] okay it is the way there is is this not showing it back okay let's try that again and this time we're gonna not die this is Weldon this is well-made this is really well-made I got to admit this is well well well made yeah I thought that was the dude oh please oh oh come on my advantage oh there he is that's really cool huh all right whatever I'm fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's for you oh hi that's terrible [Music] you should still be so dude you should have still it [ __ ] okay you gotta get him farther away from me you just gotta [ __ ] man this is tougher than I thought it'd be let me just grab one of these suits well did I just waste - what but I didn't want to waste - I only wanted to use one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where is he where is he I don't know where I oh oh [ __ ] okay there's that I wasn't I'm just gonna run I don't care [ __ ] it I'm dead anyway what does it matter let me out [ __ ] I'm done so oh I don't have anything - [ __ ] - [ __ ] - [ __ ] well that went wrong but even if you glance what the [ __ ] it's like there was no the sock transported me and that ruined everything I had no idea where I was oh so he still loses distance even if he's at six of seven he's still losing you so that's good to know I wonder if it's still the same way where he can actually lose sight of you if you don't go through a doorway and he loses like contact a line of sight for a little bit cuz there is a doorway there and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with like an actual line of sight thing of course well you know shouldn't have even tried to be grateful should I have no I shouldn't have nah that wouldn't work that well for me no matter what I did that was gonna be bad here he is all my lead that I just got has gone up in smoke that's thank you for that I just don't think there's enough [Music] hi jesus [ __ ] christ are you [ __ ] kidding me sim my god is so [ __ ] so that's just like it'll happen no matter what that's going to happen like if you even glance at that thing like alright I guess this is what it is this is what it is huh this is what it is okay last one I don't hear him a smacking so that's kind of good she's gonna yep there she is Oh if you oh if you get me in here I will be what fat [ __ ] Oh where's I guess I just got to touch him I don't know there's not a lot of feedback on that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh shitty tits no hi penny sodas anywhere well that saves me for a second I'm done so I'm done so I'm done so I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done okay so I can't go that way because there's just no there's no soda machines that way but if I go down then I get that one in the cafeteria that I didn't haven't been in it's since I first tried this game [ __ ] this is how this always goes though this always goes like I get into it I'm like oh it's cool it's cool and then I'm get so [ __ ] pissed off [Music] that's how you can tell it's an authentic Baldy game cuz it's like oh this could be fun oh I hate life that's just how it goes that's a recipe just leave just leave just leave just leave just go just leave leave [Music] don't circle back are you kidding me are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me oh [ __ ] no it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine I just want this money just wanted to come here for the money God give it up lady no not now not there go away just go I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take this I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna get this last one and then I'm gonna do the thing that I meant to do which is just go the route that I know will lead me to another oh whoa whoa Jesus oh [ __ ] that oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] little you're gonna make me oh where am I what the [ __ ] okay that's fun oh just just let me die not that one huh Oh God it went the wrong way ah well she Oh [ __ ] she's still after me huh that's cool that's real cool oh boy I don't know back oh it doesn't aspect all right that's great oh you don't even need to type in anything well that's fun okay good to know okay there's a soda right in there but he's not in the best place for this but I don't care because at this point I'm just I'm just so sick of everything but I'm just gonna blast him I'm gonna grab this one when I grab this one gonna blast him again now is much closer than I had hoped it would be oh hi okay well that's alright cuz now I can try this and it's real [ __ ] up I [ __ ] it up ah [ __ ] I could have had that cousin I could have gone right to the kitchen like this thing that would have wouldn't that would have been perfect that would have been great because then I could have right going right to the kitchen I could have cut across the [ __ ] of it those sodas do not last as long as they need to know okay that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine nope how about a big nope on that wall hate this I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate this hate hate is in my soul hate hate hate hate hate I hate this it hates me I hate it back it hates me back I give it hate it gives me hates hate hate hate hate hate hate hate burning hatred nothing but hate hate hate hate hate I'm a hater I've been known to give a hate I've come from Haiti okay here we go he's a good bit away and I'm right next to one of them but that's a problem oh boy you've got to be fun no no no [ __ ] off oh no I [ __ ] of course you would be right there the second I run [Music] Oh No why [Music] I have no idea where he is I think I hear him there is enough hopefully that worked oh [ __ ] no oh no no no no no no you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] Oh member jambo Mamba Jamba whoa boy whoa Danny Boy boy oh boy this game sure does like the dick with me boy oh boy I've never felt a good [ __ ] like this before Charles Dickens couldn't have anything on the amount of dick a tree that's happening in this game right now I can I'm flabbergasted by the sheer quantity of dick that I'm being force-fed at this juncture oh yeah Baldy comes down that way that's why I don't go down that way anymore because it's a deathtrap that's right I remember it [ __ ] me so hard oh hell oh here we go [Applause] not like that you [ __ ] why of all the places of all the places you could have gone out of why did you have to cut through there Oh of all the places I had that so perfectly [ __ ] there we go he's gonna come through same place same place same place oh I didn't even have a soda I forgot to get his shoulder Bob we forgot to eat a soda pop oh I forgot about that one Oh silly me I just oops didn't grab it didn't grab a goddamn soda pop that's my bad I'm drooling that's fine you know what that is fine I'm okay with that that is a hundred percent a okay in my book you know everyone makes mistakes especially me always me but everyone makes mistakes and you know I can't be blaming myself be it just because I didn't grab that [Music] [Music] everyone makes mistakes and you know life is about learning from those mistakes it's not about blaming yourself no matter how much you need to blame yourself because you're a [ __ ] idiot but it's a matter of how much you can forgive yourself because you're a [ __ ] idiot you know you know what I mean you know what I mean yeah you know what I mean you all of you know what I mean everyone knows what I mean hi there you go you got the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] what the flying [ __ ] are you if that ruins me because now that the can that I was waiting on I can't [ __ ] he's gonna take it if I go that you are [ __ ] follow you are [ __ ] follow oh my god oh god my patience is [ __ ] running the [ __ ] out my patience is running the [ __ ] out no you [ __ ] and then you it's how you made me miss you made me [ __ ] miss you made me [ __ ] mess god [ __ ] damnit I'm just gonna end that happens okay well that's good I got I didn't grab to I hit it twice accidentally there we go whatever that's not gonna work is it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh you gotta be all right it's fine it's fine it's fine cuz my strategy is still good it just hasn't been able to be executed because of millions of coincidences who the [ __ ] is calling me [ __ ] calm like a river like a flowing river of [ __ ] just [ __ ] pouring out of my mouth of my ears nose eyes and butthole know everything except my butthole because why would that be right everything should be wrong when I'm flowing poopy out of every part of my body everything needs to be wrong because everything is wrong in this goddamn game and I am going to lose my mind 5 to deal with another layer of [ __ ] I've got the Saudi and here comes the lady everything's fine everything's [ __ ] fine everything's fine oh so what I want is plenty of space between me and him that's all I want and I've got that thankfully right here ok here we go [Music] I'm not gonna Oh what the [ __ ] weird it away [ __ ] don't run don't run run [Music] okay that was a thing that definitely happened [ __ ] I've already gotten this one [ __ ] me then I'm gonna go for another soda running god damnit why is that bully right there where's the kind of friend I don't know where he's coming from but he's nearby there is what okay just gonna try to do this okay I guess one more I guess it's gonna get it I'm gonna get it no I'm not gonna I'm gonna get it yes [ __ ] yes where am I going yeah [Music] doesn't bail wasn't worth it that was now I feel bad I don't feel good I feel my god but it's okay I did it hey look at that I did it I got to celebrate where I got to celebrating we're gonna celebrate right here so thank you everybody so much for watching hope you enjoyed this if you want me to play the other ones no I know maybe I don't know maybe I'll feel better about it I just if there are any different I don't know if they would be I'm not a hundred percent sure control what does that even mean schools basement oh god they are different that all about her oh good you know what fine and sober cap so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought in the comments below if you want to support the channel hit that joined button and we're going on tour in Australia in November which is in two months so if you're in Australia or New Zealand and want to see us live and in person us meaning me and all my friends check out the link in the description below or go to tor dot market lawyer calm and check out for yourself thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,723,613
Rating: 4.953649 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, baldi's basics, baldi's unreal basics, scary games, scariest game, jumpscares, jump scare, baldi
Id: KY5o0165OkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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