OGBC Worship Service | May 30 2021

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praise the lord o grove come on and lift your hands let's bless the lord today he is a mighty god you are a might god you are a mighty god mighty god mighty god yes yes yes you are you oh [Music] holy you are an awesome guy you are an awesome god you are an awesome god awesome yes [Music] money oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and yellow good morning and welcome to the worship experience of the oak grove baptist church here in sterling virginia we're right here in loudoun county uh five to seven minutes from dulles airport and we're so grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to be with us where we can come into your homes and you and we can come together on one accord this post pentecost sunday and worship the lord in spirit and in truth we are so excited we're very delighted we're thrilled that god has given us this blessed opportunity where we can come and worship his holy name the bible tells us that this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it for truly the lord our god is worthy to be praised from the rising of the son until the going down of the same the lord's name is worthy to be praised david said i was glad when they said unto me come and let us go into the house of the lord how many of you are glad to be in the house of the lord how many of you are thrilled and excited that we have this golden opportunity where we can worship the lord our god come on and put those blessed hands together online and go ahead and type in the comment section it's good to be here amen we start off sunday in and sunday out with our gathering statement but while i have your time to include your attention amen take this opportunity right now go ahead and like this video go ahead and like this video and if you have the share button go ahead and share as well amen there's power in sharing and we thank you one and all that you took the time to be a part of this worship experience that you liked as well as share this worship experience our gathering statement declaration will be before you on your monitor your screen if you will and it's coming to you from psalm 50 amen psalm 50 verse 5 as well as psalm 102 verses 21 and 22 and our gathering statement reads as such it says bring my faithful people to me those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices and so the lord's fame will be celebrated in zion his praise is in jerusalem when multitudes gather together and kingdoms come to worship the lord amen we are grateful that we have this opportunity where we can worship the lord our god in spirit and in truth let us go to god in prayer father in the name of jesus we thank you for this moment that is designated as worship this hour that has been set aside where we o god can magnify glorify exalt extol and lift your name on high we thank you lord for keeping us from last week till today for allowing the blood to be running warm in our veins for allowing us to be clothed in our right minds for allowing us to have a roof over our head for allowing us to be able to go to a job for allowing us to be able to have food on the table for allowing us to have health and strength we thank you god for the blessings that you poured out upon us where we can say that if it had not been for you we don't know where we would have been so we pause to say we're thankful we pause to say that we are appreciative we're grateful for your grace we're grateful for your loving kindness we're grateful for your mercy we're grateful for your favor we're grateful for the opportunity where we can exclaim that there is none like you and all the earth so god as we move forward into this worship encounter pour out your spirit upon us allow us god to be able to come together and connect with you in the spirit realm that you god will be glorified that you will be magnified that you o god will be honored in this worship encounter we pray god for those that are on their sick beds we pray for those who are in nursing homes and hospitals we pray oh god for those who are behind prison bars we pray oh god for those who are on their jobs working we pray oh god for your people who are in this earth realm trying to make a difference with everything that our world is dealing with with a pandemic that's global that's called coronavirus a pandemic called racism that has arisen and come uh up because of uh somebody has ripped the scab off and we've seen people act ugly because of the pandemic but god we pray right now that you would touch us that you would bless us that you would inspire us that you would motivate us to live to bring glory on and praise to your name be with us throughout this worship encounter for it is in the mighty and the marvelous and the matchless name of jesus christ our lord we do humbly pray and we claim count and consider all these things done is in jesus name might the redeem of the lord say amen amen and amen again [Music] as i look back over my life [Music] i can see how your love has guided me even though i've done wrong you never left me alone but you forgave me and you kept on blessing this i record to my mind therefore i have hope it is because of your mercy that we're not consumed because i can pass this fail i dare you every morning as i look back over my life yeah i can see how your love has guided me even though i've done wrong you never left me alone but you forgave me and you kept on blessing this i recall to my mind therefore i have hope it's because of your mercy that we are not going [Music] [Music] how you lose my shackles and yourself strength [Music] turn my darkness in today [Music] [Music] strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] of sorrow [Applause] set me free [Music] when i'm weak [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] faithful [Applause] do what you wanted me to do [Applause] [Music] thank you lord angelo we serve a faithful god hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah great is thy faithfulness yes great is our faithfulness new mercies every day thank you oak grove family the power of god is moving in our lives collectively and individually never underestimate what the power of sowing a seed of faith can do we declare as a church body that you are seeing the miraculous throughout your bloodline in your physical mental emotional and financial spaces to sow a seed of faith into good fertile ground as we continue to do ministry please consider giving in the following ways you can mail to 22870 dominion lane sterling virginia use our paypal link paypal dot me slash ogbc sterling cash app using the cash tag dollar sign oak grove sterling or search us up with the giblifie app oak grove baptist church in sterling virginia we appreciate you worshiping with us through giving [Applause] [Music] praise the lord we want to thank our music ministry for blessing us to the glory of god on this morning and amen getting us prepared for this preach word i want to thank amen all of you who have blessed us in giving so we praise god for your your giving and i praise god amen for the opportunity to thank you in advance to thank you personally excuse me personally for your seed that you've sown into what we call here as fertile ground amen it is preaching time it is preaching time amen i want to know is there anybody out there that's interested it is preaching time take your bibles that we might look and live together but before we uh go to the word of god and read uh amen our texts for the morning amen i would ask that you would go with me in prayer oh savior teach me to abide for you are close and sheltered at my loving side each hour we've been receiving your grace on top of grace oh how we long to one day see you face to face the hour of preachment has come once again god and i pray that you will allow the words of my mouth to include the meditation of my heart to be acceptable in thy sight o lord for you are my strength and my redeemer use me singularly to your glory your honor and to your majesty to declare your unsearchable riches that when it's been all declared and said and done your people will be able to articulate that we've been in the presence of the lord have your way for it is in jesus name i do humbly pray might the redeem of god's people say amen amen and amen again beloved turn with me in your bibles to uh the book of exodus the book of exodus exodus chapter 3. the book of exodus chapter 3. we'll begin reading at verse number 1 and i'm reading from the new living translation of god's holy word and you'll find these words recorded it says one day moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law jethro the priest of midian he led the flock far into the wilderness and came to sinai the mountain of god there the angel of the lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush moses stared in amazement though the bush was engulfed in flames it didn't burn up this is amazing moses said to himself why isn't that bush burning up i must go see it when the lord so saw moses coming to take a closer look god called to him from the middle of the bush moses moses here i am moses replied and i'm gonna read verse five too it says do not come any closer the lord warned take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground my brothers and sisters beloved of god i want to of the dynamic aid and the diligent assistance to include the divine anointing of the holy spirit i want to put a tag on this text and i want to preach with this topic in mind i want to preach from the subject pardon the interruption pardon the interruption grace mercy and peace be unto you my father's children we greet you in jesus's name as well as in jesus's joy pardon the interruption beloved on monday through fridays on at the 5 30 hour yeah there's a show that comes on espn and it's called pardon the interruption it's a sports show that deals with sports topics and it's basically uh two gentlemen who host the show uh one in the personage of mike wilbon and um another gentleman by the name of tony kornheiser and the two they discuss sports topics is more a sports banter show and the name of the show is entitled pardon the interruption and i've i've always alluded if you will i've always alluded to the the the teaching of exodus chapter three but in my many years of preaching i i don't think that i can recall i really preach this particular passage like talking about it and i may have but right now my it escapes my memory but i was reading if you will i was reading a devotional on friday a devotional by crick cooning who writes devotional messages for his series entitled the daily prophetic and i know that uh with this show that comes on espn called pardon the interruption as i as i was reading as i was reading the uh the devotional and i i was thinking i was thinking and i was in preparation and as well as in meditation and i was reading the devotional and the title of the devotional was entitled god is going uh to interrupt you in the ordinary and cooney writes he says he says as you go about your routine almost everything will look the same as always however if you pay close attention you will realize that something different or unusual is happening moses saw a burning bush in the wilderness this was common in that territory in that climate however as he paused and he looked closely at it he realized that it wasn't being consumed by the flames and at that time he turned aside and god spoke clearly to him about the future and when i was reading that that's this devotional when i read that devotional and i thought about it i i had looked at exodus 3 and i thought about mike wilbon and his co-host tony kornheiser and mike who had just recently uh received being honored at the uh basketball hall of fame for his work in journalism and and they do a good job of of uh talking about the various topics uh when it comes to sports and and the top well the title of the show or the name of the show if you will is called pardon the interruption and uh and i read this text and uh and i was looking at this texan and i thought about how moses beloved moses was doing his work moses was tending to his father-in-law's flock he was tending to his father-in-law's flock he was doing what was ordinary for him you know moses uh was reared and raised and pharaohs uh and pharaoh's household um and because he was reared and raised in pharaoh's household uh because uh you know the pharaoh that had taken over during the time of moses's birth didn't didn't really know much about the hebrews and and and moses's mother had to hide him uh put him in if you will a basket let him float down the river and uh pharaoh's daughter praise the lord retrieve them from the water and uh moses's sister was instrumental in in getting uh if you will pharaoh's daughter uh to help moses's mother rear praise be to god rear moses even though now moses is under the household of pharaoh has has had some uh if you will some egyptian uh influences in his life but one day he he saw a man being treated uh wrong and moses stepped in and and and took the man out and and yes and moses was labeled a murderer and he finds himself on the run and and he he then hooks up uh yes with with jeff rose's daughter and marries her and he finds himself working for his father in law tending to his flock and because he was tending to his flock god used this burning bush scenario uh to to capture and claim his attention uh to let him know that i'm going to interrupt you from what you are accustomed to doing dearly ain't that just like god yeah there there are many of us where god has placed us on paul's and interrupted us to let us see that that he is getting ready to do something major and monumental in our lives to to let us know that what we've been doing that has been ordinary what we've been doing that has become somewhat yes uh repetitious and mundane he's interrupted your life to let you know that he's getting ready to place you on a trajectory unlike what you've been doing that which has been a part of your daily routine glory to god so so pardon the interruption moses i know you're tending to the flop but guess what on this memorial day weekend i'm going to interrupt what you've been doing to place you on the trajectory whereas you're tending to your father-in-law's plot i'm going to place you on the trajectory to do something with the flock of israel glory be to god so a couple of things i want to point out i'm not going to hold you along first thing i want to point out to you beloved because i just want to bring these couple of points to your attention first thing i want i want to suggest to you uh when it comes to the interruption because life is filled with a series of interruptions did you hear me i i said life is filled with a series of interruption but in the midst of the interruption can can i suggest to you that that while you get interrupted i want you to know that god is able while being interrupted first thing i want to point out when it comes to the interruption because it was on friday morning as i was getting prepared to uh to go and and work within the context of my school system job that i i work at rockridge high school out here in ashburn virginia and i i was getting ready and i missed a call and i had seen that i missed call it was from my sister who lives over in clinton maryland and uh two years ago beloved she uh had had uh if you will she had had a double mastectomy and she had taken her treatments in terms of her chemotherapy as well as her radiation and um i called her back because i i missed her call and when she talked to me she was talking so fast and she was telling me uh something that was going on with her and and i said slow it down for me i want to make certain that i that i ascertain what it is that i thought i heard you see and then her girlfriend who's her co-worker was in the car with her and and her girlfriend said gregory here's the deal uh just the other day uh she had gone and and to the doctor and had a visit and and and uh they had seen something with regards uh to uh yes uh thinking uh that it's leisures uh around her liver but they wanna set up a cat scan on next friday and and we're on our way to go do blood work now uh uh for for your sister and and uh she said uh uh they think that they may have metastasized and i and and i cried when i was listening to uh everything that was going on and and i told my my sister i said baby girl i said let me tell you something i said god's got you i said i want to pray with you and i prayed with her and and when i thought about uh as i was in meditation and preparation and i thought about it the interruptions of life because many of us have been have been fortunate to be able to deal with the interruptions of life but but can i tell you when the interruptions of life knock on your door when the interruptions of life ring your doorbell i i want to suggest to you that god is able like i just said because when we prayed oh i felt better when we prayed and when i called her later during the day she said i got in my feelings but she said i know that god is able and i believe i'm preaching to somebody right now that's out there in virtual worship land who can help me testify that when you have experienced the interruption when you place the interruption in god's hand the interruption becomes an opportunity yeah which was it becomes an extremity for you but yet man's extremity becomes god's opportunity to watch you see for you to watch and see that god is able with every interruption and that there's no interruption too hard for god so so so the first thing i want to suggest to you that when it comes to the interruption in life the text will suggest to us beloved that the ordinary can transition into the extraordinary that that's what i want to suggest to you that the ordinary can transition into the extraordinary it's in the text moses was tending to the flop and he sees that the bush is burning and it was ordinary for a bush to burn because of the the humidity and and the heat and and and and the hot temperatures yeah it will cause bushes to burn but this bush was burning but it didn't get consumed and and the text suggests that that that the ordinary can transition into the extraordinary and god will take that which is ordinary and allow you to have an encounter with the ordinary and he would then take the ordinary to an extraordinary level to show you that god is able oh yes he's able he's able the bush was burning but it didn't get consumed the bush caught moses's attention the bush caused moses to walk over and the bush whereas it caused moses to walk over it caught his attention the bush also yes had the voice of god come out and call moses by name and he called moses moses moses he called them he says here am i he replied can i tell you beloved that when it comes to what when when god has something for you to do in this life that i want you to know that what you've been doing in terms of the ordinary god uses the ordinary to prepare you for the extraordinary because he's going to show you he's going to prove to you that he can do anything but fail and i believe i got somebody out there help me preach holy ghost that that can testify on this yes post pentecost sunday yes that can help me declare that that the ordinary can go to the extraordinary yeah from zero to a hundred just like that yeah let me see if i can make it playing this way god god can operate in the natural and take the natural and move to the supernatural and i want somebody to know out there that yes you have been going through what it is that you've been dealing with but i want you to know god's getting ready to take your interruption and move it from the ordinary to the extraordinary from the natural to the supernatural from the mundane to the metaphysical i believe i know in my heart and in my spirit that yes that god can handle anything he can take care of every last one of your problems so regardless of what your situation might be whether yes you got a family member that's been yeah acting off the chain you you might be dealing with an illness or a sickness you might be dealing with heart disease you might be dealing with sickle cell you might be dealing with cancer but can i tell you when god gets into the ordinary the ordinary becomes extraordinary when he moves from the natural to the supernatural god has a way of claiming and capturing your attention which causes you to be prepared for where he's getting ready to take you next well the interruption my brothers and sisters the interruption allows us to move from the ordinary huh the ordinary transitions into the extraordinary but but number number two number two i won't be for you long because i i know you gotta get ready to fight that grill up because i want hamburger hot dog myself beloved but number two when it comes to the interruption the interruption lets us also see text places and emphasis that the interruption causes us to go into an intimate encounter look at verses five and six the bible says uh do not come any closer the lord warned he says take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground he says i am the god of your father the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob when moses heard this he covered his face because he was afraid to look at god can i suggest to you beloved that when it comes to the interruptions in life whenever we go through those interruptions which cause us to hit the pause button it gives us an opportunity to uh get intimate with the lord it gives us an opportunity to read his word it gives us an opportunity uh not only to read his word but to get into a period of fasting it gives us an opportunity to connect with him in the spirit and yes and pray in the spirit it gives us an opportunity uh to pray in the spirit to fast it gives us an opportunity to read his word it gives us an opportunity where we can talk to him and he can talk to us we can become intimate basically god told me to say hey hey moses you you're now on holy ground and you just can't come any old kind of way i love you i i i have a plan for your life and and i'm getting ready to place you on a trajectory but i had to interrupt you from dealing with your father-in-law's flock now because you've been dealing with his flock i have a flock a flock of hebrews that are in egypt and what they've been dealing with i had to interrupt your flock tending business so i had to use the bush as an instrument to claim your attention so that you could become intimate because you had purpose on your life from the day that you were born you hung out in pharaoh's house and now you you're hanging yes with jethro because you're married to his daughter but but i have i have major purpose for you and and you need this moment to connect with me a period where you can be intimate with me there's nothing around just you and me and i believe this entire year plus that we've been in this pandemic i believe that there's there are many of you who have connected with the lord on if you will a higher level and you've become a lot more yes yes you've become a lot more uh-huh spirit driven can i can i preach like i feel it y'all have become spirit driven and you have not allowed the natural man to get the best of you so when you come back in the building i don't need you to be programmatic i don't need you to look at if you will how things used to be when we were in here no no no no if anything this pandemic has taught us is that we need to find ourselves moving with the holy spirit and through moving with the spirit of god you should have used this opportunity while being away from the building being connected with him getting intimate with him praying and fasting and worshiping in spirit and in truth loving on your brother your sister your neighbor and because you've become intimate with god you don't have anything standing in the way of him dropping blessing on top of blessing on you oh glory to god the interruption the interruption one the interruption causes us to have if you will the ordinary to transition us into the extraordinary two the the interruption is an intimate encounter this is an opportunity for you to get filled by his spirit you know we used to say in a prayer many years ago we used to say this uh lord i come before you as an empty picture before a full fountain of water nevertheless nevertheless you should have had moments of being intimate with god while we've been away but then thirdly when it comes to the interruption one the interruption allows our ordinary to transition into the extraordinary two the interruption allows us to have an intimate encounter but three the interruption allows us to receive an invitation to walk in your destiny that's it it's an invitation for you to walk beloved in your destiny look at it in verse number seven it says he says the lord told him he says i have certainly seen the oppression of my people in egypt i've i've heard their cries of distress because of the harsh slave drivers yes i i'm aware of your suffering so i i've come down i've come down to rescue them from the power of the egyptians and lead them out of egypt into their own fertile and spacious land it's it's a land that's flowing with milk and honey uh the land where the canaanites the hittites the ammo rice the parasites the hiveis the jebusites and the shylites now live he says look the crowd the people of israel has reached me and i have seen how harshly the egyptians abused them now go for i am sending you to pharaoh you must lead my people out of egypt see you are not tending to the flock of jethro just because he's your father-in-law yes jeffree had to flunk and i utilized the flock as a means as a method to train you for the trajectory that i have you on to serve as one who would be a liberator for my people because i've heard what they've been going through you've been on the run you have if you will you have a you have a past that suggests that you're a murderer but you know what i can use somebody like you there are many of you that are out there who feel like because of the fact that you got a pass that god can't use you but can i tell you something beloved pardon the interruption because guess what your past is nothing more than an opportunity for god to get the glory out of your life because you know what god can't use perfect people but god can use people who have been flawed because flawed people are people who have the ability to allow themselves to be humble in his presence and he can use your flaws to show you that you know what flawed people have the ability to be used by me in such a way that people will say ain't no way but in god's eyesight there is a way so this is an invitation for you to walk in your destiny i know you've been tending to your father's flock but now i need you to be able to come on to be able to go and tell pharaoh to let my people go i know you got the checkered past i understand that i i know you're married to yes zappora uh-huh yes and and and jethro probably might get mad with you because of the fact that you're going to have to go back down to egypt but you know what i have need of your skill set and i need you to understand that i have to interrupt what you've been doing with jeff rowe to get you ready because i have a plan for your life i need you to understand beloved that yes in the midst of everything that you've been going through that god is able that your interruptions have been nothing more than stepping stones to get you to ultimately to where the lord has need and desire for you to go i believe i believe that you can help me close this thing out on this post pentecost sunday because you know on the day of pentecost the bible tells us that when they were in the upper room there yes they were there and while they were up there they were on one accord and while they were on one accord the holy ghost fell on them with flaming tongues of fire and here we go over here in this old testament piece we got moses who was dealing with a burning bush on this post pentecost sunday and yes because he was dealing with this burning bush he was involved in his day-to-day functions and the burning bush caught his attention caused him to go and peep out what the lord was doing with the burning bush and i believe god used this interruption to help him to move from one degree of grace to another as i get ready to close i want to say good morning good afternoon to you beloved and may the lord god bless you real good tell somebody let somebody know that the interruptions they didn't come to break you but they came to make you strong the interruptions came to help to groom and grow you the interruptions came to mature you the interruptions came to allow you to put your trust in god i'm closing y'all but i want you to know the interruption is just something that gives me to have some confidence in knowing that god is able and i want you to know on this post pentecost sunday yes whereas moses wanted to use while he had been interrupted he wanted to throw an excuse out there because of the fact that yes he had a little he had a little stammering with his tongue yes yes he he had a speech impediment and he wanted to use that as a means and a method while he couldn't go and tell pharaoh to let god's people go but can i tell you god always has a way of having things set up and planned and prepared in such a way that with every excuse god counters that excuse with an opportunity to show you that god has already worked it out while you're trying to figure it out god has already worked it out and i i'm happy to say on this morning i want to just give a shout out to my sister over in clinton maryland that god has already worked it out for you baby girl we're gonna go ahead and celebrate this thing yes in advance and we're gonna celebrate yes that yes that your healing has already taken place we're going to put a little bit of praise on this thing yeah so can i tell you go ahead and walk in your destiny go ahead and walk beloved in what god has already uh unfulfilled in your uh huh in in your yes your path for what he knows that you are destined to be able to bring to completion let's go ahead and celebrate on this memorial day weekend because i need you to know that when the interruptions come you can take and sit on your interruptions and say you might have interrupted me but the god of abraham isaac and jacob as well as the same god that sent jesus who allowed him to be raised from the dead and send the holy ghost is working in me so can i tell somebody on this morning that you can make it you can take it and yes what because you have taken it you can make it and there's nothing too hard for god and i want you to know because your interruption has entered into your life i need you to know that god is able so because he's able as i always like to close because y'all know i'm an ephesians 3 and 20 fan because i know that you know what our god is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask and think according to the power that works in us pardon the interruption because the ordinary has become extraordinary the natural has experienced the supernatural yes the mundane has encountered the metaphysical and can i tell somebody that you can go ahead and celebrate on this post pentecost sunday because even though you've had your interruption you should know that god is able he's able to make you walk right he's able to make you talk right he's able to make your worship right he's able to touch your body and heal your wounded spirit so go on ahead and help me celebrate because after that the holy ghost shall come upon you you shall be my witness if you don't know anything else you should know that as a as a back as a believer in the lord jesus with the holy ghost that's still in the earth when you got the holy ghost you got to testify is there anybody out there who can help me testify that he's able i said he's able he's able to wipe every tear from your eye he's able to make your enemies your footstool he's able yet to put clapping in your hands but running in your feet he's able and because he's able you can go ahead and worship and you can let those interruptions stay on the interruption table and give god glory because when you think about the goodness of jesus and all he's done for you your soul cries out hallelujah and you say thank god for saving me thank you for the interruption because the interruption lets me know that i got a god who's bigger than every interruption that comes in my life so see you later interruption bye bye thank you for doing what you did but i'm on the side of the lord and because i'm on his side i know that he's able to help me win it all let us pray father in the name of jesus i thank you i thank you god for this preaching privilege thank you god for the interruption the bible tells us in everything give thanks for this is the will of god concerning you in christ jesus every interruption we celebrate the fact that god that when we dealt with the interruption you were right there with us through it all so i pause to honor you i lift up my brother my sister who's out there who might not know you in the pardon of his or her sin touch him her let them know that they have a place where they can come it's right here at oak grove there may be one out there who's in christ but is not in a fellowship touch them send them here to us interrupt what they've been doing use the interruption as a moment of conviction to bring them closer to you that you be glorified in their life we love you on today god we thank you for those who've served as we celebrate this memorial day weekend and who've transitioned to be with you while in service but god we thank you most of all for your son jesus who came to give us life that we might have it and have it more abundantly and now that he's no longer here on the earth he sent us his friend the holy spirit the heges pneuma to help guide us in every truth be glorified on today be magnified and we shall be careful to give your name the glory on and praise in jesus name i do humbly pray claim the victory for the people of god amen beloved thank you for being a part of our worship experience we love you to life we praise god for you and just know that every interruption is an opportunity for god to show up to let you know that your interruption is just a mere moment to see the very presence of god move in your life that he gets the glory and that you grow while he's getting the glory we'll see you again on next week we thank god for you we're praying for you looking forward to having you back and enjoy the balance of what's left in this new week that god has for you be blessed and peace [Music] at home can you shout he's a keeper [Music] [Music] crazy he'll keep you in perfect peace just keep your mind stay on here he'll keep [Music] he'll keep you in perfect peace [Music] if you can come on he'll keep you in perfect peace just keep your mind stand on him he'll keep you in perfect please if you keep your mind on your hands he'll keep you in perfect please [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're at home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes it's easy
Channel: Oak Grove Baptist Church
Views: 139
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Id: Fc-JjDNQimo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 17sec (4097 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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