Office Hours - Tech Question and Answers

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the audio does that work uh i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky i hate being an i.t professional i swear by the moonlight in your eyes i hate being a tech professional oh there we go there we go we got some audio now we got some audio in this hizzy audio in the hizzy okay how y'all doing how are you all doing so this is tech office hours we've got four people waiting they can keep waiting uh basically what this is is you want advice for your career if you want your advice for education if you want other kinds of advice you can join the zoom call and uh i'll put that link in the little comment thing so you can basically join and um oops no not that you can join if you want to join joy if you want to or not no uh where's my little thing hold on one second let me pull up my notes let me grab this just one of those days just one of those days one of those days you wake up and go hey can i go back to sleep having a bit of a butterscotch bite moment right now i now know how butterscotch biden feels every single day wakes up in the morning and goes wow when can i go to sleep again okay let me put this up here so i'm really excited i'm really excited so before i let the people in so there's a little link uh there if you want to go there uh let me put this video um because i think we finally finally really do have a product for the um for the dojo derby vehicles very excited about so i've been working on this whole idea of dojo derby for a while essentially like what is what is the product that silicon dojo will be built around uh and i've created multiples of these dojo derby vehicles again different types of prototypes so this was the first prototype not too bad it proved it proved the idea um basically it's a raspberry pi with an h bridge h-bridge controls the motors plus we have an i2c screen here that gives me a diagnostic information so basically this was good for a prototype uh not a great product um so then i decided well maybe we should go bigger maybe we should go bigger oops and so bigger was this thing so i built this made it bigger problem is with these little electric motors it gets so big and it gets so heavy so heavy um that's a pain in the ass to drive so that doesn't really work so so what i did then what i did is i pulled out i pulled out my little arduino vehicle kit that i had before so this is an arduino chassis or a chassis i bought for the arduino back of the day put four tires on it uh i put the uh i put the raspberry pi 4 here oops that's horrible resolution let me give you a better resolution [Music] so i always put the raspberry pi 4 here put the h brick there put an oled screen on it so the oled will give me the information i have to finish that up tomorrow have the wiring just put the little camera on here and so now we have a completely self-contained little dojo derby vehicle with a full technology stack this is running linux it's a quad core processor four gigs of ram full wi-fi stack full bluetooth two-stack the whole nine yards it has the lamp on it's linux linux apache mics equal actually mariadb not my sql uh mariadb php and python uh so to build all this out you need to know php you need to know python you need another linux you need to know javascript you need to know css you need to know html and so basically what we have here is we have a full full tech stack to build our little little vehicle and the cool part is this thing like little literally it really does race around uh so again so this is my streaming webcam so it has a streaming webcam right on the front of it so i put this little guy on the ground it looks it looks because of the weight the weight is how it's supposed to be uh so let me give it a speed let me give it a speed of one and then we're gonna go forward so this this is driving the dojo derby vehicle around so this is really cool i can speed it up oh stop yeah it locks up every once in a while stop stop stop okay never stop oh what happened oh of course you're doing this to me okay there we go uh let me go back stop turn stop turn the speed down here we can drive around we can navigate we have our own mars rover look at that oops we are navigating eli's basement oh look at that eli bought a lowe's box what is that oh god it is an ancient ganesha still getting used to driving these things so i stop it i turn i turn see look look at that i can back up oops back into something probably need to have some kind of uh uh the host has spotlighted your video i think i am the host anyways sorry i see see the ganesha over there you navigate around see our big ass tv oh that's my pride and joy right there oops turn around spin and spin and spin it there we go that's my big ass tv that's oled oh beautiful big ass oled tv is awesome look at this thing you just drive this little thing around so that's my idea so basically people can build these things and they can code for them and then we need to do races and we can do like combat and uh like you know what i was thinking about like we can figure out a way to have like battle bots like imagine having like 20 people like 10 person teams so you could have like 10 people on each team and they could actually try to do like strategy nice i'm not quite sure what they would do they like beat up on each other maybe they beat up on each other maybe you do a scavenger hunt i'm not really sure but anyways i'm very i'm very happy i'm very happy with this this this is what i call coal look at that the nike shoe and nike so i don't know i'm just a geek i'm just a geek i think this is cool oh okay enough of that enough of that people don't care about that you want to get on to the show get on to the questions on sales oh let's see here it would be cool to do this with a drone uh yeah with the drone but the problem is with your drone you're dealing with 360 degrees and you're dealing with speed things go very bad see me bumping into a box with this little thing is no big deal me bumping into somebody's head with a drone that would be a problem but anyways those are the little things that i care about oh no no don't remove them don't remove them cancel i'm sorry chris i must remove your ass pay attention eli eye on the prize eye on the prize oh okay okay where is the security at people can unmute themselves so i don't know somebody unmute yourself let's talk what are your questions for today yes i'm buddy somebody have my coffee have my coffee but if i don't have some conversation i'm going to go to sleep feeling like butterscotch butt whatever whatever the hell biden has right now ah martin you there don't go to sleep jeez how you feeling ah this time it's a nice warm day it's like 65 degrees outside it's just a very nappy kind of day i think it's like minus i don't know fahrenheit let's see let's check let's check minus five holy yeah i was out there in a t-shirt um not for me life at times of at it person in a cold environment where there's snow yeah oh cool so what's going on up there in the yukon anything interesting nothing too crazy we started rolling out the third shots for people governments have started uh saying their employee base has to be vaccinated or they cannot continue with their jobs so that's that is what it is how do you how do canadians feel about because americans we have this whole thing that we're free whether or not we are with this thing that we're free like do canadians feel like you're free like like is that a sticking point then we are i mean look even in the u.s you're right you're free not to get a shot but then you're also free not an employer is free not to employ you i mean that's the other side to it um here the way that i equate it is so here in canada especially in northern and more remote uh communities not the metropolitan areas let's say like vancouver if you want a job in a hospital any job admin job if you want to be a registered nurse whatever it is you want to work in hr uh you have to have a vaccine for uh tuberculosis because that is a problem especially in the north like that's still a problem up here um and if you don't have one you can't be employed so i don't know what's the difference really right yeah i don't know so yeah no it's it's there are a few people who aren't happy and you know that's that's fine if you don't want it that's that's okay um but yeah you can't be employed it's uh so the government so our labor force here at least where i am in my city is about i don't know 20 22 23 000 people um 6 000 of which are employed by what would be the equivalent of the state uh government so it's a huge part of the workforce and uh two percent of them uh have not uh provided evidence that they have been vaccinated yet so that doesn't mean two percent aren't it just means two percent haven't submitted the documents so some people might be on holidays or who knows right so it's really not that many people most people here have gone and gotten their shots and [Music] they are moving on yeah fair enough fair enough cool deal okay do anything something specific to say or i'll go see if somebody has a question nah if somebody's got a question go for it uh arbor or chris hassler hey yeah uh i can pick it up yeah yeah what's going on with it uh cool uh should i give an introduction or just straight to the question do what you want to do i don't know i don't tell anybody what to do hell yeah uh i've been uh watching your content uh lately religiously i guess for the past year uh been following on your advice and has helped me on tough times to be very honest uh with that being said uh right now currently i became a senior lead qa engineer in my company it happened too fast it was a little bit luck based as well because the past lead went away so i was the only one and they were like hey you're responsible for everything now good luck uh yeah that voted well uh so my question is at the current position that i am i have two choices either as an engineer developer or whatever you want to call it either i can go on the people management route so learn organize delegate follow metrics all that or i can try to aim to become a tech professional or a tech lead someone that knows everything about engineering in and out and is the one guy to troubleshoot whatever big problem there is whether deploying massive applications to millions of people or such because the company that i work is and global worldwide known and at the position where i am the question that i have that i'm trying to figure out is the future yeah so my question is uh which type of job will be more or less always in demand in the future being a great leader or being a great tech professional because everyone was telling me that there's no middle like being the middle man where you're uh great at leading people or delegating or organizing or such and also being very good at technology that's impossible you simply have no time within the day to do that i have second thoughts about that but yeah at the same time i don't have the years in the experience or i'm not there yet to know have the answer so it was always kind of my dream to have this opportunity to have to ask you a question and chat i got it yeah well i think one of the big questions again with everybody is kind of like what do you want your life to look like that's the biggest thing right because those are going to be two different lives genuinely like there's gonna be a lot of meetings and there's gonna be a lot of people there's gonna be schmoozing and like again what's funny is like like young people in the industry or people that aren't in the executive ranks like when they see cocktail parties they're like oh i wish i got paid to go and drink it and like when you actually do it you're just like jesus christ can i go home and just drink some tea and watch netflix right we had one week of that it was like a full-time job yeah exactly yeah like yes you do grab a beer and you do have some good food but it's it's where like if you yeah if you're not in it you don't realize how much work there is it's like i'm talking to you for a specific reason here's my ask here's your counter next next next next right and so that's like the big question you got to ask yourself is do you want to be neck deep in technology or do you want to be dealing with people beyond that if you want longevity um as long as you're good with business business has longevity because what you have to think about is all the products that we deal with today are going to be obsolete in 10 years except for cobalt cobalt's still gonna be around but if you're dealing with anything other than cobalt it's gonna be obsolete in 10 years and so the big problem like with hardcore technology professionals is it is we've got to keep relearning and relearning and relearning and relearning and keeping up with it and if you trip if you get sick if your wife gets sick if you have a kid and you're out for three years being out for three years as a real tech is a world of difference in being out for three years as a manager right if you're a manager you're out for three years for whatever reason you come back managing is basically managing you leave for three years as a tech you come back you know they're using an entirely different api stack they've migrated to something else and all of a sudden like you you do have that you are a professional you can get the opposite speed faster but it's still difficult um and so there's that and then like i always remember um there's this guy high level person at the nsa so back when i used to do like uh paramilitary type stuff i was in the tech world and this high level guy at the nsa was really interesting because he came to me and he was talking to me and uh i was just talking about the stuff that i was doing at the time and it was like okay yeah but but do you lead people but yeah do you do documentation but do you do and like i was like i was like all this cool technology i'm like who cares about that i'm doing these telephone systems or whatever else the interesting part though is he said like being with the nsa he was like eli i have a budget for anything if i need one of my technicians certified as whatever i just write a ten thousand dollar check and they're certified finding somebody to manage 10 or 20 or 50 of those texts he's like that's what the hell's a penny has to find and so i think the big thing to be thinking about is if you can be good in business if you can be good as an executive bar none that's the way to go the problem that you run into though is again if you do it's kind of like with technology like if you don't understand the world you don't understand what's good and what's bad and so there's a lot of really shitty business people out there but because they're talking because they're schmoozing because they've got business cards it appears like they're good but if they're not if they're not closing sales if they're not if they're not keeping everything within whatever the parameters it's pretty bad like a bad business development person can kill a company whereas a good business development person is just gold like you know um so yeah so if you want to really go down like the management business track i mean that would be the thing is like you go for like your mba so you wouldn't be getting out of the certification realm so you go for like something like your mba um and then that's the hard thing too is like thinking about what are the technical skills in that world right so getting an mba with a specialization in finance you know getting an mba in the specialization of things like auditing like um bozodar i swear to christ if you unmute yourself i'm going to just ban your ass sorry but that's the thing like because that's what a lot of like tech people do it's like oh yeah sure i'll get an nba i'll get an mba with a focus on i.t like no no you've already got that don't do that it's like you go for finance you go for auditing you go for um maybe like uh like again like with accounting like um what is it like accounting forensics or whatever so you can actually go through and analyze people's books and all that kind of stuff um either that or like um like maybe like a juris doctor type thing again going down the law route if you want to go because again like so much of our tech world like nobody wants to think about it anymore but i mean like like realistically like no joke dude this is this is a quad core processor with four gigs of ram like this is the tech like you know saying like this is more powerful than the server that was running a hundred person business when i started uh so the technology actually isn't as important as people think at this point like so much of it is legal issues like you know if if you're going to are you legally allowed to hire somebody will what kind what does this contract actually say does this contract you protect you in the way that you think it protects you and again but that's the thing that you have to think about is like down that management track again it also is technical like so many people look at the cocktail party and i think they think that's what the managers do and there's a ton of paperwork again like with the paperwork and making sure numbers add up and then figuring out why the hell numbers don't add up so i think that'll be one of the questions ask yourself too um yeah yeah i think that's uh and then also to ask yourself if you're good with people i think about that with my father because my father actually um he's a he's a phd engineer and he was going through the gs levels and he actually ended up being like the highest gs level he possibly could be not for the reason you think it's because after got his master's degree in his phd he spent one year managing people so he went from the the the tech world to managing people and he just said after a he was like i can't do it he lie he's just like i can't deal with people and so he just kind of coasted in the gs scheme for like the next 20 years because he was like well that's what i'm going to do and so again that's a question ask yourself like doing something for you know a day a month whatever isn't that bad but again with life it's that iteration can you do it for 10 years and go down that path you know that's only you know that answer yeah i mean thanks great advice and to be very honest if i can also just give a little bit more context that's the reason why i chose uh to become i guess uh in this kind of a management problem because i had this discussion with my manager and he said which route do you want to go do you want to become a tech or do you want to lead people and i said well depending on sorry let me just get my light back nice i told him well i believe that i'm very good at being empathetic listening trying to understand and diffuse the situation instead of listening to people more or less about try to find the solution because there's simply not enough time to listen to everybody's about it uh so on and so forth and so i always believed that i would be very good with people but i i never committed very much to becoming that top 10 tech professional and the reason why i'm saying this is in my life there were a couple of years which i'm not very proud how i spent them but at the same time realizing where i was born i didn't have much choices so with that said what i did was i was very good at gaming uh specifically and quite a few a few games that i played i was always at the top 0.7 percent of player pool whether that be hearthstone or dota so i know what it's like to go from zero to hero into a competitive level where your life is just that and you your competition is the world so i never did that for technology let's say java and becoming the best aim for that uh and that's always kind of a how's how what's things short for it kind of always teased me deep down because i always knew that i i did it with one thing it's the same thing yet harder and more boring but i can do it with the other but where my skill when where my skills shine the most were people where i could convince a business person and a non-business person a tech person to actually communicate be the middle man and the the light bulb clicked when one story a close family member once told she was uh saying that she works in an energy sector in canada very huge uh with ceo's executive hanging out and she was describing this phd british military guy who the guy built drones uh hive drones for anti-bombs sophisticated very cool and she was and i asked him okay so how how's your communication with him and she drooled her eyes like oh like the simplest business request that i have i need two translators because he won't get it the guy's a phd but he doesn't understand one simple thing and i was like well if this is the biggest problem and i found my job be the mental translator that understands both worlds and i guess that'll solve a lot of problems yeah yeah with that being said uh i'm done with my question and i can forward to anybody that's willing to pick up after me okay cool good talking there yeah yeah thanks for answering so i jump in people get called or how does this work yeah yeah jump in what's do you have a question do you have a comment what's going on oh um i have a comment and then and then i'll ask a question um i've been uh watching your videos and lewis russman's videos for a long time and uh thank you very much for posting this stuff because you're one of the very few people that tells reality the way it is and and believe it or not there's uh a sonic majority of us that actually appreciate that so thank you very much i'd like to start with that um the the question that i have is um uh in your derby dojo i know you've stated several times that you're gonna document the stuff um can you i don't know if this is the appropriate form or what i'd be curious you switched over to a bigger battery um because the one was dying on you um please um uh going to the level of detail that you think is appropriate for this forum i'd be curious what with the battery yeah so okay so the new version is this little guy here so this is this is probably what we're going to be using as the basic production model um so what we started out with was this one so had to take a table saw glued on the wheels the whole nine yards and with this we had this little battery right actually worked pretty well but my thought was um like why don't i make a bigger vehicle this guy and then put a lot bigger battery on it so i have this oh this is a 26 000 milliamp hour battery so it can actually run a laptop and that type of thing um and the reason i'm using these just so everybody knows is for for for for weight ratio having a basic lithium lithium-ion battery would be better just going by the ones for like rc cars and plugging it in but these actually have short protection so if somebody wires something wrong this won't explode again we talk about legality with business right you do something stupid this won't explode a lithium a real lithium ion body or a normal one will freaking explode and then i get sued and all gets bad so anyway um so so one i want to use usb batteries because they won't explode and then also with that um the power i'm taking off is with the the raspberry pi's they actually have five volt and three volt connections on here so they can output either five volt or 3.3 volt directly from this and i want to use that power because again you're most likely not going to damage yourself if you shock yourself so if i have a 14 year old kid playing around does something stupid he might might get a little burn on his finger he's not going to go to the hospital whereas this thing can output 28 volts and if you because i actually have something that allows you to get the power directly out of this and um if you sort that you're going to hurt yourself a lot and so the issue then becomes since we're using this and we put this on here and then we're only putting out five volts so these motors can only go up for six volts they support between three to three to six volts they only go up to six volts anyway once you get this much weight this thing is a dog so like when i was when i was racing this thing around on the carpet like this literally ended up ironically enough this ended up having problems on carpet like when i tried to turn this on carpet it's so heavy that how the turn mechanism works there's too much friction and so it kind of just gets itself caught up on the carpet um and so like i said for anybody trying to create a business or dealing with tech it's like all of these these are all the questions that come in to then figure out what you're gonna do because yeah i could create if i was if i was willing to use real lithium ion batteries um i could create really cool things i could create a vehicle that goes 40 miles an hour but you start adding in all kinds of issues with that because that's one of the cool things is uh the h bridge here so basically this h-bridge this little bridge round anyways this is a bigger version of an age brick so basically this is what's called an h bridge and what this allows you to do is you're able to connect this to your raspberry pi or your arduino but then you can have a separate connection to a battery pack so i could have this connected to a car battery this this thing actually supports up to 32 volts i think it is so i could connect this to a car battery and then have the motors connected and then be able to control this from the raspberry pi but you start dealing with car batteries and things go boom and bad day for everybody so so yeah that's why again and that's something to be thinking about with any of this kind of stuff and again if anybody like dojo derby is basically open source like all this thing is if you want to copy this so much of what i'm doing here again it's as much an eye towards a liability yeah or or just something going bad even if i don't get sued for it you know that that's why we're going this route yeah well thank you very much for the detailed reply i appreciate that yep okay no problem are you planning to build your own or uh just curious oh no uh i'm i'm i'm just curious um i just um just probably i'm just curious um uh i'm i have no intentions of building my own i just started a new job uh working with chatbots and google cloud and stuff like that so for the next year or two i'm scrambling to go learn those tech knobs so i unfortunately don't have the time to just play like to play that's just reality yeah fair enough cool good talking to them okay there we go there are a couple of new people in here everybody wants to ask a question got a couple of roberts got an edgar got a shaheed who's got a question somebody on mute yourself and ask me a question um yeah i wanna i've got my uh i've got my pies here and uh oh you know what so do you know what's hilarious your zoom thing is making them all look all predator look at that it predatorizes it i can't see what the hell it is no your i don't i don't know what it is your zoom thing is there we go there we go cool what is that that's not a pie yeah it is it's a it's a pie with uh let me see a hard drive reader so i can i can plug my plug hard drives into it so yeah well you can see it now yeah yeah cool and it's got a fan on it yeah yeah you know so i've got a couple of these and uh i want to build one of those buggies so um i'm going to come up i'm going to drive the four-hour drive and spend about four days in your neck of the woods and um i want to come over and play basically i want to come over and play it i'm gonna bring my my laptops and i want to come and build and learn and and hang out for a little while in about two to three weeks so you said uh the the dojo's open tuesdays is that correct uh follow me up on email the dojo is a disaster right now i said just follow up on email all right okay yeah maybe more than happy to have you we can yeah we can play around and build some bots or whatever yeah i'd like to contribute somehow if i can but we could talk about that another time that's cool um i don't know man i'm getting ready to graduate i'm got a resume class going on i'm in my cloud computing class and uh this is week four next week is week five and then um and then i have two new classes for five weeks and then i'm a college graduate hey you know that's one of those things like i said that's going to go up on my i love me wall really you know well it's but uh i'm excited i'm excited at my age i'm doing something that i actually chose to do and with your help and some help from a lot of other people um i've figured out a lucrative way to make money without risking my life every day so i'm happy about it man i'm happy about it like i said i'm thankful um for your input and all the help you've given me and i look forward to coming out to asheville and hanging out yeah cool cool so do you have any job prospects yet do you have any internships or um i don't know that's at this point i actually i'm really confident i think i have too many options there is an internship in richmond virginia i was looking at the stipulation with that is that you need to be enrolled into a bachelor's program to apply for the internship but the internship runs from may to august it's at a data company and um yeah you got to be enrolled in the bachelor's program and like i said a couple weeks ago i feel like i need to learn get some actual practical experience before i continue my education yeah yeah yeah that'd be a good idea no know what you want to know know what you actually want to do yeah yeah well i've come a long way from you asking me hey how you doing and what do you want to do and i'm like i like computers so cool good good so um cool so yeah yeah just uh just pick me up yeah because i got your email i guess it was yesterday and then again of course with emails you're never really sure if it's actually you so yeah i just want to make sure before that's my real name that that's my real name on that so yeah cool okay well yeah we got a few more people here you got any questions or anything or just follow us up on email no no no i'm good i'm just hanging out i'm just being social um let someone else talk because you know i'm a loud mouth and i'll talk oops oh vice crap i accidentally muted you muted the wrong person uh it's been a long day all right yeah so yeah i'll email you whatever we'll email uh shaheed shaheed has his hand up if you know how to put up a hand you get to ask a question what's going on shaheed hi uh so um that's my first session joining i just uh okay i think i can ask any tech question like is there something like i don't i just don't know how it goes you can you can ask whatever the hell you want whether and i answer or whether i can answer that's the question so what questions do you got like i have been um like i know you're from the youtube like i watched all of you like i watched there most of them like i like yeah i watch it and uh uh one of the thing i'm so i am a rising senior at college right now at city college i live in europe and uh yeah i'm a competence major uh my so i'm trying so i have a 13 terabyte hard drive and i am trying to make it to like a own cloud like a server cloud so uh but i like i looked up resources and uh there was like not uh not any direct uh guideline to follow so i'm just want to know if you like they tell me some resources i can go over like to actually to to get it done so that's like one of my winter break project i want to do so you want to make a call what do you mean like what are you trying to accomplish what's up i like hard drive right so i want to use it as a google drive like next cloud on cloud stuff oh yeah um do you want to create do you want to create your own version of like own cloud or do you just want to be able to install own cloud um well you know because you know you know here let me pull it up because so if you want to create like a google drive thing and you're just um i think it's called on cloud yeah own cloud your collaboration tool blah blah blah blah blah and they have a at least they had a community edition at least they had one products why own cloud get started oh and was that the community community community program um yeah that's that these are just a like community edition of this thing uh tarball try that's what i'm doing in class right now this week aws offers a free cloud tier it's uh easy but he he has like a hard drive right you have your own hard drive yeah uh today is the release long way to own cloud community edition nine o'clock include significant improvements so yeah i think this is uh i think this is free on cloud too but uh uh i don't like i'm just missing how to start from like because like i have the hard drive now like what do i get like i tried it like what do you think uh bash this thing in the kneecaps and limp it by me again okay so so you've got a hard drive and so yeah so what are you trying to trying to roll your own distribute do you want like do you guys want to start with linux and add things or well uh my plan for now is just to use it as a okay uh yeah use it as a like a google drive like an actual cloud server cloud drive basically like a cloud drive so i can like i can upload that uh like my files and use it mobile anywhere i want okay so why don't you like own cloud or what's what's next cloud like why not these things um next cloud hub yeah so i mean okay so you're talking because you talked about next cloud okay so here here's next cloud so just install next cloud i'm confused when you do it then you need to then uh so the problem is then they asked for the nest and then uh just like uh how do i say it um it's just like i do it on the drive right and after doing it like okay uh so um it's not like how can i okay so but like i have the hard drive but then how do okay then the problem comes with the prenatal not freeness there comes problem with the nas because uh i would the ipad just keep changing so i wondered like how can i have it like a static nas address then i can like go to next cloud on my like other computer but i understand like i need to have it in the internet all the time with the wi-fi yeah okay yeah so well that's its own career so what you need is dynamic dns uh so oh yeah so dynamic ip address right so basically what this is is you install a little client onto your nas or onto your computer um you create an account and essentially that little client updates with whatever your external ip address is and so you just put in you know your your name and so then you would go to and it would take you it would take you to your your nas okay you know i tried uh i tried the the no idea like i still got error but like yeah i just wanted to know if i'm done on the right track or not yeah i guess yeah because there's i mean there's no ip there's dying dns done last time i used those crap i used diamond house back in the day dns is pretty good um yeah so you use one of these and so yeah basically it's just an update it's an update service so you install this little app it goes up to their dns server updates every every five minutes or 10 minutes or whatever so that would that would give you an external ip address or that would give you an external domain name that would go to whatever your current ip address is so if i just okay so if i have like another laptop and i i run it 24 hour and i install the dynamic dns there and like then it connects it and i connect my hard drive there it should work right everything if it goes fine [Applause] i feel like we have a lobotomized chimpanzee right here right now they say the difference between like a human and chimpanzees like two percent i feel like we just smacked a chimpanzee in the head with a sledgehammer i'm like i think you kind of got a refined i'm kind of confused what's going on if you want dynamic dns you use dns or no ip if you want cloud they'll cloud software-ish then you would use nexcloud or own cloud and if you know how to tie all that together it'll probably work well uh okay okay i'll try it out i'll come up with no more like more questions if i need all right fair enough thank you yeah yeah yeah that's one thing for anybody anybody at home uh technical questions i will try to help you out with i do know a couple of things the problem that you have to understand like when you're because here's the thing when people ask me questions about what should i do with my career right i can riff and then i can give you some good answers even if i'm not actually answering the question that you really wanted answered i can give you some good information here's the thing when we start talking about systems we start talking about technology it's very hard to riff on that because i i don't know what you're dealing with i don't know if you're dealing with linux i don't know if you're dealing with windows i don't know what what internet connection you're using i don't know what ports are available i don't know what you're trying to accomplish right there's so and so if you're gonna ask technical questions just for everybody just so you know you've got to really refine to figure out what is it you're asking for because again the difference between i mean dynamic dns is its own thing creating a cloud storage server it's his own thing and again whether you use own cloud or whether you spin up your own distribution of linux and install soundbar or ftp or whatever those are and so that's the whole thing like if you are going to ask technical questions like how do i put it spend at least as much time thinking about your question as you expect me to take to answer the question because it's really easy just to pop on and say hey i've got this problem but like if you can't if you can't define to me what what you're asking it becomes incredibly difficult and so that's one thing to be thinking about as a technology professional is one of the things i notice with a lot of people is that people talk but they don't really think about what's happening on the other side it's like they throw words out and then they expect magic to happen the person they give them an answer and so one of the things you really need to do especially in the technology world is you really need to be thinking about what am i actually asking here what is actually my problem again like if you say i'm having a network problem right network problem again it's just like computers computers right that's not i'm having a latency problem i'm having a speed problem i'm having some problem where i download two gigs and then the file cuts out like like trying to refine what is the actual problem i'm trying to solve for what is the environment that i'm in what are the resources that i have you put all that onto the table and somebody can help you again if you're just like i got a problem we all got problems so anyways one of those things i think because again i do want with silicon dojo i do actually want to start offering technical office hours which is probably gonna be a show it's probably gonna be a disaster i do want to do that but for me to do that that's where it's like people like really have to think like okay what if what am i actually asking here so anyways not to not just smack on the shaheed but again it's one of those things um okay let's see here edgar is gonna roberts we got a couple of roberts so robert want to pop on or andre andre didn't you want to pop on yes hello so i have a few questions of you for not so clear problems first of all first of them would be if you can say a few words about pc recycling so how how often should a company change their computers their monitors and more precisely how to how to explain to upper manager that is a good idea to change monitor let's say once every five years and why we should change the pcs once four years i don't even know if this is if these are good policies or not yeah well with monitors unless there's a reason for it so if you work in like a design firm like people that actually need like color correction and all that kind of thing i would say monitors just work until they die you should probably have a couple monitors in the back for when a monitor dies and otherwise just keep using them if you have a 10 year old monitor that does what it's supposed to that's cool so monitors i want to worry about computers you know it kind of depends on what you're doing with your computers nowadays again if you've got a solid state drive in your computer and you've got at least four gigs of ram preferably eight gigs of ram that might be another thing where it just keeps going until it dies um because back in the day like like when someone i started so when i started i t in 2000 like the difference between a 1995 computer and a 1998 computer was massive the difference between 98 computer and 2001 computer was massive you know nowadays the difference between a 2015 computer and a 2021 computer doesn't really matter again one of the computers i use a lot is a macbook event since 2013. so um yeah i mean it really depends upon your environment for what the refresh cycle should look like so if you're how do i put this so if you're dealing with servers so servers are important right because servers have specialized software the whole nine yards servers usually probably have about a five year refresh cycle the reason is the problem that i've seen in the past is if you have a server that crashes let's say the motherboard fails motherboards fail no big deal as long as you can buy a replacement motherboard it's no big deal the problem is once a server gets about five years there's a good chance you cannot find that motherboard and all of a sudden you are doing a nasty ass migration with a dead server so that's where i'd say with servers you probably won't about every five years maybe go to six but that's about it for desktop computers i probably wouldn't really care that much to be honest with you um you know you want to make sure they're using windows 10 you want to make sure they're up to you know pretty pretty up to snuff operating systems but that's the thing like windows 10 will run on computers of windows 8 ran out and windows 7 ran on the windows vista you could have had a whistle windows vista computer that you upgrade to 7 to 8 to 10 and it could still be doing pretty fine so you've got to think about that like with what what does your company actually care about with their computers to go from there um there's some thoughts okay yeah oh got anything else or was that the only question well this was the most important one i i have users doing office programs so if it has as you said if it has a ccd in it it should be fine but i have developers i have testers and they pretty much should need fresh computers every three or four years yeah um well and that's where you may want to sit down with the individual employees and try to work through the business rationale for it right because i mean that's the thing like if you have a secretary i mean they were doing email 20 years ago she's doing email today they're doing email today whereas if you have somebody again encoding video or compiling code if they're doing a lot of code compiling or they need a lot of virtual machines that they they may need a new computer but that's where it may be you know if you have 100 if you have 100 computers you may want to have them on you know 10 of them on a refresh cycle every few years another 90 to just stick around until they die [Music] you already answered yeah yeah the server i'd say i say about every five years [Music] nice nice talking to you i have been watching a lot of your videos both uh technical ones i watched a lot of your network videos and uh the last year i've been watching your uh your rants about what is going on in america but i i was so user that watched a lot of your technical videos so thank you thank you very much for all the content you you have provided yeah cool yeah glad it's entertaining okay okay so who we have some new people here chris with david and the chaotic truth chaotic truth what's going on what's going on man how are you doing man oh my god you got a whole you look more professional than i do hey uh i don't know why youtube just recommended your channel to me but uh i've only been listening in for like a few minutes and you said something that was funny because uh my bro my younger brother he's in i.t and um he's way more smarter than i am when it comes to anything tech or computer and he said something the other day and you literally just said it too so just to give you a back story real quick and i don't want to take a ball hog the conversation do you remember uh back in the 90s snl had a skit and they did it like three or four times it was called the computer guy uh it was i remember i was probably drunk when i watched i remember that it existed so basically it so happy so i'm trying to get you so i'm trying to get your back so how my brother look at a copy guy right so so it'll be people in office who will be you know they'll have problems with the computer he'd come in there and like the people would try to explain to him what was wrong with the computer and he'd say move and he'd like you know pretty much like not a christian but get them out the way he'll start typing on the computer uh so anyway my brother's like that to a degree so anyway he was talking about what you were talking about in terms of the exponential growth in in terms of computer databases or computer systems why haven't computers because he said this the other day he said uh the difference between technology in the 70s 80s and 90s that it went from for example an 8-track to a vcr or to a to a cassette tape to a dvd but he says now it seems like our tech has stagnated and you kind of we're on that right now when you said that uh technology from 2013 to right now hasn't really changed as much right so why is that well uh see that's the hard part see no no technology technology is still on a rocket ship okay the technology that you use is stagnated oh okay okay so like like what's amazing is so these little little raspberry pi thing these little computers like so this is a full flight this is a full-fledged computer this is this is more powerful than a server that i'd run 20 years ago this logo okay but the cool thing is like there's a stuff called serverless architecture i've got classes on where i can actually have this thing take a picture it can send the picture up to azure cloud and machine vision can actually look at the picture tell me everything in the picture and bring back give me back the results yeah and all that can now be done with like 20 lines of code so you can do with 20 lines of code i can create uh computers that talk i can create computers that see i can create machine learning algorithms but that's that's not what that's not what the secretary is using and so that that's where we're at now is no there's explosive growth in technology which is absolutely amazing but the thing is it's it's getting to be at such a high level that it doesn't really matter for the average person it's not it's not going to affect how you do email or whatever it's like like it's really cool like from a decision maker standpoint like one of the things that i talk about so with everybody caring about social justice and all that like if you run a company you're concerned about what your employees are saying when you're not around like if you're a manager and somebody says something stupid you need to do something about it what happens if if somebody's saying something stupid in the break room so one of the things i showed people how to do is you can actually create one of these devices put a microphone on it it can literally upload all audio communication to azure servers azure will turn it into text and then i can literally write a script that will look for specific words and if specific words are stated i can dump it into a database send an email to a manager and over a speaker say hey stop saying stupid crap on the company time and so like all that technology is now i could build that within a day but that that's what we're getting to is we're getting into this world where there's very high level technology and the but the question is is how do you then pull it back down to the average user like the secretary right now i'm not gonna be using this yeah i got it okay okay that makes sense okay well thank you man yeah i'm definitely going to subscribe thank you very much and uh have a good one coco there we go oh my god looking showing up getting shown up by a viewer with their i need him to design my background too bad i just don't care that much okay so somebody else somebody else who chris hassler david or robert who's got a question who's got a question can i go yep you can go you can go yep so well first of all man a pleasure talking to you i've been following you since 2012 with those 2008 server installation videos uh freaking love all your content man been an inspiration uh actually uh was in finance and uh ventured into tech because of watching your videos currently uh yeah curly software engineer uh been very uh tough but uh made it uh so yeah thanks for that um [Music] now my question comes to that i have an idea of uh doing uh like an app or something that uh people in reddit can use uh where they have stuff to trade right you have collectibles like you have a certain baseball card or a lego piece of stuff uh the way they do it in reddit is that they post i want this i have this right it's just really manual process i was thinking of coming up it's like a web app or something to match these people automatically they can have their inventory of what they have and what they want and it matches people up right but i haven't really thought of how can i make money because i can whip this up and host it in aws but it costs it's just gonna cost me some money and i don't know if i can monetize that so that's i guess something might have some insight into yeah i mean you know monetization in the modern world that's that's the that's the question right there um you know there's there's different ways that you can monetize um you could have you could have like um i don't know like little league accounts and then pro accounts so you could say like you can post you know like a little league account you can post two things or you can have two things posted any one time i have this one pokemon card and i want this one you go card i have this yu-gi-oh card i want this pokemon card that's free uh if you want to be able to post unlimited i don't know that cost you five dollars a month right um you could do some kind of advertising mechanism thing again like you know so again if you're doing collectibles cards there might be like conventions there might be there might be some some somebody that you want to target for the advertising like oh there's gonna be a pokemon convention or there's gonna be a whatever comic book convention something like that advertising advertising is actually is a sucky sucky sucky way to make money so you got to be able to because because the problem with advertising it's all based on cpm even if you've got a huge cpm let's say 100 cpm which you're probably not gonna get it's still per thousand views which is a lot more difficult than people think um so i mean like you know that's one thing to think about a lot of this stuff is how dedicated are you like do you want to spend two days building this thing and then just milk in it for money um because like you know so much of business like i was telling that one guys so much of business is the whole business development process right you can have the best product in the world but if you don't develop the business it's crap and so that's where you've got to think with it is it's not just about being a good idea but like do you want to run with it when you get done with your eight hours of work are you going to go out and spend another four not even coding just shilling your product and do that for the next five years type of deal right um i think that's one of the big things because that's the thing is like when you go out and talk with you like with my little dojo derby vehicle right so last night i went out to a uh a pub run and after i got done with the pub run i've seen them drinking a beer talking to somebody in technology that i know and i started saying hey i need some honest questions i'm thinking about doing this what are your honest opinions about this so even when i'm out running and drinking beer i'm still asking questions about the business and that's a kind of so it's like you know if you're going to do this whole collectible thing that's where it's like you know you post it on reddit and then if you have comic book shows around you if you have card shows around you then you would go to those shows maybe you even get a booth and thankfully those things the boots are pretty cheap and then you put up your booth and you say hey look this is this is the new platform that we created and you go blah blah blah they actually sell it so that's what you kind of that's where you have to kind of think about um yeah probably if i was going to do it if i really cared i think i would go for the subscription model and i would do something like you want that free tier you want that free tier just get people in so they get comfortable with it get the user base up so i have some kind of free tier and then i'd have like the collector tier where again let's say maybe they can put on 10 or 20. like a nice a nice amount don't don't don't don't keep them out you know something you know a real collect you know 20 30 something like that they put up there and then i would have like the professional so like if you run a comic book shop um something like that type of thing put up there and then the other thing you might think about is again with all these products is it's not it's not simply just about making something a little bit more efficient but it's also about making it better so like thinking about how can you improve the process so maybe have multiple things like i have this yu-gi-oh card and i want either a pokemon or an x-man number one or fantastic four number three or baseball i don't know you know they could put like multiple things there um or you could try i mean jesus christ you want a 15 person marketplace you could i mean i don't i don't think i'd want to do this i'm just tossing this out it's a stupid idea but tossing it out there but like if you wanted to like cross connect so this person has a yu-gi-oh card this person has a pokemon card this person has a comic book this person has a football card how can i get the car like so i'm gonna trade this thing for this so that this person gets this and they'll trade for this and then that trades over there so like you can be four or five steps removed like that that would honestly if you could figure out that business model that'd be incredible because that's what a lot of people want like a lot of people want to barter they just don't want the piece of being offered to them so it's like if i can give up if i can give up what i have for what i want that's what i want to do but most people don't have that so if you if you could figure out how to get five people removed like that that that that that yeah but again and that's where but that's where like you'd have to think about it like as a business so if i was thinking about that where i think there's actually a value proposition there that's where even beyond aws you'd actually have to get some kind of small physical facility so what if because that's what like some of the one of the like the investment things what they're doing now is you send you send your your item to their facility and then like literally people are just buying and selling the items within the facility so i sent you my painting and then somebody else in their painting i will sell my painting to them and money can't get hands but the painting just sits there and then they sell the painting to somebody else and the painting just sits there like so if you came up with a system let's say from a smaller level like that that might be interesting like almost think about an ebay like a different like uh again like uh small investments micro micro investments because again this is what's happening in the art community right you send these these these pieces of art they stay in a warehouse even though they get sold 20 times so like if you created a warehouse i mean there's stuff that goes to it but if you created a warehouse for small investment items comic books yu-gi-oh cards whatever else they could send that in and then you could have a bartering or sales system where then and it all just kind of sits in that warehouse until they want to shipped out damn you laid it out there we go easy now go do it now you just have to build it now you just have to build it yeah yeah that's i mean that's the fun part right the building yeah but the best device is tough man they're the pounding the pavement as you say it's also tough but hell yeah man take a look at that and absolutely yeah that's that's something to look forward to oh yeah well and that's the thing if you're gonna build that's what a lot of people are saying is this thing it has to be fun it's like you're going out there and schmoozing but you're enjoying you actually because that's the whole thing you that's why it's so important as a founder you have to believe in the product because if you believe in the product you believe this is a lottery ticket then you're going to go out and chill as much as possible if you don't really believe in the product you're just doing something to make a billion dollars then it's gonna be like yeah yes it's gonna be the the reason behind it it's gonna be uh pure or not pure but you know interesting at least yeah and by the way if i do it you got one percent sir it's like none of the losses oh yeah yeah man thank you appreciate it yeah yeah no problem okay so yeah there you go that'd be an interesting idea would not want to do that idea though oh that's a lot of work no maybe labor time video okay so we are a little bit over the hour mark 3 13. oh who who is here who wants to ask a question luke is back i don't know it's robert lucent has he shown up i don't know somebody on me oh we got a hand up oh chris chris hessler has a hand up with a cat what do you want chris what's going on okay chris call him and chris you have a hand up i'm calling on you oh i don't know what happened to chris luke what's going on luke can i mute yourself hey what's up um well i i i tried to put a technical question because i know you annoyed when we tried to make it like a pop session but i enjoy the pop sessions as well you know brainstorming and i have i have a one line a joke for you black pill joke i had it for two weeks i was sitting on it i missed the last of this hour and i was like i have to tell this joke to ally he's gonna appreciate that okay what's the difference between a juicy conspiracy theory and the truth what's that six months oh girl okay great all right okay i have a technical question uh i have this uh a hillbilly tesla so basically i turn on the camera i don't want to box myself so what's happening here is i have a tablet installed to the cd slot and uh it's like a hardware issue i have um as i charge my uh tablet when i hook it in i can hear the alternator in the sound because it's hooked on a on a normal cable to the audio so my problem is when i have it charged and i have to obviously charge it if i want to use the tablet when it's charging i can hear the alternator from the car alternator as uh as i uh rev the car so what can i use to shield this uh what i tried is i have a thinkpad and i using the thinkpad charger which has a usb on it and it's less of an issue with the with the thinkpad charger but i don't want to destroy the laptop i don't want to destroy the the tablet so is there any way i can shield it from the car or maybe from the charger or just the audio cable do you have any ideas of how can i uh shield this so i don't hear as it charges in the audio or in the audio system i know if you understand uh my question yeah yeah that's weird is that technical enough for you yeah it's technical can you connect with bluetooth actually uh i lose a sound quality with bluetooth i'm really i'm a sound guy i really enjoy i try to get the best sound i don't really care about the image but sound is important for me so what i realized is if i use a fm bluetooth modulator to like transmit the signal i'm losing uh audio quality i don't hear the buzz obviously because it's uh it's charging and it doesn't transmit the bus through the through the bluetooth so my only issue is because it's physically connected with the audio cable it goes inside the the cd player the the charge um is that like a crappy audio cable is that like a five dollar or is that a decent little audio cable because i'm thinking it's like shield crappy one because i'm thinking shielded um can i say something yeah somebody can say yeah yeah use this who's that that's the solution you need a crown breaker a current breaker yeah yeah all right so i installed that on the cable on the audio cable or actually on the charger because with professional audio systems what you get is you you spend a thousand dollars on a professional or pro audio system in your car but if you don't install i think it's a called a transistor where it charges up and gives you steady electricity you don't get it directly from the battery or from the alternator so i want to fix this issue because uh for now i'm not gonna change um it's a long time it's gonna be a long time when i get a tesla with a built-in tablet so i just have to go with this hillbilly uh fix with with the cheap twenty dollar tablet to get my uh youtube fix but yeah any any ideas i don't want to steal this phone too much from your time but this quick idea or just like uh that's the solution yeah so he's saying that's the solution i can't tell you on that one so three series filter yeah i don't know i tried that um so yeah uh i try what tp is showing there the sni third and if if he can actually just comment to you and tell you what the hell that actually thing is um the the the only things that come to my mind just off the top of my head is a shielded cable so that's the whole point of shielding cables is that it's supposed to stop the interference so if you have a crappy cable it may not be shielded maybe a better cable would work the other thing that i would think about is also actually just getting a battery pack to be frank with you um yeah yeah cause because like the interesting thing with some of these battery packs is they have um oh what's it called basically they can be plugged in and giving power at the exact same time so essentially you can use it almost like as a ups for your uh for your thing so if you got to keep one of these like a rav4 ravpower one that that might help you out those are some thoughts but i probably do with tp whatever tp is doing i'd say use that last quick question are you still okay with the temple chicken feeder idea so can i go ahead and book about that hey there we go yeah oh we need we'll give this thing like a little trailer put a little chicken feed on the little trailer and have it drive around yeah yeah sure sure if you if you give me an end for 10 pull look look i may laugh at temple i may think he's a grifter but he's a successful grifter i'll grift off that all right good and another thing with that car if you want to make it like a like a battle car okay you can always change the liquid on the on the squirting thing like for other other liquids you know up i don't know for legal reasons i don't want to give you any suggestions but you know it's like take it to the next level might not be legal now so we'll check that with your local authorities it goes back to that whole liability issue i don't want any uh kids with their hands melted off or whatever yeah all right thanks for your time sorry if uh wasted your time but yeah uh enjoying the show as always did not waste the time i'm not sure about that black but ah cool cool okay who do we got i've been through most people so luke is down anybody else anybody oh there we go chris kitty cat i have finally managed to work out how to unmute there you go there's no way i have a bit of a tech question but if you can give me an answer for it i will eat my shoes it's not going well so i have four ethernet cables and a unmanaged network switch which if they are plugged in results in all the packets going to pieces headers getting corrupted and god knows what how do i either a test to find out what's broken because the network cables seem to work and pass the cable tester and i've no idea how to test a switch or b persuade people that look it's a 120 quid switch my billable hours are 99 pound an hour like seriously guys ben new one yeah yeah that's a i mean unless you've got some high level thing even a cisco switch though i'm not sure how much you can compare one of those things um yeah i would say yeah i mean you got a four a four port unmanned switch i think cannot be expensive so yeah i would toss it and just buy a new one um i remember getting into this argument with one of my employees so we swapped out so it was like a 200 route a small business router we had at the time and so we swapped out the the router for the client and then my employee was off doing something and i said hey what are you doing and it's like well i'm troubleshooting the old router to figure out the problem i was like the problem is dead throw it away you have better things to do i'm i'm paying you per hour throw the away i don't care um so yeah i would just tell i mean that's the whole thing like as a professional like part of our job as a professional is um you know to tell the client the thing is dead like i think about that it's like horrible like again we've had many pets if you followed me for a while you know we had the two corgis we had a cat you know we lost a chihuahua like part of the most valuable thing of going to a vet is that when the vet looks at you and says it's time that's very painful to do like to say to tell somebody that the animal they love it's time for that animal to die sucks but if you don't do it that animal is gonna be in misery it's just gonna be a disaster for everybody right and that's one of the things like i used to tell my employees is it's like part of what people come to us for is to tell them when it's over like no this is a 10 year old mac it's not gonna get repaired it doesn't it's like we we actually had this we had this guy come in with a mac and he had bought the mac when he had gotten a puppy and the puppy you know grew up to be a dog and the dog died in this back for some reason reminded of his puppy and he was like but but this is the last thing i have for my it's like it does it doesn't it's it's dead just kill it i'm sorry your dog's dead your computer's dead you want a new one so yeah i think i think you just go in and i think you probably you don't you don't you don't over explain it you just say the the switch is dead the switch is dead it's unrepairable i can put a new one in for whatever the hell you charge and move on that's what i would do the problem i've got is they are fixated on root cause and why is the switch dead and the answer is i don't know this thing is a lemon it didn't even last a year in service it was dying six months into service we stripped out yeah uh you know so sometimes you know i'm all for honesty sometimes a little white lies fine oh you know something shorted on the motherboard something's shorted on the motherboard it's not i i we don't have the ability to repair it buy a new one um because yeah that is yeah yeah some clients get really fixated on what is the exact problem and it's like look it's gonna cost me five thousand it kind of costs you five thousand dollars for me to analyze what the problem is nobody cares um so yeah i think the only thing i would say like is it is it like a consumer class or is it business class is like this thing it is industry it's yeah these things are absolute bricks we have hundreds of them out no problems this one complete lemon well can't you swap it out for warrants either just rma yeah it's our remote like we turn around to the guys that built the cabinet and went but you guys made a socking lemon give us the replacement parts thank you very much they don't care they sell that many parts to us that hey one's a lemon whatever in the bin it goes yeah so so so they're giving you a replacement or they don't care uh they're either gonna give us a replacement or we buy one off of rs because it's cheaper than the shipping costs yeah i mean this equipment has price tags in the six seven figure range so a couple hundred quid on a network switch is like whatever who cares yeah i mean that's the other thing too if you're worried about pissing off your client and you make enough money off of them sometimes it is like i don't i would never publicize it but i know for my clients sometimes i would do nice things and then literally not tell them about it because i didn't want them to get any stupid ideas so that's the other thing you can do too is you just swap out the thing deal with it with the vendor and then just you know keep keep building your client at you know 100 quid per hour and you know i mean it's more expensive for us to have the machine down because they use consumable parts so if the machinery is operating they have to buy parts off us which make profit and it's way less in this freaking place oh yeah so so so yeah then then definitely i just swapped the part out and then i don't know you eat the cost i guess yeah i'm not it it's winding me issue is winding me up because it's like you just toss the switch put a new one in i mean this is also so the control cabinet itself is like 90 grand there's discussions going on as to whether we just pay 90 grand and put a brand new cabinet on it and they're fixated on the time switch [Music] um yeah i think that's one thing you get to with clients though customers is psychology like i've noticed that like people get weirdly fixated on things and so that's right that's where if it was me i probably try to take that off the table like again it seems like a cost you it seems like a cost you can eat or it's a cost that you can you can recoup somehow later so if it was yeah i think it was me if it was just a crappy ass switch i would just try to take that out of play and get focused on whatever the hell actually makes you guys money um keeping the stuff running so yeah uh it'll be fun but i i i think the bigger concern right now this is what you have to think about with everything going on the economy and the thing to keep in mind here is is this just something they're being a little neurotic about because again customers can be stupid over stupid or is there are there things going on in the background of their business and this happens to be the quirk that you see right are are they worried about their revenue profit and so it may sound 150 switch may sound stupid but if they're already hyper focused on their revenue because they think shit's going south this may be the first quirk that shows your business relationship with them might also be headed south that's just something else keep in mind business relationship is not head himself because covid is basically a money printer for them um the i think the fixation is because this switch has basically cost a hell of a lot of money by being it looks like it's working until it isn't and it intermittently not works so service engineer comes on site everything works brilliant all good all of a sudden mid production run it's toast what's going on all the like every single component on this machine has raised faults i've all come back to this network switch because the comms goes down and so it can't talk two things and then things fail out and i guess the question though for me when you're talking about this is then why is this thing remain in production it's like you said if you send a technician out once okay so yeah so the whole machine is pulled out so the machine is no longer in the customer's site we swapped it with a brand new one because it was failing that badly and went like that's coming out we're going to find the problem and then it sat on there basically sat around for ages with me trying to go down a list of faults that just kept going longer and longer and longer with the question of how many things on this machine can be broken before getting to right i'm gonna take a whole ethernet network out put a new one in over the top of it and see if that's the problem and then go okay yeah no it's that switch that's that's why yeah yeah they want to know why the switch is dead i don't know it's just dead you plug that thing in everything breaks i don't know what to say i would just say motherboard on it burned out matt it they happen sometimes next yeah blind bad capacitor can we buy the caster plate still yeah yeah something burned out yeah [Music] i mean the other thing you could do too is this is what i used to do with some of my clients and when they would argue with me i'd remind them that i was billing them hourly while they argued i was like we can argue all day but you do realize i'm still billing you right now i'm like oh never mind probably i'm just venting really yeah fair enough yeah all right any question i can actually answer or that that's about it that's about it unless you really want to get into the magic tech what the hell is the network switch doing but probably not let's let's kill it there let's go there cool now okay everybody so we are at 3 33 so we got 27 more minutes before i've got gotta go pee so uh anybody else have questions um again anybody watching in the peanut gallery there's a link in the chat section and uh there's also a link down below if you want to join us ask a question um robert hands up what's going on again yeah um um i remember when you first started the dojo idea you really wanted a physical presence and you worked very hard to try to get a physical presence but now it seems you've like given up on the physical presence at least for the immediate foreseeable future can you share why you've sort of um just given up uh for the short term or for the foreseeable future because that's the sense i get and maybe the sense i'm getting is wrong so you know that's pretty pretty right there yeah so okay so i read it so when my wife and i my wife and i moved to asheville in february and then march or april is when i rented the small space and the thing was we had the mask mandates then and so i got a very small space got 270 square foot office and the idea being is whenever you're going to do a business one of the things you have to do is you have to prove that you're actually doing it people talking about their ideas or a dime a goddamn dozen and when you're sitting there and you're talking to executives when you're talking to business owners when you're talking with people that might be interested in your project again you've got to show them that it's for you you're putting money on the table um and so that's one of the reasons i got the office so even though it was small whatever it showed that i was i was really trying to do this um after i got it so we started doing some meetups there uh oh no so after i got it three weeks after i got it the mass mandates went away you don't have to have the masks anymore so that's when i started doing the meetups there and so that's where we did cyber security and azure and all kinds of different meetups the problem was is the room really was small very very very small so you have more than five people in there it's the sweat box so i was like okay mask mandates are gone uh we've proven that people seem pretty interested in this so let me go get the bigger space um and that's where it's like a five to six hundred square foot space and more than enough space very nice all nine yards the problem is is literally no a week and a half after i rented that thing um asheville basically re-implemented their mass mandates and so for me again look i got the booster i'm not anti-science the masks suck when i put the mask on it makes me sick it just does right i i don't do well with masks and so that's where like we've just continued to have the mask manic so it started in august and then it got renewed it got renewed got renewed and i'm sure it's got renewed now and so the concern then is is so they keep renewing the mask mandates and then when you see what's going around the world with japan shutting down israel shutting down austria germany greece putting in vaccine mandates you see the see biden doing what the biden is doing when he's awake like i have no confidence in this i have no i have no confidence that if i go and i start pounding the pavement again that everything is the government again that's the important thing to understand i'm not like but it really is i have no confidence that government isn't going to can every ounce of work that i put into it um and so that's where like with the dojo derby things again you hear me start talking about pubs and bars and that kind of thing is that's where i have the idea of this is you can build this at home we can have we can have little build days or whatever so people can come in and get some and then we can go to those types of places we buy a couple of beers we buy a pizza they're more than happy to have us and then i don't have to worry about the rental space um so so basically so from a government so we have that going on with the government and again for anybody listening again it's the government problem government's response to coven is far more damaging to me than kofi that's just this just it's like the mask just this and then the other problem that i found is that when i went out and i started talking to people and i started pounding pavement the problem is people are not good with trying to figure out problems like the entire point of being the technology professionals you know is it's about solving problems you find a problem you solve a problem and so again in the beginning when you're new you find stupid problems to solve whatever it is you just find some problem and solve it but the issue that i ran into as i started talking to more and more people is is the ability to find problems apparently is an actual skill set i did not realize this and so like when i tell people you come with your problem and i will sit down and help you fix your problem and they're like but what problems do i have i don't know like do you want to build a website do you want to do that like um i think about that with uh it was very interesting the last one we had so two weeks ago because last week was thanksgiving two weeks ago we had this guy and he came on and he was like yeah eli so what i really want to know is how you figure out problems to solve so i'm going through and i'm talking about all this and i was like yeah just out of curiosity what is your backstory holy this guy is a front end developer he's a front end developer making over a hundred thousand dollars a year and he said that basically everybody gives him what they want and then he just does it he never has to come up with his own problems and so even in three years as a coder he still doesn't know how to find problems oh god um and so that's that's a thing too like with the dojo derby like and again that's where i try to emphasize like this is all real technology this is php this is python this is javascript this is a linux stack the whole nine yards but but but this gives us a problem like okay you're going to create a vehicle and for this vehicle we want it to be a combat vehicle so how would you design this and how would you code this for combat or how would you design it for a race or and this this is a way i can give people problems and everybody's more or less on the same page and then we can go from there as they're learning python and php and all that kind of stuff so so yeah you know physical space has been a bit of a blast thank you thank you thank you yeah yeah no problem so uh yeah it's a hard part like when you start a business or try to start a businesses there's all these these different things that go into it and again like and that's what frustrates me with the politicians right now is um yeah i just i just i don't think they know what the hell they want like that that's that's where i get frustrated with it is i don't see the actual game plan like because that's the that's the thing with with anything in life it's all a bet again it is all a bit like the most dangerous place in your house is your your shower like that's where most people die like literally waking up in the morning taking a shower is the most dangerous thing you're going to do all day people don't really think about it everything's about but the problem that i have is whether it was biden or trump trump pissed me off too with this at the end is this like what it what plan because if we have a plan then we can we can look for what the goals are we can look at what the results are we can we can then then we can then decide whether we're getting we're we're doing things efficiently or whatever else the problem is now like i don't know what the hell biden's plan like i can't i mean take butterscotch bite and put that aside take my jokes about him being asleep and put that aside the reality i have no clue what our government's actual plan is like so that causes issues yeah and uh and that's the other thing too with business and everything going on which is which is bs like even with this right so i feel pretty comfortable with this so i like the idea of dojo derby i've started talking with people people like the idea again taking the idea people like and turning into a business with pain in the ass but but i feel pretty comfortable with this but then the issue too is again in this modern world is with the supply shortages there apparently are no more raspberry pi 4s [Music] so if you want to buy all this i could put all the links for all of this and you could buy everything other than the raspberry pi 4. because right now with the shortages uh raspberry pi 4s are just completely you can't it's not even raspberry pi for any raspberry pi you can't buy a raspberry pi anywhere and so again that's the other problem with the business is like okay i have this great idea people agree with it i have a plan let's say i have a revenue i don't have a revenue model yet but let's say i had a revenue model all that and then hey look we've got supply issues and now and now what i used to be able to buy 20 off right a year ago if i wanted 50 of these things i just go to amazon type in 50 and buy them now i can't buy one i literally can't buy one so anyway yeah that's me that's me in the real world frustrations so anybody else here anybody else got questions did david ask a question i don't know david asked a question if anybody wants uh we're here for another 18 minutes unless nobody asked me questions there's a link there's a link down below if you want to join the zoom meeting uh there is now a link in the chat session if you want to join the zoom meeting all right so what do i gotta do you have the stuff downtown so i can buy the parts for my uh my my uh raspberry pi cart when i bring my raspberry pi like i have the pies yeah like do it what else do i need to bring with me to to like do i need like a lego kit maybe i should get a lego kit i don't know what you do with the lego kit no i don't know no if you come with your pies i have a lot of this stuff well we'll build something you can toss me however much money it is for okay all right no i'm cool with that i'm cool with that i'm just trying to make sure i got my ducks in a row but yeah yeah that would be great i'd love to build one of those little uh those little go-karts or whatever we're calling them dojo derby vehicles yeah yeah that's a cool i mean like again that's a frustrating business like all of this i say that's why i decided to design it this way what makes me think of the pinewood derby when i was in cub scouts boy scouts so when you say the pie derby like i want to race them like i want to build one and we should have like like you know what i'm saying like i want to contribute i want to build one of these high high mobiles little moon racers and and i want to race them maybe we can make like a uh obstacle course or something and i got tons of crazy ideas man there you go oh yeah yeah let's see yeah see that that's my that's my plan like at the end of the day and that's where i was thinking like with uh the breweries or whatever is yeah like literally set up set up a little racecourse so people could race around and then what's cool with these things is um we can also create little automated things so like if i had because again trying to figure out exactly how i do like the race courses one things i thought is essentially getting two by fours you know cutting them down into chunks and then painting them so they're pretty but then setting them up to create a course but one of the things i thought about then is essentially create a little vehicle but have it be round and essentially just have to be automated and start having them bounce around through the course and so as you're racing you come around the corner you got this freaking bouncy thing and then you gotta like get around the bouncy thing and yeah plants yeah obstacle course idea yeah yeah the obstacle course yeah but no every time you say derby i always think of you know cub scouts building them little the little cars and and there was a kit you hit you had to buy the kit and so it was fair everybody had the same materials and remember it could you couldn't make it over a certain weight there was there was rules to it so it it like you could still be creative and make it yours but it still still had parameters you know and uh that was always fun but like you said these are like grown-up grown-up toys same thing same principle but we yeah a obstacle course or a slot track air or a circular track or where figure eight something like that would be really cool to race them with yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the that's the plan that's the plan monday night race night well you know and that's what i think about with this is this is so inexpensive and again that's one thing and getting getting too far ahead of myself but this is so inexpensive and if we could standardize these things like that was my idea of since anybody can steal this idea that people could then create groups in different places and then you can have like competitions so it's like there could be a raleigh one and an asheville one and atlanta one and then after we're battling for like six months it's like okay the ultimate beer and beer and derby thing we're going to do i don't know carlson we can all call together and you know and we could with the way technology is you could like it could all be based off of times and you could race people different parts of the world like me and tp could we could we could develop a rivalry we could both build and then you have like uh um like track parameters so if him and i were gonna race we would both have to have the same or somewhat equivalent track settings i mean it could get very complicated very quick but it would be fun it would be fun like you said it would be fun we would be we'd have a couple people in person and then we would have you can have you could have all kinds of monitors and yeah i mean you could make all kinds of stuff out of this that's that's just me it reminds me about anki overdrive if someone knows it right what was that anki overdrive google is google how do you say how do you spell it anki anki overdrive thank you [Music] thank you oh little little cars or something anki over it robotic a battle oh okay yeah yeah yeah the only difference is with these with those they just give you the vehicles see with us you actually have to build the vehicles that looks cool go coco good deal good deal we'll get everybody racing dojo vehicles okay we're coming we're coming to the final stretch we've got 10 minutes we have somebody hands up uh luke luke just a quick one i just checked on amazon uk uh four gig raspberry pi 64 pounds comes around i think eighty dollars so if you need uh i'm reaching out if you need uh uh something supplies from europe by friends all around europe germany spain whatever i'm here in the uk so if you need like a big shipment of uh raspberry pi's let me know and uh i just looked at it says like if i order the next three minutes it's here tomorrow so they have plenty on stock and uh it looks like the prices started coming down because i still see other offers for 120 pounds comes to like 150 so uh yeah we have here in the uk all right yeah thank you yeah i i think i think i can still get some from these people that are are trying to whatever like because that's the thing is with the raspberry pi 4s they're supposed to be 55 they were 45 a piece and then with the with the chip shortages they attached it up to 55 apiece um and now you have some jackasses where they i guess they bought a lot of these things and now they're trying to sell them for 80 or 90 a piece so i think if i really really really really need them i could probably get them for that much but you know it would suck all right supply and demand you have to love capitalism isn't it if you want it you have to pay for it yeah yeah supply and demand in the modern world where people just buy everything up they buy up the graphics cards they buy up the consoles so yeah yeah that's what i did uh 2020 around september i realized that with the crypto mining what's coming up is like i bought all the stuff i need so i stocked up i think i bought a graphics card around 250 a piece a pop as they say in america and now it's floating around five six hundred dollars so that was a good move maxing out my credit cards invest in a graphic card eli did you get the ps5 yet we're still uh oh yeah no no i've given up on the it's kind of funny when the ps5 came out i was like okay i have zero interest in trying trying to get one immediately i'll just get in the spring or whatever and so now i've basically given up on the ps5 who knows maybe maybe i'll get it next year if they ever get enough models go pc consoles for kids yeah i like cons i don't want pc then i'd have to buy a different computer i've already got my mac pro here i don't want another computer on my desk then you have to troubleshoot your gaming pc that sounds horrible blue screen of death right about to kill the main boss blue screen of death god damn it uh ella you up for call of duty challenge or counter strike challenge no no i don't like uh i hate first party well it's not really a hateful party uh there's something with my brain like for some reason when i do third-party games like assassin's creed or uh zero dawn or whatever i like those um first party is just kind of weird to me like it just doesn't i don't know it just doesn't sit right with me so yeah they'll call it for me cool cool okay last question or two and then we will wander any final questions anybody at home that wants to uh join for half a second and the link is in the chat session or it is down below nobody has anything else i will wander off let's see angela hey eli i want to thank you so much for your videos because of you i was able to land a job with amazon iit tech department and later promoted to i.t engineer within the company oh remember when i did high quality videos remember when i did videos you could be proud of now i pick you about butterscotch oh how far i have fallen how else oh okay okay um so yeah anything else because we're about at the end anyway so if there's nothing else for anybody i will wander off where's my dog in the chat section uh peanut is off getting educated again i believe in education so much even my dog gets training what's that somebody said something what do you say i have no idea what you say anyways she's off at a doggy doggy socialization to learn how to become a polite a polite nice dog [Music] okay so that's it everybody done andre you want me to yourself any last questions no just wanted to say bye thank you very much for this special yeah yeah goldil no problem all right well i'll see you guys again um next week again every week from or every thursday from two to four uh we do these they last about two hours again at some point we will start doing technical uh office hours actually and trying to answer technical questions that might be in the new year that might be coming up um other than that yeah that's about it so uh yeah i guess i'll see all of you all later i'll go we as they say see everybody bye you appreciate you yeah yeah no problem you
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 2,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MyD8vuQmH8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 1sec (6721 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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