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no no it was just supposed to be a joke it was just supposed to be a joke i was gonna do three videos saying is it satire is it reality or is eli the computer guy just lost his mind but it keeps continuing it keeps continuing and continuing and continuing and continuing the insanity will not stop just look at that quote there just look at that quote did you have any idea the number of medical professionals leaving the health care uh world was so high just in new york because the vaccine mandate weren't we told weren't we told oh don't worry don't worry the people leaving uh the healthcare uh profession because of the vaccine mandate all will be a miniscule it won't be any significant number um yeah i guess if 33 is an insignificant number i guess it's an insignificant number again it is interesting when i talk to you folks about numbers and things just 3 of new york's overall healthcare workforce left their jobs because of a vaccine mandate 33 000 people now you know i'm not i'm not great at math i am an i.t guy a lot of people don't understand i.t guys generally are not that good at math but when i'm sitting there and i'm looking at it and you say 33 000 people have left the healthcare profession in new york state alone because the vaccine mandates i think that sounds like a lot of people i'm not sure how many people like a patient needs in a hospital but it seems like 33 000 folks could probably help a lot of patients but anyways again i think this is interesting when we look at the idiocy of the biden administration we look at the idiocy of the progressive movement right now we look at the idiocy of what's currently going on and basically what are we told time and time and time again right inflation is not a problem afghanistan is not a problem we have beaten back covet isn't it interesting we're told time and time and time again how the government policies are actually doing great at the exact same time i can't buy dog food for my dog it's like no no the supply chain isn't that bad it's like really it's not that bad i can't buy raspberry pies i can't buy dog food for my dog i go to the grocery store i grew up my grocery store i don't know about anybody else's grocery store but my grocery store has bare spots on the shelves but no but no it's not a real issue eli just because you're dealing with an issue just because you have the lived experience that the biden administration is failing miserably that doesn't mean the administration is fairly miserable no you got what you got to understand is it's working correctly for the correct type of people so anyways again when i go into this to be clear i got vaccinated i got the booster my wife got vaccinated she got the booster most of the people i know have gotten vaccinated and got the booster but again especially here in the united states it's very questionable about this whole idea of mandating something like a vaccine again mandating medical procedures in the united states is a bit of a sticky wicket again eugenics eugenics was alive and well in the united states for a long time and that's before we get to things like a tuskegee experiment and all that kind of stuff so there's a lot of people in the united states that do not believe that the government should force people to get a medical procedure which is what the vaccine is but we have people on the quote-unquote right side of history that are telling us don't worry about the deplorables don't worry about the deployment the deplorables are irrelevant our society would be better if the deplorable anti-vaxxers just left it really well you know unless they're doing jobs we need a done so what's kind of interesting here is that we have a big problem right now again with hospital capacity in the united states and what we are told what the narrative the narrative of the mainstream media is continuously is that again it's a rise in the covet cases and more people to get we need to get vacs in the whole nine yards but what gets left out of this is because of the vaccine mandates a crap ton a crap ton of people have left the healthcare profession and so one of the reasons that our healthcare facilities are having issues is because they have literally fired fired talented experienced staff that they could be using and again to be clear here this is not firing anti-vaxxers that are i.t people this is not firing anti-vaxxers that are florists or whatever else to be clear here they're firing medical professionals isn't that what we're told i do believe what we've been told is a listen to the science listen to the professionals and so professionals professionals right professionals are using their own professional knowledge your own professional lived experience to decide that they're not going to get the vaccine and they're getting fired for it and so this is just oh you know what when did the guy talk into uh to a computer or to robots in his um in his basement start to be the same one uh so this is coming from the new york times the alt-right the alt-right new york times because again i know a lot of people like you know why do you bring up this a bright bard garbage why do you bring up fox news i was like i don't bring up breitbart don't forget fox news i look at places like npr i look at places like npr in the new york times and then again all i do is read what they have to say i read between the lines i'm not like i'm just like i'm just reading the words that they say oh golly so from the new york times upstate new york hospitals are overwhelmed as coveted cases surge healthcare officials say quote a perfect storm of new coping cases staff shortages and filled nursing homes has created a crisis well yeah if only we could have done something but the staff shortages seems like there's something we could probably do or not done a surge in code cases and a shortage of health care workers is filling hospitals and nursing homes passed their capacity in upstate new york creating a growing crisis in the health care system even before the omicron variant is known to have spread through the area according to hospital executives from buffalo to albany covert hospitalizations in the region have more than tripled since august when the delta wave began to sweep through the state uh at the same time tens of thousands of healthcare workers have left their healthcare jobs for reasons ranging from pandemic burnout to a refusal to get vaccinated in spite of the state's strict mandate for health care workers and some systems have posted hundreds of available job openings isn't that interesting that tens of thousands of healthcare workers have left their jobs it seems like it seems like a democratic government a government for the people by the people would probably try to figure out how to deal with getting more health care professionals again one of the absolute failures of the biden administration is the fact that he shows absolutely zero leadership right there's legislation there is mandates there are executive orders but there is zero leadership when you drive down the interstate where are the billboards extolling the gen z generation to support their country and become medical professionals where are the equivalent of ait training facilities to get medical professionals up to speed to support the hospitals so on and so forth isn't it interesting again in our quote unquote free government it's all about orders it's all about mandates it's all about complying but it doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot about increasing the resources that are desperately needed again think beyond covet we have problems with our medical system before covid even once coveted leaves you know 20 30 whatever the hell it is we're still going to have problems with our medical system where is the leadership to build a strong medical system not just for today but for the next decade you need a jackass president that's actually awake more than one hour a day and during that one hour he's spending most of his time trying to hunt down freaking butterscotch because that's his priority think about this for a second when was the last time you saw anything asking the younger generation to go into healthcare training again we know covet is going to be around for a long time one we know kobe's gonna be around for a long time and two a lot of the lower level healthcare professions you actually don't need a metric crap ton of trading anywhere between six months to a year can get you trained in many of the lower level skills in the medical profession so at least getting people trained to take on those lower level jobs so that the people that have higher level skills don't have to deal with all the stupid crap that's one of the things that we could do as a country to support our own people and build a better overall medical system but that would require weight for it leadership that we don't have out of a president that is awake about one hour of frickin day but anyways tens of thousands of healthcare workers uh the result has been a decrease in upstate hospital capacity by about 10 percent so again hospital workers leaving the hospitals has decreased capacity by 10 and isn't that the problem isn't that a problem i've been talking about this for a while capacity constraint right if you have 400 beds and you need and 200 people are in the icu you're fine that's great who the hell cares if you have 200 beds and you have 400 people that need the icu you're gonna have 200 people on the street gagging along before they die that is bad and so when you look at this right vaccine mandates are leading to understaffed hospitals that have decreased their capacity by ten percent so uh hold me if you stop me if you've heard this before but maybe firing highly trained highly experienced hospital staff during a medical disaster might not be a smart idea but remember i'm a deplorable i think the economy matters i care about workflow and logistics look at you nazi piece of worried about logistics i bet you care about truck drivers and fuel costs and how we're gonna feed folks too you're evil eli you're on the wrong side of history the right side of history says comply comply comply no matter what the actual science says no matter what the actual profession will say no matter what the results actually are the important thing is is that you comply with omicron now detected in new york city and on long island and the variant expected to spread the few hospital beds upstate uh beds upstate uh available for patients if coped hospitalizations spike even higher on wednesday she announced that 120 national guard troops would be deployed to back up nursing home staffs around the state and again this is one of the things i want you to think about with the idiocy of our government look look we're deploying the national guard we are support deploying the national guard to support our citizens this is the problem with people like eli the computer guy we deploy the national guard but no no it's all this alt-right all this alt-right stuff about the problems with mandates i can't believe this but here's the thing right you're deploying a hundred and national 20 or 120 national guard troops which is fine that's fine enough whatever after after tens of thousands of healthcare workers have left tens of thousands leave 120 cup i mean yeah good for you pat on the head yay nah i'm not gonna solve any problems there not gonna solve any problems uh the governor also said that all hospitals at over 90 capacity may be ordered to stop elective surgeries to deal with the surge there were 56 hospitals in that category on friday including 10 in new york city some of which had already uh have already had to take the step at glenn's falls hospital in warren county about an hour north of albany patient volumes are at their highest since the start of the pandemic about one quarter of the beds are filled with covert patients the rest with patients with other ailments including some who could typically be released to nursing homes but cannot be because of lack of beds and so again look at this though look at this they keep talking about covered co-cover covacoba kovacobakova kovacova so when you think about it you think covet patients are taking 100 of beds i think they're taking 150 percent of the beds it's all coveted patients it's a quarter of the beds a quarter of the beds are filled with corbin facials 75 are filled with other folks and those people can't be released because there's not enough beds in nursing homes you know seems like you should solve that problem uh erie county which encompasses buffalo has seen one of the state's steepest rises in hospitalizations weeks the erie county medical center is completely full with patients waiting the emergency room to be admitted at the same time there are 500 job openings of the hospital which is a current workforce of about 3 600. so they're down 500 employees at this one hospital so i'm thinking i think we probably need to get more more healthcare employees and i'm thinking it's going to put us out there if they're so desperate to get healthcare employees maybe we should not fire the ones that are actually trained and experienced in their jobs in the same pattern as in glenn falls there are patients 52 of them who could be discharged if they're only nursing homes or group homes that had space for them while the hospital is not turning away people seeking care between 10 and 20 percent of people coming to the emergency room are walking out without being seen because wait times are so long so basically they have 500 job openings right they cannot release people to the nursing homes because there's not enough space in the nursing homes and then the emergency room is having 10 to 20 percent of people coming into the emergency room walking the hell out the convergence of issues is the worst i've ever seen is it really the convergence of issues seems like you've got an employee issue seems like you've got an issue firing your employees or before you figured out how to replace them again this is the problem with of the right side of history don't you understand where on the right side of history when we give people orders they comply that's not really how it works again i think about this having been a boss again one of the reasons i'm scared crapless with silicon dojo or dojo derby or whatever the hell it is that's going to be like when i have to be a boss again because there's this idea there's this idea by people that have not been bossed but people that have not been bosses by people that have not owned companies right there's this idea that the boss walks in the smart person walks in and says okay everybody and jump on your left foot and tap your head five times and then a whole bunch of people jump on left foot and tap their head through 10 times or whatever that that is not the case that is not the case if you've ever actually had to manage employees holy crap it's like herding cats on crack take a whole bunch of feral cats give them a little dose of crack and then try to hurt those that's what that that's what it's like having employees and so i think that's the interesting thing about these people on the right side of history right they believe well if we if we tell you if it's it's a mandate if we tell you we are right you are wrong if you disagree with us you're deplorable that that means everybody will hop on board it's like no no jackets you're gonna get a chunk of the chunk of the people again this they're always they're saying only three percent but you're gonna get a chunk of the people that are going to give you the middle finger like even even when you sit there like again when i have my company what i'm a company one of my employees we had a checklist we had a checklist oh my god do you know how difficult it is to get people to do checklists all they had to do everything we had like a computer tune-ups or data recoveries or whatever there's a checklist for everything to verify everything was done properly again because i come from the emergency services world one of the things that i learned in ground school for flying aircraft is you create a checklist to make sure make sure you do the exact same process every single time and again in order to give our customers a high quality service i came up with checklists to make sure we gave the proper service to every single customer every single time and that way if we started to have problems we could see where the problem was and then modify the checklist oh my god oh my god do you know how difficult it was to get employees to do a checklist we're not talking about vaccinations we're not talking about other medical procedures we're not talking about a government overreach you're just like i paid you do the goddamn checklist oh so hard so hard so hard i'm scared again silicon dojo when i will probably get to that point when i have to hire employees oh oh i do not know if that's gonna be a good day or a bad day for me but there's that's a thing like you have these people that are on the right side of history that do not manage people that do not build that do not create that don't have any idea how this crap is done and then they're like yes well well just just tell your employees that you're right and they're wrong they'll comply oh yeah yeah or they'll leave or they'll leave and apparently if the the number of people in your particular profession is high enough three percent ends up being 33 000 employees leaving the healthcare profession in new york state and just think about that for a second and is this really i know this is being sort of discussed in the new york times but where is this being discussed in the mainstream media in the narrative that the biden you know that this whole right side of history progressive policy is failing and it is killing people right instead instead of looking at what is actually happening dealing with people as free people that you have to convince you have to convince to get something done they have this obey mentality and that obey mentality is killing people but you know don't wanna don't want to talk about that a convergence is the worst i've ever seen we had these high volumes previously but we could discharge them to other settings and we had the staff to handle the volume before we fired 33 000 people because they refuse to comply we are finding ourselves in a situation where the lack of staffing in the broader community and in the hospital is just creating a perfect storm and again that's one of the things with the vaccines you know vaccine mandates for again nursing homes or any other health care facilities again if you're not paying these people very well anyway we know again one of the big problems with health care facilities the nursing homes and all that kind of thing the problem that we've had for decades not yesterday four decades that we've had is that these people are not paid well enough they are not a high high enough level professionals for what they're already asked to do and so when you have people that are already not paid well enough they feel that you know they've they've got the stress they've got all these issues going on and then you require you require that they get a vaccine they don't believe that you should have the right to be able to require them and then they're just going to walk the hell away and again what what's not discussed how many nursing home beds are not able to be utilized because we no longer have the staff to to be able to to resource to be able to deal with those nursing home beds and then it gets backed up in the hospitals and then that gets back up to the icu and then you have 10 to 20 percent of emergency room patients walking out the door uh the state estimates that thirty three thousand health care workers or just or just just three percent of new york's overall health care workforce left their jobs because of the vaccine mandate again this is in the new york times saying that this isn't breitbart saying this but because the sector as a whole was already short staffed and again one of the big problems our health care system has been a disaster for a long time so 33 000 people leaving on top of a short staffed health care sector is probably a bad thing so if you're creating policies that are making people leave a sector that is already short staffed maybe you want to rethink that but i guess that's what a deplorable would say the additional job losses have hit hard uh miss hotel is being cautious about imposing additional mandates in other areas in light of the experience you said thursday at ff thompson hospital a rural hospital on the shores of lake uh canada whatever that is in the finger lakes 15 people stayed overnight in emergency room night one night this week because there were no irregular beds available as of earlier this week less than one quarter of the hospitals 115 patients had covered but it was enough to over stress an already taxed facility and again this is this is the issue that i'm starting to have a problem with right now i've talked about this before right we talked about icu capacity and we talked about you know even even if the numbers do not see seem large of the people getting getting horribly sick with covid we still have to think about icu capacity and how the hospitals are able to deal with those but when you start saying that less than a quarter of the beds are actually taken up by cobit patients which is which is a chunk of a chunk of people but seems like something that that should be reasonable but because of the lack of staff that is what's over stressing the facility again then you start thinking are the vaccine mandates actually working out the way you think they're working out for weeks the hospital been trying to discharge 17 stable patients to nursing homes again remember the vaccine mandates for nursing homes but could not find any space one patient was recently transported by emily's 300 miles to nursing home bed in new york city the closest facility that had an opening the patient who had several chronic conditions had been at the hospital for three months about a hundred and fifty staff staff members left rather than comply with the state's vaccine mandate hey i bet you if you have 150 staff that might make your life a little bit better right now again we keep we keep being told again whether it's inflation or anything else it doesn't really matter it's transitory it's small it's not that significant but think about this we want a hospital 150 staff including people with decades of institutional knowledge things got so bad that week before thanksgiving the hospital inverted ambulances for two days to other hospitals just to relieve some of the pressure quote this is status quo now mr stapleton said this is what we're dealing with it is just an incredible number of patients fewer staff members are working now than this time last year because of hundreds of unfilled openings but patient volumes are higher those who are working um miss uh peronello said are feeling quote a combination of exhaustion and i can't believe we're here again in syracuse upstate university hospital recently closed nearly 20 of its beds and stopped doing elective surgeries because it has more than 400 vacant nursing positions more than 100 staff members left rather than comply uh with the vaccine mandate so the vaccine mandates mean that 20 of the beds and are no longer being utilized and they've stopped the elective surgeries because of the mandates the most pressing issue for upstate at this time is staffing which is probably worse because you're forced to fire people that could actually do the job but except for erie county this is the interesting thing but it's always got to go back to the narrative it's always going to go back to the nerve but except for erie county which is reinstituted a mass mandate for indoor public places regardless of vaccination status no local counties seem to have instituted additional virus related restrictions for the public well because it seems like this is staffing issues from from vaccine mandates you're not talking about icus overloaded with covet patients you're talking about icus that are understaffed and so therefore they can't keep up with with their load of patience so so why are you trying to punish the people instead of get these hospitals up to snuff uh miss hochschule has so far resisted any new statewide restrictions saying it is up to local officials to set them the contrast between the brewing crisis inside hospitals because of staffing shortages and the relatively irregular pace of life outside them can be stark and buffalo the resurgence of cases didn't appear to slow down post black friday shopping at disney busy malls yes yes because remember the progressives the progressives think that you should destroy the economy because of the staffing issues that they created at the hospital facilities can you believe that after we created this disaster of staffing shortages people are still going to the malls and shopping well well it's hard to ignore what's going on with cases but the social resolve of the population to continue the good fight with mitigation measures is a bit broken yes because our political establishment and our healthcare's establishment is broken they're doing things that are obviously asinine they're doing things that are obviously damaging everybody and yet they still expect everybody to comply concerned about the lack of urgency among the public some medical workers have taken to trying to warn people directly let me be blunt dr howard fritz the fir the chief medical officer at glen falls hospital wrote in a press release issued by area doctors just before thanksgiving if you are not vaccinated get the vaccine immediately he added your life your loved ones lives and those of your friends and neighbors depend on it they they so how does that deal with the the the shortages of the hospital how does how does that deal so so the vaccine so the vaccine mandate you had three percent of the employees walk away which was around 33 000 trained skilled professionals were terminated because of the mandate and yeah what does it always come back to what is always come back to you you need to get vaccinated because we fired all these people you need to get back sick again i am vaccinated i got the booster i would recommend yeah the first round of vaccines not too bad booster kind of sucked for me i'll be honest about it booster i was on my ass for six days but whatever i got the booster i'm not anti-bags but you just sit here and you look at this and this is the problem with the modern world of politics and the modern world of the progressive party they believe that they are right there is no argument there is no debate there is no question you either comply or you're deplorable and regardless of the actual consequences of the progressives plans they still blame it on you right again you had 33 000 medical employees this is their profession again we're not talking about florists we're not talking about truck drivers we're not talking about secretaries saying that their friends friends brothers girlfriend whatever had an aneurism or whatever we are talking about healthcare professionals deciding as professionals i don't want this vaccine for whatever reason and they fired 33 000 of these people which is causing massive problems in the in the medical industry um [Music] but again who cares but the real problem is you with a real private real promise people like me i'm the real problem i'm the evil bastard out there i'm the alt-right son of a or whatever so anyway i don't i mean what do you say what do you say again because you know they're talking about that de blasio right tyrant de blasio talking about pushing through this this vaccine mandate um in new york city to require anybody who has a job if you have a job it's not even an osha thing if you have a job you have to get the vaccine mandate right you have to get the vaccine and again how many how many people are going to quit because of that how many people are truly against the vaccine for whatever reason how many people do not need the jobs for whatever reason and how many people are going to walk away and does de blasio does de blasio get to come back and be tarred and feathered in front of the world for his failure no he walks out like a prima donna saying oh wait how good i am i'm on the right side of history i'm on the right side of history i mean that's the thing like uh like with um the biden administration right the bond administration comes out and starts talking about this garbage this horse crap about unemployment unemployment rate being the lowest since 1969. biden biden is such a good president with that one-hour day that he's awake that unemployment has gone down to the lowest level since 1969. if you completely ignore if you if you ignore the fact that the workforce participation rate has gone down by two percent in the united states we got about 330 million people so two percent is somewhere whatever between four and a half to six million people are no longer in the workforce right so they do not get counted as being unemployed because in order to be unemployed you have to be looking for work if you decide to retire right if you were if you were 65 and you would plan to keep working till 70 again you think about a lot of medical professionals if you're 65 and you're applying to work till 70 because hey what the hell you're really high in your profession you don't know what you would do with your your life if you if you're head off of the time you're making a lot of money you're just going to coast along all of a sudden vaccine mandates and all those things come through and you're like you know what no i'm just going to retire now because i don't want to deal with this crap all of that experience all that resource from that type of professional disappears right again if you have if you have people you know you have a you have a married family and a married couple and they have a kid and you have you have one of the uh one of the the folks you know the woman or the guy whatever they're going out there they're they're doing a job maybe the medical profession maybe in something else again they're trained their experience but they look at and say well child care is costing me this much money the other spouse is making this much money i think would be better overall for the family uh if we just go down to a bit of a smaller house you know we strip down our expenses we'll start making some more food at home one of the spouses will take care of the kids that'll be better right then they leave the workforce they are not unemployed because they left the workforce they're no longer they're no longer looking for jobs and that's that's a problem that we look at everything from the inflation to the unemployment numbers to the horseshit going on in the the medical community at this point basically everything is being spun as if it's okay it's okay the vaccine mandate for the for the medical profession is okay because only a small percentage of these professionals will leave well if we were short step if we were short staffed in january of 2020 january of 2020 our healthcare institutions had problems so we had problems then you're now going to fire fire three percent of the staff people are already the people that are in the profession already are overworked this is going to put even more work on their shoulders does the right side of history ever take responsibility for the horrors the deaths and the failures that occur because of the actions that they have taken of course of course they are right they are right you are wrong so shut the hell up so anyways i thought this was interesting again i knew there was a problem again you know you hear this stuff you hear the stuff okay they're gonna lose five percent and again i knew they glossed over it when they said okay new york mandating mandated vaccine for health care workers they might lose five percent i knew they were glossing over that number but it did not hit me that might be 33 000 people think about 30 when you think about three percent or five percent are you thinking about 33 000 people are you thinking about a 3 600 employee hospital that's down 500 staff that's like 15 they're down is that what you're thinking about does that kind of change the math in your head about what these mandates are actually doing and again how many people will actually die because the mandates that's one of the things i you know i keep bringing up this whole thing with this whole disaster of black lives matter um and the whole thing again with black if black people black people die in the proper way they get the amazing funeral and if they die in the improper way nobody cares and that's one of the things i've talked about like in louisiana they're they're crying they're crying all these little white plm doctors laying so horrible all these black people are dying to cover down here because you can't understand you know the obesity levels here and the hypertension levels and the heart disease and the diabetes and all these underlying conditions are so much higher here and covered is just eviscerating them so what you're telling me what you're telling me oh blm supporter oh person insane black lives matter is that when the black people died of heart attacks when the black people died of strokes aneurysms had appendages chopped up because of my diabetes or whatever else that was okay that was okay dying of cold dying of coving oh that is a tragedy to our society like oh god do you people even realize how racist you are me and that's why i look at it with here again it's like oh my god the people died of cope but then do do you look when when you mandate these professionals be fired because that's what the government is doing the government is mandating that healthcare professionals be fired are they looking at the stats of how many people are dying because there were not enough not enough resources available to be able to support these folks or is it like the black folks in louisiana if you die of a heart attack nobody gives a dive coverage oh that's a national tragedy right there oh so anyways what do you what do you think about this crap show what do you think about this idiocy again again i say yesterday with with more mandates coming out of de blasio and the whole nine yards how do you think this will all work out at the end of the day oh it's just bad i'm gonna run every day again for me for me just so everybody knows what i'm doing i'm doing my runs every day i'm eating well eating whole foods keeping my stress leveled out i get stressed i get stressed for about an hour and a half every day as i sit here and screaming at the camera the rest of the time i'm just sitting around playing with my little robotic cars trying to try to keep the stress down hey i'm in my mid 40s i'm a white male in the mid 40s gotta worry about the ticker low fat low fat a lot of exercise keep the stress down that is what i'm doing personally but anywho what are your thoughts put your thoughts down below again as i will say do remember i'm only sitting here shaking my my brain nipples because uh because it helps pay the bills helps pay for uh for dojo derby so this is the second this is the buddy this is the buddy so this is dojo derby mark one or mark three number one this will be dojo derby vehicle mark iii number two so i'm building out more and more of these little dojo derby vehicles so i'm thinking and i'm thinking in january because i have a lot of parts i have a lot of parts so what i think i'm going to do is like in january i'm going to build a number of these things and then i'm going to start having little dojo derby events so the goal is with dojo derby is that you'll build your own you'll buy your own you'll build your own and then you'll code you'll do whatever you want right that's that's all ideas you you build you customize and you see how it works in the real world uh what i'm thinking is i can probably build i don't know somewhere between five to ten of these depends on how many raspberry pi's i can get adafruit has raspberry pies again i can buy them one at a time so anyways depending on my raspberry pizzagate i think about like building somewhere between five to ten of these uh and then the idea is going to the breweries around here and having little dojo derby dojo derby nights and so drive and start driving these things around so that's my goal that's my goal of dojo derp if you're in the asheville area and you want to drive a robotic car stay tuned stay tuned we will have that coming up soon if you're interested in building your own little documentary oh burpee dojo derby vehicle uh over at silicondojo so um basically if you go to the homepage oh come on if you go to the home page locking up for some reason don't go to the home page uh if you go to the home page there'll be a thing that'll say dojo derby mark iii this is the draft um so people have been asking me basically how to build these things and so what i'm going through is doing is going through and doing all the documentation for the dojo derby vehicle again this is the kind of stuff startup founders don't want to think about startup founders want to think about racing dojo derby vehicles that startup founders want to think about sitting there drinking beers 50 people all race their dojo derby vehicles and going yeah yeah i created this aren't i cool aren't high changing the world uh what what founders don't really want to think about documentation so much documentation so anyways i'm trying to document everything out so people can buy all their stuff again everything here is basically off the shelf so they can buy all the stuff and then they can build it so on and so forth so if you're interested in trying to figure out how to build a dojo adobe vehicle stay tuned on i am writing all of this out day by day this is what i wrote out yesterday and again like when you think about things like documentation i mean it goes down to just finding hyperlinks like you're like oh that's not too bad how long does it take you to write that but it's like you gotta go and you gotta find the hyperlinks and then you gotta find like all the parts so beyond the major components the breadboard the female to female the male to female the nylon spacers the brass spacers usb a to c and then you gotta find and you gotta find so much time so boring but anyways this is a silicon dough show dojo derby very excited feel like i have a product i have a product people are excited about vendor i talked to a vendor vendor's excited about this project other people it's nice it's nice to have a project people actually are excited about anyways if you want to support silicon dash again the concept here is authority list gatekeepers for reading and user tech education that empowers you to do what you want to do again this is a full text deck it may not seem like it but it's a full text stack it's full lamp server server python php the whole nine yards if you want to help financially support it um there's a link down in the doobly-doo for donor box you can throw a couple of dollars in there and then do remember if you want um professional advice on thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m i do a zoom or you can come on you can ask me about you know what education you should get what you should do with your career all that kind of stuff uh professional development type thing uh there's a link for that down below um and with that i'm just gonna go cry for a little bit i gotta cry oh my golly you mean when you fire 33 000 hospital people it might be a problem for the hospital no no oh my god i mean for for you to come up with that conclusion you must have actually you know had a job in your life oh frick
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 27,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: zCoJ_vjFHlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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