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oh little robot oh a little robot you're the only one i can talk to anymore i mean all i said all i said is hey and maybe if you go out and you eat a little better and you get a little bit more exercise maybe maybe your life would be better and you'd be less likely to die from cove and little robot that's all i said but apparently apparently little robot in this modern world in this modern world that's fat shaming saying hey maybe you should get a little bit more exercise maybe you should eat just a little bit better that makes me a nazil and a robot i'm just gonna sit down here in my basement for the rest of time and talk to you because apparently saying hey eat a salad every once in a while and get some fresh air is like racist or something little robot the world has gone insane so uh so yeah yeah oh i got blasted yesterday for fast shaving i got blasted yesterday how dare i how dare i don't i know that some people can't run don't i know that some people have heart conditions how dare i say hey y'all maybe if you exercise a little more and eat a little better it would make coven go better for you apparently in the modern world that is considered fat shaming which is really sad which is really sad because if you go over and take a look at um the alt-right rag the cdc this is what's so sad right so this is coming directly from the cdc i'm not even highlighting anything here just to show you that this is real obesity race ethnicity and covenanting obesity is a common serious and constantly chronic uh disease uh having obesity puts people at risk for many other serious chronic diseases and increasing the risk of severe illness from kova 19. everyone has a role to play in turning the tide against obesity and its disproportionate impact on racial and ethnic minority groups um the the 2020 cdc uh adult obesity prevalence map shows that obesity remains high 16 states now have an adult uh obesity prevalence at above 35 percent alabama arkansas delaware indiana iowa kansas kentucky louisiana michigan mississippi ohio oklahoma south carolina tennessee texas and west virginia this is up from 12 states in 2019. so basically we have four more states that have a obesity prevalent lens above 35 percent obesity worsens outcomes from coca-19 adults with excess weight are at an even greater risk during the coca-19 pandemic having obesity increases the risk of severe illness from coca-19 people who are overweight may also be at increased risk having obesity may triple the risk of hospitalization due to a coven-19 infection obesity is linked to impaired immune function obesity decreases lung capacity and reserve and can make ventilation more difficult a study of copper 19 cases suggests that risks of hospitalization intensive care unit admission invasive mechanical ventilation and death are higher with increasing bmi the increased risk of hospitalization or death was particularly pronounced in those under age 65. more than 900 000 adult copper 19 hospitalizations occurred in the united states between the beginning of the pandemic and november 18th 2020 models estimate that 271 800 30.2 percent of those hospitalizations were attributed to obesity children diagnosed with obesity may suffer worse outcomes for covenant 19. in a study of copper 19 cases in patients age 18 years and younger having obesity was associated with a 3.07 times higher risk of hospitalization and a 1.42 times higher risk of severe illness icu invasive mechanical ventilation or death when hospitalized so it's kind of interesting here it's kind of interesting that cdc basically again everybody's come down all the scientists have come out and have said obesity is bad when it comes to covet right 30 of the hospitalizations are attributed not just to covid but obesity and covet so if we had a healthier population if we had a slimmer population maybe our icus would not be overloaded and that's one of the frustrating things is because if you look at the progressives right now if you look at the liberals right now it's all about people demanding things being done very little of it is about the actions that people can take imagine if trump or biden or anybody else had actually shown an ounce of freaking leadership and said hey we know that people that are out of shape that are people that are overweight are more likely to have to go to the icu for coven our icus are being overloaded and they're being overloaded to such a degree we're thinking about taking unconstitutional measures against the population so hey maybe if people started starting to think about eating better and giving a little bit more exercise maybe that could help the response to covet in the united states and globally but but nobody makes a buck you know when you decide to eat salad instead of eating a hamburger nobody makes a lot of money if you go out to run and so again what are we hearing vaccinations we're hearing a lot of things about where corporations make a hell of a lot of money we hear a lot of stuff about how people are supposed to demand something out of the government but we're not seeing a lot of empowerment again when we talk about things like obesity when we talk about things like health this is not simply about covid it is about covid it's also about heart disease it's also about strokes it's also about cancer it's also about hey you know if you can actually walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded that makes your life easier in a whole bunch of different ways but we are not hearing that out of the leadership and again i really want to hammer home this whole idea that possibly 30 percent of the hospitalizations were attributed to obesity attributed to obesity with covid that means think about this if our population was less fat that means one out of three people that had gone to the icu wouldn't have had to go through the icu which means the doctors wouldn't have had to deal with them the nurses wouldn't have to deal with them and we would not have you know the issues going on with our hospital system and it's just amazing to me in this modern world that there is not more leadership talking about just getting more exercise and eating better and i find this to be absolutely and utterly horrendous and one of the sad things that i see is apparently in the modern world saying hey eat a little better get a little bit more exercise is now considered fat shaming eli don't you know i'm autistic i walk with the cane my wife has 40 percent decreased heart function how dare you say we should get exercise and we're apparently apparently we're not supposed to talk about people trying to get exercise because some weak ass people out there can't be bothered to go out there and try to get some exercise and i think the funny thing is right that's what we're told right we can't we can't talk about getting exercise because that's that's ableism but the funny thing is you do realize i'm disabled right again i have a permanent profile from the us army i was medically discharged from the us army and you know as i get older i started to get more concerned that it was a little bit more serious than i was thinking back in my 20s right i up my wrist so i i have a wrist injury basically went through all the the the levels of medical support in the us army got all the way up to the orthopedic surgeon you know 20 some odd years ago and they said eli here's the thing here's the thing about wrist injuries he's like yeah so if we cut you open there's a 50 chance we're gonna make you worse and i was like oh okay so 50 chance are going to make me worse and 50 of cancer gonna make me better well let me think about those numbers he's like no you lie no no it's a 50 chance we're going to make it worse out of the final 50 we're really not sure what the percentage breakdown is that we don't do any additional damage to you versus that we actually make it better so here here's the thing eli uh you're injured we know you're injured and a goddamn thing we can really do about it so here's some money giving the away right and that's the thing i have a real wrist injury that's why i got chucked out of the u.s army and yeah i don't talk about it a lot because i'm not a whiny a little is it a real injury yes uh i can't do i think yoga is a great way of doing exercise i can't really do yoga basically anything that hyper extends the risk is a bad idea and really frankly putting too much force on the risk so even doing things like knuckle push-ups because that's what i try to do again with with martial arts ah do the knuckle push-up frankly even that put too much pressure on the wrist and it just gets sucky and again you know when i had the injury in the 20s and you know government was willing to pay me cash and shoot me out the doors like ah money for nothing money for nothing as you learn as you get older it's like well that injury might have been a little bit worse than i thought before because it is it's deteriorating not horrible yet but it's one of those yeah as i get older as i get older it is deteriorating and at some point it's not going to be something to laugh at too much anymore right but i have that as a real injury and it's one of the reasons that i can't do yoga it's one of the reasons that i ended up deciding to stop doing martial arts is it's one of the reasons like you know i talk about running one of the reasons i talk about running is i like running as a form of exercise because it's something that i can do the fact of the matter is when i go in and i start doing bench presses i start doing anything i push push uh puts much as i whack it puts much pressure on the wrist my wrist starts hurting and then again like it literally starts hurting to the degree um doing anything uh becomes difficult it's not just like oh i'll just stop doing push-ups it's like once it starts hurting to a certain degree using my using my hand it all becomes a real pain in the ass but yeah that's that's a real injury but here's the thing right i'm not a whiny ass little about this and so when somebody comes on and does a video and starts talking about the health benefits of yoga i'm not having a hissy fit about it and taking this and people can't do yoga some of us were willing to serve our country and put our life on the line for the values that we care about and we were injured during this and we're not able to do yoga anymore you know what i do oh look at that hey dear you might want to do some yoga because i thought that's what we're supposed to be moving towards in a society just because somebody says one thing is valuable and they find that it makes them healthy isn't necessarily knocking on somebody else for not being able to do it hey you have a leg injury fine i grasp how that is maybe instead of running you want to take a swim maybe instead of running you could do some tai chi maybe instead of running you could actually do yoga because a leg injury might not actually preclude you from doing yoga oh wait a minute wait a minute eli don't be stupid this isn't actually about somebody trying to make themselves better and healthier this is somebody wanting to whine and moan because don't i realize how pathetic they are and i think this becomes a really difficult thing to deal with in our modern society when so many people have been ingrained with this idea that being a victim is a good thing being weak is a good thing right for me for my generation what i thought my generation was about who the hell knows it's okay i have this injury this is a real injury that i take seriously i don't dismiss it anymore i used to dismiss it oh that was dumb i don't dismiss it anymore i take it seriously it's like okay if this is a problem what else can i do for me i can walk i can run i can bike i don't really like biking walking doesn't really do much for me as far as losing weight and so therefore i focus on running but what you see with so many people nowadays they are not looking for the option that works okay if i have these problems these problems mean i can't do these things but it means i can do something else maybe just go to asana you know if you just go to a sauna it's actually uh you burn off calories you go in there for some reason you spend like half an hour like 150 degree temperature or whatever it's actually really good for your health so maybe if you're all the up right you don't even have arms and legs go to asana it's been half an hour and it actually helps your cardio for some reason right but what we see with so much is that people are not looking for how they can actually make their lives better they're just doubling down on their dumb ass excuses and i do wonder where that goes for us as a society i mean i think about this uh last night right so last night i went out and i did the pub run i did the pump run trigger warning if you're autistic and you use a cane and you're a whiny ass trigger warning turn it the off this isn't for you right but anyways last night i went out and i did a pub run i thought it was very interesting right so i go out and do this pub run and a friend that i know that i that i had brought to a pub run in the past was there with friends that he had made and the curious thing was is the friend that he had made uh was telling me that he'd meet me at the pub run on wednesday so if you go back and disassemble the store i think it's really interesting like thinking about whether or not your community empowers you thinking about whether or not the social group you are around forces you to be better or whether or not they make you worse so again i've talked about this before where i was running and i was exercising or whatever even even through code right so when coping happened i started drinking too much beer started getting a little depressed because you know life kind of got shut down after a few months i'm not a really depressive type person so i was like okay i'll get off the beer i'll start doing the running and i was doing the run every day i was doing the running i was doing a lot better then my wife and i move here and literally within one week within one week of moving here my wife is like hey you need to take me to go get a cat scan i was like why i thought you went to the doctor for some indigestion issues why do you need a cat scan well i might have ovarian cancer yeah that was my first week here like what again anybody who has a wife anybody that knows girls if you are a girl apparently you know all of those things guys have like five times a day apparently if you're a woman uh that might be ovarian cancer like bloating indigestion like flashlight like these weird things it's just like again if you're a guy you get this like five times a day but apparently with women it might be ovarian cancer so anyways take her to get the cat scan trying to figure out whether or not she has ovarian cancer and we go and take a look at and if you've got ovarian cancer you're basically going to die and then my wife you know when we're here you know once we were here and she's going through all this i was like oh like crap deer if you thought it might be ovarian cancer why why the hell did we do this move right we moved nine hours away or away from people all nine yards now my wife just looked at me she was like well i think asheville is healthier for you and if i die this house will be easier to sell jesus christ can you imagine having that conversation can you imagine having a conversation with a love of your life where they're like well if i die this will be an easier house to sell so anyways after that you know it's not that i treated myself horribly i i wasn't drinking a six-pack a night wasn't eating like you know double-checked burger double bacon cheeseburgers at every meal or anything but you know i kind of just relax i kind of just relax you know i stopped getting on the scale i stopped you know and had i'd have the beer that i wanted to have i'd have the food that i want to have it wasn't really running but i was walking again not a horrible health thing but just didn't really hyper focus on health because i was just frankly kind of burned the out at that point right thankfully she did not have ovarian cancer she had other kinds of weird cysts down there which is a whole other story but anyways i do not have ovarian cancer fiber but anyway so you know i got an out of the exercise routine drinking a little bit too much alcohol whatever else um and the interesting thing was so my wife started running so my wife decided she would she would start with his little run group and she's decided to start with his little run group and there was a 5k and then my wife was like hey uh why don't you do this 5k with me i was like okay you know i don't do 5k 5k is like three miles so then you know my wife gets me to go do this 5k then i do this 5k and i'm getting lapped by 12 year olds and i'm like well this is crappy i used to be able to run pretty well like not like used to be 20 years ago like used to be last year well this sucks i hate getting lapped by 12 year old so then i go i want to take a look at pub runs and you know because that's a big thing here in asheville i found out hey there are all these pub runs so you get to go run then you go get to have a beer and then you get to um i get to be around people right so it's good all the way around it nourishes your body it nourishes your soul nourishes your social stuff so i start doing this then i tell a friend of mine then i tell a friend hey i'm doing this pub run thing he's like cool i want to do the pub run thing so he comes to start doing the pub run thing and then he starts doing the pug run thing and then he tells his friend and his girlfriend about the pub run thing so they start to come to the pub run thing and now on wednesday my original friend is going to go off to where he's going to and this other person is going to come because he likes the pub run thing but look at how look at how empowering that community is look at how uplifting that community is to be like to have my wife to say hey you want to do this thing with me and then i do that thing and then like okay this is pretty good but i'm out of shape so i want to do more of this and then i'm doing this thing where i'm around people again pub runs are awesome so i'm like hey you want to do a pub run this other guy's like yeah sure i want to do a pub run so he comes and then he really likes to pop around so he tells his friends that there's a pub run and you have this virtuous cycle of people actually trying to get in shape you have people that are actually trying to make themselves better you have these people that are actually going out and being with people in the community and you get to drink a beer too right i find that just to be an amazing thing and again it's my frustration with the leadership in our society that we're not seeing this type of thing being emphasized right again when we talk about vaccines when we talk about lockdown there are so many things that that only the the government can do right i can't create a vaccine tomorrow right i can create a stupid little robot car but i'm not i'm not going to come up with the next vaccine for covet it's not like i'm i'm not gonna use one of those dim their corporate vaccines i'm gonna brew me up a vaccine in my mind my back shed ah that's not really gonna work right so i can't do that there's a lot of things i can't do anything about but things like exercise being with people right again trying to trying to you know deal with mental health trying to deal with physical health these are all things that are relatively inexpensive are relatively easy to do and my frustration is that we see that this is the type of thing that isn't being pushed or even discussed at all by the government again we go and we take a look at these obesity rates one of the saddest things right all these dumbasses talking about blm right all of these racist jackasses say black lives matter again to be clear black lives should matter but you know i'm honest i'm honest but like one of one of the most frustrating things is they're talking about that with louisiana so louisiana right you have all these poor african americans and they're overweight and they have heart disease and they have diabetes and they have all of these issues that go along with not eating well and not taking care of their body well and it's been going on for decades and decades and decades for decades nobody has given two shits if these black people die of heart attacks or strokes or they get their appendages chopped off because of diabetes now when covet comes in when covert comes in oh my god do you believe these black people have all these comorbility morbidities oh my god it's so evil that they're dying from covid you're like wait a minute so when they died from a heart attack nobody gave it down when they had a stroke nobody gave it to him when they have hypertension nobody give a damn when they had parts of their body chopped off because of diabetes nobody gave it down but but now but now because of code because they're diogovid oh this is the true evil and it's insane to me that that our our government isn't talking about this more and not only is our government not talking about this more but that people are pushing back against it right with this autistic you know jackass walking around with his uh with his little cane trying to read me the riot act the other day that so many people are anti doing the things that can make them healthy and not only anti doing the things that could make them healthy but actually trying to get people to shut up so that they don't even talk about the healthy things other people could do if you don't want to run if you can't run fine if you don't want to be a vegan fine again whole food whole food diet is much better than a processed food diet i'm not going to get into whether it's vegan or keto or whatever right eating better exercising more that will lead you to a better overall life but we see so many people pushing back even at that concept and one of the things i think about again with my own lived experience was my stepfather right so my stepfather my stepfather was a man's man he was a man it was a southern bull right i mean you have to understand when you look at my stepfather oh my god he was like he was like an archetype or something um literally this guy lost his virginity at 12 years old to his babysitter that's the type of guy this guy was right uh again that story was a lot more funny in 1990 than probably isn't 2021 a little bit different context here but he was a guy that lost his virginity literally to his babysitter he was a type of guy that he was sitting there in front of the judge in court and the judge literally told him boy boy the government is gonna own your ass you get two options you can either go to jail and have somebody plug your ass or you can go into the navy and try to make something out of yourself right so he literally he was literally forced to go into the navy again the judge told him the government is going to own your ass one way or the other you can either go to prison and waste your life or you can go in the navy and actually try to make something out of your life and so he went into the navy he was in the navy for like 20 theory years he became a senior i think they're called senior chiefs in the navy uh and his last duty station was literally you know training midshipmen at the academy and and the technology that he dealt with right this guy was a man's man like he was just the mold of a man sitting there with his camel cigarette smoking his camel cigarettes all the time yeah that was that was just how he was right and i remember my mom tried to try to feed us tofu back in the late 80s and early 90s and let me tell you late 80s early 90s tofu is not the tofu we have today it would come with these weird like uh tea boxes think about the uht box only smaller uht is the type of milk they serve over in europe anyways these weird little boxes then you open up the weird little boxes and they're just kind of like this this weird half congealed tofu slime that comes out anyway she would try to put that into pasta sauces and things for people and i still remember i still remember my my uh my manly man my manly man steph follow you oh let me tell i'm gonna tell you eli let me tell you if if i have to if i have to eat sticks and twigs to get a couple extra years out of my life you lie i'd rather give up those couple years yeah give me give me a steak any day well here's the thing here is that now he got out of the navy god out of the navy senior chief of the navy prestigious he had a purpose he was at the naval academy in the whole nine yards he comes out on the civilian world comes out in the civilian world and gets a really high paying job because what he understood very few people understand that especially back then so he comes out of the navy so out of the neighborhood with full retirement out of the navy with full medical um and basically he goes in this job making well over a hundred thousand dollars a year basically to monitor systems to he'd been a senior key from the navy right his his life had been the navy he understood what his mission was he understood what his purpose was he comes out of the navy he is making it a metric ton of money uh basically doing what he did in the navy but in the corporate world and he drove to work and he watched all the systems and then he came home and then he went to work and he washed all the systems and he came home and he had a paycheck but he was depressed as hell he just depressed us out right he started gaining more and more weight he started smoking more he started really getting stressed right but he still still wasn't wasn't going to eat those sticks and twigs those sticks and twigs man i if if i'm going to get an extra couple years out of my life he's sticks and twigs i'd rather not give those extra couple of years i think about that all that i think about all that um and i thought about it when i sat there looking at his ass in the casket 43 years old 43 years old dead as a door now right didn't treat his body well he was incredibly stressed he did not find a way in the civilian world to deal with the stress when he'd been in the navy world because it was a navy from a couple of decades ago he got he got rid of his stress the old-fashioned way screaming to people really loud he was good at screaming but he came in civilian wasn't able to scream at people again i didn't have any pt tests to deal with so again you get i mean imagine 23 years in the military always worried about pt tests the whole nine yards he doesn't have to worry about pt test anymore he doesn't have to worry about running or whatever else so you know he got he mowed the lawn he chopped wood he did exercise type things but you know wasn't exactly military pt and then as far as weight's concerned again 23 years he always had to have a proper bmi and all that kind of thing he comes out of the civilian world he's doing well you know he can pay for that steak he can pay for that good food and he gained you know an extra five 10 50 pounds and the body can only deal so much the body can only deal with so much and his body hit its limit and he died right and he left he led a lot he left a lot of crap he left a lot of crap uh to be dealt with afterwards because people don't just expect folks to fall over at 43 even if they've become fat even if it's pretty obvious they they got out of shape even if they were cane smoking you know you don't think about him falling over at 43 but he died he died right and i think about that i think about that with him him laughing off the whole uh sticks and twigs thing and then the funny part was the funny part with all that right so i'm sitting there and i'm an aspie and i'm introspective again it's not about what you do it's not about what you do it's about about how is this a valuable lesson to me when i'm sitting there and i'm looking at this this body of this 43 year old that was the man's man that refused to eat sticks and twigs what is the what is the lesson what is the lesson that gets me above the age of 43 and that's where i really realized it's like you know making sure to stay in shape making sure to try to eat well the whole nine yards this is important not that you have to have you know five percent you know body fat or anything like that but you have to do care about yourself for health and all that kind of thing okay but anyways after that after that you know you have the funeral and then you have the people then you have all the family members that come family members after the funeral especially when somebody dies and oh my god that was a weird time that was a weird time so we sat there we said there so we're sitting around and we have my my mother so my mother was a smoking alcoholic uh functional and she said functional because all the dysfunction that she created she didn't care about ah see the problem is the problem is you're focusing on the dysfunction that i create see i'm focusing on the things that i think i'm functional about so therefore i'm a functional alcoholic so anyway she was a functional alcoholic we had a cousin mine who was a smoker and he was like 350 pounds again back in the 90s when it wasn't quite so normal as it is today i had my aunt and uncle and they were overweight a couple other people right so they're sitting there and um and it was interesting because again with with my with my stepfather die you know there's a whole bunch of stuff oh what does that mean for us and the interesting part was i started to see that my family members started to incriminate each other right so my aunt tells my uh my my mother to stop smiling oh you need to stop smoking and then my mother tells you know the uncle well you need to lose weight and then it starts to go into this weird circular firing squad right and it's curious because i was sitting there at this point i was still in military condition i was still i was still nice and slim and trim and wasn't getting lapped by 12 year old girls and i look at that and and i try i try try doing one of those things aspies do don't do this if you're an aspie don't do this just sit there shut up let them let let the circling fire firing squad continue but i thought was really interesting at one point like hey hey guys hey you know you know this this probably isn't really valuable to be like attacking each other i mean why don't why don't we look at you know how how we're treating our own bodies and actually uh try try to treat ourselves better and that will get us all farther along um which was about the point that i got my head ripped holy oh my god there is nothing like an alcoholic mother gets decided to go out you full double barrel for saying what you would think common sense oh my god i got my ass handed to me how dare you everything else but i think it was interesting right so i've been sitting there and my my step grandfather or yeah my stepfather you know didn't want to eat sticks and twigs and he died at 43 and then when i'm sitting there trying trying to figure out what the lesson is that we can take away from this for all of us to individually look at it you know are we being as healthy as we should be and then when i try to say that i get my ass handed to me why i think this is funny now 20 some odd years late later you know after that fact is that most of them are dead real world lived experience uh my mother died in her own if you want to get over the alcoholism literally refused to get over the alcoholism her death was something i would not want my worst enemy to go through and when i say her death was something i wouldn't want my worst enemy to go through like that's not like oh hee hee ha ha no she had a pretty disgusting death i guess she had ended up breaking her hip but then when she broke her hip she needed a pain medicine to be able to deal with the pain of breaking your hip which is very painful the thing is she was a massive alcoholic and so they couldn't give her the pain med that she needed because she was drinking too much alcohol to which point she told them to go themselves and basically just sat there drinking alcohol trying to recover from a broken hip in ungodly pain and she then crapped on herself and then i got to go in afterwards and mop up the the crap that she had left on the floor it's a hell of a thing right but the thing about that right is you know she was pretty young she was not that old she was like right around 60s 60s early 60s or whatever else but again she had she was horrible alcohol like you know smoking she didn't deal with her mental health and at the end of the day she died in a way that was much more horrible than even i expected i think about my cousin my cousin that was there was like two years older than me um i don't know if he's still alive probably not ended up having triple bypass surgery in his 30s again 350 pounds it's kind of hard on the system can you imagine having like triple bypass surgery in your your 30s hello thing the uncle there that was there that was overweight yeah never dealt with being overweight died at like 50 um and the aunt i think is now dead too um and it was just a very interesting thing for me to take a look at this and look look at that where so many people when they see problems right the impetus is to point the finger at somebody else right instead of looking at themselves and asking how can i be healthier how can i do better not to shame not to bully not to beat on people but we know this isn't healthy i think one of the worst things i've seen in the modern world is this body positivity now don't get me wrong don't get me wrong body positivity is a good thing to a degree to be clear none of us look like supermodels none of us like look like supermodels and if you think you need to look like a supermodel that's bad psychologically so body positivity to say you don't need to look like a supermodel is a good thing again one of the things i think is really funny in the modern world we look at equality and how equality can go off the rails right when i was younger the big thing was is that girls were too sexualized right we sexualized girls too much on tv now guys guys could be any old body type so what i thought we were going to go for body positivity and all that was that girls would no longer have to look like lingerie models and then we could have more normal people on tv again kind of like the bbc you go watch a bbc show you have all types of women on the screen and i actually prefer that i thought that's where we're gonna go instead again the modern way of doing them doing uh equality uh basically we still have the girls looking like uh lingerie models and now the guys now the guys look like a montgomery models too right and so i think that's very important for body positivity to say look you're not going to look like a lingerie model i think about this with uh with um a wolverine wolverine what's his name um hugh jackman i think it's hugh jackman right anyways wolverine like one of the things that really hit me is i was watching this interview with wolverine i think it's hugh jackman um and he was talking about getting ready for for the scenes when he has his shirt off right so in every every wolverine movie he has those scenes where he has his shirt off you know you know something i didn't even i didn't even grasp i didn't even come close to understanding what this was like apparently it takes him three months months to prepare for a shirt off scene when you see those veins when you see everything jacked there is a three-month process to get into that point so somebody that is already in really well in shape somebody that is already you know a movie star from that point it takes three months just so his body looks like they wanted to look on screen that's an insane thing right so if you're a young man don't try to look like wolverine even wolverine don't look like wolverine 99.99 of the time right might be tough might be strong it doesn't look like that right and so we talk about body body positivity i think this is a very important thing again if you're five pound you know if you're five pounds overweight i don't hate to say overweight or ten pounds overweight you know you have a normal percentage of body fat on you this shouldn't be looked down upon but the issue that i see is so much of the body positivity is going to this weird sick diseased world where you should be proud of your body at 300 pounds what what i mean you know if you're 300 pounds again don't beat yourself up you don't beat yourself up right that that's bad mental health beating sell yourself up that's not going to be good for you psychologically but being 300 pounds is not good again heart disease heart attacks strokes diabetes there are so many issues that come along with being morbidly obese this is not something that as a society we should be supporting in any way shape or form but we've got it into this weird world where we can't we can't be reasonable anymore it's like okay yes supermodels are better you're not going to look like a supermodel and even the supermodel shouldn't look like super bottles so look be a reasonable weight have a reasonable bmi but instead of being able to say hey be a reasonable weight have a reasonable bmi we've gotten into this well you can't fat shame at all well body positivity i love my 300 pounds and the problem that i run into with body positivity when you start talking about being really heavy 50 pounds or more overweight i don't know under 50 pounds i still think it's a bad idea but whatever 50 pounds or more overweight the problem that you then get into is that becomes a normal thing but the issue is is that it's hard on your body it's hard on your systems and so when you get cold but again if you are not exercising your lung capacity is going to be crap if you have the lung capacity of an athlete and you you divide it by 50 percent you shrink it by 50 an athlete is going to be sucking wind but they're going to survive if you have if you're weighing 300 pounds and you're not getting any exercise and you're not getting any cardio your your lung capacity is going to be this and then when you decrease your lung capacity by 50 percent there is no extra lung capacity and so you're going to die beyond that when you think look at things of things like surgery imagine if you have somebody that's in pretty decent shape and they need surgery any kind of surgery that comes up right you cut through a little bit of fat you cut through some muscle you do what you need to do you sew it all up you send the person home and they should have a pretty decent recovery time right because the amount of human material that needs to heal from a surgery isn't that significant if you've got an extra 100 pounds plus on you you go into surgery that is so much more human material we're not gonna call it fat we're not gonna call it blubber we're gonna call it human material that is so much more human material that the doctor has to be able to cut through that's so much more human material that the doctor has to navigate through to do the surgery then after everything is sealed up that's so much more human material that that has to heal and you have a body that's probably not that healthy to begin with and so it's even harder for the body to heal and i think that's the weird thing that we're getting into in this world is that we are now it's like we're what is it we're supporting we are supporting unhealthiness even at the point we know how bad this stuff is and even when you sit here and you look at this and again i mean this is an important thing to be thinking about 30 of these hospitalizations were attributed to obesity one in three people being hospitalized it's being attributed to obesity but we can't say we can't have leaders come out and say hey look at your lifestyle think about exercising a bit more eating a bit less being healthier making sure you're in a supportive community and you're trying to deal with your mental health you can't say that because all of a sudden that's fat shaming how dare you blame these blubber butts for going to the hospital when they get covered that's fat shaming well you can call it what you want but if we're saying one in three people are going to the hospital going into the hospital because they are obese it seems like we should be having a discussion on trying to have try to figure out how to make people healthier and again it's one of the things that i find very frustrating in a modern society is living healthier is actually one of the easiest things that we can do again when you look at the problems with our society there are so many problems there are so many problems and there's a lot of questions there's a lot of questions about how to deal with it properly like so prescription drug prices especially prescription drug prices uh under that are still patented right that is absolutely absurd the prices of prescription drugs that are still under patent is absolutely absurd here's a problem though it gets very complicated because the issue is is that we have those patents will run out at a certain period of time and when those patents do run out the price of the drugs drop massively so because pharmaceutical companies can have a monopoly on these drugs for an amount of time that means a lot of people are willing to invest in these pharmaceutical companies to come up with the next blockbuster drug so that during that monopoly period they can mine the out of it they can just print money but then after the patent is expired then it should be released for generic drug use and the whole nine yards and so there's a big question there like when you deal with the these these pharma companies especially with patented drugs right if you remove the patents or you decrease the value of the patents or anything else there is a real question there of will that decrease the amount of money being invested into these companies which over the long haul will decrease the number of drugs that are available for people at a reasonable price right is it worth paying a ridiculous amount of money for a drug now so that in 10 20 years or whatever um you could basically everybody can buy it for for for peanuts for for a couple of dollars right that that's that's a really difficult question to deal with again when we look at our medical system the whole thing about where do you build a hospital capacity again do you realize in the united states we are an empire we are not a country we are an empire we are 3 000 miles by 2000 miles with massive overseas territories right and so when we talk about creating more icu capacity we could talk about creating more hospital capacity there are real questions there where are people moving to where are people moving from how should these hospitals be built how should these hospitals be staffed again i think about this i had a buddy of mine who got free emt training so back back in california in the 90s california was desperate for emtb so emtbs are basically the first level that can ride in ambulances and so they were desperate for more emtb so what california did is they made emtb education free so anybody that was qualified that was able could go become certified in emtb and then they could go out and be in an ambulance problem is problem is when the government makes something free you make unlimited supply then the demand isn't so high basically california went from needy needing you know people to be in ambulances to being flooded with people that could be in ambulances and so my buddy went through all the training really wanted to be in an ambulance and literally could not get a job save his life because you know now there are 30 people for every position that was available so again when we talk about you know getting people trained to be nurses to be trained as phlebotomists to be trained as you know pharmacists or doctors or any of that there is a real and actual concern there but if if the government pumps too many resources that it's going to make the entire segment unsustainable and then what the hell do you do right like when you look at our society there are a lot of structural issues that are difficult to deal with but if you look at general health right day-to-day general health of the population this is actually relatively easy to deal with again right doing the equivalent of running two miles if you look at the heart association with the rest of it if you do the equivalent of running two miles a day you will keep your body in pretty decent shape then you're like but i have a cane i can't run again you can do tai chi you can do yoga you can do swimming essentially you spend 30 minutes so you know somewhere between 50 to 30 i would argue 30 but you spend 30 minutes a day getting exercise this will mean your body will work better this means that you will lose weight and generally people that lose weight feel better about themselves and when you do exercise it dumps a hell of a lot of endorphins and a lot of the really good the truly organic drugs and your system and you just feel better again i think about this with like executives and vision business decision makers you know ceos and all that type of thing if you look at those types of people most of those types of people are running they run a lot it's amazing how many ceos are also doing marathon runs and the reason is is because when you're highly stressed when you're hyper focused on what you're doing the great thing is you go out there and run and you can basically turn your brain off right you run basically you run so you go you go you know however far that way and then you come back and so you go there you run it dumps endorphins it burns off the stress you get you get rid of all that excess energy that you don't know what to deal with and you feel so much better at the end of the day for doing again today so last night i did the pub run today i'm going to go down to the river arts district where it's nice and flat where it's six six feet difference in elevation ah it's so beautiful and i'm gonna run for three months i'm just gonna give it all for my three miles put on my crappy run shoes put on the same running clothes i have now had for years and years and years and years and i am going to run because it makes you feel better the other day your body works better you look better mentally it's better for you the whole nine yards again you look at things like insomnia so many of the psychological issues that so many people have exercise really really really really does help with that and it's as simple as just getting out your door again you can walk fast you can do many things but so much of this exercise you don't need a gym membership you don't need a swim club membership unless you want to swim right these are things you can just go out your door and do again if your wrist works fine you can do uh calisthenics you can do sit-ups you can do push-ups you can do burpees you can do all of these things right all this stuff is what everybody in our society could do but nobody's focused on it again for a really low cost so i buy running i buy running shoes about every six months i buy good running shoes at this point and good running shoes are far more consumable than they used to be but i buy running shoes every six months so it cost me 100 bucks i buy nikes cost me 100 bucks every six months you know what 10 bucks i don't know 12 bucks 12 bucks 15 bucks a month something like that and that's all i need and you can just go out there and run but there's there's no there's no big money in that there's no big you know nobody's gonna make a gazillion dollars after uh off of you going out there running so we we don't hear that from our uh from our politicians because because you being healthy you feeling good isn't something that they actually value again if we look at food we talk about things like food deficits you get deserts again we talk about social justice they talk about food deserts and all this kind of thing but food again is also one of these things that's relatively simple if you look at the basic foods these are relatively inexpensive foods again i eat mostly rice and beans at this point i eat oatmeal in the morning i eat rice i eat beans i need some fruits i eat some veg very simple foods again if you're not going for organic free range or whatever very freaking inexpensive a bag of beans a bag of beans it's going to give you a hell of a lot of calories going gonna give you a hell of a lot of protein is like two freaking dollars a bag of brown rice is not that much money uh again noodles whole wheat noodles if you like noodles instead of uh whatever not that much money flour all of these things getting decent whole foods into your system so that you poop you know at least once a day this is something that is relatively easy to do and again with modern oh with modern uh things like uber again basically on-demand services you know this whole thing again like when you look at you know places that are poor oh how are these people going to get decent food well imagine if you come up with some kind of delivery service and so you have people in those areas that can that can to say that can say what they want i want the rice and i want the beans and i want this and i want that and then you can just you can send people you just put a box on their door okay so here's your beans here's your rice here's right that that is something that is actually relatively easy to implement but we're not seeing that in our society and i think that's the thing that really really frustrates me with a lot of the stuff that's currently going on so i don't know there we go that was long-winded 51 minutes 51 minutes of lived experiences and talking about fat shaming and all that kind of thing and i guess that's the thing to be thinking about when you talk about body positivity when you sit there hey body positivity are you really happy with your body are you really happy with your body or is it easier to make the excuse instead of going out and run because that's the thing like ronnie sucks running sucks that gives you a lot of endorphins there's a lot of great things about running again one of the reasons i like the pub runs one of the reasons i like the pub runs is i don't get the beer until i run right if you just go to a pub run and then you don't run and then you drink a beer nobody's gonna talk to you because you didn't run at the pub right so you go out there you get the social group together and then you go run and then you come back and drink beer and talk with everybody right just simply going out there and running sucks and so that's what that that's the the horrible psychological thing that you can do to yourself is you can sit there like well i don't want to run it running at painful my lungs my lungs are going to hurt a lot like all this stuff right so instead of do instead of doing the thing that'll hurt instead of doing the thing that'll embarrass you or whatever else it's a lot easier to say well no no no body positivity i like how my body looks i was talking about this to my wife the other day again the whole thing by being lapped by 12 year olds like this isn't a joke this isn't a joke this isn't a metaphor bastards are laughing at me all right i'm sitting there gasping again i did a 5k did a 5k on with my wife on saturday sitting there gasping going up this hill little 12 year old girl you go out there and you feel stupid you feel stupid you feel embarrassed you didn't realize yeah like for me i didn't realize how out of shape i become relatively quickly it's like i didn't realize how fat i become i didn't realize how out of shape i become look at all of these other people look at all these other gazelles the gazelles are just running eli if i try to go out there and run with the gazelles i'm gonna look like a yes you are oh i'm sorry you expected something else from me but here's the thing here's the thing if you're not willing to go out and look like a how are you ever going to get better right that's the question right i think about this my nemesis my faux nemesis i have a faux nemesis here in nashville and uh he looks like stark so uh back in the day my my wife and i we used to watch eureka so eureka was a sci-fi show and uh there was this guy on the show stark right he had the hair the goatee and uh it always irritated me because because my wife liked stark what if like stark she's like well you know if anything ever happens to you i want some of that right so anyways there's there's one of these guys here he's in the computer world and he's just he's just put together a wonderful guy absolutely wonderful guy he's just so put together he looks like stark he looks like stark right he's a data guy and he's a data guy and he runs and he runs and not only does he run but he runs pushing his kid in a running stroller they have running strollers now jesus true anyways and he has the cutest kid he is the cutest kid you've ever seen in your life you you would think you know when when this kid got delivered that he was delivered from pottery barn it looks like you go to pottery barn and like i would like that kyle i think that child goes with our decor uh we'll take that one right cutest kid in the world in this running stroller and this guy just goes just goes seven minute mile something like seven minute miles in asheville pushing a kid in a stroller oh but here's the thing here's the thing like when i started running when i started running again a month and a half ago a month and a half it was like 11 minute miles especially around here it was like 11 minute miles i was gagging i was dying this guy is doing four minutes faster than me per mile pushing his kid i felt like a i felt like like one day one day i'm sitting there i'm like walking i'm walking a little peanut i'm walking peanut up the road right here you know just da da da da da and this guy is just blasting by he just like runs by with his kids like hey eloy how are you doing let's look down lopina thank you oh god what's happened but here's the thing right if you're not willing to feel like a if you're not willing to feel stupid how are you ever going to get better so a month and a half ago or whatever i was doing 11 minute miles now i'm down about 9 20 miles i still suck i still suck i've got my running logs i've got my running logs from back like 13 years ago it tells me what i used to do yeah i used to do a lot better than 920 miles but anyways i've been able to go from 11 minute miles to 920 miles because i was willing to go out there and look like a complete and utter right the only way to get those 12 year old girls to stop lapping your ass is to go out there and keep running i hate to say running with the 12 year old girls because that sounds a little pervy but you know running with the groups that has 12 year old girls or whatever right that is the only way that you're going to get better and again like with me like my faux nemesis right we're sitting there talking talking after this 5k so i get done with this 5k i'm gagging i'm joking all right he's just sitting there he's just sitting there oh yeah that's a pretty good run no not too bad anyways then he starts talking about doing doing a half marathon here's here's the thing here's here's the thing here's the thing again the difference between people that are trying to do something in life versus the people that just suck so i'm saying they're still gasping still gasping and he starts talking about doing a half marathon i'm like oh you wanna do a half marathon i could do a half marathon right it's actually being competitive it's not it's not finding it's not finding the reason well well the reason that that guy can can push a stroller and train for a half marathon is because x y or z until you understand i was injured in the army and don't you understand i have this or that or the other thing uh the reason that i can't do that is versus just sitting there and being like oh yeah no yeah tell me tell me what that half marathon is yeah i'll be there savage real sad true and that's the thing to be thinking about that's the thing because that's that's what i see is so much of what we have right now in our society is completely and utterly disempowering and what what happens when we trade train people not to do like you think about this like losing or winning a lot of it's about inertia it's a lot of it is about how you feel about yourself do you feel that you are a success or do you feel that you're a failure or do you feel that you don't do anything um and that's one of the things like i like with running one of things i like about running one of the things i like about hiking one thing i like about traveling is it's all about you you set the goal whatever the goal it is that you want and then you determine whether or not you hit your goal so you have one goal and then you hit that goal and you're a winner and then you hit another goal and you hit that goal and then your winner again i can look at it i'm still slow i'm still fat whatever else i've been able to take my run time from 11 minutes to 9 20. does that mean i'm the next usain bolt of course not but look that means i'm improving especially in these times especially the times with covid right you know if you're in a dead end job and you don't know how to get out of the debt of the job right if you're doing something to make money and you're really not sure how the hell to get out of it because the government can screw it with you right it's really easy to not have any successes at all so your job isn't a success your education might not be a success and you just kind of sit there and you kind of sit there and there's an inertia right with inertia inertia if you're if you're moving you're more likely to stay moving and if you're still you're likely to stay still so if you're not successful at anything and then you just sit there it's more likely that you're not going to go for another job it's more likely that you're not going to create the next project that might be actually successful it's likely that you're just going to sit there and so that's a nice thing like with running and exercise it is a way for you to get a win it's a way for you to get a guaranteed win if you go out and you start running two miles uh today i can tell you in two months you will be better will you go from 15 minute miles to 14 30 miles maybe but you will be 30 seconds better and that's the thing is once you start doing those things once you see yourself improve once you become comfortable with feeling yourself improve then it becomes a lot easier to improve yourself in other areas okay i was a crap runner before i spent six months running it now i'm a pretty decent runner huh now at work i'm a i'm i'm crap at leadership i'm crap at management could i do the same type of thing in my job just so every day i'm a tiny little bit better so that it's the equivalent in six months you know i'm running 920 miles and whatever the hell management is or at your job right you get used to becoming successful at doing things but the thing that i feel so sad about now with so many people is instead of trying to figure out what they can do again i am medically discharged from the army my wrist is up and i do have to say i'm getting a little concerned about how it's going to degrade over the next couple of decades i can't do yoga again martial arts depending on what i'm doing is not a great idea at least training significantly there's a lot of things that i can't do again you know lifting weights and you know pushing metal or whatever that is not necessarily a good thing that is off the table so instead instead of focusing on what i can can't do instead of focusing on what's not a good idea focus what can i do i can swim i don't like swimming i can bike ride bike ride in the mountain scares the crap out of me no uh i can run i can run i do not need a wrist to run and so that's an important thing to be thinking about is like what can you do instead of focusing on what can't you do and then improving yourself and then when you improve yourself again you know it's improve approval you know you're going to improve yourself all the way around obesity makes coven worse obesity also makes heart issues worse obesity always also makes diabetes worse obesity also means you're more likely to get cancer obesity is bad for any number of reasons so if you can try to get yourself less obese your life is going to be better in many many many other ways anywho anywho hope that made a little bit of sense and if you're the autistic guy on a cane learn how to swim learn how to do tai chi maybe you can push some weights i guarantee you're autistic ass that you can do something i guarantee you can do something that was one of the saddest things right there was this it was this just this this this nasty comment storm and one of the saddest things with this autistic guy again truly broke my heart right this guy's a jackass this guy's a jackass he's an he's just there but what broke my heart is there was a certain sentence where he's like i ha i had to realize that as i get older my body is breaking down it is a given that i'm not going to be able to do as much and that i'm going to get fatter it's like what that is not a given jackass that's not but that's what so many people have done it is a given it is a given that it will be out of shape it is a given that'll be fatter it's a given that things will get worse because i know not if you eat better and wait for it exercise more it's fine there's a guy like when i do the run thing oh my golly oh my god there's a 70 year old guy oh god 70 years old he uh he's completed um what is it 200 he's he completed over 200 marathons at under 2 hours and 20 minutes 200 marathons at under 220 minutes he just goes out there he's just like daddy daddy today's 70 years old 70 years old laughing me with the 12 year old girls he's laughing at 12 year old girls as a 12 year old girl's lab me you don't you don't you don't have to let your body degrade as you get older you don't have to get fatter life doesn't have to be crappier if you decide if you decide you are going to blame everybody else for your life if you decide you're going to point the finger and say how everybody else needs to change well boys and girls i've seen how that works out i have seen from lived experience how that works out you die in your own jackasses but anyways anyways there was my hour diatribe i wonder how many people made it to the end how many people lit a robot how many people made it to the end i'm actually kind of happy i'm actually kind of happy because the battery the battery is still going on this guy oh look at that i still have three i still have three little bars on my little guy so this is because i turn i turn this little guy on um before i start elaborating you folks and one of the things i've been wondering about is like what the battery is like and so that's actually a good sign here let's go over let's go over to uh to the other screen and let me let me show you this uh this uh this little mark iii version very happy with it um so let's see and then we're going to go to index hyphen js.php hopefully all right oops no it has no wi-fi connection okay there we go oh look at that see okay so this is my little this is this is the uh c in the dark this is the night version version uh so this is kind of cool so let me turn the speed up to high and we can dry this out here and we can have this thing look in the dark so it's oh it's kind of bright okay let me let me go over to the uh the entertainment room the entertainment room should be dark so the cool part about this is this has an arducam um infrared camera on it with those big flashlights so if you go into a dark area there we go see yeah see the uh the infrared light is now on oh ah stop there you go we get a little lag for some reason should be stopped all right uh turn oh it's lagging maybe it needs battery power but anyway see that oh it probably ran out of battery but see that so it can actually see in the dark with that little ir camera so i think that's kind of cool oops what's it doing oh there we go that must have looked out i do need a little work like summaries reason for sometimes these things kind of freeze up for some reason so i need to figure out what's going on with that but look at that see so see it's like literally in the dark right now that's cool so that's the uh oh that's the current version that is the uh the mark iii it is the mark 3 variant night vision variant of little dojo derby vehicles um so that's what i really care about again i'm here just shaking my nipples shaking my brain nipples so that i can pay for those little vehicles uh hopefully in january january we will start having a little dojo derby races or whatever that's my goal hopefully let's see we'll see how it goes um if you do want to know how to build these things um i do have the draft version here um so this is the draft version on most of how to build this uh so it gives you the parts list up here it gives you the code i still have to flesh out a couple of other things for the code but this starts to give you an idea of how to actually build one of these things and uh and yeah that's about it that's about all i have to say because i need to go up and eat some rice and beans because yes that's right that's what i eat you are and now you understand i have to eat bacon double cheeseburgers why you can't eat rice and beans i think that's a weird thing like some of the things that i talk about is what i'm actually doing and again i basically eat rice and beans i eat oatmeal in the morning and i eat rice and beans or rice and fruit or rice and veggies and i have to say if you don't go for the organic if you go for the organic whole foods it still is a bit pricey but if you go for the non-organic it's actually relatively inexpensive especially if you look at the price of meat if you look at the price of meat and you look at a price of dairy right now and then you look at a bag of beans not only is the bag of beans healthier for him it's also a hell of a lot less expensive then again you don't have to be vegan you can have it make a double cheeseburger once a week i i think i saw that from like one of these people talking about health or whatever you know because there's this big thing about meatless mondays like meatless mondays like one day a week without meat anyways one of the one of the arguments somebody made is hey how about meat mondays so again let's let's say with the b12 let's say with everything that you need you need the animal product again i'm not a vegan i'm not looking at you weird but here's a thought here's the thought what about just meat money the rest of the week you don't eat meat and then on monday or whatever one day a week you eat meat hell of a lot less expensive you're still getting meat in your diet you're gonna be healthier but you know then you have to do it and yet do it anywho see y'all later
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 2,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: PywuVVenDtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 18sec (4218 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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