Vitamin D in Israel

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He also mentioned he has been seeing a lot of neurological problems.

33:25 I see some pretty severe side effects from some some vaccinations that have occurred really quite severe side effects.

Luckily i haven't seen anybody die as a result of a vaccine but i have seen people have horrible neurological effects going on for months and i think slowly slowly improving.

But i've got some patients who even a year on this is not from the vaccine sorry this is from covid but i've also seen similar things with the vaccine.

So i think it would be prudent for them to be getting vitamin d partly because the vaccines are thought to work even ...

Do these observations also require an RCT?

More neurological issues after vaccination around the 39:00 mark.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/doggingVaxxHappened 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

If you are interested in getting more vitamin D I recommend an app called dminder.It shows you when you can get vitamin D from the sun where you live. It estimates how much you’re getting based on the angle of the sun, the color of your skin, and how much skin is exposed to the sun. You can add supplementation and vitamin D from food. The app estimates how much D3 you need based on your age, BMI and skin color.There’s a free version and the two dollar upgrade is well worth it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Armison 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

He’s a nurse

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tricky_Topic_6022 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

(Note: Typos in my post are on purpose so this stays up for as long as possible. That is because the online content is being heavilyCensored)

DrCampbellHas been one of the very few rational, evidence-based sources of information for me for the past few months. I like that he tells people to go check everything he is saying for themselves. And I did, a number of times, because it is good to verify your sources.

He also did interviews not just once, but repeatedly, on DW(For those who do not know whatDW is - from their website:Deutsche Welle(DW) isGermany’s international broadcaster and one of the mostsuccessful and relevant international mediaoutlets.). Now Goggle does not find the videos, only shows a few results that completely misrepresent the contentOnDrCampbell's channel. DW do not have them on their YTubechannel either, but they are onDW website and I will post the screenshot(find it on my Redditprofile) of the videos and the link as well, in case that got deleted too.

He had one more interview withDW in November this year. That has been deleted fromDW apparently, as the video does not appear in the results onDW website.

As I mentioned before, I have been following his content for a while now, and I can not remember a single thing he would say that could in any way, shape or form be viewed as deterringpeople fromgetting vac-thing-ated (and my memory works just fine in case you wondered). His channel goes years back on YouTube. Hours and hours of quality content. One of the best channels that I came across during the pandademic.

He himself isfully vac-thing-ated and even had the third part of it. He says it in his video from December13,2021('UKOmicronEmergncyAnnouncd' - I wrote it without spaces and with typos because I have no idea what gets taken down and for what reason anymore - but I think a human can decipher it :-) ) on 5:36, if someone wanted to check.

Such a shame to see what is happening. So much censorship of quality information that uses actualdata.

So many people being slandered, defamed, their content removed, and no newssources report on it from what I have seen. Not intheUS, and neither in theEU. And all these people did, the ones I have in mind, just shared their ideas, perspectives and encouraged people to look into the data, read on about the given subject, and invited people to ask questions and have conversations. I could notbelieve this washappening when I first heard about it, and now I am just speechlessto see it happening in such an extent, the cnsrship. And it is an increasingly big issue, at least in my opinion - remember the time we could have conversations? ... Or at least it felt like we could...?

Such a shame. If you told me 3 years ago that we (EUandUS mainly) would EVER be where we are now, with all thecensrship, and that people were being silencd for sharing ideas, opinions, experiencs, and that I would find myself here typing a post on Redditwith typos on purpose so this doesnotgetremoved? I would just look at you withcompletedisbelief.

And the governments do not really mind any of it. I think it is doingthem a favor actually. Because they now feel like they can do whatever they do, because they feel like they can. Because the isolat ion is making many of us,the people,feel like we do not have afriend, and because we feel like everyone elseisfighting too (which does not necessarily have to be true either). But all thissmoke andmirrors is making it verydifficu lt for us tojust come together, look around, and see clearer.

Divide and conquer, I heard it works.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nicknamenotfound 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
well thank you for coming back and today we're talking to dr michael cohen and i believe dr cohen you are in uh in israel in tel aviv visit at the moment that's right i'm in tel aviv i work here as a gp and i'm in nice wintery cold carlisle in the north of england and my name's john campbell so thank you thank you very much for coming on now why should people watch this video michael what we're gonna talk about um well i think we should talk about the role of vitamin d and perhaps any other preventative treatments for covid um i i had covered myself in february 2020 at a time when it wasn't even known to be in israel yeah um i didn't know myself that i had it i thought i just had a bacterial pneumonia and i treated myself i did an x-ray i did blood tests i started myself on an antibiotic and i was a lot better within 24 hours i then [Music] thought oh well that was that wasn't very much and then a couple of weeks later i started having choking episodes in the middle of the night and a lot of other symptoms that i developed over the next few months and my i'm a pretty fit person i swim every day and i noticed that my fitness was dramatically reduced and i was having fast heart rate and stuff like this and i literally didn't sleep properly for months because of the coughs choking um i developed a neuritis in my in one of my arms um it's an inflammation of the nerves um which is extremely painful it's like a pins and needles or like a tooth achy feel it's more it's like a dull but very severe pain that just is there most of the time was that in your left arm or your or your right arm in my left arm why'd you ask well it's just when i just find it so disconcerting when i get pains in my left arm oh no no because you're worried associated with hearts don't we this this was definitely not um this was definitely not a heart related pain but luckily in my left arm because i'm right-handed if it had been in my right hand i would have had a really difficult time of it sure and during that time i actually treated myself with a number of um vitamins intravenous vitamins i even used hydroxychloroquine at one point which did help a lot um and i eventually got through it um but i around that time i also i noticed the patterns of covid in the world what was actually going on and also people with darker skin also in the uk you had people in ethnic minorities who were who see you you had doctors dying in quite significant numbers absolutely and i just started to wonder was this because they were working indoors um no sunshine dark skin likely to be vitamin d deficient um and in a place like israel at the time certainly and also if you look at the the global map if you look at the the latitudes i can't remember i think it's a 35 degree latitude level 37 um countries that were in that were within that close to the equator seem to be doing a lot better and so i started taking high doses of vitamin d and i also told my entire patient population to do the same thing i was telling them on an individual basis um and it's not enough to go by scientifically but i have well over 1 500 close to 2 000 patients easily who come to my clinic if not a lot more than that and as many of them as possible i told to take vitamin d and i keep telling them i keep reinforcing it and i tell them what dose to take i tell them to take vitamin k2 and i also tell them to take zinc and then i tell them to up the dose of zinc if they um if they actually develop any viral symptoms and i tell them what to do and what i can say is i've had quite a few patients with covid as would be expected and i've probably had a handful who ended up getting to the emergency department and then being sent home with some kind of a treatment plan i've not had a single patient admitted into hospital let alone be on an intensive care unit now i don't know what that means um but there were studies that um came out soon afterwards around a year ago there was a study in israel and one of the hospitals which showed the people who were getting very sick were deficient in vitamin d and people who had high levels of vitamin d were not getting very sick and if you read a lot of the research even though it's said that these um that there's no treatment for covert other than monoclonal antibodies etc etc it seems to me like we are missing on a very important point here and i think the whole the whole point of covid was from a medical standpoint was we were told that this is that all of our efforts are supposed to be there to prevent the hospitals being swamped to prevent the icu beds being blocked we don't have enough ventilators we don't have enough staff we want to protect the nhs we want to protect every health system that we can and yet what was actually happening was people were being sent home and just told if your lips go blue call us again or if you know that that's that's that that was it there was no actual there was no plan even treating let alone you know a milder case yeah um and i wanted to talk about that basically because in my humble opinion this pandemic doesn't need to be um anything like what it's like what it is i don't think your opinion is that humble actually uh doctor because you you're trained as a general practitioner in the uk and in israel you've got a lot of surgical training and a lot of accident and emergency training as well so you've got a pretty uh pretty good body of medical knowledge and you're also interested very interested in preventative health care i think aren't you that happy yeah how disease can be prevented so um the the dose of vitamin d what sort of doses are you thinking about and do you like to titrate it up to a particular level or how do you approach that i first of all it should be noted that a lot of people are initially resistant when i mention this to them i tell them look this is not strictly only a vitamin it's actually a hormone it's a steroid hormone it has a lot of effects on the body at different doses there are estimations where by doses of around five to ten thousand units a day it's interacting with switching on and switching off up to a thousand two hundred genes in the body and at lower doses lower numbers um it's known to be extremely safe even at very what are called high doses there have been studies that have shown that taking 50 000 units a day for six months has had no adverse effects i usually tell people to take 4 000 units if they're normal adult but i also test many people's vitamin d levels and even in israel where it's sunny and people have quite a bit of exposure to the sun i find quite a lot of people who've got low levels of vitamin d so below 20 some people even below 10. um the ideal dose to get them to would be between 50 and 100 nanograms per milliliter so this is millimeter a milliliter yeah yeah so so in terms of nanograms per mil that would be like uh it'd be like 2.5 times that wouldn't it be a lot higher uh yeah yeah that's the way it works out yeah so 50 to 100 nanograms per mill that's right that that is a very interesting piece of information thank you yeah um and i i can say that um i don't know if i'm reiterating here but i've literally not had one person admitted into the hospital yet they've all ended up coming back home from the emergency department now my population does consist of both young and old it's more skewed towards young and middle age for sure but again you know the fact that people were not even being admitted into hospital in a small in my population it says something it does it's not the whole picture by any means and i'm not trying to tell anybody that this is the the the cure all for for kovid but if everybody was doing this would we have anything like the current so-called justification for for turning this into a global crisis yes yes i mean in a population of two thousand people uh given the the very high prevalence there has been of covert in israel i mean i would suspect probably at least three quarters of your patients have been exposed to the virus probably probably even more than that but probably 90 percent actually been exposed and you would have expected one two or three percent of those potentially to be hospitalized so the fact that none have as you say we can't we can't extrapolate that from that to the whole world but that is actually if we actually did a statistically uh if you did like a t-test on that and compared your population to the the population say in jerusalem or damascus or somewhere that weren't that weren't getting the vitamin d i'm sure we would find a statistically significant difference between those yeah i mean i i honestly don't know i don't want to make any claims what i can say is that the the concoction of things that i've told people to take are extremely safe i mean far safer than than than most other medications that i can think of and i'm not at all saying that they shouldn't get vaccinated i'm not saying they shouldn't get other treatments if needed but as a first line of defense we should be dealing with people's immune systems in the safest way possible now we know that 25 milligrams a day of bits of zinc is extremely safe you can take up to 40 milligrams a day without any ill effects for most adults going above that it can reduce the absorption of copper so it's not a good idea to take that on a long term basis um vitamin d you asked me what dose so most people i tell them 4 000 units but people who are overweight they may need up to 8 000 or even 10 000 units or more per day and the other thing i tell them to take is vitamin k2 200 micrograms a day uh every day as well because vitamin d does cause the release of calcium from the bones into the blood and you you want to try and avoid any deposition of that in the wrong places and that's it basically and obviously the other things like getting enough sleep getting outside doing sports it's very much about looking after yourself but my my concern is that all the focus has gone into putting the burden on the hospitals and even even outpatient care and we need to be doing everything that we can to prevent this becoming a severe illness and a lot of the focus has gone on to like high-tech very clever preventative treatments like these vaccines expensive and expensive but i mean these vaccines are completely brilliant i mean we've invented mrna vaccines and adenovirus vector vaccines it really is clever stuff but but you know what what why have expensive clever things if we could use the the simple things as well as yeah but i mean i would still say we've got over half of the world that's not been vaccinated yet yes what are we doing for them why why indeed yeah so what's really struck me there is i've only been to israel for a short period of time but i remember it was pretty hot and sunny so if people are short of vitamin d in israel what must it be like in the north of england in chicago in canada um our levels must be right down in our boots but the the other thing to say is that the definition of what is a normal vitamin d is questionable in this situation because one would normally say that someone's supposed to have above 32 nanograms per milliliter but it seems from the studies that i've read that to have the best protection possible for covid and probably for other other viral infections including the flu you would want to have a level above 50. now even if they get to 30 or 32 it's got to do something perhaps not as much um but um i i really it's a cheap vitamin there's no there's no there's pretty much no side effects of this and it can do a lot um it is interesting isn't it the way that you we need a relatively low dose to prevent the the classic vitamin d deficiency disease of the 19th century rickets and then then slightly higher dose does a bit more and a slightly higher dose is a bit more and a slightly higher dose does everything that triggers all the genes and the protein pathways that actually need vitamin d as part of its sort of enzymic activities it's an incredibly it's amazing how much vitamin d is is just vitamin d receptors are just rooted in so many human physiological systems virtually every cell from what i know they're on virtually every cell so it does suggest that they have a purpose and a lot of it is immunomodulatory so they're actually directing the immune system to work in a better way if you combine that with zinc as well which we also know has quite significant effects on viral infections and the ability for cells to kill viral infections i think you know that there's really little to say don't take this concoction so do you think zinc is immunomodulatory as well or do you think it's just that a lack of zinc will cause immuno deficiency um i don't know the answer to that i'm and i have read stuff and it's um purely my memory that's failing me at the moment to say exactly what the reason is um but zinc freezes to prove this interview wasn't rehearsed this is this is as we are yeah uh yeah i didn't know i was being interviewed um sorry uh [Music] one example would be um hydroxychloroquine so the drug that was um derided at a very early stage yeah um it seems that if you want that to work better um you give it with zinc um it seems to make the difference um you you certainly don't want to have a situation of a zinc deficiency and it is known i have read quite a few bits of research that show that zinc does improve the immune response to viral infections and i can say anecdotally i use it on a daily basis in my practice for regular viral infections and quite often i tell people as soon as they get a virus just take 50 milligrams of zinc twice a day and they do it for a week and that knocks the virus on the head within hours sometimes that is amazing i mean we're assuming there's two things there the hydroxychloride can kind of gates the zinc into the cell doesn't it yeah and uh and we know that these so vital t c t cells these t cytotoxic lymphocytes need zinc to function normally and without t cytotoxic lymphocytes viral infections otherwise yeah that's right it's going to absolutely run right now that is interesting so patients with viral infections we're under the impression that they get an immediate benefit from bolstering their zinc it's almost like it's working straight away that's what it seems to me i don't know if you've ever tried it when you become ill but um it can work very very quickly that is so interesting whereas the vitamin d my understanding with vitamin d it needs to be metabolized doesn't it it does and you need at least a few days of it beforehand and therefore i tell people to just take it constantly but to get good levels you you want to be taking it for at least a few weeks beforehand and seeing as you don't know when you're going to get covered and you could get covered twice easily i've seen many people have had covert twice it's important to be taking it throughout yeah and if you wait until you actually get the virus it's already too late even even people who've received high doses they've been given they've done studies with 50 000 even 200 000 units of vitamin d given as a shot at the time of admission to hospital it probably does have some immunomodulatory effect but it takes time for it to kick in it takes at least a few days by which stage the person could be a lot further down the illness with covid they could be on to a much later stage of kobe whereby they're already ventilated and the whole idea of this is to prevent that yes absolutely we know has to be metabolized but by the liver and has to be metabolized by the kidneys and uh i mean i can remember you know patients with renal failure for example who couldn't metabolize their vitamin d before we could compensate for this and they had a lot of boney loss and all sorts of problems so it does it does take that does take that amount of i mean that's just the part for it to be metabolized after metabolism you've then got to make sure that it actually has its effects on on the genetics of the body on the immune system and that presumably takes longer interesting so part of the way this is working is it's switching gently it's switching genes on it's switching genes off um but ultimately this these things take time it's like when you take any long-term medication or vitamin people often say this doesn't work but if you give it enough time cells themselves go through processes of being born and dying and the body is constantly reproducing new cells and killing off the old cells so for some things to see in effect you need to wait for the old ones to move along and new ones to take effect it's not like you're just gonna get everything happening overnight the moment you've got a drug in the body i think that's an excellent point isn't it it's like if someone's very iron deficient and you start giving them iron and you do a blood slide six weeks later half of the red cells are tiny little anemic things and the other half are nice big proper ones it's yeah it's it's this is the new generation of cells that gets that gets the benefit from that don't get me started on iron i i certainly will but on another occasion why do people that are obese need higher doses of vitamin d um it seems like the fat cells the adipose tissue i'm not sure if it's just in the gut or else well seems to store vitamin d but not to use vitamin d um it's not um i can't again i've read the mechanisms of that but i can't say exactly why but they don't reach the same plasma level vitamin d not at all so people being told to take even 4 000 units i checked their bloods and their vitamin d is hardly shifted and i've got some patients who are on 12 000 units a day and that's what gets them up into the sort of 40 to 50 range bracket um [Music] yeah and if that answers your question yeah i think it does i mean we look we learned you know probably at school that the fat soluble vitamins a d e and k didn't we and that they can go into that that they can go into the fatty tissues now i'm very interested in that you're advising k2 as well which makes perfect sense um my understanding is that the k2 would only really be necessary if you're taking quite high doses of vitamin d um because you'd need quite high doses of vitamin d to liberate enough calcium into the blood to even there even be a risk of of hypercalcemia is my thinking need developed on that do you think i think you're thinking is correct but from what i can tell from what i've read you need at least 100 micrograms a day if you're taking 4 000 units of vitamin d and seeing as many people don't get levels of 50 even with 4 000 they often need 6 000 or 7 000 or 8 000 units a day um i i tell people to take 200 once they're going above 4 000 but yeah 100 is supposed to be enough when you're taking 4 000 units if you're only taking 1 000 or 2 000 units you probably don't need vitamin k2 right okay that's interesting now um i'm actually taking i the tablets uh the capsules i've got to vitamin cater are actually 600 microgram ones so is it over is it okay to take one or two a week instead of one a day i actually don't know the answer um i've never i've also never seen them sold at 600 micrograms i've only ever seen the 100 and the 200. or anything like that yeah i looked at the 100 and 200 and the the 600s were the same price so i mean i think if it's fat soluble it is going to be stored in the body for a period of time it should be okay yeah like you look like you're a good normal weight so i imagine that it's remarkably kind of you to say so but i i can assure you it's not the case so it's so simple the thing that really strikes me about vitamin d and vitamin k2 it's you know obviously you've talked about the medical reasons for it but there's kind of philosophical reasons here isn't that i mean you know when people migrated north from the middle east and africa we had dark skins and then the selective pressure to become white i mean i i only know of two that the skin produces uh more more vitamin d when you white and i think it produces more nitric oxide or that keeps the vitamin d is the big one so so that that's a big evolutionary pressure because because basically i think humans are kind of hunt together as aren't they well this this is what we we're led to believe yes yes we could spend a lot of time arguing about that but or i think it's quite reasonable to say human beings are designed to survive yeah and that could that could be another way yes that could be another another way to look at it and the other thing is living in a in a simple situation um we would be eating uh animal products and the animals would be fed on grass and of course the vitamin k2 is made by uh bacterial activities in the animal's guts so mass-produced farming that the meat and the milk will have low levels of vitamin k whereas in the natural k2 rather k2 because in the natural in the in the natural situation the higher levels of k2 and of course from fermented foods as well i guess it would be normal to store foods for uh for fermentation as well yes yeah as happens in japan for example yeah so is this do you think that these these measures the vitamin the vitamin d the k2 and the zinc is this going to work against a range of viral infections or a range of bacterial infections or i don't know the answer to that but i expect that yes i certainly think that in general one should maintain good levels of vitamin d throughout the year and not just in the winter there's always this emphasis that oh it's the winter time this is when you need lots of vitamin d and the rest of the year well just ignore it we've got enough sunshine i can tell you that i swim one kilometer every day in the sun for nearly the whole year and i don't reach these levels of vitamin d without taking a supplement that is just so so interesting and then if you're in the israeli situation and you're not getting enough then then yeah that's that speaks a lot so if you've got dark colored skin and you're living in sweden you've got basically yeah no no no chance at all i mean it does make sense if it's well there is actually evidence that vitamin d does protect against influenza i have read that specifically but it but if it's optimizing the immune system and the immune system is what combats viruses bacteria proteins or all the infections really it would make perfect sense that right i mean the way the way i see it also if you look at a lot of studies in general um especially when it comes to do certain vitamins help certain problems if you actually look at the doses that are given a lot of the time you're talking about quite minuscule doses i mean vitamin d sounds like a large dose to me when i tell my patients to take two thousand units or three thousand or four thousand units wow it's a large dose site but actually these are not large doses if you actually titrate them to the levels that they get to in the body then they're not very large doses and the fact that these are guidelines and even all i think all government guidelines would say that up to 4 000 units a day is perfectly safe the fact that people are actually encouraged to take a thousand two thousand um at during the winter it seems to me inadequate um and therefore you're setting yourself up to fail and if you think that a thousand units is only 25 micrograms yeah and there's a thousand micrograms in a milligram and there's a thousand milligrams in a gram these when it's put into the international units it's made to sound like some huge whopping yes but it's really not and i i think that roughly tell me what your thinking is on this if you and i go outside in the sun in our shorts and we have you know it's fairly sunny we have a reasonable sun exposure not but well short of being sunburned i would imagine we're probably making about 20 000 units in in that hour or two does that sound um i've read about this as well i can't remember the exact amount that yeah to make and again it will depend on the color of your skin it will depend on your age because as we age our skin's ability to produce vitamin d drops dramatically dramatically interesting i knew it dropped right it does drawing from the studies that i've read yes it drops pretty significantly it's not it's not a small thing you know the fact that you have older people who don't reach good levels actually at a time in their life when they probably need to have good levels um is also something i think the point about this is is that we shouldn't be relying on outdoor exposure to get enough vitamin d we should still have outdoor exposure um but it's it's not enough to rely on it and i'm just so reminded now of the two tragedies that you mentioned that uh doctors dying earlier on the pandemic and in the uk a lot of doctors who were working heroically uh who happened to have darker coloured skin died through coverage which is absolutely terrible and of course it made a lot of sense that that was i mean as sad as that is it made a lot of sense that the vitamin d is likely to be implicated in this if you've got people who are working indoors for long hours not seeing sun probably most of the time and even if they were they've got darker skin in higher latitude country this is not so surprising if vitamin d is implicated to this extent and everybody should be on it especially especially healthcare workers but but really the whole population including children yes yes and and then the other group of course were people in in care facilities that particularly died disproportionately it's an easy to say oh well they're older they had more co-morbidities they also had they they they also have a higher chance of having a much higher viral load at the point of contact with covert they're going to be if they're going to be exposed to more and more people at close quarters then they have a much higher chance that they're going to get a high viral load at the instant when they catch it and then they're more likely to to become much more ill and so it's just another factor in that again having vitamin d having zinc on board these things are not saying that they're going to cure everything but really the whole purpose of our focus was to prevent hospitalizations was to prevent the nhs collapsing to prevent all the health systems collapsing and what you know what was actually done in an active sense other than social distancing and wearing masks and going into isolation these are important to some extent but it's not enough the person has an immune system and what are we doing for their immune system absolutely medicine can only ever be an adjunct to what your physiology wants to do normally can't it so yeah yeah so we've mentioned vitamin d and immunity do you think vitamin d is important for anything else in health um well apart from the fact that it's um it's it's the key vitamin in preventing rickets so um we all know um is it important for anything else it probably is um yeah there are a lot of studies a lot of them i don't know how many studies have actually come up with meaningful results but there are a lot of studies suggesting that it might be important in i think heart disease cancers all sorts and again i've never read anything that suggests that it's even mildly toxic if given a reasonable range you know it's just it's something's just occurred to me you you've said this this can uh affect 12 1 200 genes 1200 genes and one of the amazing things that came out of the human genome project just a few years ago was that there's probably only about 20 21 000 active genes in human beings right so so so what we're saying is that five six seven percent of our genes are actually vitamin d yeah i can't say i know enough of the science to say anything more than that i certainly wouldn't want to make any ridiculous claims but that's already a large number of genes yeah it is absolutely you just look at the absolute number instead of as a percentage it's a large number of genes to be affected by one molecule no i i think that your patient group does constitute a a cohort most definitely it's a it's a fascinating finding and uh and when you've done medicine for a long time like you have you can you can kind of you do get a feel for what's working i think don't you you know you you see it in patient after patient after patient you do kind of get a gut feel for it and and that's not kind of consistent when that's consistent with the science yeah exactly and and when you're not seeing side effects when you're not seeing any problems when it's a it's a dirt cheap thing to take um it it sure really doesn't require much mental effort and so many drugs and treatments we use we have we have this this term don't we call i atrogenesis the you know the harm that can be done by treatments the harm that can be done by surgery and uh that they are quite quite significant that there's side effects to all of all all the medications across the whole debate now about the the side effects from the vaccines that we're using now which is uh well in terms in terms of the vaccines number one i i'm very much for vaccinating but i'm not sure that everybody needs to be vaccinated and the way it's now going down to children and to young children i i'm not entirely sure what the rationale is for that or the safety i certainly think that people are high risk should be vaccinated of all ages and i think there needs to be a strategy for this of course again even with the vaccination i think it's it's prudent to give someone vitamin d beforehand and after i i see some pretty severe side effects from some some vaccinations that have occurred really quite severe side effects luckily i haven't seen anybody die as a result of a vaccine but i have seen people have horrible neurological effects going on for months and i think slowly slowly improving but i've got some patients who even a year on this is not from the vaccine sorry this is from covid but i've also seen similar things with the vaccine and so i think it would be prudent for them to be getting vitamin d partly because the vaccines are thought to work even better and partly because both vitamin d and zinc may improve the person's response to the vaccine in such a way that perhaps they won't have such serious side effects that i can't say for any certainty [Music] but i don't see the harm in it that's for sure it makes perfect sense because a vaccine is essentially an antigenic challenge isn't it yeah just the same as being exposed to revised as an antigenic challenge and if we know that these vitamin d receptors are in we believe all the cells of the immune system it's it's pretty inconceivable to think that vitamin d couldn't couldn't have an effect is this catching on in your medical colleagues in israel um i think i think it's a bit divided to be honest not not so much because anyone's given it really that much thought i think the the usual response and i can say this myself as a medical doctor who when i i mean i've been practicing now for 20 um close on to 25 years um and i can say that certainly in the beginning of that time you know someone had spoken to me about vitamins and their use in health you'd probably be considered a little bit um [Music] how to say this alternative a little bit alternative yes and um and i think that that may be the case for many things and there are certainly research studies that show that certain vitamins may actually cause harms rather than good yeah sure um but i think each thing on its own and you have to look at um the actual situation in in the in the event of covid you have a worldwide pandemic with a virus that's mutating with unknown effects in the beginning and quite a large range of potentially quite severe effects for many people and no um useful treatment for it um or treatments that are extremely expensive um and no not much of an initial strategy other than just go home and then come back if you get a lot more sick yeah um [Music] it's about taking the wider picture that's all and about being sensible yeah yeah and and i like the way this fits into your whole philosophy of preventative i mean you know if we're not doing that then what are we doing well treating people when we get sick we are reactive rather than proactive right but we we know so much more today that we can do um then why are we not doing it well my hope is that this will get the message out to at least a small part of the world we'll get a few people thinking about it talk to your own doctor of course we can't prescribe for you we don't know you as an individual but uh certainly encourage people to get their vitamin d levels checked and to consider the possibility of vitamin d deficiency and vitamin k2 and zinc as well these are such common things i mean the vitamin d blood test is not cheap and so health services are reluctant probably to to to use it on patients but there are clear guidelines of safety with vitamin d that any doctor knows um and you know you don't have to have a blood test and even if you don't get tested and even if you don't know what level you reach yeah taking these sorts of doses two thousand three thousand four thousand units a day in an adult they're not going to harm and they're not going to cause any toxicity even much higher doses wouldn't yeah and it's going to be better than it was when you were deficient exactly and even if you're not deficient even if you had a normal level then raising it a bit further again it's not going to harm you yeah excellent point you know excellent point because not all the world has access to these uh expensive high-tech options whereas vitamin d is generic vitamin k2 is generic zinc is generic it costs i i get all mine from the supermarket right it's dr michael cohen that is fascinating um thank you for giving up your saturday afternoon for us and uh thank you for all of the time that you invest in your lectures uh not at all just just tell us how you are personally after you're covered it took a good few months but you fully recovered now or yeah yeah i mean it took me about um probably close to seven months to fully recover so i could see the progress of it because today you can see how you're actually doing um but for me it was actually an interesting learning experience i and it i'm able to translate a lot of that into how i treat my patients i can to some degree anticipate things uh sometimes you can literally smell when someone's come and you and there's odd symptoms and you start asking them more questions because their tests come back normally you say well okay well when was that when was your vaccination scene then the appearance of these incredibly unusual symptoms uh neurological symptoms that seem to have come out of absolutely nowhere and an otherwise fit and healthy person and um i even read a i read a recent article on one of the online medical journals saying how oh this was um the problem with fitness for example was due to deconditioning so as though someone hadn't been doing sport because they were unwell but it doesn't then explain how when they received the second dose of the vaccine they immediately went downhill again in an otherwise fit and sporty individual so there's a lot of questions around all of this and i i honestly think that keeping to the basics for first keeping good nutrition good sleep staying active and um a couple of these vitamins is not going to harm anyone and is very likely to help a lot of people and then worry about the clever things after that but still very important you've still got the clever things you need the clever thing yeah of course you don't you don't need them for as many people frequently yeah yeah absolutely medicine is for the sick yeah yeah doctor thank you so much for that absolutely fascinating um i'm sure there'll be lots of comments if you want to read through and answer a few of them i'm sure people will be delighted to hear from you and uh how to do that later yes yeah so thank you very much for your saturday afternoon we really appreciate it and would love to talk again at some time maybe we could mention iron and other things by all means yeah thank you okay thank you
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 587,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: w9h-XQm2qEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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