Cloud Computing - Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds Introduction

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please go to Eli the computer guy calm in order to view schematics code and more for the projects that you are learning about welcome back so today's video I want to do a brief overview of the difference between public private and hybrid clouds so this is an important subject nowadays but unfortunately a lot of people get confused on something that should be a relatively simple now the important thing to remember whenever we're talking about cloud computing is the primary thing when we're talking about cloud computing is that you are simply not able to point to a specific physical machine and know for absolute certain that that physical machine is providing the services that you are using so back in the old days if you had an Active Directory server or if you had a web server basically everything was married to that physical box you had the physical machine and you had the operating system installed on a physical machine you had the services configured for that physical machine and so you could say that machine right there is the Active Directory server so if you try to log into the network and that is the server that you're going to be going to or if you had a web server you would have a web server and that is the server that you are going to be going to now in this modern world of cloud computing the big concept here is simply yeah that's coming from that infrastructure over there right so if you have an Active Directory cluster so Active Directory provides security services on a Microsoft network basically you know that you are whenever somebody logs in that they are then walking into the cluster but you may not know specifically what machine that they are connecting to if you have a VMware cluster a hypervisor cluster basically you have instances of a server operating systems running in that cluster you may have ten physical machines and then the management software of that cluster will move the instances around within the cluster within those ten different physical machines as it sees fit based off of the rules that you have configured now I do I do want to want to stop people here a lot of times when you have new people right new people to do that whole stump the jump thing there they really liked to poke holes in concepts and go haha the teacher as it really as smart as they think they are obviously you can know what physical machine and instance is running on right you can go into the management console and if you go into the management console you can see what the instance is you can see what physical machine is actually operating on and you need this sometimes to do basically maintenance that kind of tasks so obviously you can know what physical machine it's on but that kind of misses the point the the the point that we're going here with the whole cloud config trial computing infrastructure is more the idea of at first blush you don't necessarily know which specific piece of hardware that you're dealing with and really one of the more important things here is that the hardware is no longer as important as it used to be again a big a problem in the old days 20 years ago if you had an Active Directory server a web server or anything else right you could you could spend a lot of money you could put a lot of time configuring that box you could put it in the best server room in the world but you know with the CPU fan if one is stupid a CPU Fanfan counselor server that you spent the past week configuring goes offline and nobody can use it so one of the big things to with the cloud computing concept is that the server itself or each node is no longer a single point of failure for the system you can have entire physical machines completely died disappear just just go away get sucked up in a tornado and your infrastructure should keep working so this is a big thing to remember about with cloud computing that's why it can get a little bit confusing especially when we start talking about private clouds because when people think about the cloud right they think about the cloud the cloud the internet and so when they say well wait a minute but if you have a private cloud so if you have all these servers in your own data center how is that the cloud the cloud is out there anything here is local so it's obviously not the cloud but with cloud computing the important thing to be thinking about is it's not the cloud or whatever it is more than idea of you if you just simply do not know you can't can't at first blush be able to point and go I know I know when you go to the website that is being that is being hosted on only this machine right the idea with cloud computing you can be hitting any number of nodes they are providing a services for your users and again any single node fails it doesn't really matter the other big thing to remember about with cloud computing is basically once we started moving the whole cloud computing architecture we started moving more and more into something called a services oriented architecture so you will see something called a CoA so back in the old days and it still exists to a degree you have what's called the client-server architecture so you had client machines that will communicate with servers right so you would have an Active Directory server so that server will do your Active Directory and it would you be your SMB your file shares might do FTP might be VPN they do a whole bunch of other things right but it was a client server so you had the client computer and it was getting everything from the server itself again the server the hardware the services were all married they're all super glued into one box so you couldn't separate the two and so that's where you would come into the idea of again domains in the Microsoft world so you would have Active Directory servers or domain controllers you would have your member of computers and they would be communicating with those particular servers so has a client-server architecture when we go into these services oriented architecture what we start thinking about is instead of thinking about servers right again one things we're trying to abstract in the cloud computing world we're trying to abstract out the actual services and the things being provided and so we want to start thinking more about is services instead of think about the server itself you start thinking about this service and that that server provides and then you think about the different ways that those services can be provided to your end user so that's when you start thinking about let's say a hybrid cloud computing model instead of thinking about a database server you start thinking about the service of a database right someplace to basically be able to store data and then be able to run sequel sequel queries and so one of the things that you can do is you can actually simple simply rent a database of services from a company like AWS or as your because then you're not worried about the physical servers themselves you're not even worried about the instances of servers you just say I need a database service and I will connect to their database service and that is where I will push and pull data from so one of the big things again when we start thinking about cloud computing in the real world is again this idea of services oriented architecture we're no longer we're now we're not really worried about this the server's themselves we're not worried about the exchange server we're not worried about the web server we're thinking about the services I need email services for my users I need web services for my users I need whatever services for my users how can I provide those to my users again with something like Active Directory that that might be best coming from a physical Active Directory cluster but then you do something like in some database service and you're like well do I really want my own MS sequel databases in my own server room or maybe that's something I can basically outsource they basically purchased that service from a company such as Bonjour or maybe AWS or something else and so then my servers will connect to that service and be able to provide my end-users these services that they require so these are some of the things to be thinking about when you start thinking about the cloud computing world and also remember again this is a concept a way of way of thinking about your Hempfest ruk sure about think a way of thinking about your architecture where again back in the old days it was all servers you had client machines you had servers and you got some peripherals like network-attached printers and things like that right so you were focused on just building building out your servers making sure they had replication strategies doing all that kind of thing in this modern world of cloud computing you're thinking more of this services oriented architecture thinking about just the service itself and so you start thinking ok do I need an extraneous server or can I just get office 365 ok so I'm just going to buy the office 365 cloud service so that's a cloud service to bright email services to your end-user on the other hand who Active Directory right I'm gonna need local machines for Active Directory so I'll create my own local Active Directory cluster and so that will provide the security secur the services on my network and then you start sitting there in like a way well this is what I need a physical box for and ok this is what I need you know a cloud service for and this is something it probably would be run better in the cloud but I actually want to be able to hyper configure everything for the server so I'll create an instance of a server up in the cloud and or provide those services and so that's kind of the way that you start thinking about building your infrastructure in this new cloud computing world and the important thing to be thinking about again with the idea of cloud computing is is more you can't specifically point to a server to a physical box that's providing the service you create this infrastructure you create this architecture that simply provides the services that your users need through multiple different ways so with that let's go over the whiteboard so I can start explaining this a little bit better again we're gonna go over the public clouds we're gonna go over private clouds and then we're going to go over what's really cool the hybrid cloud architecture where again in in current day in current day if you're not using just a little bit of hybrid cloud infrastructure architecture at this point in time you really got a question what you're doing to your users and your company so anyways with that let's go over the whiteboard and I'll explain this stuff a little bit better so let's first start talking about the public cloud so this is what most people be like yeah I understand what you're talking about but for a lot of new people you probably actually don't so we start talking about the public cloud basically we're talking about the cloud computing that is outside of your premises so normally when you think about the public cloud or thinking about AWS you're thinking about as you're just thinking about something like digital ocean CloudFlare any number of providers so the idea here is you literally own no physical Hardware none their equipment is sitting in your data center you are simply purchasing services from them if you're using something like digitalocean maybe you're simply spinning up instances of operating systems up in the cloud if you're using Azure or AWS maybe you're doing more sophisticated things again tapping into something like an MS sequel database service and Azure cloud or any of the any number of things that AWS provides so the first thing that you need to be thinking about when you're gonna be dealing with the public cloud is the stack that you're going to be using and so and this is incredibly important and this is one of those things that screws people up when they initially build out their cloud infrastructure if they're not thinking about the stack not just now but going into the future you can run into a lot of problems later so what am I talking about with the stack the stack is all the technology all the products that are going to be required in order for your infrastructure to work so so if you think about like a full stack developer you have about four full stack developers and full stack developers will need to be able to understand Linux they'll need to be able to understand like a PHP or Ruby or a Python back-end language only need to understand a JavaScript front-end languages they'll need to understand databases and they'll need to understand it a number of different other technologies and so this is what your stack is right so in order to fully deploy products to your end users or customers you need Linux you need the backend programming language you need the front-end programming language you need the database and you need whatever else is is required and so that's the full stack that's something to be thinking about right so when you're thinking about the stack and you're thinking about something like digital ocean so digital ocean more or less they just provide instances of operating systems for you right so you can spin up an instance of Ubuntu or I think you can do Windows right basically you're just spinning up instances you pay them five or ten dollars a month for that so when you're thinking about the stack you may not have a lot to worry about what the stack write you know you think about your stack and you're like well we need Linux like let's say we're gonna just spin up a basic web server so your company is gonna do oh I don't know you're just gonna do a wordpress site really so your your your company is gonna need a wordpress site up in the cloud you want to be able to deal with some configurations or whatever so so what is the real stack that's required there you know you'd Linux you need a patch fee or I suppose suppose the the the cool people nowadays do engine X so basically you need some kind of a web server again you need PHP on there and then a few other technologies something like WordPress or whatever else right so if you're thinking okay I basically my stack is just a single Linux box some web server some PHP WordPress then doing something like a digitalocean may make a lot of sense like that's all you need for your staff can you start thinking about it like with your company you're like well what cloud services are we really gonna need and you sit there and you're like well okay so we're gonna we're gonna use a digital ocean for one instance of a server we're not gonna get that many people one day like ringing it less than a thousand users coming to our site in a day so one instance on a digital ocean that's fine for email services we're gonna use office 365 or Gmail or something like that so okay so so digital ocean is fine right now digital ocean is fine and frankly five or ten years from now probably digital ocean is fine but it's important to understand that if you're going to be creating a larger scale infrastructure or a more complicated infrastructure there's more to the stack than simply simply this basic thing that we're talking about here with digital ocean right so so that's one of the reasons why a lot of people go with Azure so as your is a Microsoft cloud and one of the big things with with Azure be Microsoft cloud is that it uses the full Microsoft stack right so if you're thinking about the Microsoft stack what that means is things like Active Directory again a lot of the kids for some reason like to laugh at Active Directory let me tell you being a real IT professional I love Active Directory I will throw money at cows right so something called Cal's client access licenses so whenever you spin up a Microsoft server not only I do you have to pay for the server itself but you have to pay for every cow basically every connection to that Active Directory server used to be $50 it's probably somewhere around price now and again for a lot of new people a lot of 18 year olds they hear that you have to spend $50 in order to to connect you know each host to an Active Directory server and they lose their mind let me tell you as somebody who's actually dealt with tech in the real world I love Active Directory Active Directory is great Active Directory gives you all of your security policies it gives you all of your user management your group management organizational units all kinds of all kinds of different things you can do with Active Directory so basically Active Directory is one of those great services that works so well most people don't even realize it's there it's like it's so it's so good and it's so smooth and it does what the hell it's supposed to do so well that people don't want to pay for it because they just assume all computer systems do what Active Directory does and they're like no no Microsoft Active Directory is a beautiful thing so anyways so that's something to be thinking about right so if you've got a organizations that's been around for 10 or 20 years the reality is is they will have built their infrastructure up until this point most likely using Microsoft and so up until that what that means is they've been using the Microsoft stack so again you think about something like Active Directory you think about exchange server so exchange server is the email and calendar and all that kind of stuff server Microsoft now has teams so teams is a supposed to be their version of slack but basically there's a lot of different products and one of the great parts about the staff too is that all of these different things can communicate with each other when you log in with Active Directory that then gives you access to your email services so you log in and it knows you know your Eli let's say you lie to creator guy calm so these emails are for you the calendar is for you if you start trying to use teams it knows who you are knows who your friends or have connections with to and is able to tie all of that stuff and together and so you add on top of that things like file servers web servers all kinds of different products and offerings and basically that's what you start dealing with with the stack and so this is an important thing to be thinking about with the using the public cloud as you go well I'm gonna spin up something on digitalocean and it'll be relatively inexpensive no big deal yeah but does did you lotion offer Active Directory does digitalocean offer Microsoft sequel services again if you've got Microsoft sequel servers running simply going with a cloud provider that can actually host that for you might be a valuable thing again do you know file servers and web servers and teams and exchange email and all of these different things and the important thing is that they can all tie rather seamlessly together and be able to communicate well together so that's where you're looking at with something like the the Microsoft stack on the other hand if you look at AWS and you look at their stack Wow they've got a lot of functionality so beyond the thing of simply spending up instances right so you can spin up an instance of something like Ubuntu or Microsoft or whatever else they also provide a lot of different things like things like virtual networking which can be really amazing right so again the networking is the communication between all of your servers and all of your systems up in the cloud and one of the cool things you can do with AWS stack is you can actually choose how communication gets routed whether it's just between particular servers or between like regions so if you have different regions how traffic actually gets routed so that can be in a very important thing so nowadays they're becoming a lot more laws that countries are putting on the book stating that the data for users of that country has to stay within the country itself so if you're able to control your networking and the AWS stack basically what you can have is any user in one particular country all of their data will get stored and in a server that's actually in their region or in their country right so you log in and you're in Europe and basically it will store all the data in Europe just to maintain compliance where if I'm over here in the United States I may get routed to an entirely different server because our laws are different so that's something that you can have in the AWS deck again they have their own Oh implementations of things like databases they have an implementation of the the my sequel database so if you're using my sequel again let's say you're using a word you have a wordpress site or something like that that's actually become very popular you have lots of people hammering your site so you no longer want to have to host your own my sequel server they actually have it in my sequel implementation and so you can simply drop your data basically you can export your database into their implementation of my sequel and then you can point your servers at that and that now becomes your database engine for the website that you have and so this is what you're gonna be thinking about when you're thinking about the public cloud computing providers and one of the big things to be thinking about is what is the stack that you need if you don't need very much basically you just need a spin up you know I know some server to do backups to an FTP server you know in some kind of web server or something like that going with digitalocean makes a lot of sense yeah hey why waste money on AWS or as you're on the other hand you know again if you've got a larger scale infrastructure like if you're dealing with an old legacy company so you've got a legacy company you've got 10,000 users things have been built out over the past couple of decades I have to tell you you're most likely gonna want the is your staff there the Microsoft stack because this is gonna have Active Directory this is gonna have MS sequel this is gonna have this is going to be drop-in replacements for so many of the things that you're already using on the other hand maybe your new hot sexy young startup company and who the hell use it like Outlook Outlook oh it's so funny Oh Millennials whenever I talk to Millennials about outlook they make me feel older I remember what outlook was a killer app I used to love Outlook right but again maybe maybe this is a new startup company you know you're spinning everything up you're less than a year old everything you know you're not worried of Active Directory as old and stupid outlook sure as hell is old and stupid right you but you want to spin up something again let's say you're gonna be spinning up the next snapchat gonna be spinning up the next Instagram or something like that so you need file servers you need compression servers you need some kind of authentication servers you need routing again you need that full stack but you don't need you don't need the Microsoft stack so again going over with something like - AWS and their stack may provide you a lot better four options and the good part about working within the stack is then you don't have to have like lots of different user accounts because one thing you would think about like you know like well Eli Eli you know I could use digitalocean and I could use CloudFlare and I could use another company and another company another company another company so what I don't like AWS I'm just gonna use you know ten different ten different companies to provide the services that I need but you have to remember that's ten different user accounts that's ten different credit card things going in there that's ten different startups that you know could crash and burn tomorrow that's adding a whole bunch of complexity when again you could go with just AWS or as your you have one user account or you have their one account management system they have your credit card and their payment information all of their stuff basically you can just it's very easy to connect all of these services together it's like little Lego works you can just connect everything together and build things very quickly not only that but again with Azure and something like AWS these are companies with a quick crap ton of money behind them that nobody wants to see fail and so they will they will most likely be around for a long time or again nothing gets digitalocean itself but if you go with some other startup provider right there are a lot of other cloud public cloud providers out there and the reality is right they could disappear tomorrow they literally you like you believe this is the greatest thing about their price point is awesome their service is awesome everything is great and then they disappear and again like if you're thinking about an organization like really worrying about whether the startup company is gonna still be in business you know a week from now is an important thing to be thinking about so these are some of the things to be thinking about when you're thinking about a public a cloud infrastructure and why some of the stuff is really important so now that we've talked about the public cloud infrastructure let's talk about the private cloud infrastructure now I know at this point you probably like I know private cloud infrastructure I'm just gonna skip over to where it starts talking about hybrid but again this is one of those big big problems that we have is so many people don't really think about things like the private cloud infrastructure enough when they're building out infrastructure or they're doing migrations and they run into problems in the future so we're talking about private cloud so basically we're talking about private cloud again we're not talking about the cloud out there we're not talking about the cloud that we connect to that is the public cloud we are talking about the cloud you're essentially going to be creating within your own premises so with this this may be something like a VMware or a Citrix hypervisor cluster so you have instances of operating systems that move through all of the physical machines in that particular cluster this may be something like an Active Directory cluster from Microsoft so again Active Directory is security services so when people need to log in to get access to network resources you may have a cluster like that or again something such as a SAN so a storage area network and this would store all the data for things like servers might be backup data might be file shares maybe the instances of the operating systems that are running in a VMware cluster but the important thing to be thinking about when we're talking about the private cloud is we're looking at the overall cluster we're looking at the services provided by the cluster were not hyper focused on the physical machine right so back in the day you would have a Active Directory server and that's what you're focused on now you have an Active Directory cluster and as long as nothing too stupid happens even if a physical machine completely and utterly fails you will still be getting Active Directory services from that cluster so again that's what we're talking about with the cloud so even though it's internal in your premises you you're not really pointing at a specific machine about the services it's off it's providing you're looking at the cluster of machines that are providing these services now an important thing to be thinking about when you're dealing with a private cloud is basically what vendors you're going to go with so again you VM hello I'm horrible writing you got VMware you have Citrix you have Microsoft and products like hyper-v and Active Directory you have the different sands that are out there your different database services and the whole nine yards and so when you're going to be building out your your private cloud infrastructure you need to be thinking about the vendors and you need to be thinking about how well they play with each other right so again VMware with VMware you can lock instances of Microsoft operating systems or Linux operating systems or Solaris I suppose if you want to right you can do the same thing with Citrix you can do the same thing with a Microsoft Microsoft hyper-v so one of the things you need to be thinking about is what else are you concerned about beyond the instance itself right so that's a thing is having an instance of a server at this point is not necessarily the most significant issue there's a lot of different products out there that can provide that that can deal with instances of servers so things you need to be thinking about is such as licensing schemes right so with Microsoft Microsoft has an interesting things with their licensing schemes when you start spinning up a virtual machines so depending on what license of Microsoft server you purchase it will also come with additional licenses for virtual machines so I think if you buy the basic server version of Microsoft server let's say 2019 I think it comes with two licenses in hyper-v for for spinning up additional servers so that's something to think about you're like okay well you know maybe money is a little bit tight so if I buy one license of Server 2019 that will give me two virtual machines that I can run in hyper-v where I don't have to pay any additional licensing fee where if I buy VMware I purchase VMware and then I've got to purchase all the licenses on top of that and so the money for VMware when your particular infrastructure might be a lot more but something to think about is VMware has a lot of very good products for things such as high availability so when you're Korea VMware clusters so that whole high-availability deal where you can put in a lot of rules and you can say if one physical machine fails what happens with the instances you can put rules in for basically how much a load you want on each physical machine so if if the load on a physical machine goes above eighty percent for like that so let's say the CPU load then I want to auto auto migrate an instance of one of the servers that's running on that particular physical machine at to a different physical machine right a lot of that that's one of the things that you need to be thinking about again Citrix has their their own things again for dealing with stands storage area networks different sans work with different products better again so if you're dealing with VMware so you may want to purchase a particular sand product on the other hand with Microsoft again Microsoft has a lot of stuff built into it and so one of the things you me thinking about is like well why do I want to buy an entirely new sand product when Oh Microsoft has the storage spaces so they have their own storage kind of Saanich let's say it's sand ish they have a sand ish product so again if you if you're trying to save money you already decided you're gonna be dealing with hyper-v because you like the fact that it will save you money as far as as far as not having to purchase so many licenses then you might say okay instead of going with another net app or some other sand provider I'm just gonna spin up a couple of more Windows servers that will provide storage using this storage spaces technology and so these are some of the things that you need to be thinking about when you're thinking about creating your private cloud is not simply not simply you know what product does the instance or what product does the storage but also how it all how it all works together who partners with whom right so if you're gonna spin up a VMware a cluster of hypervisors one of the things to look at is who what what's and companies what storage companies actually partner with VMware to make sure that their products will work best with VMware again that's something to think about right so you're gonna create a cluster of hypervisors and then you need a Sam you need some kind of play to store all the instances and so going out and looking and finding the partners of VMware that have verified that their storage solutions actually work appropriately with VMware that's something to be thinking about again the thing with like licensing what is the overall cost going to be okay by VMware and then you have to buy all the licenses and then you have to do all of those things and basically when you look at that math you may find one product is significantly more expensive for your specific situation again that's an important thing to be thinking about when you're dealing with organizations and businesses different organizations different businesses have different situations so when you're building out an infrastructure right the infrastructure for one company may look a lot different than the infrastructure for a different company again based off of things like whatever their current agreements are you know cost structure different types of things so these are some of the things that you need to be thinking about when you're talking about the creating building out a private cloud and then beyond that - as we talked about up here with the public providers is also being careful about the small companies right so so you have this startup companies out there so there's a lot of startup companies they're building their own private cloud solutions well one of the problems you may run into is what happens in that startup company fails there was one company I like back in the day I think was it called I know it wasn't called Iron Mountain anyways there was one company if you go back about 10 years ago there was this really cool virtualization company so so back when the whole hypervisor craze was was new and it was cool and it was exciting it was an old technology there was this one company out there that created this really awesome hypervisor cluster software they had an awesome price point like the price point was awesome the configurate configurability was awesome the reliability was awesome everybody loved their product I forget exactly what it was named but it was just this amazing piece of virtualization software right you could you could expand clusters it was just it was awesome like it was it was the type of it was what I call a credit card scalene where literally you swipe your credit card you buy a new you buy a new node you slap the note in and it was working it was just it was just the greatest it really was it was great the Air Force was using it major corporations were using it it was just absolutely awesome especially back when VMware seemed a little bit more quirky I'm not sure hyper-v was around or hyper-v was around who was in like version one right so if you look if you looked at all the competition out there whatever this company was it was just absolutely awesome it was a plus plus plus plus plus and so I was thinking about using this for some of my clients well then well then Oracle swooped in so Oracle swooped in but this amazing startup company and then literally stopped selling any licenses to it uh that's not a joke that's not an exaggeration that is literally what happened this really awesome virtualization company was purchased by Oracle and literally the first thing that Oracle did was stop selling licenses to it so imagine this imagine you're building out an infrastructure right so you already have a hundred nodes in your cluster and basically you know you're scaling out suicide I've got 100 nodes I know within the next five years we're going to get to a thousand nodes so this company is great the price point is great my text is very easy for my technicians to be able to use so we we have found the product that we're going to use and we're just gonna keep buying this product every month we're gonna buy another 10 of these boxes and then Oracle comes in and buys the company and like not even a joke they literally just stopped selling licenses they said they stopped selling licenses they stopped selling the the upgrade so they weren't going to many new versions coming out and then they were going to like support it with security updates for like a year or two like whatever they're contracted but like required them to do and that was it and so again like I think it was the Air Force the Air Force had invested quite a bit of money into that particular virtual virtualization company because it was such a great product and they got screwed pretty on that and so again that's that's something you have to think about so going with the VMware is the world going with the Microsoft's or the Citrix Azure the big names that really is far more important that a lot of people give credit to so now that you have the idea of public cloud computing and private cloud computing let's start talking about hybrid so basically all hybrid is is you have your premises you have your infrastructure and you have a cloud environment there again you have VMware running you have Active Directory clusters you have whatever else and then what you're going to be doing in a hybrid infrastructure is then you are going to be connecting that to the services provided by as your or AWS or even things such as what are called disaster recovery as a service that is pretty cool and so basically the idea here is that this becomes all one infrastructure as far as you illogically think about it right well in the technology world you look at things from the physical standpoint and then from the illogical standpoint right so from the physical standpoint this is one infrastructure and this is another infrastructure right this is the infrastructure that's sitting in your data center and this is the infrastructure sitting up in somebody else's data center so physically they are separate but when you start creating VPNs you start you start creating your your routing for for network traffic you start connecting the different services together what happens is that they illogically they logically become one infrastructure so again that's one of the important things be thinking about in this whole cloud world is realizing the difference between the physical infrastructure and the illogical infrastructure as far as how you're thinking about the services being provided to the end-user you need to be thinking about this as one single logical infrastructure so what do I mean by that so so again let's let's say we're talking about as you are right so we're talking about is your and you have your nice little Microsoft cloud in premises and you have your using Microsoft cloud in the azure cloud right so let's talk about that whole Active Directory thing again so again Active Directory is these security services well one of the cool things when they're really awesome things is you can actually have Active Directory servers up in the azure cloud so why might that be valuable to you so let's say let's say you have a user right and so you have a user and that user has a laptop computer because everybody has laptop computers nowadays so right that user as far as that user is concerned all they all they want is to be able to log in to their computer and get access to whatever services that they need right so let's say they're there at your property they they're at your premises they go to log in and when they go to log in they get automatically routed to the local the closest Active Directory server so they get they get routed there they get their security credentials and then they're able to log in and use whatever resources are on the network well what happens what happens if they decide to go to a remote office or if they're staying in a hotel or something like that so let's say they use VPN services they use a VPN to go up to the cloud and then one of the questions you have to ask yourself is oh you know do I trust this person you know like if I can see you the person I trust them but do I trust somebody logging in to our internal network from out on the road in a hotel something like that because that's that's one of the big problems in the security world is using VPN services right somebody from a remote site is able to gain access into your eternal network if something has compromised their system or something like that they can cause a lot of issues on your internal network so what would it be nice if they use a VPN service and instead of connecting to the internal Active Directory servers you have running in your server room they simply connect to the Active Directory server sitting up in the Microsoft Azure cloud right so they use VPN they use routing and remote access something like that they could they hit the is your cloud the is your cloud instead of routing to your premises they just actually just just authenticate you up on the cloud and then you get your credentials and your able to use whatever services that you need again you may say well let's put like some file servers right so again let's say we have sales people that are on the road and so we go oh do we really want salespeople on the road from the road being able to get into our own internal infrastructure that just seems like a bad idea so again we'll put an Active Directory server up here we'll put the file server up here but the important thing again we start talking about the logically is that logically these two Active Directory servers are synchronizing with each other again we talk about replication strategies so when user accounts change anything like that that information is being synchronized they essentially see themselves on one network again this file server here you may have the file server here that actually then you know using using network connections or whatever else backs up to some kind of backup solution that you actually have on-premises so even though this file server is up on the cloud again as far as your backup system is concerned it's just on the lower the end if it's IP addressable right the system doesn't care and so this is where you start start thinking about building that infrastructure so although you have to theoretically different infrastructures from that logical point of view as far as your security and your backup systems are concerned as far as your users are concerned this is just one overall one logical infrastructure so when you start thinking about hybrid and what I would argue like everybody needs to be using hybrid right now if you're not using a hybrid cloud infrastructure I don't know what you're doing is to think about things like a disaster recovery as a service and again this is where you start thinking about don't think about as your AWS think about these services wouldn't it be nice wouldn't it be nice and so disaster recovery of the service is amazing so a company company called V the EE AM makes a backup software so basically backup software for virtual machines so it's really cool about being is let's say you have your little you know hypervisor cluster right and you've got all of your instances of servers running on this hypervisor cluster and so you use the Veen backup software in the bean backup software goes and it backs up all these different instances well as I've talked about before one of the great things about instances basically virtual machines is that they're one intact file right you can move you can move one intact file from one place to another and then spin it up basically turn it on in the new place so one of the cool things with disaster recovery as a service is you can use beam and then what beam can do is it can back up to a service provider so you actually have online backup service providers and one of the cool parts is and they have their own clusters so during normal circumstances or during normal circumstances right veem will backup to the service provider and then maybe somebody lost a file or something stupid happened and you can get that one file and you can bring it back but here's the thing here's the thing what happens what happens if there's a tornado what happens if there's a flood what happens if something really stupid happens and your entire frickin cluster is gone right your hypervisor cluster is just dead gone ain't gonna get spun up right this is just an absolute misery it's gonna take you a month to it to be able to get everything spun back up again well what's cool with disaster recovery is a service is you've been backing up whole instances of virtual machines and your service provider has clusters of these hypervisors and so what they can do is not only do they keep your data data for you but they can actually start spinning up your instances within their cloud so if you have Active Directory if you have an email server eFilm web server or anything like that basically what you need to do is you need to go into your networking equipment and you need to change route impossibly to point at the service provider versus pointing at your infrastructure but then all of these instances can now be spun up within their infrastructure so your users are now able to login your users are able to get the files your users are able to do basic work as you're trying to figure out how the hell to build rebuild your infrastructure that was literally taken out by a flood or a tornado or something else like this now obviously the service provider is going to charge you a good money in order to do this but this is one of the things you have to think about in the business world I would rather have to spend a lot of money to get a service that's required in order to keep my business running then not have to spend money because basically that option isn't even provided so disaster recovery as a service is one of these again like at this point if you don't care about is your you don't care about AWS and you just think I've been doing a lot of talking this is the point you need to realize like if you have not looked at disaster recovery as a service you just need to look at that but then beyond that again like we talked about like it give me the azure cloud so if you're using a Microsoft Azure you can do a lot of really cool things with Microsoft Azure again like you've got your premises and let's say you have a database server so you have a database server and that database server normally does a limited amount of processing so oh for whatever reason you know let's say you have new customers so you have new customers they they they start using your business they start becoming clients of your business and so their information gets put into a database but then a mannequin for a second imagine let's say your business buys another business and that other business has a whole metric crap-ton of users already right so let's say they've got they've got a million users and so what needs to happen is they have their own database system and so those million users basically they have to get migrated to your database system and their data has to be integrated into your database system making sure the first names are in the right place and the last names are in the right place and basically making sure you don't lose information you need or any of that type of thing right well if you just got your own little putzie database server again you think about your little database server that's got a xeon processor it's got 32 gigs of ram it's fine it's fine it's doing this thing but if you try to hammer it with a million records and then also using some kind of scripts in order to try to clean up those million records your database server is going to have a pair that day so one of the things you can do is if you're using there's your cloud which is really cool so let's say so again with this database server you'll be using a Microsoft sequel is they actually have Microsoft sequel services right so literally what you could do before this big old migration is you can migrate the data you have in your current database server up to the Microsoft sequel database service that microsoft offers then once that's happened then you can provision this with however many resources you want you then import into that Microsoft a sequel service up on ashore and basically you have all of this processing going on up on the is your cloud right so you're gonna need a lot of CPU to do it you're gonna need a lot of RAM to do it you're gonna need a lot of I ops you know for storage basically input outputs and so basically while this process is happening you can hammer the hell out of Microsoft as your system until it finishes and then once it finishes you can then export the results back down to your tiny little database server and at this point you know you're just adding a couple of people a day to lead in a couple of people a day and so your dad your database server from a day-in day-out standpoint can handle the data can handle the usage but it's just this massive migration of information into it would kind of kill it and so that's the kind of thing you can start dealing with with the hybrid cloud infrastructure and again is pretty cool beyond that again in the is your world one of the nice things is something to think about like if you're going to be doing a move so I was responsible or I helped out with a campus move back in the day which really kind of sucked because everything was on physical servers so when you got to remove a lot of physical servers from one physical location to another physical location and those servers make a business with thousands of employees run oh it is nerve-racking like we had to buy we literally had to have multiple trucks so we didn't simply have one moving truck we literally had to have multiple moving trucks to move all the the server separately so we figured out what servers were redundant and then the redundant servers went on one truck and then the other servers went on the other truck and it was really nailed by anything and it may seem like a joke but the idea of moving your entire server room 20 miles away and realizing one person blasts through a red light and crashes into the truck with all your servers and literally a business with thousands of employees can just be done can just be toast right so one of the cool things you can do and let's say with with Azure is you can actually again you can move your instances of operating systems up to the cloud and then move them back again so let's say let's say we were in the azure world so let's say we're doing this move in these your world one of the things that we could do is we can actually move the instances of our servers up to Azure so basically they're sitting on our clusters we move them up to the edge of Jeor and they're still all active they're all still all providing services we then move simply the physical machines at this point right all the instances are up on the cloud all the instances are providing all the services that they need the users don't even realize that anything's going on we then take all the physical machines and the trucks over to our new server room we then you know stand everything up there we can drink a nice cup you know we can leisurely drink a little bit of coffee we can laugh you know we can only work 12 hours instead of 18 hours because it doesn't matter all the services are still being provided by a jour and so we get the physical machines up and running we spin up you know one rack of machines we make sure those are doing what they're supposed to do and then we pull down however many instances should be running on those machines then we spin up the next rack of machines and we pull down the instances for those machines and we spent up the next rack of machines and then we pull down the instances for those and so that way we can have a nice leisurely way of being able to do a big tech migration like that without worrying all hell's gonna break loose and again it seems like a joke it seems like a joke but but moving physical servers again you sneeze at a server you sneeze that server and that thing can die and so literally you've got it you got a pack you've got to unplug everything right you got to move these things through a building you then have to put them on a vehicle and that vehicle even if the drivers trying to be nice there's still vibration there still shocks there's still populace you think I pull it out of the truck you then got to move at the end in the new building then you got to plug everything in and again like you know if you can kill a server simply by sneezing at it imagine moving at 30 miles and again not just one imagine like what we had to it move hundreds of servers 30 miles and cross our fingers that everything spun back up wanted to be so much nicer if we could have just basically tossed the instances of the machines up into a shore so is your will be beat chug along doing what it's doing it and then we can just bring down those instances as need be and so these are some of the things to be thinking about when we start thinking about hybrid cloud computing and again this is one of those where it's a concept so you don't you don't think about a specific product you think about a problem that you're having concerns that you have and then you go out there and you just start doing a lot of research and you see you know what what what what products actually offer the services that you want so again like with VMware VMware is pretty cool with that with their with their hyper-v there a hypervisor solution where basically they have their own cloud and again they have a very simple way of being able to seamlessly a bit of a toss instances up into their cloud and be able to pull them back again basically with a couple of clicks and no big issues so again if you're doing a move if you're doing a migration if you need services again if you're gonna have a website that's gonna get hammered to high hell and back for like one week so let's say you have a websites you have a web server it's doing its normal thing and then you know next week you're gonna do a competition right so you're gonna do a competition and millions of people are gonna be hammering your website so again you throw the instance of your website up on the VMware's cloud everybody comes in hammers the ever-loving hell out of it and you don't care cuz VMware the cloud you just you just pull out your credit card and you spend the money for it will cost you money to be clear cause money but then you know once once that's over that weeks over people are hammering your web server anymore you just pull it back into your hypervisor cluster and it's no big deal and that's some of the really cool stuff that you can start dealing with when you really start thinking about cloud computing as an overall infrastructure as an overall architecture versus trying to see it as a single product or technology so that's the not so brief overview of a public private and hybrid cloud computing again it is important to realize that this is a way of thinking about building infrastructure that is different than how we used to build infrastructure and so when you're going about trying to figure out what services your clients need or what things your businesses need think more about the service-oriented architecture model versus the old client-server model so the old client-server model is you've got an FTP server you've got an experience server you gotta around in remote access server right that physical box is a VPN and that physical box of the file server than that physical box is the Active Directory server now we think about services so again we need we need authentication services we need email services we need VPN the services may be that will be provided best by a physical machine in our data center may be that will be provided best by a service again from office 365 or Gmail or something like that maybe it will be best to create an instance of a server and then throw that up on to Azure or AWS right you need to be thinking about you know looking at your infrastructure and what services are required and then figuring out what products then will provide those services in the best possible way again we start talking about public cloud computing again it's very important that you think about the stack the stack the stack the stack the stack is all the technology that's going to be required for your infrastructure now that's where I talk about Ling with AWS if you have an old legacy infrastructure and you're using Active Directory you're probably not gonna want to go with AWS that would be clear no don't don't don't don't write no don't get too much on my case I'm not saying that no old legacy company that uses active or directory would ever go to AWS but you really got to look at the situation right if you're already using an active directory if you've already got MS sequel servers if you already again are using exchange then why not why not go with the stack why not go with the cloud provider that that 100% supports those services relatively seamlessly versus you could go to AWS but then again like instead of using office 365 maybe then you'd have to be like spinning up instances of exchange server an AWS and kind of duct-taping thing that's together that probably is not a not a good idea or again you know if you're a startup company you don't care about Active Directory you don't care about Outlook or whatever else you may be looking at again to create the next Instagram or the next snapchat you're sitting there you're going well any authentication services I need storage services and compression services or whatever else and AWS provides all those services and it's relatively easy to code for and connect all these things together right so in that that situation you may get with AWS on the other hand again did your lotion is great if you need a small static basically they're just spinning up a web server maybe a couple of web servers that's it you know why pay the extra money for is your or AWS when you can just spin up NICU lotion on the other hand right if you know your company is going to be growing and you're going to be using more and more cloud services in the next five years you also don't want to start on digitalocean and then have to migrate to another cloud provider again in the real world of tech migration side if there's one thing I think we can all agree on migrations suck right so the fewer migrations you have to do when you're in dire career no matter so again if you know over the next five years your company is going to be growing significantly I would highly suggest you don't go into commotion because again you're gonna be needing all these other services you're gonna need all these other components from from a stack and so why not why not build off of that from the get-go and not have to worry about it as you grow again as far as the the private cloud is concerned there's lots of different products out there that more or less more or less seemed to offer the the same same solutions the same features but it is important to understand that there the small differences can be very very significant again like if you're using Microsoft at hyper-v the fact that active Freight that is your offers the Active Directory services up on the cloud that can make your life very easy for being able to move things around and basically be able to have people log in especially if the remote workers again with VMware VMware makes it very easy to be able to move instances from your local physical machine it's up to the VMware cloud and then back down again so these are some of the things to think about other things like licensing again so many new IT professionals I have no idea why but they think in terms of service and licensing is a joke clay that's not real professionals don't worry about the cost of cows and again like that's something to be thinking about right you know if you go with if you go with a Microsoft server and you're doing hyper-v again don't don't quote me on how many virtual machines you get per server license but it really is true where if you if you buy one server license you'll get two virtual machine licenses or maybe more than that for simply spinning up in hyper-v so you sit there and again depending on how complicated your infrastructure is you go well I need let's say I need four virtual machines I know if I buy this one license for Microsoft server that also provides me the licenses I need for my other virtual servers that are gonna be spinning up so therefore I could save a lot of money going with that solution versus going with VMware where with VMware I have to pay for VMware and then on top of that I have to pay for each each server instance that I will be using on VMware and so that's that's one of the things to be thinking about and then finally with hybrid cloud computing again and that's where we're really at in this modern world is the idea of hybrid cloud computing is you have your local cloud infrastructure and then there's also the cloud infrastructure that's out there and the idea of being able to make all of that one logical unit basically as far as far as your users are concerned when they log into Active Directory they don't they don't even notice that they're logging into a local Active Directory server or if they're logging into an Active Directory server that's sitting up on the azure cloud again the Det disaster recovery as a service if you are running infrastructure right now like of any value and you're not using disaster recovery as a service why not again when you say the old the old way of doing backups right you would do a backup you back up all the data and the physical server dies then you'd have to restore the server the nice thing with a local cloud is again you can have multiple Active Directory servers or multiple hyper hypervisor servers that are running but one of the things you really need to think about and again in the modern where you know apocalypse again what do you believe in climate can you don't believe in climate change you know rain happens rain happens tornadoes happen wildfires again if you're in California if you're a tech company California wildfires happen and something you really have to think about and this is one of your responsibilities as an IT professional is you have to ask yourself what happens if your server room literally melts down not oh no somebody uploaded a server several rooms melting down no seriously like there's there's like a 2,000 acre fire going on in California right now like literally like what happened literally if you're a server room gets melted to slag and so you may sit there you go well well I've got off-site backups right or we're backing up to the cloud so we'll be fine but remember a backup is not useful think like users cannot log into a backup I can't I can't file share or get email for my backup right I need a live instance of the server to actually be able to do work and so if you're an IT manager if you're an IT professional if you're using disaster recovery as a service again use a product like VMware many of the other products out there you have a service provider you've backed up all of your instances up onto their servers your again a flood comes through a tornado comes through a wildfire comes through whatever else you are able to spin up all of those instances within cloud infrastructure be able to point your users to that cloud infrastructure and now because again think about it like you know if your building burns down right if your building burns down you're gonna need to be contacting your customers you're gonna need to be contacting your vendors you're gonna need to be contacting your salespeople right after after a disaster that is the most important time to be able to have communication and to be able to get to move files have people log in all that kind of stuff so if you're able to spin up essentially your infrastructure up on a service providers a cloud infrastructure and literally by lunch the day after a wildfire melts down your entire building as far as you're concerned the infrastructure is working and you know you're just waiting for the CEO to write you a couple of checks you can you can build out a new data center that makes life better for everybody and also again in a real real technology world you don't have a job if your business goes bankrupt right so if everything melts down and all you've got is backups and that delays work for like nobody can do any work for a week or two until you can put those backups onto a physical machine that probably means you're not gonna have a job very long because if your business goes bankrupt you're done on the other hand again let you say if you don't spin up those instances using disaster recovery as a service everybody is able to do the work then they're talking their customers and they're figuring things out they're talking to the vendors they're figuring what else what they can do and then you know hey maybe maybe you know you will only have a wildfire to deal with you won't have a wildfire and the cow business to deal with so these are some of the things that think about it again it's why cloud computing is so vital and so important this point of time and again if if your infrastructure if you're dealing with a hundred users and you've literally got like I don't know two Active Directory servers and that's about it you really need to be thinking about how you can really leverage all this cloud technology because it really it's just it's just amazing compared to to what we were dealing with not that long ago so as always I enjoy doing this video and look forward to seeing the next one
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 15,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: WcCOvVs17E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 41sec (3821 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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