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hello hello is anybody there hello is anybody there hello is anybody there is anybody there can you hear me this is eli the computer guy i'm broadcasting from radio free asheville can anybody hear me out there is anybody there it's been so long since i've seen a human being the last thing i remember is that our president butterscotch biden he stood up in front of the white house on july 4th and he told us he told us that we had our independence from kovid that's the last thing i remember but now it's just silent it's just birds and chihuahuas i haven't seen a human in years is anybody out there yes foreshadowing this is what we call foreshadowing oh boys oh boise omicron omicron who would have thought oops i'm still not who who would have thought that uh that we would not be past coven yet who would have thought that would have new variants of coven coming out of africa that could throw everything into disarray nobody nobody could have seen this crap coming anyways so avocron omicron is here that's lovely throwing everything into chaos again it's not so much the the omicron itself it's not so much the covet itself it's the government response to covid and i think this paper from nature is kind of interesting because it's showing that omicron is very very very very very very very very infectious might actually have milder symptoms but it's very infectious uh it reinfects people that have already been infected with covid uh and it looks like it can get by the vaccines pretty easily and why i think this is very interesting is right now we look at a lot of politicians and a lot of politicians are pushing through uh government policies towards copen based off of how many people are infected with covet not necessarily icu capacity which is the most important thing not necessarily death which again is a bit of a weird statistic with how they do death but they're actually looking at how many people are infected and so one of my big concerns going on is that they keep looking at the number of people that are infected if infections go through the roof regardless whatever happens with the icus that we might start get getting more and more and more and more government crackdowns and more government insanity and i do wonder where it all goes from here again why am i talking about this on a technology channel because one it pays a lot better than technology and two it's an important thing to be thinking about for for technology business people again if you are if you are going to be creating a business if you are going to be designing your infrastructure for the next five years the question of what should that infrastructure look like again i have this whole idea for silicon dojo my entire concept for silicon dojo has massively changed a lot of that has to do simply with how the governments are responding to covid and thinking about how can the business how can the organization how can the the idea survive in that modern context and that's something you need to be thinking about again if you're if you have this idea that you just need to muscle through as a business leader until we can get quote unquote back to normal until we get to a world that looks more like uh january of 2020 if if omicron comes up if all these variants come up if it if it is proven like it is that we're not going to go back to what that normal looked like that means your business needs to look differently again it's simply things like how you design your business right i think about this with grocery stores right so grocery stores have been created at least here in the united states based off of the idea of you have a massive customer parking lot then everybody comes into your grocery store wanders around your grocery store buys all these products you have a massive parking lot the shipping area the delivery area all of that is in the back it's kind of it's given the smallest amount of space possible when you go into the grocery store there's a lot of visual things right trying to get you to do impulse buys that type of thing but it's a bit of a pain in the ass from an efficiency standpoint again think about how many times you've gone to the grocery store you're going through to buy something let's say you're gonna make cookies and you get the flour and you get the uh and you get the butter you get the eggs you get so many things but then there's like one ingredient that for some reason is on the other side of the store well the reason that they do that is to try to get you to go through the store and buy a bag of doritos oh you're walking from point a to point b you weren't going to buy a bag of doritos but hey the doritos are there the doritos are on sale let me buy a couple of bags of doritos for when i'm making these chocolate chip cookies right that is designed based off of a a business way of doing business where people are coming in where you're making money by upselling but it is not efficient it is not designed uh for actually being able to delivery type services so if you go to more of an instacart model if you go to more of a delivery model you would probably need a hell of a lot less of parking spaces for customers you would design the inside of a grocery store to be much more streamlined you would dump things such as any kind of impulse buy type stuff because that no longer matters and so you would literally build your store differently again when i talk about the thing of the name i bring this up a lot because when you say grocery store right you have an idea of what a grocery store looks like based off of how you've grown up and what you think a grocery store should look like but what a grocery store has looked like and what a grocery store should like look like going into the future could be two entirely different things i think about this with my wife and i my wife and i basically buy a lot of the same types of food and so if there was just some kind of delivery service like certain things like fruits vegetables we want to go and actually pick that out there's a lot of bulk type stuff that we could just get shipped to our house and so again imagine that imagine that if you had a business where you went super foo on like the gourmet thing so gourmet cheeses gourmet fruits gourmet vegetables we we are really going to highly emphasize this with a really nice profit margin on that we're going to have great employees they're going to be able to show you the greatest products we're going to have a great selection on these things you don't necessarily want to ship directly to your house and then for oatmeal for rice for raisins for whatever else those are just going to be bulk goods we're going to sell them by commodity prices and you're just going to get a box in your doorstep every week or so right that's entirely different way of doing business a grocery store is not a grocery store it's you know it's the overall way of how you're actually going to run your business and so with omicron out there i think this is more and more important for people to really start thinking about how should your businesses actually be designed how should your businesses uh be developed going forward as kovit is not going to be gone it's not gonna be gone this year it's not gonna be gone next year again i may be wrong i may run it's kind of again basically the way i try to explain it is when i was sitting there looking at my mom's crap on the floor so my mom was a horrible abusive alcoholic and uh one of the things i always wondered uh was basically what would happen to her at the end of the day and i had all these thoughts i had all these thoughts about how bad it would be when she died and it was so much worse it was so much worse every single thing i thought my brain about how bad the end of her life might be it was it was exponentially worse than that literally sitting there mopping her crap off of a hardwood floor that's how bad it was that's how i feel with cobalt at this point i feel like when i was talking about you know kova being done in 20 20 24 2025 i feel like i was just being realistic not pessimistic to be honest with you i was just feeling i was realistic and now i'm starting to look at and be like oh oh you lie you thought that was going to be over in 2024 2025 tila don't you remember mopping up your your mom's own crap off the floor it can be so much worse than that but it's important to be thinking about from a business standpoint what does it mean if covet continues for years and years and years and years and years because do remember so we have this omicron variant coming out of africa africa as a continent has single digit vaccination rates as it is we know variants are are getting spun up in africa we know variants are spreading it only takes one again the wuhan takes one nasty nasty virus to go and just clobber the world and so when we're looking at omicron now not not only do you have to think we think about omnichrome but we have to think about the one that comes after this the one that comes after this the one that comes after this the one that comes after this the one that comes after this will your business survive covet 30 that's one of the questions i really want you to be thinking about so how bad is omicron what scientists know so far and this is coming out of the alt-right rag nature from the 2nd of december how fast is omicron spreading omicron's rapid rise in south africa is what worries researchers most because it suggests the variant could spark explosive increases in copper 19 cases elsewhere on december 1 south africa recorded 8 500 cases up from 3 400 cases reported on november 22nd and several hundred per day in mid-november so basically within one week covered cases over doubled over doubled in one week and in one month they went up by about eight hundred percent in late november south africa's national institute for communicable diseases and johannesburg determined the r was uh above two so when we talk about r factor on our factor of one it means if you get infected you will infect one more person so basically in order for a disease to die you want the r factor to be below zero if if a disease is basically growing it's going to have it all right i'm sorry it's gonna happen if you want the virus to die it needs to have an r factor below one if the r factor is above one basically that means it's spreading to more and more people more than one people person is infected for every person that's infected um so with this uh basically they're saying that the r factor is two so every person that's infected uh that will then infect two more people uh the r value was well below one in september so it was below one and the the virus was shrinking then when delta was a predominant variant and cases were falling synthetic suggesting that omicron has the potential to spread much faster in fact vastly more people than delta based on the rise in copper copenhagen cases and on sequencing data estimates that omicron can affect three to six times as many people as delta over the same period of time so again imagine this with covid imagine the government response to coven all that vaccine mandates quarantines lockdowns the whole nine yards now imagine if covet is spreading at three to six times faster oh it's gonna get fun uh the variance a swift rise in south africa hints that it has some capacity to evade immunity around one quarter south africans are fully vaccinated and it's likely likely that a large fraction of the population was infected with sars cove ii and earlier waves in this context omicron's success in southern africa might be due largely to its capacity to infect people who recovered from copen19 caused by delta and other variants as well as those who've been vaccinated a december 2nd pre-print from the researchers at the nicd found that re-infections in south africa have increased as omicron has spread quote unfortunately this is the perfect environment for immune escape variants to develop how well variant spreads elsewhere might depend on factors such as vaccination and previous infection rates quote if you throw it into the mix in a highly vaccinated population that has given up on other control measures it might have the edge there and so the interesting thing to be thinking about this is basically what they're saying is you know if you're vaccinated if you have boosters that this can get around the vaccine and the booster and so when you look at government policies the idea had been okay if you get vaccinated if you get the booster you can relax these government policies what they're trying to say with omicron is no you get the vaccine you get the booster and you still mask up and he's still social distance and you still try to bankrupt every single small business you can possibly find because everybody knows covid will only stop when all the small businesses are bankrupt previous studies of omicron's sprite mutation particularly in the region that recognizes receptors on human cells suggests the variant will blunt the potency of neutralizing antibodies for instance in september 2021 in nature paper a team engineered a highly mutated version of the spike that shares numerous mutations with omicron the polymutant spike proved fully resistant to neutralizing antibodies from most of the people they tested who would either receive two doses of an mrna vaccine or recovered from coca-19 with omicron we expect there to be a significant hit uh if omicron can dodge a neutralizing antibodies it does not mean that the immune response triggered by vaccination prior infections will offer no protection against the variant immunity studies suggest that the modest levels of neutralizing antibiotics may protect people from severe forms of coca-19 and again this becomes very interesting we start looking at the government response to copenhagen is so much of what we're told as populations is it's all about the infection rate so as the infection rate goes up more mandates more government control but again the important thing here is icu capacity right how much icu capacity do we currently have that's the number that we really care about but that's not what the governments are really focusing on they're not focusing on the icu capacity much of the time nor are they even focusing on deaths deaths is a little bit weird statistically because how they actually track the deaths so that's a little bit weird but you would be thinking either icu or possibly deaths what they look at though is the infection rate so again when you think about the damage done by government policy what happens when the infection rate goes through the roof even if the icu capacity still is okay again that's that's that's one of the questions that's one of the things that i worry about here with what the government's doing uh he suspects that the results will be reminiscent of how the astrazeneca oxford vaccine performed against the beta variant an immune evading variant that was identified in south africa in late 2020 and again notice this is the second variant of interest that's come out of south africa a trial led by maddie found the vaccine offered a little protection against mild and moderate disease while a real world analysis in canada showed greater than 80 production against hospitalization if omicron behaves similarly mahdi says we're going to see a surge of cases we're going to see lots of breakthrough infections lots of brain infections but there's going to be this unhinging of the case rate in the community compared to the hospitalization rate early reports that suggest that most breakthrough infections with omicron have been mild says maddie for me and this is a positive sign the threat of omicron has prompted some rich countries such as the united kingdom to accelerate and broaden the rollout of code vaccine booster doses but it's not yet clear how effective these doses will be against the variant early reports linked omicron with mild disease raising hopes that the variant might be less severe than some of its predecessors but these reports which are often based on antidotes or scraps of data can be misleading more countries are detecting the omicron variant but the capacity to rapidly sequence virus from positive code19 tests is concentrated in wealthy countries mean that early data on omicron spread will be skewed so one of the interesting things talking about this too is is again in order to have a statistic you actually have to be tracking the statistic so rich countries have better abilities to actually be able to afford testing and all that kind of thing and so to be curious is as rich countries ramp up testing more and more people are going to be found to be infected they're going to be found to have omicron and so what are the government folks going to do when they see you know covent infection rates going through the roof are they are they going to wait before icu capacity actually gets full or are they going to start hammering us so anyways i don't know this is kind of interesting again coming from nature talking about omicron three to what does it say three to three to six times as infectious as a as delta yay most likely can bypass vaccines and immunity yay more and more countries are going to be uh testing more and more so we're going to get more and more positive tested testing rates yay what do you think the governments are going to do with this what do you think the governments are going to do with this and again from a political standpoint what what happens when you force a population to get vaccinated and then and then they're still getting infected with the disease that they were forced to get vaccinated against how much anger and frustration is that going to create i don't know i stand i was gonna stay here in my basement with with my little robot cars you'll be my friend robot car you'll be my best friend won't you i'll cuddle my robot car i feed my roboca i'll even get my robot car a little coffee here drink some coffee with alcohol you deserve it cause you are my best friend oh my god anyways this is an interesting psychological experiment i thought when facebook tried to do psychological experiments against all of their users that was horrible i didn't realize the covet psychological experiment was happening what happens what happens when you lock people in their basements and then every single day every single day you don't tell them it's getting better but you tell them it's really getting worse at what time what point do the poor little brains just crack crack like an egg inquiry minds would like to know golly who knows who knows so what do you think about this what do you think about homicron what do you think about omega more infectious more infectious than delta what about just that weird little thought just that weird little thought that both omicron and the there was that the other variant was found in south africa which kind of seems like africa might be spinning up variants and what happens if we just have variant after variant after variant after variant after variant at what point do we oh i just can't lose our little minds your thoughts down below again what i actually care about is silicon dojo my little dojo derby vehicles been working on my dojo derby vehicles pretty good pretty fun hopefully i'll have documentation for them shortly uh if you want to support dojo derpy if you want to support silicon dodge there's a little link down below for the crowdfunding campaign so we can we can take over the world with our little robot vehicles um yeah you ever had one of those times when you you feel like you're joking you're like oh ha ha i will joke i will joke about being in my basement losing my mind why would that be a funny joke there's like that certain point i'm like but am i losing my mind have i lost my mind arduino car arduino car you would tell me if i was losing my mind right you're always going to be honest with me arduino car aren't you aren't you anywho i'm gonna go code now i'm gonna go create some python code see you all later
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 6,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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