Feast of Tabernacles 2019 || Day 2

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good morning everyone this nice bright sunshine woke me up this morning it's about 9:30 in the morning last night wasn't bad at all we didn't cut the humor on I just stuck out my hoodie and we was under covers I'm not gonna lie was a baffle a minute ago cuz it was freezing it wasn't freezing but it's just I like heat so he has natural heat so I was stuck to my husband but overall it wasn't bad I was pregnant nobody gets sick because the temperature gauge dropped to the 40s on this last night but well I wasn't bad at all so we survived night number one and now it's time to get day 2 started we'll be here for the four days today some yes it's time for me to get up and get myself together we have an uninvited guest on the outside of our tent thank god this thing is not on the inside because I would be nature she want me to pick it up not picking it up actually I used to politically the books I'm not afraid of when someone mama told me they get mm-hmm I used to pick them up all the time I gather up all my stuff from heading out and going through the shower there's so many individual bugs out here I am enjoying myself it's still really funny about I'm not sure what I'm against I got all my phone use over they're charging at a campsite but the rest of our group was so will some be joining us it's eight of us total that's gonna be out here and it is Friday Friday October 4th so glad I have today off of work work has been so busy for me but got the day off I'm out of office it it no class today I don't have Friday classes do have an assignment due by Sunday and I get that done when we go back home because we leavin here Sunday about eleven o'clock but other than that I'm also I campaign it's for showers over here they're unisex so doesn't matter which one I go into I'm gonna choose this first thing I'm checking for is bugs take a piece of shower if I know there are no bugs later I don't see any oh and the doors have a lot better so I'm not that and take my shower - I feel fresh and clean however I hope every shower with with water the water don't smell the best but I'm clean it's built in features like the whole problem showerhead ether know the way I'm gonna wrap them but nobody's here I see some art be set up but just don't see my just a lot of people are water let it air-dry as opposed to my here to braids but out of time starting to get cold yep I'm my outside person y'all my daddy loved animals so my right I love terrified of spiders and centipedes but I love this say this is nice being outside with nature it's just it's different like I mean I know I still have my phone service I got my laptop with me because I had homework and everything but it's just a different place to be it's just it's different I know it's not for everybody but I personally enjoy Katherine I used to go camping when I was a kid an teenager and my old church should I used to go to it would be for a week but we live in cabins and we had heat and air and everything so this is definitely a completely different experience actually being inside of a tent and you know actually living outside and sit but I like it I feel like if you dress warm because I live in Michigan we have to dress warm have a lot of covers blankets jackets and since I have my dress on I definitely have me some tights on I got two or three pair of tights on too cuz I got my tights and then I got some cutter does I'm under it to keep me warm and you just work it out I left my case at home so I will be getting some arm exercise my husband is set up a projector the secret missions these conducted by them oh you thought that was the biggest secret on earth no this is bigger than that great is here can you come help or carry this ice Musa Mike a little spit it got the chips drink muffins what'd you say by the light of this grill be good we don't wait to get louder you think you doing bro it's gonna get right back dirty soon as we walk in there bro [Music] a ricotta why won't you over here don't go here you know the lyrics [Music] right here vehicles you do have to clean dust only thing I want to wrap it I didn't even think about that part not maybe wrap it was just like a slab of it so I kind of want to see I brought some as well so if you run out I want to go [Applause] you will be ban is pretty cool and I'm gonna get some pepper let me if ever something seen some hamburger no you just kind of put it on yo girl so this would be foot like a Panama what a pad it out not my favorite but one of our favorite my favorite mr. ass apart I guess well is just keep my hot dogs in you old camera Oh [Music] and that we take something soon Oh when I smash it'll go okay my skin you want yours okay I mean Oh keepo a trash bag I didn't I didn't want to I just brought some item I got a big thing from Sam so I'm like I didn't even buy any cuz I just didn't want to have to buy it huh you know right Lexi from the mic oh yeah like I and what you've been in the fourth all the time oh you like that commercial like a winner and look perfectly yeah what a container [Music] right now we got a lot of food eat so let's do that that's why I'm gonna eat their cheese I mean look I'm no I don't waiting on it wriggle yours over it so you I saw her I was feeling lazy I'm like it's gonna be hopefully y'all like these like you often get it all and um so let's see if we can launch SS and I just put some hamburger surrounding this [Music] upgrading my beer so I gotta make it up let me show you all my new home same scent but bigger mattress you see how Heidi's off the girls [Music] yeah I don't need to say what uh yep walk up to the bathroom starting to get dark on us in his cold I've got gloves on hat song was cold it was so cold last year yeah be careful more people starting to come because they want an RV right there this morning or right here because I used to I was cutting food we can't cut through it I'm worried for the bathroom now the bathrooms may be a little packed tomorrow I was not for you yeah I mean I was the only one in there the whole time I shower and use my thumb right oh that's a big thing just so we even sit up in yours rightly Cena I want to stand up [Laughter] oh my everybody got their dogs oh yeah we can't cut the way oh I wouldn't know you split right here and go twice no we gotta go to original way hey my nose it's like get like colder as I walk through this bathroom every single time oh I don't know he you know it he's gonna let us though thank you sir [Applause] you see possibly mama got her gloves on they can have more of a camper statement brownie gave a little bit not really there's so many sites out here [Laughter] but if I could go back and make a song in the road hey he's good right God is over here making some cinnamon rolls on the fire don't throw okay we're gonna start a batch over I'll go Sonny okay Lu can we scrape the scrape the bottom off that's option we can start oh great out oh so you nothing just recorder cooking up some some worlds and the grill grate wash dishes starting to give full audio sites starting to get some humans but they are these tents everything and we were about to watch a movie which is big off rejected hey Dad what's the name where movie honey Thomson show okay Carnegie dark y'all it's about to be cold say hello to the CT 17 virus for buying a weapon of biblical proportions affectionately codename look at this dark now it's getting dark now y'all was watching it what are we trying to work out the desert this was for nothing not a complete fail we try it know what it tastes like that piece will burn but I don't think the rest of us got yeah but I'll pay you nothing loss I think you should they does have burnt [Music] you are an I thought they two is over it is time for bed we got the little heroes tonight because it is cold my nose is already it's currently 49 degrees but it will be dropping down to 43 so yes we need that heat tonight today was a good day we watched the movie the barbecue we had some dessert it was just a nice little time setting up the rest of our group joining us today is eight of us total and we will see we have a store for us tomorrow I had better go to sleep and I'm about to go to sleep so I will see y'all tomorrow I feel the heat all right
Channel: Sew Natural B
Views: 313
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Feast of Tabernacles, scriptures, camping, bible, FOT, wilderness, tents, Feast Day, 2019
Id: gW-P_BKUEhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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