Nov 16, 2019 - Last Days (Part 2)

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proverbs 14 4 says where there are no oxen the stalls are clean but much is produced by the strength of an artist you know what that means he's saying in a construction zone there's a lot of debris things are falling over spirituality is a construction zone how many times I hear people say I'm so tired I go to my church and all I hear as a Salvation message and sometimes you think well you know that's good for the people who need a salvation message you're not growing in fact you're regressing this place isn't a salvation station no church is supposed to be a salvation station you are supposed to go out you weren't supposed to bring them in you and never Yeshua net Jesus never ever said bring them to the temple show me once so why aren't we doing it his way because we stopped evangelizing we stopped the average believe I know you feel convicted you haven't shared the gospel in a year maybe longer maybe ten years maybe even believe a 40 years you need to let nobody to the faith yes my kids somebody comes into my house to do work and they don't hear the gospel ask my kids if we don't get in a cab in New York and they don't hear the gospel now I do it differently I do it differently but see if you keep if the mentality is bring it to the church and we have a staff they'll take care of thing that means you're off the hook how many people getting saved that way come on guys how many really getting saved that way it's not your shoes way it's not the way he did it we don't have to do it any different than the way he did it you cannot improve on the way issue it did it and I'm glad because today you know the last couple of weeks we've been laying a foundation you know laying a foundation with a lot of academia and a lot of fact about geologic columns and fossil index and all kinds of information and I told my kids my two kids when I went to visit of New York I set them down as I was leaving and I sent my other two kids down and I said guys you know your father has spent 30 years reading the Bible that is what some of you that maybe haven't heard the Bible more than 30 years every day I've read it every day for 30 years and I said and your dad has spent countless hours 8 10 12 hours a day in God's presence so I'm sure there's others that have spent more but what I'm saying to them is based on all my study okay based on all my study internal evidence external evidence bibliographical evidence scientific evidence archaeological evidence prophetic evidence I have absolutely positively based on my study you have to do yours that the Bible is inspired and it's the truth it is an absolute bonafide authentic literary document now you might say it's written by men and you're right so what text books so is the New England Journal of Medicine so autobiographies does that mean it's all why but you have to do the research to understand had to defend your faith and that's what we did for six weeks eight weeks something like that is the Bible authentic so I said now that I know it is I'm convinced I would just read it because so we said read the Bible you see Christians go we'll read the Bible it's the Word of God based on what it just is do you know how unbelievably ignorant that is not stupid because some people are intellects they're not stupid they're intellects but so the moment it says read The Book of Mormon the Jehovah Witness that says read the new world translation all the Muslims that says read the Quran aren't they saying the same thing it's the Holy Scriptures based on what and they have more information than the average believe it does so based on 30 years I know this is the authentic genuine article so I know everything in it I can try to adhere to I don't have to question it I don't have to doubt it the future promises I don't have to wonder about them and let me tell you when my theology is and I've told this before I'm theologically sound pretty much spent a ton of time with theology a ton but this is where I am when Yeshua was crucified clearly he was the son of God who died for the sins of the world clearly this was the only way and the point of it was you was supposed to be so overwhelmed by God's love that it would just bury you and therefore you would want to pay him back and he would say no pay me forward and you were supposed to go out and move in love and forgiveness on everybody who come in contact with that was supposed to be the result he could have done it you were supposed to be so overwhelmed by his love and forgiveness by His grace and His mercy by his compassion long-suffering that you was supposed to just go forward with that to everybody who came in contact with and there were many people that were crucified wronged crucified tons sometimes massive crucifixes sometimes single why was he crucified with two other people you know the vibe is an amazing document an amazing document I'm very simplistic and when I start to read it I couldn't believe that there were two choices for everything in the Bible not three not four like today we have too many choices you got to buy something it's just overwhelming and you're looking at all these ads and you're looking at all these um information on social media what this one says what that one says and it could drive you crazy the Bible says it's either this way or that way period it's crazy it's totally black and white in it it was so beautiful for me when I read it it was so perfect I could choose this road or that road but that was it this road was narrow this wood road was wide there wasn't any middle road no middle of the road I loved it I loved it and then when you shoot dies he has two people on either side of him thieves thieves one was mocking him making fun poking fun of the Son of God dying for the sins of the world goofing on him and the other one said I'm begging you I'm begging you so I told my kids at the end of the day you are one of those thieves now there are some people that have sat in church their whole life this I'm not a thief you're a thief make no mistake we're all thieves we've all robbed from God but at the end of the day you're either the one who's mocking God or you're the one who's saying I'm begging you when I said to them which one of you I want to know right now it's beautiful just astounding so today at this point based on all the information that I gave over the past two weeks I want to talk about the end days and I'm not going to talk about who the 144,000 witness is off that's detailed information some of it nobody knows and it's not worth getting into it's not gonna change your walk one iota here me it will not change your walk one iota it will not bring anymore the kingdom but I think what we need to keep in mind I'm going to do this over the next couple of weeks is in these last days and when did the less they start as soon as your shoe ascended the hourglass was turned over okay so a 2,000 years into the last days we need to keep in mind in these last days that God and His law His commandments his ways are inseparable inseparable we've been lied to we've been duped let me just show you a few scriptures okay let's take a look this first screen says God is holy Isaiah 63 they were crying out who's they the Seraphim what a Seraphim mean surah fit means burning and it means they burn with God's holiness and they have six wings two covering their face to cover their feet and two flying the two flying means what service the covering the head of the feet means worship twice as much reverence to service you can't serve the Lord unless you Revere him they were crying out to each other listen to what they were saying the Seraphim with God look more holy than the holiest holiness is I don't know it's about the Lord of heavens armies the ones that the angels bow to all day long the whole earth is filled with his glory so God is holy listen the greatest theologian can't even explain that some people say what it means perfect it is so exponentially greater than perfect it's one of those terms you don't try to explain you just hit the deck that's the best way to explain it but Romans 7:12 says so the tour is holy Wow who would have thought that and that's not Deuteronomy that's Romans that's Romans the quintessential book on theology the quintessential book on theology the quintessential book let's look at the next screen it says God is just Deuteronomy 32:4 the rock and I'm not talking about that 24-inch armed Samoan the rock his work is perfect for all his ways of just a trustworthy God who does no wrong sometimes we question God trust me we're not in a position to question we go God understands does he how did you decide that a trustworthy God who does no wrong he is righteous and straight you know when they say today in the hood be straight keep it straight God straight everybody else is a crook kid and it says in Romans cell 12 the commandment is holy just the commandments of God adjust go figure God is just in the pen let's look at the next slide Yeshua said to him Luke 1819 why you calling me good no one is good but God what does good mean no bad have you ever met anybody who's 100% good that's that's God but it says the commandment is holy the commandment is good look of course we all agree here we all agree guys that God is holy just and good but we don't always see God's laws holy just and good in all thinking I think we must remember that there's nothing wrong with God's law in fact there's everything right with God's law it was given by God to his covenant children the children Israel and therefore it is a perfect expression of his will to his people it's what he wants it what he expects of them we do this as a parent this is what I expect of you the weakness of the law lay in the raw materials that had to work with that's us see it was given to a people who already sinners and they desperately needed to save it to deliver them from the penalty of sin look my best friend is is the Baptist of all Baptist he's he's he's watching right now he's on the executive committee he runs the show but Chucky baby he did not just come to deliver us from the penalty of sin but from the power of sin it starts by being positionally righteous we sit in heavenly places but God wants us to move on to practical righteousness the end of that road is glory not salvation in other words were justified in order to be sanctified look at another screen Deuteronomy 33 27 says the eternal God is a dwelling place with everlasting arms beneath God is eternal Psalm 111 78 the works of his hands are truth and justice all his precepts can be trusted his law they have been established for ever and ever the grass may wither the flowers may fade but the law of God is forever just as God is from eternity past to Eternity future so his laws these precepts are established forever in order for God's people to perform them not to recite them they shall never pass away and although most of us think that the law came on the scene at Mount Sinai in actuality the laws of God were operational from Adam to Moses let's take a look at another one first John for it everybody knows this God is love those who do not love don't know God period period what Romans 13:8 don't owe anybody anything except to love one another for whoever loves his fellow human being has fulfilled the Torah love does not do harm to a neighbor therefore love is the fullness of the Torah so God is saying here in his book that he's loved but the Lord's love it's unbelievable love is a matter of the will rather than emotions the fact that we are commanded to love indicates that it is something we can choose to do if it were an uncontrollable emotion that swept over us at unexpected moments we could scarcely be held accountable this otherworldly love why do I call it otherworldly I'm here to tell you it is other-worldly it is totally unnatural it is not activated by any virtue of the person loved rather it is completely undeserved I don't love burn in the morning first thing because she did something for me she just woke up she can't see straight I've been up for hours I got up 1 o'clock this morning coffee's made she comes down she can't see I'm loving her because I choose to not because of anything she did or didn't do it is impossible for an unconverted person to manifest this divine love impossible in fact get ready it's impossible even for a believer to demonstrate this kind of love in his own strength it can only be exhibited by the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our love to God manifests itself in obedience to His commandments the man who loves his neighbour has fulfilled the law or at least that section of the Lord when an expert of Alaska schewe what's the most important commandment in the Torah he didn't say if the law is not important he said love God love God with all your heart your soul and your strength in your mind this is the greatest commandment but there's a second one that's similar don't you see what the law is doing the laws protecting me from you and you from me Bernadette and I are blessed because our kids adore each other Shana and and Jeremy they roomed together it's beautiful Max and Shane the best friends Max and Lily the best friends lily and Jeremy that they're close we're all God's children what do you think he wants us to get along on a biggest scale he just wants us to love each other and bless each other and look out for each other and consider others like ourselves what would the world be like guys picture it look at the next screen god is peace romans 15 33 now and you might pick out other scriptures he's the ones God gave me now may the God of peace be with you all I meant Isaiah 48 18 if only you would heed my Commandments then your peace would flow like a river it's beautiful God is the source of peace he's the source of everything good and if everything a poor sinner needs now and eternally what a relief to be forgiven what an enormous burden lifted it's the ultimate debt cancelled where your conscience is at rest guilt is gone and warfare has ended and if we obey Him we would enjoy peace righteousness and uninterrupted fellowship with him period look at the next screen Deuteronomy 32:4 the rock his work is perfect all his ways adjust to trust with you God God is truth someone 19 says you're right turn wrenches and your tour is truth what God is truth the law is truth God is not one who teaches truth he is the truth he is the embodiment of the truth those who find him have the truth and it's not found anywhere else God's will is not a passing mood it's an everlasting virtue it's not enough to say that the law of God contains truth the law of God is truth and every utterance of God is true period let's move on Romans 15:13 may God the source of all Hope fill you completely God his hope Hebrews 7 19 for the Torah did not bring anything to its goal on the other hand a hope of something better is introduced what is that hope the Torah wasn't crucified guys think about it it's an it's how do I say this without getting fired how could anybody say that the law was nailed to the cross think come on some of you have been a Christian mouth like like a longer than me that's that's Christianity 101 I read that my sins were nailed to the cross and my sins a diametrically opposed to the laws of God diametrically opposed polar opposites now through the blood of Yeshua through the New Covenant the laws aren't on tablets of stone there are tablets of hearts I don't have to run to Moses and say is this kosher I know what's kosher and through obedience I get filled with the Holy Spirit and it comes in and it comes out and it's amazing absolutely amazing to be filled with the glorious magnificent magnanimous Spirit of God in fact now that you mentioned it look at first John the love letter this was his favorite disciple he had a circle of 12 in an in a circle of three but he had one and he wrote these love letters look what he says everyone who keeps sitting is violating the Torah that's great sin is you want to know the definition sin is violation of the Torah okay so let's not say violation of the Torah cos you know you know you know how people get upset when they hear Torah let's just say sin is sin good Paul says in his theological letter the quintus had to deal after should we send most of gray skin a bow more who there's not a Christian in the world who would say yes so why do you if he says sure we'd send more so gray skin them out more a is equal to being big as you can see to see you puts mathematics so if sin is violation of Torah should we send more so grace gonna bad one how's this should we violate the Torah more so grace could've a more answer come on guys come on you got to agree with the Bible come on I know I'm pushy I know I'm difficult because I want you to agree with the Word of God you can't do it if you first don't agree with it sin is breaking God's law is it insubordination to God it's warning our own way and refusing to acknowledge that the Lord is rightful sovereign can we claim ignorance try that with a cop I didn't know the speed limit was ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law can't claim ignorance I didn't know what do you mean you didn't know mmm-hmm look at Romans 132 they know well enough Jane know well enough need we go on they know well enough God's righteous degree his ways that people do such things deserve to die yet not only do they keep doing them but they applaud others who do the same amendment Corinthians when Paul laced into them and his letter saying yeah you're applauding this guy for sleeping with his mother so I Alice eyes do such things what things look at Romans 1:24 this is why God has given them up to the vileness of their hearts plus to the shameful misuse of each other's bodies it's always the same old sin and they abuse sex in forms of adultery fornication lewdness and harlotry look what it says in Romans 1:26 27 that is why God has given them up to degrading passions so that their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural guys there's no way around it man today you know Christians think it's an alternative lifestyle living into the disease it's not a disease and it's under terms of lifestyle sin but this is the issue so many Christians are so quick to point to the homosexual community how many are addicted to pornography how many incredibly lewd how many committing fornication but you're so quick you think if you cut some of these legs out from under them it makes you taller sin is sin is sin is sin period and before you point anybody else's sin you should probably take care of your own that's just my advice they perverted sex in the form of erotic activity with members of their own sex but it's not just sex look at Romans 1 29 31 they are filled with every kind of wickedness sad this is it's 2000 years ago they evil the wicked greed greed is it and all listen to me everybody's ripping off everybody and I bet there's a ton of people in here that are ripping people off it's never enough it's never enough I want to take it to the next level you make 300 grand a year 500 grand a year a million what are you taking to the level to do what to do what stuff with jealousy nobody jealous people I run to in the body of Messiah Bernadette and I are so happy when something goes well for you why don't you pay back and kind what are you still jealous about keep it up with the Joneses having a look my neighbor of new cloth so what are you making the payment jealousy's disgusting and it rots you bones it's killing you murder or rabbi I never killed anybody yeah you have to make somebody blush you killed their soul that's what we teach quarreling fighting all the time bickering bickering dishonesty Megan well I just exaggerated that's a lie gossips never had premarital sex I didn't drink God didn't say hates drinkers but he says he hates gossipers proverbs 6 he says it's an abomination haters of God they are insolent arrogant and boastful they plant evil schemes now this is nobody here this is this is somebody walking in blatant sin as a lifestyle we sin but you know what it's always good to keep a humble stance don't overestimate your own goodness and don't underestimate your ability to sin this isn't anybody here might be somebody might be walking in blatant sin you might be married and have a girlfriend you're walking in blatant sin and let me tell you something pal okay when you look sooner or later you gonna touch remember the dessert cart oh I don't want any dessert and they will the dessert cart over remember the same just cuz I'm on a diet that doesn't mean I can't look at the menu people that look at the menu order they disobey their parents you see the way kids talk get out of here my kids would never talk like that that'd be the last time they talk can't talk when you don't have a tongue knock their block off I don't care how old they are max should dislocate my shoulder Jeremy just looking at my shoulder but a good old 2x4 works on anybody they have brainless faithless heartless and ruthless so not only we cashless and paperless but we're brainless faithless heartless and ruthless human sin is not confined to sexual sins guys that's why Paul lists this whole catalogue they have an innate knowledge that not only these things wrong but they look to indulge and bring other people a camaraderie in their partnership they break promises they break treaties they break agreements they big contracts that's why we need lawyers for everything and they break it whenever it serves their purposes they act unloving by being unforgiving and not willing to reconcile there is no Christian in the universe that should be unforgiving and not willing to reconcile if you've ever spent time at the cross you've got no business not forgiving somebody even if you struggle with it even if you can't forget it even if you're struggling to do it ask God for help in in the section of Matthew 24 25 the disciples come to you privately and they want to know about the sign of his coming when the temple is gonna be destroyed the sign of his coming and the sign of the end of the age basically questions two and three a synonymous and you would think based on the fact that nobody knows the day or the hour he would have said it's not for you to know he said that in acts because he needed them to get going he didn't want them to just sit around and look at the eastern sky he needed them to get the gospel out so it looks like it's a discrepancy but it's just an apparent discrepancy but in Matthew 24 and you sure didn't say much you don't realise all holy books and not as big as some of the other holy books like the bargain Vedas or the vol 63 pages of Talmud Yeshua said 1800 state 1800 sentences 600 synoptic he didn't say that much so he spends 97 sentences answering this question it's a big deal but I want you to note one thing we can't go over all of it look at Matthew 24:12 he says and many people's love he talks about these end days will grow cold because of increased distance from what and I put in parentheses course if if you read the King James or the NIV or the other versions and you're more than entitled to lose this so if their love will grow cold because of lawlessness as a believer we should be lawful not law or less not less law more law but I'm not talking about legalism I'm talking about you have the weighs on your heart you know what's right you know when somebody needs help and you turned a blind eye that's wrong you don't have to help everybody the buckets huge it's huge but if everybody puts a drop in the bucket it's filled God's not gonna overwhelm you he's not gonna say take care of every poor person he said the pole always have with you but those he brings into your path it's a sin of omission you turned a blind eye and look at us look at how we're living I just got back from the villages in Ethiopia I've been to villages all over the world look at how you're living look at the clothes you're wearing look at the car you're driving look at the food you're gonna eat for lunch the best of the best look at this word lawless its anomia in the Greek with what word do we get in our language anemia and anemia is a lack of red blood cells that kills the body guess what when you walk in and no Meah you're killing his soul the condition of without law because of ignorance although we have no excuse or because of just blatant violation of it in the last days wickedness will be rampaging is it gonna get worse yes rom I tell me some good news you're saved for God's sake she's gonna be with God for eternity what better news do you want to hear the reason why it's not good news to you is you don't thoroughly believe it so you're holding on to everything you got I'm getting older I'm getting older I've got to put Pearl cream on dye my hair and keep doing stuff because I don't really believe in that well if I under the Lord just come back this afternoon you'd get yours I'm telling you right now listen human affections are gonna be less and less evident the world is so cold everybody's taken such advantage I had to take lift cause everywhere they're getting paid nothing nothing they pay for their own guests they pay their own insurance they maintain their car and these guys are thoroughly ripping them off ripping them off making billions of dollars in laughing drug companies in meetings sticking it to people insurance gonna be sticking it to people and laughing and so what do we do we follow suit hey they ripped me off so I gotta pay to rip off of it I'm gonna bang you two into 50 bucks just to take a look at that flapper in your grandpa it's wrong guys it's wrong for a believe it don't do it don't do it God sees it you can't fool him just because everybody else is wrong doesn't mean you have to walk in that so said that acts of unloved will be commonplace in the last days God's Torah his law is a way to preserve selflessness the world says what's in it for me selfishness is the basis of all human misery if you're far away from God's laws then I saw you a far away from God Matthew 24:37 39 says for the son of man's coming will be just as it was in the days of Noah back then before the flood people went on eating and drinking taking wise becoming wise right up till the day Noah entered the Ark they didn't even know what was happening until the flood came and swept them all away it'll be just like that when the Son of Man comes so people look at this but they don't read it in context and they think so rabid it's gonna get bad it's been dead it's been bad from the beginning Cain killed Abel it's just getting progressively worse it's always been bad because there's always been sin but in the last days most people will be indifferent they'll be indifferent just as in the days of Noah in other words although the days before the flood were terribly wicked that is not the feature emphasized here no the people ate and drank and married and gave in marriage in other words they went through the routines of life as if they were going to live forever though one that a flood was coming for a hundred years they lived as though they were flood proof and when it came they were thoroughly and totally unequivocably unprepared outside the only place of safety guys although God is loving and long-suffering he is also righteous and just God's mercy does not make judgment unavoidable in other words the rain must fall just like it did in the days of Noah this is just the way it will be when Messiah returns only those who are in the Messiah aka the Ark of safety will be delivered look at the next couple of verses in Matthew 24 this is just to whet your whistle if I were you I'd go home and study more I dive in then there will be two men in the field one will be taken and the other behind there will be two women grinding flour the mill one will be taken the other left behind where's the one that's taken guys that Tim LaHaye and all those books they were thoroughly wrong they are logically wrong the ones taken is being swept away the judgment how's this I'm gonna write a book you want to be left behind next week I'll get into that falsified magic carpet ride that they've been preaching for the last 130 years I'm gonna because it's not true I'm gonna I know some people will get mad you're messing me up I'm trying to help you I'm trying to unmess you up when you schewe comes to rain one will be swept away in the flood of judgment the other will be left to enter the millennium and enjoy the blessings of Messiah ain't that something [Applause] I'll tell you why next week I'm gonna get into it in detail and show you why it's absurd biblically absurd logically absurd and every other which way I'm gonna do it I haven't done in a while but God's hammering me so I'm gonna go for it at least I got some friends here look at verse 42 it's a beautiful man God's Word is beautiful God is beautiful a life of God is beautiful I'm sorry I lived no no I'm not sorry sorry what do you you think I'm gonna apologize to you you're out of your mind no I said I'm sorry for people that don't get it I'm 60 years old 30 years in the world 30 years in the Lord my second half is so exponentially foster period Matthew 24:42 so stay alert that's what we do in the meantime stay alert now what does that mean we'll get into it we'll be done very quickly because you don't know on what day your Lord will come why don't you think he told us because let me tell you what we would do if the seven years the debts were cancelled like in the time datura you know what you do you'd run up your debt a day before the seventh year you know how many people know they're gonna claim bankruptcy and run up their debt you know how disgusting and deplorable that is he didn't want you to know the hour so you'd be ready every single minute of the day it was his wisdom it was in his wisdom look at the word alert Gregor you all will we get the word hurry it means to be vigilant that's what my name means it also means I was a very very bad Pope many years ago it means to watch yeah look up Gregory the ninth to watch to give strict attention to but look this is this this is the one they don't look at to be active I want you to focus on that that's the you'll never get that definition they stop right there to watch be vigilant look be aware okay look at the root word some Hebrew words have root words and some Greek have root words to arouse from sleep to arouse from the sleep of death now let me tell you why this is important believers should not merely keep looking for the coming of the Son of Man Scott in rip ok let's let's get on with what we're gonna do today Scott and riff let's get on with your day no no they should be completing the work of the Great Commission period period I told them in the Ethiopia when I sat with a few people I say something is radically wrong here you got Jews who don't know their juice you got Coptics who don't know their Christians you've got Christians who don't know how to be born again so I planted two congregations immediately for the purposes of teaching getting people saved because you can go to hell with a big belly this Commission hasn't changed guys for the body of the site's change you stopped you stopped you let everybody else do it bring them to the church pastor will do it and you sit there and you die every time you hear come as you are and leave as you came I told my best friend yesterday people are going to hell and it's your job to try to prevent it what's the last time you just wept for the people that are going there just what no one that you didn't deserve it but sent how you're going to the right place and your job is to bring as many as you can with you look at Matthew 28:19 therefore go jesus said go don't come believe us come here it's not a salvation station it's a place to be encouraged and to stay on track and to keep you moving like a coach keep moving keep moving if you really then you would walk on broken glass to get to somebody go and make people from all nations in Talmud dean disciples immersing them into the reality of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit rabbi you don't understand my life is out of control maybe this is why rabbi you're busy you know I'm so busy so you want to compare notes yesterday I was on the phone for four hours with Israel with Ethiopia with Germany and with Australia I couldn't see straight when I got off the phone I had to go for a walk and then I had to come back and it was too late to get the Scriptures ready that doesn't stop me from sharing the gospel and somebody comes in to do work in my house as the head of the new creation Yeshua issued the Great Commission containing standing orders for all believers during the present phase of the kingdom time between the rejection of the king and the second advent by preaching the gospel disciples were to see others become followers of Yeshua from every tribe every nation I said to God send me out Meagan has 3000 churches it does they don't need me here send me out the Commission goes beyond evangelism it's not enough to make converts and let them fend for themselves they got to be taught to obey the commandments of God he says it right in Matthew 28 out of his mouth teach them to obey the commandments the essence of discipleship is which we do here is becoming like the master this is what we do and this is brought on by systematic teaching of and submission to the word that's what we do if you want to know we do somebody else that's what we do we make disciples so that you can go out and make disciples this is the system I'm an idiot but you shuen knows everything so you know what I defer to him you know what you need to be more of an idiot push you're not I know you think you are but you're not enough of an idiot but you still lean on your own understanding you know in the movie I hopefully most of you sword I sent out three emails you see what they do they don't convert to disciple they disciple to convert which has been my system all my life and it takes time I'll give you four quick examples Patsy he owned the pizzeria and he had a lot of ties to the mob and I would go there all the time and buy pizza talk to him I talked to him and talked to him whatever he wanted to talk about I would always show up now he has a vibrant homeless in prison ministry bill who I met was a nice emetic neo-nazi punk rocking cop he became presidents for christ the cops Brian was a bodybuilder by day in topless Chippendale by night he's traveled the world as an evangelist and Scott was a card-carrying atheist and now he's an ordained minister and that's a snippet and it took time you can't give somebody a drive-by with the four spiritual laws they don't even know what you're talking about sweet pea Bernadette had a guy coming to do work in the house I'd just gotten home from New York obviously I knew his Spanish because you speak in Spanish and I could speak some Spanish so I started speaking Spanish to him I asked him what he wanted I said are you hungry he said no amigo I'm okay I said do you like coffee he said yes I said I have the best coffee in the world I just got back from Ethiopia and I told him I said listen to me I'm not showing off but I want you to know I care about you I'm giving you my best I'm giving you my best I want you to enjoy this when you love somebody and they see oh he didn't know how to take me he's like his there's something in this nobody does this to me when you and and my door to make them cookies when you do this with people I'm not trying to hook them I'm not manipulating them but they don't care what you say they don't want to know what you know until they know how much you care you have to pave the road with love and kindness and care they got to see you care your compassion has to be legit you shoe a wet went over the list do you know what he's doing right now you think he's parting he's weeping is it the session is in tears and every now and then we get to dry some of his tears by what we do it's beautiful when you touch people and you see it and they're like who are you they ask who you are like nobody I'm just a kid that got saved by the love of God I want to share it with you I want you to know you're different Wow that's how cold and dark the world has gotten you just show a little compassion you stand out Matthew 24 43 44 but you don't know this had the owner of the house known when the thief was coming he would have stayed awake and not allowed his house to be broken into therefore you got to be ready this word in the Greek that's almost it means be prepared to receive one coming be prepared we are the bride as the church knows at the Bride of Christ act like a bride in view of the uncertainty we have to be ready we don't know so we should be on the tiptoes of expectancy the tiptoes of expectancy a few more verses and we're out guys Matthew 10 39 this is a tough one I'm sorry this is a tough message I know and I leaned into Bernadette and I said Bern it's gonna be tough I'm a pushy New York Jew and I hate to push so much I'm sorry look if I've pushed too hard or I'm saying anything that's not biblical or the Holy Spirit saying this guy's a lot of control forgive me you got two ears one for listening one for letting go I'm here to say I want to repent before you let it go let it go but I'm issuing you the exact words that Jesus said nothing more nothing less I'm giving you none of my opinion he said in Matthew 10 when he first sent them out before they were believers whoever finds his own life will lose it but the person who loses his life for my sake will find it that's what Yeshua said love of Messiah must over master the instinct of self-preservation the temptation is to hug on one's life by trying to avoid the pain and loss of a life of total commitment this is the greatest waste of life to spend it in gratification of self in America today and around the world we are hearing the gospel of accommodation I have nothing against those guys with the big churches in Atlanta I have nothing against the other guys in Texas I don't know them personally and they seem like nice guys but listen to me they are not preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ period and I wish they were honest about it maybe they're duped and they don't even see it maybe they're deceived maybe they're good guys to see I don't know but I know the gospel the gospel of accommodation today we hear the gospel of accommodation adapts and adjusts the gospel to appease and attract sinners it is an American cultural invention it is a non confronting convenient gospel spoon-fed to the congregation with humorous skits and drama and short non-abrasive crappie fill in the blank 20 minute messages that they're not the message is so weak there's not enough liquid to feed soup to a dying grasshopper and it's all under the guise of seeker-friendly you're supposed to be friendly seekers of a loss not in God's house the greatest use of a life is to spend it in the service of Messiah the person who loses his life and devoted as to him will find it and true fullness and you think this is just Matthew look at the next three verses boom mark boom Luke boom John all says the same thing there's always the temptation to save your own life to live comfortably to provide for the future to make one's own choices with self as the center of everything there was no surer way of losing your life Messiah calls us to pour out our wise for his sake and the gospel's dedicating ourselves to him spirits told him body if Charles Spurgeon was here he'd clap if Jonathan Edwards here he clap if George Whitfield was his clap but today the body of believers don't clap when they hit us nope Yeshua asked us to be spent in his holy service laying down our lives if necessary for the evangelism of the world this is what is meant by losing our lives there's no sure way of saving people if you saw sheep among wolves remember when he said if we get caught we'll be persecuted maybe 50 years he says what's 50 years in prison compared to being with the Lord for eternity last verse revelation 12:11 it says they defeated him the enemy the adversary in the last days because of the Lambs blood and because of the message are their witness now let me just say a lot of your verses say their testimony and most people think that's my testimony no sorry that's his testimony it's not your testimony it's not about you it's not you sure even when facing death they did not cling to life that's what we don't do we talked about you shew his blood we talk about his death on the cross his testimony but one facing death last days victory was based on the death of Messiah and that testimony to the value of that death and faithfulness to him they sealed their testimony with their blood in Hebrew it's known very well as alka doosh Hashem for the sanctification of the name of God I'm gonna close with a little story has anybody ever heard of Rabbi Akiva okay Rabbi Akiva is a larger-than-life figure arguably the Talmud's greatest scholar and certainly its greatest martyr unlike many of Judaism's leading sages he was not descended from a prominent rabbinical family but was the son of a convert to Judaism as a young man he worked as a shepherd and received no educational nonetheless Rachel the daughter of his very wealthy employer Kalba Salewa recognized something special in this spirit and agreed to marry him on one condition that he start learning Torah such a prospect seemed discouraging to the 40 yield 40 year old Akiva until one day he came across a stone that had been hollowed out by falling drops of water and he reasoned quote if water which is soft can hollow out a stone which is hard how much more the words of Toro which are hard cut through and make an impression on my heart which is soft end quote he and Rachel married over the objections of her father Culver who immediately disowned his daughter but despite the horrendous poverty into which the couple were thrust she continued to encourage Akiva in his studies within a few years it was not just Rachel who recognized the special qualities of a key of his mind the formerly illiterate Shepherd was rapidly elevated by the rabbi's to higher and higher positions until finally he was recognized as the leading scholar of his age Akiva was courageous as well as right when the Roman government made the study of Torah a capital offense he continued teaching a Kiva's anti-roman actions however went far beyond teaching Torah when Simon baccala organized a rebellion against Rome in 132 ad Akiva became one of the most ardent followers in an era of tragic proportions he became convinced that Baja was the Messiah and urged thousands of his disciples to follow him and what proved to be an ill-fated rebellion after the Romans put down the revolt they sentenced Akiba to death he was led off his execution early one morning at the same hour which the prayer shamaya soil was spoken here O Israel was one even as he was being burned at the stake a keep it continued reciting the words of the Shema with a smile on his lips the Roman general in charge of the execution was shocked at his insensitivity to pain and asked him if he was a sorcerer no a keeper replied but all my life when I said the words you should love the Lord your God before your heart and with all your soul before you might ever stand for I thought when shall I be able to fulfill this command I have loved God with all my heart with all my might which means with one's means but to love him with all my soul meaning my life itself I did not know if I can carry it out now that I'm giving my life in the hour for restarting the Shema has come and my resolution remains firm should I not smile as he spoke his soul departed the quintessential Akiva died al kadosh Hashem to sanctify God's name during more than 1,800 years since Jews have studied his life as a model both of how to live and how to die the crazy thing for this rabbi is that Akiva did not know Yeshua so where does that leave us who do know you're sure let's stand together next week we will look continue um on being prepared for the end days I think it's gonna be really special I've been waiting weeks for next week so I'm pretty excited I hope the days go by fast may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and then with a principal peace issuer even Hanoi face maratha you're an annoyed when over la vie who now ha yes ah I don't know hi poor novela ha BR semla home Oh Spock's alone guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 7,105
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Lastdays, Messianic
Id: q6xSSXgkAuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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