The All In (Wild Strategies) - Forts RTS [170]

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[Music] here we go third game of the first semi-final we have amazon vibrato now again on the blue side and we have 42 and cronkite or on the red side we have um oily snow low parts a little bit black a little bit contrasty from from the usual snow parts but this is how they love it [Music] and the usual minigun pressure from the hanging bases just started as the game rolled out it's always funny to see which players decide to go with the miniguns which players decide not to we actually bobaretta losing a turbine he placed his turbine undefended and he has been punished for it yeah kronkinator with the three sandbag turbine the turbine is more defended than the french during the world war oh gosh no yeah the french reference just only because 42 is is um we like to give 42 some sass every so often it's okay it is all in a good faith yes both of the bottom players going for uh all the mine spots they possibly can get on the bottom and bobrete already going for the lower uh platform the lower cheek of the low part yes this is a common swarm missile yeah there it is we can see we're going for some uh nuclear support options here matteo going with the support option is he gonna open up rockets oh my looks like he's gonna be opening the rockets once more whereas bob reno is going straight nukes i think the first time it worked out so well that they just gonna repeat it i don't blame him it's a good strategy the right hand side however we're gonna see some a little bit uh a little bit different different options going on with cronkitenator opening up with mortars and that is a buzzsaw the ultimate i am so afraid yeah so afraid for 42. he has to put down that uh would spam as as soon as he can because the rockets are coming out in less than 10 seconds yeah and i think he noticed that because he's uh he's working on his he's working on his wood spam he's going full density with that that's gonna that's gonna fight him yeah the dense wood spam is not what you want versus rockets yeah you want the big big chunky wood blocks that detonate the incoming projectiles and basically render them useless oh oh but we forgot the fact that wrong canada also could be a uh final destination for those uh rockets yeah that's gonna be a concern for team two [Applause] cronkite is not able to defend against this is he gonna shut down those missiles he needs to fire now nope too late [Applause] yeah team 2 has no end here again at the rocket the block of metal oh that actually hit his core i think he'll be he won't be able to uh be destroyed by that but it's worrying to see yourself so vulnerable return core damage i think cronkite has an angle into matteo score with that bossa i i believe you are though i don't think he's gonna take it but he's so focused that's the shot i was expecting to make to shut down those missiles after after about the river has spent the firing cost do they receive the cooldown oh yeah and they are uh oh yeah he's he spent the firing cost and now he has to wait for them to come off cooldown it's uh it's not a good place for bobaretto to be but with the additional wood in front that won't be able to happen again i think concrete crown canadore should use his uh mortars in order to trigger the anti-air from matteo and the breath so they shoot down their own projectiles otherwise they will have no chance of stopping the oppressing power of those rockets i think that's what he had attempted to do but it just didn't quite time didn't quite time it perfectly those motors actually if several of them are landing which is impressive or sniping yeah keeping some weapons on fire avoiding slowing them without the warhead upgrades those war missiles are not doing the damage they need to do at this point they're barely scraping yeah at this point another team really has the damage output capable of defeating their opponents they're they're slinging shots at each other but nothing is happening on either side over those fire beams in the other hand looks like they're finding some of my weak spots ripped firebase and one of them was hyped that's why people usually prefer medium to small size doors on any weapons because at this level the sniping capability of players is uh fix-a-point accurate it's it's brutal it is definitely brutal looks like barbarito has managed to find the enemy to upgrade those swarm missiles to nukes so now team one blue team actually has the damage actually has the firepower potential to end the game it's just about whether team two can defend against it honestly i don't think team two is gonna be able to survive this they really don't have the anti-air or the map control to survive a double a double warhead impact oh that that wobbly base from 42 wobbly but that is not in any dangerous part it is very structurally sound i agree nice shot by cronkiteness bossa killing some of the machine gunnery from matteo if he would just shoot a little bit uh higher he could very very well take out that flag and even do uh direct core damage if only he knew he will be beating himself i'm not sure if igniting those noobs is the play here because the map is quite short and i'm not sure if the nukes time out before they reach cronkite on the bottom it looked like they didn't time out and i i think 42 scientist was had the same conclusion that he he wasn't sure so he tested it out and uh didn't end well so i don't think he's going to be doing that again that last volley conconator did manage to turn turn team one's anti-air against itself and it looks like he's attempting to do the same thing again first clean nuke hit by ubreton 42 the second one is taken down by the anti-air fit i mean the yeah anti-air bit yes i do want to point out uh the dense wood spam has it failed to be repaired which means 42 out of money he doesn't have the income to repair all of that look you can see it he does not have the income to repair it all and that's that is the side effect of taking such dense wood spam when your deal would you have to get hit with aoe effects the repair bill is insurmountable yeah those those oh the double smoke by meto very effective the smoke just blocking line of sight for machine gunners really shuts down the uh oh huge core damage with a direct kill hmm fire beam plasma beam combo i think the fire beam it's yeah a fire beam explodes the battery we have to re-watch it in the replay but i think that's or or technology but it brought down brought down the breadth to the six percent hp and the plus beam was super nice the uh positioned to finish it that's gonna put team one in the back seat that's uh should i say the back foot yes it's still matteo literally has an exposed core right now like that's it has been for some time oh so nice defended by crankinator those smokes are so annoying you gotta manually control it's the uh the spokes they prevent the they prevent the weapons from firing so you have to manually control them in order to get any effect out of it which is a lot to ask for actually the smokes are detonated by plasma the news are shut down by the bus there's so many weapon interactions those are those are just things you never expect to see i honestly didn't know that the plasma explodes the smokes yeah it does it's actu it does the same kind of thing as it as machine gunners it it does stop them that's one thing i've done several times to prevent prevent enemies from smoking but the sniping is so perfect and 42 is out of energy i don't think there is a way back into this game for metal well he would need to kill 42 yeah he would need to reconnect he would need to get access to those warheads which he has but he would have to land the shot so that's asking a lot at this point there is a single weak point on cronkinator's base right where the busa is and i think there is an angle to to maybe destroy fortitude's weaponry and drop it on chrome but it's so unlikely it's it's a tough spot for sure and he's been on top of his snipes this whole game and looks like he's not going to be changing that up anytime soon my real question is how long until concanada reveals that he has warheads of his own because mateo is not going to be capable of defending against those i think those warheads are visible for him just the corner of them nice timing with the boss saw disconnecting the nukes the buzz saw and the plasma laser and the anti-air manually fired that was that was an alpha strike to end all warheads right there any one of those three options could have shut that down hard and all three of them did metal placing six snipers so actually one of them can be can be built here comes the big reveal yeah but the nukes going to the smoke huge play by matteo but one of them still still reaches him and the smoke explodes on the core so he can't put the core out he can't extinguish it oh that's gonna be a lot of damage the core should survive this but yikes bring him down to 70 i think both fire beams die but but they're using the snipers as anti-air successfully you super huge plays by them they just were so unlucky that bob lost to the triple laser combo i mean super well played by 42 so yeah that's not a surprise the double fire beam plaza beam it burns through a lot like you cannot you cannot go full aggression with your weapons and expect to survive that kind of firepower i mean it's a heavy weapon combo it's meant to end the game and it it ends the game quite effectively trump nukes i think he actually defends this one oh oh the crunk noob just every time managing to weed through and that's it let's go here on the left hand side victors of our previous for previous match and going up 2-1 versus their opponents we have cronkinator and 42 scientists see how they're going to handle these these hanging maps now as they face off against their opponents mateo and bobaretto indeed it's going to be interesting on hanging maps the strategy that usually belbrato and meta will go for is quite more advantageous because metal can use the extra stability of hanging bases to stack way more weaponry than he could on a standing base and also they are lucky because bobareto is the closer closer fort to the enemy which just means if they go with their typical uh lotus apparent dive of nukes and support we can see we can see it working out well for them but it looks like mateo actually going with a workshop rather than an armory so he's not going to be playing the standard support style that they often do i think they are uh warthog i'm not sure what was the the commander that 42 and chrome chose in the last game did you catch that i i do not recall but it seems like from the head of matteo's uh mini gunner and from the possibilities that they can achieve that we have a warthog on our hands on the red side and uh maybe us oh i would i'm thinking what could be the commander that uh does well with two munition plans it could be scattershot 20s but scattershot is not available for team b it's picked by team a actually which are teammates babrato and metal and team b has the possibility of [Music] moonshine hurricane overdrive it very well could be a moonshine 20 spam we've seen it executed by ethan and geiger in uh earlier stages of the competition and it was first at a mimi strategy but then when they saw that actually it destroys everything then they just kept using it throughout the whole day and cleaning house i mean that works but to be fair this is a cannon rush a double cannon rush or should i say a cannon rush out of both players so it really could be any commander this works off of any commander it's just whether or not you're going to be using the special commander abilities to enhance it scientist has his defenses set set up for uh for the lower side of his forts they are a u.n commander so that's going to be option no mo shine yes they take a page straight out of ethan and the geiger's book and it's gonna be the moonshine 20s did they place at 20 i s i think they did yes that's uh probably two 20s on their side yep that is a 20 and down below not very well defended by krong but this time mata is not going for early uh aggression they are going for the laser nuke combo but the nukes are already ready on bobrato's side this could be devastating for cronkynator if they chose to target his weaponry i don't think his base can be destroyed but he's working very well he's gonna fire he's gonna reveal before the fire beams are ready which is the correct call in this case nice shield by scientist saving his precious weapons he actually hardly took any damage from that the splash damage is mitigated perfectly for once 42 not going with his dense wood spam and it uh it's paying off quite hardly there the machine gun pit from cronkinator is uh setups to support his teammate and also himself and or we already have this one is the 20s and because of the early shot from the nukes the commander ability is already charged that is that is beautiful just a brief shutdown the benefit of the two of the 20s being emp having the emp effect is it allows the 20s to penetrate to penetrate the energy shields that players will often use to do okay well but yeah the signature metal uh ruler aim with the lasers at laser clock just caught cronk off guard and as we mentioned he's def as you mentioned his defense was not really suited for uh for laser defense more of a nuke defense so it really caught him off guard and just died to the first combo yeah that's that's brutal uh that is the power of the the fire beam plaza beam it just penetrates so deeply there's there's nothing else to say about it you get it up and you just fire you destroy things the emp shots are coming out and shutting things down which is all fine and dandy this yeah i would like to point out that probably these the this first two solos from matteo saved the game and the series for them and there it is the second shot and we're off ladies and gentlemen the scores are tied two to two this is going to be the final match winner takes all in this in this round on the left hand side we have the blue team matteo and barbaretto and on the right hand side we have croconator and 42 scientists and 42 scientists uh kind of got beat up really hard in their last match so i'm curious to see if they're going to go for something wild or something a bit more standard because the last match the fire beam plasma beam is about as uh standard as you can get those are very well refined strategies that are extremely effective so i'm curious indeed it is curious around 42 going for the upset upset uh victory over bobato and mata and andy and obama trying to keep their calm in this last match and not make mistakes like they did in games two and three it looks like so i i want to point out everyone's gone workshop every single player or the match has to open workshop but bob and matteo have moved on toward heavy weapons tech we see the plasmid we see the energy weapons tech out of mateo on top and we see the cannon tech out of barbaretto on bottom and both of these players are going for greedier style rushes we do see some more eco being built up out of matteo which isn't uncommon for energy based rushes but down here at babareto he's he's just sticking with three minds of one turbine this is the fastest possible rush style that you get when you're really just trying to land the first shot in the game but the other team the 42 and cronkite they're not even playing by the same rules both players have opened up with double swarm missile and a buzz saw to go with it this is the kind of thing you just fire your swarm missiles it looks like they're not even going to be going for the warheads they've got their buzzsaws to chop and they've got the swarm missiles behind to finish off anything that just needs an extra little punch to knock over [Music] looks like 42 is ready if they believe he's waiting for cronkite and there it is coordinated shots and where the buzz saw the follow up this could mean the end of the game end of the series but luckily vibrato wasn't so greedy that he sold he is a metal he kept all of it and that saves the series saves his life saves the game saves everything that's important for them right now indeed very often the greedier builds such as what paparezzo is going for will sell off the metal he didn't this time and that's that is exactly what kept him in this game yeah i am just checking what's their commander the possibility for them is a scatter shot or maybe shock uh no shock is not uh they have the head for uh scattershot i think and the other team is uh either hurricane or it's overdrive to be very difficult for us to determine the difference oh oh the wobbly the red but they maintain bob in all of brett managing to build himself a 20 mil at least it is in the process of being constructed that is scatter shot out of mateo and barbara yeah bob is uh just to change things up he's again punching back if only now the boss of focus goes for a metal and uh he too kept his uh precious metal that saves him dude but it was close there if uh cronkite 42 had fired at mateo uh he would not have survived i guarantee you that one with only three layers of wood would not have happened three struts of wood in front of his metal those four missiles would have cleared through that middle quite easily okay here it comes it's the combo he run out of energy and also the 20s went right into the fire beam that was super anticlimactic from them man anti-synergy and out of energy that hurts and here come the nukes there's anti-air but is that gonna be enough no i think one of them is gonna hit and all three of them are all the rest of the three are shut down vlad's are being fired off he just did it again yeah uh he found the spot in cronkinator's base that was actually not defended and because matteo and matteo built his lasers a bit below his score he had the wonderful angle into cronkinator score that was a such a lovely snipe yes now 42 is all alone in a 1v2 and he does not have the weapons or the eco to do this yeah he has only one warhead oh i mean he has two but casually one [Music] you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 66,217
Rating: 4.9458523 out of 5
Keywords: Project Incursus, Forts, RTS
Id: khk3g6aqI50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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