Noob in.....Minecraft

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one day noob got bored of roblox this is getting kinda boring so he scoured the internet for more games to play let's see what game he found today oh wait a second why is this grass a cube wait no no no I'm in minecraft roblox is archnemesis oh wait this is what I installed I wanted to install apex legends not this so I'll just have to make the most of it there's someone to punch in the face hey you huh oh oh my goodness how did how does that happen oh that's how it happens yeah I knew that roblox room I knew that robloxians could fall apart easily but I didn't know that minecraft people could fall apart even easier easily is that a word okay yeah we'll call our word the outsider just killed that man alright police horse we have to go and arrest him onward huzzah I saw what you did to that poor innocent Minecraft in you guys are called minecraft Ian's that doesn't make any sense alright that you guys were called like Steve's and Alex's well those are all real names that's Minecraft Dean's are species name you guys have your real names and you guys have your species name the walk scenes we don't make fun of you for that okay well that's fair anyway going to jail you killed that guy wait believe accident well there's yourself goodnight pull ha you missed wait no I'm gonna keep my mouth shut I've already been thrown against the jail cell before so I'm just gonna yeah there that's just good as I can do yeah there you happy now yes actually I am and since I am the chief with the Minecraft Police Department I'm just gonna get a guard to go watch you you criminal scum I've gotta find a way to break out of here hey there I'm garb Joshua and I'm here to watch you to make sure you don't escape but I'm not gonna do my job just gonna sit here and do nothing is that a sword I can use it to cut this thing oh hey stop moving I thought you said you weren't gonna watch me oh yeah you're right sorry alright I got it now just have to break out how do I cut this thing okay let's see here well um I'm actually gonna want to take out the door too so I might as well inch my way over oh shoot I got this again no come on oh why does it tip over when I don't want it to but when I eat it - it does it whoo oh there we go alright now it's time to cut my way out hey that hurt oh oh hey no that's my sword Wow whoa had enough yet no you want to go let's go I have no idea how to fight with my fists well this will be an easy fight for me then ah ah get back here oh I'm not done with you yet what do you mean you've already beat me senseless well I am beating you senseless enough char yo gun oh oh not enough to defeat me oh no wait no no no wait not on my watch [Music] okay Oh time to get out of here but I should probably disguise myself first the supply chest nice yes all right let's see what this thing has yeah la da dee da da da dee for Apple nope bow and arrow I haven't seen any of the cops carrying around this aura pickaxe yeah ah a diamond sword and the helmet you should come in Andy I just got hit with a random chest because some guy just threw it after he opened it and it hit me in the face good enough for me don't get up the door just a Minecraft I hear walking yeah sure oppa dope it won't be 100 intruder no whoa okay I think I escaped oh hey who did that I was leaning on that block fine I'll Leone this chest then there's something right behind me isn't it oh okay going the other way oh no I trip in it like in every horror movie ever hey it's just me your best friend Slenderman ripoff get away from me I don't own you but go horse huh go onward yeah stop oh I'm glad I stopped the horse right then if I didn't I would have hit the giant spider what there is a giant spider there's a giant spider oh the intruder has been found either dead or fainted we'll take them in chief oh wait no where am I no I'm back in this dump hello again noob uh your arm fell off shut up I know that just give me a minute as I was saying hello noob what do you want with me I'm just a visitor you can't do that can you laws are laws noob laws are laws how did you know my name well that's not the point anyway you're now the most wanted criminal and all of Minecraft and we finally caught you you know I can just disconnect right wait what noob has disconnected from the server gosh dang it my arm fell off again
Channel: skeleton_slasher
Views: 9,073,162
Rating: 4.6034217 out of 5
Id: q-6xJZgYk0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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