Sonic the Hedgehog - Tails' Tantrum!

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[Music] he's like um do you have any money uh why would you ask me that tails well you see it's summer and it's gonna be very very hard and I just want to have a delicious cold treat just so I won't have to do it this summer all the time well why is that cold treat that you want eels I want to have some ice cream well you're not gonna get any ice cream tails why was because it's been all my money on some chili dogs something else [Music] I scream well you're not gonna get chocolate ice cream tails I said no because it's just that I don't have any money why kill your birthday then sauna days a very very long time and that's the same thing with winter I'm just gonna be homeless for the rest of my life permanently sure you're gonna be homeless it's yes all right we'll go ahead all right well I guess I'm going too late I'm gonna stand apart forever you're not gonna see this face again [Music] well I guess you're left [Music] what I guess you weren't away ah that tails uh hello oh hi my name is um moist make buckets and I was just wondering if you can give me some money so I can spend it on ice cream kids who don't even get to have some ice cream in all their life so she's wondering if you can give me so much Hills I know that you no it's not tails I I know it's you stop bullying me sure I don't know what you're talking about tails get around that cloven you look stupid he's like who's that can't house just in the house wait can you please give me some money no oh hey old who is that the door I don't know what do you want you wanted money so we can sprint ice cream for some kids so so can have some money please tails I'm not buying you ice cream I thought you said you were going to stay at the park permanently so you could be homeless well I just realized that if I stand apart permanently down oh did have to deal with the hot weather so yeah I changed my mind well alright boss gonna buy you ice cream ice cream [Music] [Applause] brief tails brief oh he's been so annoying but those stupid ice cream [Music] Sonic I won't stop breaking stuff until you buy me some ice cream ice cream I know all right tails you wouldn't oh I would tails I swear to god you destroy my family TV with a hammer you're done you're done oh well say goodbye your TV side there you go enjoy your TV chthonic call a second let me do one more thing with the TV tails what the heck are you doing oh I'm just gonna do this stop what there's your stinking TV up your G TV psyche there you go enjoy [Applause] whatever I don't care all right are you gonna buy me some ice cream now oh my god all right here's what do you want to eat [Music] well just because you'd be to look for me Sonic no I didn't beat the life of you I was punishing you because you destroyed my family TV and stupid ice cream that's fun and I'm gonna be sad for the rest of my life for too long well what can I do to make you stop acting like this no no tears you're not getting ice cream ice cream no tears you're not dead ice cream you're destroyed some plates destroyed my family TV you think you deserve some ice cream no tails just a boy boy my god oh my God he's acting annoying yummy yummy Amy I do it tails crying yes he's crying like a whiny baby and he's been lined up for two weeks Oh God tails are you okay no because Sonic wouldn't buy me some freaking ice cream wait he won't buy you some ice cream no he's such a cheapskate yeah I know well I mean I was going to say this ice cream whole cream but she didn't really want it so I guess you can have it so yeah there you go can't believe I got new freaking TV why you want tails I got ice cream we'll get some ice cream and she decided to me so anyways like on where's my phone your phone yeah I want to take a victory picture of me finally having some ice cream and it's chocolate which is my favorite flavor so um where's my phone your phone yeah well I sold it tails so I can get this new TV [Music]
Channel: SonicWhacker55
Views: 22,252,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5tzdMGYHI9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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