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Oh what enough turned everything that sponge as yet bag on the video we are stuck on a grass block was awesome oh no you can't be telling me I'm stuck on this grass block with this guy are you serious I'm stuck on a grass block and I have to survive with you know jail stop okay we're gonna have to oh excuse me get a little nervous here you know we're gonna have to work something out you're newbie see you punched me off Ike went you off this is more like that in the way Hey Joe Joe stop stop okay where you just fall off uh ladies gentlemen welcome the grass block survival with a fish um yeah oh he's back he's back he's back he's back he's back look are you taking em no give me that give me that give me a would you take out a chest would you take out this no no no stop stop we need that we need that hey give me that give me that we leave that to make cobblestone okay do you know can you understand me by the way I don't know what that means but okay uh can you make a cobblestone can you make a cobblestone generator please make a couple sighs no stop no give me make it make a cobblestone generator please okay oh my gosh you actually listens okay so basically I could just make this guy survive for me I could make him do anything everything if I wanted to that's not how you do it that's not how you is that weight that is that weight is that not what would you just do did you just where's the water had what you knew no the water is which is the water job okay well I mean you made cobblestone you made stone you didn't make you didn't huh how did you manage to make stone what here-take now we don't have any water now we don't have any water you know guys welcome back to a beautiful video with a SW d a s w DF z XC v b hg t YY in today we're gonna be surviving on this beautiful world with this creature and we're gonna be seeing what we can do we have helped me you know I'm gonna dig down I want to see what is in this okay so this is a big grass block that we're surviving on you know and we gotta figure I wonder if there's ores down there or just something let's stick down right here oh there is ores wood there's actually ores on here okay so let's see I don't think there's actual cobblestone oh there's sand look at that okay so we do actually have ores oh wait I hear zombies Sarah's zombies oh there's diamonds oh snap yo yo ho yo thanks for the fish dude but I gotta say if you could somehow get me cobblestone I don't know if you can understand did you just where did you get obsidian where did you get hey you big old newb you know I can dig around that it's not very hard I can dig her out stop what don't off flip that's a bad idea that's bad idea that's a bad idea that's about idea okay I'm gonna go the other way ah yo seriously though my dude where did you get obsidian can you don't place obsidian because once we place that we can't remove it for a while how did you get behind me going on I cannot where's my GG button okay so we're gonna have to work this out listen me and you are both surviving on this island we keep respawning and we're not getting off this island less i ban you from the server or we just quit so you need to survive we need to work something out we need to be friends okay those diamonds though those up the edge without you know what is wrong with this guy someone help me please seriously seriously I I just I just need this guy to listen to me because like if he Oh nice back okay so listen a swd all I need you to do is somehow you got diamonds in Abyssinian I need you to get a water bucket a water bucket a lot of water buckets okay can you do that okay I believe in you so let me know when you got a water bucket because if we can get a water bucket we can get cobblestone if we can get cobblestone wait I lost everything from my inventory oh you pushed me off the edge I lost everything from my inventory you know what you like fish don't you you like fish how does this guy even get on my server I was supposed to do this solo you know just me so if I have another grass block with you guys cuz I thought it'd be pretty cool I found this map and it was like a big grass block so I thought it would be really cool survive on and then somehow this noob gets on the server don't even know how you got the IP are you swallowing suck swallowing stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop - no give me those do not fall okay well at least he placed them all at least he placed them all okay so I am just going to I'm gonna need it to get no what's it - I don't need these trees to grow [Music] MZ x c vb h g gy y n please please give me a just need a water bucket and then we can have everything in the world water hey hey give me that hey give me that give that no ghetto give me give me the bucket give me the bucket give me the bucket [Music] anyways okay so this is what we got it I think this is how you do it yes I have created Kabbalistic okay a swd now we just gotta wait for the trees to grow how did you you are a god how did you do would you do that the water isn't even how did you do you stop that stop stop stop I have a bucket on me do not okay look I'm gonna put on here honestly let's stop okay we need to calm down need to survive together we need to become friends okay I know you don't like me please do not lick me like that my mouth is much bigger than yours and it's really awkward when you do that I need you to relax and you stop killing me I don't even know if you can understand me but all we gotta do is wait for those trees to grow once those trees grow we get cobblestone after that we get diamonds and then we're rich okay and then I can get you all the fish in the world yeah that's how you listen to him that's how you get him si you know so you want you want some fish you want some fish okay however you summon these weird things give me some bone meal I need bone or bones bones or bone meal if you could get me that we could spawn those trees what am i doing I'm literally talking to someone that I don't even know this is not gonna give me that give it that man yes yes yes thank you thank you okay two of them that's that's good enough that's good enough okay I don't know if this is actually gonna be enough but I really hope it is okay so I'm gonna take this light sit over here and then come on please please yes okay so we're gonna keep this in here okay so what we need to do is up Jesus you need to calm down you are very aggressive here give me the books give me no no give me the move give me the way could you not did you not don't push me off we're gonna lose the wood and then you won't be able to get your fish you won't be able to you fish yes thank you thank you thank you okay how about you do this how about you just yes sit there just stay there just they just share whatever okay oh my gosh it's like working with like a five-year-old kid I can't do this no offense the five-year-old kids but [Music] stop stop stop stop stop stop I gotta I gotta make something so we can do it better watch out okay so I gotta make a pickaxe so I'm gonna do two sticks and I'm going to do wood across and then what a big X so if you could move sir please thank you I could don't stop do not push me into this okay just stop stop do you want your fish that's what I thought all I say is fish and he understands so I think if I just keep saying fish fish fish fish fish I think he'll slowly understand and kind of grasp the concept that he needs to stop killing me so after I get all these after I get all the cobblestone I'm gonna go and get iron ore and then we're gonna try to get diamond door and we're gonna go see where all these zombies are coming from as well you know you just keep dropping fish cuz honestly what you're doing is you're just providing me a better food source so honestly I appreciate it do not throw me into anything do not push it up no what are you doing are you doing that okay whatever whatever that means yes yes whatever that means what up look did you just swallow the whole tree okay yes yes he's doing something good keep mining all that wood okay and then what is he making I'm just gonna go down here and mind my own business okay so I don't know where that iron ore went I think it was like covered in the lava okay where did the iron ore go oh there's some coal okay coal that's not bad we need coal anyways I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna focus on my own thing I'm gonna let this SWT character do whatever he wants to do I'm gonna focus on my own thing I'm gonna focus on getting this coal getting this iron and succeeding and then when I become very rich with all these diamonds I'm not gonna give him a single diamond because he doesn't deserve it maybe I'll give him a little house or maybe he'll just maybe I think what will happen if Cody's figure yo chill just chill maybe figure it out on his own and he'll like what you want to show me something up there what good a sign fish are friends not food I'm here to kill me you gonna give me stops uh senses up this is not good I have a lot of good stuff on me not killing me okay Nicole knew I'm gonna eat all the fish I won okay this fish are good for you guys getting out of an guys are getting out of hand this is like this is ridic yes he's just he doesn't know how to control himself you know okay I need to block this up thank you very much okay so I'm gonna wait for this to go down and down there there are diamonds we also need to find iron ores as well so let's try to dig this way hi you're North iron ore where are you at I also hear a ton of zombies where's that coming from I'm really curious where that's coming from literally I'm just hearing a ton of zombies right now there must be maybe wait maybe there's a spawner down here oh oh that would be insane if there's a spawner down here okay so let's see we're getting really close to the sound is this oh there's clay right there okay I feel like we are really close to these zombies oh oh wait is that it I see hold on hold on oh my gosh there's literally a zombie spawner right down here guys okay I am going to try to get these Chet Oh there's a chest right there okay perfect so this is what I'm gonna try to do oh oh I definitely did that the wrong way I'm a half heart okay okay you guys need to back up please this is uh this is not a test you guys need to back up please Oh flip I didn't mean oh oh I didn't mean to destroy that block I meant to destroy the block baha'i are both white now I'm serious so now what are you doing okay what are you doing what are you doing why is this why is this sponge why is this making sponges from does it really make sense listen this is my house this is my house yeah I didn't make this for me you make how are we gonna go trees now please explain how are you gonna grow a tree huh are you gonna get plant tree on a sponge it doesn't make sense you what enough turned everything in this pot nobody okay you know what that's not a bad idea I don't really like the sponge idea not really too big of a fan of sponges but you know if it makes you happy whatever I'm gonna destroy this let me see if I can communicate with him you are a noob or okay just ate the sign just eat the sign whatever whatever eat it yeah go ahead it's it's food yeah okay whatever I'm just gonna go down here I'm gonna mind my own business I'm going to get all my stuff back oh wait they can't even get to me oh they're all falling in a hole this is genius it's literally a trap look at this ASW they're all four look and then we can just block them off just like so wait flip are you're turning everything is sweet whatever you're doing this oh no that's a bad idea that's about it okay I'm gonna let you get stuck down there yep and you have fun you know I think I'm just gonna mine the other way I'm just gonna okay with the whole sponges thing you seriously need to chill I don't know how you're getting special powers to turn everything into sponges but it's not funny because I actually like we need dirt to survive like this is a block that we need to survive otherwise we're gonna die and you're not gonna get any more fish okay okay okay okay okay sorry excuse me okay so guys please help me about leaving a like on this video every like is going to be less fish for a swd how am I even getting a hit right now you know what's funny you know what's even more fine oh yeah why I can't place box relax unspeakable deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths calm down calm down calm down okay okay we're good we're good look at this is what I'm gonna do he doesn't see me he doesn't see me he doesn't see me wouldn't destroy his whole house doesn't see me wouldn't use all this dirt he doesn't see me this is me getting revenge on him thinks he's all cool and whatever he can do turning my whole Island and a sponge didn't invite you to this island I'm gonna destroy your hard work how does it feel when your hard work is gonna be destroyed my hard work just got destroyed I lost all my stuff that's my hard work and now a swd yeah you worked hard on this didn't you but now it's just gonna be destroyed and you probably can't even hate or maybe you can maybe you just ignored me maybe you know what's going on and you're just acting like you don't even know what's going on maybe your yeah your whole house is gone yeah we're gonna do about it telling anybody so you knew about I'm just gonna pillar all the way up I'm gonna pillar all the way up here uh-huh and this is gonna be my house up here okay this is gonna be my house so you don't touch my house and I don't touch yours okay this is gonna be my house it's cool it's a it's small I know but for now it will have to win so we'll just make it we'll make a nice little roof yep there we David oh it's nice [Music] where did you get a boat how did you can you just spawn full diamond armor police and that is that something that's possible can here spawn full diamond armor protection for and give me three stacks of cobblestone and I will give you all the fish in the world and I'll never I'll never touch you again just I don't know how I does it I don't know how he does it he just you turned the Hawaii I got I don't even know what's going on I don't even what's going on what is this Wow now you can't see now you can't see you got diamond armor you can't see can you break from Minecraft and a break from minecraft I am going to stop stop stop stop stop don't listen to me you don't do anything you don't learn maybe you'll learn in episode 2 guys if you want to see an episode 2 to this crazy a swd survival let me know by leaving a like on this video and if we get enough likes and enough support maybe just maybe I'll have enough courage to a second episode and get back on this world but for now I am logging out I'm done I quit I'm done that's it guys thank you so much for watching leave a like if you want to see a part two and Howard oh yeah you better change it back you better change it back all right I'll see you guys in a part - please leave a like if you want to see a part - because I am I am going to the title screen I'm good I'm done I'm s the Muni I'll see you another day you can't even hear me now so now I could talk all the smack I want so ace immunity you are such a noob guys thank you so much for watching hope you guys have a say fantastic every day you want to see an episode - you leave a like on this video not just you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 29,795,932
Rating: 4.8189116 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: zoDkfDtI3pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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