Stikcraft | Official Stikbot Movie

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[Music] where the heck am I yeah thanks Verizon [Music] well that was an unusually short day oh hello sir thank goodness you're here can I please borrow your cell phone mine isn't working hey I know this might sound kind of rude but in this light you're gonna look like a zombie [Music] if you want to live I want to live so come with me then oh yeah okay wait stop I demand to know where I am and what is going on around here fear not all will be explained when we reach we're being followed followed by who not by who by which by which whose which a sandwich I'm hungry oh you mean an actual which there is a way to defeat the witch but it requires rigorous training yeah I'd rather not I'm not a big fan of exercise you can either train or the witch will poison you to death and slowly eat your soul okay well do the training good get plenty of sleep we start at sunrise for days and nights are quite short here I've noticed [Music] well done Mike you are now ready for the battle Mike remember your training well done Mike you did it yeah I'm glad all that training paid off I've defeated the witch now I need you to tell me where we are Oh we'll be explained to you once we reach Pottsville bots ville yes it's where we live we yes we the others like you and me you and me why are you repeating everything I'm saying everything I'm saying stop it stop it sorry I'm just really hungry we need to leave here before nightfall but we have to find you a horse like mine whoa you have a horse of course I have a horse why do you ride a cow if you have a horse excuse me your cow that is Roger lay yours that's clearly a cow that is extremely offensive what are these those are cows obviously okay and what is this huh that's Roger my horse okay okay what about this that's a horse you see no difference between this horse and Roger you do know that cows and horses are very different right that's what I'm saying would you jump on the horse so we can get out of here already fine come on hmm there now we both have horses that's a cow okay we need to stop what now I am super hungry don't you ever eat of course I do okay I guess it's time to teach you how to hunt yeah no thanks I'd rather just get something from the store there is no store in this world here you need to find your own food find my own food like you mean like in the store there is no store okay today I'm going to teach you how to hunt and eat a sheep watch and learn and that's how you do it are you crazy I'm not punching an animal in the face it's much more humane than the meat you get your precious store that's for sure really how do they do it a roundhouse kick look do you want to eat or not yeah fine okay I see a sheep over there this is ridiculous okay here we go it's not working okay maybe hunting isn't for you at least we had some sheep to eat don't you want some too oh no I'm a vegetarian I only eat fish and sometimes chicken I'm pretty sure that's not what a vegetarian is being a vegetarian is much more ethical hold why are we stopping we've reached the caves the caves yes the weight of Pottsville is through the caves are you sure we can't like go around or something the only way to reach Pottsville is through the caves come on unless you've got a problem with the cave problem with caves are you kidding me I love dark scary claustrophobic places that I don't like at all the caves are dark places full of enemies you don't want to attract attention here's a weapon you might need it in here thanks you can count on me unless there's a spider I draw the line at spiders no spiders for me no sir stop talking why what's going on don't turn around who is there a big scary spider behind me big scary spider behind me huh you know what that actually wasn't so bad I think I finally conquered my fear of spiders because there's an even bigger one behind you what [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that was painful lucky there was a hard rock there to break my fault hello hello hello hello okay think do I take the dark scary path to my left or the dark scary path to my right ouch ouch now stop it so disrespectful [Music] [Music] excuse me sir I seem to be lost do you happen to [Music] who is that crazy guy chasing us please what was that we need to provide a password to enter Pottsville Pottsville we finally reached BOTS Ville yes this is the main entrance password keys Pottsville yeah what about it that's the password what's the password but still is the password no it's not yes it is Kevin sure yes okay I believe you Stef you're back and who is this with you hi my name is Mike wait before you answer let me guess what your name is Mike your name is Mike yep literally just said that pretty impressive huh this is Carlos box bills very own psychic I'm mr. BOTS you've already met Steph yelling over there controlling the main gate is my son the great Kevin pathetic sucks KP come say hi to Mike why would you name your son that I agree to Kevin is a stupid name but we gave it to him ironically because he's so smart right Kevin shut up dad what is going on Carlos what's happening Wyatt the alarms going off proximity alert we have a proximity alert incredible check the surveillance feeds Oh No [Music] quick KP close the gate wait what is this what what did I tell you about cleaning your room dad can we talk about this after we close the gate no no video games until Kevin cleans his room closing the gate isn't a video game the gate controls have buttons and a screen it's a video game guys come on Oh fine there can I close the gate now yes reinforced stone there's no way he's getting in who is he we call him El Diablo or in English V El Diablo the El Diablo we've all of us have been sent here to save this world from El Diablo Mike according to the great prophecy oh please not this great prophecy nonsense again the great prophecy yes isn't that right Carlos yes of course you see Mike we appeared in this world much like you did naked afraid alone but we are all here for a reason a purpose we are environmentalists what Stef show him Oh Mike no look at this monster if we allow El Diablo to continue this destruction there will be nothing left of this world listen to me Mike nothing is more important than the environment nothing do you understand me the environment Mike where's that smoke coming from oh whoops sorry I was driving my van around yesterday and sometimes I forget to turn the engine off anyway what was I talking about the environment oh yes of course the environment Oh what is it Carlos I am receiving a psychic message about the prophecy geez what is the message it's about Mike what about Mike tell us Mike is the chosen one Mike you are the chosen one do you understand what this means no no idea it means that you are destined to defeat El Diablo and wield the great axe what no no I'm not the chosen one okay why can't you guys be the chosen one we would be if it were up to us you see El Diablo can only be defeated with the great axe and only the chosen one can pull the great axe from the sacred stone Mike no one has succeeded in pulling the great axe from the sacred stone if you can pull the X then the chosen one you are if not then the great destiny was meant for another procede Mike destiny awaits hey I'm good I don't really want to be the chosen one destiny awaits okay okay geez hmm it's a him he's the chosen one Kevin look Mike is the chosen one no look the axe is actually really light no only the chosen one can wield the great axe yes that's right seriously how many other people have tried to pull this thing from the stone no one else has tried only the chosen one can pull the great axe from the sacred stone wait I'm the only person that's tried to pull this thing out of course well then how do you know I'm the chosen one because only the chosen one can remove the great axe I feel like we're going around in circles here look Mike this chosen one stuff might be crazy but you do have a good chance to be el Diablo think about how you defeated the witch yeah I guess I am a pretty good fighter oh wait no I'm not doing this I could get killed do it do it do it okay fine I'll do it really just like that yeah I mean I don't want to die but I also really don't like peer pressure hey oh good Ken open the gate Kevin pathetic butts open the gate right now or no more video games for you Mike remember your training I will come on Mike you can do this okay let's see how great the great axes [Music] [Music] Mike Mike how are you feeling awful everything hurts Carlos we need more psychic healing yeah how do you feel now the same literally no different strange el Diablo must be more powerful than we thought that must be why your psychic healing isn't working yeah I'm sure that's the reason spoiler alert about the great ex by the way it isn't great it sucks hmm they should call it the terrible acts the horrible terrible like I know you've been through a traumatic experience but the great axe is our most sacred artifact Pottsville was built around the great app hey where's the great axe you left it outside next to the trash cans oh do you want to go get it uh no it's fine I'll I'll get it later look if we're gonna defeat El Diablo we need better weapons can we build swords like the one El Diablo has well theoretically yes all we need to do is punch a tree into wooden blocks then use the wooden blocks to build a crafting table then use the crafting table to wait wait stop did you just say punch a tree into blocks oh yes of course ha have you tried this Mike I'm an environmentalist I've never punched a tree in my entire life well except for that at one time well that was self-defense Mike is right we need El Diablo's weapons and if we can't make them then maybe we can steal them I have an idea stuff what is the idea wait let me guess what the idea is [Music] we steal El Diablo's weapons and that's the idea brilliant and I guess I'm the one that has to go and do all of this not since you're injured there's no way you're strong enough to leave Pottsville at least not for another 20 minutes okay you can go now so what are you doing for the rest of the day nothing literally nothing you want a wrestle of course [Music] what who did this el Diablo like look where we are this is one of El Diablo's hideouts look at the box next to you bingo hey Mike we did it we defeated El Diablo wait what is that noise what Oh No run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to say a few words to you all before we embark on this final battle together Steph you've been so strong and resilient through this adventure and you've taught Mike so much Mike you've learned so much from Steph through this adventure Steph who has been so strong and resilient thanks Carlos where would we be without your psychic powers Botts ville would be truly lost and finally kevin kevin what words gonna father say to his son to let him know how much how I feel and that's what I wanted to say to you Kevin I've been wanting to say it for years now you know how much your father cares about you all right team let's do this let's end El Diablo's reign of terror once and for all yeah let's do this let's go snap he's here [Music] come on in place good close the wall [Music] [Applause] like we did it el Diablo won't be causing any more trouble while he's stuck in there Mike don't you see you fulfilled to the prophecy ah right so what do we do now you wanna wrestle excuse me [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Stikbot Central
Views: 4,200,947
Rating: 4.7228265 out of 5
Keywords: stikbot, stickbot, stikbot central, stikbot video, stikbots, stickbots, official stikbot movie, official stickbot movie, stikcraft, stikbot minecraft, stickbot minecraft, stikbot movies, stickbot movies, stikbot stikcraft, stickbot stikcraft, stikbot steve, stickbot steve, stikcraft movie, stikcraft series, stikcraft season one, stikcraft episode one, minecraft, minecraft movie, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft series, Klikbot minecraft, villager pillager
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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