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[Music] hello and welcome to let's talk with bishop r.c blakes rc is an author empowerment teacher and the proud pastor of the new home ministries of new orleans louisiana and houston texas his message circles the globe his conversational and candid approach to challenging content makes him a relevant voice to all generations get ready for a life-changing transformational conversation [Music] hello hello hello and welcome back i am r.c blakes and as always i am so excited to be able to share with you today you know and i want you to just kind of um lock in with me and let's have a one-on-one conversation if you don't mind um i started dealing with something the last time we were together relative to uh the high value woman and i want to go back into that today since it it you know it's it's a um i guess it's somewhat of a a modern concept uh maybe not even a concept maybe a modern term that describes um really an ancient concept a biblical concept that we would refer to as the virtuous woman or woman of value a woman of values a woman of um priorities a woman of principle so it's not it's not necessarily a new concept as much as it is probably a new or at least trending um you know phrase high value woman and so i want to kind of look at this from my perspective which is always what life perspective is a man and it's always uh or usually should i say it's a biblical perspective sometimes i give you my opinion you know but most of the time i'm dealing with a biblical perspective on matters and i call this high value woman would be the same thing as the queen conscious woman in my particular movement queenology which is the the women's empowerment movement that god has given to my wife lisa and i so let's deal with this today since this is the trending uh you know idea high value woman i want to talk about uh some of i think i have about seven seven or eight the non-negotiables the non-negotiables of a high-value woman what's non-negotiable on her list i don't like using that term list but i couldn't find another word but when it comes down to dating and relationships what are the things on the mind of the high value woman that are non-negotiable now before we get into that let's discuss what a high value woman is because you know there are a lot of different ideas out here some say well a high value woman is based on um you know on her looks and you know i mean when the world we're living in even god said man looks on the outward appearance but god looks on the heart so we are in a vain world that is shallow and does look you know at the surface first but it's more to a high value woman than her looks some say well it's her weight um some say you know it's um it's her size or what have you i don't i don't buy into that i believe that a high value woman physically presents herself as her best version in every phase of her life i do believe that i believe she shows up as her best version spiritually emotionally physically and i don't think you can lock that into a box because all men don't want the same thing i mean you can say all men do but you know maybe all men in your circle but all men around the world do not want the same thing physically so a high value woman comes in all shapes sizes and colors now that's just my opinion i've just only been here 57 years and been a man all of that time 1 000 heterosexual man that loves women and so when i tell you this i'm saying this from the perspective of a real man that lives in the real world all men don't want the same thing you can't box a high value woman physically into some little matchbox and say this is the physical type of a high value woman period no sir no ma'am so what determines what actually determines a high value woman well from my perspective it's consciousness it's consciousness matched with corresponding lifestyle in other words a high value woman is a woman that knows who she is knows where she's going she's conscious she's plugged in mentally and emotionally and not only is she plugged in mentally and emotionally but now she develops a lifestyle that models her consciousness and so the most beautiful thing about a woman the lasting and enduring qualities of value of a woman is not the exterior but it's the interior lisa and i had to stage an age now in our lives where uh we we're we're growing older together and you know there was a time when it was all about all of that uh you know you know what i'm talking about you know what i'm talking about but now it's about it's about the conversation it's about the partnership it's about um it's about the fellowship it's about the friendship you know it's about setting goals together reaching those goals together it's about enjoying life together it's about us connecting on a conscious level and then having a corresponding approach to life that matches our consciousness so when you start talking about a high value woman she does not start on the outside she doesn't this woman doesn't start at the gym because a woman can be a size two three four but if she has nothing firing off up here what kind of man is really going to be attracted to that long term you know a man gets to a point where he needs a partner it's where you know when you start talking about kingdoms you know a man building a kingdom he needs somebody that that can do more than just look cute and pop gum and have sex he needs somebody that can help him think his way through certain things so it starts with her consciousness it's the way she shows up in the world because her consciousness gives her a certain confidence that translates as attractive or sexy you see high value men are attracted to women who have a combination of confidence and femininity confidence strength and vulnerability but if you don't have the consciousness if if if you don't really believe if you don't really know who you are as a woman and if you don't understand your own value you will never be able to sell that to the world you can't sell it until you own it and there are too many women that are trying to be high value who don't even own their own worth and you're trying to sell to the world with you know labels in the back of your dress or the car you drive up in or the kind of makeup you wear you're trying to sell to the world that you're high value when in here you don't even believe it how can you sell it until you own it if you look in psalms 139 14 it says i thank you and this is the message version it says he says i thank you high god you're breathtaking listen to this body and soul body and soul outside and inside i am marvelously made the psalmist is talking about himself he says outside and in you have made me marvelously he says i worship in adoration what a creation you see because that's the consciousness you must have you have to show up in the world knowing your worth knowing your value and not negotiating that when you stick to your price your customer will soon enough come by you see rolls royce and and uh and uh bentley are not trying to appeal to the masses of people no they're not they're searching they're waiting on a specific high-end clientele so as as a woman when you know when you know your value you have to understand and come to terms with the fact that most of the world is not going to stop at your door not because you're less than it's because they don't qualify but you see you have to know this in your own soul first high value starts with your consciousness you have to see yourself and accept yourself at a certain level and then so it moves from consciousness to corresponding lifestyle when you see yourself as a queen you then begin to move like a queen you you you behave like a queen you you speak like a queen you smile like a queen uh you dress like a queen you you begin to develop a corresponding lifestyle that matches your your actual consciousness if you go to proverbs 31 31 speaking of that virtuous woman that i mentioned that is the biblical equivalent of what we now call high value woman proverbs 31 31 says give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates in other words we can look at her lifestyle the product of her life the fruit of her life and the fruit of her life is in sync with her own consciousness and so it's not enough for you to declare i'm a high value woman and then dress like it and you know all of this kind of thing and have you know but you really don't you you it's really not solidified in your own consciousness and and because it's not really solidified in your own consciousness it's just something you're hoping for it's not really showing up in the way you live your life it's not showing up in the way you date you can't really you can't honestly develop non-negotiables as a high value woman until you really know who you are know what you're worth you can't turn things down that's beneath you until you know that you're above it see value always always comes with limits value always comes with limits when you truly understand your value there are certain levels you cannot go beneath you see your value doesn't have a ceiling but it absolutely has a floor god i'm mighty that i don't know if y'all realize it but i actually be preaching in here you know i'm looking outside my window right now and i see the street and then i look up into the sky through the window i see no limit in the sky but there's an absolute limit relative to the ground that's that's you you have a you have a ground floor without a ceiling your your value is limitless but how far down you're willing to go relative to your price should always have limits because when you know your value value comes with limits there's certain levels you cannot go beneath i don't care how long it's been since you've had a man if if this is all you got to choose from it's in your mind as a high value woman it's better for me to to be and rock out by myself rock out me and god should i say and fulfill purpose and leave the world a better place than to settle for some of these clowns and crowns that may be presenting themselves when you understand the value of a for instance when you understand the value of a flawless stone let's say it's worth three million dollars you'd rather keep it in your safe than to sell it for a fraction of its worth if it's worth three million dollars and somebody offers you a million um if you truly appreciate the value you leave it safely put away and wait for the right buyer than to sell it short of its actual worth now high value woman comes with you know non-negotiables non-negotiable standards because the reason that the high-value woman comes with non-negotiable standards is because she produces so much value in a man's life this is why i kick against um you know the concept or the idea that a high value woman is just about the way a woman looks it is you know later on when you get past some of the more serious things like her heart her mentality her spirit it then moves into you know is is she keeping herself in a way that her man can be proud and attracted to her but a high value woman is far more than looks because a high value woman brings more to the table than just you know optics she brings more to the table than optics she's a business partner she's a life partner she's a cheerleader come on somebody she's she's a mother she's a wife she brings more to the table than just looks listen to proverbs 31 10 10 through 12 uh and it says who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies what's a price it's a limit you know you you know we ain't taking no more no less than this it's a limit her price is far above rubies and then it says the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have he can trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life that's why a high value woman has non-negotiable standards is because what she brings to the table in the life of a man well somebody asked the question well what what does a woman offer a man uh well if if again my perspective is biblical when you look at the revelation of scripture when god says the adam is not good for you to be alone i'll make you help me god made him a woman a woman is a what a man with a womb woman womb man a woman comes into a man's life to give birth to the potential that's in him what is the seed of a man it is the potential for offspring what is the womb of a woman it is the facilitator of that potential and the producer of that potential so when you when you look beyond just this surface level uh you know this this um uh this shallow perspective on life relative to what does a woman bring to a man especially if he has money well she brings the potential to bring life to everything that's in that man i was on a zoom call with uh my my uh mentoring group mordecai it's a it's a private exclusive mentoring group that i have that women sign up for whenever i offer it and and i was saying to the ladies that lisa blakes is the mvp of the blake's team they're things that i only thought about doing only thought about doing until my wife got situated in my life and my wife is the facilitator she's the one that gives birth to everything that god has put in me so god has given the woman to the man to give birth what is the woman the woman gives birth to the man's legacy his seed what is the what is the value of the woman she nurtures the man's seed that she he can she raises his children that he's not ashamed and embarrassed of them in the next generation the woman brings a lot to the table that a wise man recognizes but a fool looks over so this is why the high value woman comes with non-negotiable standards it's because she's not the typical woman who's not conscious who's clueless she is the woman who knows who she is she's the woman who knows how to show up she's the woman that knows how to handle her man knows how to support a man she's the woman that can uh put on mac makeup in the evening and the next morning she can put on work boots that's the high value woman so what are some of these non-negotiables lest i be too long number one number one a high value woman will never settle for a man that does not know her love language she will not settle it's non-negotiable she will not settle for a man that does not understand her love language gary chapman i think his name was um wrote the book or at least brought to us the concept of the five love languages and this is not in order but like words of affirmation quality time acts of service gives physical touch um a man that would make for uh and see high value women are not dating just to be dating high value women date with purpose so if it's not going anywhere if it's just a friendship thing she keeps it as at a friendship thing and they not friends with benefits they function like friends but if you know if she's really thinking about something uh you know she's looking in terms of what's the long-term potential here and one of the first things she's paying attention to is does this guy know my love language usually if you have if a woman has to tell a man or if an individual should i say if you have to tell a person your love language they either lack the intelligence to discern it or they lack the interest to pay attention and any man that is conscious and mature and kingly pays attention to the woman he has interest in if a woman is around a man if a high value woman is around a man a number of times and he has not picked up on her love language she then understands immediately that he either lacks the intelligence or he lacks the interest and if he lacks the interest he's not going to be able to maintain her interest because high value women are only really interested in the men that are interested in them for the right reasons and if a man is just here trying to have sex and he's not really trying to make love to the soul of the woman she's no longer interested if if you have to teach a man your love language it probably kills the chemistry you know if a man has not picked up on the fact that you know you as an individual you love words of affirmation i tell the story all the time uh when lisa and i first got married you know and i was i was not a wealthy man by any means i was i was a hey i was a young struggling you know man with dreams and goals but i you know i spent money that i didn't have buying lisa things because my love language is gifts i like i like stuff give me gifts you can load the room up with gifts i like stuff and what the mistake i made was that i watched this i was i was giving her what i wanted in other words i was speaking my language with her rather than paying attention to her language her language was not or is not still not it's not gifts now she appreciate gifts but that's not her primary love language her primary love language is words of affirmation physical touch and not sexual touch non-sexual touch words of affirmation physical touch well one day i bought lisa i don't know i think it was a fur coat or something like that and she said that's nice oh this is nice this is really nice and ladies when you know your man go all out for you and you tell them that's nice that's not nice you got to make you know man has gone out the way to buy you well let me leave that alone i guess i'm i guess i need therapy but back to the story i bought her this i bought up this um this i think it was a fur coat and she was like that's nice that's nice and she put it to the side and then she opens the card and the card has certain words in it and then i see tears roll down her face now mind you i just went to the section that said you know i don't know birthday gift for wife or christmas gift for wife or whatever occasion it was i didn't even know what the card said and and she was like this is so beautiful she's crying and everything so now i'm like well you know let me get my hands on this card so i can see what this card say because i had no clue what the card said because i like words of affirmation but i like gifts better i like gifts and physical touch you know what i'm saying but the words of affirmation were her love language and it was then that i picked up on like wow this is my wife's this guy i didn't know it you know i couldn't didn't term it as love language but this is what moves my wife and so from that day on i just started intentionally speaking things into my wife you're beautiful you know i think i did it before but after that i started doing it intentionally i really appreciate you you know you you're such a wonderful wife you're the best wife in the world uh she can tell you i tell her this all the time i tell her these things all the time why it's because i know her love language and a high value woman needs a man that understands her love language without her necessarily having to tell him not that it's wrong to tell a person but if you're dating a person and if you're with a person for you know a length of time and they never pick up on it or you even tell them and they never respect it you know the chemistry is going to fall off after a while number two a high value woman needs a man well not this is non-negotiable she needs a man that maintains an even temperament because one of the biggest traits of a masculine man is balance and self-control high-value women do not typically put themselves in the hands of men that run extremely hot extremely cold high-value women are usually attracted to men that have an even temperament that when things look like the bottom is falling out he maintains his level his composure when he's angry he maintains his composure he's not out in the streets fighting going to jail you know what i mean he he's not having a bad time and then now all of a sudden you can't get in touch with him for seven days because he's in depression and he closed the blinds he don't talk to nobody no no high value women typically go for men that maintain a balance and and self and self-control maintains an even temperament no matter what's going on in the world why because she's relying on him to keep her come on now she's relying on him to keep the family you know if if the strong man of the house breaks the bible says then the you know the thief or whoever trying to come in can come through if if he can break the strong man down so high value women look for men that maintain an even temperament that he can be furious with you and his temperament never really changes a woman should always look for a man that she knows can be extremely angry with her but she never has to feel unsafe that did you hear what i just said the right man in your life is a man that can be extremely angry with you but he'll never get to a point you'll never get out of pocket where you feel unsafe in his presence or his care i've gotten extremely angry with lisa but she's never felt unsafe with me because a high value man which matches a high value woman maintains an even temperament listen to what the bible says in colossians 3 and 19 it says husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them you see what a high what a high value man would do with a high value woman is he'll he'll articulate his feelings about a certain thing i don't like i don't like what you did please don't do that again and uh his next statement might be something like let's go to then and have a good time because he maintains a what he maintains a consistent temperament see a high value woman needs a man that maintains a consistent temperament not only with her but with others in public you know she doesn't need a man that's going to going to be out here making a a fool of himself publicly because he can't control his temper or you know they uh she they have a disagreement and he's screaming and terrifying the children in the house and all of this kind of thing that's low value behavior right there you know high value man behaving like that no ma'am no ma'am no ma'am no ma'am and when you are a high value woman and you you are conscious of who you are you are not going to settle for a man that that is all over the place you know is the the moment is up then it's down you know no no no you don't know what that's that's ptsd uh you know behind closed doors that's that's that's that's traumatic stress no ma'am no ma'am not a high value one now number three a high value woman these are non-negotiable is looking for a man that serves she's looking for a man that serves and i'm not talking about um i'm not talking about a simp not to my little man that uh you know she can just um dictate to and he jumping and hopping like a little monkey i got a little monkey over there i wish i could reach him i'd show you all my little monkey you got some man that's like little monkey man you know you see a little monkey in a little red suit and he jumping and hopping with the little symbols we got some men like that that's not what i'm talking about when i talk when i'm talking about high value woman will not settle for a man that does not serve a high value woman will never submit to a man that is not a servant if a man cannot serve you as a woman why would you submit to him as a man when the bible says that um husbands should love their wives as christ loved the church and gave himself for it when jesus hang on the cross and died for us what do you think he was doing he was serving humanity you see a masculine man is identified by confidence and security in his position when a man knows who he is he serves you know i look at uh i look at uh the nature shows and i i love in particularly i love to watch um like lions i love lions and there's something about the alpha lion the alpha lion everybody likes to call him himself an alpha but the alpha lion is really the chief servant of the pride that's why he gets all of the all of the benefits but he's the chief servant of the pride if if there's uh if there's a threat from another you know alpha male it's the alpha that rises to the occasion to deal with that he don't send this boy as i no no it's the alpha that goes out to meet that challenge you know when when when there when there's a need for leadership it's the alpha that steps in and makes decisions and and finds foreign fights for because if you're the alpha you're really the chief servant it's a reason you know you start talking about you know those of you that love football players come to practice and coaches pretty much stay at the at the office uh all night long it's because the alpha has to do things to make everything work that other folk can't even relate to everybody wants to be the boss but nobody see the boss usually gets there early and leaves late because the more alpha you are the more leader you are the greater servant you are and so when you start talking about being a high value woman you're looking for a man that that serves you know he serves in his community he serves in his church he serves his children he serves this woman you know if a man has a problem opening and opening a door for you where is his consciousness where is his consciousness listen to what the bible says in matthew 23 11 and 12 it says but he that is greatest among you shall be your servant and that term greatness actually mean it's it's actually the word in the greek mega he that is mega among you shall be your servant everybody wants to be mega but the bible the bible says he that is mega shall be your servant he that is alpha shall be your servant and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased or brought low and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted listen to how this reads in the message version he says do you want to stand out then step down be a servant if you puff yourself up you'll get the wind knocked out of you but if you're content to simply be yourself your life will count for plenty you see she wants a man that can be a servant she's not looking for a man you know alpha female is not looking for a man that's putting on heirs and trying to impress her with i'm important and i'm entitled and you know i'm i'm bigger than this one and i'm bigger than that one and you know speaking down to people and looking down on people no no no no when you really when you are really a high value woman you're looking for a man that can have conversations with kings as well as homeless in fact about it you're looking for a man that would take uh as much time talking with a homeless person as he would a a person that might be considered a king because he sees himself as a what as a servant which means what he's a humble man he's accomplished he's powerful but he's mature and he's humble he's humble you know he considers everybody in his circle because he's a servant if you're looking for one of these clowns that's around here pulling up with a you know their sports car and burning rubber in a neighborhood and all this kind of foolish stuff here and music blasting loud and you know you have to you have to now go back and you have to rethink your own consciousness for you to even have been attracted to a man that is so shallow and childish but a high value woman she has to have a man that's a servant he has to he has to prove that he he don't he doesn't mind serving you see because if you're going to be if you're going to be able to help him in you know with with a good conscience you have to know that you have a man that uh loves and respects you just the same you see it's not a one-way street here with lisa and i uh just like lisa gets in there and she rolls up her sleeves and she helps and she serves me i do the same for her i do the same for her and it doesn't take anything off of me you know what i mean because anybody know in the blake's house who the man is now i have i i definitely have a woman that if i ever wake up one day and feel like you know i'm too weak to be the man she'll definitely take over she'll definitely but that day ain't coming she'll definitely take over but i don't it doesn't take anything off of me to to serve my woman to be humble enough to serve my woman now number four a high-value woman non-negotiables of a high-value woman relative to relationships she needs a man that won't relinquish his manhood for her you see because a high value woman [Music] a high value woman a high value woman will test the man's commitment to his own manhood she'll test it in in one way or another she'll test it and she's going to see just how committed that man is to his own manhood if a man would fall back on his position as a man just to please her she will lose respect for him if a man will fall back see because a high value woman has to have a man of what principle he lives his life based on certain principles if he's coming from the the christian faith he lives his life based on biblical principle and and if if he's truly a high value man himself he's not going to allow his woman to punk him he's not going to get belligerent he's not going to get violent he's not going to get angry but he's absolutely going to in no certain uh no uncertain terms make it known that there's a line just like the high value woman has limits the high value man has limits if a woman can take and and and sonia if you know what i mean those of you from other parts of the world may not know what i mean if she can take and put you in a position in other words where she can just disrespect you she's going to lose respect for you if you can't see i don't care how gorgeous uh you know she is i don't i don't care that she is the woman of your dreams she gets the point where she crosses a line of disrespect if you want to if you want to win a lifetime of respect from this woman you had better respectfully challenge that a lot of a lot of good men have lost good women because you allowed them to disrespect you and you didn't say anything about it and the reason she said or did certain things was to see if you had enough backbone and this is where you have the scenario where a woman says yeah he nice but he ain't enough man for me what does she mean by that he doesn't live his life based on principle and there are too many occasions what she's really saying is there too many occasions where he he should have corrected me and put me in my place relative to disrespecting him and he that he let it slide if he lets me disrespect him what's he going to do in the street if a man disrespects both of us if he's not enough man to tell me as his woman you know step off back off of that leave that alone now don't do this what makes me believe that i'm gonna be safe in these streets out here number five let me hurry on because my time is leaving uh a high value woman does not linger with men who bring low effort he that findeth the wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord what is the basic what is the basic message of that text now you know the basic message of that text is that uh from from god's perspective it is it is primarily at least it is primarily the man's job to do the hard pursuing of the woman it is not the man's job to be sitting back waiting to be pursued and treasured and cherished like he's a little girl or something it's the man's job it's the masculine role to pursue the woman so if a man is approaching her with low energy no effort you know and and and then he's backing off like a little girl and waiting for her a high value woman is not going to entertain that no ma'am no ma'am she's not going to do his job for him i was talking with um talking with one of my um one of the young women actually in in my mentoring group mordecai and i was saying to her relative to a gentleman i was saying to her that um if if he doesn't have enough gumption to step to you when when you're kind of laying out the red carpet and you're welcoming and inviting his advancement if if if he doesn't have enough courage to step to you with all that you've done he ain't got enough in him to maintain your interest because high value women do not linger with men who bring low energy see you got to have manners coming man no he's not gonna be disrespectful like these you know dudes in the street yeah mama what's up i want this you know not that but he's definitely coming you know what i mean hey hey it's me it's me yeah just checking on you you know like to holler at you you know what's going on it's going to be unmistakable that this man wants you it's not going to be a situation where it's like a little you know a little dance and no no no no no he going to be coming hard and your job is going to be to approve of his pursuit or not but not to try to put put you know put wood on his fire to help him heat it up a little bit no no high value women don't do that number six a high value woman needs a man that is financially secure she's not going to she's not going to settle for a man that's not financially secure now i want you to stay with me and understand what i mean by financially secure listen to what the bible says first of all in first timothy 5 and 8 this is the amplified it says if anyone fails to provide for his own and especially for those of his own family he has denied the faith by disregarding its precepts and is worse than an unbeliever who fulfills his obligation in these matters even even sinners who don't have a relationship with god these men provide for theirs so he's saying it's a sin for man not to provide for his own now that doesn't mean that a man has to be rich it doesn't mean that a man has to necessarily be able to pay all of the bills in the house and that the woman shouldn't work uh but it does mean that this guy has a mindset to pay all of the bills he has a work ethic that he can at least take care of himself the first level of manhood is that a young male grows to the point that he's able to take care of himself the next level is that he gets to the point that he's able to take care of his clan the third level is that he's able to take care of his community so he ought to at least be he graduated from the first level where he's financially responsible enough for himself and now he can at least step into a a relational context and be able to contribute to the well-being of of a relationship and then a family he needs to at least be financially secure he may not even make as much money as the the high value woman but he makes enough to take care of himself and he makes enough to do for his woman and and he has a mind to to do everything for his woman he he has a mind to get to the point where once we get married we will we will take all that money you make and invest it or do whatever we want to do with it because i'm gonna make enough money that's the mindset of the kind of man that deserves a high value woman but when i use that term financially secure i'm not even just talking about his personal financial uh stature but i'm also talking about his mindset relative to his woman's financial stature this man has to be secure enough within himself that he's not intimidated by the high value woman's financial empowerment listen to what the bible says in proverbs 31 23 24 says her husband speaking of that virtuous woman the biblical equivalent of the high value woman her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land well the people that sat in the gates among the elders of the land were uh prominent people of means and and fruit proven substance so her husband was not a broke nor was he a foolish man and the bible says in verse 24 she maketh find linen and select it and deliver girdles unto the merchant and you read all through proverbs 31 she had all kinds of businesses she sold land she did all kinds of things but she had a man who was a provider and was secure enough within himself to allow his woman to maximize her potential a high value woman will never settle for a man that's going to diminish her because he's too small to accommodate her then number seven let me hurry up here a high value woman does not do well with men who are all potential and no goals all potential no fruit listen to what the bible says you know she's not going to buy into this yeah you know i i got a dream and and i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna do that then she said hang around him for a minute and she looking at his life she sees no goals she hears nothing about plans she sees no efforts being made to uh attain these things that you say you you know you're going to accomplish she will soon cut that off because she understands that this is not the level listen to what the bible says in james 2 18 through 20 yeah a man may say thou has faith and i have works show me thy faith without thy works and i will show thee my faith by my works thou believe believers that there is one god thou does well the devils also believe in tremble but will thou know o vain man o man that's wasting time that faith without works is dead potential without works is empty she she never settles for man she the high value woman never engages potential she never marries potential and then number eight and i'm out the high value woman number eight and i'm done non-negotiable she is not going to deal with a man that is inconsistent high value women do not deal with men that are inconsistent because inconsistency is the foundation of manipulation a high value woman does not tolerate an inconsistent man call this day won't call three more days may show up may not show up it's a low value woman that keeps dealing with that and when i when i say low value understanding this you're only you're only low value because you you lack the consciousness to really tap into and to see what you're really worth it's not that the creator made you of less value than someone else it's all about what consciousness you you have not really seen you don't really know who you are so you settle for this kind of inconsistent behavior from men that you should have never even given a conversation to but when you're really high value when you're conscious and you have a corresponding lifestyle the way you live your life based on that that queen consciousness you know you don't tolerate men that are inconsistent a man is going to have to be consistent i've been consistent in my wife's life and you know i would like to think that i would have just been a consistent man period but my wife has demanded consistency my wife has always demanded consistency i've always known that that would never be tolerated inconsistency would never be tolerated that's why when i said my wife i don't think i want to get married we have been dating for years she walked off and left it's because in her mind an inconsistent man doesn't deserve me anyway i don't care much i love him he don't deserve me just because i love you don't mean you deserve me just because i love you doesn't mean you deserve me so i'd rather take my time getting over you than to commit my life to an inconsistent man and then living or what inconsistent life james 1 8 says a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways if a man is inconsistent with his phone calls inconsistent with his time and how he's going to show up he's going to pretty much be inconsistent with almost everything in his life he gonna be inconsistent with his job uh got laid off again today yeah you know idea they don't they don't want her brother to rise and all this kind of stuff here so a high value woman she doesn't deal with a man is inconsistent she don't care how fine he is she's looking for she's more attracted to a man that's consistent a man that has a word and keeps it a man that she can depend on because when looks fades you're going to need a man that you can depend on you're going to need a man that's going to show up and you you have no doubt about him showing up and so these are just some of the things that i've thought to share with you today of course i could have gone on and on and on but i don't want to talk too long they already said that i talked too long on youtube but i i can't be nobody but myself so i love you all father i thank you today for every person that's watching this and god i thank you for bringing healing to their hearts healing to their hearts every every person dear god whose heart has been broken every person who feels disappointed because they find themselves in one or more of these uh points that i've made doing things the wrong way god let them know that you you love them and you are close to them throw your arms around them and god i thank you for breathing life into them in jesus name amen amen amen amen now listen those of you that need counseling better help counseling is available i'm not a counselor nor my therapist i'm not a mental health professional whatsoever but i we we do have a cooperation with better help counseling and there's a link in the description for better help counseling if you engage the link it'll afford you 10 off of the cost of their counseling and they in turn will make a deposit uh into r.c blake's ministries for uh the referral so if it's something you think you need check it out you know for yourself ask questions you don't need to make a hasty decision but at least reach out ask questions see how it works if it's something that you think might work for you but i knew it was a fit for my platform because i'm not a council and so many people want and need counseling so better help counseling is available don't forget to go by my website sign up for my mailing list don't forget to go to um check out all of the online programs i think in the month of october 2021 we're going to shut pretty much the site down because i want to revamp it and add some new things to it a lot of new products to it and just you know so those of you that are thinking about online programs you may need to do that now because it may not be available um through the month of october of 2021 also go to and check out all of my books there and be a blessing in that way now listen you know lisa and i love you we really do we appreciate all of you that have given and sown into our lives we thank god for you um you know i always say to you you're on top and you're going higher yeah you are i don't care what it feels like it looks like right now you're on top and you're going higher god has more in store for you so guess what lisa and i we will see you at the top god bless you until next time [Music] we here at rc blake's ministries want to thank you for spending this time with us today rc and lisa are always honored to have you with us don't forget to reach out to us by visiting our website at while you're there you may join our mailing list and receive a free download of the laws of manifesting your vision by rc blake's also look at all of the online programs by rc you may find all books written by rc and lisa once again all of us here at rc blake's ministries want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and as we always say see you at the top [Music] you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 178,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cLI96rk3dR8
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Length: 57min 32sec (3452 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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