Piers Clashes With Guest Over Banning Skirts Debate | Good Morning Britain

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so if we're banning skirts I'm saying everyone has fur Charles were removing choice yeah and as a deputy headteacher lots and lots of my students the big thing that I worried about especially girls was their appearance and if they didn't feel comfortable they were less likely to come to school so I think by banning skirts there was going to be more girls who and not actually coming to school there are 24,000 schools in England alone this is a decision that's been made by around 40 schools and I think there's a lot you said why do you support it there's a lot of logic to the decision because when you look at what children are doing during an average school day things like physical education taking part in drama practical active the uniform skirt there hang on I mean they don't do they well there are a lot of schools who are having to make up for the fact that we're losing physical education in the curriculum by doing 5 minute workouts in class or the morning mile and they don't have time to change so it encourages physical activity if girls were trousers and I think it worries me that girls are concerned about what they look like at school more than being able to partake it where are these girls who worry about what they're looking what this is this was yes I mean a lot of girls do wrong have you worked as a teacher in school I go into about three or four schools a week yeah as a teacher with girls pastoral II have yeah yeah not as a teacher but that's what I do PSHE okay because I think if you have those conversations as a teacher with girls it's a different point of view girls don't do physical activity in trouser in their normal uniform they've changed inter period sorry that's well I must want to clarify what is wrong with the skirt tell me absolutely nothing but a uniform is designed by its very nature to take away choice it's making the uniform music in a way choice yeah exactly because that's how a uniform is hmm but there's lots of things that you can't wear where is the feminist ideal of removing a young woman's choice I thought the whole point of feminism which is obviously this is all wrapped up in is it actually a woman can choose what the hell she wants to wear outside of school but in school there are lots of things that you can't wear because that's what a uniform is it's just making the uniform more unified and also I would argue most of the co-ed schools that I go into the girls are in skirts and the boys are in trousers so as much as you can wear either that doesn't tend to happen part of this is to respect apparently transgender students right I don't understand that link at all I don't understand why you're so obsessed with transgender people this this nothing to do with trans I mean it has been later with that that would be a nice side no matter offend main reason we may be offended by a skirt to which I would say well what about Wimbledon tennis said if a transgender player emerges at the top level do we now ban skirts from Wimbledon talking about a hypothetical transgender when we start off talking about so part of the logic for these schools banning skirts has also been not to offend transgenders and I think that's a beautiful side effect of it but that's not the main it's an equal should we change the whole way that schools operate for one or two transgender students that's not that's not the main reason that you would do it the idea that we're making this concession for the benefit of transgender people alone is a fallacy if you're transgender then you can have a choice as well you can work out which houses and IPSS Priory school which I attended years ago a long time ago now they actually said when they did this the needs of transgender students must be taken into account if a transgender student wants to wear trousers or a skirt give them the choice of doing that I've got no problem with that what I've got a problem is if telling all these girls you are not allowed to wear a skirt anymore I think we love when you have girls schools you say we can't use the word girl anymore you're told a girls school I think you're misunderstanding how what it's like to grow up as a transgender or gender neutral or gender fluid teen how difficult I'm not I'm not you wanna wear a skirt wear a skirt if you want to wear trousers but I don't know what I don't want it girls being - I've got a young daughter six and a half actually gets older I don't want some busybody teachers say you're not allowed to wear a skirt to school I think that's the difference between you and me peers I trust teachers and I trust the judgments of these teachers really you trusted judgment these teachers absolutely tell children what they can wear all the time China you will although he would abolish uniform all together would you pay and you know the dog particularly doesn't want to wear a skirt let him wear a pair of trousers but I bet you 95% would choose the skirt off and lots of girls actually prefer to wear skirts because they feel more self-conscious in trousers and that is I worked at MIT schools my whole career and lots of the girls would prefer to wear skirts because I feel more self-conscious when they're a teenager in trousers because it draws attention to certain parts of their body that are developing so they would have a preference I think we need to ask young people ok well that's interesting because the Girl Guiding national attitude survey which surveys thousands of young women every single year found that actually they wanted to change their Girl Guiding uniform to make it trousers because that was what the men together wouldn't be no schools girl guys what else do you want abandon so I don't want to ban like I said they're amateurs no they are in the wrong place this is a practical choice I mean you know for these organizations to bring in to be around do the same you should be more Italian totalitarian state order that's what it is 40 40 schools have said no girls can wear skirts again that is the kind of thing I'd expect in North Korea or China not in Great Britain it is what a great unifier girls to be allowed to wear skirts if they choose to do so we agree with that something wrong with you in fact it's time for the click of the fingers have we got it oh wait the world's gone nuts you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 1,869,243
Rating: 4.7249603 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, banning skirts, ban skirts debate, secondary school uniform, school uniform skirt, debate, ruth kudzi, natasha devon, natasha devon good morning britain, natasha devon piers morgan, gmb natasha devon
Id: WGu6kyp4mmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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