HIKARU Joins Noob Arena!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite new series here on the gotham chest youtube channel noob arena in new barena i take some of my twitch subscribers and i pair them against each other to play out a famous chess game today's famous chess game is none other than the hikaru nakamura immortal the best game that hikara ever played i actually have a video on this game called when hikaro sacrificed his queen six times so today we had three pairings the first one was roughly 500 rated then we had a roughly 1200 rated matchup and then a roughly 1700 rated match-up to finish things off first thing that i'm going to do is show you the entire game after that you're going to watch how all the other players handled the position all right without further ado let's check out boris gelfin vs hikara nakamura from 2010. so we're gonna watch these games from black's perspective because it's hikaru playing right and it's his immortal really so uh we really should be watching it uh with the color that he played now this is gonna be the starting position it's going to be black to move as you can see black has expanded over here in typical king's indian fashion and there is going to be some various attacking possibilities with the g and h pawns white needs to deal with this over here in the right manner but also contemplate the existence of two very important pawn breaks b6 is very important because it gets to the base of the queen side which is very important in king's indian typical counter play style with white and d6 is very important because it clears up the d5 square for the knight you're gonna see that motif throughout and also the knight can get into d6 which means the bishop can get into c4 and the position starts flowing like water now i had some feedback in episode 2 to show the whole game prior to that no problem it was a king's indian defense uh bishop e2 e5 very orthodox variation here nowadays b4 is the bayonet attack this is i think considered the most critical test and basically uh bl white just wants to play c5 like black wants to play knight e8 f5 and white wants to play c5 and just get to black and get this moving before black is successfully able to play this f5 move now another thing that you're to realize throughout um throughout these games is that the the light squared bishop for black is actually extremely important in the king's indian you'll notice that in the starting position it still hasn't moved yet it serves a very very very important purpose if this bishop was not here it would be much harder to attack because white has very good control of the light squares on the king side so that ca bishop is a is a beast and these knights oftentimes would love to swap off for that bishop um i have a neighbor who lets their tiny dog out and it just barks the entire morning i know you can't hear it i'm not saying you can hear it i can hear it and i've been hearing it for an hour you would think that the neighbor over like the years that they've lived in that house would just stop letting their dog stand on the balcony dogs like 10 pounds just barks at everything that moves so frustrating anyway rant over so the game proceeded with both sides clashing right black getting to the king white getting on the queen side and hikaru uh did a very nice job of balancing the counter play of like preventing gelfand's counter play with also doing very typical king's indian stuff like these knights would either come in like this or rotate backwards and give access to the queen to go to h4 and another very common idea is that if white ever plays something like h3 it just doesn't work because this pawn structure prevents mobility and sacrifices begin opening up and there's really just no way to prevent like a devastating attack you have like knight h4 for example the space advantage is really bad uh for white so throughout the game you see kind of uh you know you see gelfin kind of moving backwards and trying to defend himself hikaru uh ultimately ends up crashing through with knight takes g2 a beautiful move it's the only thing that the king is protecting over there um sorry it's the it's the square only protected by the king and then this was uh this was hikaru sacrificing his queen six times the first one was like this not only does he sacrifice his queen he can also get a queen and be down 11 points of material but g2 is a pawn mate uh and then you know uh what he did was he checked and threatened mate like this and then here he sacrificed his queen again with queen d3 the queen was hanging the whole time but he was giving checks and threatening mate now if you take this that's made if you take this that and that is made and yeah hikaru just left this queen hang i mean just left it hanging the whole time because then this is made and then if here you shake the knight so higaro sacrificed this queen a bajillion times and ended the game uh in this position where he is just up a night and white has absolutely no play and for that reason boris gelfand resigned do i expect the lower rate of players to play the game like this no do i expect a lower rate of players uh to at least you know get g4 on the board and maybe g3 and knight h4 and whatnot we bout to find out and now that you know how to play the position let's see if the other players knew how to play the position all right there it is bishop d7 on the board all right so in king's indian positions this is what white wants and this is what black wants okay um bishop d7 is actually that light squared bishop is the prized possession all right of the of the position uh it's uh because it it escorts a lot of these pawns d6 is a very interesting move um we could watch it from hikaru's perspective we could watch it if you want to watch it from hikaru's perspective if we want to watch it with black sure um all right c takes d6 knight takes d6 uh-oh that's actually brilliant i don't know i don't know if white realizes just how brilliant that move is because because there's because there's you can do this but oh my goodness vishnu on the board accidental genius from the 600 rated player with black amazing the person playing black all their ratings combined are 1500 they're like 500 blitz 600 500 rapid 600 blitz and like 200 something bullet or 300 something bullet amazing all right now the night is still there all right it's pretty pog uh i can't i can't give too much detailed commentary all right so now now black is actually winning the game because black has more material uh but black is only really winning the game because this can break through and if black does not know that then i don't know what's going to happen all right i don't know it's about to be the wild wild west out here uh are they not watching my stream and making the moves no absolutely not i mean it's very obvious if someone's cheating so no no um i think white you know white will probably go here because this is like a very easy thing to see i mean just don't do this right away look i see now black might not like that very much uh but again a lot of lower rated players are very trigger happy they like to take pieces immediately like for example they you know um uh and i and i think if white trades off knight in bishop for knight and bishop the weak king for black is gonna be a serious problem like for example if white gets a queen here and puts the rooks on the d and the c file uh that's gonna be a serious problem for black because this king is very weak it's very difficult to defend a weak king all right um okay takes take see it's kind of happening um folks friendly reminder you do not want to watch you okay i don't know what what is i'm very scared what what that was what okay so first of all here but second of all just here i you got two problems two birds one stone what the that was so unnecessary what why did it was just queen t oh my goodness okay well now white just won a piece for no reason um okay um again you advanced all these pawns for a reason like you gotta get moving all right i don't know if you're stream sniping but uh but you know if you it i'm kind of hoping you are stream sniping at this point so you can make it a fair fight you got to just go g4 now g4 if you're stream sniping all right like i mean you just got to do it this is also not a bad but okay that's a move i guess um you should probably go here the good thing is the white king has no moves and again you should not trade like if you could go rook d4 with the intention of getting a pass pawn that's another idea get a pass pawn block everything with b6 and then you know but you don't want to swap too many pieces by the way you noticed rookie for the best move top engine move um but a lot of people here would take because they don't want to okay that's also not a bad move um they're definitely watching the stream when they play not one of them has made a move that i told them to play so i i don't know why you're just immediately accusing these poor volunteers of cheating but okay um are you projecting are you projecting because you would cheat yeah again like this has to happen and you can even hide your king here the king is very safe over there but black cannot fight where white is stronger you have to fight where you are stronger and right now you're not stronger in a lot of places on this board all right so you got you got to start you know okay so the problem is that there's this now so you you you went you yo that is so lucky that that like doesn't blunder anything now you gotta take like okay i'm getting scared though cause uh once black starts activating some pieces here uh white might do something catastrophic so b6 okay i feel like white will take there's no harm in taking queen c5 is not a bad move it attacks the bishop the problem is again you haven't found a way to get to this king all right you have not found oh okay rook d it's a good move yeah rook dates a strong move king g7 force now why did white just hang did white mouse slip did what just happened was that a sleeper just a full blunder of a it's about to get bad to worse i don't know if that was a mouse slip i have no idea i i mean the night is hanging the night is just hey you know you gotta go king g7 guard the night yep good move the night has been protected yup now now now right but now white is winning apparently oh my god white just got to give checks now give a check 10 seconds just give a check i mean you just got to move you got seven seconds there you go all right here here uh queen h8 oh my goodness queen oh my oh my they have bonus time they have bonus time no one's going to lose just make a move don't flag are you crazy what are you doing oh my gosh oh my gosh king f7 loses the queen that's the only move right that's the only move there's no other move king oh my this is unbelievable black has lost the queen that is take the queen take the queen take the take oh my oh repeat oh it's oh oh my oh my oh okay okay now it's queen first bit oh this game is not over guys oh i thought he was going to take the other pawn is this a defensive fortress guys i think this is just a comb i don't think there's any way i can win this i guys i think this might just be a draw i i don't know now of course to actually win this with white you need to like get at least one of the pawns like check and then here you know queen d5 and but but it's not oh oh oh there you go i think white's going to win now white's in the driver's seat there we go snap the pawns off are uh good good good nice and now white just has to make a queenie and white's just gonna win just take all right white wow okay now you can't push anything oh boy all right three seconds i have if white loses on time i'm gonna be so mad all right there it is white has realized that they can push the pawn black is down to six seconds what a battle what a battle here between these absolute gladiators bravely stepping into the arena white pushing the pawn confidently white can push the pawn that's almost stalemate oh my gosh that would have been insane is he gonna win the pawn just is he going to steal mate oh there he's so lucky there's no still that's it there it is boom up all right now you get like a million mates there we go a tense victory ultimately decided by the player with the white pieces um yeah so obviously that is not how the game went um uh we we talked about how the game went in the intro of the youtube video we will talk about how the game went on twitch after all the games are done uh yeah white actually crashed through in the middle uh but black hit them with this nice tactic and here though i mean basically rook d8 was obviously just a clean blunder the way that this position would have been ultimately decided by black is um like you would have played something like bishop d4 rook d1 attacking right and then you can either try to continue the attack over here or you slowly but surely have to kind of defend your king from any danger and uh and then rotate your pieces to the queen side because you just have more pieces you have four pieces playing versus three but obviously that's not that's not what happened in the uh you know in the in in the actual uh game between hikaru and gelfand and here black lost a full piece uh and did not recapture and then white just went insane and then here for some reason instead of following the yellow brick road and always looking for checks black uh just went bananas and white one bananas right back and black one everybody went bananas and you know everybody lived happily ever after all right so the lowest rated folks were obviously super nervous the game was absolutely crazy unpredictable there was all sorts of blunders but as we move up the raiding ladder the 1200s actually began the game almost the exact right way it was supposed to be played let's see how they did all right so g4 played in this game between the 1200s obviously you you y'all don't want to look up the game okay y'all don't want to look up the game all right so at this point you want to mute the stream you want to mute the stream you want to don't don't look don't look the game up you're on your own one of you is borah's girlfriend one of you is hikaru nakamura one of you challenged for the world championship match once alright one of you is the most successful chess streamer of all time all right so how does black continue h4 knight h4 bishop h6 rook g7 it's such a fluid attack h4 played all right trying to play h3 how is white going to deal with this is why gonna play b6 all right is white gonna try to pick up this pawn and allow h3 that looks very scary the softer your pawns are the harder they are to defend what is white gonna do here all right and the engine says stuff because the engine sees the way to stop the attack all right um d6 all right taking a page out of the last person's book d6 is trying to strike down the middle now it's not checkers the reason that the last person got a really bad position is because they took there's no you don't need to take that you can let them take you right black can just continue the attack now what black doesn't always want to do is allow a full blockade because at that point when you allow white to blockade like that you have to rely on sacrifices all right you have to rely on sacrificing material to push your pawns through um if i was okay gf played i would have gone h3 i don't understand why this is better and now maybe h3 would have but i mean i would have just i would have just kept going right i thought that was the whole point oh my goodness what this is no wrong way you've cause okay all right um all right we're still you know we're still life is good yeah that also isn't the best move there's a very famous uh maneuver in the king's indian defense to play like this to get the knight there to pressure those squares but also there's like this move for example which might pressure that too oh this is scary i love how the best move by the engine is to go back like my bad that was stupid all right 98 very logical move i don't know how i don't know how white's gonna defend this pawn good move yeah that's a problem you might have to just go back that's a great move realizing that that square is no longer covered great move by white wow so you you might just have to retreat now if if if if white tries to just swap everything it's going to be a problem because there's no way to get this through you cannot play d7 if you play d7 just bishop takes right so you play queen f3 and oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no that was the whole idea that was the whole idea oh my goodness the pawn has fallen i love how white is still better i don't understand why white is still better white is still better because i guess there's targets because again in the king's indian the whole attack is supposed to happen here if white stops that white has a space advantage usually on the center and the queen side that's how the king's indian works so right now black's main weapon in the king's indian defense has been stopped and that is why stock okay oh this is very interesting i mean stockfish hates it but oh but the same piece can move now oh they miss it but if they go here they're gonna lose that yeah they shouldn't have taken they should have done it the other way they should have applied the pressure to that that piece oh man white has totally malfunctioned here black is now totally winning yikes that bishop on g4 was such a good plug oh this is yeah this is tough i mean white's just i mean no it's not all ah this is convincing convincing win by black now oh tough that was actually i mean white played very well but don't resign never resign why resign go here if you trade queens here you're crazy good queen g3 here is strong by black queen g3 is very nice because it uh it gets very close to the king you threaten this you defend your knight you threaten a queen trade we need you to i'll probably play queen g3 um i think it solves a lot all right what is black gonna do knight f8 all right rook c1 is interesting here rook c1 is it's definitely a move of course black could go here which is kind of a bummer i mean when you play against the someone who has so many pieces somehow everything guards everything else so it's very difficult to create play again by the way king's indian oh now they play queen there yeah that's a tough one all right here don't trade queens oh that's now your king has no breathing room that's not a bad move actually all right now rook c3 obviously defended by the bishop protecting the pawn i'm just listen i'm testing for stream sniping okay i gotta do it all right it's my job wait why did you go here but not take okay whatever anyway rook c4 okay you gotta take yeah black also has a big time advantage so i i mean i'm pretty sure black is gonna i think black is gonna convert this one yeah black's just very clean white down to 20 seconds uh easiest oh that's yeah wow good awareness by black i mean no hesitation look at that very methodical here just trading getting every pawn off the board very nice technique put the rook behind the pawn and just start pushing right get all the pieces together you can even go here check okay let's see this convert yeah yeah bring the knight at some point because a night near a king in a rook like this is going to be problems you could just push the pawn all the way rook is gonna have to be stuck defending it and the white king can't even get closer because uh you're just gonna give a check so if like here here yeah like just go b2 yeah and now you always have a check you can go here that's not good that no yeah now now very nice but you should have done it when the king was further yeah now you trade everything very good technique and let's just not not if this is actually shockingly close because if white uh white resigns oh oh what you should have made him you know should have made him uh make a queen you never know uh this game was very close black played a horrible move here black played a very bad move got very scared of this well actually just kept attacking that's the whole point of the king's indian right but instead of that black rotated their pieces and white actually got a really nice bind here um but then just lost the pawn it just went crazy uh as it turns out apparently you can even play d7 and after this this whole blockade in the middle is really strong for white um but uh yeah but then you you didn't do that you you you lost the thread and then you you tried to sacrifice but even here if you played rook d1 you would have been okay i think i mean black still has to find very tough moves to defend but when you did this this move you should be very careful when you trade pieces in chess that only improve your opponent's position and this is the kind of move that does that you just lose an active piece for no reason and your opponent immediately takes over the initiative so um but i mean that's that's life that's chess that's life and last but not least it's time for our most advanced individuals let's see how they fared in episode three of new berina all right 1700s we'll play the last game that was so weird today hold on let me turn on the ac all right it's hot in the room we got g4 on the board oh oh this is already different than the other games g4 takes takes this is apparently the only way forward now okay we're awaiting a move here from white d6 very logical move very logical again we've seen this in every game today i think one of the games went take take take one of the games went rook d7 and then black won this pawn so very interesting to see what's going to happen in this game bishop f8 alright so now with this it's the same trap as the 500 fell for so i hope i hope white does not fall for the same trap the the top engine move is this which is just completely ridiculous the whole point is that after this there's bishop see that's all right white is thinking white is thinking unsure of what to do having a little thought here tough position obviously again white should not be too worried about losing this pawn king h1 played so black is gonna what i thought the whole point of this was to now white actually can go here oh my god what is this what is bishop takes a7 what that was so weird why was just losing the bishop on a7 the top computer move all right you can take e4 you can take d5 d5 has been taken and now white is better white is better because black lost the defender of the pawn oh my that was everything that wait what is white thinking about here white's gotta go don't go here cause then this okay but but now there's this white's lost that pawn and white also i mean sorry wow okay sorry black lost the pawn now now black is losing the kingside attacking pawns and black is losing the light squared bishop which as i've mentioned is the most important piece in the king's indian attack takes oh black has to go here because if you take that there's this and now i mean now white has good control of the light squares okay that is not the best move now what does black do here zoom zoom here here here here here i mean just start firing on all cylinders you got to just use your pawn barrier and then just defend d6 successfully because white is not going to play these top engine moves and white is immediately worse immediately worse this is never happening in a million years white is going to play rookie one which is very natural all these moves are very natural a6 b6 these are the moves that white is going to play um black has a very simple game plan there should be seven king g7 or gate a those are black's next three moves pending you know something rook f3 uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh obviously there's this but uh-oh and black has a monster time advantage as well wow okay that's also a very good move now just be careful you never want to gallop in like this nice queen should go here now that's what you should do is there are also rooms you want here to like get there there's literally just a mate lurking in this position uh yeah cormac's playing a bit too slowly oh my oh that is a trappy move you could play like queen f5 here queen of five is a very good move for black because after you trade queens you just have a very easily winning endgame this is also natural all right black thinking of the best way forward taking a long nice think here rook g4 all right white's gotta just play a move oh it's got a yes all right now now knight g2 actually does have some logic behind it i like how people in chat just absolutely do not understand my sarcasm they're just like that loses material all right there's no mate there was mate wow can we just like quickly analyze this game this game was crazy so first of all the players did play g4 which was right now white should not take white should not take white should do what they you know what boris gelfin did which was play b6 but in the game um all right let's just let's let's analyze on the live board uh in the game you know black played d6 and then there was this kind of bind here king h1 i think is also unnecessary because you're not you're not trying to move this pawn i would say but again the top engine move here is knight to e3 which is unfindable for a human being uh and the point is that if this there's bishop c4 and you get the rook with an attack if you don't take the knight then like let's say you play like c takes d6 then white goes here anyway and if you prevent that by playing the move bishop to e6 then white apparently takes the pawn on g4 oh yeah because they're winning the pawn but then after this it's just game on so knight e3 is unfindable completely uh king h1 is played and then here there was a move bishop takes a7 what what if i take oh then i go here attacking the queen and if this there's a fork and if queen takes queen rook takes queen rook takes there's a fork again duh yeah obviously that's why you play bishop takes a7 who didn't see that apparently the best move there is rook h7 just going for an attack and ignoring the bishop and if the bishop goes back to g1 you play f3 or you play knight h5 with the idea to get knight g3 smothered mate which is pretty disgusting in the game after knight d5 black accidentally removed the defender of a very important pawn and was much worse uh but uh and white was better but white was better only if white got a blockade on the light squares that is why this advantage is so big here so white has a massive advantage if and only if at some point white finds knight d2 knight e4 that's it literally if you look at all these engine lines it's either 92 right away or 92 here or you know queen d392 but if you never find the maneuver to put the knight on the e4 square you're just never ever ever okay which is kind of crazy let's see even here queen e2 or a6 and then knight d2 or queenie two knight d2 knight d2 right away you have to go here and here which is tough that's very tough and uh well you didn't find it and yeah black just played very well very nice game folks if you made it this far in the video i just want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for supporting all of my content if you have any feedback for the series or if you're just having a great time watching do let me know in the comments below uh but don't say things like i hate that i hate this series and you should stop doing it because i'm absolutely not gonna stop doing it that that feedback that's falling on deaf ears that's not constructive criticism that's you going me don't like your content so stop making it that's not but for the rest of you if you have constructive feedback i'm all ears i'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 258,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: GLsqusj0f5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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