Make THIS Shot, Win $300,000

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if you make this shot no way you win money and every time someone misses a shot i add 10 000 to the prize pool we are currently on top of a 250 foot bridge drake if you can make that basketball into that hoop down there i'll give you ten thousand dollars ten grand all right bet oh wait you're not even gonna think okay he just hold on hold on oh oh oh dude oh no it like changed last second that ten grand oh sorry about it here's the dart adam okay you hit that bullseye this 20 grand is yours that's enough to buy a house dude i like that i like that and the lights too okay all right the bullseye's here the darts here next one chris this is 30 000 in cash and if he hits a half court shot like this i'll give him 30 grand did it go i got this i got this i got this there's no way he's making this okay you have three seconds what do you have to say uh yeah and now we're at a golf course with forty thousand dollars and if dave here can hit a hole in one like this i'll give him forty thousand dollars i know i missed i'm gonna try to make a home one you might remember dave from this video where we gave him a shot at a million dollars if he hit a hole in one oh oh my god oh snap oh my gosh that is so close and you might remember you were six feet away from a million dollars which is why for this shot we conveniently move the whole six feet to exactly where you missed before you swing i want you to look at this 40 thousand dollars you put that in the hole i put this in your trunk oh he hit it oh wait wait let's go look clearly we didn't move the pen far enough far enough carl i'm gonna i'm gonna let you deal with this one maybe jimmy will give you a third time trying to get a hole in one i like a third time but not now not now next time we did ten thousand twenty thousand thirty thousand forty thousand and now fifty thousand dollars is on the line and for this trick shot i'm gonna let carl demonstrate it oh my gosh i can't believe you did that first try that's basically the trick shot and tariq let me hold this camera you saw what carl just did tariq if you could put this soccer ball in that trash can i will give you fifty thousand dollars in cash and here's the thing tori carl literally did it first try watch not that one not that one if carl can do it first try so can you tell me he missed it lost 10 grand now you lost 50 grand what was that 60. 60 is what we're about to offer the next person oh okay if you can hit a home run i'll give you this 60 000 in cash are you serious and just to show it's possible i'm gonna demonstrate before he tries literally all he has to do is hit a home run [Music] like that right there and he'll get 60 grand noah here is the baseball bat your arms are ginormous i don't see how you don't hit this to mars the next person feeds for 70 grand this view is getting crazy it's gonna get oh just uh we gotta we gotta take the money wait i get to keep the ones that fell out right and now we're on a football field with ten thousand twenty thousand thirty forty fifty sixty seventy thousand dollars and if our contestants launch a baby doll from this cannon into that crib it's a crib they get this seventy thousand dollars in cash chris can you demonstrate how the baby cannon works can you call me elon musk because i'm about to send this baby to space uh okay elon musk oh it's still flying it's still flying all you gotta do is take this baby cram the baby in there all right there we go let me see that launch the baby when you're ready all right three two one oh oh oh oh oh oh do you not practice shooting babies out of a cannon you're not very good at launching babies to be honest i'd be surprised if you were chris is sitting over top of a dunk tank and i got 75 000 here i think you know where i'm going with this sam i'm pretty excited i'm not gonna lie to you sam if you can hit that red button from behind this line you win 75 000. and while he's warming up i'm gonna tell you guys about honey the amazing sponsor of this video honey is a free online shopping tool that gives you savings on all your favorite websites and items you can save money when you order shoes order video games food delivery anything that's so helpful it's insane if you install honey every single time you check out you'll see this cute little icon and if you hit this button it will scan the entire internet looking for coupon codes and automatically apply them to your card let's say you're a hardcore gamer and you spend a thousand dollars on a new setup if you didn't have honey you'd be paying a grand but if you did have honey it would have automatically found you a 15 off coupon code and saved you 150 that's free games throughout my entire life honey has probably saved me more money than i'm about to give away here assuming sam hits it i got this we'll see and the craziest part of all this is honey is free to install all you have to do is go to click here and here and boom you have honey installed and you'll save money forever it's joined mr beast there's no reason not to and sam let's see if you win 75 grand whoa let's get it one baby one red button does he hit it thank goodness i don't get wet i know you're sad but we're gonna move on now we're back in the gym with 80 000 on the line but you're jim i hate him would you like a shot at winning this 80 grand yeah put this blindfold on now put this blindfold on it seems a little excessive jimmy three blindfolds i need more blindfolds carl you lure them around why did you give carl control i trust you not carl in total there are eight basketball goals you get one shot and if you score on any of these goals you get 80 000 i'm gonna take a page out of the bats book and i'm gonna use echo location to find a goal i feel like i'm kind of middle i can't believe this dude just used echolocation to realize he's in the middle of the court how is he so smart did i make it take him off you're directly under the hood can you help me package up to 80 grand you didn't win that's just insulting to injury this next shot was supposed to be for 90 000 but i'm making it a hundred cause why not and i'm surrounded by ten basketball goals carl's gonna go up in the air in this helicopter and demonstrate the shot drop the basketball that was the 100 000 shot if you can get in that helicopter make a shot i'll give you a hundred thousand dollars deal let's do this thing while we're waiting on the helicopter how'd that last hundred grand treat you amazing changed my life forever i mean what'd you spend it on paid off the cars put some money away from my kids uh college fund really yeah you know when he's not chasing me and trying to tackle me he's a pretty nice guy this ball right here it's crazy it's not a regular ball anymore he's got the chance to change my life forever and before he shoots the 100 000 shot i'm gonna tell the pilot to race the helicopter raise it up oh oh why are we going up if you can see the look on the bounty hunter's face it looks so confused no way nice is it fair that looks good let it rain oh if we leave before the helicopter lands we don't have to see him when he's set oh it won't be awkward yeah all right next minute this is 100 bowling pins and if nolan bowls a strike he gets 110 grand the reason why he's doing it is because in the island video he lost 800 000 because he sucks at bullying i can hear you and before i have no one attempt to knock down the 100 pins i'm gonna give it a try because it looks fun this is my first try i missed i missed i'm gonna show you guys a trick editing it's cool nolan here is your bowling ball no lynn's bowling no all right he did it it left his hand oh come on i hate bowling bowling also hates you he lost an 880 000 island to bowling in this video he lost 110 000 to bowling in this video so if you lose another 10 grand of bowling you have lost a million dollars to it if you knock this pin over with that pin i'll give you 10 grand i literally couldn't mess this up let's throw it he's not lost a million dollars to bowling all right i'm satisfied next minute every single challenge we've added a ten thousand dollar briefcase and look at how many we have and you might be wondering why do we have a bathroom and a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in the middle of the woods well that's because we're going to lift this contestant right here 100 feet in the air for this toilet paper trick shot don't ask questions the boomlets started to get a a little shaky can i shoot it now hey a little bit more my hands my palms are sweaty my knees are weak i don't see no spaghetti oh crap he's right 120 grand on the line have at it oh she threw it she threw it oh i felt kind of bad that her toilet paper missed the toilet i can't say that with a straight face so i gave her one more try for ten thousand dollars and she still missed jury can you confirm ten grand is in this briefcase yes it is okay ten thousand dollars 130 000 close to trump and this is a hammer smash that window chris and chris if you wouldn't mind could you also smash this one which leaves this tiny window here remaining if you can smash that tiny window okay with that hammer i'll let you keep the car in the hundred and thirty grand in the trunk you look a little nervous pal it's not that i'm nervous it's that my arms are little boy arms feel like i should back up vote as hard as you can oh oh oh i broke some window though i felt really bad for wuddle so i decided to give nolan a chance to redeem him that wasn't even close that wasn't even close well i feel bad just take the car with the shattered windows i'm gonna take the money and we're gonna just head to the next place we are now adding another ten thousand dollars bringing the total to 140 grand this is our contestant neil and this is my bodyguard shawn who happens to be ridiculously good at basketball if you can score on sean i'll give you 140 thousand dollars you get one shot he's standing at the free throw line and his his checkup hand is right in front of me he's a giant no one said winning 140 grand was supposed to be easy this is it you ready let's go 140 since sean literally ripped that money out of nila's hands i wanted to give him a chance for a vin if sean can score on him he'll get ten thousand dollars i'll take that all right did you for a second think he was gonna score on you no i love how confident he is next we put an apple on a mannequin's head and if our contestant can shoot the apple off there you go then he gets 150 000 you can literally win more money than you are tall quote that i mean like on a scale of one to ten how badly do you want 150 grand i'd say about a 12 12 12 or 30. so you really want it like it would probably change your entire life yeah i could maybe even get taller ready 150 grand oh my gosh 150 grand on the line you buy a lot of chicken nuggets and a lot of beef burgers you should order a bee swab what did you were about was left it was left shoulder he was about left shoulder yeah have a good night thanks guys since he missed we're gonna throw another 10 grand up here it's now officially taller than me see that mannequin go stand where it is and get rid of it roger next contestant this is a beast burger which you can order nationwide at our restaurants all across america and the uk and canada that feels like an ad this is a beast burger here you go sir thank you sir and you see chris over there right uh-huh he's gonna put on a blindfold now open your mouth up really wide that's what she said if you can throw this beast burger into his mouth i'll give you that tower of briefcases taller than me aka 160 grand 160 000. okay i can do it it looks like you're smooshing i i yeah i think there's some technique to this i don't want it to fall apart all right it's coming open wide oh god oh he's about to throw it he threw it oh chris christmas i'll be the first to admit we make burgers that taste good not that are good for throwing you should order it we're back in the gym for the five millionth time this video instead of one contestant we're gonna have five here is forty thousand dollars the next number was two hundred grand and since there's five of them they're just gonna split it basically if one of you can hit a half court shot you all get 40 grand wait how many chances do you each get to shoot one shot if all five of you missed i take the briefcases back and you go home with nothing all right shooting first i'm taking it first that's it izzy clutch let's find out huh oh off the back of the room one down four to go come on tyler and it's off let's go oh it's looking good oh oh oh for two hey let's go let me up let's go get him come it was literally it was like in the rim 200 000 on the line shoot when you're ready you're gonna make this believe in yourself for the boys for the boys i do not envy the pressure you're feeling now i'm not even gonna say anything let's let him do his thing and it's in the air no oh oh my gosh that was the most hyped thing i've ever seen oh my gosh that was clutch like the sign says it's two hundred thousand dollars each of you grab four briefcases throw it in your cars thank you for watching subscribe [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 23,343,279
Rating: 4.9520488 out of 5
Id: NZlClr_ivb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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