Banh Mi Recipe - crispy crust soft airy crumb - Vietnamese Baguette - Banh Mi vo gion ruot xop

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hi guys welcome back to Amy's cooking I hope you guys are having a fantastic day so today's recipe is another version of the Vietnamese band me the enemies when me actually has two different kinds you have one that has a thicker crust and a denser interior as opposed to the recipe that I will be sharing with you today has more of a super thin crust that is super crispy and the interior is very light and fluffy so if you want to take a look at this and listen to the sound that crispy sound just makes me want to salivate so this is the type of Bend me that you find most commonly at the sandwich shops it is very very light in weight when you look at the bun me it looks big but when you're holding it in your hand it's just super feather-light and you can tell why by looking at the interior of this sandwich here the dough itself has risen to the point where you have these super structures of nice gluten formations is so stretchy which is actually a classic traditional expectation of a Vietnamese bun me so to be able to get one of these and successfully make one of these at home there's quite a few details and tips that I will be providing in this video and I do hope and want you to successfully make this the very first time so just make sure that you are paying attention to the different points that I give throughout the video so if you want to make this let's get started we are using bread flour today and one question that comes up in a lot of my bread video from my subscriber is that can you use all-purpose flour in place of the bread flour and the answer is yes it's just not preferred because the all-purpose flour does not contain enough protein to be able to have that nice gluten formation so don't improve ER is something I don't typically use in my bread recipe but I am using it today in this particular recipe because it does need that to help with the structure of this type of bread the yeast that we are using today is instant yeast so if you do not have instant yeast and you are using active dry yeast you do have to use the water in this recipe to activate the yeast before you add it to the flour we will be needing a little bit of salt to add a dimension of flavor to the sandwich and we will be balancing it out with just a little bit of sugar so butter is not something that you typically find in a bunny recipe but for me it is really important to get this Airy fluffy texture to this recipe you don't need much you only need about two tablespoons which is equivalent to about thirty gram vitamin C gives a very aesthetic environment and the yeast love that and you don't need much just a pinch you can crush a tablet and also one whole egg the egg also does what the butter kind of does which really helps to fluffing up that dough and gives it an easier environment for it to rise water is really just water from the cold faucet it's not ice-cold water or it's not warm water it's just regular water that you get from the sink let's go ahead and combine everything we have a flower here and to it I'm adding the dough improver along with the sugar as well as the salt we will also be placing the pinch of that vitamin C in here and then we will be giving this a quick mix and just until everything is combined this is the butter that I have melted and we will be placing that into the flour here you can just also add that to the water and add it to the flour either way will work but once everything is mixed we will be placing our yeast now remember this is dry instantly so if you are using the active dry make sure that you bloom it in this water here until it's fully from foamy before you add it to the flour will also place in our one whole egg and today we will be using a dough hook with a stand mixer to knead this dough I am going to provide you with the speed as well as the timing the first couple minute or - you can just put it on stir or number - just until everything is fully combined and hooked on to your dough hook at that point increases speed to number six we will be needing this for a total of ten minutes on number six and let's take a look at the dough this is at the three minute mark we will be comparing the dough and the way it looks at the three minute the six minute and that at the ten minutes so here at the three minutes you can see the dough is kind of falling off the hook very easily it tears pretty easily as well what we want to do is we want to create a super elastic dough let's continue to knead this and then I will stop the machine when it gets to six minutes to show you what it looks like in six minutes so the whole purpose of creating a super elastic dough is so that it can trap the air easier so even when your dough Rises really poufy it can still retain that trapped air without causing it to collapse so here we are at six minutes as you can see the dough is still falling off the hook but it's starting to look a lot smoother and not as tacky so we'll go ahead and put it on number six again and let's knead it for another four minutes now depending on your KitchenAid or the the standard type of mixer that you use you may need a little bit less time or a little bit more time key point is whenever you get to this stage here is where you need to stop so as you can see as I'm pulling apart yes it is sticking to my finger that's okay it's it's going to be sticky what's more important is you spread the dough you will see how smooth the dough is it's just super smooth you can totally tell how elastic this is so let's go ahead and remove the dough grease a large bowl with either oil or butter and you want to place them in your hand as well so you can work with the dough a lot easier now no too when I am removing the stone you can tell how tough this dough is it's just super elastic again so for this type of on me and my recipe here the dough has to be like this for this to work otherwise if you don't create this plastic elastic dough when the dough starts to rise it is going to collapse and you are going to end up having super dense than me so when you're rolling this into a ball just make sure that you are forming a smooth surface this smooth surface is going to end up being the outermost layer of the crust and the smoother it is the more glossy your bread is going to be go ahead and place it back into the greased bowl and add a little bit more oil or butter to the top of this dough we will cover this up with plastic wraps and we will let it rise until it's about double or two-and-a-half times the original size every kitchen is different for me it takes about 30 minutes but essentially this is kind of what you're looking for if you want to use exact oil that I'm using as a reference that would be easier for you I will drop the link in the description box below along with all of the ingredients for this recipe go ahead and grease the working surface and dump out the dough and when you dump out the dough make sure that the top smooth layer stays on the bottom for this recipe I can make six bread but if you want smaller you just wait the entire dough and divide it into how many many ever pieces you want now note here I want to show you the edge of where I just cut can you see how smooth this is which means that this is so elastic that all the air that has been created from fermentation and the yeast working is able to trap in there without creating super a huge pocket that would have collapsed if we didn't do that when we pour out the dough so once you have them all either eyeballed and into cut into six pieces or use a scale and divide it up to your liking and place them all to the side and I will start walking you through the step and how to shape these dough into the traditional shape of and me when shaping these but me you always want to keep the smooth surface on the bottom because eventually that is going to be on top when you start rolling the dough inward so you want to take the piece of dough and just Mack it on the counter this will help to release a lot of the air and also it will give you the pointy tip where it will be helpful to start to roll the dough in and create this little larger area in the middle of Europe and me when you're rolling it make sure that you are pinching the side of the dough while pushing backward a little bit and at the end of the piece of dough just make sure that you flatten it pretty well so that I can stick to the dough a lot easier go ahead and bake place that onto your baking tray I'm going to show you one more time with a close-up so again the smooth side goes on the bottom slap the piece of dough onto the counter a couple of times you can even use a rolling pin to roll out the end of this dough to make that flat surface now only with the flat area stay on to the dough better when you roll it in but it can also help to create that then little thin crust that you are looking for so again look here if you're rolling it just pinch the side and pull it backward pinch push backward pinch push backward and just continue like that I'm going to move the camera here so I can show you the rest of it and you can see the tighter you rolled as the butter is going to trap that air and then that flat area it just sticks to the back of the bun me so well once all of them have been rolled out and shaped go ahead and grease it again and cover with the towel and we're going to rest that in the meantime we'll preheat the oven to 400 and ten degrees every ovens a little different so keep an eye on your bread make sure it doesn't get too browned base Venna me spend me requires a water trade to create steam the water trade goes on the lowest rack and the bread goes in the middle rack so this is the dough that's been rested for one hour in my kitchen it is super big fluffy and if you touch the dough it is not flimsy at all it actually has so much structure to it we will be spraying the surface with water so that when we start making the slashes and creating that classic look of the bunny that it the bread doesn't give the razor a hard time if it's if a straw is going to make this process really difficult you want to use a razor go at a 45-degree angle from top to bottom along the bread very nice and easy as you're seeing here so 45 degree angle top to bottom and just make one nice cut do that with all of the bread you don't want to cut too deep because that is going to cause your bread to spread really really big so just a very nice cut not too thick at all once you have made the cut go ahead and spray at the openings with more water to keep that area moist when it goes into the oven to help allow for even better oven spring so I want to kind of give you a close-up on what it should look like because the stove was so elastic so even with the dough the the how much it has risen it can trap all the air in there if it was not an elastic dough this entire thing would have collapsed so we will be baking this for 24 minutes I guess between 22 to 24 just really depends on your oven but two minutes into the baking process you want to open up the oven and use that water the spray bottle and spray the bread a little bit more the whole purpose here is to keep the bread cooler so it will allow the interior to kind of heat up and help it expand a lot more so this is the finish bread and you don't see the water tray in there anymore because you need to remove the water tray when there's 10 minutes left of bacon so that the bread can get golden brown look at these bread they are super super huge when the pizza dough was so small and it's gotten so big to wear all the sides of the bread are touching and it took up the entire space of this baking tray yeah so that's that's why it's so important to create that elastic dough and you can tell here just by the way it has expanded the bread you can tell that is super fluffy in the inside and super Airy you want to go ahead and just add some butter to it so he can give you a very nice gloss okay let me go ahead and cut this bread up so you guys can see how fluffy lian area is in the inside and if you like what you see I hope you will consider sharing this video with your friends your families your loved ones I think it's amazing to be able to have fresh baked and me just right out of the oven and serving it to your loved ones as a matter of fact I've been baking me for my mother for the past couple years just because we live so far from anywhere that we can actually buy but me so I guess that's how I got into this whole than me baking addiction anyhow I also want to say thank you to my subscribers you guys are amazing I promise I will continue to deliver more amazing videos and recipes so don't forget to hit the notification button and if you haven't yet subscribed to my channel and you like what you see I hope that you will consider subscribing and also you guys don't forget to hit the like button okay and drop me any kind of comments any questions you may have and I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can
Channel: Aimee's Cooking
Views: 859,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Banh mi recipe, banh mi viet nam, banh mi, vienamese baguette, the best banh mi, banh mi ruot xop, banh mi vo gion, cong thuc banh mi, banh mi gon, the best vietnamese banh mi recipe, how to make banh mi at home, banh mi at home, viet nam baguette, viet nam banh mi
Id: 5FduMMBM-dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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