Nightwatch: Top 5 Biggest Car Accident Rescues | A&E

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10 in orleans 49 i'm in right from tulane all right  we're going to an overturned vehicle   oh that is definitely overturned mm-hmm  damn everybody's out this does not look good   62.49 on scene who was in the car  she hit the fire hi how old are you   what you heard that baby just your  arm can you feel your fingers no yes ma'am yes ma'am is that the only place you you  heard nothing all right we're gonna take care of   you all right i promise she got a broken arm or  they just wrapped i don't know we're gonna have   to unwrap it because it looks like it's wrapped  with a pillow she was the only one in the vehicle bystanders had actually wrapped her arm with  everything i think people could grab out of   their vehicles and we're not sure what's under  there what's going on oh you're going to the   hospital that's all you're going to be all  right let's relax all right we're going to   take all that off baby and check that arm out  real quick can you move your fingers forward   wiggle your fingers i can't even see her fingers  yet so are you hurting anywhere my arm hurts   okay we're about to look at it right now i know  baby i'm sorry but i got to get all this stuff   assuming you got a laceration on your arm that's  why they wrapped it like that so we got to figure   out if it's bleeding still so we can stop it  that's all it's no big deal you remember what   happened i was driving and i'm running into the  firehouse okay you had your seatbelt on yes okay that would be university that is not give me that  trauma pad all right so look was your window down   do you remember okay you got a pretty good wound  right there where it looks like your arm actually   came out of the car and drug on the ground okay  she's gonna be at room for everything's fine i   can see just all of the adipose tissue the muscle  the bone everything it is way more serious than i   expected and she has no feeling in his arms do you  feel her touching your arm at all yeah up here all   right can you move your fingers no it's important  hold this up really try move your fingers for me   okay okay so you might have a little bit of  tendon damage in your arm okay can you feel this   yeah a little correction right here all right  i'll hold it you're gonna feel a big sticker   over here buddy you also have a broken arm to the  bottom left of it that's why it hurts so bad it's   obvious that she has several injuries which that  leads me to believe that she probably has internal   injuries as well she's a trauma coach she needs  to get to the hospital as quickly as possible   3232 code three uh room four it's all good  but you're gonna be just fine all right we out oh that injury how about that arm she's lucky  it didn't roll over one more time was not   amputated oh i know i wanted real i mean she was  missing chunk yeah i'd have been pissed because   my tattoo would have been ruined you know how  mad i would have been i'd be like oh hell no   i don't know like you better go find that skate  you better go get it that's exactly what i was   about to say i was like we ain't leaving until  you find my hunk of skin so i can sew it back on   and that hunk of me did i miss you better go find  that too i'd have been pissed that's for sure i'm already growing my boat right  into a wreck right up in there safely i do not remember  being this tired a long time   but i mean we literally just  worked two 16 hour days in a row we arrive on scene to a car crash between an suv  and a taxi cab they actually hit so hard that the   door was ripped off one of the vehicles and was  stuck to the other hello when that happens you   definitely kind of perk up because there could be  some serious injury involved hey what's your name   what's your name broken what okay we  see a female laying across the back seat   with an obviously broken leg how are we doing  this just put a board in here slide her out   it's a tip-fib right yeah open or closed it looks  close everybody else is okay yeah there's a little   kid with a little bump on his eye but he's fine  cool i think we need to slide her actually out   that way we can kind of support her leg as much  as possible when you have a long bone fracture   you want to make sure that you immobilize that  bone from moving around especially when you're   moving the patient around because bad things can  happen you have a lot of blood vessels that run   up and down your legs and it can possibly  cause you an injury that make things worse   all right this is really going to suck i'm  just going to warn you but i'm going to try   to make it as easy as possible okay if you need  to squeeze me scream whatever you need to do do   not be ashamed okay all right i'm gonna grab you  under your arms and we'll pull you onto this board that's it i'm going to just move your torso uncross your arms for just a second  no liquor nick this is you down there   that's going to support your leg okay it's almost  over all right that's it just relax okay we're   going to get you in the truck we're going to give  you some medicine i'm going to go set that up all   right nick you want morphy yeah these are the  last few bumps okay darling is getting you in you all right this lady was in so much pain that  she's actually physically shaking from the shock   factor and it kind of pulls at your heart strings  so you want to make it as comfortable as possible   for them luckily for us we have medicine that  we can give to kind of knock the edge off everybody's fine everybody's good and you're  gonna be fine you're just gonna have to have   a little surgery on your leg kind of put  everything back together but you're gonna   be okay so this is gonna be morphine treating  his arm out for me went ahead and gave five   to start cool so she got five uh marking here  beautiful where'd you get your leg caught on   do you remember was it the center console you  don't know i'm a miter on my legs fall okay   and my husband ate our doctor okay  all right okay y'all here visiting okay yeah we're good thank you show us our tutorial one patient 1 10 12.  my four-year-old was right in front of me   well he was completely fine so everybody was fine  i decided you'd be unfortunate enough to get your   leg broken but it's okay exercise glasses oh  well you might not be doing that too much but   i guarantee you'll be back on the feet quickly  because it's nice and easy it's a clean break   so it should be really easy to prepare the 35 year  old female she's got a tip rib fracture has closed   she's got an iv with some morphine on board she's  fully immobilized we'll see in a couple minutes it really sucks though think about it i mean  people just coming out here have a good time   trying to pay attention to the parades  and next thing you know you got a   leg fracture that's pretty much going to  keep you out of oh man she caught a bad break there you go we got a call for a moody vehicle  accident a car hit a dump truck   and there's a possibly somebody ejected i  really it's my least favorite calls to go on   mbas especially on the interstate because  it's just so dangerous and unfortunately it   happens way too often that one of the first  responders gets hit or the vehicle gets hit seriously come on people break it up the  bumper-to-bumper traffic tells you a lot   it tells you that it is a big accident it's  including all the lanes there's obviously   something big going on i don't know how we're  gonna get up there we're gonna have to move   i don't think they can they're so tightly  packed it's definitely frustrating to know   that someone is potentially very injured  ahead of you and and you can't get to them trying you put me on scene trying to get through  traffic you're good damn that does look uh really   good good job we see like a ridiculous amount of  damage a sports car has obviously hit a dump truck   and another car and i'm thinking well you know  there's going to be someone injured on the scene   who is in this car what you mean he's walking  the bridge the first lady i come up to says   that the guy was in the most damaged car her  exact words were his brains were hanging out   and he was walking down the bridge and  i see this guy walking down the bridge though you all right i'm good caught up  with a guy all the way down the bridge   and luckily for him he had no major injury uh  he was just really scared didn't know what to do   yeah all right man you got a little scratch  on your nose nothing else i could see i don't know how that dude's even alive man  the whole roof is stuck in the back of the dump   truck back there holy hell man the passenger  side of the camaro was completely destroyed   wow you're lucky man look at it that way it could  have been a lot worse you could be your brains on   the steering wheel you know what i mean if you get  out of the pasture they'd have been dead as insane   as this wreck looks on the outside everyone is  completely uninjured so there's nothing left for   us to do here that's unbelievable i can't even  i can't believe he don't he that dude doesn't   even have a scratch on him i tell you what when  it's your time to go you go and when it's not   you don't go it did every day you  see it like that dude should be dead on scene wow she was in her seat there's a three-year-old  in the car also was in her seat got a busted   nose mom's probably on a broken arm  there's nobody in the other vehicle yeah all right we get a call for uh mva there  are two vehicles one that is still smoking and   another that has two children in it along  with the driver the driver of the car that   caught on fire she was very lucky apparently a  passerby stopped and opened the door and helped   her out of the vehicle before it got fully  engulfed in flames we got around i hadn't this i think this one has uh the seat the car  seat in it the baby is maybe four or five months   old she's a newborn almost i see some brush  burns on her like little abrasions to the head she starts crying so that's always a good sign oh  goodness because that means that they're feeling   any pain that they might have and that  they're scared and know what's going on if you have a baby that's quiet that has just  been through uh something as traumatic as this   that's always a cause of concern that  one's okay i get the baby girl all set   and firemen bring her older  sister in okay what hurts you that hurt all right all right you want me to  get you a little something that's cold and put   some coal on it all right i start to talk to her  and and assess her i see she's got some swelling   to her lips and nose area you want a whole lab  you want me to hold it all right i'm going to   sit right here and hold it for you can you wiggle  your feet oh very good i like those tennis shoes   uh the firemen were taking care of the mom  apparently she had a um what appeared to be a   broken arm or a broken elbow um your mama we're  gonna get your mommy in in just a minute okay   the baby look i got your baby she's doing good  too she keeps asking about the baby i thought   she was asking about her sister i kept telling  her baby's right here she's fine she's fine come to find out she was talking about her baby  doll christine's gonna go get your doll okay she's got that little mark on her  head that would meet trauma criteria   the mom is in a lot worse shape than the  children so we need to get her to the doctor   are you all right with them going to  ochsner or you want them at university   the two children they were very lucky that  they were properly secured in car seats   and that's the only thing that saved their lives  if that hadn't had been in play i'm almost pretty   sure it would have been at least one fatality if  not two i keep thinking i'm having hot flashes there's a male pinned inside of  the car and the car is upside down   and are you looking 62-15 20 win area looking also y'all have a call back you did say the  200 block we actually just hung up with yeah i see him as we pull up there's a vehicle on  its side and i can see through the windshield that   there's still someone in it for the 220 we'll see  they're clear on the keely watch that car it don't   roll you have one patient at this time but if that  car turns over you're gonna have multiple patients there you go he's coming out and canceled fire  the neighbors helped get the guy out of the car   on a daily basis people are always there to  help people in the city have a lot of heart   it makes me proud to a new orleanian  and 10 boy 23 old boy thank you   all right come right over here hey i'm  speaking you speak a little english okay that's the american version of spanish right it's  exactly i don't know how to say seat belt though   seat belt were you wearing your seat belt the  challenge is with treating someone that doesn't   speak english is that i speak pretty poor spanish  can you get the information from them yeah i try   all right you have an id dna id no no uh there we  go uh hey we got that elsa huh uh eddie dan really   damn damn use the outside new ones ems has the  elsa it's set up that it's gonna 24 hours a day   we come in contact with an english-speaking  representative and she can contact us with   dozens of different languages all right we need uh  spanish interpreters keeley with new orleans gms ah i have the uh patient on side of  me right now the first thing i need   is he hurting anywhere and if  so where is he hurting that since my spanish isn't as good as it should  be it's great to have the elsa as a primary   means of communication how did this happen okay  that's fine thank you it was a big help see if   you don't have dan around we got elsa hey look  you did your thanks speak to speak come and stop   be safe be strong let's do this get that stretcher  in here they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 445,712
Rating: 4.931725 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, Top 5 Biggest Car Accidents, biggest car accidents, compilation 2021, niightwatch compilation, car accident, biggest accident, nightwatch dan, live firefighter show, top 5 biggest car, nightwatch compilation clips, cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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