Nightwatch: Top 4 Most Heartwarming Moments | A&E

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let's head over to this uh missing person call  that just came out you show myself in 395 51   that signal eight 22 year old black male with  special needs he's a four foot two last thing   wearing a gray shirt and a red basketball shorts  he can't function on his own he's got the mind of   a 13 year old if we go westbound osborne that'll  put us four blocks north of where he left from   any missing person is important but when  it's somebody that's mentally challenged   or has any kind of disabilities we take  that very serious because that person   doesn't have the ability to take care  of themselves and the time lapse is like   40 minutes now it's late at night it's  dark out it's not the best area of town   we just started circulating the neighborhood  within a few blocks from home hey circle through   this library real quick he might have been here  it's nice and lit up might feel safe here tyler tyler hey is somebody walking over there  is there look in the white shirt along   the fence on the back side there it is there is  it looks like a gray shirt and red shorts yeah   this is a little guy and there's a little  person oh my god this is going to be him hang on that's him hey tyler how you doing buddy   you're not in trouble man you have fun  your family's worried about you buddy no they don't they love you very much that's  why they wanted they called us to help find you   because they're worried about you who do you live  with i think she's on her way to come get you okay   i know but that's okay that happens  sometimes my sister gets mad at me sometimes   you know she's got to talk about it  with him you'll work it out you know   or else it's not going to go  away you know what i'm saying everybody needs a break now and then we're not going to arrest you you're  not in trouble it kind of broke my   heart for a second because he said it  with you know with such a sad face am   i in trouble and i was like no man  you're you're not in trouble at all hey how you doing i'm officer rose hello  he said he was just walking off some steam   because his sister got mad at him and he  wanted to take a break it scared me man   he's all right man he's good he just needed  a break he said you can't do that okay please   don't never do that again i can't even imagine  being in his family's shoes missing my sibling or   my son for instance hey you you're gonna you're  gonna promise me you're not gonna do it again   can you pick his pinky promise in the middle of  the night not knowing you know where they're at   and not knowing if they're scared or if they're  in harm's way or what's going on see you later   buddy be safe okay welcome have a good night all  right take care young man yep huge sense of relief   that we that we found this guy and uh you know  he was unscathed it was a really good moment hey baby how you doing look at how precious you  are tell me what hat what actually happened i   don't know say ah really loud there you  go come on baby tired a lot of kids nah   hey you i got i got a six of my old what's  my name my name is dan what is your name dante all right ain't got the holla here she fell  and she hit her mouth on the corner of the table   the last reason isn't that bad but it is worth  the trip to the hospital just to make sure   oh that's a big one look you got a  special seat okay there you go what's that   that's buttons i can already see how this is gonna  go you asked me about a thousand questions on the   way there aren't you nothing right don't touch  nothing you obviously have heard that before   there we go then i we work the night watch so  we don't get to see too many kids throughout   uh chef i would deal with kids way more than  adults if i could you know have that chance too   it's a computer it's oxygen  buttons on it a lot of buttons huh sometimes just like you press your  mama's buttons yeah you hear it the brother is just wearing me out too that's  gloves there you go look at that i feel like   a babysitter on the first night you see i  see what he is everything he saw he wanted   to know what it was that's my radio charger in  case somebody wants to call me with this one uh-oh now you're gonna get somebody to talk to you how about we turn it off this time so you don't  get me in trouble what's hilarious about that is   that's our emergency button we hit that button to  like call attention wow that's amazing hey look   man is your emergency yeah that's amazing all  right we're there and now i'm ready for a nap can i look at your little face yeah so what  happened i was in the kitchen washing dishes   and all i heard was something exactly what what  happened with the key where did he put it in there   okay they said he put it in his eyes he got shot  and he didn't stick it in his eye sock if he'd   suck it in a light socket wow that is horrible  and can cause a lot of you know complications   automatically just really relieved that this  kid doesn't have keys hanging from his eye   you can see where the the plastic on the key  completely burned uh how old is he one one   any any major medical problems no um why should i  show them up to the hospital get them checked out   okay just since it was a electrical charge that  hit him oh hi mom we're gonna bring him out to the   truck and just put him on a monster start checking  them out there okay we'll see you out there in   just a minute you wanna go see the cool lights  oh let's go see the ambulance the heart runs off   electricity you throw another current in there and  it can throw everything off all right little man   so i want to get him in the back of the truck get  us out of vitals electricity is not something you   want to play around with sir what's your social  security number it's her okay buddy i'm gonna take   a picture of your heart with all these stickers  okay hold real real still for me don't move at   all hold still don't move don't move at all don't  move oh you're doing so good it's perfect you're   so cool still i think that's the youngest patient  i've ever done a 12 lead on because generally   you're not concerned about cardiac issues as  far as heart attacks at that age all right   you ready to go but with you know electrocution  it can alter your cardiac rhythm and we're wanting   to see if there's any irregularities if there's  anything we need to be concerned about with his   heart see a heartbeat see your heartbeat  so here's one how old is your other one   and then you got one on the way yeah you're  gonna be a big brother too oh there's huh smile right there landon sends out like the  child whisperer and i'm like i don't know   oh my goodness they're just  they're just perfect little beings   i'm not looking forward to that part of being a  parent you do such a good job all the time and   then like for one second you're not watching him  literally she's like i never put my keys on the   table i always hang my keys up the one time i put  them down on the table because i got sidetracked   my kid sticks up in an electrical socket you  steal your heart a little bit yeah i kind of   pulled at those little heart strings  that i try to pretend i don't have caller advise patient has been drinking  and taking drugs for the last few days   36 year old male so call comes in to us  for a 103 am which we immediately know   is a mental patient and it sounds like it's a  concerned father okay like three or four days   straight okay non-stop almost yeah i don't  know if he's done any drugs i don't know   okay based on what the dad's telling us  we really have no idea what to expect   hey joseph how you doing you been drinking  yes ma'am because you've been drinking by law   we have to check you out okay so why don't you  just come downstairs with us we'll check it out   okay good deal for this guy we really just want to  know are you physically ill versus emotionally ill   yeah i'm kind of out of it why are you out of it  bud i drink too much you drinking every day now   i have a bad liver well then why are you drinking  i have no idea you know that's bad for your liver   what that's bad for your liver yeah i lost my  daughter hurricane katrina you lost your what   my daughter her king she lost your daughter in  hurricane katrina i am so sorry to hear that   eight foot of water when i was  offshore while i was in the military   i am so sorry to hear that how  old was she three years old   her name is rebecca rebecca i am so sorry to  hear that oh that is terrible that is terrible she'll be 12 years old today it's her birthday  yes it is really my dad's birthday that's terrible   thank you you're welcome i  love your chats thank you props mad props be safe be strong let's do this   get that stretcher in here  you're going to bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,748,051
Rating: 4.9600544 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, Top 4 Most Heartwarming Moments, Heartwarming Moments, Top 4, Nightwatch compilation, compilation, top 4 clips, top 4 nightwatch clips, nightwatch compilation clips, top 4 moments, top 4 heartwarming moments, heartwarming nightwatch clips
Id: XtTf_OexOVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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