Live Rescue: Biggest Car Accidents (Part 2) | A&E

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all right we're going to a reported vehicle  accident two vehicles a female patient   in a gray lexus complaining of shoulder and leg  injury we got two three four vehicles stopped here five got a little bit of smoke  coming from a vehicle looks like hello how are you doing okay what's hurting you okay do you feel like if we were able to move you  out of this vehicle you could move on your own   don't know okay fire dispatch engine 15.  start me a truck code three extrication copy cut through for extrication move operations  where were you my foot got hot my foot slipped   and it got caught under between okay passing a  break you spun out and someone coming this way okay was it just those two  vehicles you and her yeah okay i'm gonna work out here because she's the worst  option okay fire dispatch engine 15. start me   another code three medic as well all right  so right now we have five maybe more patients   we've got a truck coming to help us extricate the  female that's in one of these cars and uh we got   three more two more ambulances coming total  of three to help us assess and transport all   the patients this call definitely turned  out to be more than we had anticipated   which leg uh this one on the ground it's  right here you can feel it protruding out   right here you want to just up and over get  her out of here all right ma'am look listen   your kids are going to be fine we're going to  take care of it we need to get you to the hospital yep i'm looking at medic 2 right now so we'll have  medic 2 transport this patient getting extricated   you need what okay so i'm thinking this guy in the  red is our last okay other than the extrication that is one of these delayed i can verify for you all right come here buddy   just a little scared mom's doing good all right she's just got a little  hurt leg but she's gonna be just fine all right   coming from what we were given on our initial  dispatch uh and then seeing what we saw when we   got here these patients were definitely lucky this  is a very high speed uh area sounds like one car   pulled out in front of another didn't quite see  what them coming and caused a high collision which   obviously caused a lot of injuries it turned out  to be a six-person mci seems like two vehicles   involved and one of them required extensive  extrication she had a very extensive injuries   to her lower body i had to take her to a trauma  center we've got three kids here we've got two   other adult patients so i think we ended up with  a total of six patients and three ambulances used we're responding to a two-car motor vehicle  accident rp disconnected no additional information   it's like pd is on scene oh yeah that's  pretty good damage yeah somebody was moving oh the sherwood what the sherwood doing moderate damage report follow hey what's up man what's up buddy how are  you man good man so i just was coming from   resource okay pulled up on the scene so vehicle  heading southbound didn't stop struck in here   okay driver self-extricated okay the opposite  side perfect okay he really is just complaining   check the guy down there uh chest pain okay  okay cool and now he's out walking around okay   thanks for stopping man appreciate it how are you  doing partner my chest is sore yeah and i got some   scuffs up just on my arms yeah all that's from  that that airbag that's going to get you and it's   going to feel a little bit worse as the day goes  on um obviously you're up you're walking around   any numbness or tingling down into your legs and  your back your neck anywhere no physically i'm   flying oh i just want to make sure the story  is straight that guy went through a red light   and i understand bud uh for us we're here we  want to make sure medically speaking that there's   nothing that's going to stop you from going on  about your day you know what i mean my neck is   different i think i'll be all right okay  do you feel the need to go to the hospital   no okay let us check your vitals and stuff like  that okay just make sure everything's working   okay it just came out of the turn over there so i  hadn't really picked up much speed and then this   car comes flying through the stop sign and the  police officer says that he went around people   and just sheared into me all the airbags  deployed and it could have been a lot worse   he's a no4 okay um he doesn't want us i  never said that do you want us to check   you out how about if we get a set of idols for  you and stuff like that sounded right right all   right perfect you remember all of the accident  i was just driving trying some guy hit me okay   probably a good idea to take you into the hospital  and get you checked out all right what well cause   we don't know if you have any internal injuries  okay we don't know what's going on you got   pretty good damage to the car and the thing is  i feel fine here's the thing partner i can smell   alcohol right now okay and what that does is that  covers any potential injuries 99 on blood sugar   you understand so your body doesn't quite feel  things the way it should uh when you're under   the influence of something so uh we don't  want to make a mistake and miss something   does that make sense sure okay good no pain  anywhere i'm gonna take a look here at your chest   you're wearing your seatbelt yes sir does that  cause pain no okay how about over here payne   all right where were you coming from i was  coming from some store and going home what store   it helps me understand if you're  alert aware of what's going on bud   okay all right partner what i'm gonna do  is i'm gonna have you stand up we're gonna   have you move over onto that gurney okay easy  easy all right now i would disagree with that   almost have a seat partner  turn around sit good perfect right now i'm just looking for anything that  might point to some evidence of what happened   uh we got a pretty large pile of used fireball   individual shooters there a dozen or so and  then there's a bottle up here in the front   so as it is now uh looks like alcohol  played a role but we'll leave that up to pd we just got called for a vehicle accident it's  a rollover with entrapment we don't have any   other updates so we don't know how many patients  and then of course uh extrication can take extra   time we have to call a truck which helps us uh  encase the vehicle right needs to be stabilized   or the people need to be cut out of the vehicle we  just have an engine responding with this so those   are a couple of our major concerns right now looks  like there might be somebody still in the car   if you want to grab a board so here's vehicles on  its side here and somebody's still trapped inside   so we're gonna get our backboard our  gurney and see if we can get them out   stop captain it wasn't anything from us sounds  like she's okay right now she's not complaining   of anything but the the vehicle is rocking  back and forth so we're gonna wait for the   truck to get here to put its stabilization  down copy that the vehicles on its side   does have somebody trapped in there they're  okay but the vehicle's on some grass it's a   little bit unstable so we're gonna wait  for the truck to get here they can put   some chalks underneath stabilize it so we can  then get in there and get the the person out   until then we kind of gotta wait she was coming  back this way those are the tire tracks that tree   uh-huh so hidden yeah so we've just uh just  made access to her um just broke that window   literally to get in closer to talk to her  but she does seem like she's doing okay so this has given us kind of unique situation  it's just rather difficult with the vehicle   being a little bit unstable so we're trying to  figure out if the person's able to stand up help   lift herself out with us helping um there's not a  lot of room in a little sedan when it's sideways   if they uh tito if they want the  caller i got that right here too now rubble it off right you have a caller you want a smaller one and  she's a l3 yeah uh sketchy on the event she got   year quarters and dollar but she can't  think she's in rancho cordova okay   it turns out she doesn't actually quite remember  the incident so we're concerned might be um a   little blood sugar or something going on she  crashed her vehicle uh low speeds not quite a   trauma alert we had to use the jaws of life to get  her out of there she couldn't extricate herself   we're assessing her for injuries right now and  we're going to take her to our local trauma center   sorry route to uh mva with injuries   uh here's somebody who's having  some neck and back pain vehicles okay okay so there's one two three four of you how  many vehicles there's two vehicles two it's that   white truck over there in my little car i tried  to move up a little bit you know i don't know if   i was gonna turn or what if i was trying to get  out of this way then all of a sudden he just came   and hit my car and pushed us up towards this way  and i don't know what's wrong with his car and   then i got off and i told him what the hell is  your problem excuse my language but i told you   didn't you see the damn line with the and he  was telling me i was a little bit uh like he   wasn't paying attention and i told him what do  you mean i paying attention i said how much did this your vehicle yeah for what reason so your  car has has an airbag on it yeah but it didn't   deploy does is it is it the original airbag yes  okay so what we want to do is we want to just   disconnect the battery and disconnect power to it  because your vehicle is not drivable it has to be   towed why well we don't who makes that assessment  well i mean i drove it around here it's you know   my airbag didn't deploy we don't know if that  airbag's gonna deploy at a later date or a later   time we don't know if something's gonna jar it  loose so we don't want an unexpected deployment   so we don't feel it's safe i wonder if we can  push down all of this glass is from her car right   if we can push down on this now you understand we can't tell you that this  this thing is safe to drive right you know what   i appreciate your opinion and your honesty and  your concern but i would i'll talk to the police   hey partner that car is completely unsafe and  operational driving concern your airbag didn't   deploy and if you're driving down the street and  you hit a speed bump or you hit a bump in the   wrong way and that airbag deploys when you're not  in an impact that can cause serious injury to you i can't drive my vehicle it's completely unsafe  to drive okay you can park it in the parking   lot the second uh driver of this accident the  airbags hadn't deployed so we kind of felt that   it wasn't safe to drive the vehicle with those  steel with those airbags still intact we tried   to explain that to him but he feels that he could  just drive you know he's known this truck forever   trying to convince him of different it's been a  little challenging but i think he finally after   i chimed in and then my captain chimed in  and then the police officer also chimed   in he's finally okay with calling a tow  company and just have it towed to his house so we are approaching the scene got reports of a  motor vehicle accident at the local family dollar   on the parking lot it appears that we have a  heavy police presence along with our firefighters   i see smoke coming from something so i'm not  sure what's going on looks pretty bad oh the   smoke is the barbecue grill someone's  out here barbecuing two we're on scene uh lessons hey hey hey hey what's up huh  tell me what's going on two vehicles uh   everybody here is good he said he's  all right ladies in this red suv   she's complaining a little bit  who was in his car gentlemen were you the driver okay who's sitting on the  passenger side are you okay are you sure okay   stay right here yeah we got to hey do you  see if they want to go to the hospital   across the street were you involved ma'am she said she said her body just  kind of stinking he's thinking did you have your seatbelt on it's okay you took  your seatbelt off no airbags deployed okay any   pain here okay so let's do this now where are you  feeling this burning that you're talking about   okay so you definitely having some  neck pain anything here yes or no   hair if you're having pain like that  we need to stabilize your neck okay oh do i gotta hurt us you do she is  having pain to move her leg and i'm   wondering if we probably should  get a board and kind of slide her she was hit pretty hard in the intersection she's  complaining of neck pain pretty moderate uh back   pain and with burning sensation and that's a  concern concerned about some sort of spinal injury   okay there you go a little more okay you  ready there we go oh my god that's it sounds like somebody was trying to  beat a light here at the intersection   hit this lady here and ended up hitting  this guy's barbecue stand right here   guys i appreciate you angie  that's called smooth urgent honey compared to what you just  went through i'm surprised you're   even able to talk to me right now so it's  perfectly understandable that you're dizzy   that's why we're gonna get you to the hospital  and let them run all these tests you know my   concern was when i was palpatine on your neck you  was just really really tender to touch and that's   you know that's not good i just want to make  sure your uh spine stays stable make sure   no no no you're not paralyzed we don't  want that to happen and so we're going to   keep you stable no honey you were able to wiggle  those toes and you feel everything right all right   she's here at the hospital i'm gonna get her in  there and hopefully everything's okay works out   so we're headed to right now guys is a two vehicle  tc a white van and a white pickup truck down here   off fifth street let's get a look over there  fabio we might have a critical in that van he's trapped in there pretty good we're gonna  have to do so everything we do we're going to   have to do it inside the vehicle yeah we'll go on  the side over here still have a seat right here all right where are we uh can you undo  the seat belt oh like give me one sec how are his legs looking down there want to start working on the windshield we're  gonna need to do a dash roll and then uh   so his legs are his legs are pinned but whatever  you need to do to manage that airway for right now   his airway is good right now dude he's still  moving good air all right he can still he   still has his mouth and everything i don't  see anything like any blood checking him out how you doing in there bud all right we're going to  arrowhead guys all right thank you this was a pretty extensive education it  wasn't just a simple door pop we had to pull   the steering wheel off the patient and extend  the door frame because everything was crumpled   and caved in on the patient it did pin his  legs in fact the brake pedal and the gas pedal   ended up near his chest so there was a lot of  impact a lot of force fortunately we had our truck   and engine on scene they both had extrication  equipment many hands make light work so we're   able to do it faster with more manpower so  he'll be receiving the best care possible hey guys i'm matt eisemann  from live rescue subscribe to a   e for more videos and catch  full episodes on
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,871,900
Rating: 4.9003506 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live rescue, live firefighters, live firefighter show, live EMT, Live EMT Show, live Paramedics, live paramedics show, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, fire, fire truck, fire engine, ladder, rescue, live, save lives, emergency, 911, hospital, biggest car accidents, big car accidents, car accidents, car crash, car crashes, crashed, car wreck, cops, live rescue tv show, live rescue Part 2, watch Part 2 live rescue
Id: HD20_eXB1cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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