Taming the New Gigantoraptor is Frustrating! - ARK Survival Ascended [E45]

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so after months of waiting we finally have some new content in Ark survival ascended and unfortunately it was a creature that we're supposed to be getting on the center and we probably should have had the center by now but we'll just ignore all of that and move forward we have the Gant Raptor in the game right now technically it's actually a mod believe it or not but it's an official Wild Card mod I don't know why they didn't just add it to the spawns of the actual Island but I I I I I don't understand it's fine so I'll leave a link down below to the mod but the easy way to just get it is to just go into the mod um into the mod list type thing and then just type in chigant Raptor and you can easily see which one it is so yeah we're going to be taming that thing here today I've watched the spotlight video and uh you know what we're actually probably going to need a saddle real quick so I have like a rough idea of what we're maybe supposed to be doing let's see it is level 69 nice and it's going to cost 40 angram points and to craft it it's 16 fber 55 metal ingots it is 285 hide and then 120 Wood and let's craft inside the Smithy okay let's go ahead and get one of these things going then do I have enough stuff in here I might actually I am a little bit low on wood let me go ahead and just run over here and grab some wood so yeah like I said I've I've watched the spotlight and I roughly know what we're supposed to do but I think if I if I can find one easily I I hope that it's going to be a low level to start off with because that's what I want to do I want to try and practice by taming a low level and then afterwards if I can find some high levels cool if not it's all good I I want to just at least practice with a low level though so yeah there we go we have the saddle it weighs 20 and of course it's got the regular 25 armor might drop some stuff I have a bunch of fertilized eggs on me and the reason isn't because I'm doing a bunch of egg hatching it's actually because we're probably going to need these so in the spotlight trailer let's go for the other one here we got Nova in the spotlight trailer we have uh a scene where the the character runs up to a gigant raptor close by to its nest and then it essentially drops a fertilized egg specifically in front of it and at that stage I guess it kind of like distracts the gigant Raptor and then at at that point you're able to sneak over to the nest and interact with the baby so here's something that's different I actually thought that we were going to be able to find eggs for these guys and steal the eggs but no their babies are just hatched out and sitting inside of nests I guess so um yeah essentially when I find uh a gigant raptor we will have like a baby gigant Raptor inside of a nest nearby so yeah pretty cool don't know where they spawn I'm just going to check down south though cuz in the trailer it looks like it's kind of like down south kind of areas so maybe um I don't know maybe it can kind of start over this direction and then kind of like go around the whole Southern border of the map but uh I will bring you guys back once we find some so guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you enjoy this one we're going to try and teach you how to tame one in this video but also I'm going to teach myself cuz let's be honest uh the first times never go very well anyway Let's uh let's try and find one then I see one yeah right over there hello uh we also got oh no no you're going to kill the baby hang on wait wait wait what what levels oh it's an Al rptor oh dude oh it's a level 10 really bro are you not even going to help your little baby I can see you just chilling there look at these things man holy crap okay yeah so that kind of sucks the first one that I actually find is uh it's getting it baby murdered and it's not even helping it okay that's a Theo I've been tricked by many Theos here today cuz they've got like roughly like the same size the's a little bit chunkier but they're roughly the same size I would say right yeah um anyway that one over there is probably going to be a dud then if there's an alpha Raptor over there I should probably not try to get it let me actually just check out the nest though let's see oh so the baby's just chilling in there dude look at that little guy he's blue as well he's different from his mama let's see so I'm going to assume cuz it's an actual wild baby does that mean that they can be oh you're pissed at me wow okay immediately pissed at me hang on let me let me see if I can get rid of your Alpha Raptor problem here cuz this one right here would be perfect but I don't know if we're going to be able to do this so um yeah essentially if if they come out as actual babies like that then it's probably possible to find a mutated one cuz as we know wild mutated creatures are a thing in ASA I mean I've seen them I've claimed them I'm sure you guys have too um you know you'll know if their level is to higher or potentially four higher cuz they could have a double mutation um but if they if their level's higher than the parent then that means that uh they are indeed mutated but um yeah I don't I don't exactly know how do I what happens if I kill the parent this this might be a dud so let me just for the sake of understanding everything let me kill this gigant Raptor it's Dad actually not its mom okay let's see there we go and then I'll just kill the alpha as well of course so we'll just do this just for the sake of experimentation cuz you know I was probably not going to be able to easily do this anyway so we'll find a different one but uh in terms of where I am we are at uh 7875 so down south basically I I I flew directly down south and then I just kind of like hugged the coast and kind of peaked my way up like Rivers a little bit but not a crazy amount uh it's a little bit bigger than an actual fully grown dodo so yeah really small little guy let's see how do we do this cuz obviously the parent's not here so it might not work it might be broken we might specifically have to have the parent still alive what can we do imprint oh can we do it no I guess we can't okay uh you look cool though very very goofy looking but really cool what about this Nest then like like oh hang on what did that just say hide in gigant Raptor Nest oh is that what we have to actually do so we drop down the egg it distracts the parent while they like eat it or whatever and then we hide inside the nest hang on let me try this oh what uh how do we do that do I have to hold it maybe it's like kicking me out immediately uh oh there it worked little baby come here so in the in the little Spotlight trailer you're doing like the chicken dance with the baby so I think we're supposed to like do dances to kind of become friends with it cuz right now what I see is I'm pretending to be a baby gigantoraptor and it's not working out very well for me right now unfortunately but um yeah I I guess that's what we have to do this is probably a dud though it's not doing anything it's just standing there just thinking about its dad and and how he went out for meob berries he's he's just never going to come back now I'm sorry little guy there's meob berries everywhere look he could have just grabbed them from here but he went all the way to a different biome all right let me just let me just get out of here escaping the scene of the crime so I'm guessing that that's what we have to do then we we we drop down the egg we distract the parent we sneak into the nest with the baby we impress it this is kind of sounding a little bit weird but yeah so that's that's what we got to do all right let me uh let me see if I can find more of them then so that's kind of like a spot you can usually find the's right where exactly are we again oh did not mean to hit that one uh yeah the's are usually pretty common around this river right here so they might share spawns with the's and maybe that's no I was about to say maybe that's why the's have been everywhere all over the island since the start but these guys were not planned for the island so that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense all right I flew up the coast a little bit but I wanted to cut across to like the green op area and we're actually right beside green op right now mainly because for the most part this has always been a good spot for the's like this big field here this River as well I just want to see if my theory about maybe them being part of the Theo spawns is true is that is that one of them what am I looking at over here uh no okay I thought I saw something there but maybe not it might have just been a tree yeah all right well anyway I just want to maybe come down this River just a little bit and just see if we can spawn any and then we'll check the field as well um yeah I don't know I'm just I'm just assuming that they are probably part of like Theo spawns but it's so early days it's really it would be so hard to tell right now but I mean that spot where I did find that one was usually where you could find theories so I don't really know just going on a little bit of a hunch right now but again it just came out nobody has this information properly anyway so yeah figured I should mention that I always get a bunch of comments after the fact being like oh you were so wrong about everything like I know it just came out man oh dude let's see oh is that yeah that's one right there hello level five okay we could go for you is there baby they that's a mutated baby no way sick okay we'll go for that I mean I'm taming my very first gigant Raptor and it's mutated it couldn't suit me better nice uh so there we go we are um basically just up the river from where I showed you before like that was like basically where that blue drop is sort of um is that another one as well that is look they actually stand out oh is it sitting in the nest it almost looks like it is they stand out pretty well actually H okay cool nice uh so where's the baby is it in the nest I think I see it in there yes okay so the baby is in the nest we got the mom or dad right here let's uh let's just get the RG over here for the moment I'm I don't want you to be like part of this just in case so we'll just leave you there uh are you on you're on passive okay cool let's see oh there's a Barry Wait no that's is that a Barry what was that was that a that might have been an Iguanodon it looks like it has stripes or something I don't know why um okay so the nest is right there let me see about maybe sneaking over is what is that what is what's coming for that uh parasaur anything no guess nothing uh let me just see about trying to kind of like get close enough to nest and then drop down these eggs uh where's the parent is it way over there no way really why are you so far away from your baby that's just creepy survivors can can sneak into the nest dude like you should probably be near your baby at all times let me see uh I don't know should just drop like a bunch of them more chance of actually distracting the parent this way so here we go that's probably the mom or dad or whatever oh oh did it just look at the eggs that was hilarious oh are we going for it what's happening what are we thinking about oh yeah okay hey all right let me see let me hide in the nest now I wonder what will happen let's see let's hide in here what will happen when it runs out of eggs though hello little guy what are we doing uh oh wait what is that spin hey so we have to dance with it okay there we go we got it like a little bit tamed cool okay so now it's going to walk away so we had like a couple options there for a couple different dance moves um I'm curious though how many eggs has it eaten it just ate one completely is the baby coming back it almost looks like it was it's like hugging its uh its dad's leg I'm a baby I'm a baby I'm one of yours no okay so uh I guess first of all get a little dance in with the baby and then just leg it out of there cuz it's not going to want more than one egg unless you've got a bigger egg which would probably help I don't really have big creatures in this series unfortunately RG eggs was like my biggest thing that I could I could find but there we go we have um we have 40% on The Taming and it's obviously only a level five well it's actually a level seven cuz it's mut um but yeah there we go H what happens if you get killed I don't want you to get killed so let me let me go ahead and just just do this and give you a little bit of a hand here no I didn't even pick it up really what the hell give me give me some of these guys what hang on let me get in here oh it's dead I just realized oops am I am I not able to pick things up right now okay no there we go okay let's see so what happens now cuz the the parents dead that sucks wait where did all those eggs go oh there they are okay so the baby still in there I didn't kill its dad maybe it will still count it only ate one egg by the way so bigger eggs probably probably the way to go okay I think we're good I didn't kill your parents so maybe you'll still want to dance with me we're not able to easily get in here can I do it anyway yeah it doesn't want to let me oh there we go uh you're not you're not feeling it anymore now are you cuz your mom or dad's dead it's just sad okay well like I didn't do it I didn't I didn't make that happen my little guy I didn't uh I wasn't part of that you I tried to save your mom or dad great well there we go uh we found our very first mutated um chant Raptor and I I am no longer able to tame it because its parent is dead so the parent needs to stay alive from what I'm understanding here there we go enjoy okay so I've got a lot of questions in terms of like how this all works is the percentage that we get in The Taming is that based on what egg we're giving to its parent or could that have something to do with just like your normal taming rate like that's kind of like the standard that you'll get let's see go ahead there we go all right now now oh wait you just immediately ate that did he I think he did let me just drop down another one just in case let me get in here so are we good now no we are not okay so I think that the egg that it was eating was probably one that the other one was like eating as well a little bit can I not pick this up am I still technically in the nest I'm taking damage over there what is happening right now game hang on let me I think I'm technically still in the nest oh yeah we weird things are happening guys I have no idea dude really like what is this Arc where you like this oh there we go okay so yeah we basically what is it doing what is that uh flap wait oh I didn't sorry I was trying to like look at what it was doing and then I noticed that the timer was gone uh I think flap was D or something right still not super used to this let me get out of there you know I've just noticed as well the uh the color of the nest is the exact same as the the color of this guy is that the same for all of them though I wonder that would be kind of interesting I think it might be cuz the the ones before definitely weren't blue like the nest weren't so I don't know could be a thing there we go so we got tons of eggs all in the same spot we just got to wait for it to go to those eggs and then we can run run in and dance with the baby and do it properly this time so yeah it's got flap it's got Spin and then I don't know what the other one said is it technically eating an egg I guess it is all right I'm going I'm going to hop into the nest then can I just like put on a gigant Raptor costume will that work are you still eating that egg I don't think you are no you are not what the hell dude what there's not even an egg there what are you talking about what were you doing what were you eating all right let me hop up here all right maybe I should just start fresh do we have any more of them around here uh we got a dead T-Rex Jesus dude all right um we're kind of getting down to where we saw that one earlier uh that is a Theo in the distance yes it's definitely a theory I just heard one is that it there oh look at you you're green cool looking level 15 oh man okay yeah so I heard that one before I saw it where's your nest though I don't see a nest uh unless it's really blending in I don't see it maybe this one's bugged out or maybe the nest got destroyed or maybe it's in the mesh I've got no idea like the baby's just wandering around with it so maybe there is no Nest yet I don't really know uh yeah what level's the baby though also level 15 I think it's said right that means that's not mutated not that I'm specifically hoping for a mutated one but it would be just kind of it would have been cool to get that level five it's all good though we're level seven technically all right cool uh going to keep heading up towards Central River here we'll see what we can find um that right there was probably a dud though either that or they've moved really far away from where the nest was I don't know I guess I could try and like watch it for a little bit but yeah it's only like a level 15 out a zero to the end of that and I'd be coming back later to check every single little spot of this Forest but yeah you know it's uh it's just a normal one um all right cool I think uh yeah we're going to check Central River maybe also this River over here maybe I'll check this one first to see what we can find and um and then I'll go loop back around the uh the central River here which is the River North of the uh the Redwoods that kind of area oh there we go we got another green one greenish kind of Turk wise maybe I know that's like yeah yeah it's probably greeny bluish uh feathers wise I think it also matches as well look at that and there actually is a nest here and also that's a 120 I don't know if I want to try and tame that one first though it is you know it's it's a good level but I mean I guess I've kind of figured out the taming mechanics but I don't know if I'll be able to pull them off super easily though that's the issue um all right let me see let me just first of all deal with any Intruders got to just take them all out whenever I can we got bugs here as well we got all sorts of bad stuff uh we got dillow somewhere else there we go we got that one nice okay anybody else here anybody what is that behind me baby dillow they'll just grow up I know they will all right there we go nice um so there you are there's the nest there's the baby the baby's the same color as the parent this time which is nice cuz that's a really nice looking uh gigant nice or should we call them gigar Raptors I don't even know giganto Raptor I don't know I I just prefer calling them giganto I don't know why um all right cool let me uh go ahead and take care of that one um anything else around here there's a Theo across the water but I think we should be okay nice uh more bugs of course there we go let's see let's uh let's drop down the eggs then we'll try and maybe not oh what are you attacking what else is there what did I miss you're level 120 though so you surely should be able to take out whatever comes at you let me um let me drop some eggs over here then we'll just drop all 12 of them or whatever amount I have there we go cool so we have a massive pile of eggs as tribute now let me play with your son it's so weird oh man all right there we go just got to wait for you to go after those eggs watch those animations I think it kind of like it sees the eggs and then it kind of has like these animations where it's almost like like cautiously approaching them like it's enticed by them so much that it will leave its newborn just defenseless you know come on where's the egg pile it's like over there somewhere right I feel like I should probably get aggro to it soon see oh do you think it sees it where exactly did I put them again there they are uh right over here come on yes oh he sees them all right all right let's try and run over to this Nest then okay we'll just try and speedrun this then let me get in I am a baby Gigan Raptor play with me please come on little baby get in here come on yeah that's cool the way that the uh the nests are actually colored after the parent that's nice and it's definitely after the parent cuz I'm pretty sure the baby on the last one wasn't the same color as the parent right pretty certain okay we got to do these dances properly though it's my first try okay here we go okay what's it going to be what is that flapping D there we go okay 8.9 or sorry 88.7% are you going to want to dance again no the parent is out of the uh the feeding friend frenzy so we'll just we'll chill over here wait for it to kind of go back so this is this is essentially it we just need to uh drop down an egg get the parent over and entice to the egg hop into the nest and then at that stage we dance with the baby make it happy uh we basically are essentially pretending that we're also one of its own kind so here we go let's get in uh sometimes it doesn't work though which is annoying there we go okay what are you doing back there you still eating okay cool nice all right so we we should we should be getting like um up to 18% with this right I don't know are we going to be we should be able to do this with the amount of eggs that I have just barely though right I think so H we might have to go back to base to get more I don't really know okay here we go what animation uh so that's a spin let's do that one as well I didn't even get to read what the metal one said say I'm just like so focused on what it's doing there we go so the parent will probably be done eating maybe possibly can we get back in no it is okay it's done let me just run away now so yeah this is this seems to be the way to do it now with a bigger egg you know you could probably stay in the nest a little longer um every single time that I'm feeding it though it's like the parent is already basically done with the food so yeah just bear in mind that if you're bringing in big eggs you'll probably have more time than I do so it looks like it's already gone back over to the pile and that seems to be the way as well just kind of make a pile of eggs and then you'll always know where the parents going to be when it's eating and then Al you know it's going to be far enough away from the nest uh baby come over here please let's have a little let's have a little Dance come on I don't know if we're actually going to get to be able to do this that would be cool though I I mean a 20 is is decent enough and it's beautiful looking all right here we go nice so what is the animation what is that one that's the bow Okay cool so we've got spin bow and then we also have uh what was the other one flap right okay so the parent is again done we've got a quarter of the way there so I think I'm going to continue to do this hopefully we can manage to get it fully tamed up um I'll bring you guys back in case anything different happens but we've seen all three animations now we know what to do we know how we are supposed to be able to get this done so it's just a matter of actually doing it now at this stage so yeah I'll catch you guys in just a little bit also I don't know if having the ghilly armor would help but I can't imagine it hurts you know if anything it's just going to mean that other things are not going to also aggro to me as well which is great uh unfortunately the baby was in the nest we didn't get an animation and it's now walked away so that sucks that time I didn't actually get to play with it so we might not have enough enough eggs I might need to drop back to base H we could we could be being a bit of a pickle here but we'll see oh look at that that dorph got close to the nest and now it's uh now it's getting attacked unfortunately though that's going to mean that all dimorphs are going to be pissed at it now that's going to be bad and if I shoot then I'm going to probably hit that stego it looks like it's going to be able to kill them though D morphs are nasty you don't want to mess with them so yeah that was interesting though cuz they like Flew Over The Nest well one of them did and then now obviously it's pissed at them so you have to be very cautious around this creature it will it will try to come for you if you even pass over it Nest damn okay cool go back to the eggs though please we've got uh was that 34% wo you pting me what's happening okay so I've already done the dance with the baby and the parent is still eating I'm wondering if I can can get another one in no okay that animation that it just did right there that means that it's done with an egg so you want to watch out for that one that means that it's going to be done eating and you should probably move away from the nest yeah I don't see any right there um Okay cool so we're going to have to fly back to base grab some more eggs and then we'll come back here but we have the tame initiated hopefully we won't lose any percentage or anything cuz again 120 would be kind of cool that's also you know a really nice color so it would be great if we could get that one but we'll see uh no we went too far away yeah okay we ruined it okay well that's also good to know this time I'll bring extra extra eggs um a little bit grindy unfortunately but we're learning we are learning as we go you cannot leave the nest area cuz it will forget about you um and you should always have enough eggs with you but also probably high quality eggs like I said a g egg would probably last a lot longer than an rgie egg considering RG egg is only counted as like a large egg whereas a giga egg is like an extra large egg and maybe like uterus eggs would probably be better I think actually you know what I do have uteruses so I could get some eggs out of them that could be an idea um oh by the way bad news um feel really silly about this one you know the Giga that we tamed yeah it's dead it it it died inside of a cow pod my bad uh but it's all good it's fine it does suck but it's fine all right so we have a uterus egg separate from a pile of RG eggs there's the Uranus egg right there the RG eggs are like somewhere over here somewhere um so really really close by just going to test and see if the uterus egg gives me extra percentage on the baby or if maybe it does like extra time I think it's thinking about it okay there we go nice so now we run into the nest uh let me in properly why is that why does that keep happening there we go ah dude let me in yeah that's just not happening okay so utran didn't seem to actually give me any time at all maybe uh no it's pissed at me isn't it oh yeah it is okay crap so what that probably improves is the amount of time that it's preoccupied um it doesn't seem to affect the actual percentage of taming that's probably just server based so depending on what you have your servers at oh wait what is happening over there what is it hitting why am I getting like damage numbers over there why am I seeing damage numbers that's very strange what are you actually eating oh it's a the UT tanus hatched oh my God that's horrifying oh I guess they were like the perfect conditions for the uterus egg to hatch that is that I did not expect that to happen happen Okay so that's also something that you're going to have to worry about if you're playing on servers with like high hatch rate um obviously for me that's a big issue but yeah um interesting very interesting uh go towards the pile of the eggs that I left for you I think he's already at it nice okay cool okay third time's the charm I had to abandon the last time we were doing it because essentially I had all the eggs in one big pile and he seemed to eat through them just as fast as he did before so my thinking is I'm kind of spreading them out now as you can see we've got like some oh oh crap some of them are hatching oh that's not good well we had one there we have another one there we have more over there I have more in my RG here as well um okay we can go and do another dance here yeah so essentially um what we're what we're doing right now is is just kind of redoing it for like the third time so so hopefully I can manage to get it at the end of this but you know there's all these things like I in my opinion I was thinking oh yeah it's fine to just make a massive pile of them that way I know where it's going to go but realistically you know it we're not really going to have uh such good luck there what are we doing spin cool yeah so um don't make a big pile don't do what I did I'm here to teach you what not to do um so yeah uh Anyway by the way trons tried to kill it uh luckily I did manage to kill them all and one of them decided to just stay floating in the air love that by the way I'm also noticing that if you go up to the nas crouched you'll actually enter it without any flaws at all so yeah that's essentially the issue that we had earlier on we weren't crouching we were completely standing up so you want to actually Crouch before you try to enter that way you don't have that like weird issue all right this should be the last one we're just waiting for it to aggro onto an egg come on there's plenty of them right there I think we're good there should be an egg right there yeah I think we're good all right let's approach just got to keep an eye on the the mama all right let's hop in love that and here we go are you going to dance with me hey okay here's the last one all right my first gigant after yes nice okay what do I do now cuz that's mine do I just can I teame the adult now is that a thing let me go ahead and just put you away to just begin with cuz I don't want that thing running over and start starting to kill you um what happens now can I can I do something with the adult can I tame it is there is there a way to do that probably not right I don't really know oh you're pissed oh I stole your baby I'm so sorry oh yeah no he's super pissed uh I mean I guess I can't blame it you know I just I just basically stole its baby so yeah um I'm just going to leave these eggs here definitely worked out a little bit better having them all spread out but I would just if if I was you I would just over stalk on the eggs all right we got the little baby let's Chu you down right here there you are lovely little guy so you were yeah 6% uh matured right now and let's go ahead and just dump in all that food um stats wise it doesn't have anything extra on top of what it already has uh you never know what some of these creatures that are useful for raising up babies which is what this thing actually is when it's fully grown up of course so um yeah we we got to wait for it to grow up um I will definitely be imprinting it though so yeah I'll bring you guys back with the first imprint I should be in about 5 minutes all right first imprint here we go you want to be hand fed uh what is that Magen Berry I think I actually have one uh oh I I do sweet yeah I thought I picked them up earlier by accident nice nice little animation there as well cool all right well uh yeah that's the first down um server settings can you know vary but I got 63% which is cool so we just need to do one more uh cool all right let's uh let's wait for you to be fully grown up then all right the gigant rptor is fully tamed up and that's a pretty cool saddle we've got like the little baskets for babies and eggs as well actually um on the uh on the sides just like a mwing has but um yeah that's pretty cool we've got like a like a little gam or something at the front there what is that like maybe a piece of fabric Let's uh let's just hop off and take a proper look at this thing here we go oh yeah we got some more right there as well actually what is that is it like just a little it's like a little ribbon cool and it's actually got a bit of a gem on it as well nice look at you cool well anyway yeah this thing is is quite big actually sizewise yeah very very tall like it stands really tall uh let's compare it to a Rex actually let me just oh I am starving hang on let me sort that out there we go let me I ate way too much of that why did I eat five pieces that was silly let me just check down my recks here and we'll just kind of do like a little bit of a comparison uh so yeah in terms of size you know like fairly fairly decently sized I mean like we're almost as tall as a Rex if you just you know count the head height you know uh that's um yeah I don't know very very big I actually don't have a theory to test it out on to like compare but um I would imagine it's like roughly the same size so yeah let me quickly ooh no not do that let me quickly just put away some of my guys I do want to head out and just test it out a little bit and uh see what it can do see what we can what we can achieve with it and maybe try to maybe capture some babies with it as well actually that could be a good idea so yeah let me just sort out some stuff here stats wise and everything um remember it is imprinted but yeah the stats they they look pretty decent um it's got decent carry weight obviously this was a 120 um so you know like if you get a lower level it's not going to have half as good stats as these ones but um you know just even for like a 120 tame this is not bad at all I would say I'm trying to think like what could I kind of compare these stats to cuz it's it's skewed a little bit cuz it is imprinted so I don't really know what do you guys think let's test it out though let me run around cuz it actually feels like it it probably be like really fast so oh yeah oh there we go wait did I take fall damage there I actually didn't even get to see yeah fairly fast actually this guy runs really really fast stamina drain not too not too steep I mean like yeah I feel like you could get a good distance on this guy obviously if you're jumping you're going to drain it a lot faster doesn't feel like we're taking any damage with those jumps let me try and actually get like a proper jump off here we'll try and just see if we are actually going to be taking some fall damage with it maybe if I jump off of here I'll probably know right this would be fall damage okay so we did take a little bit not a crazy amount though so yeah definitely a good traveling Mount if you if you like a fast creature that you can jump around with a little bit then obviously this is going to be the right fit for you um I just liked into that tree that was great hang on let's see what can we do in terms of damage then I don't want to fight the dayon okay yeah so not a really a fighter I would say um obviously you know it is it is only level 120 but still I feel like that's probably not going to be super powerful um definitely just a utility tame in terms of you know the fact that it's going to be able to capture wild babies it's going to be able to grab uh eggs I guess and and bring them around or something let me see I want to just test and see if it's got any extra like abilities on this e let me just get over here to the safety of my little compound all right let's see what do you have what can we do pluck feathers what is that use for for can I do that again oh again in 24 hours okay what is that what is that for hang on see it's got like an oxygen thing interesting uh a feather plucked from gigant raptor gives a baby uh a 60% chance at to inherit the higher oxygen stat from its parents oh my God that's huge oh that's that's crazy hang on a second now okay that obviously bad cuz it's oxygen that's going to be really useful for putting together like the perfect teams you know when you're combining stats you're going to be able to use these obviously I got the bad end of the stick right there cuz I got oxygen but I'm going to assume that it can pick any of these stats and it can be a feather for that this is unfortunately an oxygen one but but yeah that's interesting also these things do not spoil as well let's see can I just like feed that to something then can I maybe can I just like feed that to you uh how does that work hang on let me uh maybe it just sits in the inventory I don't even know hang on let me just kill the Scorpion real quick wait do we have a right click oh we oh we do 300 damage is really good actually okay so maybe it is a bit of a fighter what is that uh wild babies uh tracked and tamed okay wait okay so it's it C ability seems to be actually let me go ahead and just do one of these it C ability seems to be um it's going to be able to find wild babies around so that's going to be pretty good let me uh let me test that one out then we'll just like run into like the Wilderness oh look right there we got one right there hang on okay we'll we'll check out the feather thing in just a second here but uh let me go over here and just see what we have um where's the baby it's in the ground oh no it could be right here how do I can I pick it up I don't know how to pick up the baby is there like a way to do it do I just like fight let me try and just fight I don't know if that's going to pick it up though maybe no what about I don't want to beat up the baby but you know I'm trying to figure it out yeah the baby I think just died so that that sucks um there's got to be a way to to like oh you know what I'll probably have to imprint on it first right yeah okay that would make sense so obviously you can't Auto imprint with this guy right here let me go ahead and just do another track see if there's any more wild babies around or is it just whatever this is over here I don't see any more symbols okay cool let's go over here and try and do this then so there's probably no way to like automatically capture them from the back of this guy you got to hop off after you have them tracked and uh and then do it let's see what is that exactly is it okay yeah it's probably this right here right uh what is it is it a compy okay well we going to have to wait till your parents are dead let me go ahead and help with that process it's somewhere here right I think the compies were like here where are they compies are like a bad example cuz I I'm not going to be able to see them okay there we go they're right here let's go ahead and do this boom Oh my God I got a head shot on that one okay let's do another one of these do we have the wild baby still here we do we got more over there as well I think all the compies are dead oh oh I just did it there I didn't even realize I was doing that okay so it will actually just automatically grab them and did it just pick it up as well no okay it's still there let's see can I can I grab you somehow what if I just go like that maybe how do I what if I jump no X is there a way to pick up the baby there's got to be a way to do this right surely H okay let's see maybe oh no no no no stop maybe if I okay ADD baby cool there we go now we got a little baby compy in there hang on let me see uh wait it's in where oh there it is it's so small dude okay so what does that say bonding okay so oh okay that's interesting so you can see right there that symbol is in like a really bad spot by the way it's like covering my number one so obviously that's a bit of a bug right now but it says that we're that it's bonding so if it stays in the basket for 5 minutes it's going to bond which means that it's going to get an extra 35 levels that's kind of huge actually does that only work with with with like wild babies though I'm curious I'm very curious if we can if we can hatch an egg and then get extra levels in on top that would be insane surely we wouldn't be able to do that though right there's no way I have no idea um okay we got to figure out how these feathers work as well let me get all the way back over here actually you know what let me just see do we have any more babies we did have some more in the distance right I don't know where they are there we go we got something over here oh we got a we got like a little symbol there let's see let me get over here and see what we got to do is that the parent maybe it's telling me where the parent is that I need to kill potentially what is that oh it's a monkey okay oh we just got an imprint there oh oh my God I'm so hang on there's so much happening I'm trying to understand everything about this creature what is that now in the middle we've increased our bond let's see so is it like telling me what to go kill do we have anything else targeted no we got so many babies around though wow never realized how many there actually was so we've already bonded then right did the compy get any extra levels I don't think so I think it was already a level 95 right let's see uh okay so yeah we have pride because we are a proud parent okay cool let's see let me let me get over there this is interesting like there's so much to it though I'm I'm just trying to like understand it from my first time like actually getting to test it out let's see ooh it's going to be a little bit of fall damage okay we're okay we're okay yeah we have some sort of like Health buff right now not exactly sure how that works see how do I how do I teame you oh there we go cool nice okay let's add you as well me see uh fiomia and what is this then manage bonded creatures okay oh so you can only probably have a couple creatures bonded to it at the same time then right yeah okay interesting so you get a feather every 24 hours you can have two babies inside of it and then you can bond with a certain amount of creatures that we don't know right now cool okay okay so the fiomia there I can see the fiomia is on the um on the right hand side there as well resting now bonding okay so why was it resting a second ago so it wants me to go kill whatever this is over here Carib bird of course go ahead and kill you real quick and then that's going to bomb the theia toi now it probably varies depending on what you're killing okay we're actually kind of getting schooled there a little bit here we go did I okay I've bonded one time I need I need to bond two more times then so we got to wait for it to um to show me something else to bond to so now currently it is resting so essentially what you've got is you got like a little mini game um fomi is like a bigger creature than compy so maybe that's why it's going to take more so if we could find like a baby Rex then we could properly test this out and see how this fully works but for the moment we got to wait for the for the resting to go away and then there we go we're back to bonding it wants me to go kill what is that scorpion cool let's go ahead and do it then go ahead and ruin this guy and there we go and now we're resting again can we pull out weapons in the back we cannot okay interesting good to know good to know um so yeah there we go we got like a little mini game and then that's going to increase my bond to these creatures um okay cool yeah I mean it's very interesting you know it's going to take me a little while to fully understand everything about it uh right now we do have that buff curious uh it's going to want me to to hunt down something again pretty soon I would say right so from the dossier uh the the whole kind of like bonding thing is is kind of like the creatures will become more powerful when they fight with this creature so essentially what this guy is doing is he's imprinting on top of those creatures um let's see oh you need food I guarantee you'll probably be able to eat oh wait no that's not food that's an imprint you should be able to eat from this guy though right can I like imprint you while you're in the basket what do you need uh want to go on a walk okay technically already on a walk but fine uh we're still waiting on the theia to be ready don't know when that's going to happen um yeah we got to wait a little while for that one okay well uh yeah I I I think I just need like proper testing I need to see if it can be done with with tamed creatures as well we're back to bonding what do you want me to do show me the way oh imprint refresh oh yeah yeah yeah so that's something that uh that the roar will also do so it should change what it's needing right what what does it need now I can't even see it uh can I like I can't can't see any other way right yeah I can't stand on the back of this creature so not super ideal I don't know what it's going to want so the imprint refresh probably changes what it's asking for I would imagine it's the golden right now I'm there's so much to take in I'm just really trying to understand this here um what does the fomo want me to do what do you want me to do little guy you want me to go and and kill something you need to you need to show me what I don't know I don't know what's happening right now uh does it have food I mean I'm going to assume it's going to be able to eat out of the inventory here so yeah not really sure let's go ahead and just maybe kill a doic I guess I don't know it's not showing me what to kill so I guess I'll just kill something see if that helps at all didn't really seem like it okay what does the fiomia want then doesn't say anything what about the compy what do you want here we go let me just do it like this that way I'll actually be able to reach this so now it wants uh it want want simple kibble so if I do that again is that going to switch that again it didn't seem to interesting okay maybe it can only be done once I know that they made a change to cry paw uh like very recently I do believe where they essentially remove the ability to refresh the imprint um you know criteria so like maybe it might say that you need a certain amount a certain kibble or whatever to imprint the creature you could always put it away into a crow pod and then pull it back out and then it would be something different maybe the reason why they did the uh the change to like patch that I suppose cuz it's technically a bug right maybe that the reason why they did that was cuz they had this guy coming so that could potentially be it what does the fiomia want me to go after right now I actually don't even know how do I find out do you have something in mind little guy cuz like you're going to decrease your bond with me I'm going to assume right see let me go ahead and just runin all these guys if we can we're kind of getting a little bit rued ourselves but it's all good um yeah just trying to trying to understand this guy the fom doesn't seem to want anything hang on let me try and get some head shot in with my stomp which is actually pretty good um definitely going to need to be teaming a bunch more of these guys going forward I need to get myself a high level at some stage uh ooh I want that hello little let me ditch the fiomia let me just kick the fiomia out there we go get out of my little pouch thing all right let let's put the Carno in then instead boom little baby Carno love it all right so the carno's resting nice so I think what we'll do today is uh that's going to be the end of this one we'll we'll try and kind of understand this a little bit more and I'll come back to you with some more information uh I love how I can like see them that's so silly oh my God yeah um I'll come back back to you guys with some more information if you guys uh noticed some things that I didn't please let me know um we've got a lot to take in here obviously we've got the feathers we got to figure out how those work um you know does it just sit in the parents inventory is that how it works and then we have the baby no idea we'll have to figure all that out but um new creature did we did we seriously kill a qule at my base with the turrets dude that's insane new creature's pretty cool though what do you guys think about it there we go I know what I need to go kill um yeah let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Syntac
Views: 527,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark new, ark update, ark funny moments, ark asa, ark ascended gameplay, ark news, syntac asa, ark ascended, ark survival, ark big news, ark gigantoraptor, ark gigantoraptor taming, ark gigantoraptor nest, how to tame a gigantoraptor, ark gigantoraptor tutorial, ark giga raptor, ark how to get a gigantoraptor, ark gigantoraptor baby
Id: qJzuLx3T-Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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