Nightingale - The Ultimate Beginner Guide

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night Andale is a massive open world survival game that you can play solo or with up to six friends built by a team including former bware devs in this video I'm going to tell you absolutely everything you need to know to play and enjoy night Andale if this is the first time you're hearing about night Andale stick around to see gameplay and find out what it's about you can support my channel by using the link in the description to get the game right now night Andale enters Early Access on February 20th for Steam and epic and it's only $30 massive shout out to inflection games for sponsoring this video all right so the first thing that you're going to have to do is create your profile call them profiles you can have multiple profiles or multiple characters in this game and you can play with friends so you can have one profile that you play by yourself you can create another profile and you can play that profile with friends or vice versa so we're going to go ahead and make one the character creation has a ton of options we're going to go ahead and Skip through all of them here and let you make those choices on your own it's mostly cosmetic flavor options a cut scene is going to play but we're going to go ahead and Skip all cutscenes and story dialogue we're not going to spoil anything for you guys and you're going to spawn into the world you've got Puck Whispering into your ear he's going to be kind of like your little guide on this adventure leading you to the next destination and the next thing that you need to take care of you can hear that there's a lot of turmoil around you and stuff and this kind of sets the stage for you leaving this place and kind of going through this portal ahead and entering this first realm we finally meet pug he's going to go ahead and give us some cards and this is what we've got here the realm card machine you can see here we've got a forest card and a byway card so a biome card and a major card this is going to be a big part of the game and there's a few different biome cards you can get such as desert forest swamp right so we're going to put that in and then your major card is going to tell you more details about that biome and you're going to be able to collect lots of different major cards and you'll be able to craft different major cards and you'll be able to craft different biome cards so that you can specifically choose what kind of a realm you want to go and explore next so put that there open the portal and this is going to start preparing a portal look out for these things release help EOS these are going to be hidden throughout the game there's little bits of lore little bits of flavor and generally something that you're going to want to grab now these mobs are going to come running after us we're going to run into the next realm now as I mentioned you're going to be able to play with your friends in this game but you won't be able to play with your friends until after you've completed the tutorial so you'll have to complete the tutorial and they'll have to complete the tutorial and then they'll be able to join your realm or you'll be able to join their realm and the cool thing about this game being an always online game is even when you're not online they'll still be able to play in your realm and vice versa so they don't have to rely on you being up and present and playing for them to be playing in your world we're going to go ahead and speak with Puck and he's basically going to give us objectives here to do teaching us the basics of how you craft and everything in this game the first one is to collect some berries because you do have to eat in this game so berries are automatically going to fall into the left side if we look at the UI here we can go over some of the basics that are going to be really important to know while you're playing this game okay so it's worth noting that I just got word from the devs that they've completely overhauled the UI so the information I'm giving you is good information about how the game's mechanics work but the UI is going to look different on your end when you're playing so don't panic if it looks different the information is the same the presentation is perhaps just a little bit different on the new UI okay now let's continue so I'm going to open up my inventory just so that I can move my cursor around you can see what I'm pointing at here so on the left side here this is going to be kind of your secondary items like your food your PO potions your umbrella these types of non-combat non- harvesting things are going to go over here in these spots they're automatically going to go there or you'll be able to drag them out of your inventory and into your offhand slots the right side these are your main Hand slots so this is where your pickaxe is going to go this is where your weapon is going to go your sling bow right whatever you choose to put here whether it's a rifle or some kind of tool for harvesting it's going to end up in slots 1 through five then in the middle here we've got a lot of important information this is our health right here that 50 and then on the right side it's says 35 that's our stamina so we've got full stamina and full health right now and then there's a gauge going around the health this is your hunger gauge this red gauge here so if I eat this Berry right here I'm going to go ahead and consume it that gauge went up a little bit and it also gave us a food buff so these three circles to the left of your hunger gauge are your food Buffs you can have three different food Buffs up at a time so it's nice to try to vary the different foods that you eat so you can kind of alternate between a few different types of food and that way you always have a few different Buffs going as you can see for raw blueberries we're going to be getting maximum stamina and hunger mitigation for 300 seconds so if you cook things or if you grab meat and you cook that you're going to get better Buffs right the more work you put into a meal generally the better the Buffs are going to be consuming it then there's this gauge over here on the right side this is going to be your rest gauge so you will have a sleeping bag in this game or a bed roll or whatever you want to call it eventually you'll be able to craft an actual bed and you're going to rest in it and that's going to fill this gauge up you can do a quick rest anytime you want just by interacting with it no time really passes in their day but this gauge just fills up when you interact with it and your character lets out this nice yawn and the sigh of relief if it goes to nighttime you can actually sleep in the bed in pass time until the next morning I've got this hungry warning coming up on screen now telling me hey you're hungry you need to eat so one of the things we're probably going to want to do here is acquire more blueberries because I'm standing here talking while my Hunger gauge is going down and in the top right you can see the journal entri is there those are my quests that I'm setting out to complete anytime there's something up there it's definitely something that you should eventually try to do either now or after you complete the other thing that's up there that you're trying to do right those are very much priority items for you to take care of right now it says acquire rocks acquire sticks and acquire raw berries so we're going to do that these are things that you can find just on the floor fortunately since we don't have any tools yet so berries are going to look like this when you grab a plant that's just going to give you fiber and on the bottom left side of the screen you'll see a running log of the things I'm picking up here let me pick something else so it lights up so it says plus two plant fiber and then crude and then three so what that means is I just picked up two plant fibers and there's lots of different plant fibers the better the plant fiber the higher the quality of the item that you create so crude is the lowest right that means if I craft an item using the crude plant fiber it's going to give me the lowest gear score possible which early on is perfectly fine it's not until later that you're going to look for better versions of plant fiber like hemp so that you can create higher gear score items and then the number to the right there it says this one here two sticks crude five the five at the end is how many I am carrying total so that way you always know how many you have in your inventory so you know kind of where you stand if you're trying to grab a certain amount to complete an objective or to craft your next item for your house whatever it is that's kind of how you read it it tells you how many you picked up and how many you have total very handy down there the other thing that is on the screen right now you've got a compass up there at the top South East North West right it's going to tell you your general directions and if you have a home or a Caren as this game calls it it's going to help you know which direction that's in we'll get to that in a moment and that basically sums up everything you need to know about what's on screen right now so we'll keep going grab some more of these berries okay we're done with berries now we just need some rocks and in this game you can pick up rocks by finding Rock piles on the floor like these ones right here hey we got them and now it says build a campfire easy enough so we'll go ahead and do that this is just a tutorial so we're not going to put too much thought into where we're putting this stuff we're just going to get it done and like it says you use your campfire to cook refine or craft items we'll be doing all of those things in this guide to make sure you understand all of them now it says acquire roasted berries so we get to cook our first item so in order to cook all you have to do is come here you can click and choose the item that you want to put in there right this is especially useful when you have multiple items of different qualities so sometimes there will be a recipe over here on the left and you'll click here and you'll have multiple options that will fulfill it some are like I was talking about the fiber earlier it says crew and then something else will be a higher quality and you can choose the higher quality one when you want the higher quality results or you can choose the lower quality one when you don't care about the quality of the result right now all we've got is berries so we're going to go ahead and do that it says manage fuel so you do have to give your fire fuel so we'll go ahead and we'll put some of this in here we'll ignite it it says we've got 3 minutes of fuel which is more than enough for what we're trying to do here and we're going to craft there we go and now it says eat the roasted berries as you can see down there the roasted berries automatically got slotted into our offhand so we're going to go ahead and eat those done now it says return to pug who well he came to us perfect and he's saying okay great good job you're done with this place now go to the next area so we come here and we use realm cards once again this time we're going to use a desert card so you can see what a desert biome looks like we're going to use another byway card which is basically saying it's going to be a small transient realm basically it's one it's small little realm you're going to go into and pass through which is worth noting this realm that I'm in right now is very very small later on we'll find much much bigger Realms but these are transient Realms all right so we're in a desert realm there's a hot meter going up right now this is a good time to talk about this meter it's going to appear on your screen a lot in this game whether you're getting wet whether you're getting hot right there will be a meter filling like that and depending on what the meter is you can do something to negate it so in this case I just had to get in the shade and out of the sun to stop that hot meter from filling up if it was raining I could pull out my umbrella to stop the wet meter from going up when it fills all the way up you'll get some kind of a debuff for a time so now he's taught me how to build a stick tent so we're going to go ahead and do that we'll go ahead and right here survival we need plant fiber so we're going to go ahead and oh yeah I just used all my plant fiber at the last place and I forgot to take the plant fiber out of the cooking thing all of it is still there so let's go up ahead and grab some more plant fiber and along the water here we'll be able to find plenty of fiber go ahead and grab a little bit extra here because I know we're going to need it for a few things and it says build a stick tent sure place there we go go put it down and now it says build the bed roll that I was telling you guys about earlier so there it is bed roll put this in here easy as pie so the way that building in this game works is you click on the item that you want to build and then you click place and you can lay out like your whole base right you can put you know this item here this item here and you hold down the interact button you can move it you can copy it if you want to make another one you can deconstruct it if you decide you don't want it there anymore and there's some other really useful information that you can see here one of the most important pie pieces of information in this menu right here is going to be under the notes section and it's this line right here I have built this before so while you're playing you're going to constantly be unlocking new things to build and it won't be until you build those things that you'll unlock the next tier of items you can make the next tier of things that you can craft right so you'll have lines and lines of things that you've made and you'll be like man I don't remember if I made that or not yet well this is how you check right here notes notes and then look at this line I have built this before or if you haven't built it before it'll say I have not built this before a little suggestion from me to the devs would be to put like a little check on the top of the card if it's been made or something that just makes it easier to see at a glance so you don't have to switch over to info mode to see if you've made something or not before it would be really nice if it was just here on the cards because later on we have so many of the cards and you have to flip through a lot of them and go through the notes and the info it could just be a little bit easier to track that all right and now it says makeshift mining pick I just got some new discoveries because I've crafted these things right and in the top right it's telling me to craft a makeshift wood axe a makeshift mining pick makeshift hunting knife right basically all our basic Gathering tools that we're going to need for the rest of this game so we're going to do that we're going to come here into the crafting menu instead of the building menu and crude items this is your most rudimentary forms of all these items like any Survival game if you've played it before you're very familiar with this process so we're going to make all of these things so craft a makeshift we'll go left right here we're going to make them all because we're going to need them all what do we need we need more rocks it looks like that's the thing we're short on so let's go ahead and gather some rocks over here so as you're going through the tutorial make sure to grab lots of rocks sticks and fiber if you see a pile of those on the ground early on it's going to be worth it to grab it so that you don't have to Circle back like I'm doing right now to get these things for you okay so let's craft the rest of these here and there we go we've crafted our first set of harvesting tools now these are the most basic ones there's some really important information that we can see right off the bat the six in the top left is the gear score of that item so the higher that number is the better gear score six is pretty much I think this is the lowest you'll ever see in this game and that makes sense because this is your crude items eventually you're going to be crafting items that start out at level 20 base and then 40 base and so on now already you can see that we're collecting a lot of various things some of these were going to need a lot of and some were not especially early on like this flower I don't need a lot of this right now I'm not too concerned about it so what I can do when I have materials that I don't need I can extract it to get essence dust see when I hover over it it says result would be 48 Essence dust so we click that you can do all of it some of it or none of it we're going to do all of it for now and that's giv me a bunch of essence essence is one of this game's currencies we can click here on the essence Tab and we can see here Essence there's multiple different tiers of essence of different colors so there's going to be this gray common Essence and there's going to be a green then a blue then a purple Essence right it has different tiers and each tier allows you to interact with and do better things with it the primary purpose for common Essence is going to be repairing your gear so your gear is eventually going to take damage while you take damage and while you use it like your pickaxe you use it enough eventually you're going to have to repair it and that's going to consume some Essence every time you do that so that's going to be one of the big things you use Essence for you're also going to use Essence to purchase recipes so that you can craft better items right these recipes and these schematics are going to be really important and you're going to use Essence to buy your first batch of them and then and the next TI of schematics is going to cost the green Essence instead of the gray Essence right it's going to cost the better stuff right so as you progress you'll find better and better Essence and that's going to unlock better and better items for you all right now it says return to Puck so let's go over here to this I have a feeling he is going to want to meet us here here's another Echo when you get these Echo there's a nice little bit of lore you can read this if you'd like to here's Puck and he's saying hey it's time to head to the next play so we're going to use there's the wet meter by the way uh see this I stand in the water the wet meter is going up and down here it says wet your rate of stamina regeneration is reduced right so we don't want that stamina regeneration being reduced is well it's like any game it's fairly annoying when that's the case it means you can't Harvest your resources like using your axe or your mining pick right it'll consume it as you can see every swing consumes some of my stamina down there in the bottom and so we've got to be wary of that now we're going to go to a swamp and it's going to be a by way major card is going to be by way again which means it's going to be just a small transient realm again that's because these are just tutorial sections I believe this will be the last tutorial section another thing worth noting is sometimes you'll use this machine here you'll put your cards in and the portal won't come up immediately and my biggest piece of advice is be patient it will eventually pop up you're just going to see the glowing outline of it and basically that's because for the bigger Realms the game has to actually make those Realms it's fabricating it right these are procedurally generated and so the game has to make it spin it up and then the server has to load it and then you can walk through the portal so sometimes you'll use the machine and then you'll look at the portal and it you'll walk through it and nothing will happen that's cuz you got to wait for it to look like this you you know the middle will turn into this gray portal like thing we'll talk more about that later when we do it again all right now we're in everybody's favorite biome the swamp biome actually this one's not too bad compared to a lot of game swamp biomes it says return to pck so he's going to pop up here any second there he is and he's going to give us our next task acquire bones and acquire hide well that means kill something right we need to go kill something in order to get bones and in order to get hide we're going to have to kill animals it says in this case tier one Predators so we're just going to basically find low-level Predators which is probably all that exists in this realm as far as Predators I don't think there's going to be tier two one ends in here and this guy now this game does have head shot so if you hit him in the head you'll see a yellow number and that's telling you that you're doing extra damage so head shots are real they do work now after you kill something you're going to pull out your skinny knife and this is how you get the materials from the animals that you kill so there we go we got our tier one bone and our tier one hide there we're going to have to find a couple more it looks like see if we can get a head shot there you'll also hear a very satisfying Tink uh you can block by right clicking just know that if you're out of stamina blocking is not nearly as effective oh there was a head shot we saw the yellow number the range with a pickaxe is way shorter than it looks like it's going to be so it's real easy to miss with it and at this low stage in the game game we don't have a lot of stamina when you're holding your block your stamina is not regenerating so you don't want to overh hold that okay and this should be the materials that we need uh it's worth noting after you kill a bunch of things or after you harvest a bunch of resources you can kind of step back and you can see if you've got it all so if we grab most of this right and we step back you can see the glowing beam that just lets you know there's loot there now it's telling me to craft a makeshift caplet sure we're going to go ahead and do that so this is our crude stuff again we're going to craft this and and it's in our inventory so here we can right click it and we can click equip and now we have gear score 10 on this item as opposed to six that we're moving up in the world gear score is going to be important in this game because it's going to determine what you will and will not have access to there's going to be dungeons this game's dungeon equivalent has gear score level requirements so it'll say you need to be gear score 20 in order to enter this or 50 right and so your gear score is something that's going to be really important for you to keep up with now my health is deteriorating right now because my character is hungry so I'm going to just throw down a quick campfire and we're going to cook ourself a little meal we're going to make some roasted meat autofill ignite and uh let's go ahead and just craft all of them really quick here and here on the left you can see it cooking so each time this bar fills one of them has been made there it goes again it's filling up again on the right here it tells you 10 seconds to cook the item and there's things that you can do to reduce that time basically when you build your base and we'll get way more into Base building in a moment here but when you build your base there's strategy that you can employ to augment other crafting stations like if they're close to something in particular then that crafting station works better so now we've crafted their food we're going to go ahead and eat that so that our character stops dying as you can see there while we were starving our health stopped regenerating go ahead and put that food in our belly and this time I'm not going to forget to take my materials back grab that and we'll get more food off of this guy cuz I just cooked all my meat so there's a couple things you can do with the Predator meat you you can cook it so you can eat it and you can also turn it into crafting material later next thing it wants me to do is acquire a healing cell and acquire roasted meat now it wants me to make more okay so we'll make one more roasted meat cuz that's what it wants and then it wants three healing cells so do that raft now it says repair an item which is what we kind of briefly touched on earlier so you can see the durability of the item below it so this gray bar you can see how it's not quite filled in at the end there this is completely full this one's been used a bit my skinny knife so what we do is we right click and repair easy also down here you can just choose to repair all if you want although you are going to want to prioritize certain items sometimes so the repair all option will be something that you once you have way more Essence than you need you can consider using this but it's almost never worth using this early on Puck's here to tell us what to do next and he's saying where do you want to go now now this is the end of the tutorial he's saying where do you want to go what biome did you like where do you want to spend more time I'm a sucker for the forest biome so let's go ahead and and do that he gave us a card so that we can go to a foros biome now let's talk about the map because you're going to be using this early and often here is the map these red lines those are just roads that are in the game the blue is the water and then everything else is the land and then if there was water around the perimeter well we show you more of a detailed map later but the important thing to know here is the portal is on the map so what you can do is you can rightclick and you can put your own marker this top row of beacons the important thing about these is you can see these even when you're not in your map right so if I put that there there it is see that that's the beacon so now I can just I can do stuff and I can keep making my way towards that Beacon there the other good thing about beacons is not only can you see it but everybody else in your game can see it as well whereas the other markers if we use the other type of marker the lower one right I put that on the map it shows up on the map but if I look in that direction it's not on my screen but it is showing up on the compass on top right so one of the main distinctions between beacons and map stamps so we're going to run towards this Beacon over here this is where the portal is and like I said it's never a bad idea to just grab things as you run remember be careful about running in water you want to try to avoid the water as best you can because you do get wet and if you get wet status then your stamina regen gets annihilated now we're going to put the cards in now we have a forest card and this time for the major card it's an abeyance card play this card to seek a realm of minimal danger suitable for the construction of an estate okay so we're going to do that this guy while our portal forms which is fine cuz it takes a second for it to form anyway and uh you know he's going to give us dinner too so that's great all right sometimes while the portal is forming the game gives you something to do by spawning mobs fore to kill but kill these guys again head shots are always good release this hope Echo a little bit of lore there we go and see the portal has not quite formed so you'll walk through it and nothing will happen just got to give it a little bit more time and while it's forming the game is giving us another wave of mobs to fend off I think this is you know their way of giving you something to do while that happens so it's a chance for you to get a little more Essence a little more materials maybe get a piece of lore oh there it is it's up and that is the end of the tutorial so this is the point at which you would be able to play with your friends they would be able to join your realm if they've done all of that and you've done all of that now we have spawned in this nice forest biome here we've chosen the forest biome and it's going to have us well let's say it's first it's going to have us talk to Puck so let's see if we can get Puck to appear my piece of advice here is to run generally towards the middle of the map so I'm going to put a beacon there so that I know where that is okay we're going to start heading that way and I'll explain why in a moment here this realm is going to be your home realm you're going to be given access to alternate Realms and in those alternate Realms you can build bases if you want to but I'm going to give you a word of caution I don't think you really should invest much in those other Realms because this is the one you always return back to so you'll go from this realm and you'll go to another realm and let's call it a sub realm right where you go and you explore the subr and it's going to give you access to more crafting recipes more enemy types and more ingredients right but the problem is it's not your home realm So eventually you're going to be done with that place and you're going to come back to this one and you'll more or less abandon everything that you've crafted in that realm our first friend in this realm give me I turn to Puck is that puck over there damn it did I run from Puck Puck this dude can teleport wherever he wants and he's making me run to him I tell you the nerve man all right so basically buug tells us hey this is your home this is you know you can you can lay down some Roots here you can take the time to build yourself a proper house a proper base of operations because this is going to be your Hub going forward so when you see landmarks like this you'll see weird structures all over the place don't be afraid to kind of browse them and look here's something we can collect here's an Ingot you're going to need tons of those so if you ever see an Ingot grab it but whenever you see an odd structure it's worth walking by it and seeing what items you can pick up there's loot there like here's a little statue so there's probably something right oh there it is little offering to the Statue we just got a roasted meat hey there's a meal we don't have to cook ourselves so the game is littered with little mini destinations little points of interest like that that you can run by here's some wolves by the way wolves are always going to appear in packs of three so if you see one wolf there's two more nearby again try to go for those head shots when you see those little orbs like that one that had just appeared there that's a little orbs of essence so if you find Essence on the ground that's what it looks like as opposed to deconstructing items in your inventory um you'll see a little orb and you just pick that up and that's some essence essence can appear out of just about anything so if you gather a plant sometimes an Essence will appear if you to kill an enemy sometimes an Essence will appear and sometimes you'll find yourself encumbered like I am right now this is a good time to head into your inventory and ask yourself what do I need here what can I get rid of to free up some weight you can sort your inventory by all kinds of things up in the top left here including by weight so if we wait until there's the weight symbol right here see this little weight with the 13 inside of it that means you're sorting by weight so you can easily see okay what is weighing me down really bad here in this case we know we can get rid of our old outfit that's never going to be good for anything well until we get a companion and then we'll hand our hand me downs to our companions so that every time we get an upgrade they get an upgrade we can consume some meat that'll free up a little weight it looks like it's a lot to do with these rocks here so let's extract half the Rocks there we go and again whenever you're running somewhere like right now we're running towards the middle of the map which will explain why in a minute but whenever you're running somewhere grab fiber right you will never have too much fiber well you might but then you can turn it into essence but you're going to need a lot of fiber in this game for a long time okay so this is a nice spot right here in more or less the middle of the map this is a good place to be our Hub of operations apparently these wolves thought it was a good place for them as well okay okay so the first thing you're going to want to build is your estate estate car here right so we click this we place this and this is why we came to the middle of the map right there we go this is our respite this is our home and anytime we want we can teleport back to this that's why it's nice for it to have a nice central location so anytime we're going to wander out to the fringes we'll go over here we'll head up here right and then we can open the map and we can click travel to respite this button right here and it'll bring us back to our base so it's our one means of fast travel in this game so we'll wander out and then click travel to respite and it'll bring us back we can drop off all our goods and then we can wander out and again write rinse and repeat you can interact with this you can name it all right lucky B I'm so clever now the next thing we can do is build our estate so what you want to do is you want to build yourself a foundation and then you want to build walls and a roof and the reason for this is because your crafting stations are going to perform better if they're inside of a structure as opposed to on the dirt right you want them to be on a foundation they just perform better that way so we talk to Puck and he's saying hey there's a side of power you have to head there right here antiquarian side of power and your gear score requirement for that place is 20 so we have to get this gear over here on the right side up to a gear score of 20 so each piece of gear here it should be about 20 or so and that's going to get this number here at the top our equipment rating up to 20 it'll say 20 now it is worth noting that this has a bit of a lag to it so you'll put on your new gear let's say you go and you craft a bunch of 20 gear score gear and it'll show gear score 11 I've noticed that during the Early Access or at least the version of the game I'm playing on it takes sometimes a minute or two for this gear score to update and then once it does the game will register oh your gear score's 20 you finished that now you can go into this side of power right but sometimes it takes a minute to update so if you put on new gear and this gear score doesn't change that's why don't panic just give it a minute all right so let's do that let's go ahead and build our first base one of the things it's worth noting is when you use your sickle to grab plants and sticks like this right here it gives you more so I Ed that I got two sticks instead of one stick you can see down on the bottom left so literally you're getting double the resources by using the sickle rather than just grabbing so here's some Fiber we'll use that and we got two plant fiber two sticks two plant fiber right so use your sickle after you get it to gather resources rather than grabbing them by hand you get much more that way now an important thing to know about trees is when they tip over they can hurt you I've never had one kill me but it has hurt me a bit and it has also hurt my companion what it will do though is annihilate your buildings if a tree tips over into a building it just destroys it instantly one shot so you don't want to put your buildings near trees so make sure not to build too close to a tree such that if it tipped over it would hit your building kind of close so the first thing we're going to do is clear the trees near our building now once we clear these they will not come back so as you're playing through the game you're going to exhaust the resources right next to your base so you can see I've planned out my general base Foundation now I can just interact with it and it'll start to build it so I just got to come back every time I gather some more resources and interact with it now I'm lucky that I hadn't built that yet because it would have just destroyed what I built cuz it fell over right on it which is why we don't build right next to these things there now we've got the walls laid out so we can get those put up and in said we needed 27 of this Lumber now we're coming back with about half of it there we go okay so now we need 13 more the bottom left there we can see how many we have we're at eight need five more and the walls are done all right right now it is hailing on us so it's become quite prudent that we get a roof over our heads so we'll go crude flat roof so when you die you're going to to respawn you will respawn at your K and there's our Ken right there which is right next to our base and it's going to leave a chest where your corpse was and this is where all of your items are going to go right so everything that you're not wearing will be in the chest now I'm finding myself to be over encumbered quite often so one of the first things that we're going to do now that we have a roof over our heads is create some storage let's go ahead and do that we're going to put a little bit of storage here there right there okay so now we can put some stuff in here that we don't need immediate access to we can also build some structures that we know we're going to need we know that we're going to need one of everything essentially every structure that we can have we are going to need it at some point so remember building these things is what unlocks other things so we're going to build them all here yep and I like to just get them all down and that way I don't forget something so now we can talk a little bit about bench location so by putting these benches on the foundation and let's see if we inspect the bench you can see it's sheltered refinement time is decreased by 10 seconds minimum refinement time is now 1 second increased growth rate by 25% up to a maximum of 75% so by having it sheltered it's getting some Buffs right and also now with the fire going look as we don't have a line here it has well lit refinement time is decreased by 10 seconds minimum refinement time is 1 second so you can keep doing things in your base putting things next to each each other that have augmentations so the campfire if we click on it right there and then over here on the right augmentation slots these are the number of things that can augment it and then valid augmentations things that it can do and then traits that are emitted so we've got warmth and well lit so that well lit is being given to this whenever the fire is going now you'll be able to get lights and other things that are more more permanent sources of the welllet bonus but this is just an example of how these things in your base are worth kind of grouping together so that they are buffing each other what do we need we need it's always the wood we just had to repair our axe there because it was broken no problem in the bottom it says minus five Essence dust so it costs five of the essence dust to repair we can get tons of essence dust the easiest way by far to get essence dust is actually from fiber because it's got like the best ratio of essence dust to you know whatever so if you just grab a ton of fiber with your Scythe or your sickle you'll be able to convert that into Essence dust like really really fast because you it's like a one to one ratio so for each fiber you pick up you'll get an Essence dust all right now we've got a couple of things that are worth looking at here you see this right here it says we're tired our eyelids droop you won't be able to push much longer without rest so our character will actually start dying if we don't get some rest so let's go ahead and put a bed roll inside of our base this is another thing that does benefit you can see the line so when you're placing an item you can see if it interacts with another object in the base so if we go too far away the line's gone right so it's now too far to get that bonus that it would get if we put it over here we'll go ahead and we're just going to set this bed roll right here for now and looks like our character needs to eat and he needs to rest so let's go ahead if I hold e down you can see I can choose short rest I can inspect I can long rest well you can only long rest at night so we can't do that but if we just press e on it boom now that meter fills up in the bottom now it's full it's blue and now we can eat fix that problem there and because we ate our Max stamina went up because if we hover over this this is Max health max stamina both went up by eating this particular food the roasted meat so remember each type of meat comes with its own buff some are better than others when you get Buffs that are going to increase your stamina regen those feel amazing especially when you're out Gathering resources all right so now the game is telling us to do a very important task and that is head to the essence Trader and purchase your sewing bench schematic so here's the essence Trader you'll often times find an Essence Trader in Realms that you visit so they're always really important to take note of and you're always going to want to go visit them and then buy the recipes and the schematics that they are selling for you this is going to be one of the primary ways that you unlock the next tier of crafting equipment so that you can craft better gear better weapons and so on you'll see a marker like this where it's yellow and that's generally an NPC that you can go and you can talk to and you can do a quest for in this particular case this is how you're going to get your first companion and then this here realic transmitter so you'll eventually be able to build one of these in your base so you don't have to run here to activate it but until then you can run R to this one on this map you can put in a card that will augment this entire realm buffing you or debuffing you depending on what card you put in there some cards are going to make it so that you can jump way higher which is going to make traversing the place a lot easier but there's usually a give and a take a kiss and a curse that come with each of those cards so for instance the one that lets you jump really high and really far also reduces your damage just something to be aware of when using that thing it's usually not all good but it's also not all bad so now we're going to make our way to the essence Trader here and for that Quest I'm going to put a marker on the map so that I can easily make my way there where is that marker oh there it is right there so we're just going to head that way so that we can make our simple sewing bench simple sewing bench is what's going to allow us to craft our first tier of armor and on our way there we're going to be grabbing fiber and extracting it to create Essence so we had 72 fiber now we have 72 additional Essence and again you can see down here at the bottom how much essence you have you can't have too much you will go through it from repairing from buying schematics you know so never feel bad about getting over encumbered and then salvaging to make room you can see our roasted meat time now is 1 second because it has the maximum benefit on this craft station earlier it was 10 seconds to craft now it's 1 second to craft because of these like bonuses from nearby objects and being sheltered and stuff like that so like I said this first Trader that you interact with especially the one for your companion it's going to require a couple things from you you'll need to collect and extract a lot of essence on your way there it's also going to require you to build a few basic items when you get there so you're going to want some Fiber some sticks and some stone make sure you grab a few of those things on your way to them here's the quest I was telling you about basically saying hey you know if you want a companion then you should probably help him out like yeah that sounds good seems reasonable and what does the companion want help with a lot of times it's going to depend on the place but a lot of times it's going to be if you see items like this where it's outlined in blue when you get there that means that's generally part of the quest is to finish building that for the person so we're going to build those there's the companion that we're helping they're going to be ours here in a moment if you see something like this it opens up when you finish the quest and then you can grab it and in this case the reward if we hover over it it says 24 Essence so we grab that got 24 extra Essence which is going to be great because this Essence Trader is going to well we're going to need a bunch of it well before we forget let's go talk to this guy here and he says For Hire so recruit them now we have our first Companion now let's quickly talk about Companions and how they work so these are the items in his inventory he can hold things for you so we can go ahead and be like oh man I'm over encumbered and they can hold limited weight at least as far as I've been able to tell I've put massive massive stacks of lumber on my companion they carry it no problem right so they're a great way to offload some weight no matter where you are when you are whatever you've got these items if there's a blue dot on the item that means they have it equipped so if we say unequip now the blue Dot's gone it's a level six item so we're going to want to give him at least a decent weapon as soon as we're able to right because uh gear score six items are not very great but you know we ourselves are wearing gear score 6 right now so you know we've fallen on hard times here so that's why we're going to talk to this guy simple items we're going to be able to craft a simple Mall a simple Hammer the hammer is what you're going to use to repair your benches and your walls of your base if they get hurt so that's nice to have although you're not going to need that anytime soon unless you do what I did and you have a tree fall into your base and damage or destroy part of it we're going to get the mall a simple fishing rod this is going to let you go fishing you don't need bait you just toss it in once you got the rod I'll go over how to use that later a simple umbrella this is going to protect sho from hail this would have been useful to have earlier when the hail beat me to death then we've got realm cards we're going to want to be able to craft all of these because occasionally the game is going to say okay now go to this type of Realm and it's going to give you a very specific realm it wants you to go to and if you've collected all the cards you'll be able to craft that card and head to that realm but before we grab all the realm cards we're going to look and see if there's things that are going to be more immediate needs of ours and they're definitely are okay so we want the simple sewing bench right this is going to require 55 that's the one our Quest is sending us here for so we're going to extract some stuff until we have 55 there it is and you'll notice there's these see this next level of currency that's the green one I was talking about earlier so you've got the green then the blue then the purple and as you advance you'll get the higher and higher tis essentially the way it's going to work is in this Zone you're going to get a lot of the gray and then in the next Zone that you go to you'll get a bunch of the green and just a tiny bit of the blue and then in the next Zone you'll get a bunch of the blue right and so as you travel to other Realms you'll be able to get the next tier of the resource so if you find that you need the next tier well then you need to wrap it up in the zone that you're in and make your way into the next realm and most likely that's where you're going to find that next tier of resource that you are looking for we also need a simple saw table and a simple smelter so what I'm going to recommend when you come here buy everything that it sells right so if you can't afford it yet like I can't we're going to go ahead and we're just going to go walk around and grab fiber until we we can buy everything that he has to offer you will not regret it you're going to need all those tables and it's better than having to make a trek out to this guy again later okay so let's quickly go over the items of the essence Trader before I finish buying him out here you've got your simple items we've already got all of those it says own so we know how to make all of these things we've got the realm cards which we briefly talked about before you're going to want all of those you've got your lighting These are nice to have because they can improve the craft times in your base right remember lighting and augment other structures then you've got your building designs better Roofing this is fine as far as I could tell this is purely cosmetic crafting refinement this is what we want to buy all of next we want this simple saw table buy it simple smelter definitely we need that metal and that metal refinement we use Simple mortar station yes simple mortar station Y and then there we go we have everything and the very final tab here is resource and you can buy wood bundles you can buy plant fibers here I have never found a need to do this yet I could see later on when I'm looking for something that's really rare I can swing by the essence Trader and grab it but right now he's selling the things I can buy are all things that are very easy to come by out in the wild so I wouldn't want to really spend my Essence 10 Essence for one bundle of wood is not a very effective trade for me another thing to know about the companion is whatever weapon you give him is the thing he's going to do so if we give him an axe he's going to chop down trees when he's near them right now he started out with a mining pick so every time he's near something he can mine he'll use his pick on it and mine it the one downside is right now the AI sometimes he'll mine something but then he won't pick it up he'll just leave it there on the ground so just be careful when you hear him mining or when you hear him using his axe and he chops down a tree turn back and maybe grab the stuff that he's dropped onto the floor from that tree because there's a good chance he won't pick it up on his own now we're done here and like we said we put our base in the middle so we can just travel back to our base confirm boom fast travel and we're going to use the bed make it daytime cuz why not although a really good strategy is to queue up a bunch of things to craft right before you go to bed because when you wake up it'll be done you won't have to wait for the timer now we can craft all those fancy new stations remember you can use notes this button here and you can see if you've crafted it yet so we can look and it says I have built this I've not built this so this one we don't have yet so we're going to place it you know make sure it connects to the fire it likes that we also got refinement stations so we're going to make all of those as well so what do we need fiber and wood bundles fiber Lumber animal fiber loocks and stone blocks okay we need a little bit of everything especially fiber and this constant need for resources is why you don't want to build your base someplace where there's no resources right next to it it's better to build it in an area like this where it's surrounded by tons of different types of resources cuz you're going to need a lot of rocks you're going to need a lot of trees you're going to need a lot of everything in order to get blocks you're going to take your pickaxe to these kind of rocks see how it shows you a green pickaxe when you look at it that's the game's way of telling you hey use this item on it see we look at this it shows us the sickle axe right and it tells you that it requires a gear score level zero ax if you hover over it and it requires a gear score 20 axe there'll be a 20 and the axe which is going to happen to you with certain types of minerals that you can mine you know and certain types of resources that you can gather you'll need the higher tier tools so I'm getting encumbered so I'm going to tell this guy to hold my rocks for me and my sticks cuz those are kind of heavy actually you can also hold the these ones there we go now I should be good for a long time one of the things that you will need so much of in this game and I almost won't be surprised if they rebalance it a little bit is wood I mean you will need a lot of wood so never worry never never say oh man am I chopping down too many trees do I have too much Lumber because the answer is 100% no you're going to need tons of wood bundles and then you're going to need to refine that into tons of lumber and then you're going to need to refine that in tons of carved wood and each time you do this it requires multiple versions of the resource below it so you will never have too much wood I'll just tell you that right now if you go out and you chop down half the forest you know you'll be doing future you a big favor at the same time you know you'll have a better axxe so that it goes faster later so don't stockpile too much too early let yourself get a decent axe before you go to ham collecting all the wood and chopping down the forest you know there is uh scaling efficiency there all right this says we need animal fiber to make animal fiber all we do is come here to the tanning station and put on some meat there and we craft it fortunately that goes pretty fast all right and then we're going to use the saw table to make Lumber and we've got quite a bit here we can use make Lumber it's at 20 seconds per Lumber so anything we could do to improve that would be great for now we're just going to let that go while it's crafting you can see its progress there on all seven pieces so when that's completely filled in all seven pieces will be done you can come by and pick them up one at a time as it finishes them if you'd like so right now I need three pieces of lumber so when that says three I can grab them slap them into that thing and we can move on simple all right so now the next thing we want to do is craft all of these simple things these simple things are better than the crude ones that we have right now right so we would want to make a simple everything really good bundles straps straps straps so we're going to need a lot of straps okay so that's all done we've crafted every structure sure in our base that we can so far so this is a great start so we have been cutting down a lot of wood and we'll probably need to cut down a lot more so let's first get a better wood axe craft we're going to need to cut down a ton more so I'm going to give my partner in crime my companion I'm going to give him a wood axe too and get him out of that awful thing that he's wearing so that he can not only do more damage to help me in combat but he can also chop trees when I need so the first upgrade is a massive one so we went from six to 20 now this old wood axe that we have we have no need for this anymore we're going to go ahead and extract it and the duplicate we're going to give to Harley here there you go buddy we'll put it in his inventory then we'll right click and tell him to equip it now he's equipping that we'll take the old crappy pickaxe that he was using and we'll go ahead and extract that for the essence there we go he's happy I'm happy and many trees are going to pay the price for this we definitely want an umbrella an umbrella is great for one protecting us from the hail that will inevitably come with literally every time it rains it starts hailing afterwards and let's put that on right here okay so now we've got our umbrella so if you are falling to your death and pull out your umbrella and then use it to slow fall and the simple umbrella does not have a very far Glide distance and it also has a really high stamina consumption rate let's see we're falling slow but our stamina is being depleted and we don't go very far the higher level umbrellas you'll be able to go much farther so you Glide more than you fall whereas this lowle one you fall much more than you Glide if that makes sense so don't worry the first one is the worst one it's only going to get better from there if you're a little disappointed with it when you go to do your first Glide we're going to definitely want simple climbing picks this is going to allow us to climb things that we wouldn't otherwise be able to is great so if you you'll come up to a wall with these things let's see I'll give you an example of how we use them here so you come up to something like this right it's too high but you can pull these out and then you'll climb up them now stamina consumption of these things at this level is really really high and if you don't have any cards augmenting your stamina regen and stamina consumption in this area these things are almost useless as you can see I'm trying to climb up but before I even oh I did make it that time okay but I was out that is as high as we can climb with these simple picks right now later though you'll be able to climb much more effectively when you have more stamina and some stamina regen you'll be able to climb some really tall objects no problem these climbing picks are going to be required because there's going to be puzzles where you literally can't complete it without being able to climb it's going to say find the hidden object and in order to do that you have to climb sometimes let's give our guy all this heavy crap here team work Makes the Dream Work harly good job buddy that animation is just too long sometimes another ask for the developers make that faster make that faster quickly grab a ton of fiber because now we're going to craft all of our 20 gear score armor which is going to need a quite a bit of fiber here okay let's start crafting our armor and it looks like we really need to craft our back oh basically our whole body so we're going to do that simp shirts craft and we can equip that 20 equip be careful when you're equipping things not to hit extract right next to each other and there's no are you sure popup when you're extracting a piece of armor simple gloves okay now you can see our gear score is up to 15 with that change so this wraps up all of the basics for the first you know half hour hour of the game everything that you're going to have to do why you're doing it this way what it means and anything like that if you have any questions so far be sure to ask down in the comments below I'll respond to every single question that's just something I do or just say hi to help out with the algorithm if you find yourself enjoying the video so far now I'm going to switch over to my other character which is much farther along in the game and talk about all of the stuff at his disposal so that we can kind of dive into more of the deeper into the game's mechanics all right now we're on my other character who is quite a bit higher level he's got a gear score of 67 right now look at his fabulous outfit I wonder if like later on it's going to start looking a little you know I don't know a little more Dapper but right now we are looking good so there's what we look like now on this character here's our nice Abode you know we've got stone walls and stone foundation in this game I did notice one thing that they probably need to fix so for instance my hammer I can use this Hammer to repair walls to repair you know stations but right now when the floor is damaged I can't hit the floor so I think this is a bug in the early access this is probably something that they're going to have to fix but until then just be very careful not to destroy the floor that your items are on because I think if something came in here and the floor got damaged and broke or if I accidentally hit it with my pickaxe I'm pretty sure everything on this Foundation would just implode you know and I'd lose that and most of those resources so just be kind of careful of your floors take good care of them until they make it so that you can repair those with your Hammer this character is my first character and I did make the mistake I kind of warned you guys about in the very beginning which was to make sure you build your base dead center which I on this character I'm over here on the edge so every time I wanted to go somewhere I had to run all the way across the map to get to it and then I could Port back um so remember to build your base in the middle and then another mistake I made on this character is I went through the Waypoint over there this is one I'll tell you about this structure in a minute it's really cool but there's a the portal point over there and I went through it and I thought that was like the new main Zone but it wasn't it was just like a sub Zone that I was going to be visiting not staying in and I built a ton of my good crafting benches is in there so what I had to do was I came back here and then I had to build them all over again fortunately you can destroy something and get most of the resources back that you put into building it so it wasn't a total loss uh but I did have to rebuild some of that when I realized that no this is home this place is home this is the one I want to build in so just be careful of that speaking of which let's go talk about something really important here and that's going to be the dungeons that have gear scores tied to them so they are the SES of power right these sites of power when you see the symbol that a dungeon that has some kind of gear score requirement for you to enter it the lowest ones are going to have a gear score requirement of 20 and the higher ones well it goes up and up and up the farther you get into the game the highest one I think I've done so far was 55 something like that and it's going to look like this you'll stumble into a you'll see like a door that looks like this is very much protected and limiting who may or may not enter and if your gear score isn't high enough you'll walk up to it and you'll bounce off and that's that gamees way of saying hey your gear score is not high enough if you go in here you'll probably get your butt beat anyway even when you have the correct gear score it can be tough in there don't underestimate inside there and if you go in and it's tough don't feel bad okay there's some really tough fights so if we go in now though I do have the gear score and you can see look at that it's a big deep cave system like you can go way way down it's pretty large and then you'll have to fight enemies all the way down and at the very end there's going to be a boss a lot of times it's going to be a mechanical boss and uh he'll put up a pretty decent Fight Man he'll make you work for it and when you beat you'll unlock the you know some important thing that you need to progress through the game I'll go down to the bottom of this one just to give you an example okay there we go so now we're at the bottom so you'll get to a room that looks like this this is the boss room when you see this this is the boss you'll interact with this here this mechanism it'll spawn and boss a mechanical boss of some sort most likely and you'll have to do battle with him and kill him one of the things I highly recommend you utilizing when you're fighting these bosses because they can be quite difficult it is quite easy to die there's a few things to know when you get knocked down you don't die and your ally your companion can res you so long as they're alive so when you're fighting the boss keep them alive keep them alive that's going to be important and then they'll res you every time you go down and you can res them every time they go down and you can keep each other up pretty well like that now eventually you're both going to die at the same time and if that happens and you don't have a respawn Point set up in here you're going to have to start the fight all over again now I don't know how long they're going to let you do this here's a little Echo we'll grab that but one of the things you can do is build a spawn point so that when you die you spawn back in the dungeon you don't leave the dungeon and have to start the fight all over again and you can use these fairy rings this thing right here and you'll place this it looks like this you can place this like that and then this will be your respawn point so if this is the Boss Arena you wouldn't want to put it quite this close because it can and will get destroyed by the boss very very easily if it's this close so in this dungon what I ended up doing was I put mine right above like up there and so I would respawn up there there and then I jump down with my umbrella and rejoin the fight before their health reset now that was something that felt a little bit cheesy I wouldn't be surprised if the developers fixed it so that you couldn't do that but it was a tough fight and I I don't think I would have beat it without doing that certainly not with the gear and the weapons that I had access to at the time so just know that that's an option for you take advantage of that fairy ring once you get it it's going to be really really really useful for these boss fights but the important thing is you have to put it inside the dungeon or else their health will reset every time you die so that's how these sides of power work let's travel back to our base now since this character has unlocked much more on the map let's take a look at it because there's a lot of important information being given to us here so you've got all these symbols this one it says occupation completed defeat hosle creatures occupying the site so when you see one that says occupation that means you just go there you kill all the enemies that are there and you complete it and you can pick up your reward so that's what that symbol right there is for the occupations these are your sights of power you go there you conquer the site received the means to open hunt Realms right it's telling you what the reward is because a lot of times your quest log on the right side it's going to say you need X and Y or you need to go to this type of Realm or you need to go to this place you'll know exactly what you're looking to do next it's on the right right now it says unlock the Gloom card so I would open up my map and I'd go okay where's the Gloom sight of power oh there it is Gloom sight of power right so I'd go there I'd complete that and I'd finish that Quest then you've got this one this puzzle piece and this is bestas deal of intellect fate artifacts emit musical tones copy their sequence to unlock the rewards so you'll go there and you'll watch the sequence light up it'll go boom boom boom boom and I've seen as high as seven of them scattered throughout the location so you got to First find them all then you've got to watch them go off in order you have to memorize that order and then you have to push them all in that same order and when you push them all in the same order that they were going off before you got there you complete it and you get your reward now if you do it in the wrong order like if you press the third one fourth then then a wave of mobs is going to spawn and you're going to have to kill them and then you have to start over so you don't want to just sit there and haphazardly guess because it's going to waste a lot of time and energy you're going to want to watch it take a few seconds to watch the order you know jot it down if you have to like the one that I did that was seven location scattered over this Castle it was rather large it took a minute to do I just took screenshots of each location and pasted them into a document in order so that I could just go from one to the next man because they were far apart and all over the place then you've got the realic transmuter that's this thing is consume minor realm cards to trigger realm wide effects this is going to be in the zone somewhere and you can go use that to apply these effects or you can build one in your base so that's what this is right here minor realm cards so I can put minor realm cards in this device here I've unlocked you won't have this until pretty far into the game same thing with this I can use this to open up portals to other Realms right this is a portable version of one that I can put in my base and the nice thing is when you use one of these you can reopen the portal so if you want to leave a portal open you can build one of these and then not close the portal see this says close portal so I could open it for a new destination instead I could just build like another device right next to it and leave that portal to the last location you know I could very easily revisit my old destinations if I wanted to here we can put cards in now if we click on one of these it tells you what it's going to do play this card to craft durable tools that enhance your blocking ability but use stamina less efficiently and now the nature of all of these cards you're getting early on tends to be such that you look at the kiss and you're like oh that sounds pretty good and then you read the curse and it's not that great at all and you're like well that's not worth it right and so you're going to see a lot of these that you're going to want to pass on but there will be some that are situationally pretty good now let's use my device to reopen the portal to the last place I went we're going to open this now you're going to notice like I mentioned earlier it's there and you're going to go through it nothing's going to happen Don't Panic that's because the game is literally loading that massive Zone that you know you made and you've altered you might have a base there you might have a lot of trees chopped down it's loading all of that information and pulling it onto the server so that you can load into it so it's going to take a while it's not broken it just takes a moment so whenever you see this glowing pattern around what looks to be a portal that you're trying to go through or that you want to go through you just have to wait it'll take a minute but eventually it'll finish loading that zone and you can walk through and there it is so when you come out of it you'll have a couple ways to get back to where you were you could reopen the bort here at the device that you know the portal that you just came through to get here or you can simply open your map and travel through respite and this is going to take you back to your home realm your respite as it's called okay so now we're in this new zone so on the map here you can see these veiny looking things that's the roads you've got this wolf on the map this wolf head that's actually a creature that walks around and revives Fallen animals so if you kill something but you don't loot its corpse it's going to revive it when it walks by it you see this ticket symbol here that's an Essence Trader you go there to buy the schematics and things that they have to unlock that next phase of crafting remember you are going to be collecting essence of this character right here you can see I have lots of the gray common dust then I have 35 of the rare and I have 173 of The Uncommon so I'm collecting multiple tiers of it now on this character then this one is bastial of agility when you see this symbol there's going to be an artifact hidden somewhere and you have to reach it that's what I was talking about when I said you'll definitely need those climbing picks sometimes because sometimes these are located somewhere where the only way to get to it is to climb up to it with those picks sometimes it's a jump puzzle that you can just navigate to get to it sometimes you need the pics so make sure you craft yourself a set of those pics for those the bastial of insight these are just a series of lifs that are hidden nearby so you'll walk around the pillars this is one of the easiest ones I love when I see this one cuz it's just it takes no more than 10 seconds each time you walk around the pillars you find all of the Hidden glyphs and you can see the symbol that would be there on the the little pop out box describing it a series of ffts hting nearby so yeah you just touch all of them it takes 10 seconds once you know what you're looking for after the first time and you're good to go you hit them all there's usually three and after you hit the third one the device unlocks you grab your reward the defense one you just walk up to this place you start the quest by finishing building whatever they need you to finish building then talking to the NPC there and then a waves of enemies will come and after you defeat the final wave if you survive it can be pretty tough so when you go to this be prepared man be prepared with potion food make sure your gear is repaired right that last wave man it's pretty tough or at least the one I ran into was then you've got Aid this is often times just going to be you walk up to a place and you'll see a bunch of blue outlines for structures right indicating that it wants you to help them build those structures and after you finish aiding that NPC you'll be able to hire them as your companion to follow you around in game now you can only have one companion so you would have to dismiss your companion if you wanted to hire a new one but before you dismiss miss it make sure you grab any materials or gear off of your companion so that you know you don't lose it with a companion that you just dismissed you're going to want to take all that stuff off and then put it on your new companion now this is an important one the Fay Tower this is really cool when you see the symbol It's usually the first thing you want to do in that zone because it's basically this Tower full of puzzles you're going to climb your way to the top reminds me a little bit of enshrouded towers but when you get to the top it's going to reveal all these places so all these places on the map they weren't there I couldn't see these destinations until I climbed to the top of the Fay Tower and then it put them all on my map and lit them all up and then all of a sudden I knew where everything on this Zone was pretty much right and so this why it's a good place to go first climb your way to the top clear the puzzles and it lights up all the key points of interest in that zone alternatively you could just run around and find them all yourself you know but that's why it's nice to start with that one sometimes you'll see a place like this where there's lots of little occupations all next to each other this is a good cluster of place to go to to get lots of essence and then sometimes there will be a fay portal where you can go there and head on in and visit a new realm and then of course there's this symbol right here which is an NPC that you need to go talk to that means that there's going to be a quest for you to do there now let's go back to our zone so we're just going to travel back to our respite our Home Zone and then let's quickly touch on how fishing works because it's a little bit confusing at first sometimes it'll be raining and there's not a lot you can do about that you can't sleep to pass the time so you kind of just have to deal with it which is a bit unfortunate you know you pull out an umbrella and just run through it it's probably going to start hailing right about when we're trying to fish yep and here's the hail and there's not much you can do other than wait it out once you have better geared the hail doesn't really bother you that much you're going to lose one Health every second or so not too big a deal so let's pull out that fishing rod so this is how fishing works in the game what you're going to do is you know push your mouse button wind up the cast and then aim a little bit up into the air and throw it on out now it says it landed on ground so it's not deep enough here let's try that again bobber landed on the ground this the worst Lake ever all right there we go and we're off so now the way this works is you've got that tension in the middle there you want to keep that about at the line now you're going to see as you hold your mouse wheel down it's going to deplete your stamina so you've got to watch out for two things there's two ways to fail reeling in a fish one if the tension goes all the way to the right the line will snap and you'll lose the fish the other is for you to run out of stamina if your stamina goes to zero you instantly f so those are the two ways and they're both instant the second the line goes all the way to the right you'll fail the second you run out of stamina you'll fail but as long as you keep reeling in and you keep that tension under control and you can modify the tension by looking at the fish if you look away the tension goes up right if we look away if we look right at it tension's good so we'll just reel in while kind of you know trying to keep the tension in the middle wearing it down and boom you can see the Red Bar over his head going down lower and lower as we reeled him in we'll do one more real quick there we go Trout's on it so now I'm going to try to keep the tension in the middle try to keep reeling down watching my stamina oh yeah he's only a level 10 there so boom got him real quick don't forget to pick him up after you catch them and there you go and that is how fishing works the better your fishing rod the easier it's going to be to catch fish I will say the fish in the lake are much easier to catch than the fish in the ocean at least the ocean ones I was catching were like level 40 so it was quite a lot of work to pull them in if the fish fight is taking way too long it's likely you're just in a spot where the fish are tooo high level for you at the moment okay now another thing that's worth talking about here so in the base I've got a lot of decorative items see this crude grind Stone here got this wheelbarrow right this Saddle Rack now these are not something I can use to craft anything they almost look cosmetic but they're not they actually have uses so if we go in here and one of the important things you're going to have to do when building is and this is why it's important to build basically one of everything you're going to have to like click on an object like this rustic toolbox so if I click on this it sells me this gives you the ability to make the refined wood axe so I wouldn't have the ability to make this had I not put this box down somewhere right and so while it looks cosmetic it says adds new recipes to the following stations so very important if you have something in here that you make it because like this wheelbarrow it gave us a refined sickle so we could make that right a better tools are being unlocked by putting these simple objects in our house and they look almost like decorations but they actually unlock more things for you to craft so make sure anytime you can you craft everything and that's why this notes tab is so important because just skim over everything and look for it to say I have not built this before so if we go from the left to the right boom there crude chaperel trout trophy a crude trophy made out of common chapero trout okay so I'm going to click that and I'm going to go back to info and see what does it give me it's going to give us uh better fishing rods okay so we'll be able to get the refined fishing rod and looks like some new types of me meals as well so this is going to be something that I would want to craft as I mentioned before lighting is actually also useful you know you can pay attention to that when you're putting something up look for those green lines that are telling you hey this item is connecting to a lot of things like if we put that there look how many things it's augmenting it's turning those items into well lit if we put that there right which is going to accelerate their crafting times one last thing about crafting here is let's say you're crafting a new piece of gear right and if we look at my gear all of these things are the same tier this 72 Trapper shirt is the same as this 61 Trapper coat right that's the same tier of item but it has 11 higher gear score the reason this one came out 11 gear score higher is because when I went to make my coat it required thread I used a higher quality thread and I used higher quality felt so here we can make thread out of different ingredients right now I have plant fiber I have animal fiber in that situation had a bunch of hemp fiber which worked out really well and boosted that gear score up 11 for the same tier of items so a great way to get higher gear score is to use higher quality ingredients so not all ingredients are the same you'll notice that you'll find a lot of different sources of leather look at how many different types of leather I have right this leather this leather this leather all right so when you're crafting an item what that means is you have to pay attention to the type of leather that you're using for example so if we are to put the fiber here and then I have three different types of leather and if I hover over this first one on the right there you see item level 20 at the top and if I have over the next one it says item level 20 again and then finally this third one says item level 25 so that means the Baseline level for this item will be 25 before anything else all right so I'd put that there and I'd be crafting a baseline 25 item with a chance for it to go actually higher than that still all right so the ingredients that you use matter and that's why you'll have multiple different types of ingredients coming from multiple different animals or you know plants or whatever you whatever you grab there and another thing you're going to find these things your infusions okay so let's grab an infusion and a charm okay and this is another way to boost your gear score by just a little and it's also a nice way to give your character some extra Powers so it says lustrate infusion poison resist when applied to equipment this infusion provides increased poison resistance just as a cure may be drawn from a poison so too does this Essence stem from that which it negates it stings the skin but sues just as quickly so we'll go ahead and right click and then we can now apply this and it tells us which GE we could apply this to so our chest piece is eligible for this type of a infusion so we can put that on there the chest piece is level 61 right now if we apply this the chest piece is now level 63 so it added two gear score to it charms work very similar this charm increases the wear's damage whenever they remain uninjured and avoid damage for uh 5 seconds so we go apply and it tells us which pieces of gear it's eligible for and similarly we can pick one of these gears I'm going to choose this code again it's 63 we put it on it remains at 63 but when we hover over it see this little pop out that comes out there perks charm of patience is there and then if you look at the stats on this item now with the infusions and the everything that we've done it says poison resist Plus+ cold resist Plus+ encumbrance plus right so this is a pretty decent piece of gear there if you're wondering how you're eventually going to be able to get guns in this game this is going to be it right here this saddle this Saddle Rack saddle there's a search bar here so you can look for things by the way this saddle if we look at it it says it gives us the ability to make pistols and ammo for the pistols right so very important that you get this Saddle Rack if you're someone that's looking to get guns okay let's dive a little more into the UI here you've got crafting this is stuff that you can craft you can come in here and read the tool tips it tells you what it is crafting refinement what you know crafted at benches with the following trades Spinning Wheel simple Spinning Wheel waving Lo right it tells you how to make it so if there's ever an ingredient that you need like thread you can search for it here and it says okay in order order to make thread you're going to need two fiber and you do it at the refined Spinning Wheel so anytime you're looking for an ingredient and you're not sure how to make it open your crafting menu and just search for that ingredient metal plate refinement and there it is braier will'll make it out of three ingots you're going to be crafting things constantly and it's going to ask you for stuff you've never made before easiest way to find out how to make it is right there under the crafting menu just search for it easy peasy building anytime you need to know how to make a building what it's going to require of you if you have it yet you can just search for brazer right oh there it is I do have it and it's going to require six ingots and three shafts okay then you've got the journal the journal is basically your quest log this is what you're trying to accomplish in the game these are the places you're going diving farther unlock the Gloom card previously this had a gear score it said get this gear score and then unlock the Gloom card we got the gear score so now we can go into that side of power and unlock that Gloom card next we have earn the law man's trust and that's going to give us 100 of that T1 Essence juice see that's great so this is where you can find all your quests that you're trying to complete from here you can track or untrack them so if you want them to appear here or if you don't you can choose to untrack it if maybe you just got too much going on or not enough you can just put it over there I tend to track everything so that I know where I stand then here under challenges you've got challenges that you can complete and by completing these it tells you what your rewards will be for doing so so this could be a good way to get essence if you need it so for instance build structures using pieces 41 of 50 if I get that to 50 I get 750 Essence that is a ton right or I got a brenice builder build a structure of at least 10 pieces and I got 250 Essence so you do have to come in here and hit claim once you've done that otherwise they'll just be sitting in here like mine have for the entire game because I didn't realize until just now that I needed to actually click the claim button to get these rewards good to know don't make the same mistake I did oh my gosh there's so much in here this would have saved me so much time dude amazing well hey that that's good to know so make sure you come in here and you claim all the rewards that you do have sitting in here just by playing the game very very easy to miss that wow okay then you've got the glossery if you're ever want to know more about a certain topic or certain item or whatever you can come in here and read up on it okay and then there's the Codex which you know you can come in here and you can just read up on anything that you found in the game there's lots of lore and bits like that then you've got how to play while you're playing the game you'll grab objects or things will pop up saying how to do something or what this means what that means and sometimes that popup will disappear before you're fully able to digest it or understand it you can come back in here and read it again just click on it right and it tells you which ones you've clicked on they'll be shimmering if you have not read them yet or if you don't want any of it to be shimmering you feel like you got it all click Mark as red and now everything in that category will be marked as red and it'll stop shimmering for you if you've got that OCD then finally we have shops if you're ever wondering what a Trader sells right right you're wondering oh man how do I get that item where do I get that item where do I get this schematic so that I can buy this thing so I can craft that other thing well you can come over here to shops and you can see what each Essence Trader is selling so we can go to the desert antiquarian Trader or the forest antiquarian Trader right and we can look at their wees and we can see what it is they're selling and if we want to buy it we cannot buy it from here we actually have to go visit it but we can know that they have it before we make the trip to that realm very very useful if you're looking for something in particular particular you know like a simple upgrade bench or a refinement table so the next one it wants me to travel to is a desert herbarium realm and so I want to see what's there right I want to double click this see what he's selling H refined climbing pcks whoa so I'll get the recipe for refined climbing pics I'll become a much better climber refined Hammer so I can repair better refined umbrella glider so I can glide better oh man this Zone's going to be great right lots of massive upgrades for my character there we got some charms we got potions better meals better lighting then we've got new refined crafting stations in case we hadn't found them yet so it looks like we're going to get some big upgrades when we go visit that Trader so that's in the shops menu up here very very useful if you're curious about if it's worth it to head somewhere or what you need to make sure you grab while you're there and how many you know Essence you're going to need when you do it and then finally down here in the middle of your UI you have hope hope is the drive and spirit of all realm Walkers so this is telling you basically the score is going up and unlocking new things for you as your equipment score goes up as your estate score go goes up as your Deeds go up so as you do more in the game your hope score is going up and the bigger that number the better essentially that's the thing to know another thing to be aware of is if you want your companions to be able to drop items off in your base so when you interact with a basket for instance click this box right here Survivor boom now my Survivor my companion has the ability to put items in here so there she comes she's coming in and she's dropping off any items that make sense to put in that basket now if you're wondering okay there's a basket and later you'll unlock the ability to have a trunk instead is it worth it to put the time and effort into crafting the trunk I would say yes because the basket it only holds 15 items and then the trunk holds 40 so you've got a 40 item container here very very handy for storing all kinds of different items and having access to it in one place so you don't have to open multiple different containers and then also you can hit this button here move all items so if you have stacks that match these Stacks it'll put them over there again it's nighttime approaching so this is where I said this is a great time to queue up like some massive workload like Lumber right it takes a while to make Lumber so we could go like this and put tell it to do 10 it's going to take a while and then any other tests that take a really long time like maybe you want to make a ton of leather or something right things that take a while and then just hit sleep and this is the one time that you can fast forward through the crafting process when you wake up all of this is done look at that boom save a bunch of time on Crafting so nighttime is a little bit of a blessing when it comes to crafting because it's the one time you can skip a massive crafting session if you have a you know some really long crafts that you want to do all right guys and that's going to do it for this video that is everything that you need to know to get started in night and gild if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them down in the comments below or just say hi I read every single one again be sure to use the link in the description to grab the game if you haven't yet and massive shout out to my YouTube channel members if you want to become a YouTube channel member hit the join button below the video to find out more about the perks like behind the scenes footage access to a private Discord Channel and having your name appear at the end of every video if you're not sure what to do next check out one of the is popping up on screen right now I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 39,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nightingale, nightingale game, nightingale gameplay, nightengale guide, nightengale new player guide, nightengale tips, nightengale tips and tricks, nightengale beginner guide, nightingale review, nightengale game review, nightengale game guide, nightengale game beginner guide, nightengale beginners guide, nightengale beginner's guide, should i play nightengale, is nightengale worth playing, nightingale tips and tricks, nightingale beginner guide, nightinggale, nightengale game
Id: PQ7SW8bpMag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 36sec (4536 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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