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[Music] fun so much fun since the chaotic so opened it has been never-ending fun the Despoiler broke the borders open the gates of heaven and now we can to and fro with impunity the corpse God's men off of a promise they cannot defend everywhere cannot be everywhere so he hunt we hunt like we have never been able to hunt in a very long time what is time to learn more I digress so my warband in hi I found a world ready for the plucking a juicy herd of eight things to play with and oh how we have been playing it has all have been well for me not enough to play destroying their defenses corralling the meager defenders and breaking them my boys are too enamored with playing they forget how hard I have to work to make them do the things that are required for us all to have uninterrupted play but that has now finally been achieved the search moved now we feast now we play this hive has now fallen as the coast guards minions and lickspittles would lament we control that's right it's each his every road it's every access point time to turn off the lights time to cover it with our cowl in the dark the blessed rock it brings out the best in the herd my part is done the playground is prepared time for us all to have some fun no trust my boys no now it is my turn I cannot neglect my duties my Rover my rule must always be maintained I must watch my boys and make sure they are loyal or I will be the one to be played with as I did my old master he should not have lowered its God should not have lowered his guard weak he was weak and so he became my toy but now I have them all playing I have them all play so I can sneak in a pit of fun myself yet I will only get 48 hours and a bush is it time enough is it enough time I think sir I have become very good at what I do I make sense I can do this in time yes I can I can do this but it must be a special friend a friend worthy those knowing try must know them inside and out yes and who friend but whom azeip syndrome ether and Zira I said to choosing the zone much choice as they ran from the explosions as they flee our into our century gods and get cut down I laugh laughs they are so amusing we set off alerts vacation orders at race they did not run so we leveled a few happen blocks now they run run into our guns run into our clutches my pretty birds fall on them and take the epic dragging them into a home the darkness flying like pretty birds and snatching one here one there taking the bike to a nest ready for the fall I have one already set up when we first pushed into the hive I found it and that held it I must find my friend engage them there some like the big ones they think that they will last longer and will be able to keep up for longer I know this is not true the big ones have always been big it means they have less to tell me they have less to define themselves outside of their being big or boring our newest initiates often like the small ones the little ones they have no fire they've had to be more snappy you get by but this is often a facade who when you get past the gnashing of teeth and squealing and shouting little ones are just little they offer a certain titillation the rawness of it to the newest initiate but this is mother first stage doing things because they were wrong this passe I tired of it centuries millennia ago now I need a good friend an interesting friend a friend to us knowing yes was never commence the wigglin crowds I see two candidates medium-size fiery fast as a see the sentry cans open up as the song in turns the corner fleeing another surly stomping Hambach controlled explosions designed to permit the inhabitants to run and even run run the first rank of ape sings a torn apart by both century is exploding like fountains or the flock attempt to turn away but the pack of the flocks to surges who fleeing their sinking homes so they push their fellow Apes things forward into the boom splat hmm fountains old I Stafford titter I must watch my candidates one has soft yeah she has a darkening patch around his groin as he produces went way so the crowd in panic hmm he seems like he might be a boo-hoo-hoo father cos boohoo boohoo boring oh the other he pictured he runs but he's looking up and down around he is searching I like him aware of the threat from all angles his instincts are strong I like him I must know him I must make him a man friend yes it will be him he is fast yes [ __ ] he takes care of himself good good with a great Arab of Jersey a changes cause his direction always he is fast to react always without hesitation I've chosen well I guide him to where I can play into an old warehouse nunna there now I made sure of that I chose this spot no none will know where I am yeah I can play without interruption I am there when he comes in through that oh I left it open he hands inside he immediately highs no hood god he controls his birds to keep running not exhausted but intelligent one can hear running he is clever I start the fun I walk slowly but heavily my footfalls resounding on the metal grid I can hear him his his best stops he can definitely hear me he but he does not panic oh he does not hold his present just a Institute closes ah he's as the little ones do he starts to reposition or hard on oh what fun he finds the weapons I placed there he reaches up and delicately so slowly takes one of the stuber's so quietly yes if I have chosen well I descend this day dramatically and heavily who knows where I am I'm sure I could see him in the dark but he cannot see me well so I take a few more steps more and move into the light so he can have his own tuna TV I look around slowly he must think I wish seclusion I am checking the diameter I reach a happened slowly take off my helmet brush my hand over my head and taking a deep breath exhale slowly like a tired ape Singh after a longer at peace van drebbel he has not done it I turned my back giving him that little nudge listen touchy Nadja you can still see my head oh and it is so vulnerable the stoppers have scooped how much more of an invitation to I need look at him ah a person pen snaps the back of my head is the clamor of a single discharge it goes around the warehouse I try not to giggle as I slowly foot on to my knees and then forward through the ground there is blood for certain I can feel it trickle down my neck that across my head and into my face as I lay there of course this table was strong enough to break skin but not to pierce my skull I am NOT an idiot so much blood head wounds if he buys into the fun he finally lets after slow and steady exhale of breath he has control for an ape Singh I chose well brave he comes to inspect the body to make certain his times of bother me for a moment he is weighing up the risk of shooting again the sound could attract my boys but he so wants to make sure I am and it is then that I simply cannot control myself I wish I had been able to draw this out but I start over tears coming out of my eyes from the murse I hope he tries to shoot me again tries to execute me so much wrong oh oh I have to go forward and snatch the gun from his grasp as he puts it in his mouth thankfully I'm in time clever clever in do all of my work he is a ye while well so I flick his temple and knock him out he wakes on the lovely board I have prepared or him his eyes stay closed at first he does not wish to look but unlike so many he then opens them wide as a challenge he snaps them open he knows what he will see this one is could ever his face does not change his expression of anger or hate he knows I speak to him you are the impressive my friend one in a million I feel you could have been a commis saw your history being different your best your station I want so much to know you inside and out he hawks and spits at me I am right he had such potential he will be on or not an owl and it was he lost it so long no boo-hoo-hoo no no no no no screaming of course especially with the nerve augment as I shared with him he had to feel everything it was the least I could do for a friend in the last hours to be truly alive and experiencing everything to its fullest you see I am a good friend even when I showed him his spleen Nobu even when we both looked at history Natalia even when I showed him his still-beating heart I honor him I do not leave him as I were me zipped up and floppy flop on the floor in the dark no arms or legs he is better than this he was a good friend my boys have finished playing and now little dab blocks left Alva I allow my friend to see the vids that prove he has the last member of his life to glow and honor he has deserved I then finish him he looked like he would betray himself begin to boo boo I save him from that he was a worthy Abe thing to know welcome gentle listener now I apologize for the severity of this introduction but there can be times when the threat the terror the horror of an enemy to be denuded by being too distant to hypothetical I felt it was necessary to show rather than tell the truth threat of this one of the most dark and terrible groups of beings in the entire grim darkness of the future for today we will now go into a very brief introduction to the installation of the leisure Nizar studies the night Lords please remember that this is an introduction only should I be the appetite I will engage in further entries for this one of the most terrible forces to stalk the galaxy for they have been said loose by the opening of the ticket tricks malai dictum on the 13th Black Crusade smashed the bottle neck of Cadia and opened that rent across the entire galaxy now they can go back and forth with ease farang into the material realm then retreating back to the warp at a whim the Warhammer 40k setting has become a thing of even more grim honest than ever before to cook but my sons the galaxy is burning we all bear witness to a final truth our way is not the way of the Imperium we have never stood in the Emperor's elect never worn the imperial eagle and you never will you should stand in midnight glad your claws forever red with the lifeblood of my father's failed Empire warring through the centuries as the talons of a murdered God rise my sons and takes your wrath across the Stars in my name in my memory rise my knights lords end quote Conrad curse Primark of the 8th region of the region is the starties the knight Lords truer words have very seldom been said in all of the grim dark for the eighth Legion were not akin to any of their brother studies where they had shining armor and a bold image of their own worthiness and righteousness they earned a know such illusions even from their inception unholy terror for when the Emperor of mankind designed his twenty pry marks from which his 20 legions of Space Marines would spring he calculated all of the facets and forces he would require his intent was to form the perfect army the perfect warriors the perfect tool for him to not only take every star and system of the Milky Way galaxy but also to then hold them for this he would need many tools for each of his pry marks was to be a mighty general but the most formidable force the human race has ever produced the Space Marines each Legion of her starties Space Marines must have a very specific role indeed each would be able to wage war the likes had never been seen but each would also have a niche a specialization many were shining Knights of honor and power designed to represent greatness and goodness the resided in the breasts of humanity they were to be Paragons and glorious examples that could be displayed to all of the universe as the best of what it was to be human not so for the knight Lords for every organization every government every military made have those who will follow orders will do unspeakable things without complaint or resistance forces that will elicit terror in their enemies and allies are like for the Emperor knew that his race was fractious and that the combined goal that they work toward would not be enough for many he knew that it was inevitable that some of his fellow humans would become greedy will lose purpose would seek to aggrandize himself at the first opportunity the master of mankind who had witnessed every age of humanity from their earliest forays into civilization all the way through the Golden Age of Technology and even through the calamity of old night the age of strife with humanity almost gutted out he knew his race he knew that many would simply bend the knee while his armies were present only to renege on their oaths of fealty the instant he had departed so being the Shepherd of all of humanity he knew that he needed to have a deterrent he needed to have a healthy respect from all of those worlds brought into compliance but also a very necessary fear only in this way could he be guaranteed that one most elusive of all things unity through loyalty humanity simply had no choice in his mind or he would not have arisen would not have thrown off his cloak of secrecy and taken the reins of direct power and leadership humanity had to be unified who would we wiped out from his perspective one that was very hard to argue with considering the horrors of the Age of strife where xenos aliens and demons had dominated and annihilated so many of our race hence not all of his prime marks not all of his legions of space marines could be the examples of virtue that was allotted to many he needed a tool of fear a bringer of terror he needed a force that would be used to scare his people into staying compliant to staying loyal he had his night Lords the pry marks was stolen by the powers of chaos and spread throughout the galaxy but still the lesions had character and one employed without their fathers the pry marks to lead them the aides the night Lords were recruited from the most brutal prisons and pits of despair in all of holy terror the present name of Earth the cradle of humanity where the Emperor began his empire is Imperium they were done they would blanch at no activity would bring a level of ferocity and sadism to their campaigns that would act as a deterrent forever after when the Emperor had dominated all of terror during the long and bloody unification Wars his instinct was proven right almost immediately one of his defeated allies the sour corn in clave turned and rebelled they continued to tinker with genetic engineering where tempting sigh breeding eugenics to attempt to create powerful cycles a practice utterly banned by the dictate of the Emperor the master of mankind was informed and is reputed to her sent just three words just three sent to eighth the eighth Legion were deployed and assaulted the Enclave but they did not roll in with tanks overwhelming firepower alone as other legions would they made a bloody horror at the entire region they hunted and tortured each and every person there they wiped the entire population away with a viciousness that was beyond belief with this as an example of exactly what would happen if any rebelled terror stayed loyal all it this was the way of the night laws fear to act in such terrible and sadistic ways that entire star systems would then surrender to them when they had witnessed their savagery it was true that any rebellion throughout the stars was almost instantly quashed by the mere mention of their name many a governor would toy with the idea of declaring his world independent of the Imperium as humans also offed willing to forget their own history so swiftly the scars dealt to them during their domination and compliance would often lose their sting over a mere generation but a set of their eighth would dispel their errant dreams very swiftly the mention of them alone was enough to loose the bowels of most so even before they eventually turned to evil theirs was never a force that could ever be described as good such a thing exists in the grim darkness of the future when they were reunited with their primark Conrad curse they changed very little when some regions found their prime arks it was either a magnificent time where they were enhanced and saved by their sire as in the case of the Blue Angels and sanguinis or it was a time of change as in the case of the death guard but few lesions were left without some form of transformation when their genetic father and spiritual leader their para MOC was discovered but this was not so for the knight Lords casas world was not a place that would ever engender a good man to rise from it despite Conrad being genetically disposed to try to seek for justice for law and order at every point his methods were twisted by his early years on the world of Nostrum all for it was a cesspit of lawlessness a horror of a world where survival of the fittest was the only lure a murder rape and Massacre when might the events they were until Conrad subjugated the world through fear alone but this is a tale for another time when we can discuss the terror of Conrad curse in full it was the habit of the Emperor to gift the world of that a Primark had grown up on had usually dominated as Conrad had Nostromo as a recruitment world for their leisure as such 2/8 and recruits were from that world and had a part of its Harkness later Nostromo was to only give reinforcements from the worst and most vile of all of its denizens the night Lord started badly but would get progressively worse as time went on as each and every marine was a travesty of a thing that could barely be called human and was even before they were trained and used by the night Lords perform their rings of terror for the night Lords would take pride in their work but their goals were not the same as their prime arc for Conrad's thought that ends justified the means the horrific butchery of one city not just the cows extermination but the torture of his entire population of an extended period while being broadcast to all surrounding areas would then lead to the entire world surrendering out of fear in this Conrad could very realistically state that his tactics and strategies did not affect infrastructure and would mean a tiny proportion of the casualties that over it would have been created if another lesion had invaded honorably and he was right but the fact remained that his lesion did not have his ideal at therefore there I was never on the ends just means they did it because they could butcher and torture indiscriminately they did it because they enjoyed it and so Conrad eventually ended hating his own lesion something he was never shy of letting them know either he went mad his legion was declared rogue even before the drop site Massacre in his 25 but was still ordered to act in that assault one which would turn out to be an utter betrayal as a knight Lords turned traitor and held massacred our three lawyers legions of the first wave but I will go into the massacre at istafan in more detail in the future with the Horus heresy now in full swing Conrad did not so much follow Horus but rebel against his father an act of spite perhaps for the poisoned chalice that was passed to him by the Emperor of mankind to be built to strive for justice but really despised to perpetually perform actions he could never actually forgive himself for having ordered performed but the night Lords have never really gone fully into the fold of the other lesions that began the wholesale and emphatic worship of chaos although there are some faithful amongst a legion theirs is not a religious crusade for them following a burden on the path of chaos is not about zeal or serving their new Dark Gods it is simply that they can now do what ever they wish to whomever they wish the cows gods leave them be Conrad was slain despite being one of the most powerful combatants of all of the sons of the Emperor but he led his legion no he despised me before the deed was done indeed he even permitted since that time the knight Lords have been a thing of Terror not for but against the Imperium of man the true levels of their viciousness I hope you gained from my introduction but I shall one day go more into their tactics and more of their history for the time being I hope gentle listener that you can see why the forces of chaos are feared and why the Imperium is the way it is in the face of enemies such as the knight Lords perpetually a threat perpetually just one slip away from penetrating your defenses and letting their evil loose on any sector one can do nothing but become a thing of tyranny to prevent the greater evil and least this is an argument for the knight Lords are the thing that comes in the night they are the Lords of sadism and fear they are the Lords of the night and the opening of the Kika tricks melodic demeans that they can go near anywhere at any time nowhere is now safe from their predictions the beasts as they say is well and truly are broad I have been bald Ahmad your faithful servant I hope my introduction to the knight Lords has been enlightening no matter how unpleasant is so then please do consider liking and subscribing if you are a regular gentle listener then do please also consider supporting us on patreon if you see the worth in what we are doing and we should continue if you are unable to do this then please do consider just sharing I would like our time to get slightly larger shall we say it would help continue the work now no matter what you do today please do try to make some time for fun [Music]
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 82,650
Rating: 4.9386811 out of 5
Keywords: Night Lords Lore, Warhammer 40K Night Lords Lore, Chaos Space Marines Night Lords, Warhammer 40000 Night Lords, VIIIth Legion, 8th Legion, Traitor Legions, Konrad Curze, Warhammer for Beginners Night Lords, Chaos, War, Baldermort, Chaos attack, Horus Heresy, Nostromo, Primarch, Night Haunter, Warhammer 40K Lore Night, Conrad Curse, Traitor Space Marines
Id: Q4qspMss-Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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