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Agreed. I love all of Baldermort’s videos. His three part video on Rogal Dorn was amazing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ninjanomics101 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sad that he stuck with the Religious Templars vibe, but his performance is excellent.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MS14JG-2 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so you wish to know of us used to know what drives us what makes us who we are what makes us different to other other starties and I can tell you this very simply it is in our faith it is in our vows therefore and they are thus suffer not the unclean - we live uphold the honor of the Emperor abhor the witch destroy the witch accept any challenge no matter the odds so we all have sworn so we all do for none have ever broken these ODEs in 10,000 years for our eternal crusade and none ever will for we are the right hand of the God Emperor we are his purest sons we are his punishment we are his vengeance for we are the black Templars welcome gentle listener I'm Baltimore and I wish to introduce you to the facts and some forces by the Warhammer 40k universe I pray you will forgive me for the vigor of this video but it is not an impossible to book this subject without a modicum of reflected zeal do also please bear in mind that this is an introduction only I will release more entries on this chapter as I am able at this point I would like to mention that I have done some entries on vocal dawn the primarch of the imperial fists from which the black templars are descended if you have not seen it and do not know of the life of Rogal dawn it may be a good time to put this video on pause and check that out whilst painting or pottering it would lend more context to that which we discussed today now with the extensive throat clearing performed let us get into the heart of the matter today let us explore the history legacy and character of one of the most dangerous and fanatical of the forces at the Emperor's command let us explore the black Templars what is your life my honor is my life what is your fate my duty is my fate what is your fear my fear is to fail what is your reward myself fashion is my reward what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service what is your duty to serve the Emperor's will what is the Emperor's will that we fight and die what is death it is our duty of all of the chapters of the adapters of starties the Space Marines this is perhaps one of the only two successor chapters that have mashed outshine and become more popular with the fanbase than their originating Legion but it is not difficult to see why for in all the galaxy there are few forces Zeno's Imperial or chaos then can liquidize the bowels as their enemy so much as even the whispered mention of this glorious chapter the black Templars are the Emperor's wrath made manifest but they do not rely on a curse of corn to do so as the bloody jewels do they do not rely on the forces of witchcraft and warp manipulation as the grey knights are very designed to do nor do they have a genetic predisposition to preserve rages or canine attributes as a space wolves do they rely on will faith and courage alone the black Templars are fanatics of a level that would impress if not intimidate even the adept assad loretta's they are the clenched fist of the Emperor they are the white called anger of their father Rogan dawn the other thing that chaos worshippers fear they are the brand the righteous chainsaw the blessed Balter they are the men who purge all that is unclean woe to the mutant the heretic and most especially the traitor should they be in the path of the eternal crusader the black templars for the black templars have never known lasting defeat they have never bowed to pressure and they have never simply obeyed orders and knelt before Dalaman and his curse treaties the Codex of starties the during the darkest of times there have been the fire that has given light to the righteous and burnt the foes of the holy Emperor and his Imperium in their copious annals of glory they have almost single-handedly saved the Imperium from tyranny they have never rested and never repented those their ancestors of the blade swore 10,000 years ago the backed Emperor's of vengeance manifest they are purity they are faith and they are in lintel as' now gentleness honor let us explore why they are so different to their cousins and brothers of the other chapters of the adapters of Staffies for this we must go back over 10,000 years we must go back to the very beginning of the chapter and the darkest period in human history we must revisit the horror of the Horus heresy only by doing this can be a begin to understand the depths of the drives that have prepared two chapters through the many millennia that have come after we must go back to the very siege of terror the scowling and iron cage we must steep ourselves in this history so you can understand the righteous rage that is within the souls of the space marines who wear the black and white of the templars so let's begin the Emperor of mankind of Oz in a period that was hell humanity was almost removed from the galaxy and its Nile ation seemed inevitable the man who has only ever been called the Emperor or the master of mankind then arose to guide lead and save our entire race he forged an army of super soldiers genetically engineered human males of huge sizes most being over eight feet tall or had multiple organs that were added to them over time making them into true post humans and the most lethal biological human force the galaxy had ever seen these soldiers were called the adaptive starties the Emperor's Space Marines originally there were 20 legions each taken from the genetic template of a being more akin to a demigod than a man beings called primer Hawks they were to be the generals of the Emperor's armies a job they were not only forged to perform but did so with aplomb each of Titan on the battlefield in the command tent an impersonal combat with abilities as far beyond their genetic sons as a Marines were about standard humanity with his crusading armies led by a god-like fathers the forces of humanity could not be stopped they went out in the galaxy and conquered liberated and pacified the vast majority of the Milky Way when final victory seemed in sight the Emperor of mankind left his most able son or a Snooper car in charge of the end of the endeavor the master of mankind returned to terror what we now call Earth and took up his most secret project a trial so secret that he did not even inform his sons of his intentions or his labors their goals or expected results it was a mistake that would changed course of human history forever when the Emperor had left the Great Crusade his sons the pry marks fell to petty bickering and the son he left in charge of his brothers Horus lupica fell to evil he was seduced by the dark powers of chaos who are the enemy of the Emperor until his dying breath and using the powers of chaos and his own knowledge of his brothers their Emmys and grudges Horus in turn persuaded a full half of his brothers and their armies to declare for him also the Horus heresy had begun as the leader of the crusade he managed to send all of the pry marks he knew would be loyal to their father to the farthest reaches of the galaxy he spread them thin or led them into traps so that they could be removed from the picture when enough had been done Horus lupa kal finally turned his cloth and declared himself an open rebellion and attacked all of the facility's colonies and forces that would not forswear their loyalty to the Emperor and bend their knee to him Rugel dawn the park of the imperial fists was one of the few that were near terror I would not surrender Rugel fought a war against his brothers Horus and all of their armies for the better part of a decade but eventually inexorably they fought their way to the birthplace of humanity the throne world of the Emperor Terah Rogel and two of his loyal brother parks jacket.i and sanguinis were all that were able to be present to defend a holy palace on terror against twice if not three their number in pry marks and illusions or starties also their adversaries had the corrupting powers of chaos on their side and thus were able to summon hordes of demons from the darkest corners of the warp malign entities that were a vast power yet Rogal and his brothers held alliance the armies of Horus they never gave up and never surrendered they fought for every inch of ground every system every Lightyear of space the cost of the war was catastrophic you may ask but this has all got to do with the black Templars well let me explain gentle listener her ogle dawn was the father of the Imperial fists they were taken from his genetic makeup and were of a similar temperament mind and steel as he and is from these studies these Space Marines that the black Templars were taken now we must go into one particular new one's another Titan another legend of the age of which we speak it is the man the marine called Sigismund in a time of legends where the emperor and the prime ox bestowed the galaxy like deities with the ranks and numbers of the space marines were at their very sinneth and their deeds were worthy of epic poem bollocks song there was one about Sean all of his brothers and cousins Sigismund it is often said that with the exception of the prime oxen the Emperor himself there has never been a more lethal and skilled human to grace the entire human or race during the Great Crusade his name was hailed as the mightiest and a peerless jewel that had or and his legion this was to be proven beyond a shadow of doubt when heresy reached its crux moment during the siege of Terra Sigismund fought during the entire heresy for his legion the seventh the Imperial cysts he was the first captain of the lesion and its greatest light when rogue will dawn sanguinis and the Emperor left the palace by teleport Ottoman to take the fight to Horus on the very bridge of his flagship the vengeful spirit Sigismund was one of those left behind he was left behind to lead he did so from the front a Sigismund was granted the best armor a weapon rate that could be gained and then tasked actors Emperor's own champion he was a represent the emperor in the defense of the prowess as the champion he was to locate and confront the leaders and heroes of the CGT army of his brother starties the traitors in this function he challenged over a score of Kaos champions demons and twisted marine officers he despatched him all in short order nor did he do so with Boulder or plasma gun trickery or traps every single last one of them was challenged confronted and defeated in personal combat blade to blade steel to steel he brought all low with his courage faith and skill alone his ability was only ever out shown by his conviction and faith with these attributes combined in this role he was unstoppable when Horus had been slain by the Emperor which is a tragic tale I will explain on another day the forces of chaos broke and fled what followed was a war that saw all loyalist forces of the Imperium chased the traitors across the galaxy inflicting defeat upon defeat upon the traitors were hounded remorselessly into a tear in real space that led to the realms of the war got the eye of terror this campaign was called the scouring and Sigismund was one of the loyalist warriors that was inflamed with zeal ever in the vanguard of every battle fought by his legion but it was never enough Logan thorne and all of his sons the Imperial fists would never forgive themselves for what they construed as their failing and allowing the Emperor to be crippled that day on the bridge of the vengeful spirit thus their own self-loathing was enshrined within their breasts and led to a cold rage that could never be satisfied never be slacked or sated when this was done civil war loomed again when reboot government supplanted mogul as the head of the loyalists armies and dictated that allegiance should be broken into lesser units of earlier thousands of studies called chapters Rogal and his son Sigismund would not countenance this horror this infamy Bruegel declared Gillman a coward but when naval forces began to engage Imperial fist vessels because of their rebellion against the dictatorial killerman civil war loomed again Mel Hass Rogal had to decide between compliance or another civil war a civil war that the human race might not survive Mogador knew his sons would never willingly comply so purposefully he led them into a massacre arranged by their worst enemies the iron warriors traitor legion the trap was called the iron cage a perfect maze of fortifications arranged for that one purpose only the destruction of the Imperial fists virtually was great an only few Marines survived Rogal sacrificed his very sons to the altar of reboot Gilman's codex of starties his rich his new order with only enough marines left to form very few chapters so great had been the toll taken by the iron cage they were not enough marines left for any form of rebellion thus Rogel achieved his goal their version of a second civil war for his men were broken all but one Sigismund the remnants of the empire of his legion were broken into chapters 1,000 men but only few one the impure of fists were made up of vocal Dawn's veterans the crimson fists were made up of the youngest and most hopeful sons there were others but records differ fred has been over ten thousand years since his event and they were getting their own entries in the future the last chapter to be formed was to be made up out of the most sell us the most fanatical the most aggressive of all of the sons of Rogo there could never be any doubt who would lead this chapter it was Sigismund mightor bod the white a Sun bleached bone offers a stark contrast to the blackened a black plate beneath the her aldrick cross stands proud of my chest where a studies of lesser chapters where the Empress Aquila we do not wear his symbol we are his symbol reclusive grim Aldus of the hell's reach crusade Sigismund showed lip service to the codex estar T's for period but was driven by a fire that few could even conceive let alone match and his plans and pathway soon permitted him more leeway for a Sigismund forged his chapter now he alone he was unfettered by convention and precedent are no longer had his melancholy and stern father to gain same in any decision thus Sigismund forged a weapon that reflected his own character his own drive thus was the fire of zeal lit a fire that is never dimmed in all the long millennia of the Imperium thus were there black Templars formed when they were forged Sigismund reinstated his vows as champion of the emperor and then expanded on them thus were the four great vows of the black templars taken by the entire chapter and have been retaken by every leader officer or initiate at the templars ever since abhor the witch smite now the scions of the witch grant us the strength to pierce their unclean flesh to cover their fields with the pale forms of their blasphemous dead to drown the thunder of guns with the shrieks of their dying to lay waste to their Citadel's with hurricanes of fire to wring the hearts of their kin with unavailing grief to send them into the wastes of the desolate lands in rags and hunger broken in spirit worn with travail and begging for the refuge of the grave we ask it in the spirit of wrath o master of mankind back templars vow abhor the witch destroy the witch lead us from death to victory from falsehood to truth lead us from despair to hope from faith to slaughter lead us to his strength and an eternity of war let his wrath fill our hearts death war and blood in vengeance served the Emperor and the name of dawn suffer not the unclean to live prayer and vow of the black Templars trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle trust him to intercede and protect his warriors true as they deal death on alien soil turned their seas to red with the blood of their slain crush their hopes their dreams until their songs into cries of lamentation uphold the honor of the Emperor vow with the black Templars Oh Emperor in vast rejoicing at bloody wars fierce and untamed whose mighty power does make the strongest walls from their foundations shake all conquering master of mankind be pleased with this Wars two motifs law delight in swords and fists red with alien blood and the Darwins a sirens battle rejoice in furious challenge and avenging strife whose works with woe in bitter human life accept any challenge no matter the odds fare and vow of the black Templars with these vows in place the Templars are very unlike any of their brothers and cousins in other chapters of space reigns they do use heavy weapons and ordnance as they are not idiots but the use of devastation squads is far more limited they are in fact a rarity due to the vows due to the second foul but sometimes even the Templars need to use heavy weapons or to clear away particular foes as stated they are fanatics but they are not idiots another main difference in their organization and deployment on the field of battle is how they intake and train their forces the vast majority of our starti is chapters follow the Codex of starties the tomb of tactics and organization written by reboot Gilman Primarch of the ultramarine in said treatise there starties are directed to take Marines into their Scout companies at first these companies are grounds for training and for gaining experience before the younger marine joins the battle line proper when scout training has concluded they are then funneled into tactical squads who are armed mostly with Baltar's but are capable of meeting most threats they are the backbone of a chapter as these squads do contain a heavy weapon and specialist equipment but only few so the unit has incredible tactical flexibility Marines will then progress to more specialized roles in either close assault units or heavy weapons units from there they progress the first company and become one of the veterans of the chapter if they are deemed worthy by dint of the heroism and skill in decades of combat this regimen and pathway is utterly ignored by the black Templars there is much to be said for the way that the Templars trained their Marines for a reason I will go into in a moment Templar candidates who are recruited from worlds they pass on their unending Crusades are as with other chapters put through incredibly grueling testing but from there the similarity ends for black Templars are not placed in scout companies the Templars do not own such things they believe the training and the acquisition of the metal needed to be counted amongst the number or the black Templars comes only from direct field experience and the fires and fury of battle so when a candidate becomes an Astarte their biological biological changes enhancements complete they become a neophyte every near fight is then taken on as a futuristic Squire to a more experienced Templar known as an initiate these initiatives are actually fully paid-up members of the Templars they will personally train the neophyte in all aspects of war they will take them into battle at their side and give them the most harsh and brutal initiation into the life of a frontline temple charging into the midst of the heart of the enemy in their very first Sally thus do Templars gained on-the-spot trading and a baptism or fire that sees a tragically high number of them left scattering battlefields across the galaxy in their hundreds and thousands the death toll in the black Templars is excruciating compared to statistics of others but those Templars who are finally deemed to have Worth and shown true faith tenacity fury and ability add in some of the most rugged and able of all space marines thus the tactical squad does not exist for the black Templars they call these squads made up of experienced initiates and then neophyte Squires crusade units no other regimented and organized into pretty orders of battle of that other adherents to the Codex of starties must arrange for in the black templars one fights at the side of those one wishes to fight at the side of and this can change the screw say the units are not forced or created by some bureaucratic rule no they are formed by colleagues of like-minded of starties merely organizing themselves into units to meet threats in this way the black Templars are far more flexible and amazingly driven they see a threat and meet to challenge any challenge head-on they do not have a designated sergeant in charge of a Crusader unit as they are all of one mind and one purpose they are simply not needed these seemingly small differences to their brothers of chapters who follow the critics of starties can cause issues when they are deployed amongst larger campaigns so the black Templars attempt to make sure that they are in such force and such numbers that collaboration is simply not required although they were never a fuse a call for assistance from a borough chapter they would do so on their own terms and will not yield command or control to those who follow what they consider the dogmatic and inflexible structures tactics and strategies employed by the Codex studies simply put the black Templars fight their way or not at all do you again to the second oath there is much less emphasis placed on the training in accuracy with a bolt gun or rifle that is usually one of the defining factors of an imperial physics as a chapter for the black Templars the O's are living breathing things and may never ever be avoided even if this would mean they lose an encounter thus the emphasis of training and compatibility is almost exclusively funneled into peerless ability with close combat weaponry only the blood 'angels in the midst of a black rage while the sons of lien rust the space walls could hope to come close to the close quarters potentials of our black templar but even then it will be a close-run thing when an initiate is deemed to have served with colossal honor then they are permitted to join the order of sword brethren the Codex equivalent of the veteran from there should they survive decades or even centuries of close combat with the most vile unspeakable creatures in the galaxy or from the warp can they be promoted to leadership but this is always dead man's shoes as with other chapters the most significant difference in the Templars and their peers are twofold one they do not have a home planet or planets that they defend and from which they draw the aspirants those who will be Space Marines the black Templars were bust Lea recruit from every last world they cleanse save or pass their need for new warriors is a hunger that cannot be satisfied as their war is never-ending to the black Templars are the only chapter organization that have kept the fires of the original crusade a light for the black Templars have taken oath that they will never tire they will never stop they will never relent until the entire Milky Way galaxy is free from the tape of the xenos the mutant the witch and the traitor the say live and breathe move and died aboard vast crusade fleets the crusade for them never ended the black Templars also used this practice to flagrantly ignore the limits on the number of the starties as space marines that can be kept under the one banner the one chapter it is said that the only one person in all of the Imperium who knows how many Templars there are is the high marshal of the black Templars no others it is true that the attrition rate among the chapters is high watering but their intake is organized to more than make up for this rate more than ends it is suspected by many to the black templars if gathered in one place could potentially equate to the numbers that could only be described as a full Legion it is now the inquisitors or nosy bureaucrats of the administration who take too close an interest in the requisition of materials those who attempted to truly discern the numbers of the Templars are often likely to have lethal accidents the Templars do not tolerate any interference in their activity none whatsoever for they see their mandate as coming from the Emperor himself and bow to none but he but a full muster of the entire black Templars has never and probably never will happen for the black Templar crusade fleets are in most parts of the galaxy bringing the fire of wrath and the light of purity to all regions and they deemed to require them which is all regions for the heretic to which the xenos and a traitor know no shame and respect no boundaries so thus the endless crusade must follow them and root them out where they rear their foul heads many disagreement has occurred betwixt the Templars and the local Lords of region but the Templars do not ever care to take any he peretta local lords had been doing their job as emperor has decreed then their presence would not be required thus if their presence is required than the local Lords chapter or millet Arum of in his contempt for they have failed where region is pacified to crusade willing go on but they also can leave training camps on planets at their discretion if this happens then the innocence will take their near fights into combat as before but locally this usually only occurs when a region has been cleansed but the template knows that it will not remain so for evil is always obstinate and never knows when it is beaten thus there are centers of Templars across the galaxy as well as the main strength of the various crusading freaks one can only wonder exactly how many of them there are but dire need what terrible threat might be required for the high marshal to give the clarion call to resound so fiercely because the entire galaxy that he would could recall every last one to master the thought alone is terrifying so we get onto one of the most important elements of the black Templars faith in the long years of the original Great Crusade there was a simple truth to which all of humanity was to be illuminated what the Emperor demanded be promulgated the Imperial truth the Imperial truth was very simple but were a colorful entry in the future to cover its nuances for them now you only need to know its basics the imperial tree stated that there were no gods the religion itself was one of the greatest enemies of humanity and any religion was a lie there were no spirits there was no afterlife and there was no God most chapters of the adductors starties still adhere to the Imperial truth but this is not so of the black templars the templars have replaced the imperial truth with one of their and many of their peers sneer at this change the Templars are of the ardent belief that the Emperor of mankind is in fact the god of humanity this is no hyperbole no lip service and no whimsy they believe this with every fiber of their being any aspirant who does not allow this face to infuse every aspect of their mind heart and soul will be rejected no matter how adept or how much potential they may have in any or all of the disciplines of war no matter how they could be a shining light to adorn the chapter if they cannot take the faith of their Emperor's Godhead into them then they will be rejected the faith of the black Templars is terrifying to all they are holy warriors and take the name of their campaigns Crusades quite literally they are warriors who have been charged by their God the Emperor to strike down his enemies they believe that he watches them at all times as he is omniscient they believe that he has the power to intervene as he is omnipotent as any good God should be but he does not do so as they are his champions each bank Templar believes that every action every deed every moment they represent the god Emperor of mankind this religious fervor has built them into a force that is now I are an unstoppable where others would prefer a tactical withdrawal welder's would seek to regroup and redeploy to better confront a superior foe the back Templars not only stand firm they push forward while stated before that the casualty rate amongst the chapter is unprecedented for this is one of the reason why their drive to face enemies blade on blade no matter any disparity or size or power is one factor but the unquenchable zeal is the other they do not run the dark hour behind walls or parapets they don't allow for long sieges or attractive bombardments of placements they charge one might say this is foolhardy at the very minimum but it has been their way for over 10,000 years and will never change they do not throw lies away gentle listener but they just consume any change whatsoever as one to be met head-on and can be coated or let into traps with comparative ease those who do manage to lead the bull if the chapter into a trap often find that they have woefully underestimated mettle of their victims the amount of times that aback Templar forces made a trap into a massacre is uncountable for those thinking that they have trapped the black Templars often find that they are the ones caught in a slaughterhouse as the dauntless fanatics tear through their number like a hot breeze through corn anyone wishing to attempt to trap the black Templars they better be prepared for the fight of their lives for usually it is their last the fanaticism of the templars to their faith has other effects although once long ago they are recorded to have had psychos amongst their number this is no longer true and has not been for some time definitely a tale for another time though ever since they have not only been with out psycho support they have actively refused to fight alongside any force that contains what they consider our which there is only one exception to this rule 1 the grey knights as the grey knights are the direct progeny of the emperor their genesis is the genome of the emperor himself not a primark they are deemed to be the only cycles that the black templars will tolerate on the same field of combat as they the zeal of the black Templars is such that over time it is proved to seep into their very weapons and equipment of war as mad as that may seem there are reports to the very Machine spirits of some land Raider Crusaders huge battle tanks with troop transport capacity has been affected by the constant exposures of back templars so much so that it has infected them more than one reporter of vehicles machine spirit impatience for the fray has led to them being discovered in the camp of an enemy the vehicle itself going forward and exterminating everything in an enemy camp or the black temple has were at prayer before the fray although other chapters or organizations would lock in horror at this form of Independence of action and activity the Templars lured the vehicle for its righteous anger its wish to serve the emperor more tightly also it is a sign of their power and faith that despite having no psyching ability whatsoever the Templars can disrupt the powers of the warp the mayor seldom their faith in the Emperor is quite literally a shield from the powers of collapsing bodies and the bolts and blasts of The Witcher like they are not immune to the mightiest of cycles but he untrained or weak or distracted or over competent as often sneered at a black templar and extended their hand to electrocute or annihilate them only to find their vaunted powers fizzle as the knight rams our blade through their chest truly for the black Templars the Emperor probe checks back Templars are however so zealous that they can leave a bloody wake for no psycho mutant of human or suspected traitor will ever be left to infect the Imperium as a whole the wiping out of all life from a planet can be a regular punishment decreed by the Templars one could not count the millions of humans that have been slain by the Templars in their cause but one must always remember their history and a goal to understand how such seeming carelessness can be done in the name of the Emperor for the black Templars they will never forget the Horus heresy nor the events of old night they know that a sacrifice even the population of a world of billions must be weighed against the survival of the entire Imperium and trillions they have witness personally and regularly how the master nations of just one powerful cycle or demon can drag an entire sector and hundreds of worlds into a hell better to prune the rosebush and have it healthy than to now a rot any rot to spread with the stakes so high the black Templars will never shy away from any task no matter how brutal no matter how terrible it is to perform for the hair the hand of the Emperor they are his champions at least in their minds also the O's removes any and all chance of working with alien races what the Imperium calls eNOS no matter how common cause may be in play it is with stunned confusion and rage then many an elder army has expected the forces of humanity to join them in a raging battle against chaos only to find that the black Templars will charge both sides at the same time the back templars give no quarter ever for no reason whatsoever were a champion of the Emperor a black templar ever meet or treat or suffer the zenith to live it is at this point that I must conclude my introduction to the black Templars to go further would take us down a veritable plethora of extensive rabbit holes but rest assured gentle listener I shall revisit this topic in further entries in the near future I have been Baltimore your faithful servant if you have enjoyed my introduction to the black Templars please consider liking and subscribing if so then please do remember to press the notifications button I would not wish you to miss out also if you are regular gentle listener then do please consider supporting us on patreon now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 281,092
Rating: 4.952178 out of 5
Keywords: Black Templar Lore warhammer 40K, Warhammer 40K Lore Black Templars, Warhammer 40K Lore For beginners, Black Templars History, Sons of Dorn, Dorn, Rogal Dorn, Black Templars Warhammer 40000 Lore, Black Templars, Crusader Marines, Warhammer 40000 Lore, Space Marine Stories, Space Marine Lore, baldermort, Baldermort, black templars, space marines
Id: e4AFtQbNNrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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