Warhammer 40,000: Angels of Death – Origins: Kill Command

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign dead yes you need to get that out no I don't  have time to bleed out I need to get up laughs oh we don't have much time if we don't get our   bearings and ready the ship  we'll be joining the captain Helm engine status the master of Helm's dead it is just you and I Olivia  Emperor holds your tongue Constance an Emperor's name how bad is it   I wouldn't turn down a healthy dose of  pain suppressors and a good night's sleep   but olive who hit us there was barely a shadow  return on the sensorium before before they   stripped our void Shields and ruined us it was  your duty to warn you would have done what huh   locked a firing Solution on a vessel we could  barely detect I will not stand eldori he must   have been has been scatter reports of them raiding  this sector since we built the weigh station   OS Pirates tame a word Raiders murderers  enslavers I think a nightmares given flesh Constance get to your station and  find them I'll wager what's left   in my veins they are not done with us yet wait spoils the main reactor feeds are damaged the  Lance batteries are offline then we run out   the bombardment guns we can't there's damage  to the venting if we fire the backwash will   rip out the guts of the ship we're defenseless  engines well we have Reserve power maneuvering   thrusters are intermittent then we should fall  back to the Mathis orbital if we can get within   range of its guns and fast responder Wings we  know we will not run we have no other if we   empty the heat sinks they'll absorb enough of  the spillover to prevent critical detonation now by the angel help me move favor [Music] [Music] what are you doing I am taking command of the ship the warp you  are get your hands off me you've been senior   Bridge officer for less than one rotation I've  served as master of ordinance on this vessel for   nearly two decades Captain Faber would have us  return to Safe Harbor FEMA is dead like it or   not I am next in line of command that may be true  but as it stands you are not in command our ranks   bear equal weight and I am the senior service it  is our duty to Stand Fast and fight likely think   of listless they will close on us when they do we  can take them with a full sweep bombardment even even sacrifice half the ship I would sacrifice It   All We will we will die if we stay  here a chain of command is clear only those absent the darkness of Despair can  be permitted to sail in the black of the Void what about you master of orgas any objections awaiting orders ship mistress [Music] [Music] thank you leave him he's dead I said leave him move Grace slave you still breathing Emperor's tears then shift we need to make the junction and seal the  blast door before the fire reaches us what   Fire Boss blaster and it baked a lot of us but  but it's gone oh at least I'm still in one piece oh Empress damn it kibo's dead  it's like Phil thought me lithos   you'll be the one getting lit up if you don't  get your sump useless High down this corridor we've still arrived ahead of us boys the  tertiary power couplings didn't explode   but I'll wager my good eye they're fit to go  and we're lined up pretty for the Backdraft it's wet shot right the bloody teeth nice slab get over here and help us with this what about them Lord ah there's  no time they'll never make it look it's now or never come on attic together now wings of the Angel it's no good the ship won't  accept the override codes without Faber's ident   it's protecting itself I need to  communicate with the ship directly   ship Mysteries the machine Spirit such  that it exists it will be scattered feral   barely cognizant you can't commune  with it I've read the manuals and   sacred texts to Constance there is a  difference between can't and shouldn't foreign extremely rarely and highly  unorthodox but it's been done   the Medicaid Jacks at the base of our skulls  aren't just there to monitor neural function   with the right protocols they can unlock the mind  a way to check the sanity of those who have spent   too long traversing the immaterium I just need  a direct line to the ship's primary data flow and how many people have survived this insanity let us hope I can improve the tally Blaze lick my back shame you weren't a bit  quicker there are still Embers on your chest what   how how quiet gang man there's nearly a whole rotation crew hey I think  they were trying to get out of this corridor I hope whatever turned I'm gray was better than  being burnt alive back there what did you see   nothing suggests that they were probably better  dead this way then no you said they were Gray look at this immigrant exposure they must have  missed a leak in the confusion   kid search these bodies for a World patch you two  are brass arterial Pike running shoulder height now kid sled hold this I'll seal it [Music]   explosions fire gas how about my fill today foreign are you ready for this [ __ ]  mistress we'll find out [Music] lay the spirit of the machine except your soul [Music] [Music] I am ship mistress Sulkin I would command you eat me [Music] [Laughter] [Music]   engines refrain e non-compliance era vengeance vengeance vengeance and we shall have it together I'm going to hurt you but it is as a   flesh wound compared to the scar  I am about to inflict on my soul in the name of vengeance [Music] [Music]   dissection [Music] foreign vessel is stricken Cesar lenses register their weapons their engines appear functional are there others there are  no more prey they are alone foreign or they may yet make the way station we scattered   nothing has changed we do not have the numbers  to Prevail there no the bait is no good monitor their Communications we  wait until they cry out for Aid   it will it will not be long  fear runs in their Morrow [Music] signal observed good more of them will be  coming then the Trap is set and Cain's name   bring us about full speed Target their propulsion  systems prepare grapples an enslavement board ing no it has been too long since our brothers   and sisters have tasted Slaughter  Kane grows restless in their blood killed two in every three of the  human filth Lord what of our quota   the cabal will just have to make  do with whatever slaves are left are you sure yes orders direct from [ __ ] Mr  Sulkin to all able Gunnery gang vent plasma from   the heat sinks and couple the dispersal feeds to  the main firing lines she's gonna run out the guns   hi seems she is crazy [ __ ] mind your  tongue slav and I'll put this welding last   to better use and shut you up permanently  I meant no disrespect boss ah you're dead   subjuncts three and four weren't built for  that level of backwash if she fires the guns   she'll blow out the entire deck and us with it seems right enough well just how long did you bunch of  reprobates expect to live laboring   in the emperor's service now  get your unworthy hides in gear   we have a valve to open and a  date with a Crux load of plasma don't look so sad lads whatever's waiting  for us Beyond the Veil you can bet your   last breath is better than what we've  been served till now they'll promise   to make sure the ship mistress takes those  xenos wretches with us don't matter none pal   we ain't gonna be around to be disappointed if not deck Chief declares As Weapons ready [ __ ]  mistress let's hope the xenos take the bait   we've got one shot at this then  we'd better not miss Servo skull all hands this is shiv mistress sonkin brace for firing near broadside  definition our guns will Roar foreign on my order Constance yes [ __ ] mistress [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] fire like this foreign enemy vessel destroyed [ __ ] mistress   we've trailed the wash little better  we're barely up and dead in the void primary cogitators overloaded and  shorted main reactors are gone   the residual scrubbers might give us enough  power to breathe until the flotilla arrives   everyone not on the bridgepire  or far starboard annexes is dead [Music] in the darkest moments the cost is always the same it is all that we have the angel gave his  life so that the holy Emperor could stand   with us through the darkness of this age  we must all of us be ready to do the same   One Life a hundred a thousand we  must never trade survival for defeat   whatever evils the universe throws  at us our resolve must be greater [Music] [Music]
Channel: Warhammer
Views: 636,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, aos, black library, citadel miniatures, forge world, games workshop, miniature painting, paintingwarhammer, tabletop gaming, warhammer, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, warhammer age of sigmar, blood angels, Livia Solken, sword of baal
Id: 99tOSmaNSJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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