Creed | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Let Me Be

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repeat after me fine family discover purpose and change the world said again find family discover purpose and change the world today I'm leaning in into the category of our mantra that has to do with purpose and this is very very very very strong on God's heart because dr. Myles Munroe said where purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable and when you look at the destructive nature the the the casual trajectory of very many lives and stories what we're finding out is there is a strong absence of a sense of purpose a real sense of purpose and fundamentally I have to lay something to you today that is the beginning the premise of the purpose discussion and we've got to get this in our hearts because it will align your lives you and I will be challenged by God in the realm of the regimen and what that means is that the more God begins to reveal to you not just who you are and what he wants he's going to begin to change what your days can do and in trying to adapt to that as something that you cannot do accidentally or coincidentally you got to be deliberate about how you shape and shave those weeks the things that you allow to occur in them and so I'm gonna give you a word from the Lord today and I'm gonna try to make myself through it but I sense is gonna bring deliverance to very many people turtling me if you will to Jeremiah the first chapter and I have never preached this before but I'm gonna preach it today Jeremiah chapter 1 and I'm reading verses 1 through 5 in the New King James Version Linlin wherever you are it's New King James this morning New King James Jeremiah 1 verses 1 through 5 in New King James when you dare say I'm there if you're not there say wait on me it reads as such the words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah of the priests who were in an oath in the land of Benjamin to whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah the son of Amnon king of Judah in the 13th year of his reign it came also in the days of Joachim the son of Josiah king of Judah until the end of the 11th year of Zedekiah at the son of Josiah king of Judah until the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month then the word of the Lord came to me saying before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I sanctified you I ordained you a prophet to the nation's the NIV says I ordained yet to be a prophet in or to the nation's father this is your word help me to preach it in Jesus name Amen real quick I need as much help as possible till two or three people around you just let me be let me be just let me be let me be let me be let me be let me be let me be the classic passage of Scripture that you and I just read is something that I've been hearing probably all of my life and Christendom that I've never really been able to crack into the richer meanings of it and how you and I can benefit from God's conversation with the weeping prophet and comprehending this requires some due diligence to explore because there is so much to be said just out of the first five verses of this book that we can apply to today as we consider this ancient conversation there are several things that merit a deeper investigation of this introduction of Elohim and Jeremiah or Jeremiah but this is something that you and I have got to establish I'd like to present to you in fascination even that the Book of Jeremiah is not the the book chronicled by Jeremiah it's gonna be interesting to realize that he is responsible for three yes four of the books of the Bible he was obviously responsible for the book named after him but that he's also responsible for a book called lamentations it was the writings of the weepings of the prophet of God it was the externalizing of his view and his understanding of the world the society around him say yes but much to my surprise elder Ulysses the Prophet Jeremiah just listened to it was responsible for the books of first and second Kings a part of what that meant is at all of what we know about what happened in 1st and 2nd Kings was not written by David or Solomon it was written by a silent man by the name of Jeremiah which means that one of the lessons that we see as we consider the historic backdrop about this is that he was studying men before he became one the information that we got in the book of 1st and 2nd Kings is so powerful I mean it's how we learned about Elisha and it's how he learned about David and and it shocks me to know that while we didn't know who Jeremiah was Jeremiah was taking note in the record of people more powerful than him some wisdom there is you'll never be it if you don't submit to it and and you'll never mature in and if you're too proud to study it anyway and so he's responsible for this now this missus blesses me because we often read Jeremiah wanna to hurry up and get to verse 5 but I am intrigued by the top of the text that shows that this conversation or this statement in verse 5 was not had in one setting it appears like this is one setting between God and the Prophet where God tells him I've called you but the bible lists two different time periods where this conversation has had one through in the final decade of this captivity and the other one under the rule the rule of judah now in order to understand this you got to understand who hill kaya was pay attention that was the father of Jeremiah who was responsible for partnering with the prophetess holder to go back and get the lost books that means that this is not just an introductory to Jeremiah obviously Jeremiah had history with God around the things of God because his daddy served under the youngest Prince and the youngest King in Israel now if you want to see why this is integral in Israeli Hebraic Jewish custom and culture you were a man considered mature enough to handle responsibilities at 12 pinch somebody say 12 12 was our contemporary contrast to 18 when you become 18 and the black family most of us tell you get out and pay your bills go and get your own loans and make your own food and do your own luck at 18 it's almost like a release from responsibility albeit dysfunctional it is culturally true now in Israel that was the same thing that happened at the age of 12 when you were 12 you had already learned the books of the law the books of Moses and it was that maturity in the scriptures that that society deem your readiness for manhood God in Jeremiah 1 introduces himself again when Jeremiah is 17 that means that there is a space between your salvation and the revelation of your purpose Jeremiah was not just getting saved in Jeremiah 1 but he was about to be launched into purpose in Jeremiah 1 what that shows me is many of us have prematurely investigated purpose when our salvation ain't even Antakya it's a premature discussion to talk about purpose when you've not established it on the principle of who God is in your life and so this is a very powerful fundament cuz it reveals that this conversation with possibly years apart consider when studying the Bible even though something is said in verse 1 and verse 2 it does not happen minutes apart some time it happens decades apart and in Jeremiah 1:5 God tells them some things that I've got to preach through and help you what we see first is the environment here we go that is the most important VAR environment to the cultivation of any purpose there is a such thing called prenatal prophecy if you're writing that write that down right now the most important word you will receive in your life it's not the word at your ordination it's not the word at your wedding it's not the word at the altar it's not the word when you're getting ready to lose your mind it ain't even the word that pulls you out of the deep rivers of sin it is the word that justifies your right to exist now let me help you see this mystery the world is a womb but the womb is the first world I'm gonna say that again the world as we know it is the belly that consumes and cultivates all thing the word says the word is the semen seed that isn't planted in the earth when the earth cultivates and develops what God says out of his mouth as the world is so is the belly of a woman that when God through a man releases a genetic path and trail into the womb of a woman that womb now becomes the first environment of every purpose in every destiny can I preach like i feel this what i'm trying to tell you is your mama was on purpose your daddy was on purpose what God wanted was a genetic trail to get into you some skills that you would not reject and some pendency that you were not out of I love my mama and daddy and you love your mom and daddy but what God did was situated some instrumentation to get you to beat the right complexion to get you to have the right height to get you to have the right blood type what I'm trying to show you is there is a such thing as wool warfare there is a such thing as warfare that's a sign to you in travail me asleep before you could say goo goo and gaga the devil did not await so you could walk to start to try to fight your destiny reaching power what he did was he aimed some stuff at the belly huh because he knows that the belly was the first place of development the belly was the first place of safety huh the belly was the first place of confirmation do you remember when John was in the belly of Elizabeth the Bible said when he walked up upon Mary huh that the babe didn't wait til he got out the womb to start leaping and dancing' uh what he did was he started leaping in the belly I I'm trying to tell you you didn't just become who you are you already showing signs of purpose in the belly huh you were beating ours in the belly you were being destroyed restored in the belly so you not new to this house you're true to this now we're just disappeared for you when you was in the ballet listen listen DNA is established in the womb I said it's establish in the womb it's decided when your mom and Daddy come together but DNA is established in the womb which means as the womb is the place where DNA takes its roots now let me take a minor bunny trail right here you came about you can make it up you can't pretend it you can't bend it and you can't break it when you come from a thing in the natural or in the spirit the features of that thing are going to show up in ya hallelujah and the older you get the more those features become pronounced you look at yourself and say I'm sure my daddy's boy let's sound it like my mama but as it is in the natural I feel like preaching that so it is in the spirit there is a DNA inside of you I'm about to make you matter and we got to stop preaching like you can grow everywhere some of you are not growing because you're dealing with artificial insemination you're trying to force your DNA on a system and on a level that was destined to rejection would you stop somebody say DNA is DNA come on say DNA is DNA you might not like it but you look like it it may get on your nerves but you were born from a child it may not be to your preference it may not do what you wanted to do but you cannot deny when you've been born everything by the power of the blood now I'm trying to get through my taxes but that's how powerful the blood is the blood not only heals you and delivers you and Saviour but it decides who you connected to we are not just connected by Church we're connected by the power of the woman inside it's called the blood of Jesus ha it's the place of our connection if you've ever been healed by the blood stream yes if you ever been saved by the blood stream yes if you ever been restored by the blood stream yes if the blood ever heal your body stream yes if the blood of a regulated your mine scream yes the blood ever slapped the taste out your mouth say yes therefore the resolve whether you wanna be a decider at the blood made it possible screaming now have a seat sorry sorry [Music] my pleasure so I am enamoured by the power of prenatal prophecy the word that goes forth true and active le to set a precedent for your purpose may I take this deeper destiny is the word to the womb destiny is the word to the womb now the reason why you don't think that's deep is because you think that your perfectness it's the green light for God to now give you Destinee god I love your word but he gave you your destiny before folk had an opinion about Shaq he gave you your destiny before the teacher decided you were not going to pass he gave you your destiny before you were introduced to your poverty therefore your destiny predates every bondage every struggle every issue every desire every appetite your destiny is older than all of that well yes it is it is the womb word it is the word to the woman so now we're considering that what you're about to live out and how God is pivoting you is not for a new thing it's an old thing this is the womb this is the originators concept now now now now that we've seen that there is an establishment that God does not allow anything to come to be that he doesn't have a plan for in his next series of statements to the 17 year old prophet I believe all of the resilience all of the endurance all of the strength he need was deposited in that belly I believe that as God was talking to him God was pre grooming him to handle the the the necessary rigor that comes from pursuing his purpose he did not just grow into strong emotional power he did not just grow into psychological fortitude it was put there in him and then activated activated by the Holy Ghost and so in your purpose you're going to have seasons where you're gonna need some resilience some endurance some concentration but realize those are not things that you can just pull out the air those are things that are in you that you've not tapped into yet now here we go I believe that God gave Jeremiah this endurance by giving him three destiny concepts and the first destiny concept was he tells them before a storm you listened and gave you a wall in the bird what I did was I knew you well you slap somebody say he knows me he knows me say he knows me he knows me now that knowing in the Bible that refers to the nakedness of the soul that means he was trying to establish in Jeremiah that even when you don't choose me I'm choosing you even when you don't see me I still see you and even when you don't want me I still want you now that may not mean nothing to those of you that's holy 24/7 let's taking communion every Monday but there are some of us who want an alternate option yes some of us who get China's and pick out a rather not but he opens up the discussion by saying I know yeah now here's why you ought to shout even if you can hide it from me you can't hide it from God but even with everything he knows about shock he still got a plan I wish I had help now the church has got to be delivered from a self-righteous gospel let's stop them thinking they earned to be called and earned to be chosen I know he knew me and because he knew me I don't have to facade hey hey I gotta pretend what he did was he delivered Jeremiah from the temptation up the attrex I want you to know that I know yeah and I know you were out to make up and I know you went out the shoes huh and I know you went out the hair and I know you went out your last name I know your sunglasses all by yourself everything I know I still got I still got a plan and if you let me know yeah I'll let you know me and shoot you up he knows me nakedness is the premise of real destiny this deals with the tendency to pretend be presumptuous and to take on a form of ourselves that makes us more palatable for people I know you Jeremiah and and I know you which is why I've made my decision toward you now listen I've got some other points pinch the person next to you and tell them God's purpose is permanent [Applause] they don't believe you look at the person sitting behind you and tell them God's purpose will not be thwarted purpose is permanent purpose is permanent purpose is permanent purpose is permanent as long as you are alive there is purpose as long as you can breathe there is purpose now here is some more complex things and we don't shout a little bit now I know lord have mercy today I know I know I know elder listen I know that this is a word that we don't like hearing in the church noble and when we hear this word we automatically through traditional or religious but the second thing he told Jeremiah was after I knew you I took what I knew about you and I st. if I or you won't help me preach I sanctified you in the bill before you could sacrifice a goat before you could take some so Brera I washed you in the belly I sanctified you in the belly I decided in the belly what you would have to separate from pay attention sanctification is the issue of being called out to cling to and he tells Jeremiah in the belly I decided what you would have to separate from it's not an issue of the season you're in it's a season of it's an issue of your purpose realize that for the rest of your life God will be revealing the next separation today the hot there's going to be life project where the motives of the people around you will be made known quickly and it's a part of what God allows so that he could separate you so you can focus that is a concept of sanctification the part of what that means is that the stander here we go we're moving deeper the standard the standard the standard the standard for your life never decreases in the belly the standard is pre-decided in the belly the rules of engagement are predetermined it's their sanctified you here is the most powerful one I knew you say yes I sanctified you scream yes but I also ordained you there was no role there was no caller there was no murder no staff there was no Bible to beat you it there was no ring for anybody to kiss I ordained you in the belly I gave you the permission for purpose III authorized you to investigate who I've made you to be I gave you the permission for it now all of that is the precursor for a man that is accustomed to spiritual things listen who became a man at 12 this means listen he has five years into manhood and here comes a purpose here is the point I knew you sanctified you or danger not so you can do i ordain you so you could be here's my message the body's doing something just looking for something to do and they think that they're doing is they're being but the ratio of people doing stuff against erase your people becoming stuff is really different I'm working in here I know you're doing a lot and you want to do a lot and you seduce my people who offer you something to do but I want to know who wants to be more than they yeah I know you don't want to be what you're supposed to be because then it determines what you can it can I do it sit down sit we don't like preachers that help us be we don't like churches that force us to be we want environment will allow us to do and if the beating please don't let me do I get offended and I reveal that I'm more interested in doing that I'm more interested in becoming hmm this is the most potent part of our text it helps us to see why people think the position is a purpose you fool do you realize how many people are in positions and they still have no sense of purpose do you see how many denominations I've got to crack in here how many churches are built by selling positions and they still don't move in purpose do not take that position and purpose is synonymous and you'll know where it's not working because there are some people if you take the position then they have a loss I want to know who wants a purpose place I can serve anywhere this is my purpose and in a purpose place it helps me to be even when I'm not doing we are in a generation we are in a generation that does not understand that the foundation of doing is being and they're those that do a whole lot of nothing all the time but they have a phobia of having to become I find EP or harsher truth that authority is not determined by what you do power is not determined by what you do shaiva is not an issue of what you're called to do here is the real truth inhale exhale most of you are not afraid of what you call to do you're deathly afraid of who you call to be because it's who you closer be that's going to determine the lifestyle that's necessary for what you're supposed to do doing it is easy being it is a heart slap somebody say let me be let me be God is not concerned right now about what you're doing he is concerned about whether or not you discern who he wants you to be he does not want us to bastardize another season by coming up with this and that and this and selling this and starting this and writing back and you got a bunch of weightless works around you cuz you were not mature enough to say I'm not ready yet I've got some areas in my heart that God is hammering out I don't fully have an identity so I want to be everybody that's around me this is why PNA is the anchor this is why who you are from the beginning is to start it's the being that gives you the right to do I submit to you that when you be the do comes easily I knew you or Dania sanctified you to be you all read it like this I knew you I sanctified you our danger to uproot to plant to build to tear down to destroy that didn't come after the mandate to be was laid upon the heart listen when that mandate hit the heart what came out of it was the fear I can't be that because I am this after God laid it on Jeremiah's heart jahmai said our Lord God I'm only this is when you know that the mandate of what you're supposed to be hits your heart the fears begin to come up like a destiny oh you don't want the Deepak's of the Holy Ghost starts to happen he hits you with a calling and you come up with an excuse I'm I'm a woman I'm a man I don't know I didn't have you in a good place when you're insecure hey about your ability to do it by yourself then God's gonna tell you what to do after you got that gunk up out of you the word of the Lord to you is you doing too much I'm working in here the word of the Lord to you is that you are in a crisis your age your chemicals your status is making you do too much you feel successful because of what you do you feel honored want it because of what you do what an orphan spirit what God told Jeremiah how to do is be and in his being every time somebody tried to kill him they could not every time somebody tried to intimidate him they could not he even had a test of seduction and it looked like success and it did not because fundamentally he did not put his assignment before his purpose he wanted to be so that he could do let me be most of you in the room are in a season of being and trying to be and when you're in that season of becoming everything around you looks a look uncertain you hear that quietness it's because the fire of God has been trying to consume dead works works and effort and strength that you have to start over on every year because you not realize the problem is you it's not finding your uniqueness is being it and the cry of the heart Lord make me what I'm supposed to be it's more powerful than Lord tell me what to do people who become know what to do there is a wellness check coming to the earth when God is testing what we're building to see if it was born from a place of purity the volume in the room proves it the people feel successful praised applauded affirmed validated secured acknowledged when they do and then the devil knows the power of the do cuz he was a doer - so he seduces y'all with opportunity to do because he's most afraid of who you're supposed to be snap somebody said let me be let me be this is the concept of of Mary and Martha one was a doer and the doing blessed people but another one was a beer a beer let me be well everybody was doing and rushing and keeping up with and trying to get a blue check and all of that foolishness what Mary said is I would much rather be at his feet because you don't become at his hand and you don't become with what he has to give you there is one environment suitable to be miss at his feet if you don't humble yourself everything you're supposed to do will eventually destroy you even if it blesses other people you got to be this sting pop it ain't something to do it Assessor ain't something to do Sol miss ain't something to do evangelist is not an activity it's a being and you were not created to be a human doing [Music] you were made to be a human being you doing way too much very many people fall into deception because of doing I need to do I should do let me do and all of that is not waiting enough to flow from a place at the devil cane touch because he can attack your doing but he can't do nothing with your being he did not make you so when you like Jeremiah come into agreement with what you're supposed to be then it's easy to do what you're supposed to do very often when you're correcting people we do it at the doing level but real delivers don't come at the doing level people repent when they know who God made them to be I love your word psychos of sin and destruction have nothing to do with the activity of the member and the real knowledge of who you were born to be this is what conviction is it is not related to an act it's attached to an identity and I don't convict you by condemning you if I tell you you're dumb stupid idiot then you're gonna continue to manifest the tendencies of idiocy if I call you up to who God made you be then you're going to feel bad that you're not being what God made you be so you've got to be careful of establishing a brand around what you're supposed to do now this is backwards theology there are people elder I'd who say oh I had a pastor tell me one who didn't even like me even if we don't like all nations y'all force us to work harder the greatest compliment of my life because it meant that you can put lights up smoke up you can get a screen if you ain't got it you ain't got it this stuff is not what makes this house this house you're not even standing in a church you're not seated in a synagogue you are standing in tears that are over three decades oh this is a big pool that I cried in the middle of a studio apartment and what you stepped into is a history a back-to-back yeses to God you're not sitting in a room you're sitting in somebody's decision to be and because I could be millions are gonna set free say let me be the real issue of your victory go away it's the real issue of your victory hey I said the real issue of your victory is not what you're willing to do it's what you're willing to be if you're willing to be it everything God wants to flow through you will be unstoppable but let him make you when he told you to be how many of us have anxiety I'm gonna season in my life where I need to know what - do you know - do you even know to do there are so many people who are in deception because they think they're not doing enough and they get impatient because if I'm if I'm if I'm honest being and becoming is not an easy thing can I be real with you in this Anglican Church I know the easy thing MA is for people to say they are hurt but you are a lie and the truth ain't in you if you think you ain't hurt somebody they won't be on everybody hurts somebody when they're trying to be if you've never heard anybody it means you've not been perfected I love your word and all of our attempts to learn how to love we're going to hurt somebody you do it wrong before you do it right and so everybody gets to experience the things in them that are not healed yet if they're reaching to be it now if you're not hurting and ain't never hurt nobody the truth is your people please them and you not being your authentic flawed human self what you do is get so frantically speaking you put on whatever costume makes them love you and then we find you overdosed on crack in a hotel room they put upon you for social acceptance but somebody in here is like it's too late in the game for me to be doing stuff for you I did that when I was in high school I did that when I was in preschool but at this point I'm just free to be me and I just want God to let me not do nothing until I'm complete with being who he made me to be I like me I love me understand me and when on me everybody else is free [Applause] so for many of you the harsh truth is you're not in a season to do now it don't mean be lazy they don't mean don't serve it means that you've got to be convicted by committed to and attached to how God is building you hey hey he's got to heal hey how you see you he's got to cause as it were scales to fall off of your eyes about what you think manhood is about what you think womanhood looks like it is not what America has put in front of your face and you're wasting thousands of dollars to be the icon of an idolatrous society [Music] God has been trying for decades to get the church to be so devil said I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna kill the prophets anybody that see gouge the eyes out let the watch them and go to sleep because only those that see can help those be hmm all nations is a seeing church and one of our assignments to the nation is to see and the reason we're supposed to see is because there was a culture trying to be so they're reaching for stuff they're there they're building stuff they do stuff on TV and God knows y'all and these dumb Facebook lives to us you got two whole rise to share it all because you don't want to be you just want to hurry up and do cuz there's nothing like the hi it comes with doing then being this makes you real sober my paternal grandmother had a saying that blesses me you're gonna think it's funny but I think it's true a white towel would humble a lot of people you wash it out with greens and blues put a white towel on you and you'll see what you really been through Jacob Jacob there's a lot for you to do but I'm more interested in who I want you to be Israel is who you're going to be and you're gonna do stuff as Israel that Jacob can't do Simon Simon my decision was prenatal my purpose was pre-established but you're doing won't come until I've made you Peter he's in you but it's the being version of you so you're killing people now you're murdering people now you're going house to house as a terrorist I'm going to interrupt your life and once you be you're sending will be continual stop letting the devil pour you out of being and don't let peer pressure which is not a youth issue by the way when you hear peer pressure sometimes you think 20 I know 50 and 60 year olds that are still dealing with the pressures of the achievements of their peers but there is a being that God wants you to commit to albeit Lord that's where you start if you want to discover purpose find out what he wants you to be what do you want me to be I warned you I warned you I warned you as surely as I speak God's word don't you get intoxicated by titles the reason thank you all two of you to clap the reason why we've got a whole generation of miracle list preachers Authority lists preachers it's because that title switch the discussion from who they were to what they were supposed to do that title has no weight or rank now it has on an organizational chart but in the spirit Paul I know I know Jesus I know but who the devil didn't ask him what do you do I've been saying pastor Vaughn for years we have a lot of people prophetess Katie that are popular on earth and strangers in heaven loud tears on earth no authority in Hell when you be it hell knows exactly who you are and in your being you know what I've learned you can reduce your valium and still get the same results I don't have to break my voice to convince you that I'm powerful I can wish but the winds and waves and what manner of man is this that's what they activated as them who told him to do this what manner of man is this that winds and seas obey China the elements obey the people that become you can deal with circumstances if you become so the devil knows it this is why last year I say this to you prophetically many people in this church and abroad were launched into a massive identity crisis I mean just tossed Who am I what does this mean for me how this has impact my maybe I got it all wrong maybe I wasted my school time maybe and then they went into regret which is the worst place to go when you're trying to be remember not the former things neither consider the things of old behold I do now listen when he's doing you don't have to I said what he's doing you don't have to behold I do a new thing it springs up even now the problem I don't care if you know listen Tory where many people get ensnared I'm gonna pray for you where many people get ensnare our landmark ages and events I'm getting older I'm this then you have parents I want some grandbabies you hear that but then interpret it as what's wrong with me why am I not and and that value starts to trick you but like Jeremiah there is a woom word that you've got to be still enough and hold enough and peaceful enough hey Mel I love you come up here sit up here with me to be Mel more come to me because I might say B say B say B your nervous system is about to experience a miracle from God [Music] there it's coming your nervous system your nervous system your nervous system your nerves your nerves and be not conformed to this world because they don't have the power to be but be ye transformed by the renewing Apostle this is heavy where do I start in your head I'm not gonna allow these brochures to pressure me I'm not gonna allow these conferences and stuff to pressure me I'm going to be and then through my being other people will be but I refuse to do it before I be it with those hands up Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus we stand in Nice national crisis we stand in a state of emergency we stand in an era and in a time where men and women don't know how to guard the gift but not precede the death of investment you've had in them they've not completely conceptualized what you've made them to do and what you've made them to be but father even as a first fruit let this church stand separate as a people that's not going to enroll in the chaos of this culture scurrying like little mice to hurry up and build upon ourselves riches and achievement that have no real fruit but Lord let that be a New Testament conviction in every all nations worship assembly then like Jeremiah we will not prematurely engage in service before we've learned to be rooted in our identity help us to be at my god for you are the refiner and your word says you sit as a consuming fire but you don't consume us to destroy us you consume us to refine us now strong God in the name of Jesus let the power let the fire let the anointing of refinement hit every heart in this place begin to do away with the unsuitable do away with the unnecessary do away with the thing that you didn't put there every abnormal attachment to our personality hate to argue take to our call huh begin to sever it my god divorce us now from every lying path here relying trajectory huh and we pray Psalm 23:4 you lead us in righteousness your word is allowed unto our feet and a light unto our panda help us to see the path to become the way to become the environment that you want named us to become a holy spirit forgive us for any area that we've dishonored the resources you've given us to become help us my god to recognize the power the resources the relationships are the conversations are the access points that you've given us in order to make us a-- and forgive us for being in resentment because of what we cannot do and for what we have not done forgive us hoping specter hand we were delta at the life we've lived at the tourney we've had a now wash us both wash us you don't want wash us wash us now if I will say bless us you'd be crying out like a desperate people turn up this morning of cryin Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa wash they're gonna wash was us from every wrong motive of wasa from every destructive agenda wasa from every pound is I got wasa from every competitive spirit washes the very false Canada wasa from every posture permission was a very lying stamina washes up from the deception of the heart Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa Wassa the slope will be clean wash wash us watch us and we will be wider as snow this morning we're not just asking to be washed from Sarah were asking to be washed from false identities are both securities of both precious both birds both weights are false messages both identities are both appetizer wash us we only want to be what you called us to be a wash but we you can't do it we tried to get clean with books try to get clean with touch to our counselor we went to the medicine we trapped on the car we tried to toss up we tried Saxa we track degrees we track friends we tried school we tried certification but tonight all gonna be asking washers us away from you away from you never washes washes a puppet retired of Murph is medically retired out of external purpose we wanna be like the Son of God saina and then when you washed us up like a plant grow such no word declares up that those that be planted get the house of God chubbie a whassa and make a shot like a tree planted and and what so ever we do because we've been rejected who you made us to be without rejecting who called us to be even when our peers don't like it to rip on the feet what you've made us popular we're gonna pee but you made us to be either one is not easy we're going to be what you made us to be vegan man we're gonna be what you've made us to be huh either what we get but you need us to be even when we confuse I'm still going appears but that's calling me to beat and is gonna be back raised Hey the community are you and by the grace of God get your heads the charge this this is going to be the most productive season of your life but what he wants is to wash you Abed works your real works are going to last and they're going to become fruit but he doesn't want you wasting your effort to build any more plastic no more plastic relationships whoa no more plastic companies no more plastic anything but that that takes root my god right there now Lord you know we can't do this without you that's where your heart gets minutes or two right there we resolve let me say this and Jesus told the twelve I'm the vine you're a branch apart from me not you can do some things but apart from me you can do nothing people end up in dead works because of what they tried to do without him lift your hands now and I want you to make a new commitment to throw yourself on him for everything in the name of Jesus break the power of self righteousness righteousness in and after the flesh and the works of the flesh well then I blow this my heavy they are bring us my god into new grace without the hardness we need grace we need grace that's what we need we need grace we need grace we need grace the grace is not for doing the grace is for being give us grace give us grace more grace man there's so much deliberate sticking on the barn give me like sixty seconds of a push into the realm the realm of come on lift us into the I dare you right now surrender your heart to hit one more time come on give that heart to him give that heart to him I don't want to just do it come on - I don't want to just do it [Music] you know what's happening to you right now God is delivering you from self-rejection come on from rejection of self from resentment of self proclaims in you that push you off things of you that hate your way around your journey come on in the name of Jesus Christ we're going to be what God is calling us to be come on to get nakai out to your makeup come on your major Jamaica your maker your maker Jamaica come on come on if you get healed in your eyes you won't be afraid of your assignment come on Jemaine your makeup Jamaica weakness and all struggling aa battle it all story my makeup my makeup [Music] [Music] every spirit prima to a death shoot every spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus I promise I every mind released and free from the power of anxiety he the powers of paranoia if the strong name of Jesus and I command your nervous system to come under divine alignment with the process of God for you if the strong name of Jesus the Swart of the spirit now to the nervous systems in this room and everything in your mind that's fighting the purpose of God let this be a season of mine renovation of taught regulation of mental immersion her help out at mental rehab miracles in the mind miracles in their mind what are those miracles in the mind all over this room miracle okay if you got the Holy Ghost and natural language come out of you for a minute [Music] come on you can tell your mind what to do come on for the carnal mind is enmity against God but the nine covered by the spirit the mind covered by the spirit the mind comin by the smilk a long journey [Music] nice my Zechariah Hinata cupola Scooby teleport they are important everybody hit the other check I told ah come on my inner man young guys sayonara [Music] Hanabusa that's number one divorce ever Abbas never abuse a permit let me [Music] experiencing your psychological salma that your cerebral sir [Music] no peeking [Music] to handle oral Shh whoa just think after the fire of God [Music] nobody's doing mental miracles we have revival restoration in your fire in your plane every part we're headed every tendency in parts bringing you into all handles and amnesia the spirit up connects Oh if you're Neal Sentret let your strong we come to shake so area the bullseye let your pray we come the place where the Tonopah Hey little be lifted in my head let it be wash up in my head better be exalted in my head and cast out every high Pig let it Softimage pockets to another doctor cat stop the imagination cash cow lies about Destin Cashtown being up torment oh oh oh [Music] the spin-up torment the screen up Tommy the spirit torment the spirit of torment the state of terror [Music] right [Music] politics I see the [Music] let's chop down right we're done I tell you I triple Dania use that same hair that you laid on others look that hand on your head real quick come on come on do it now cut off - tree over your head to treat our way up black just stop I feel the glory let hands-on your shop operating on every angle of my head that's it the way of not becoming my fire Jesus which is the mountain of the skull so the blood can flow and the blood drip and the blood flow and it will crown upon his head too many no reason great shot raining in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't I never do this an eight o'clock services what I'm discerning in the spirit it's a tormenting spirit for many of you who don't let you go to sleep for some of you it makes you get up early it controls your mood alters you it whispers things about you you're gonna die like your momma you'll die like your daddy I'll kill your children if you've been under attack by tormenting spirits let this altar right now come on move up here I'm going to need some elders and puppets to help me the Evangelist get ready to help me ah Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh and in my elders and ministers accompanies oh there is a strong wall you will not go into February in the power of torment I said you're not going into this new machi from the power of torment for many of you is tormenting memories tormenting images some of you are some of your are tormented even by your own potential the fact that you know there's so much more in you that you're not doing I'm going to give you five minutes exactly and we're gonna deal with the kingdom of torment the power of torment now whatever this thing is operating in you is illegal I said whatever this is your mind your skull is the real estate of God anything trying to operate there without God's permission is illegal that in the name of Jesus even before we pray we come against and evict every illegal squatter trying to operate in this mind in the name of Jesus these mines belong to God every aspect of them every angle of him every function and every a capacity compartment in the head that belongs to the Holy Ghost and right now in the name of Jesus we come against spirits of depression come here spirits of depression spirits of anxiety I spirits of nervousness come on even Paranormal Activity I sense in the spirit some of you have been tormented by dead people black by memories of the dead in the name of Jesus I I come against every spirit of torment from loved ones that gone on to be with the Lord that the enemy is using up to come on your trips every spread of each of us huh and such a busser and Devils raping you in your sleep a pipe wrench or pala by plaque come on let's go you're guarding is here start to play with him in the name of Jesus fire come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hyah the fire of God I said the fire of the the fire of God the fire of God the fire of God out of the masked Rosa of Jehovah the fire of God of Elohim cups papers and smoke the fire of God in your cranium up the fire of God in your spawn fire fire every batch that rematch every stop what we're operating in your brain fine - now syan yield Neil Neil Neil Neil Neil Neil every mental better every mental snack every Mitchell Apple attack what every Mitchell assassin giving in the way of your concentration in the way of your focus we find your bats pop your cards be broken your cards be broken your tongs and your daggers come to ruin your habitation beep wrong look fire Varya holy fire my chest new testament fire [Music] keep that man Oh God [Music] became autonomous which time which time magic white magic we analyst hi chip pipe mind you met these minds go [Music] markets pockets buckets bucketz buckets what their chocolate look rocket shut the but blood everywhere blockage of the boat blockage of the blood rocket chuck the blood the blood revenge the blood perhaps the blood repels repels repels the blood repels repels but not prevail come on girls Ravel's up [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 57,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kq_AKw7pyaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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