New York🇺🇸 Day 3 of No More Delay & Divine Acceleration

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in battle is the Messiah in he's the serpentine up a walk-in mr. Samet modern-era raised by God to impact generations bringing hope and revolution etosha a voice of destiny affective voyage to this generation with a high frequency of horsepower and anointing ladies and gentlemen I want you to welcome this woman has been blessing us for the last two days a wonderful woman of God you have seen her ministry how many of you are happy that she's here [Applause] wonderful annoying thing I mean I'm just grateful the Lord has connected us when we were in Nigeria ministry together with my brother Prophet Jeremiah multiple points and I am grateful to the Lord that he has sent her for this meeting for this program to bless the people I was gonna say to place the people under your car we have people even from from from Russia look Russia you see so I can no more yes a new yorky Russia in Slavia Slavia see okay okay okay I want you to put your hands together as dr. Reverend Lucy Natasha comes to clashes with a one of the law [Music] Thank You Holy Spirit lift up your hands above your head give the name of Jesus shall avocados Carrabba handy somebody I want you for 30 seconds open your mouth and tell the Lord to speak to your heart and to speak to your spirit there is such an anointing in this place Oh shall avocados caribou hunting somebody open your mouth in the name of Jesus shall Abba hand le cadeau SCARA behind a lip akhadas Karabakh adesh forever honey oh what a move by your spirit and by your power but amou by your spirit and by your power somebody open your mouth in the name of Jesus Lisa a radish carvaka Belka father you are the healer as we are lifting up our hands we declare you were the redeemer you are the shelter you are the Advocate you are the stronger of you you are the breath of life as we are lifting up our hands we declare you are the hiding place you were the strong fortress you are the bread of life you are the power of Stephanie you are the eternal life you was allowed to provide the Lord of peace the living water when you clear you are wonderful Charla pecados karabakh adacia me so young Ibaka's Carrabba honey Jesus loved you away in this place Jesus help you away in this place Makara behind it oh Jesus we thank you everybody as you're stretching your hands to the altar father I want to thank you for every man and woman under the sound of my voice and even the thousands of people that are watching us from around the world lord I thank you even for those that are here in the overflows I declare every chain in this Sunday's service will be broken and Brickton 1aqaq will be broken every delay and disappointment shall be broken in the name of Jesus I thick layer in this service there shall be a release of long-awaited breakthroughs in the mighty name of Jesus a rabbika dose Carrabba hand le cadeau SCARA bhajan day i decree and declare from this service no more delay no more hindrances not more limitations in the name of Jesus I declare no more setbacks no more obstacles in the mighty name of Jesus lord I pray that you will meet your people at the point of their needs in the mighty name of Jesus a rosomak adesh car Ibaka those Cubs as you are lifting up your hands I want you to declare over your life somebody said no more delay no more delay not mortal and immortal a I stand as God's Oracle to declare not mortal a in your life from this service I declare affliction will be passed from you in the mighty name of Jesus a rod so mahadesh Carrabba Hyundai from this surface I did night that double access in your life in your family in your business in your career in your marriage oh I denied that double access of every demonic power that has been mandated to delay your destiny Let It Be destroy somebody say after me my destiny as you are stretching your hands to the altar I declare from this service you are breaking up into new limbs of glory Oh Rebecca Bosch colaba Honda from this service you will sing a new song in the name of Jesus I see the Lord releasing speed and supernatural victory over every bottle you have been pressing in the name of Jesus syllabic about Karami hyundai every superb delay in your business in your career I declare is over every fabric delay in your finances is over in the mighty name of Jesus every pocket boss karabakh Anushka I declare unprecedented miracles and breakthrough in Jesus mighty name somebody shout amen come on walk to three people tell them not much delay that I hear those that are in the overflow not more delay as you are standing up on your feet I want to honor God for the father of this house you know as I came in I loved this man of God he's a man after God's own heart and you know prophet ed was saying I am NOT the senior pastor of this church and I asked him so who is the senior pastor he said to me Reverend Natasha the senior pastor of this church is the Holy Spirit there he told me he's just an assistant hallelujah and I said what a man after God's own heart a man that does things as commanded and not as convenient a man that God has obtained and appointed in our generation New York you have left the nations of the world are blessed to have your prophet you are an answered prayer to this generation we under the Grace and the anointing that is upon your life may heaven honor you may God continue to strengthen you may God continue to empower you to fulfill the assignment we celebrate you in our generation you wanna place it and you are a trailblazer we thank God for the oil that you carry you are an am an embodiment of grace you carry such a strong prophetic anointing as strong deliverance anointing you are a seasoned Bible teacher and preacher and we honor God for your life ladies and gentlemen help under what goddess honor it is we get this incredible tips of the thirty of Christ tell your neighbor it is true to honor whom God has honored and look at your name as a neighbor it is the anointing you honor and respect that changes your life tell your neighbor honor they anointing then your neighbor and anointing you displaces it can never spice up your life tell your neighbor on the bay anointing I also find God beside every successful man there's a woman who knows her place I want to honor our mother mama we love you you are an incredible kick to the party of Christ we salute you to the glory of God ladies and gentlemen put your hands together as you know I met this servant of God through my spiritual father senior Prophet Jeremiah on what I have come to love them and admire them and you know they've been married for 41 years as I looked at them I said marriage works and I was looking at them and I was saying what a joy when you marry a prayer partner and not a prayer point tell your neighbor don't marry a prayer voice Maria prayer partner when you marry the right man or the right woman you marry a prayer partner but when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you marry a prayer point tell your neighbor marriage works till you never receive that grace in the name of Jesus and I was just connecting to that grace we celebrate Chuy on the year you are such an example to our generation with thank God for your lives in the name of Jesus Alleluia I want you to appreciate the person next to you tell them you are an MP you are a member of paradise come on chef 202 people tell them you are an MP you are a member a paradise yeah they have an honor you for being here this wonderful morning I want you to know we are in the last days when God is not looking for ability but for availability thank you for your availability even those that are in the upper floors I want you to know anytime you are in the presence of God even in the you may be seated in the presence of God yay I'm excited in the presence of God in the presence of God there is fullness of joy my god something is about to happen so get ready and stay ready look at you never tell them something is about to happen I flew for over 15 hours old away from Nairobi Kenya to New York and I may not have come with wheeze like an angel but I came as a messenger with a message I don't know who God sent me here for but I know God sent me somebody I want to share the word shortly but before then I just want to greet some people prophetically somebody say Amen ah look at your neighbor's a neighbor after today where you suffer the most is where you will shine the brightest he'll your neighbor after this hobbies where are you at the spice is where you shall be race somebody lift up your hand sir in this service my story shall be turned to clearing my disgrace will pretend to grace my disappointment will be time to appointment somebody say after the service after the service my pottery will be time to victory after the service my trials will be time to triumph if the name of Jesus somebody say I declare I will become a wonder that will make people wonder I will be a point of attraction I will be under stress point up the blessing of God in the name of Jesus shout I receive I receive you know some things cannot be taught they must be caught in the realm of the Spirit are you ready to receive as whenever are you ready to receive [Applause] expectation is the matter of manifestation many people touch Jesus in the days of Jesus but nothing happened but the women with the issue of blood when she had Jesus power came out of Jesus touch you came out of Jesus what was the difference as others that she says they did not expect anything to happen so nothing happen but the woman with the issue of blood when she had Jesus it was a touch of expectation it was a touch of determination it was a touch of faith so how about you came out of Jesus I'm here to tell you from the upper floor to this auditorium to those that are watching us live we expected the expectant of Astra neighbour are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready to be delivered are you ready to be delivered from the chains of delay because in the rap of the Spirit as I was praying this morning I saw chains of delet breaking up I saw covenants of I saw covenants of delayed breaking my god I saw you accepting love being destroyed are you ready to be are you ready to be delivered are you expected I was the lis prophet ed he is a demon destroyer when he appears the ones disappear and you get to take the demons of delay I in trouble tell your neighbor that devil is in trouble come on give somebody a high five and tell them that devil is in trouble that Devil is in trouble God is about to trouble the trouble which has been troubling you that double is in trouble when God sends a prophet God sends a prophet to Prophet you God sends a prophet to accelerate your destiny is there anybody from Canada to Dacia anybody from Canada I know this is an International House where people come if you're here and you're from Canada come to the altar I want to pronounce a blessing over your life the Lord says speak something of a canada canada canada canada canada canada canada hallelujah canada somebody stretch your hands towards them let me hear what cities are you from Canada uh-huh you're from where you're from where Ajax uh-huh stretch your hands towards them syllabic Otto's Karabakh Anoushka yes somebody say Canada my god I decree and declare reproduce Karabakh Atocha losing akatosh Karabakh Abbasi hmm I am singing the Lord Oh Rizzo mahadesh ha I am sick the lot in the realm of the Spirit he's opening a new chapter in your lives the Lord says you a lot I shall be great now my god the best part of your life it is not behind you it is ahead of you and as I live my hands on you I declare the beginning of the new season from this altar the beginning of a new season all your long-awaited breakthroughs are about to be released back I polska I see prolonged battles coming to an end and I want you to connect somebody say I connect a prophecy to one is a prophecy to all say I connect I am seeing long-standing but was long-standing problems problems that have lasted for a long time no funding was coming to an end as I lay my hands on you come one after another come knows you stand there this is too fast I declare the beginning of a new season take it in the name of Jesus somebody say I receive the Lord is wiping away your tears tears of sorrow will not drop from your eyes weeping may endure for a night but the piper says joy comes in the morning yeah look at your neighbor their neighbor i prophesy three years of sparrow will not drop from your eyes in the name of Jesus you will not leak night tears of joy the Lord is wiping away your tears and he tells me to tell you he's fighting your purpose he is building with it this long finding those in your life is dealing with it you have cried and cried and cried but God is wiping away your tears as I am declaring it over our life make good wipe away your tears in the name of Jesus resuit joy in the name of Jesus as I let my hands on you receive this in your heart this in your mind this in your spirit in Jesus mighty name amen hmm as I look at you in the realm of the Spirit lift up your hands oh my god they stretch your hands towards her do you know somebody like shalini oh can I burn fs5 yes i prophesy Oracle of God I'm hearing like brown brown brown buddies here then can I put up a side prophesy Oracle of God shall abide Escada but I push a lava hunting because as I saw you as they were walking I saw and then behind you and I thought it was like Shaolin then I thought like it was brown liquor Posca the Lord is telling me Russell they're not has remembered you as the lot is remembering this woman may God remember everybody that came to take I said may God remember you may cut my pet your issue I declare you a condition will not escape the anointing I say you a case will not escape a anointing somebody lift up your hand and say my father my father my case is I drank somebody said man look at me now look at me now stretch your hands towards her as I look at you in the realm of the Spirit the Lord is saying this Franco is over this struggle is over this Drago is over I saw them not bringing you out of the wilderness experience you have been going through a wilderness Oh shun Ibaka dose you have been going through a wilderness experience nothing is working and nothing is moving in your life true or not true who did you come with here - oh gosh pecados to stretch your hands towards them my god I am sick the wilderness and limit you God is remembering you your doors are open adversary I'll Katniss your open toe Vasari be destroyed in the name of Jesus everybody lift up your hand say after me and I picked up red fox open doors come on pray this prayer point I picked up a box of red doors open doors in the name of Jesus stretch your hands towards them the Lord is remembering you the wilderness experience is coming to an end I see struggle nothing has been working nothing has been moving in your lives Oh shall ibaka those Karabakh adacia but I see angelic intervention they have been acting up bidding on your behalf the Lord is in depending on your behalf as I let my hands on you I combined with the grace that is upon the father of this house profit and citronella I declare the beginning of a new season everybody stretch your hands towards them as I count one two three midday and my team of acceleration fall on you one in the name of the Father in the name of the son pray in the name of the Holy Ghost take it in the name of Jesus it is done in the name of Jesus shall Abba Kato's it is done it is done it is done somebody shot fire a shot fire tell your neighbor no more delay no more delay no more delay Alleluia I want to also greet another group that the Lord is telling me then I share the word very shortly razo mahadesh car Ibaka dosa you come stand here you are here and you are coming from Connecticut it's called cornet II a cornet see come come come oh it doesn't matter how many you are come stand here hmm Shahla Mikado stop come closer Alaba kados leha Yan de Vaca dos karabakh adesh pecados Farabaugh Kadesh caribou hunting the notice remembered you you are the deliverer of your family come all of you come lift up your hands everybody stretch your hands towards them I am just seeing miracles somebody say miracle miracle I am just seeing miracles in the realm of the Spirit tell your neighbor miracles I want you to mention that thing that you are came believing God to do for you in this conference and in this service I want you to begin open your mouth and mention it for 30 seconds Rebekah Carl Ibaka dosa Lisa Yaga - Cara baka dosa ly Hyundai basilica - Cara Baca dosa Yun de Carabas oyakata-sama Hyundai father I thank you for this wonderful people have come from Connecticut I pronounced a blessing of our lives in the mighty name of Jesus as I live my hands on you I declare go and receive what you have been waiting for that which you have been waiting for I saw this group and I saw one commonality it is like the devil had put you in the waiting room of life the Lord says the wait is over the waiting season is over the waiting season is over the waiting season is over somebody open your mouth and say I declare the waiting season is over in my life in the mighty name of Jesus the waiting season is over the waiting season is over the waiting season is over the waiting season is over in the mighty name of Jesus shall ibaka Bhaskar Ibaka Desha Li hand le cadeau scar Ibaka dosa years Omega - ca' as you are lifting up your hands who amongst you is working at the University of Connecticut I just felt like the University of Connecticut let me know if you're working there come here shell Ibaka dosa let me lay my hands on you go and receive what you've been waiting for come and go and receive also there is the the month or the month today the month of intercession is upon you lift up your hands there is a prophetic and Basin there is a prophetic and an intercessory mantle under you lift up your heads shall avocado sky I decree and declare reso mahadesh let every gifting of God in you be activated fire of the Holy Ghost come quickly quickly I want to lay hands on you go and receive what you've been waiting for come go and receive what you have been waiting for go and receive what you have been waiting for do you know like Evelyn shall I become Rizzo mahadesh Chicago and receive what you have been waiting for in the mighty name of Jesus no more setback in your life somebody said I declare robust setback in my life back in my life not my setback in my life in the name of Jesus that setback has been destroyed in the name of Jesus rosamma Kadesh Karabakh Agosta fire of the Holy Ghost how and receive what you have been waiting for come and receive what you have been waiting for in the mighty name of Jesus go and receive what you have been waiting for wait go and receive what you have been waiting for come Rezo mahadesh Karabakh atossa I declare it is well with you Rebecca dosa fire of the Holy Ghost Jesus the Lord is going to lift you iso leadership oil on you come fast I declare I receive right now what you have been waiting for go and receive in the name of Jesus go and receive what you have been waiting for there is the leadership oil on your God is going to lift you in the great way you will be a great woman in the corporate world you will ship both rooms in the corporate quality you are at tempera in this generation that God is releasing less of Makkah - Karabakh atossa ah where God is second you know I have seen no ear has heard has it impact the hearts of men what God has in store for you right now I declare on the journey of destiny may God raise help us for you take it in the name of Jesus somebody said Lord release my help us very quickly turn with me to the book of then we will proceed Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 if you're there say Amen Luke chapter 1 I read from verse 5 there was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain priest named Zechariah everybody you can stand on your feet if you don't mind wherever you are as I read this very quickly and God will bless you I just want to make a prophetic this is a prophetic word that I believe is your word there was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain priest named Zachariah of the division of Abijah his wife was of the daughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth and they were both righteous before God working in all the ordinances and commandments of the Lord blameless but they had no child because Elizabeth was barren and they were both well advanced in ears verse 11 we jump then the angel of the Lord appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar of incense verse 13 but the angel said to him do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayer is heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name John verse 18 and Zechariah said to the angel how shall I know this for I am an old man and my wife will advanced in years my god let's jump to verse 25 thus say thus the Lord has dealt with me in the days he looked on me to take away my reproach from among the people somebody say Amen you may be seated in the presence of God father I decreased that you may increase I disappeared that you may appear in the next few minutes speak to earth in Jesus mighty name shout amen the Bible tells us of a man named Zechariah that was a priest and was well advanced in ears together with his wife and these people had the predicament though they loved the Lord though they served the Lord they had a predicament now I understand why some 34 and 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers him out of them all because that is how God operates I told you yesterday when God allows you to go through fire the fire is not to destroy you but to display the power of God that is how our God works and therefore Zachariah and Elizabeth who are people that love God but the Bible says as they continued walking with God in season and out of season and nothing was happening and nothing was changing because Elizabeth was foreign to be barren means to be unfruitful to be unproductive to be barren means to be dry and to be desert like and therefore they were delayed for many years from there from conceiving and getting a child and now Elizabeth and Zachariah were both old in age hallelujah I believe there's somebody that is here you are like woman of God or rock oh I am getting old Alleluia and you're wondering when will God remember me I'm getting old when we like be married when will I have my own children I'm getting older you're seated here and you feel like you are delay that you are like I am getting old when will I have my own business when will I establish my own company when will I buy my own house when will I accomplish my dreams and my goals in life you feel like you are getting old you feel like you have been waiting in the waiting room of life and you are like now what is happening and you feel like you you feel like you want to give up because the Bible says that Hope deferred makes the heart grow weaker and some of you you are at the verge of giving up but I came to announce it's not over until God says it is over give your neighbor a high five and tell them is not over and some of you that are seated here are also facing Berenice you know it may not be in the area of fertility it may be in the area of business you are trying this business and that other business and nothing is working in your career nothing is working you are working but you have nothing to show for Rita you are going through Berenice and to be barren is to be unfruitful and productive to be tried to be desert-like and you are like oh my god as years go by things are getting a tougher and harder and this was the case of Zachariah but one of the things I admire about Zachariah in spite of what they were going through they continued working with God it is tough to walk with God when you cannot risk him but even when you cannot rest him trust him up look at your neighbor tell them even when you cannot rest him trust him up because he's silent is not his absence keep your neighbor a high five and tell them his silence is not he's upset ah his silence is not his absence so even when you cannot rescue your little trusting them that is why the Bible says at the appointed time he makes everything beautiful I want you to know the reason why we had this theme of not more delay and divine that celebration it is because it is your timer and I own two Allen's in the name of Jesus whether the devil likes it or not this is your time somebody said this is my timer ah that is why the piper says time and chance of happiness to them all I hear the Lord said this is your timer come on lift up your hand and declare every top on your life somebody said this is my time this is my time this is my time this is your time this is your time Oh shun Ibaka dose car Ibaka deskah this is your time this is your time so Zachariah and Elizabeth continued walking with God in season and out of season I came to announce to you regardless of what you are going through God is still God He is God in the mumtaz He is God in the valley ah he's good when you have money he's God when you don't have money ah come on tell your neighbor in season and out of season God is still God I also love Zachariah because in spite of what they were going through they did not complain most of us when we go through such situations we begin to mama and complainer but I've come to discover complainers and not obtain us up ah and obtain us and not complain as a this is what happens when you complain when you complain you explain your pain for no pana but you know Zachariah and Elizabeth decide that we are not going to complain when we complain we remain we are not going to be complete as for completeness a lot of pain as a they continued walking with God they continued following their ordinances of the Lord they continued praying and praising us look at your neighbor tell them I'm not losing my praise ah regardless of what I am going through I will praise him up ah I love what Deb is saying I will bless the Lord at all times up and his phrases will be continually in my mouth I will raise him in the morning I will raise him in the none time I will praise him in the evening up ah look at your neighbor's a neighbor if you don't know my pain you can't understand my razor I am praising from my miracle I am racing for my breakfast I am crazy to the fact that I'm iliza you don't know where God picked me trauma you don't know where God brought me from I've got to praise Him up when you enter his presence with praise he enters your circumstances with power when praises go up yesyes compounder that's three people tell them up raising him up raising him up racing him for thirty Seconds I'm praising him for where he brought me from for where he picked me from for where he was taking me he kept me when I couldn't keep myself he's my sustainer he's my chair hope I shall love they love my peace with my Jehovah Jireh a lot my provider is my Jehovah Nissi the Lord my Panna is my Jehovah El Cubo the mighty God is my love my healer his jehova shamma the love that is present up I will sit down for one minute hey tell your neighbor when you complain you explain your pain for no gain when my parent in use the struggle continues tell your neighbor when murmuring continues their struggle continues did you never don't be a complainer don't be a complainer I know it's tough and you've been waiting on God for a long time but the piper says for the patient Ollie's it will surely come to pass Hey that means delay is not denial repeat delayed is not to be denied I don't know everyone's picnic - in the overflow I don't know everyone speaking to in this auditorium in overflow on another floor - I don't know everyone speaking - I don't know who I'm speaking to on Facebook and on YouTube and on all the social media platforms up but I'm here to announce as an Oracle dinner is not denier typically late is not to fit in either boy your America is delayed it is not denied while your blessing is delayed it is not denied for your marital settlement is delayed it is not denied and today we come with an anointing up to this month of the yoke of delay for this one - the punch of the advantage of delay no more delay touch through people tell them no more delay no more delay the delay yeah watch this now I'm about to close hmm as they continued working with God one day as the cornea was in the temple the Bible says the angel Gabriel the angel that stands in the presence of God appeared to Zachariah and said your prayers have been hard hey today the Lord has sent us here with prophet ed to come and decree and declare your prayers have been hard I don't know what you've been praying for what you've been believing God for what you have been crying for but we stand under the same anointing uh two different women to declare your prayers have been heard the prayers for the salvation of your loved ones that bring has been harder the players were pricked in generational in ancestral fascism but prayer has been heard the pray of the financial breakthrough has been heard the play of a supernatural pet consolation but Renia has been hard the prayer of healing has been harder the pray of promotion has been harder the prayer of your citizenship has been harder the prayers of your papers have been harder the prayers of my ministry establishment have been harder keep behind favor tell them your prayers have been heard your prayers have been harder with thunder as angel couples who prefers the pariah to come and tell you is found in the presence of God and we heard say your prayers have been hard you are about to testify you are about to break food or you wanna go to Lhasa it doesn't matter what you have been coming through how long you been waiting up but your prayers have been heard Sharia in Zechariah said to the angel how shall I know abyss for I am an old man and my wife is well advanced in years but I love what Luke 1:37 says that regard all things are possible I know they are people that are asking how shall this fear how shall it happen ah I came to announce with God all things are possible I say it with God hey come on look at your neighbor and help me preach with your eyes open tell them with God all things are possible not some things but all things up I said all things up possible you are saying but I'm older you are seeing but I'm tired now I came to tell you with God all things are possible I want to close with us that if either when God remembered Elizabeth Elizabeth said and the Lord has looked on Mia the Lord has remembered me and taken away my reproach from among the people i prophesy the Lord is about to remember you he will take away your approach from among the people I don't know what people have been saying about you I don't know what people have been talking about you but let the talkers talk as they talk behind your back gladly lets you prefer their face up I said I'm not giving you a miracle that will silence the mouth of your haters I seek God giving you a miracle that will sign the month of the gossip ah sir ah the Lord is about to take away your approach God will give you an open bar God will give you a choker God will give you a blessing that will silence the market your enemies your approach will be rolled away i prophesy as God remembered Zachariah as God remembered Elisabetta may God remember you I said may God remember year may God take away your approach I came to announce is not over he doesn't matter if you've been waiting for 15 years 20 years ten years five - three years two years or one year I announce to you in the name of Jesus oh it's not over give three people a high five everybody standing up her tell them it's not over it's not over above no one is not over a buffalo - is not over name editorial is not over it's not over unlike church is not over I say it is not over that devil is a liar that double is a liar God will remember you God will remember your your condition is not your conclusion every problem has an expiry date and we declare a expiry bet on your problem when God remembered Elizabeth and Zachariah the firm and the yoke of badness was destroyed I decree and declare a new from a bad - in your life in your business in your finances in your career in your marriage ah ah any pump of badness I command it watch fire I declare you shall be struck follow up that is suffice I declare you shall be fruitful in for the area of your life you shall I say receive receive unlike cha chi-soo lift up your hands above your head I see the Lord taking away you are approached from among the people hey I want you to pray this prayer Lord as you remember Zachariah and Elizabeth and took away the reproach remember me remember me somebody said Lord come on lift up your hands as a sign of surrender say Lord say Lord remember me take away my reproach wipe away my tears from today I declare no more delay no more delay nor delay in every area of my life no more delay I receive the spirit of acceleration in the name of Jesus from today from today my story is changing my family is changing my career is changing in the name of Jesus I declare I will break through I will break forth in the name of Jesus lift up your hands I want you to mention that area in your life where you feel you have been under the yoke of delay shall avocados Karabakh adacia leap pecados Karabakh Anushka Oh somebody open your mouth lots of mahadesh car avocados Carrabba handy yonder vasoya Kanishka I see angels in this place the angels are cutting bowls of oil oh my god I am going to count one two seven I said they're angels searching selecting and locating people right now ah Lazo mega-desk Arabica dosa papad Escanaba honda hey they are people that have been under heavy bondage of delay and Joseph God as I count one two seven wherever those people are begin to search them now begin to touch them now fire fire fire of the Holy Ghost in the main auditorium of the floor one overflow two angels of God begin to search them now begin to search them now we get to such them now begin to look at them now they are ghosts the power there goes their power as I'm counting one two seven angels of God touch them now run fire at rolliver's fire at the oliver's fire of the Holy Ghost hi are believers even those that are watching a life that you're kept Tina is destroyed that shame that delay classes and continents of today I read them in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh stop [Music] not working late not what delay now party late somebody open your mouth and begin to receive the fire Oh holiness pala I see they're 90 mph acceleration not more delay not delay nobody late don't delay that's they get a lot God of Israel the party late oh shut up Malaysia new procerus from mahadesh caribou hunting Oh somebody open your mouth for 30 more seconds [Music] [Music] nice sorry about Karabakh ADO's I want you to open your mouth what God is doing in your life any of your family members that is going through stagnation mention their name right now distance is not a barrier in the realm of the Spirit God is beginning to touch your family members if you have their pictures with their pictures as a point of contact if you have their pictures and the documents you have that you are trusting but regret the bondage of delayed and the documents you have home and the device lift it up begin to declare no more delay syllabic adesso lose their pictures as a point of culture lift that document as a point of contact Hyundai Lisa yesterday's forever Hyundai as you are lifting it up I'm going to make some prophetic declaration somebody begin to declare first mention it what you confess is what you possess begin to declare no more delay Lincoln avocados ha if you are ever European living God for concerning your loved ones that you are holding the picture as a point of contact and the documents you have you are falling you're expecting good news open your mouth and begin to declare normal delayed normal Diamond Mountain Lake Charlevoix kowalska Rosso mahadesh avocados Shazzer mahadesh are avocados la ronde bazolar kadesha no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay as you are holding that document I declare not what did not work disappointments I read other lives that no more disappointment no more obstacles my god that marriage will not love peace anymore Namaskar Ibaka dosa li hunger Messiah you are rising up up limitations in the name of Jesus you are rising above limitation you will see the glory of God ah sha la vaca dosa God will settle your case in this service in the mighty name of Jesus Raja yoga - Karabakh Alaska the Egyptians you see to take you will see them no more in the mighty name of Jesus sha la vaca - karappa Hyundai leaves all cartagia somebody as you are lifting that document say I received and common favor in the name of Jesus say I receive my breath through and for my family members I receive dominion over the enemy in the name of Jesus I receive God's prosperity I receive the blessing of God I receive remission for my family spiritual elevation God's intervention in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Halla pecados Karabakh adacia Lisa mahadesh Karabakh anouska shallow Hyundai as you are limping those documents and those pictures that are that are you presenting your loved ones and whatever you are believing God for I did hear there shall be transformation and often happens in this service oh she's oh my god Asia lip Acosta unlimited prepped room financial overflow Cocteau restoration somebody said total restoration somebody said abundant peace and stop the fruitfulness in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus lift that document I declare further to those that are hearing the main auditorium overflow on overflow to and that various social media platforms that are watching us live i decree and declare God will lift you up Oh resume Maga dosa I pray that God will contend with anyone contending against you anyone contending with your business you are career you are pirates you are Advancement metal not content with them in the name of Jesus Habakkuk else Karabakh Anushka I declare over your life your life is moving forward somebody said I declare my life is moving forward my life is moving forward as you are lifting up those documents and it demonic power that is fighting that counsel and the plan of God for your life I declare it will not prosper you will not be stranded somebody say I will not be stranded somebody say I will not be stranded I will of of law in the blessing of God percent goodness shall follow me and my family in the name of Jesus somebody said I declare god is making a way where there is no way he is opening avenues he is opening highways for me and my family from today we shall experience miracles read-throughs open heavens in the name of Jesus say three times no more delay keep the Lord uh clop offering in the name of Jesus to us that I in front here I declare is simply inventing of acceleration as I count 1 2 3 1 in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Ghost it is done in the name of Jesus sit down for one minute I just want us to just give our tithes in the name of Jesus I want us to give our tithes those that are here in the overflow so that the minute we just get into the prophetic and we get into deliverance Alleluia there is no panning back somebody say Amen tell your neighbor today is your day your condition will not escape the anointing and I want us to give you know giving time is blessing time somebody say Amen giving time is blessing time look at your neighbor tell them giving time is blessing time we are going to give our tithes tithe is the connection to the protection of your finances ten is that tack night is the 10% of your income it is holy and it belongs to the Lord even those that are watching us live those that are watching us live I'll also be praying for those that are watching us live now listen follow me ah tell your neighbor the blessing of God make it rich tell your neighbor I am not born again to suffer again a cattle on a Thousand Hills belongs to the Lord the gold of the silver the earth and its fullness belong to the Lord now listen to me tithe is ten percent of your income it is holy and it belongs to the Lord tithe is the connection to the protection of your finances it is your type that makes God as shareholder of water for you to whether you're in business in employment you are tithe mix called a shareholder or whatever you do it is your tight that rebukes the Devourer water devours devours are a task of finances it does of finances so you are tithe is what rebuilds the devour the it does of finances you are tight also brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity you are tight also makes you work and the weapon happens it is your tithe that opens the heavens alleluia there is power in tithing I always tell people if you don't tithe your things will be tight because the devorah's will be at work it does or finances so it is good to be at either it is good to give god you have ten percent every time you release you a ten percent God releases a blessing of the 90 percent when you release the ten it invokes a blessing on the 90 hallelujah so you cannot live in rain somebody saying man so tight is powerful beginning with our father of faith Abraham when he met Melchisedec in Genesis 1420 he kept a tight of all there's power in tight hallelujah look at your neighbor tell them be faithful be faithful be faithful there is nothing we have that God did not give us lord I thank you for every giver I let my hands on them in the realm of the Spirit we declare as you spoke to me and your prophet Eddie citronella that it's a season of no more delay and divine a celebration we declare for shall it be over the lives of the people I release the Solomons anointing the resource management wisdom well success and prosperity I release the Isaacs anointing for investment strategy I release the Cyrus anointing for financial acumen I release the Sun Wells anointing for sensitivity and obedience to the voice of God I release the Esther's anointing for divine favour and Kingdom strategies I release the Daniels anointing for governance excellence and integrity I release the joseph's anointing for political business and economic leadership strategies I release that joshua's anointing same raffia prosperity and success strategies I release the Abraham's anointing for pioneering New Territories real estate acquisition generation of copán and blessing I release the Moses anointing that you will be a trailblazer and a leader I release the Nehemiah's anointing as our innovator and as a restorer I release the asuras anointing that you will be an authentic worshiper of the true and living God that David's anointing for worship and praise I release the pols anointing for cutting-edge apostolic revelation I release the elijah's anointing the prophetic accuracy and insert I release the Elijah's anointing for servanthood the proportional power and authority I release the yuccas anointing for the discernment of correct times and seasons I release the apical anointing for hospitality and prudence I release the Una's anointing for intercession nature bears anointing for territorial and intellectual growth I release that disciples anointing for learning there are CEA's anointing for technological advancement I release the Christ anointing the prophetic prayer spiritual warfare signs wonders and miracles I declare you will leave a purpose-driven life your finances or bless your life is blessed whatever you touch will increase and multiply the spring of your wealth will never go dry in the name of Jesus I bless that offering I bless your ties may God rebuke the Devourer may your pockets never got dry may God prosper you onion crisps you may your thoughts and ideas translate for money in the name of Jesus you are blessed going in you are blessed coming out you are blessed in the city you are blessed in the country I also bless everyone that is given towards the building fund may God increase you may God what apply you further every seed that is being sown as a seed of no more delay and divine acceleration I bless that seed in the name of the Father the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 29,584
Rating: 4.6651583 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: sjoPGic9_ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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