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welcome to the Vlog guys it is super windy what's up buddy oh you dabbing on me it's super windy out hopefully my little wind screens are working here everyone I'm just going to go in the garage every once in a while believe it or not we have to clean our yard you pretty much get left with all this random stuff that happens throughout the weeks everything from old sleds to old bikes to plastic balls take me to the limo who this is way easier come on flush come on and then of course just an old random limousine sitting in the backyard so today has started with a little bit of a cleaning spree look at this place oh man this limo though is leaving next No 2 weeks we're doing something really cool really big with it and uh I'm excited I don't think this s supposed to sit on it come on I just got so muddy oh you just covered me [Music] oh see yard's pretty trash Noah's out here hustling cleaning working how is it buddy on a scale from one to terrible how bad's the yard uh terrible I was looking for the camera I was going to start the Vlog without you what do you mean I already started it cuz Kane started carrying in fan mail oh you want to do fan mail yeah okay oh it's Zeus I was like who's coming up the steps we used to do something called fan mail in our vogs and sometimes we would dedicate an entire video just to that today we have some we're going to crack open the kids are always excited what do you want to open first huh that one that one what do you think what do you think it's a gun yeah all right let's open it up it's inside out Mountain Dew boxes wrapped up into yes yeah look that's awesome all right there's something in there there's something in there it's not too late to rip it that's cool are you waiting for some fan mail are you on something the Inside Out Mountain de box is coming from Cassandra bird and she sends a smile more sign and she sends bracelets for the family I know something's going to be here for you I know it he's like a little kid at Christmas like where's mine I think this is for you flash yeah oh no it's not a flash the heck is that that's a cool watch what look K it lights up all right guys I love you to death you know that but the next person that sends me Swedish fish is going to be in big trouble stop I think one time I said this was my favorite candy you guys know and I have had I'm not kidding a fan meets the tour everything you guys always bring me Swedish Fish we have the world's largest collection of Swedish Fish I'm almost positive oo is it still wet that thing still looks wet Zach Jack it's Jack and he sent Swedish Fish too I have some yeah actually it kind of sounds good right now oh that's why it sounds good cuz I'm not eating sugar I can't even eat Swedish fish right now no more watches are from Oliver Oliver yeah he didn't put a state or anything on it the Swedish Fish are for Kane and Noah they're not even for me he knew Circle girl on his painting cuz that we do know it's a girl now oh that's funny yeah I still smell the pain yeah this is fresh you guys know Kane's having a blast in this foam flash is just waiting on his his fan mail you guys of course know that your art lives in our store so this is going to be another piece for our store who's that from from Owen from Owen 9 years old made that for us thank you Owen what you got what that birthday present it's Christmas yeah let me see do me it actually says two cane I knew it that's a cool one should build that oh it's a it's a cad idea not a good idea from Chase Todd Benny pack representing Florida Destin uh-oh flash uhoh Zeus oh my go looks like you got some stuff dudes you want the Rope all right you want out he just wants to know what this [Applause] oh they both caught it just caught it did you get that flos already had one in his mouth oh come on flat dog pull can I do it Mom yeah you sure can you going to pull you right across the floor you win his name is Shay he's 11 years old and he sends all the dog toys from New Zealand you made my dog so happy today because they both sit and they wait every time we do fan mail the dogs sit and they wait because they know you guys send them stuff it's from Colton wages Colton Wages that's a cool name you it's Colton Colton wages seus it's not for you dude relax he smells something in there he does smell something oh my gosh what is it to Mama a to Mama to beach like from the beach wa this is cool mama in the house looking for a knife dang that was now we can open new fan May mate this is awesome I'm so excited are they hard to put in who's it from who's it from somebody sent us these crazy her company she's 12 years old you're one of my favorite YouTubers and I'm helping my brother's company mesmerized that's a great name okay so they sent us all these crazy colored contacts I've never put a contact lens in but look at this it's like a make you have like bloodshot eyes D you catch them all when you have these I so want to do this tonight like half my face with a whole different color eye it's called Blind white blind white so you just have ooh blind I wonder how hard it is to actually get these in cuz I I'm I've never worn contacts or put them in so like you know it's like all right who's next on the list I love you guys your Vlogs are so amazing every afternoon I checked to see if you guys posted a vlog oh trying to make me feel bad when I don't upload is that what you're trying to do Jude T Miller Jude T Miller a that's cool he's 12 years old that's pretty freaking cool that's Noah's age there's got be something in this box for me a little crab sticker oh it's a magnet that's cool that's a cool magnet for sure what the heck that's so cute did you see that it's a bracelet made out of pop tavs so they're wheels for their RC but he's glued PVC pipe around them so basically they become like Drifters like you just slide and spin and that's pretty cool I will definitely hook this up that's really fun I bet that thing just slides everywhere I have a broken ankle and every time I watch your videos it makes me smile more I love watching you and your family all the time I hope you like my gift I made you is there something else in this box oh here it is Kane you silly goose so this came from Amazon no name no receipt nothing nothing a well the dogs will be happy easy he knows he knows pack of smiley balloons those are cool well the eyes are actually like 3D they pop out listen up this is important count your smiles instead of your tears count your courage instead of your fears bada bing bada boom Faith makes all things possible a whoopy cushion Whoopi Whoopi might be bouncy ball all coming from noling gross Kaye and Bri BR Kay and Bryce I think K maybe I should let the kids do the reading oh a little a little mood that's cool it looks like a sunset a little it's beautiful took that right out of the [Laughter] dictionary maybe it was a like a school project well we made a mess you guys made a mess thanks for sending stuff as always guys we definitely prefer you send stuff like artwork and things that you put time and effort into the kids have so many uh toys and trinkets that it's a little overwhelming I don't know how to say it without sounding ungrateful I just think that like the kids are getting too much stuff oh these are outdated no they're not do you think it's going to be easy or hard I don't know I've never tried hard I never tried to put contacts in but I feel like I've tried to put uh what's the eyeliner is that what you put on the GU guideliner guideliner I've tried to even put that on my eyes and my eyes just start watering I freak out so I can't imagine a contact like a lot of you probably just wear contacts it's every day you're just po my like when I was growing up my friends that had it they'd like squirt it with solution and then pop it in I definitely put it on the wrong wait you can see through that I don't know which should I start with I don't know I think there's a trick to it like there's like a way that it has to go in what are you feeling right now oh you almost let me see oh my God I need something to wipe my eye oh let me see let me see let me see doesn't feel like it's on right looks like Mommy hurt her eye huh yeah I know oh my God it's right definitely a big white spot like can you see through it not really oh no you can't see through at all I was going to say I got a question you be able to wear one how do you get it out it's so weird it looks so bad dude is it gross you want to put one in [Laughter] no what you think I know it's not real and it looks bad like you want to help like I want to help you somehow did you see my picture what picture hang up look at my picture and then call me back all righte Britney sends Britney sends her poor mom picture of her eye it looks so bad she's never going to believe you when you need her to I know that is funky I just took a nap and woke up and it's like all bloodshot [Laughter] whatever she never believes me huh know get it out oh very freaking cool though I mean that's like it looks I'm excited for Halloween crazy it's good enough that you could freak people out like it's legit if you guys saw that saw that I'm still a growing boy if you guys just saw that and I didn't tell like we didn't build this up and I just started the Vlog with that would you think even for a second that that was real I would if I walked in a like I'd probably be immediately like like there's something wrong with my ey today is day six for me no added sugars nothing with sugar in it except natural sugar stuff from bananas and apples and fruits I'm actually really proud of myself and I I do feel good still going up in down though I still have like I still have real tired spots in my day which is strange at the 28th day your body starts healing 28 days yeah that's like 28 years right now anyway for now I've been insanely strict I mean chicken breast that we cook here with nothing it's literally plain chicken I can't eat any sauces and just because things say zero sugar on them there's still lots of hidden sugars in almost everything there's like how many different names for sugar 56 56 different names for sugar so company's purposely put company's purposely put no sugar but really there's something else that is sugar in it so I don't really want to put that kind of stuff in these Vlogs but if you're into this no sugar thing look into it like it is scary stuff and I don't know how long I'll make it to be honest I don't know how long I'll make it but if even if I do a little better I'll be happier it is crazy outside and we have just lost power twice missed it on the Vlog but the power has went out twice flash is like what's up what's going on jeez you can to hear the side of the house you just ate a ton of food but we got to knock this out 14 right we're at 14 today it's starting to add up it's starting to sound not so little we started at 10 we add one push-up a day now we're at 14 do it with us let's go you already doing it Kane K did one Noah just ate a ton of food so he's like I don't want to do it get out of here little gray chair bubble wrap Zeus one two 3 4 5 6 [Laughter] 7 I just did 15 on accident trying to dodge flash FL get him flashy 14 good job how'd you do Kane he like LIF so with his back you're doing yoga yoga UPS yoga UPS so 14 today 15 tomorrow we're just adding one each day hopefully you're joining us it gives you gives you a quick boost of energy when you just drop down do some push-ups this is so crazy I had to run out and look the gas stations the big ones are all out of power that is so rare to see that is the most gigantic Moon I've ever seen coming up oh my gosh are you serious right now dude I need a telescope right now looks like absolutely nothing on camera but the Moon is massive and now I just ah I want a telescope I don't know why I haven't gotten a telescope this would be the perfect night for the Vlog to film The Moon you know when you start these Vlogs I always like to try my best and uh you know I'm not an expert at this so forgive me but I'm trying and I'm learning it and I'm and I want to get better at it but I want you to feel better after you've watching these videos whether it's just you feel more positive maybe you feel better mentally maybe you feel better physically you did some push-ups I don't know the goal behind a lot of what I do is just to try to lift you guys up a little bit try to help you understand what you're actually capable of doing and that's kind of the thing that gets lost in our minds is everything seems so impossible and so out of this world but I'm I'm I'm telling you right now that everything I have at one point was was impossible to me absolutely impossible a beautiful family kids a baby on the way my career that is still to me just a dream that I'm living and I I'm always afraid like I still freak out that maybe I'm going to wake up one day I get to pick up my camera and I get to talk to you guys and it's really a dream come true the fact that I told my teachers that one day I was going to make videos for a living and and when I was when I was in high school YouTube didn't exist YouTube didn't exist for 5 years after I graduated for me to tell my teachers I was going to make videos for a living was so stupid like they just couldn't understand it even looking back I'm like what was I talking about I just knew that somehow I was going to make videos whether I was going to make money at it or not I was going to do it my dad always told me he said do what you love the money will come and that's what I did I did YouTube for years before I made any money I actually lost money for 2 years whatever it is you want to do you're going to do it and you can do it but you got to get up and do it you got to make that jump you got to jump forward those that don't jump stay right where they're at it's yours for the taking the world is your stage just just start that's the best place just start if you take anything absolutely anything from my Vlogs just remember if I can do it you for sure can do it look at these guys look at these guys Daddy's home oh there he is what you talking about what you talking about last thing I want to say on that topic is don't be afraid to fail sometimes I feel like we as people need to fail you have to fail failing is the only way we learn how not to do things uh especially career-wise I failed so many times before I found any success at all but that's exactly how I got to where I am was all the fails so embrace the fails I know that sounds crazy nobody wants to fail but that failure teaches you more than you can ever learn like you have to fail no book can teach you what that failure can teach you so I promise you don't be afraid of it just get after it live it sleep it eat it fail try again fail try again fail try again and just keep going you tell me when you're ready okay I'm locked and loaded we're playing pretend even though I have Nerf D we're just playing pretend we just pretend to shoot at each other cuz I'll blow him in half it looks like you're going to shoot me does that sound like a machine gun I think I think we're both out of lives we're going to end it right there guys thanks for hanging out out with us today very laidback comfortable Sunday going to finish our night out goofing off on the Vive going over foods that we can actually eat which is a list about this big you ever seen that picture online it's like this is a list of people I trust and it's like this tiny little paper that's pretty much the list of foods that we can eat I don't want to go like crazy with this stuff but it's like I want to just get to where I start feeling better and then once I start feeling better I think it'll be easier to eat different things but for now it's like really just trying to restart this thing this Old Ship this old this this old this old truck I love you guys so much thanks for hanging out thanks for having fun with us thanks for the support on yesterday's Vlog because YouTube was like down forever if you if you weren't able to watch it or you didn't see it please head over check it out I did a little roast myself I roast to myself a little bit and uh it's fun to laugh at yourself sometimes we'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,969,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family-friendly, brittney, Natural Born Pranksters, Roman, home, daily, Roman Atwood, roman vlogs, fan, vlog, family friendly, atwood vlogs, Vlogs2017, merch, girlfriend, company, store, day, house, kid friendly, kid-friendly, family, Smile More, vlogs, ohio, kane atwood, pranks, vlogging, roman soldiers, open, mail, family vlogs, Atwood, everyday, best pranks, roman atwood vlogs, vlogger, noah atwood, youtube pranks, family fun, roman atwoods, kids
Id: D8PMZnaZ92w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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